Werewolves, Vampires, Futa oh my!

by Girlysquirrely

First published

Vampire bats that turn you into vampires, Timberwolves that turn you into a werewolf, magical transformations give you a dick?

In the world of Equestria Girls, Fluttershy has been turned into a vampire bat. Applejack has a plan to save her. Smut ensues. Some Clop, some romance, comedy... I heard somewhere that you should write the kind of stories you would want to read. Let me know what you think!

Bad Timing

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Big Mac walked quietly beside Twilight. She noted it was nothing out of the usual. But he was being even quieter than usual. One deep breath in and she knew why.

I’ve started my heat cycle.

Twilight’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She wanted to flee in the opposite direction but the reason they were all there grounded her. She cleared her throat as if to start up a conversation and realized he had stopped.

“I know about Flash Sentry.” Big Mac said.

“What about him?”

“That you two were a thing,” He replied.

So that’s why he’s so quiet.

Twilight shook her head unsure of how to continue.

“Actually I’m not with anyone.” She chewed on her tongue.

Even in the dark she swore she could see him smile.

“So no one’s taking you to the dance next Friday?”

She almost stopped.

“I thought you were taking Fluttershy?”

Now he stopped.

“Miss Shy and I get along just well,” He started. “But I don’t think she’s into guys like me.”

“You shouldn’t say that, I think you’re a great guy.” Twilight encouraged.

“She’s not into guys.”

Big Mac instinctively grabbed Twilights hand and stopped her from stumbling over a root. His cheeks were redder than usual but she mumbled a thanks and worked quick to start walking again. She refocused to clear her quickly clouding pheromone riddled brain and after regaining her bearings she turned back to see he had stopped.

“I know this is such an off time to ask,” He lowered the flashlight. “But would you go to the dance with me Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight smiled.

“This isn’t, I mean, you’re not,” She sighed. “You’re not asking because of you know, right?”

Big mac grinned and let out a snort.

“I have two sisters, one just finished her first.” He explained. “I pride myself on having more self-control than the colts I call classmates.”

That was the longest sentence she’d ever heard him speak.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked now noticing his awkward stance.

“I can control myself, its just biology.” He reassured.


“I mean I’ve made you uncomfortable-.” He stopped. “Yes?”

Twilight nodded as her cheeks burned.

Big Mac started to walk forward again except with his free hand he extended it to her. Twilight hesitated taking it and shuddered as warmth radiated from his grip. She walked beside him and gently guided him on the loop through the trees that encircled the farm. For a few minutes they walked in blissful silence. Neither needed to say anything.

Then an all too familiar scream shattered the silence.

Guilt Ridden

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Only Twilight knew of Applejacks plan.

The girls had all been paired up. Rainbow with Pinkie, Rarity with Spike and Twilight was with Big Mac. She couldn’t tell the other girls, they wouldn’t understand. With their heat cycles all happening one after another Applejack knew she had to go it alone so her own pheromones weren’t lost in the mix. Her cycle ended a few days ago but by her brothers and other stallions reactions she knew they could still smell her.

Fluttershy was somewhere here, in the dark, in the orchard and of course it had to be the creepiest and darkest part. Applejack steeled her grip around the flashlight as she walked amongst the rows. The girls were far enough part that they’d hear her screams for sure. She wasn’t entirely sure this plan would work or even how, but she knew it was the scent of apples that lured her lost friend once and out of everyone she was the one who smelled of apples the most.

The first time they had gotten a glimpse of their vampire fruit bat friend, guilt outweighed her terror. She had been so afraid of losing her families livelihood she risked her friends life and feared she may have been lost forever.

It wasn’t a solid plan, but everyone had run out of ideas. Lure her, trap her and hopefully Twilight could reverse the hypnosis and undo the magic. Twilight was the only one who could undo the magic without ponying up. Well Twilight and Sunset, but she was out of town visiting a friend in Manehatten.

With thoughts weighing heavy on her mind it distracted her from the howling wind and faint flapping of wings overhead. Subconsciously she knew she were being stalked it’s why she refused to look up. She had taken a map of the Apple Farm to Twilight and showed her how they could patrol and corral poor Fluttershy before anyone got hurt, if they got hurt, seeing as they’d been lucky so far.

They had all only come together when the Twilight from the other world arrived at their high school and stopped the tyrannical rule of Sunset and bonded through magic and song. But Applejack counted every girl as family and the idea of any of them hurt, especially indirectly or directly by her hand pained her. Something hung from the branches above. Shriveled apple cores gathered at the trunk and another rolled to her feet. Shakily Applejack panned the flashlight up and stared in horror at the creature in the tree.

Fluttershys once soft yellow wings had now changed into two huge leathery canvas’s that covered her. They unfurled with a hiss and she launched herself from the branch. Applejack dug her feet in, stopping her from fleeing. She held her arms up at Fluttershy tackled her to the ground. Her flashlight flickered before dying and now only the moonlight filtering through the barren branches illuminated the world around her. She held her breath and choked down a scream.

Not yet. She pleaded with herself.

If she screamed now Fluttershy would get away for sure. Instead she allowed herself to be pinned on her back and could feel the power radiating from her once gentle and meek friend. With her eyes squeezed shut she could feel her hot breath parting her bangs. Apple juice literally dripped from her fangs as she hissed. Her forked tongue gently lapped at her cheek as she worked her way down towards her neck. Applejack tensed. She knew what was coming next.

An involuntary moan escaped Applejacks lips. Her eyes flew open feeling the forked tongue trace circles in the spot between her neck and shoulder. She dug her fingers into the dirt as the fangs lightly grazed her skin as Fluttershy sucked on her neck working her way up to her ear.

You’re mine now.” Flutterbat hissed.


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Applejack could feel her heart pounding in her head. With every moment Fluttershy straddled her it grew louder.

She was drinking her sweat.

Fluttershy lapped greedily as her neck and purred at the sudden gasps and moans she elicited from her prey as she worked her way around her neck, across her cheeks and now the forehead. With one final lick she stared down into the terror filled green eyes. With her fangs peeking out as her lips twisted into a smile she gently pecked her prey on the lips before parting them with her tongue.

For as narrow and agile as the forked tongue was, it sent shudders of pleasure down her spine. Applejack couldn’t move if she wanted to and now parted her mouth to give her more access. That tongue went everywhere, lapping at her saliva, intertwining with her own tongue and then she nearly gagged when it flicked at the back of her throat. She hadn’t realized until now but she was finding it difficult to breathe. It wasn’t her weight but the amount of force she used to hold her down combined with their interlocked lips. Another thing caught her attention. She thought she had seen something under her torn dress before and even with it growing harder against her belly she couldn’t believe it.

She wasn’t panting as hard as her prey when she withdrew. Instead she licked her lips and stared hungrily down at her.

“Fluttershy…” Applejack panted. “Please, I know yer in there,”

Her prey was pleading with her.

“Shy is gone.” She taunted. “Timid, weak little Shy is gone.”

Her fangs grew.

Applejack could now see for herself the thing that would make any mare swoon and any stallion jealous, but her eyes were fixed on the menacing glare that bore down on her.

It wasn’t difficult slipping herself beneath the denim fabric that clothed her prey. That hid what soon would be hers. She eased up on her grip knowing her prey was fully transfixed on her fangs.

The blood ran out of Applejacks face when she felt the spongy head prod against her panties. When she had moved into position she didn’t know. How she received such a thing was lost to her also. Talking seemed to buy her some time but her mind was blank.

“Why?” Her chin quivered. “Please.”

“Mate.” Fluttershy grinned. “Mine. Mate.”

Her first thrust was unsuccessful.

Applejack winced as she tried again.

She held her breath when she felt two needle like pricks on her neck. Fluttershys tongue flicked her skin as if warning her to hold still. The handfuls of dirt she clung to crumbled as the fabric of her underwear tore and gave way. The head of the meaty intruder forced its way inside. She felt as though it were splitting her as searing white hot pain blinded her. Another thrust forced it deeper before it was violently ripped back out and with a force stronger than Fluttershy could have been capable of, she buried herself halfway in.

Her own ears rang from the scream.

The fangs drew blood in reaction but she was careful not to harm her prey further. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure.

More. More! MORE!

Her hungry brain screamed. She removed herself from her prey neck to taste the fluid leaking from the eyes and now kissed her shut eyelids before returning to lick the newly gathered sweat from her forehead and neck.

Applejacks brain was scrambled. She wasn’t sure if it was from the painful fire in her loins or the pleasure from the agile tongue dancing on her neck. Pleasure won out. The pain from the sheer length and girth was still there but slowly she could feel herself beginning to melt. Fluttershy seemed to respond to this, quickly adapting to what her prey liked and changing to keep up. Applejack could feel her going deeper until she hammered into her cervix. She wheezed when Fluttershy suddenly thrust fully into her, sliding her a few inches forward before holding her there. Panting she opened her eyes only to be flipped over onto her stomach.

Shhlick! Pop!

Fluttershy slipped out as she scrambled to get up off of her prey and onto her knees.

Applejack shakily crawled forward and the thought of making a break for it crossed her mind. That was until her wrists were pulled out from under her and she were pulled back onto the monster. Her eyes crossed in pleasure as Fluttershy began to pick up the speed again. Her thrusts grew deeper and harder. Her growls more animalistic. Applejack could feel an orgasm rip through her as Fluttershy ripped her back as her flare swelled.

She was dropped back into the dirt as boiling hot seed spilled into her womb filling her with warmth. Fluttershy kept thrusting as she lowered her head to Applejacks ear.

“MINE!” She hissed. “MINE!” She repeated.

With one final thrust she kept them locked together. This was no longer her prey but her mate.

As her vision began to clear Applejack was only aware of a few things.

The first, seed was dripping onto the earth like a busted faucet.

The second, a rather flustered Twilight casting a spell.

The third was the raging hard on outlined in her big brothers pants.
Then the world fell dark.

4. Shy

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She was laying on her back. It wasn't her room.
oh yeah.
She thought to herself as the events in the orchard resurfaced. A shudder of pleasure surged through her as the faint feeling of being filled returned. It quickly left when she moved and could feel how sore she really was.

"She's awake!"

Applejack half expected it to rain confetti when Pinkie Pie came barging into the room. She gasped when her pink friend squeezed her into a tight hug.

"Ease up Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash said shuffling in after. "That was fucking stupid of you not telling us your plan Aj, you could've been hurt."

Her cheeks flushed in short lived shame as Rairty sauntered in.

"She's a hero Dashie!" She exclaimed. "A little banged up, but because of it both her and our dear Fluttershy are ok!"

Fluttershies ok?

"Fluttershys alright?"

Applejack asked. "Where is she?"

"At home, resting," Twilight answered as she entered. "You've both been out of it for almost two days."

Applejack nervously rubbed the back of her neck.

"Aw heck, I didn't mean to worry y'all none. " She sighed. "I mean it was ma fault Shy got turned and I figured it was the only way to save her."

Rainbow crossed her arms.

"What was that exactly? Twilight has been very vague about how she found you." Rainbow asked but it sounded more doubtful.

"Girls when Applejack is ready to tell you she will. Right now I think she still needs some time to rest." Twilight tried to redirect them but could tell she was getting no where.

"What could poor Fluttershy have done to Applejack?" Rarity asked.

"Ooh! Ooh!" Pinkie bounced up and down. "Did she suck your blood?!"

"Pinkie." Rainbow said.

"Did she put you in a trance?!"

"Pinkie." Rainbow said again firmly.

"And do an evil dance?!"

"Pinkie!" Rainbow shouted.

Applejack was looking away and fighting back tears. She flinched away when Rarity reached out to her.

"Well? What is it dear?"

"It wasn't Shy," Applejack started. "she called herself Flutterbat,"

Pinkie couldn't help her snort.

"She was attracted to the scent of apples. And well, I practically reak of it, but, your all somewhere in your heat cycles." She explained. "I knew there was no way Shy'd be able to smell me with any of you around."

"That still doesn't explain why we found you in dirty torn clothes." Rainbow said.

"Oh." Rarity said. "Oh!" She gasped. Her hands flew ti her mouth. "But how? Fluttershys a girl?"

Pinkie stopped bouncing while Twilights face flushed and she looked away and out the window. Rainbow fell quiet as she was piecing it together.

"You're saying Fluttershy raped you?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack didn't need to nod.

"Are we even talking about the same Fluttershy here?" She demanded. "The one who cried herself to sleep on the way home because she couldn't remember how or if she had even hurt you?!"

"Rainbow thats enough," Twilight spoke up. "Applejack already said that it wasn't Fluttershy. She wasn't in her right mind. Or body..."

"What does that even mean Twilight?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm not mad at her Rainbow." Applejack said. "i already told you I risked it to save her and I don't have any regrets."

"I think Twilight's right," Rarity said feeling the tension rise. "We should let Applejack rest and come back tomorrow."

Pinkie hugged Applejack again before following Rarity. Meanwhile Rainbow stared hard as if deciding before finally letting out a sigh of relief.

"I'm just glad you're ok Aj."

Rainbow started out until shr noticed Twilight hadn't moved.

"Go ahead Rainbow, I need to talk to Applejack for a minute."

Rainbow agreed and closed the door behind her.

"Fluttershy is alright, right?"

Twilight nodded.

"They ran some tests and i double checked everything. you're going to be released tomorrow," Twilight explained.

"And Shy?"

She sighed.

"Fluttershy is ok. But there were some complications."

5. Small Problem

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Only a handful of homes resided on the edge of town. They ranged from large farm houses like the one on Sweet Apple Acres, to small cottages like the Shys.

Applejack hadn't risen early nor meant to sleep late. Applebloom snuck out early with Big Mac to get to the morning chores before the rooster and she swore she heard Granny Smith muttering something about not waking her.

The walk from the farm wasn't long but reawoke her sore muscles. Shys parents owned this cottage and permitted her to move in over the summer leading into her senior year. She used it as an animal sanctuary, which was rather a halfway home for sick animals to get well and lost animals to be found. Or even a place for people to adopt.

Applejack hadn't ever been apprehensive about knocking on Shys door, or anyone for that matter. Today was different. She gently rapped her knuckles against the wood and winced immediately at the sound of stuff clattering.

"Fluttershy?" Applejack asked while knocking again.

Something else fell.

Applejack slowly reached for the door handle and gripped it firmly after hearing a frightened squeak.

"I'm coming in." Applejack warned.

She pushed the door open and peered into see a bucket and vegetables spilled across the rug.

"Shy?" Applejack called.

She shut the door behind her and carefully stepped over the spill as she nade her way to the hall. Applejack rushed over to the quivering mess beneath the junk that avalanched out of the closet.

"Aiee!" Fluttershy flinched away from her and cowered into the pile.

"C'mon out sugarcube." Aj said softly. "I'm not gon hurt you."

"Hurt me?" Fluttershy asked shocked. "I'm the one that hurt you." She sniffled. "That's why you have to leave. Leave before I hurt you again!"

She weakly tried to push Applejack back before sinking back down onto the floor.

"Why? Do you want to hurt me?" Applejack asked.

"No. Never." She replied quietly.

"And you are Fluttershy, right?"

She nodded.

"Then what makes you think you're going to hurt me?"

Fluttershy whimpered and shook her head refusing to answer.

"Look at me sugar, I don't bite." Applejack sighed seeing her coaxing was getting them nowhere. "Twi told me what happened after. And how you said you don't remember much, and how awful you must feel knowing that I was hurt. But look at me I'm fine!" She insisted.

"I remember everything." Fluttershy said softly. "I pleaded with her to erase it. I never wanted t-too.." she stammered off and started to cry.

Applejack wanted to pull her into a hug when instead reached forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. Gently rubbed her upperback in an attempt to soothe her.

"Please." Fluttershy begged. "I don't know what's going to happen. I can barely think straight when your around..."

"Look I know you have a crush on me, that's nothing to be ashamed of. I just want to be here for you, I'm not mad at you Shy. I don't think I nor anyone could ever be mad at you.".

Her cheeks burned as she turned her tear stained face up at Applejack. Fluttershy took her outstretched hand and slowly began to stand.

"That's it sugar, nice and easy."

"You're really not mad at me?
Applejack shook her head and barely had time to brace herself for the hug. She held Fluttershy as she cried and it was when she began to calm down Aj realized it wasn't as small as Twilight led her to believe.

6. Horse

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Fluttershy nervously carried the tea out into the living room. The cups clattered as she set them down and her heart stopped when Applejack took her hand.

"Calm down sugar. You're shaking more than a leaf in the fall." She quipped. "I only suggested tea cause i thought that's what people drink to calm down."

Fluttershy nodded and sipped from cup while sitting rigidly in her chair

"Now you look stiffer than Grannies hip." Applejack leaned forward and reached across the table for her hand. "Just talk to me, what's going on in that head of yours?"

"I can't." She shook her head. "I don't want to lose you as a friend."

"After what we've beeb through, I doubt there's anything you could say to scare me off."

Fluttershy let out a small snort cause Applejack to grin ear to ear.

"See that wasn't so hard!" She beamed. "Sounded as though I almost got the old Shy back."

"You really won't leave?"

Applejack shook her head.

"I pinkie promise I won't."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and held it for a moment.

"I've had this thing for two days now standing at attention and from the moment you knocked on the door it's gotten worse! All I want is to...to.." she trailed off and whispered something barely audible.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Applejack asked leaning in closer.

Fluttershy grabbed her face abd kissed her. Applejack didn't pull back until she was released.

"Fluttershy I gotta be completely honest with you. I love you like a sister." She breathed deeply to clear her head. "I promised i wouldn't leave and I'm not going to. But whatever transpires here won't change anything between us."

"Really?" Fluttershy asked trembling.

Without saying a word Applejack stepped over the table and pressed her lips against Fluttershys. She locked then together before with drawing just enough to speak.


Fluttershy kissed her again as she was pressed back into her chair. Applejack climbed up and straddled her all the while deepening the kiss until their tongues were intertwined. She paused only to reach down and remove her shirt slowly. She could feel Shys eyes all over her and her shirt barely hit the ground before Fluttershy was kissing her bare stomach with her hands wandering up her back.

Her bra unclasped easily and she moaned as Fluttershys soft lips sucked her in. Applejack ran her hands through Shys hair before gently pulling her chin up.

"I think we should go upstairs." Aj said.

Fluttershy held onto her hand for support as she was helped from the chair. She felt confined in her dress and when Applejack pinned her against the hall wall she gasped and stopped.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked breathlessly.

Applejack responded by gripping the bottom of her dress and lifting it up over her head. Wordlessly she smiled almost drunk on lust at the monster poking out through the top if Shys underwear. She pecked her lips before working her way down to her neck imitating what had been done to her. She worked her way down and unclasped the front hooks and caught her breats as they fell.

Fluttershy squirmed against the wall as different sensations shot through her. Applejacks tongue left a trail down her stomach and stopped just above the head.

"Are you sure?"

Fluttershy kissed her desperately and gripped her hand tightly before dragging her up the steps. She helped Applejack get her out of her panties and blushed seeing her eyes grow.

"Wow you're​ at least 12 inches..." Applejack grinned.

"A little over thirteen actually." Fluttershy squeaked.

She gasped and hissed in pleasure when Applejack wrapped her tongue around the head and began to suck her in. It didn't look like any penis she'd seen on a guy before (an accidental walk in to the boys lockeroom that scarred her for life). It resembled something she'd seen on her farm dangling from one of their stallions.

"Are you alright sugar cube?"

Fluttershy looked down at her annoyed.

"Why'd you stop?" She gasped.

Applejack stood with one hand on her Stetson.

"I'm thinking, it's time to takr this horse for a ride." She smiled sheepishly.

Fluttershy froze when Applejack climbed atop her lap again. She leaned back onto her arms to adjust for the extra weight and held her breath as she was lined up. Her heart pounded in her head as she watched her length slip into Applejacks. Her taught muscles spasmed and stretched to accommodate her girth.

"Should we stop?" Fluttershy asked between gasps.

"No, I reckon I could use a bit of help." Applejack said struggling to impale herself.

"I don't want to hurt-."

Fluttershy squeaked into Ajs mouth and involuntarily bucked her hips. Applejack groaned in pleasure and pain when the tip slammed into her cervix. Before Fluttershy had a chance to recover from the explosions her nerve endings were sending her brain Applejack pulled her into another kiss.

Now instead of leaning back she wrapped her arms around Aj and struggled to keep up with her tongue. Everytime she brought her hips down Fluttershy bucked hers up. She didn't know how long this had been going on before the pressure building was too much.

"Ugh..Apple...Applejack..." She gasped. "Some...somethings coming..."

Applejack kissed down her cheek and buried her face in her cotton candy colored hair. She kissed her neck before responding.

"Just let it happen." She breathed hotly into her ear.

It was when she sucked her earlobe in did Fluttershy slam herself as deep as she could go. She squeezed herself around Applejack and screamed as she erupted. Applejack convulsed as she was filled. Her eyes crossed as the flare sealed them together and together they fell back onto the bed twitching and moaning until they slipped off to sleep.