The War Of Equestria

by theshady1

First published

When the griffins attack ponyville how does the mane 6 react?

The Griffins attack ponyville. How does the mane 6 escape? and what will they do next? How will the Princesses react? and what reason do the griffins have to declare war?
This is my first story so criticism is very welcome.

Chapter 1

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It was a peaceful summer day in the magical land of Equestria. There were very few clouds in the sky. The pegasi had seen to that as they had complete control over the weather. No pony at all could foresee the events that fallowed. Rainbowdash was taking a nap in one of the small clouds that had floated over Ponyville. Twilight was making her way into town to gather pens and quills for her letters to Celestia. It wasn't like Twilight to do this by her self but Spike had promised to help Rarity with her sewing. Twilight never could understand why Spike was so delighted in being Rarity's personal pin cushion. Nevertheless she continued on without her helper. Applejack was also in town setting up her food stand. It was almost Dinner time after all. Fluttershy had gone into the Everfree Forrest after she had heard that the animals had been acting strangely. The last of the six, Pinkie, had been working with the Cakes as she had every weekday. None of them suspected the events that were to follow.

Twilight noticed that a large black cloud had rolled into Ponyville. She thought it was strange as the pegasi had promised a clear sky today. Stranger things had happened in Ponyville though so she didn't think much of it. She decided to stop by her friend AJ's for dinner. There was a long line there but because Twilight was one of AJ's closest friends she was allowed to skip the line. As she sat down to eat she noticed the massive menacing cloud was directly over Ponyville Town Hall which happened to be the center of the town. She wasn't sure why but she started to feel uneasy.

Without warning hundreds of griffins streamed out of the tremendous black cloud. Each was wearing silver metal helmets that fit snuggly around the griffins head. They also wore silver plate metal that encompassed all of their bodies with the exception of there wings and talons. Their feet were bare except for the metal at the very tip of their already dangerously sharp talons. Some carried daggers in their beaks while others had no weapons at all.

One by one the griffins swooped down from above and slashed at the innocent pony folk. There was panic in the streets as every pony tried to run for cover. The streets became a bloody mess with the bodies of not only males, but also women and children. The griffins were merciless. Few ponies reacted in time to get away and fewer thought to fight.

Twilight was the first to react. She created a force shield around her and began letting off laser like bolts from her horn. It was almost as if she had been trained for this very scenario. Every time Twilight got a direct hit the griffin would hit the ground and remain immobile. Almost as if she had murdered them.

Rarity was clever and knew she couldn't fight. Instead of going into battle she herded sweetie bell and spike through the door underneath the stairs of her shop and into the basement where she kept her equipment when it wasn't in use. Once they were all inside Rarity was about to barricade the entrance when she heard Pinkie begging her to open the door. Rarity hesitated for a moment before pulling the door open. What if a griffin were to get in? She had to protect Sweetie Bell and Spike. But Pinkie was her friend. She couldn't just leave her out there. Reluctantly she swung open the door and pulled Pinkie in before slamming the door shut and boarding up the entrance.

AJ turned towards the direction of her family farm. She could only think of her family as she rushed through the town narrowly dodging the griffins that were attempting to swoop down and slice her into bits. By this time Rainbowdash had awoken and began to dash around the griffins at supersonic speed when she caught sight of AJ. She yelled at Twilight to meet them at AJ's barn. Twilight shook her head in agreement and began to run after AJ.

Rainbowdash had begun to chase after Twilight when she decided to look back to see if anyone was tailing her. She saw a familiar sight there. Gilda was trailing right behind her dressed in the same outfit as the other attacking griffins. Confused, Rainbowdash slowed down just a bit so she could confront Gilda. Maybe she knew what the meaning of all of this insanity was. As Gilda caught up she delivered a powerful slash to Rainbowdash's wings causing her to plummet to the ground with a thud.

As Rainbow was about to be cut into ribbons by a large male griffin she heard a familiar voice. “Stop Jared. She is our hostage.” It was Gilda. The voice sent Rainbow into a rage. Nonetheless it was that very voice that was saving her.

“Were here to capture Celestia's s star pupil. Not this runt” Snarled the massive griffin staring menacingly at Rainbowdash.

“The target has escaped but this one happens to be a close friend of the target. We can use her as bartering material.” Came Gilda's voice.

“Very well. Men! Tie the mare up!” Barked the massive griffin.

Two average looking male griffins took pieces of rope that were laying in the ruined town and tied up the mare's hoofs.

“Alright men. Search the buildings. There are to be no other survivors.” as he said this the griffins fanned out and began searching for any survivors of the initial attack.

Big Mac was tending the fields when AJ arrived on the farm. Applebloom was playing around in the yard while Granny Smith was watching her from her old rocking chair on the porch of the estate.

“Everypony to tha basement quick! Were under attack!” Yelled a distressed AJ.

“whus the matter AJ?” Asked Granny. Still as calm as ever.

“Ponyville was attacked by griffins. They could be comin here too. We need ta get to tha wine celler!”

“Griffins ya say? Well I knew this time'd come. I'm gonna go grab yer pa's old gun. Ill meet every pony down there” said Granny as she walked into the house, still amazingly calm.

As the crew rushed to the barn AJ pulled up a small hatch hidden in the ground. She rushed everyone else into the cellar before climbing down the cellar herself. As she was about to close the cellar door she noticed Granny walk into the barn and silently close the door.

“There here AJ. Now be a sweetie and close tha door.”

“Ya aren't comin with us granny?”

“Sorry. Grannie has sum business to take care of. You will be fine without me. Now go.”

AJ knew it would be pointless to argue with granny about this. The look in her eyes was all too determined. AJ reluctantly closed the door and locked it. There was an uneasy silence in the small, dusty, dimly light cellar. A bang broke the uneasy tension. Followed by another. Then silence.

They waited for what seemed like days before they emerged from the cellar. One by one they climbed the ladder out into the barn. Granny was nowhere to be found but there were dark crimson stains on various parts of the barn.

“What do we do now?” asked AJ.

“We find our friends.” Answered Twilight.