> Ménage à trois > by DHeroRedMagma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the small town of Manesville, the place is as busy as ever as a light reddish unicorn makes his way into town. “Finally, I’m here can’t wait to take a bath and get some sleep. Been walking for a while now,” he says to himself searching for the Inn. “LOOK OUT BELOW!” someone yells from above. “What the fu—” The unicorn stammers out before a purple butt lands on him, sending him straight into the ground. “Wow that was quite the fall sorry about that. Thanks for catching me, though.” The pegasus says to the crushed unicorn as she fixes her skirt and blouse and adjusts her glasses. The unicorn then stammers out something but the pegasus can’t understand what was being said. “Um… I’m sorry I can’t hear you?” The purple pegasus replies when suddenly a magic aura radiates around her, lifting her off him; she is, then, risen to her feet and sets her hooves on the ground as the aura disperses. The unicorn then rises to say, “I said could you get off me.” He fixes his purple and light blue mane, dusting off the dirt on his shorts and sleeveless hoodie. “So what gives with you dropping in?” “Well I was flying back from Cloudsdale and while flying my wing cramped up and I kinda plummeted into you… Sorry about that,” she says to him as she fixes her royal blue and red mane. “By the way, I’m Datalas. Who are you? I’ve never seen you around before.” “Eh… No harm done… I guess. I’m Magma and I just arrived into town,” he says as he shakes her hand. “Hell of a welcome committee though… Didn’t expect to get squashed by a butt today. Well, I’ll see you around. I need a bath even more now.” He gave a little wave good-bye to her as he left. “Oh well see you around and welcome to Manesville!” She shouts at him. After a bit of a trek, Magma finds the Inn. “The Mane Inn? Talk about cheesy as fuck.” Magma mutters to himself. Just as he walks through the front door heading straight to the counter. “Hello there. Welcome to the Mane Inn. The best inn in Manesville!” the counter clerk states to Magma, as he stares blankly at the clerk. “Hehe you see it’s funny because Manesville only has one inn so we’re the main inn… Get it? It’s a play on words.” The clerk says nervously as Magma continues to just stare at daggers at him. “Anyways I need a room for three days how much will that be?” Magma asks the clerk while pulling out his pouch of bits. “Oh well for three nights it will be 75 bits.” The clerk responds. Upon responding Magma begins counting out his bits and handing them to the clerk. The clerk takes them and turns around grabbing a room key and handing it to Magma. “There you go. Also, why don’t you try the town's hot springs to relax?” The clerk suggested while Magma puts the key in his pocket. “There’s a hot spring here?” Magma asks the clerk. “Yup. There sure is one here. Lemme write down the directions for you. Not a lot of people go there as much so you will be able to have it all to yourself.” The clerk said, beginning to jot down the directions to the hot springs and handing it to him. “It’s a bit of a ways, but I bet it will be worth it. Just follow the directions into the forest and you’ll find it as long as you stay on the path.” The clerk was smiling at helping the colt. “Uh yeah thanks I’ll be back later then.” Magma says as he heads out of the door putting his hands in his hoodie. “Alright then have a nice day!” The clerk shouts at him as he walks the door. Later on at the hot springs, a certain purple pegasus is sitting in a tree by the springs reading one of her favorite books. “And he then penetrated her supple womanhood. She winces in pain and tears begin to form in her eyes from her virginity being taken as he continues to pound her fresh vagina raw as she screams out in ecstasy which only fuels his desires as he continues to ravish her.” Datalas reads out loud to herself as she lets out a sigh. “I wish I could find a guy who can take me like the princess in this book but…” She trails off staring at the bulge forming in her panties. “Hmph… But, how will anyone want me with this big thing?” She rambles on, flipping her skirt and fishing her cock out of her panties and starting to stroke it. “Mmm… Like, that guy I landed on by accident today… He was cute, too.” She continued to stroke her cock which has already begun to get erect. “I bet he has a nice thick juicy dick with a pair of full balls as well.” She prattles on. Her cock reaching full mass. “He would pin me down to my bed… No! Wait! Against a wall… Yeah and he would batter his way into my pussy with his cock and pound me until I’m raw and dump his load deep inside me.” She continues on with her fantasy and increases her speed as she starts leaking pre which makes her hand glide faster along her length. Loud FAPs fill the area. “Then maybe we will get married too and he would knock me up with his kids… Ohhhh… We would have such a nice family together of pegasi and unicorns. We will be so happy together.” She mutters out closing in on her peak. Her balls began to clench in anticipation of some release. “Hello! Anyone around?” A voice calls out. Which caused Datalas to stop her feverish masturbation to investigate the voice nearby. As she peeks out of the tree she is in, she scans the hot springs and is shocked when she sees the object of her fantasy there. “Is anyone around?” Magma proclaims, trying to see if anybody is around. “Huh… Guess no one is around… Oh well. Which means I can enjoy the hot springs all to myself.” Magma tells himself as he starts stripping out of his clothes. Meanwhile in the tree, Datalas’s face begins to blush. “I-is he stripping… Doesn’t he have a bathing suit or something?” She comments to herself, but keeps her eyes glued on him. As he finishes removing his undershirt, hoodie and shorts; Datalas marvels at his half naked form in his boxers, she notices he isn’t all muscle but rather toned with slight muscles. “Hmm I don’t have a spare pair of underwear guess I’ll just have to skinny dip.” Magma claims, putting his clothes in a neat little folded pile. Then proceeds to remove his boxers and add it to the pile as he bends over to place it on the pile, his tail slightly raised leaving his full ass on full display along with his dick and balls. Datalas drinks in the view of his butt, she squirms in the tree. Her cock pulsing in time with her heart. “Oh Celestia… This can’t be happening right now, but I am so glad that I get to look at his butt… It looks so plush and soft… Those balls… I bet they’re just churning full of baby batter and his cock… Oh his cock… It looks so delicious.” She mentally squealed to herself licking her lips as her cock juts out from her skirt spurting out globs of pre-cum. Magma slowly makes his way into the spring. Eventually he gets into a comfortable spot and sits back, relaxing and enjoying himself. “Ahhh… That’s it… Man, it feels like my stress is just being melted away.” Magma remarks moving his hands behind his head as he leans back. After a few minutes in the spring, Magma’s cock rises out of the water and is standing at full mass. “Hey there little buddy. Been awhile since I got off, huh?” He says as he begins teasing his flat tip and flare. “Haa haa… Yeah… That’s it… Play with it.” Datalas pants out as she strokes her cock and dips a few fingers into her drooling cunt as she watches on. She reconfigures her position, but as she does; she knocks her bag off its branch with her wings, causing it to fall and hit the ground with a loud THUD. Magma is taking out of his FAP trance to notice the loud THUD coming from the tree nearby the springs. “Hello? Who’s there?” Magma states as he rises out of the spring and heads towards the tree. As he gets to the tree he stares up into it. Datalas tries her best not to move in hopes of not getting caught. Magma rolls his eyes as his horn lights up and an aura surrounds the tree and then begins shaking rapidly. “WOOOOAAH!” Datalas shouts as she loses her balance and falls out of the tree and lands right in front of Magma. “I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY!” She begins to shout as her whole body begins to blush a dark red with embarrassment. He stares at her for a moment, noticing at the cock that’s barely contained by her skirt and that is fully erect “So wanna explain why you were watching me?” Magma asks crossing his arms. He looked very annoyed at being interrupted in his masturbation. “W-well you see… I came here to read my books, like I usually do… Because barely anyone comes here anymore and... And then you came and started stripping and I watched you play with your dick and I… I couldn’t help myself.” Datalas stammers out. Magma looks over to the book lying on the ground reading the title, “Oh Enzo Amore.” “Okay so you were hiding in a tree while jacking off to me?” Magma asks. “Yes I am SO SORRY for that it’s just you were really attractive and I was really turned on from my book… I just couldn’t help myself.” She says. A smirk crosses his face as a wicked idea enters his mind, causing his cock to become even harder. “So you find me attractive don’t you?” He says to her, looking hungrily at her tits that are barely contained by her blouse. “Yeah I am.” She states meekly. Not able to meet his gaze. “Well… Let’s do something about that.” Magma says. She looks up in confusion as he tears open her blouse which caused her big tits to fall out. “Wha… What are you—” she tries to ask, but is interrupted as he shoves his horse cock in her face smearing some pre on her lips. “Well go on if you were staring at me for so long now is your chance to do something about it.” He said with a smug grin plastered across his face. She stares up at him. Then back at the cock being pushed up against her lips. Her mind racing. She gives into her desire and opens her mouth to take the first three inches of his cock. Then she starts to lightly suck it and lick the underside of his cock, forcing out a steady stream of pre cum. “Mmm… You’re pretty good but… I think you can take some more don’t you?” He says as he’s forces inch by inch into her jaw. Her eyes go wide in surprise as he forces more of his cock into her mouth. Then into her throat she ends up taking the whole thing. “Ohhh yeah… Fuck your mouth and throat feel so fucking good.” He moans as he places his hands on the back of her head. Guiding her on and off his cock. She marvels at the lewd actions she is performing, taking notice as his cock begins twitching. After about ten minutes, he announces, “Fuck I’m… I’m gonna cum…” As he pushes his whole cock into her mouth and begins shooting off a thick, steady stream of cum down her throat and straight into her gut. Feeding her his load directly. Her belly starts to swell slightly and her cock is steadily leaking a stream of pre cum as it is left erect and ignored. “Oh… Yeah… That was good.” He says basking in the afterglow of his orgasm as he pulls most of his cock out of her mouth. Until just his tip remains and begins to lightly pump it, to let out some left over globs of cum into her mouth, giving her a taste as he pulls the rest of it out with a pop. Without his cock in her mouth, it is left open still craving more from him. “Well that was fun. Thanks for that. I’ll see you around.” He says, turning around to get his clothes. “Wa… WAIT!” She proclaims, stopping him in his tracks as he turns around to face her. “Do you…. Wannacomebymyhouse?!” Her words got jumbled together at the end from talking so fast. “Why do you want me to come over exactly?” He asks as beginning to redress himself. “Well I…” she trails off. “Well what?” He asks. “I want you to be my first!” she belts out. He is left dumbfound, contemplating the idea to himself. She devours the leftover cum on her tits and in the corners of her mouth. She rebuttons her blouse and straightening her skirt to hide her horse dick. Getting up, she grabs her bag and  stares at him nervously anticipating his answer. “Okay then if you want it that bad let’s do it.” He says with a cocky grin on his face. “Lead the way.” He is offering his hand to her. Her face brightens up as she leads him into town. As she leads him into town, she is far more gleeful and cheery like a kid going into a candy store. She is constantly holds his hand in a crushing grip as the people they pass by seem to think they’re a new couple. They comment on the fact that they never seen her with a guy and some are glad that she found a boyfriend. He feels like he should explain, but decides against it because he thinks that if she hears it as well and she’ll lose all her excitement. They make their way to her house, which is rather big and in a much more rich part of town. She fishes in her bag to pull out her house key and unlocks the door she makes a slight hand gesture to say, “after you,” to Magma. As he walks in, he is surprised at the fact of how the inside of the place looks expensive. His jaw drops from looking around at the things she owns. From fancy paintings to sculptures to really expensive vases. The place looks like something you’d see in a Canterlot home. “Pretty amazing huh? My parents are pretty rich and Daddy loves to spoil his favorite little girl.” She says with a warm smile. “Yeah no shit. I can tell.” He says, baffled at the size and fanciness of the house. He feels like he is an outsider inside the place. Since everything is so high class while he looks like some middle class joke. “Why don’t we make our way to the bedroom?” She says seductively as she takes him by the hand and leads him up the stairs to her room. After being lead through the hall, Magma is lead into the bed room with Datalas leading him there. He immediately notices the big king-sized bed with pink sheets and light-blue pillows. All of which look expensive as fuck to him, where as the room is a comforting purple color. She leads him to the bed, pulling him onto the bed and into her oral embrace. They both lie there making out. Eventually, he feels something hard poking at his stomach as he disconnects from the tongue wrestling to investigate. He pulls away a bit to see that she has a tent formed in her skirt. “So have you always had that or is there a story there?” He asks her. Out of curiosity. “Well I was born with it… This is kinda the reason I never got close to anyone… The only ones that know about it are you and my parents… I do have a pussy though so no need to worry if I’m just some femboy.” She say as she starts to remove her blouse letting her twins bounce free. “Alright that’s good.” He says as he starts to suck on the nipple of her tit. “Hmm… You must really like my breasts huh? Feel free to enjoy ‘em all you want. They’re all natural double D’s.” She says as she gently rubs the back of his head as he continues to suck on her marvelous tits. After a while he backs away. “Well think that’s enough foreplay time to get on to the main event.” He states as he fully strips himself until nothing is left on him. He places his hand on his hip while his huge horse cock stands at attention, fully ready for what’s next. She quickly discards her skirt and panties, tossing them to side and reaches into her nightstand to pull out a condom packet. She rips off the wrapper, tossing it to the side. Then she takes the rubber and spreads it along her length as he stares at her in questioning. “What? I don’t wanna clean the sheets later on.” After she gets it on properly the latex snaps against her sheath causing her to wince slightly as she lies’s back. “Alright I’m ready take me,” she proclaims. He hesitates for a moment, wondering why she doesn’t have any maids or anything but shrugs it off. Using his magic to lift her balls up, he aligns his cock up with her tight drooling cunt. Then he starts to rub the tip against the entrance of her warm cunt, lubing it up with her own juices. Just as he does this, her cock jumps from the stimulation already leaking pre cum into the condom. Eventually, his cock is lubed up with both his and her sexual juices and he gently pushes his way into her virgin hole. “Ahhh!” She bellows out as he penetrates her warm pussy. “Geez keep it down, will you? Unless you want the whole neighborhood to know what you’re up to… Fuck you’re tight.” He claims to her. “Oh… I’m sorry… I didn’t expect it to sting but anyways you can start moving. The pain has gone away and I want you to make me a woman.” She says as she pulls in closer to him before saying, “I want you to make me YOUR woman.” Then he hit the half-way mark. “If you insist I’d hate to keep a lady waiting,” he remarks snidely to her as his member finally bottoms out inside her. His sheath scraping against her entrance. He begins pulling out till only an inch remains. Only to slam it all back in, causing her to scream out in ecstasy. He keeps this pace for awhile rutting into her deflowered vagina. With each thrust, her cock wobbles unsteadily as more and more pre fills her condom ballooning the tip. Deciding to pick up the pace a bit, he lifts her legs into the air and in doing so her wrapped cock gets close to her mouth which causes her to yelp in surprise. It gives her just enough time for it to be shoved into her maw. She closes her eyes and begins sucking the tip of her condom sheathed cock. Edging her closer to orgasm from her double pleasure assault as his horse cock spears her womb and scraps around with his widening flare. He continues to pound her cunt raw as his balls begin to clench, prepping for his release. But, it does not slow him down as he is all too focused on putting this rich pegasus in her place. And that is at the end of his cock. She is the first one to cum. Her pussy ends up clamping down on the invading intruder just as her cock lets lose its load into her condom. Ballooning it in her mouth. As soon as she starts her orgasm he hits his peak, howling out as he lets loose the first of many blasts of his prestigious load into her. Flooding her womb full. He collapses on top of her a drifts off to sleep. A few hours later, Magma awakens. Still buck naked in the bed he leans upwards only to feel Datalas’ arm draped across his torso. “Mmm hey there cutie.” She says to him, groggily waking up as she starts stretching. She rolls on top of him and nuzzles his neck. “That was great. It’s everything I ever imagined it would be you know… The books don’t even begin to describe what it would be like.” She comments leaning in to kiss him on the nose. “So anyways I was thinking considering all that has transpired between us… You think you would wanna be boyfriend and girlfriend?” She asks him eagerly while staring into his eyes. “Uhhh well you see….” He trails off. “Oh my God don’t tell me that you’re in a relationship or something?!” She screams at him. “What?! No! I’m not… It’s just I’ve never really had a girlfriend or anything like that.” He continues. “I’m used to being on my own, you know? Its why I move from town to town and not stay in one place for long because I never had a reason to.” He is trying to avert her gaze. Unable to meet it. “Oh I see, but will you be willing to try it if there was a reason?” She asks. “Well… I guess I’d be willing to try if you really want me that is.” He says looking deep in her eyes. “I do.” She quietly replies before diving into a deep kiss. She then feels something pressed up against her butt. “Well looks like someone wants to play, how about we celebrate?” She puts on her most seductive grin. “Sure if you think you can handle it, babe.” He retorts as she rises up to align her pussy with his thick tool as he reaches to grab a handful of her butt. “‘Babe,’ huh? I like the ring to that.” She responds as she sinks into his cock. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four days after their fateful meeting Magma moved in with Datalas, Datalas has been trying to “reform” Magma by exposing him to her high class lifestyle. Magma has tried it but could not get into the type of lifestyle Datalas is use too. He didn’t like to wear suits and tuxes all the time as he finds himself very uncomfortable in them and finds most of the people she hangs out with at her rich parties are unbearable and finds getting dressed up for these events so pointless the only upside for him is seeing Datalas dress up really slutty in a classy way, but she has given him the cold shoulder with any sex related things since there first time which has really bothered him seeing as when he first did anything she was begging for it. As the sun beams in on his eyes agitating him to wake up as he starts stretching looking down to see a massive tent pole of his morning wood in the sheets. He sighs while seeing it and looks over to see Datalas curled up close to him her arms clasped around his as she nuzzles him slowly waking herself. “Mmm morning babe.” She says to him as she reaches up to give him a kiss, looking to see his pride and joy sticking up from his lap. “Well if it isn’t my one of my many favorite things come to say good morning.” Datalas exclaims reaching under to gently play with the tool. “If you love it so much why haven’t you given it much attention?” Magma grumbles to himself. Datalas catches what he says stopping her play and turning her head to meet him face to face leaning in close to him. “It hasn’t been that long has it?” she says leaning in pushing her boobs against his chest which causes him to grow even harder from it. “Well it has been awhile.” Magma says returning his look into Datalas’s eyes. “Well will just have to fix that won’t we?” she says arching herself upwards having his cock positioned right between her butt cheeks making Magma’s cock stiffen even more in anticipation. “But not right now though.” She puts it out flatly causing him to grow a bit angry from sexual frustration. “Look I got some stuff I need to do today so, how about this you go pick up somethings and we have our own little private party.” She says smiling seductively while getting up and picking out her clothes for the day leaving Magma erect and pissed off. “Ughhh fine I’ll do it, but just know…” He says getting up and backing her into the wall and placing a hand on his softening cock and hoisting it as high as he can, as he does this never breaking his gaze with her. “This thing is gonna fill you up till you think your pregnant and about to pop.” Magma states to her giving her a small kiss on her snout. Before walking away into the bathroom and hopping into the shower. Datalas continues to dress herself, after finishing she writes out a small little list and begins counting out a huge pouch of bits. And places it on the nightstand. “Alright on the stand is the list of everything you’ll need and the money to pay for it and anything else you wanna get see you tonight stud.” Shouting to him adding extra emphasis on the last word as she heads out the door.  “Alright then.” He yells back to her. As he hops out of the shower and enters back into the bedroom while toweling himself off. After he is mostly dry he tosses the towel to the side of the bed and begins dressing himself putting on his short and undershirt before topping it off with his sleeveless hoodie and pockets the list and bits making a beeline out the door grabbing his keys and using his magic to close and lock the door as he makes his way down the street. As he makes his way down the street he reads out loud the contents of the list. “Let’s see here I need: Wine, Lingerie, condoms, a cockring, some lube, whipped cream and a cake from the bakery shouldn’t take me too long.” He comments to himself walking down to the street making his way to the first stop the local sex shop. “The Fungeon sounds interesting I guess” he comments to himself as he walks in the door. As he enters the shop he is greeted by a sultry voice “Well hello there cutie~” the voice proclaims as he looks over to see a very busty maroon unicorn standing behind the counter waving to him. As he inches closer to her he then began to get a bigger look at the supposed owner of the shop. A tall figure feminine figure stood there thick in all the right places a guy or girl would want them to be. Her hairs was a smooth strawberry pink in pigtails with a small skull ribbon on each side. Her  boobs equally match her body being large and firm begging to be squeezed and were restricted in a shirt that read “Spitters are quitters” which only helped amplify as it stretched over them. Magma then shakes off any of his dirty thoughts which considering the place he is in and what he is here to acquire isn’t that easy as he approaches the counter. “Welcome to the Fungeon where we handle all your wants, needs and desires. I am the owner my name is Charlotte darling so….” She says as she leans into the counter placing her elbow on it so she can support her head with both her hands never breaking her gaze with Magma. “What is your desire?” she finishes with a seductive stare. “Uhhh well I was just getting some things I need for a private party with my Girlfriend.” Magma says moving his hand to scratch behind his head. “Ohhhh a private party with a lover you say? Tell me what the occasion is. First time alone together? Trying something new? An anniversary?” Charlotte guesses trying to figure out what the stallion is preparing to celebrate. “Well we just got together and we already had our first time together and well we haven’t done it in a while so we decided to go all out tonight and I’m just picking up a couple of things.” He says to the top heavy girl as he tries hard not to stare at her bust that is barely contained by her shirt as it threatens to spill out at any moment. “Well cutie I am sure we have everything we need for you and your little escapade with your lover I will have my assistant Ash be with you as soon as he is done here.” she tells him. “Sounds goo- wait done with what?” Magma asks Charlotte only manages to grin back at him before her eyes close and she winces as she does this she begins to stand up straight as she does she lets out a slight purr, she seems to be rather glowing. After a moment a head with silver colored hair pops out from underneath the counter. Magma stares in disbelief as it slowly turns into understanding. “This here is my Ashy poo~” Charlotte says presenting the very lithe looking girl she kinda has a hippie vibe with her bracelets, necklace, belly exposing top, short shorts, ear piercings and hipster glasses. “Isn’t he the cutest little apprentice you ever seen?” She finishes patting him on his butt. Magma stares noticing traces of white coming out of the corners of his mouth it takes him a second before he forms his words. “Wait "He” so Ash is a…” He trails on. “A delicious looking fuckboy? Yes he is, Aren’t you Ashy?” Charlotte says as she begins grinding her crotch along his butt causing Ash to let out a cute little gasp. “Umm Miss Charlotte shouldn’t I help attend to the customer? We can always pick this up later when we are done with our work.” Ash lets out as Charlotte stops her grinding and letting go of Ash’s feminine hips and sticking her puffy lips into a pout, she then makes a shooing gesture to Ash to get him to go on with his duties. As Ash moves out of the way sighing with relief at avoiding a full on ass fucking Magma catches a glimpse at the reason why Ash wanted to avoid getting stuffed with. A semi erect cock that hang down as low as the floor but not at all touching it with two huge melon size balls dangling underneath it. Magma then starts to feel slightly emasculated at the sight of the mammoth member feeling a bit insecure about himself despite the fact that his cock is well above an average size but seeing this bitch breaker on the hung beauty caused him to feel small as it seemed this Amazoness has dominated him in every way sexually possible Magma felt a strange aura just by being near her. He eventually snaps out of his trance and begins following Ash who was beckoning him as Charlotte starts putting her mammoth dick and swollen cum factories away in her spandex pants which creates a giant bulge. “Hurry up Ash if you don’t take so long I promise to be a bit gentle… Maybe~” she says as she heads towards the backroom.  Ash then leads Magma through the store picking up the necessities. “Soooo what’s the story with you two.” Magma asks Ash while trying to pick out some panties for Datalas. “Oh Miss Charlotte well I’m her apprentice.” Ash answers carrying some of the things he plans on purchasing. “Okay well with what exactly cause from the way I saw it you kinda were her personal ball drainer.” Magma retorts. “W-well yeah Miss Charlotte is quite insatiable but she does teach a lot when it comes to potion making.” Ash responds back. “Potion making?” Magma asks picking out a pair of frilly white panties looking them over before putting them back and resuming his search. “Yes Miss Charlotte teaches me how to make all sorts of potions it’s one of the services she offers along with many others here.” Ash says enthusiastically before continuing “She also lets me live with her and well in return I help relieve her sometimes.” Ash finishes. “So does that make you gay or something then?” Magma asks pulling out another pair of panties. “Well no I like girls actually.” Ash says blushing slightly. “Ah so you're just into dickgirls then.” Magma says finally settling on a pair of panties folding them up and stacking them on the pile Ash is holding and taking it from him. “Alright that’s everything I needed.” Magma say heading to the counter with Ash. As they get there Magma sets all the things down while Ash goes to get some bags underneath the counter. “So find everything you needed?” Charlotte asks emerging from the backroom with a potion in hand. “Now how will you be paying cash or…” she trails off approaching Magma backing him against the counter and leaning in before saying. “Other means of payment?” she say, Magma feels her titanic dick pressing against his crotch as the busty hung maroon girl stares at him seductively waiting for an answer. “What uhhh what do you mean?” Magma asks her meeting her gaze. “Well are policy here is Cash or in your ass.” She says very sultry still staring at him. “So what's it gonna be?”she says staring and licking her lips hoping for the in your ass payment. “Uh ha-ha I’ll be paying with cash.” He says nervously, sweat starting to form on him as he became intimidated by the hung filly. His answer causes her to pout as she backs away from him using her magic to take the bag of items and drawing it towards Magma. “Very well then here also take this as well.” She says handing him the potion before heading behind the counter right up behind Ash. “Uh thanks what is this exactly?” “Magma asks counting out his bits and placing them on the counter. “Oh nothing much just a little first timers gift I give out to some of my customers.” She says gripping Ash’s thighs causing him to yelp in surprise. “Miss Charlotte is now the appropriate ti-“Ash proclaims before Charlotte pulls down his short shorts and boxers. “Yes it is an appropriate time Ash.” Charlotte says smiling devilishly before freeing her beast from its spandex prison as it slowly grows to full size. “Aw don’t be shy now Ashy~” Charlotte says grinding her cock with Ash’s butt while Magma stares dumbfounded unsure what to say or think. “After all how can I not fuck your little butt with you being so cute.” She continues. “Aw and look at that your little Ash is already ready.” Charlotte comments reaching around to fiddle with Ash’s cock which is as dainty as him in size. “Isn’t it just he just the cutest when he is embarrassed?” Charlotte says staring at Magma over Ash’s shoulder jerking off his small cock with her index finger and thumb while flicking at his balls with her pinky. “It’s not as big as mine but it looks so much cuter doesn’t it`.” She comments continuing with her slight play with only three fingers expertly gliding her fingers all over clearly hitting all the right spots. Magma who has turned crimson from the display finally decides to make his way out. “Well would you look at the time I got a few more things I gotta pick up so I better go thanks for the help.”  He says as he backs himself into the door before opening it and leaving the Fungeon. As he gets outside he slightly relaxes himself before hearing a loud scream coming from inside. He turns back to look through the glass door and sees Ash screaming judging from the looks of it Charlotte just shoved her huge dong into Ash’s tight asshole. Magma also notices Ash’s little cock is shooting small ropes of cum into the air only to land on the counter in front of him, clearly Charlotte went full force into his prostate triggering his orgasm. Charlotte gives him Magma a little wave as she sees him looking while she pounds her boytoy raw, grabbing and pulling his tail as emphasis of her really giving it to him. Magma quickly turns around and quickly makes his way to his next stop. The rest of the day is uneventful Magma was able to get everything he was supposed to except the cake as he rushes to the bakery before it closes. He makes it their just in time and opens the door as the sun begins to set. As the door opens a little bell rings above the door as Magma enters. “Hello anyone around?” Magma asks as he sees that a figure emerges from the kitchen. Magma notices the gingerbread brown unicorn with her orange and white mane. The girl pushes her glasses up before saying. “Welcome to the The Hot CinnaBuns Bakery I’m the owner Judy Cinnamane but most people call me Cinnamane. She says giving a warming smile. “So how can I help you?” she says to him. “Well I was hoping to get a cake made if you got the time for that.” Magma asks the bakery girl. “Hmm well it is rather late but sure why not.” She says shrugging. “How about you follow me into the kitchen I could use some company while I bake it.” Cinnamane asks. “Eh sure not like I got much else to do.” Magma says following her as he is treated with the sight of her big bubble butt when her tail isn’t blocking it from his view. “So what kinda cake you want?” Cinnamane asks him. “Chocolate? Vanilla? Marble?” Cinnamane lists off the just a few types of cakes. “Give me the best cake you can make.” Magma says as he sets down his bags near the door and pulls out the potion from one of the bags. “Alright then one chocolate cinnamon cake coming up.” She announces as she gathers the ingredients she needs and starts getting to work. “So where are you from?” she asks him as she starts cracking eggs. “I’m from a small village pretty far from here.” Magma says leaning against what he believes is the oven. “A village don’t you mean a town.” Cinnamane is quick to correct him. “No I’m from a village that belongs to an ancient race called the Amazonians.” Magma says swishing the potion around in a circle. “Amazonians huh? I’ve never heard of them before.” Cinnamane comments as she starts adding the mix in. “Yeah they are an ancient race consisting of Earth, Unicorn and Pegasi. They mostly were an all-female race.” Magma educates her with. “All-female huh then how did they you know make babies?” she asks helping herself to a little taste of the batter. “Well I did say mostly female there were some males that could be born but not a lot so sometimes they would raid smaller towns looking for males to help with breeding.” Magma responds. “However they didn’t much like the idea since as they say it would weaken the Amazonian blood line, so they thought of more procreative methods.” Magma finishes. “Oh like what?” Cinnamane asks clearly invested in the knowledge of this race that the stallion behind her belongs to. “Well for starters all the males well what little of them were are basically whored out.” Magma says before continuing. “They were given fertility potions to the point where when they bust a nut you should start planning a baby shower, however sadly that wasn’t enough.” Magma finishes. “Really so what else did they do?” Cinnamane asks adding her trademark cinnamon to the batter and continues mixing. “Well they gave some females potions that made them grow dicks and had them help out as well but they also learned some of them already had cocks and were scared of admitting it for fear they’d just be used as breeding tools, so they came to an agreement allowing them to maintain their freedom after learning that a lot of them had dicks and would help increase the race size, so then most of the Amazonians were either dick girls or females.” Magma explains. “I see so the males were enslaved while the females were free.” Cinnamane says. “But how come you aren’t chained up plowing a girl till there expecting?” Cinnamane asks. “Well for most males that’s the case but my mom was the Amazonian queen so I was able to get a free pass.” Magma says as his tone starts becoming a little sadder. “Oh so your royalty then I had no idea you were a prince.”  Cinnamane says shocked at the revelation that Magma is an ancient race’s prince. “Please don’t mention it to me I don’t wanna be treated any different I hate being reminded of it since I ran away from it.” Magma says as he cast his eyes to the floor remembering his past. “Oh sorry about that I didn’t know.” Cinnamane apologizes. “It’s alright you didn’t know I mean it’s not all bad I did get a lot of thing out of it.” Magma says smirking. “Oh like what?” Cinnamane asks as she starts pouring the batter into a cake pan. "Well since most Amazonians are female I ended up with some feminine curves.” He says brushing his thighs and hips while Cinnamane looks on from the corner of her eyes. “Also I got a pretty big ass as well.” Adding emphasis by giving it a slight smack and grabbing it as he makes contact with it. “And last but not least cause of all the potions that the males were forced to drink there dicks and balls got a bit bigger turns out most Amazonians were size queens, who would have thought.” Magma finishes. Cinnamane starts getting wet thinking about all the things she would let him do to her, her pussy starts gushing at each and every thought however there was only one thing she needed to know. “So who is this cake for a friend of yours?” She asks fishing for information as she heads over to the oven making a little moving motion with her hand. “Uh yeah it’s for my girlfriend actually.”Magma says unaware that he crushed Cinnamane’s wet fantasies with that sentence. “Oh you have a girlfriend greeeaaat.” She says the last part under her breath clearly disappointed as she puts the pan in the oven. “Yeah we are having a little party just the two of us tonight we haven’t been well “active” for a while.” He says. “Yeah well that’s good for you two by the way what’s that?” Cinnamane says pointing at the potion bottle Magma is holding. “Oh this I don’t know I got it from the Fungeon was meaning to try it to see what it does.” Magma says looking at the liquid in the bottle. “Hmm well maybe you should try it to see what it does.” Cinnamane says as she heads over to put away the leftover ingredients while she waits for the cake to finish baking. “Yeah I guess it’s the best way to find out what it does.” Magma says as he uncorks it and downs the contents. The potion goes down smooth and has a taste like cherries, as he smacks his lips he doesn’t notice much of a change aside from his balls starting to rumble but it doesn’t last long. He puts a hand down his pant fondling his sack he notices it may have gotten a bit bigger but that can be from him being pent up. If anything it might have done anything from increase his fertility to making him cum more. He simply shrugs it off and goes to wash the empty bottle in the sink. Cinnamane however notices the change more than Magma as he is now giving off a scent. A scent that has caused her mind to become clouded with only a few thoughts fuck and breed. She tries to resist the urge but the way he smells right now is intoxicating and the thought of his big thick dick plowing her and his juicy nuts filling her up is too much that she gives in to her urges. As she slowly approaches him while his back is turned washing the bottle and the dishes. “Oh hey I was just washing the bottle out and I figured I’d wash your dishes as well since I made you stay open a little later then you should have.” Magma says to her however she remains silent merely removing her glasses and putting them to the side of the counter. “Uh hey you okay you look weird.” Magma asks when Cinnamane drops to her knees and pulls down his shorts and boxers before taking an inhale of his now expose cock and balls. “Ohhh Celestia yes this smell it’s so gooooood.” She says as she keeps taking thick breaths of his manhood. “What the fuck has gotten into you!?” Magma proclaims as he looks over to the cleaned out bottle and suddenly it hits him. It appears it was some sort of attraction potion that puts girls in heat and lust after the person who drinks it. He then looks onto the busty baker thinking it could be worse and is slightly upset with a certain maroon mare for giving him this without warning but it isn’t so bad. He thinks to himself as he looks at the mare who is breathing in the scent of his cock only now does he realize the rack she has. Her tits are much bigger then Datalas by far as they threaten to pop out of her shirt. As Magma stares his cock begins to twitch and grow erect bopping Cinnamane in the nose. “Oh so looks like someone else wants this as bad as I want it.” Cinnamane says as she grips the base giving it a light pump, squeezing out some pre. “Heh thought bakers only mess with sweets not anything with meat in it.” Magma says smirking supporting himself on the counter. “Clearly you have never tried any pigs in blankets speaking of this pig can use a very moist blanket.” She says beginning to lick the underside of his cock and then begins to take his flared tip in her mouth as she pumps his cock sending a steady stream of pre into her mouth. Using her magic she removes her top with a spell causing it to vanish along with her bra letting her beautiful bountiful breasts bounce free. She then pops his tip out  of her mouth causing Magma to groan from the lack of sensation only to be replaced with her scooting closer and setting his throbbing meat in between her breasts. “Mmmm come on sexy move those hot buns of yours and give me plenty of your delicious batter all over my tits and then you can help me out with baking a pie.” She says squeezing her soft tits along his length. ”Ooooh fuck it feels so good.” Magma say as he pants heavily enjoying the pleasure he has been denied for some time. After some time Magma starts moving his hips more frantically trying to race to his peak just as he is about to cum he gives one final thrust pushing his tip past her lips and begins firing hot ropes of cum into her mouth. Eventually her mouth is filled as Magma’s dick slips past her lips and shoots the rest of it onto her face, coating her with his seed.  When he finally comes down from it he looks down to see Cinnamane open her mouth showing the load Magma fired into her before closing and swallowing it only to re open it to show that she finished it to him further proving her willingness to please him like a good slut would. “Mmmm your batter is delicious, and you got some of your icing on my face.” She says scooping it up off her face and devouring it. As she finishes she looks over to see Magma still rock hard. “Hmm someone still wants to help me bake it seems.” She says standing up and using her magic to remove her skirt and panties. “Well how about you help me bake a pie?” she says as she turns around presenting her ass before him as her pussy is freshly dripping girl juices as she grinds her ass against his cock. “I can practically hear all that cream churn in you, just grab me and fill me up.” She says drooling. Magma grabs her hips and begins to push his flared cock into her pussy. Cinnamane lets out aloud moan when his preputial ring slips into her lower lips marking the half way point. Her tongue then falls out as Magma bottoms out inside of her only to begins to pull out only to slam back in causing his sheath to scrap against her entrance. “Oh fuck it feels like it’s been too long.” Magma says as he gets into a comfortable position and begins to slam in and out of her causing her to scream out in pleasure. “Oh god YES! Fuck me harder! Bust your load in me! Dominate me! Mark me as yours!” she shouts out. “Heh alright then if you wanna be my cum dump I won’t argue with you.” Magma says to her kinda glad that no one will come in to interrupt as his flared cock begins to scrape against the her womb. “Oh yes! I do! I do! I really do wanna be that! Oh god I think I’m gonna cum!” Cinnamane announces lost in her own lust. Her twat begins to clamp down around him as she howls out clearly lost in her orgasm. Her orgasm helps trigger Magma’s as he then says “Fuck too tight, gonna cum.” As he begins shooting his load deep inside her. His load this time is far larger than his previous or almost any other he ever had probably another side effect from the potion Charlotte gave him, that makes his load even bigger even after cumming. As he continues cumming Cinnamane’s eyes have rolled back into her head as her belly begins to swell with a slight bump. Her tongue falls out of her mouth as her belly is now stretching past its fifth inch as she is now swollen with cum. Magma then pulls out still somehow hard and letting out a wave of cum from her cunt. “Mmmm you really creamed me up good.” She says rubbing her taut tummy. “Yeah that was really something, don’t get how I’m still hard though.” Magma says grabbing his slickened cock and examining its thickness. “Must be a another side effect from the potion.” Magma remarks gently tugging it. “Well maybe you still need to let out some more of your cream and I’m more than happy to help.” Cinnamane says grinning devilishly. “I don’t know I was supposed to be back a while ago pretty sure Datalas is probably worried about me.” Magma thinks out loud. “Why do you even want to go back to her?” Cinnamane asks. “She clearly is ashamed of you and see’s you as a project since she is clearly trying to change you.” Cinnamane states as she tries to rise to get up as her legs are still numb causing her to be very shaky as she uses the counter as support. She then gets up to her hooves and begins to sit up on the counter her belly has lost much of its girth from the cum escaping her. “Ehh I guess your kinda right but I can’t just leave her.” Magma says scratching the back of his head. “Well how about something polyamorous?” Cinnamane asks with a smile causing Magma to raise an eyebrow. ‘What do you mean?” Magma asks back. \ “Well how about you stay in your relationship only you add another into it.” She says confidently. “Oh like who?” Magma says trying to sound clueless about who Cinnamane is referring to. “Well how about a very sexy mare with E cup tits, a very big bubble butt and just so happens to be a baker.” Cinnamane says going along with it. “Hmm I guess I don’t know if Datalas will like it though.” Magma remarks sounding worried that Datalas might not wanna go for this. “Well I can explain it to her when we head to your place but first.” She says before she starts putting her hooves up on the counter and spreading her legs apart showing off her recently creamed pussy. “How about we try and fully empty out the last of your cream into my pie?” She says grinning. “Well might as well.” He says aligning his horse dick with her pussy as he sinks in deep inside her. The penetration is all the more easier thanks to the fem-lube she keeps dripping and the remaining cum still inside her. As he slides in and out Cinnamane pulls him into a kiss as he thrusts in and out of her. She then pulls him out of the kiss only to shove his face into her tit. He opens his mouth to begin sucking as if he wants to be breastfed despite no milk is in them. Her pussy then begins to start squeezing the invading veiny member trying to wring out every last drop of cream in his sack. “What’s say we step this up a notch?” Magma asks as he grabs Cinnamane’s legs and lifts her off the counter with the leverage he then pounds her pussy much harder thrusting harder and faster than before. Cinnamane starts moaning even louder than before enjoying being fucked in her place, as her tits bounce in front of his face. The harder and faster he goes his balls make a loud slap slap slap sound as he continues to piston in and out of her. All the while Cinnamane has came at least five times now while Magma has yet to reach his peak. Finally after a few more piston thrusts he feels his balls begin to clench in anticipation of release. “I… I am gonna cum.” He announces before making one last powerful thrust before letting loose a torrent of cum inside of her. Cinnamane howls out in joy and pleasure as he fills her womb full of cum. “Oh yeah fill my womb up nice with your delicious cream.” She says as Magma continues to blast thick ropes of cum inside Cinnamane. By the time his orgasm subsided and he finally goes soft having cum out the last of Charlotte’s potion effect, his cock slides out due to the softness. While Cinnamane is sporting a huge tummy full of cum which makes her seem like she is ready to pop out twins. “Ahhh that was fun, so how about we head out now? People are gonna wonder why the lights are still on.” Cinnamane says as she places her hooves on the floor. “Yeah sure but where are your clothes?” Magma says quickly re dressing himself. “Oh umm I don’t know I never used that spell before I have no idea where my clothes went.” She exclaims. “Well I do have something you can wear but it’s only these.” Magma says handing her the bra and panties he picked up at the Fungeon. “You can’t expect me to just wear that can you?” She says huffing placing a hands on her hips as her belly audible jiggles with all the cum he pumped into her which is still leaking out of her. “Well it’s either that or nothing at all now put them on while I go grab the cake.” He says “Hope it didn’t burn.” Magma says grabbing the unburnt cake from the oven. “Don’t worry the oven has an auto shut off feature when the timer hits zero.” Cinnamane say as she slips on the panties adjusting her tails position. Magma quickly boxes the cake and takes a frosting can with him as he uses his magic to pick up his bags and with Cinnamane finishes putting on a bra and grabs her glasses than wraps her arms around him they head out to his place. As they walk down the street Cinnamane starts blushing as she is dressed in only skimpy underwear and sporting a huge cum belly. Thankfully it is very late only a few people are out and start making cat calls at her causing her to blush and grow wet as more cum slips from her as she tries to keep it inside her by clamping her cunt shut. She holds Magma’s arm even tighter as they make their way down the street. Datalas is waiting in the bed in the most sexiest bra and panties she could find, looking at the time frantically worried about where Magma is. “Where is he? That shouldn’t have taken him that long.” Datalas tells herself. Eventually she hears the door open and close and immediately perks up and starts adjusting herself into a sexier position. As the door to the bedroom flies open Datalas announces. “About time you got here stud now how about we….” Datalas stops staring at the gingerbread girl on her stallions arm in her white panties and her huge tummy. “You must be Datalas, I’m Cinnamane.” Cinnamane says as she releases Magma’s arm and flops in the bed with Datalas. “Ohh comfy.” She says rolling around enjoying the softness as her belly wobbles around. “Okay that’s nice but doesn’t answer my question.” Datalas says flatly staring daggers at Magma. “Well she is my..” he trails off scared of Datalas’s reaction. “I’m his new girlfriend!” Cinnamane announces giving a little cum burp caused by a cum bubble bursting in her belly. As she finishes it the sentence echo’s in Datalas’s mind and suddenly her fantasy of her and Magma getting married and having a gaggle of fillies and foals is suddenly changed with the gingerbread brown girl taking Datalas’s place. “Magma sweetie please explain all this NOW.” Datalas says trying to keep her composure despite wanting to erupt with anger. "Look it’s a long story I’ll tell you in the morning, now scoot over.” Magma say as he climbs over Cinnamane’s belly to plant his butt in between the two fillies. He gets comfy as he tries to get some shut eye even though one is a little bit ticked off at him and the other is blissfully happy rubbing her stuffed up tummy. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Me first!” a small voice yells. “Ughh no fair, Mom!” another voice peps up only more feminine than the last one. “Now kids what did I tell you two.” Datalas says entering the room in her lazy morning sweat pants and shirt, rubbing her eyes to find her spawn fighting and bickering over something. “He started it mom!” The young female Pegasi says pointing at her brother. “No Way you did!” the brother retorts as their argument begins anew. Datalas who is far too tired to be putting up with this takes a deep breath. “Kids!” she shouts in her “Mom” voice which has caused both the colt and filly to stop their argument and just stare at their mother. “I swear what are we ever gonna do with you two?” Datalas asks herself as she rubs the sides of her head with her hands. “Well I was thinking we feed them first.” Magma chimes in wrapping his arms around Datalas’s waist before turning her head to give her a little morning make out. “Ewww gross.” Pipes up the little boy unicorn as Magma removes himself from Datalas’s mouth. “Trust me son when you get older you will wanna do this all the time.” Magma tells his son trying hint towards other things he might get to try in his teen years. “Well I am starved what do you guys want to eat?” Magma tells the foals. “Pancakes!” the unicorn shouts. “No waffles!” the Pegasi retorts. “Hmm what about you mommy?” Magma asks Datalas clearly wanting her to have final decision on it. “Well as tempting as the first two are how about some French toast hmm?” Datalas says her answer causes the kids to nod in agreement. “Alright then French toast it is.” Magma says beginning to start cooking. Datalas looks on to see her baby daddy cook up breakfast for her and their two kids, she turns to see them singing some song they learned in school. Letting out a little happy sigh she rubs her belly which has developed a small bump and smile wide while doing so happy to add another addition to her happy little family. Her eyes slowly open as she starts becoming aware of her surroundings she figures her little dream has gone away for now but will return later. She then starts stretching her arms and wings in an attempt to rouse her from her sleep. As she finishes her morning stretch she glances down noticing the tent she has created in the sheets a sign that her little addition is awake, she then sighs and has her mouth form into a light smile as one of her hands snakes its way down to fondle her mare cock stroking the length while she grabs one of her breasts. She glances over while fondling herself to see her lover still snoozing away peacefully. Deciding that he may also be in the mood to fool around she reaches under the covers to go and grab him, however she ends up grabbing a lot of what feels like hair instead of his throbbing mass. “What the?” she says as she throws the covers off to reveal Cinnamane staring at her while her lips are wrapped around Magma’s cock. “What the fuck do you think you are doing!?” Datalas shouts at the girl with her lips wrapped around her man’s cock, Cinnamane then pulls herself off his cock with a wet pop leaving a long trace of saliva proof of her lips connecting to his cock. “Well I woke up early and I saw Darlings little guy was up and I figured he could use a little morning relief, you should know the feeling with that.” Cinnamane says adjusting her glasses and pointing at her cock that has spilled out of her panties standing proud in the air. “You know maybe you should take care of it? I might be willing to help you out if you get down and beg me.” Cinnamane says while pumping Magma’s cock, who surprisingly is still asleep. “Not even if you were the last piece of ass in Equestria.” Datalas says flatly. “Urghhh what’s going on?” Magma grumbles as he begins waking up to see Datalas giving Cinnamane a death stare and Cinnamane stroking him off. “Do I even wanna know what you two were doing while I was asleep?” Magma asks raising an eyebrow to them. “Well Darling I thought of giving you a little relief to start your day off but then she got all bitchy about it.” Cinnamane proclaims to Magma still lightly pumping his dick. “Why you slut I can’t believe someone like you is from Canterlot with how you act.” Datalas says back. “Besides I was just going to wake him up to help him and myself relieve ourselves.” Datalas say as her train of thought is then turned to a thought of Magma plowing her senseless until she is bloated with his seed. “And you call me a slut you’re drooling over your wet fantasy you’re having over there.” Cinnamane points out. “What no I am not plus I am not the girl who strolled in here at night in nothing but white panties and with a belly of a girl who is expecting foals.” Datalas says still a little bit envious at that wishing it was her instead of Cinnamane as her mind trails back to the lovely dream. “Pshhh you’re just jealous it wasn’t you.” Cinnamane says as she gets up and goes through the closet to find a t-shirt and some sweat pants. “Anyways I am gonna go get breakfast started.” She says putting the clothes on as she heads for the kitchen. “Well I’m gonna go hop in the shower I will see you downstairs babe.” Datalas says as she kisses him on the cheek and heads into the bathroom giving a seductive strut as she goes showing off her nice ass. Magma clearly enjoying the view but gets up and heads downstairs to get some food. A little while later Datalas finishes her shower and pick out her outfit for the day and makes her way downstairs for breakfast. As she enters the kitchen she notices three plates stacked with pancakes. As she sits down across from Magma and begins eating the food Cinnamane made. “Mmm these are good at least she is good for something.” Datalas says shoveling them in her mouth as she stares at Magma who is shaking slightly. “Umm babe are you okay? Your shaking.” Datalas asks concerned for why he is acting so strangely. “I am FINE!” he says trying to suppress moans and groans. “Sweetie what is up with you are you sick or something?” Datalas asks him again as he then lets out a loud moan and leans back in his chair with his mouth hanging open and tongue falling out, his eyes roll back into his head. “Wha- what is going on?” Datalas asks. Datalas quickly turns to ask Cinnamane only to notice that her seat has been empty this whole time and her plate still untouched. As she ducks under the table she blushes hard as the cinnamon colored unicorn wearing just an apron and nothing else is busy sucking him off under the table trying to finish what she started in bed. “Fuuuuck.” Magma proclaims as his eyes roll back into his head as he slumps back into his chair as he fills up Cinnamane’s maw with his seed. She happily sucks it all down as he feeds her an alternative “breakfast”. Cinnamane gently pumps the last bit of seed out of his cock and lets him go with a wet pop. “Mmmm I love your cream~” she says rubbing over her taut belly which has slightly expanded from his excess seed. “I love this feeling of being filled up with my tummy stretched out.” Cinnamane says as Datalas clearly gets agitated and maybe even a bit envious as she is reminded of her dream from this morning and a new thought emerges a perfect life for Magma with foals and everything only with one change Cinnamane instead of her. “AWW HELL NO!” Datalas shouts as she gets up knocking Magma out of his post orgasm induced stupor as she walks over to him. “Stay the fuck away from my future baby daddy.” she yells grabbing Magma pulling his head into her bust smothering him in her valley of cleavage. “He is only supposed to be with me! He is supposed to only fuck me! And to top it off I found him first so why are you even here you knew he had a girlfriend and you seduced him into cheating with your wide hips and tits.” She proclaims stammering blaming her for seducing her stud. “And that is my fault how, it’s your fault you gave him blue balls and he decided to have some fun with a girl who can keep up with him because you clearly can’t keep him sated unlike me did you see how much cum he bloated me with last night.” Cinnamane says recounting the tale in her mind as she rubs her cum filled bump. “The fuck you mean I can’t he is MY boyfriend till you came along fat tits.” Datalas shouts at her clearly agitated at this baker slut in her home trying to stealing her stallion stud away from her. “Fat tits? Says the girl with a dick between her legs and please I bet you went in for a shower to jack off that meager piece of meat to the thought of me blowing you. I don’t get what Magma sees in you I bet he doesn’t want some dick slapping him in the chest while you ride him when he can have a nice warm pussy engulfing his delicious thick monster.” She says trailing off in her mind planning on what she wants to do tonight with him. “Ughh your nothing but a slut you’re leaking out your juices all over the floor and the only way I would stick my dick in that stretched out cunt of yours is if you were the last mare in Equestria.” Datalas retorts back rolling her eyes at Cinnamane. “Anyways we got tickets to the play tonight so me and my beloved Magma will be attending it.” Datalas says to her wrapping her arms around Magma. “And unfortunately I only have two tickets so you can’t come how dreadful.” Datalas says sounding all theatrical. “You mean that new play what’s it called.” Cinnamane asks trying to remember the name. “It’s called The DreamTrotter The story of the Mare in the Moon.” Magma pipes up helping Cinnamane’s thought process. “Well I’m sure you two will have a fun time anyways I have to go get ready for work. Magma do you think you can come by need your help with something at the bakery.” Cinnamane asks him. “I promise to reward you if you catch my drift.” She whispers into his ear as his gaze turns to her bountiful breast barely being covered by the pink apron she is wearing as his beast of a cock begins rising clearly satisfied with the view. “Eheheh sure no problem well this has been a great breakfast I need to go get dressed.” Magma says as he rushes out the room with a horse boner in his pants. “Hmm well I got to go find a new dress for the play tonight.” Datalas says leaving to go shopping. “Well better get these dishes cleaned and head out to work.” Cinnamane says as she picks up the plates and throws them in the sink as she starts turning the knob. Back upstairs Magma removing his sleep wear which is just his boxers exposing his semi erect horse dick as he stretches his body. “Ugh what am I gonna do with those two?” he asks himself staring at his dick and grabbing his balls. “If this keeps up they might drain me dry.” He says patting his sack. “Ugh well better hop in the shower and get ready for tonight.” He says out loud as he heads to the bathroom to start up his shower. After which he takes a short nap clearly exhausted from the events of the morning. Later on at Cinnamane’s bakery she is clearly bored out of her skull it was a slow day the only thing that is keeping her from not passing out is waiting on Magma to show up to show him what she has for him. As the door opens causing the little bell to ring she perks up to see Magma entering in his regular everyday outfit. “Sorry I’m late I picked up a little something for you.” He tells her flashing a grin reaching into his pocket to pull out a ticket.” I went ahead and got you a seat in the box with me and Datalas so we can all see the play together.” He tells her flashing a grin as he looks around seeing the whole place is empty. “Huh must be bored In here the place is dead.” He comments. “Yeah it gets like this sometimes anyway how about you take a seat I have a new recipe I want you to try out.” Cinnamane says as she disappears into the kitchen. Magma goes to take a seat as he waits for whatever Cinnamane has in store for him. Meanwhile in the kitchen Cinnamane is busy cooking up a special treat for him some of her Cinnamon cookies with an added ingredient she got courtesy of the Fungeon. “Hope he doesn’t get mad I’m making him have a bit more productivity when it comes to making cream so he can keep up with me and that slut Datalas.” She says to herself. As she places the cookies she remembers the warning that his balls will produce more and he would have slightly bigger balls not as big as Charlotte’s but he could cum as much as her and most likely would end up having more stamina and lastly she might need to watch out for pregnancy as the effects would make him more virile which she needs to watch out for she just isn’t ready for foals as much as she loves being stuffed up with cum she would be too distracted from work and the little ones to ever have fun with Magma. But the most important thing is she cannot give him it all at once so she will have to trick him into taking small treatments every now and then luring him away with the prospect of testing new treats should do the trick as she finishes by hiding the remainder of the potion away and comes out with the full tray of cookies. “Alrighty here they are.” Cinnamane says dropping a plate full of cookies in front of him. “Go on eat up.” She says to him as she sits across from him putting her cheeks in her hands as she gives him googley eyes as she eagerly awaits him to try out some of her tasty treats. “Sure thanks want some?” Magma asks her as he starts munching down cookies. “Uh no I’m fine had a big lunch you just enjoy them.” She says clearly worried of the effects of the secret ingredient would do to her. “You go on and enjoy them I better get back to work and start thinking about what I’m gonna wear to the show go ahead and take the plate with you.” She says to him as he rises up using his magic to carry the cookies as well as send one after another straight into his mouth. “Thanks again Cinnamane I’ll see you tonight.” He says waving good bye to her as he makes his way back home. Later on that day Magma had ended up finishing most of the plate leaving only a few left as he is lying in bed with a his stomach full of tasty treats and a mostly finished plate of cookies. “Man those cookies were good.” He tells himself patting his belly with one hand and the other moving to fondle his balls in his pants. “Why do these guys feel like they got bigger?” he says feeling his slightly enlarged balls it couldn’t be another effect from the potion he drank could it? It was so long ago since he drank it he couldn’t be suffering from more effects of it, because it can’t be from backed up cum not with Cinnamane around blowing him at every chance she gets. “Magma come on we gotta go or were gonna miss the show.” Datalas tells him as she enters the room looking at him lying on the bed with his hand at his crotch. “You do know you have a girlfriend and a potential wife slash mother. You don’t need to touch yourself to get off.” Datalas proclaims giving him a blank look. “It’s not what it looks like Datalas.” he tells her hand still in his pants. “Really cause what I see right now is my boyfriend with his hand down his pants playing with his cream makers.” She says folding her arms in a huff and continues giving him blank look. “Anyway hurry up and get dress were gonna be late I got us a box seat for four so it will just be the two of us all alone.” She adds emphasis to the alone part showing off her frame in her classy outfit she somehow has been able to hide her bulge in the dress. “Alright gimme a minute.” He tells her as he throws on his classiest of outfits a pin-stripe suit. “Shall we Babe?” he says offering his arm as she hooks her arm with his and head to the theater. With her arm wrapped in his they make it to the theater as they check into their seats. “Oh this will be good just you and me all alone in our own little box seats and maybe we can do a little hand stuff.” Datalas tells him as she nuzzles his arm. “Hey you two your finally here about time the shows almost started.” Cinnamane says to them peeking from her seat to see the two ponies arriving right before the show starts. “Magma babe a word with you.” Datalas says as she pulls him aside out of ear shot from Cinnamane. “So sweetie care to explain what that whore is doing in our private seats?” she asks him clearly about to pop a blood vessel. “Err well I thought since we’re gonna be in that type of relationship we all need to get along so I thought it would work if all three of us enjoyed this play together.” Magma tells her trying to explain the situation to her.  “Well I guess I can give it a shot, anyway I’m gonna go freshen up a bit but however just know your gonna finish the night with me just like we said okay.” she says patting his cheek as she heads to the bathroom. As the first act begins Datalas returns to her seat and grabs Magma’s arm. “What did I miss?” she whispers to him but he doesn’t respond he sits there with a goofy expression on his face. “Uhh are you okay babe?” She asks him but looks down to see his erect cock standing out with a gingerbread brown hand wrapped around the base of it gentle pumping to keep him erect and ready. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Datalas whispers to Cinnamane. “What don’t act like you weren’t gonna do it.” Cinnamane whispers back still pumping him. “Why are you here go back to your bakery and stuffing yourself with your stupid pastries and then whore your fat ass in the back of you bakery.” Datalas retorts back as she grabs the tip of Magma’s cock and starts squeezing it causing his whole cock to jump. “Please I bet you wish your ass was as nice as mine and I would never do anything like that except with Darling maybe I happen to run an exceptional business unlike you daddy’s little girl.” Cinnamane says pumping him even faster as she gets into an argument with Datalas. “Just because my dad is rich doesn’t mean shit I happen to work part time at the library, where as you just bake pastries and probably turn tricks at that bakery.” Datalas says back and like Cinnamane she starts applying her ministrations at the same rate Cinnamane does. “Uh girls I… I’m gonna blow if you keep doing that.” Magma declares meekly but it goes unheard as they sit there glaring at each other. “Oh fuck it why do I even bother.” Magma says as he quickly moves his head to slip his flared tip into his mouth as he coats his mouth with his load trying to swallow his loads as quickly as they come. Eventually he has a full stomach from his overproduction and lets his tip fall out with a pop as he slumps back into his chair as his dick softens in his lap leaking a bit of excess cum onto his pants. “Um Darling why didn’t you let us know you were gonna cum? I would have been more than happy to swallow for you.” Cinnamane says to him where he responds with some angry grunts as he puts his dick away. The rest of the evening Magma tried to enjoy the play but had the bitter taste of his cum in his mouth and was annoyed with both his dates as they have done nothing but argue about how there his true mate as the play came to an end he escorts them home listening to them argue even more. As they arrive back at the house Magma makes his way upstairs to the bedroom clearly wanting this day to end. As he stripped out of his suit he picks it up and heads to put it in the laundry due to the new stain that was created in the evening as he came back to the room he walks into the two mares still fighting but in there nightwear. “Look I don’t care where you came from but go back to it cause he is doing it with me.” Datalas says. As the two argue over who Magma stuffs, he then finally reaches his boiling point. “ENOUGH!” he shouts at them which stops them from their argument as they stare up at him wondering what’s wrong. “Ever since you two met I have been dealing with you two all you do is fight and fight or just use me as a sexual competition so you know what you two need to get along and I’m gonna make you.” Magma says as his horn lights up casting a spell that removes their pajamas. “Uh Darling what are you doing?” Cinnamane asks as she is then picked up by the magic and thrown on the bed with her ass in the air on full display. He then uses his magic to move Datalas and align her cock with Cinnamane’s asshole. “Magma what the fuck are you doing with us.” asks Datalas as the two mares are being forced to do this via his magic. “Teaching you two to get along now get ready Cinnamane cause your about to take it deep inside you.” He says as he uses his magic to have Datalas’s mare meat penetrate Cinnamane’s tight plump rump. “Ahhhh!” Cinnamane screams at the feeling of the intruder. “Much better.” Magma says as he climbs into bed reaching for the leftover plate of cookies Cinnamane gave him and reaching into Datalas’s nightstand grabbing her old onahole toy and applying it to his cock as he munches down the cookies while using his magic to control Datalas’s thrusts. After a few thrusts Datalas starts thrusting on her own clearly enjoying the feeling of Cinnamane’s tight rump as her tongue falls out. “My my is someone enjoying the feeling of fucking her love rivals ass? I wonder?” Magma asks Datalas who can still speak as Cinnamane is now a mess who is only panting from the anal stimulation. “Sh-shut up I’m not enjoying this as much you think I just wanna get this out of the way.” Datalas says watching Magma stuff his face with cookies while pumping his cock with the onahole. Eventually after Datalas is almost at her limit as her balls are coated with Cinnamane’s feminine juices. “So are you two gonna learn to get along?” Magma asks them as he pauses from his cock pumping. “Ahhh yes anything Darling anything!” Cinnamane shouts as she cums again coating Datalas’s balls even further. “Alright Datalas what about you?” Magma asks her as he resumes his pumps. “I-I can’t she is a worthless slut I’m gonna cum.” Datalas announces as Magma rolls his eyes and applies his magic to Datalas’s dick’s base as he uses it to squeeze her balls churn in anticipation but are denied. “What what did you do?” she asks looking at Magma as her orgasm is denied. “Well until you agree to make it work you don’t get to cum.” Magma tells her flatly as he continues his light pumping clearly edging himself. A half hour passes of Datalas savagely fucking Cinnamane’s ass but is constantly denied by Magma’s magic. Cinnamane however is a wreck by Magma’s count she has came about 12 times. “I wanna cum! Magma let me cum.” Datalas pleads as her balls have swollen with the excess cum. “Well you know what you have to say and I’ll remove the block and let you cum.” Magma says as he continues his edging with the onahole. “Grrr fine I promise I will try and get along with her please let me cum my balls hurt.” Datalas whines as she continues slamming in and out of the plump rump. “That’s what I wanted to hear.” As he turns his magic off and removes the onahole from his cock and starts pumping it with his hands. Datalas slams into Cinnamane for the last time as she fills Cinnamane’s ass full of her thick cream. As Datalas’s orgasm subsides her flare finally shrinks allowing her to remove her cock from Cinnamane’s ass causing a stream of cum to slides down into her wet hole. “Ahhh finally eeep.” Datalas says as she feels something being shoved up her butt causing her dick to jump flinging some left over cum onto Cinnamane. “Now it’s my turn.” Magma says as he slams in and out of her butt. It doesn’t take long for Magma to cum due to his edging his orgasm triggers Datalas’s second orgasm as the thick load is fired right into her prostate causing her to shoot her load all over Cinnamane’s ass and back and hair. “Ahh much better” Magma says as he softens inside Datalas. The two fall over into a gentle slumber Magma happy that he no longer has to deal with them arguing as much and Datalas happy that Magma finished inside of her today. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ah nice to have the day off for once too bad Magma is busy today we could have went on a nice date since Datalas is working late at the library.” Cinnamane thinks out loud as she walks down the street. “Well I hope Magma enjoys those cookies especially since I added that secret ingredient to it.” She chuckles to herself. “Hmm what is that pony laughing about?” a girl in a tree ponders to herself sitting on a branch while she pushes her glasses further up her nose. “Better follow her a bit more find out what she knows. After all she is friends with that stallion and i am very curious about him” The female says just as a slight creaking sound is heard coming from the branch she is sitting on. “Oh nooooo.” She says as the branch snaps sending her crashing into the ground near Cinnamane. \“Oh Celestia are you okay?” Cinnamane says rushing over to help the pony who fell out of the tree. “Ugh I’m okay thanks.” She says back shaking her head. “Fuck I broke my glasses during the fall.” She says looking at her broken spectacles and pockets them her horn lights up as she casts a spell on herself. “Whew better now I can see properly good thing I got this sight spell.” The mare says. “Oh okay um what were you doing in that tree?” Cinnamane asks the pony. As Cinnamane looks over the pony she takes note of the giant chest she had on her they were bigger than her own big tits but by a long shot they were pressed up in a nice black hoodie with a blue checker pattern on one side and she is wearing some light blue spats. She also notices her beautiful brown mane and tail and her blue complexation. “So what were you doing in that tree?” Cinnamane asks the blue mare. “Err well I was kinda spying on you.” She admits to her chuckling softly. “Why in Equestria would you be spying on me?” Cinnamane asks the blue mare. “It’s a long story how about we discuss it over a drink?” The blue pony asks her. “Fine what’s your name I’m Judy Cinnamane but just call me Cinnamane.” Cinnamane tells her. “Rift Gate nice to meet you.” Rift says as they head for a nearby coffee shop. “So you are in security and surveillance? And were just practicing your surveillance skills by stalking me?” Cinnamane asks her interested in why she was in a tree spying on her as she sips on her latte. “Well to be honest there was a good reason.” Rift explains blowing on her cappuccino. “And that reason is?” Cinnamane asks her with an eyebrow raised. “Well I like your boobs.” Rift says flatly. “You like my..boobs?” Cinnamane says trying to process what was said. “I said I like your boobs they’re so big and round and soft I LOVE big boobs they’re the best mine yours anyone’s I just feel like reaching out and squeezing them and sticking my head in between motorboating them or sucking on them especially if they have milk in them mmm it tastes so fucking good and I love using them with other guys and girls it feels so good titfucking their cocks and watching them cum all over my tits. Its why I LOVE BIG BOOBS.” She says as she reaches under her hoodie to fondle her own pair of boobs as her yellow eyes turn into a look of demented mad lust. “I have tons of names for them like boobs, tits, melons, cans, racks, funbags, chest pillows, knockers, sweater stretchers, golden globes, Milk Duds, Twin Peaks.” Rift goes on about nicknames for boobs for a good while until she finally realizes what she is doing and blushes slightly at her act. “Well that’s nice and thank you for saying you like my breasts. The only one to say I have nice tits is my Darling Magma mmmm how I love his thick cock against my breasts.” Cinnamane trails off but soon catches what she says. “Hmm well I must introduce myself to him and my big N cup girls here would love to say hello to him.” Rift says sultry moving herself up and down causing her tits to jiggle from the movement. “Ehehe I don’t think he would after all he has my girls here.” She says grabbing her E cup tits trying to make it seem like hers were just as good as Rifts own bundles of joy . “Mmmm well maybe will have to see about that won’t we?” Rift says leaning in close to Cinnamane who is blushing heavily now. “Ehahaha well now this has been fun but I must be getting home now I got a bubble bath calling my name.” Cinnamane tells her as she rises from her seat. “Wait I have a small favor I need to ask of you.” Rift says her trying to stop the gingerbread mare. “Oh what is it?” Cinnamane asks her clearly curious. “Well I have this new spell I have been wanting to practice for a while so would it be alright if I use you to test it?” Rift asks giving her a grin clearly having hidden intentions about it. “Alright let’s head back to my place then. Come on let’s go.” Cinnamane says making a gesture clearly unaware of what plans Rift has for her. “Lead the way,” Rift says gulping down her beverage before getting up to follow her. While walking down the street passing the theater Cinnamane can’t help but notice the amount of stallions staring towards her and Rift but it seems they were fixated on the busty blue mare and her giant melons. Many of them were with their wives or girlfriends who end up smacking them upside their heads and scolding them to which they then try to smooth things over which later fail and they are verbally put in the dog house. “Wow you sure are attracting a lot of stares.” Cinnamane says to her a bit jealous at the fact she isn’t causing these stallions any unwarranted erections. “Eh when you got tits like these you get use to all the stares of jealous girlfriends and stallions wanting to bury themselves into them.” Rift says to Cinnamane clearly able to tell she is a bit envious that the stares aren’t directed at her. “So tell me about this boyfriend of yours what was his name? Magma?” Rift asks her. “Yeah he is just wonderful although I wish I didn’t have to share him with that other girlfriend of his Datalas.” She says to her busty buddy. “Oh so you guys got a whole polyamorous thing going on.” Rift points out putting her hands in her hoodie’s pockets. “Yeah we do we both love Magma in our own little way but we want different things from it.”  Cinnamane says. “Well like what?” Rift asks her. “Well Datalas wants kids but I don’t think I’m ready for kids yet cause I feel like if I have some kids it would get in the way of my life you know maybe really far down the road but anytime soon no.” she says looking down. “Well that’s fine you know at least your happy with each other and that is all that matters.” Rift says wrapping an arm around her trying to comfort her. “Yeah you’re right any ways we’re here.” Cinnamane says fishing out the key and opening the door. They move inside and make their way to the bedroom since Rift claims it would be best to do it there. “Okay so what does this spell do exactly?” Cinnamane asks Rift. “You will see stand still will you.” She says grinning as her horn lights up and with a wiggle of a finger Cinnamane’s clothes disappear leaving her stark naked as she covers herself up. “AHH what the hell was that for?” She asks her clearly mad at the unexpected stripping she received. “Calm down I’m almost done just chill out.” Rift tells her as she closes her eyes and concentrates on the spell. “Fuuuck!” Cinnamane says as she looks down below and before her eyes she begins to see what Rift had in mind. As strange sensation above her vagina takes place and what looks to be a pouch forming with two round orbs in them take shape above her submissive slut of a pussy and bursting forth is a cock taking shape to match. Eventually the sensation dies down and Cinnamane looks down to see her 10 inch horse cock and balls erect and ready leaking some pre already. “Okay first off WHY DO I HAVE A COCK!” Cinnamane screams at Rift as her new appendage twitches. “Well let’s say it like this we are gonna have a bit of fun.” Rift says unzipping her hoodie and taking off her undershirt and unhooking her bra causing her bountiful tits to flop free from their prison. “So what do you think?” Rift asks striking a very sexy pose with her now exposed rack Cinnamane’s only response is her new found cock twitching eagerly. “Well seems your new friend here is in need of relief let's fix that.” Rift says sinking to her knees before wrapping her huge N cup tits around Cinnamane’s 10 inch horse cock which disappears into her valley of cleavage. Cinnamane only lets out a few moans and starts bucking her hips forward on instinct to seek out more pleasure. However all too soon Cinnamane’s cock begins to throb as her balls tighten as she cums shooting cum all over Rifts blue orbs while she fires a big load it becomes clear she is not used to having a dick. “Well that was fast.” Rift says scooping up some of the cum on her tits and sending it straight into her maw. “What did you expect I’m not use to having this thing so yeah I came quickly.” Cinnamane says panting from her first ever male orgasm. “Well I guess that’s to be expected but now time for the main event.” Rift says as her horn lights up again to have her spats disappear along with her panties revealing her glistening wet snatch to her as she lies back onto the bed she uses two fingers to spread it open a bit. “Fuck…” Cinnamane says as her cock makes a recovery from its fast relief. She gets up on the bed as Rift grabs her dick aligning it before putting her hands on Cinnamane’s bubble butt guiding her into her blue cunt. “Oh god is this what Magma feels when me and him fuck?” Cinnamane asks her first 3 inches slip past Rifts. “Mmmm that feels good but I know how to improve it.” Rift says as Cinnamane bottoms out inside her as she uses her magic again as Cinnamane’s hefty tits start rumbling when it dies down her nipples then start leaking out delicious baby milk. “Mmm much better start rocking those hips of yours while I have a little drink.” Rift says grabbing one of Cinnamane’s milky tits sucking down on the cream it produces. After a few thrusts Cinnamane cums again flooding Rifts wet cunt full of her cock cream. “Ahhh I can’t believe this feeling no wonder Magma loves fucking me so much, this type of thing is divine.” Cinnamane comments still buried to the hilt inside Rift. “Umm Rift why am I still hard?” Cinnamane asks as she feels her cock not go soft even after two quick orgasms. “Must be a part of the spell, now less talking and more fucking.” Rift tells her putting her mouth back on her nipple continuing to suckle from her like a newborn baby. Cinnamane does her best trying to mimic the motions Magma does with her as she thrusts harder and harder. Granted she isn’t as big as Magma but they always say motion of the ocean. She tries her best giving it her all to fuck Rifts sopping blue box. “Hey Cinnamane you home?” a voice shouts up it was Datalas home from work early. “Ohhh shit why is she home early?” Cinnamane asked as she is balls deep in wet mare cunt. “Mmm it’s not a problem let her see what you were up to.” Rift says working her cunt to milk Cinnamane’s little colt cock. “So what are you up…to.” Datalas says walking in on Cinnamane plowing a strange busty blue mare as she howls out releasing more cum in her already stuffed twat. “Hey there I’m Rift care to join?” Rift offered her as Cinnamane collapses on her chest announcing she is cumming yet again firing off what little she can into Rifts creampied pussy. “Well I really shouldn’t… HEY!” Datalas says as Rift uses her magic to strip Datalas down to her birthday suit. Her cock hanging below but slowly beginning to rise from the sight of the two mares in action. “What’s wrong there is an opening I’m sure you can fill.” Rift says as Cinnamane falls back her tits still drippling milk and cum leaking from her cock clearly exhausted as cum dripples onto her belly. “I don’t know OHHHHH” Datalas yells as Rift uses her magic to create a portal around Datalas’s cock as another forms in front of Rifts pussy. “So how does it feel wet enough for ya?” Rift asks as the portal transports Datalas’s cock right to Rifts pussy. “How are you doing that?” Datalas asks as she thrusts forward dipping her head into Rifts pussy a task made easy due to her wetness and Cinnamane’s cum. “Portals are kinda my thing now stick the rest in.” Rift says guiding the cock into her. “Wait I don’t want you closing the portal on my dick.” Datalas says pulling her cock out of the portal. “Alright then.” Rift says retracting her portals and beckoning her to come here and stuff her full of cum. Datalas takes long steps her hooves making a noise every time they hit the floor before she gets right up close to her cunt as she aligns her dick and pushes it in enjoying the slipperiness of it. “Oh man you’re a bit bigger than her but that’s good more length means more fun.” Rift comments as she feels Datalas push herself inside her wet blue cunt. Not wanting to leave Cinnamane out Rift creates a portal in front of her cock and another in front of her as she reached in trying to get Cinnamane hard using her hands and with success Cinnamane’s little colt cock hardens going into the portal being appearing in front of her face as she took it in her mouth causing Cinnamane to moan clearly not expecting more pleasure as Rift continues sucking on her cock. “N-no more please.” Cinnamane heaves still slightly conscious of what’s happening as Rift takes her whole dick in her mouth. Datalas continues to hump Rifts used pussy as she feels the leftover cum inside her around her dick as she enjoys her sloppy seconds. Rift then starts focusing her pussy to clamp around Datalas’s cock as she lets out a moan as her pussy suddenly got even more tighter. Cinnamane fires her remaining load onto her face as she softens her cock flopping back onto her belly button. Rift closes the portal to enjoy Datalas flooding her cunt with more warm seed. Datalas pulls out of her. “Holy shit how did you do that?” Datalas asks after feeling Rifts cunt suddenly tighten which triggered her orgasm. “Well when you’re a fun outgoing mare like me you learn a thing or two.” Rift says giggling as Datalas pulls out. “You aren’t done already are you?” Rift comments at Datalas’s pulling out of her plugged up cunt. “I’m sorry maybe in an hour or so I will be able to go again.” Datalas informs her as Rift grabbed her by her dick using her magic pulls her right between her huge blue tits. “Aw come on you still got some left for maybe one, two, maybe four rounds.” Rift comments as she squishes Datalas’s dick inbetween her tits. “Four rounds I don’t think I have enough for four rounds.” Datalas says as she lightly thrusts forward seeking out more pleasure from her blue boobs which has some leftover dried cum on them from Cinnamane’s fun with them. “Man this is nice you got a bigger cock then your friend but she isn’t supposed to have it.” Rift says as she continues to use her massive boobs to pleasure her cock. Datalas continues to moan as she pushes the blue melons even closer to her cock as she bucks forward even more. “Having fun?” Rift asks her. As she continued to allow Datalas’s to use her tits even more. “Ahhhhhhh.” Datalas cries as she fires a hot load right into Rifts face coating it in her thick cum. As Datalas’s orgasm dies her dick begins to go soft only for Rift to grab it and start lightly pumping it. “Oh come on you aren’t done yet are you?” she questions her as she quickly revives Datalas’s cock back to full mass. “Oh come on I need a break.” Datalas whines as her tender cock is ready to go again. “Let’s try it somewhere else.” She says as she rolls over onto all fours and presents her big ass to Datalas. Using her magic she guides Datalas’s dick right into her tight ass. “Oh shit…” is all Datalas can say as she starts shoving every inch of her cock into Rift’s tight hole. “Mmm that’s it get it all in there.” Rift says as Datalas bottoms out in her. Datalas then pulls her whole cock out until only her flared tip remains only to slam the whole thing back in. Datalas repeats this pace as she continues to pound Rift’s big blue butt. “That’s it keep it up!” Rift says egging Datalas on as she continues to thrust in and out of her ass. “Fuck your insatiable.” Datalas says as she speeds up her pace. Rift starts bucking back to increase both of their pleasure each time Datalas’s balls hit her dripping cunt a shock of pleasure hits her as she screams out in pleasure. “Can’t keep going gonna cum.” Datalas says as she grabs Rift’s hips and gives a few more quick thrusts before firing her load off into Rifts expansive blue ass as she slumps onto her back. She then goes soft and her cock slips out of the Milfy blue mare’s butt as she quickly rolls over to pass out on the bed. “Don’t wanna cum anymore…” she mumbles out exhausted by the busty blue mare. “Aw but I still wanna have some fun.” She says seeing that neither of the mares are getting up from their sexual ventures with her. “Well better shower and go.” Rift says as she heads into the bathroom and takes a quick shower getting rid of all the dried up cum on her body. “Hey Cinnamane!? Datalas!? I’m home!?” Magma yells up as he heads upstairs to the bedroom it was late he assumed they went to bed or something. “Well now this looks promising.” Rift says out loud hearing his voice echo up the stairs. Rift quickly moves herself into the bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed facing the door her pendulous tits hanging out for him to see when he walks in. “Hey girls you asleep sorry it took so lon-.” He says as he walks through the door to see the busty blue mare sitting on the bed fully nude. “Why hello there.” Rift says breaking the ice. “Who are you? Why are you naked? and where are Cinnamane and Datalas?” Magma questions her. “Well my name is Rift Gate second Why am I not naked and third they’re behind me.” She says pointing to the sexually exhausted mares lying there heaving in breaths of air as there cocks are either on their tummies or off to the side. “Okay so what do you want exactly?” Magma asks her as she gets up and walks over to him tail swishing side to side as she goes. “Well what I want is this.” She says pulling his shorts and underwear down releasing his cock. “Oh man you’re even bigger than Datalas.” Rift says as she lowers herself to grab his cock and start pumping it marvelling at his size. Rift then opens her mouth to take his flared head in as she begins to lightly suck it. “Ah what are you doing that for?” he asks her as he stifles several moans. She answers by taking more of his dick into her mouth eventually taking it in her throat as she moves one hand to cradle his balls. Eventually she pulls off his cock which has started twitching in anticipation of release. She then grabs her huge melons and wraps them around his dick and starts moving them up and down getting slick with spit. Magma lets out a grunt as he thrusts into her tits and unloads all over her bountiful breasts drenching them in his cum marking them as his. “Man you cum more than both of them and your still hard oh man this is gonna be fun.” Rift says with glee as she rises up to her hooves and bends over the bed showing off her bubble butt to him. Magma decides might as well but to teach her a lesson he sticks his dick in her ass as he grabs her hips and begins thrusting in and out of her tight hole. “Ohhh starting uh in there huh what a naughty boy you are.” She teases enjoying his treatment of her. “I still got a few good loads to drop so if you want them fine but you will have to earn them though.” He says as he continues to grunt as he goes in and out of her giving her butt a good stretching. “Challenge accepted.” She says as she starts flexing her anal muscles tightening it even more stimulating him. “What the fuuuuuck.” He cries as he unloads his balls’ contents into her not expecting her to do that as he cums in her big booty as his orgasm dies down he pulls out of her ass as his cum starts escaping her ass. “Ha ah how did you do that?” he questions as he lies down on the bed his cock still in the air. “A lot of practice with cute girls with big dicks and strong stallions like you I love seeing their faces when they dump their cum in me. I wonder if you will last longer than your girlfriends?” Rift says as she mounts his cock slowly sliding down it taking inch by inch inside her until his sheath scrapes along her entrance and his flared head hits her womb. She then begins rising and falling on his cock each time slamming into his hefty sack each time she drops onto him. “Wheee giddy up horsey.” Rift jokes as she continues to ride him bouncing up and down on him her huge blue tits bouncing up and down eventually smacking her in the face with her tits. Magma grabs onto her huge ass feeling her butt cheeks as he begins thrusting back shoving more of his cock inside her wet sopping cunt. “Oooo horsey is bucking back now eh?” Rift says remarking at Magma taking charge as he forces her down on his horse cock. “I am not a toy.” Magma grumbles not enjoying this so called cowgirl trying to break him in as they say as she rode his little pony. “Whoa there stallion.” Rift continues to joke as she feels him thrust up in her meeting her halfway as her voluptuous boobs start bouncing even more and her big butt ripples from the impact of his balls smacking into them. Magma continues to pound his cock into her wet pussy his flare growing wide scraping along her inner walls as his head hits her the entrance to her womb over and over again. “Such a tough horsey to break in guess I will have to try even harder then.” She says flexing her vaginal muscles to stroke his dick inside her. Magma continues to pound her but hits his limit as he fires a huge load in her and shoots thick white lances of cum deep into her womb. Rifts eyes cross in ecstasy as her cunt clamps down on his dick milking it of its contents as he paints her walls white with his cum. “Mmm that was a good load and cum but I think we can do a few more don’t you think?” she asks him as she works her vaginal muscles to coax another erection out of him. “What do you mean a few?” Magma asks groaning as his dick is massaged back to hardness inside her. “I dunno maybe till I get bored?” Rift responds she then begins to roll her hips around with gentle movements. Magma groaned knowing another round was in store for him as he grabs her expansive blue butts and holds on for his life as she starts raising and falling on him once again. “Uh uh wish I had a Stetson for this then I can be a true cowgirl.” Rift jokes as she continues riding him. “That’s it!” Magma yells as he throws Rift onto the bed his dick still buried deep as he begins to slam in and out of her clearly annoyed with her treating him like some toy for her amusement. His flare widens as it brushes across her folds causing her to moan out loud as she throws her head back clearly enjoying the treatment. Magma looks down at her enjoying every second of this realizing this may have been her intentions he rolls his eyes and continues to pound her hard determined to empty his load inside of her. Magma continues to grunt as her cunt clamps down on his cock he gives one final thrust into her womb his flare widens as his urethra bulges as the first rope of sticky jizz blasts into her womb quickly filling it as some of his cum bloats her tummy slightly. As his orgasm subsides he goes to pull out only to have Rift’s tight hole clamp down trapping him inside her. “I ain’t done with you yet stud.” Rift chimes as she places her leg over his shoulder inviting him in he groans as he resumes thrusting in her reluctantly. “Yeah…. Fill me up to the brim.” Rift says trying to encourage him on as he weakly thrusts into her he clearly couldn’t keep this up forever as he thrusts in and out he lies on his side and grabs her tit trying to coax himself to keep going his dick has started losing feeling as he continues to plow her creamed up twat. Magma thrusts in again and cums once more much faster than usual but due to his cocks tenderness he achieves it quite quickly as he fills her even more. “There are we done now.” Magma whines feeling his dick slacken inside her warm creamy tunnel. Feeling his cock slacken she starts working her vaginal muscles once more reviving his cock to hardness. “Were not done come on squeeze my boobs or slap my ass and let’s keep going.” She tells him reconfiguring their position once more. Hours pass, Magma could barely keep up with being put in position after position after position he lost count of how many times he cummed Rift has been all over him and for a brief confusing second inside him. He grunts once more adding more baby batter to Rift’s cream-pied pussy. He then pulls out and sticks his dick in her mouth and gives a few weak thrusts into her mouth and shoots another load forcing her to swallow it as he pulls out he fires a few extra strands of sticky seed on her face and tits as he falls back with his dick sore quietly whining. Rift looks around at the trio of collapsed on the bed from sexual exhaustion. Closing her eyes and focusing her magic she opens six portals one leading to each of their cocks and the rest leading to each of her holes. The trio feel something grabbing their cocks “No please I can’t.” Datalas whines as Rift uses her magic to guide her cock through the portal to her pucker. “No Darling I beg of you please don’t I am spent.” Cinnamane begs as her cock is lead to the portal going straight to her mouth. “I just came…” Magma mumbles as his cock is lead to her thoroughly packed cunt. “Alright on three…two…one...” Rift counts down using her magic to have Magma and Datalas’s hips to thrust forward into her as she takes Cinnamane’s dainty prick in her mouth as she starts sucking it like a lollipop. The three of them whine from soreness as not wanting to be a part of this gangbang but are forced by the buxom blue mare eagerly takes them inside her. Rift moans into Cinnamane’s cock as her tongue lashes along the underside of it and plays with her urethral opening slurping globs of pre into her hungry maw. Magma deals with his horse dick sliding along her still creamed fuck hole the act made easy due to the copious fluids that have been dumped into her. Datalas deals with her tight rump still dry and with little lube other than the pre and leftover cum on her dick. Eventually Rifts wet pussy clamps down on Magma’s cock as she cums which triggers Magma’s orgasm as he shoots more baby batter into her packed womb. Cinnamane reaches her peak as she fires wad after wad of seed into Rift’s mouth giving her a mouth full as her dick is released from her oral embrace with a wet pop as her dick falls back into the portal. Datalas was the last one to cum as her flare widens and she blows her thick creamy load deep into Rift’s ass. Each load bloats out Rifts belly even more as she places a hand on her tummy and swallows Cinnamane’s load down. Magma and Datalas’s horse cocks slip out after going soft as they fall back whining. “I can’t feel my dick.” Magma whines stroking his sore dick. “My balls feel like raisins.” Datalas complains patting them gingerly. “I wish I never had a cock.” Cinnamane cries out. “Wow you guys were good you don’t mind if I stay here for a bit and maybe later we can go again huh?” she asks them but is answered with a bunch of whines and complaints about their dick hurting or there balls being empty she throws her hands behind her head and relaxes as she falls asleep with a full belly of semen and a group of ponies with sore dicks surrounding her. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Aw come on you sure you two don’t wanna go?” Magma asks while chewing on a muffin. “Yes Darling I am sure and please chew with your mouth closed.” Cinnamane says to him reading the promotion he seems so fixated on. It was a promotion for a fighting event he planned on getting tickets for them but Datalas is busy so he had decided to ask Cinnamane to go however Datalas wanted her to have some girl time together. Magma devoured some of Cinnamane’s special muffins and felt a strange rumble in his balls he noticed that has been happening a lot and slipped a hand down to cradle them gingerly. “Darling why do you have your hand down your pants?” Cinnamane asks him noticing him fondling his hefty sack she knew the cause of it and felt like she could prompt a quckie from this. “I dunno my balls feel weird they started rumbling.” He tells her cradling his sack looking at her big heaving boobs. “Darling my eyes are up here~” she teases him before reaching into his shorts and fondling his sack causing him to moan as she pulls them down to reveal his hard veiny member. “Oh he looks happy to see me.” She says gripping his member in her hand gentle pumping it. “Uhm Cinnamane mind if we skip the foreplay since I need to get the tickets soon.” Magma says to her suppressing his moans. Cinnamane responds by rolling her eyes standing up and removing her panties and moving her short skirt up to reveal her booty and tight snatch as she leans forward using the table to support herself as she wiggles her butt towards him enticing him to go ahead and plow her. Magma closes the gap draping his cock in between her lower cheeks enjoying the softness as it encloses around his throbbing member. As he beings to lightly hump her soft but spreading some pre cum along her crack causing Cinnamane to moan slightly enjoying the feeling of his horsemeat between her butt. “Go on Darling it’s rude to keep a lady waiting.” Cinnamane teases signaling for him to go ahead and plunge himself in her depths. He then lines himself before slowly sinking inside her as her wet waiting hole encloses around him squeezing him as he continues to explore her wet depths. “Mmmm that’s it Darling so good to be full of you~” Cinnamane says as she begins letting out moans of pleasure as Magma slowly bottoms out inside her sopping wet hole. Magma slowly pauses and begins pulling out of her warm love canal traces of her feminine juices slathered along his cocks entire length before he rams back in causing a slight bulge in her tummy from the force. “Ahhh~” Cinnamane lets out as Magma starts setting into a comfortable rhythm as he plows her proper. Elsewhere at the local gym in Manesville. “Haaaaaaa!” a mare lets out kicking the punching bag clean off the hook causing it to tumble to the floor as she pants heavily as most of the stallions watch her stand there panting wiping a bead of sweat off her brow. “Nice job KO you seem like you’re ready for the fight a smaller stallion in a suit says walking up to her removing his shades and putting them in his pocket. “You are training quite hard gonna be a great fight tonight tickets are selling like hot cakes.” He tells her grinning like an idiot. “Hmphf whatever I’m gonna go shower and go for a quick run.” She says turning to the locker room some of the males run out of the way afraid of her as she heads to the locker room. As she enters she quickly strips out of her gym gear and entering the shower no one else is around. She quickly turns the knobs and the nozzle begins shooting out water right on her as she stands there before slumping back against the wall sticking her fingers into her vagina knuckle deep. “Ahhh~ fuck I’m stuck in heat at the worst possible time.” She whines using her other hand to grope her boob and cradle it in her hand as she falls down to sit as the shower goes and continues to piston her fingers in and out of her wet pussy. “Why those stallions all of them smelled so good but they all were terrified of me. Ooooh~ dammit I need to fuck a stallion or something , What am I saying I can’t fucking do this, Am I really considering giving up my virginity just to get rid of this?” She feels her pussy gush her juices out of her. “Fuck I need to go do this run.” She tells herself getting up and turning the knobs off. She quickly rushes to get back dressed heading out a backdoor to start her run in town trying to contain the heat between her legs. “Ahh ahh Cinnamane I…I am about to cum!” Magma announces as his cocks sprays its thick seed deep inside Cinnamane’s womb flooding her warm love canal. He eventually pulls out his cream begins escaping her cunt as he strokes himself shooting a few more strands of thick cum onto her ass. “Thanks for that Cinnamane I gotta go get tickets before they sell out have fun with Datalas Cinnamane.” Magma tells here leaning forward and leaving a small peck on her cheek before putting away his thick horse member away and giving Cinnamane a quick swat on her ass causing more cum to escape her pussy and pool on the floor. As she lets out a sigh before putting her skirt back properly and pulling her panties back in place causing the cum to soak into them as she tries to stand up her legs feeling wobbly as she goes to meet up with Datalas for their girls night out. Magma quickly races down the street running past the Theatre and Cinnamane’s bakery trying to make good timing he takes a quick short cut through some alleys as he makes a turn he slams into someone hard causing them both to fall forward and him to cop a feel of whoever he crashed intos breast. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?” the female voice barks at him as he looks up to see one of his hands is still on her melon. He eventually gets a look at her face and see it’s Knock Out one of the fighter’s competing in the show tonight at first he was excited but then realizes what he has done his expression turns to one of despair as he quickly removed his hand from her tit. “Sorry about that I was in a rush and I didn’t mean to slam into you.” Magma begins to apologize continuing to spout off what happens Knock Out simply rolled her eyes before getting a whiff of him. She couldn’t help but smell him he smelled of sex. She tried to cross her legs to contain the heat she was feeling but it was no use she needed to fuck this stallion NOW. “And I didn’t see you so I’m super sorry about this I just wanted to get a ticket.” Magma said finishing his apology to her before he helps her back up and is pushed into the by her as she puffs up her chest giving her cleavage is more on display through her tank top. “Look I’m not in the mood for excuses you slammed into me and had the NERVE to cop a feel of my breast to top it off!” She says as she places her hand on her hips. “I know I’m soooo sorry I’ll do anything I am a huge fan of yours.” He says bowing his head to her, he knew she could kick the shit out of him if she wanted. “Well good I have a good idea of what you can help me with.” She huffs as she pulled down her track pants and panties revealing her slick cooter to him as she grabbed his horn and pushed him down to his knees. “Now lick meat” She commands him. He looks up very nervous at her fierce grip on his horn he sticks out his tongue and begins licking her damp pussy flicking his tongue across her clit. And starts flicking his tongue across her lips getting a good taste of her before she grabs the back of his head and forces his face into her snatch. “That’s it meat lube me up proper for whats coming next.” She tells him as she lets out a moan and with her free hand gropes her boob as she pulls her shirt up and lets her tits flop free from their prison as she cups her heaving boob. She ten pulls him off and pushes him back against the wall. “Pants off. Now.” She says flatly to him. He quickly removes his shorts and lets his 20 inch mini monster free as it springs up into the air eager for what is to come next. There are still some of Cinnamane’s juices on it. Knock Out could smell it too it smelled delicious her heart pounded hard in her chest. This was gonna be her first time, in an alley with a stallion she never met before. worst part is she didn’t have any form of protection to protect her from him accidentally knocking her up she did know of a shop that sold potions maybe she could rush over there to fix be safe. She looked over his cock it was… bigger than what she expected maybe she just happened upon one of those well-endowed stallions she read about in those PlayMare’s she bought whenever she was about to leave towns she did it at night and tried to make sure no one recognize her since it would hurt her image and she cannot risk that. She tried to figure out why this stallion despite his feminine look was packing such a bitch tamer and clearly was getting some from the caked on juices. She shook aside such idle thoughts and lined herself up to mount and ride him till her heat calmed down. “Consider yourself lucky you get to fuck me instead of getting your ass kicked in.” she informs him as she begins descending onto his cock, struggling to get it in due to his flare as she bites her lower lip trying to not let the pain bother her as the flare eventually slips past her pussy lips penetrating her and taking her maidenhood along with it. Her eyes water she is half in pain and half in bliss. There was a little blood but she didn’t mind after all this was her first time with some stallion who bumped into her and copped a feel. “Ahhh you’re so tight.” Magma blurted out as her virgin tight pussy slips his ring inside her velvet curtain marking the halfway point of his cock. Knock Out felt a bit of pride most stallions do like there mates pussies to be virgin tight but didn’t want to tell him she was an actual virgin. “Hehe tight enough for ya? maybe I could start wrestling males making them tap out using nothing but my tight cunt although I will say so far you’re the biggest meat.” she tells him granted he was the only one but he definitely is setting the bar pretty high for her future partners. Magma could barely hang on after what he did with Cinnamane plus her tightness he couldn’t hold back letting out a moan while she bottomed out he busts his load into her painting her walls white with cum. “What the? Did you just fucking cum?” KO asks as she felt more warmth enter her pussy as it began leaking out and pooling in his sheath some even trickling down his balls as he slumps back with a big goofy grin on his face. “Hey Meat you didn’t get my permission to blow your load. Especially inside me.” She complains to him but he doesn’t hear it stuck in his post orgasm stupor. A bit angry and deep down wanting them both to cum together she then begins to gyrate her hips and begins rising and falling on his shaft trying. “Ahhhh~ no too sensitive.” He whines out to her feeling his dick not soften but maintain its erect state as she bounces up and down slamming hard causing her firm plush ass to jiggle slightly as it slams into Magma’s balls. She keeps up this pace and is smiling like a fool. This is her first time granted not how she pictured it but it was still amazing she could see stars. “Alright meat I’m about to cum make sure you cum with me or else.” She informs him before slamming down one last time and letting out a scream of pleasure as her pussy tightens around his cock trying to milk him. His balls tighten and his cock cream surges out of his tip bloating her slightly causing her muscular figure to be replaced by a slightly pudgy belly. “Ahhh~ not bad meat.” She says waiting a few moments to feel her legs again before trying to stand releasing his cock with a wet pop and redress as his thick seed escapes her snatch. “Shit I gotta get to the Fungeon before it closes” she mutters to herself before giving a peck on the cheek. “Thanks for the fuck meat see ya around” she says before heading off to the Fungeon before closing. A little while later Knock Out is able to get to the Fungeon before it closes and rushes to the counter. “I need an anti-pregnancy potion if you have any.” She exclaims clearly in a hurry Charlotte looks down seeing her pudgy tummy and grins to her before slipping into the back. She returns shortly barring a purple potion in her hand “Here you are one Anti-“ she is cut off by KO snatching it and downing it in the contents clearly worried and in a rush before letting out a sigh of relief. “Thanks is it okay if I bill you I don’t have my money on me.” Knock Out informs her placing the empty bottle on the counter glad she got here in time. “I’m sorry cutie but I don’t take credit. Here at the Fungeon it’s cash….or your ass~” She says hopping on top of the counter sitting on it letting her huge third leg free implying she will need to pay off her debt another way. Knock Out gulped hard sure that stallions cock was big but this it’s HUGE it’s far too big for her to handle. “Let us go to the back room~” Charlotte says before setting her hooves to the ground and grabbing KO’s hand leading to the backroom. Elsewhere Magma finally stumbled back home his dick feeling really sore as he came in through the front door. “Datalas? Cinnamane? I’m back!” he calls as he heads up to the room he finds a note sitting on the bed as he picked it up it read “Dear Magma Datalas and I had a lot of fun at the spa that we decided to spend the weekend in Las Pegasus as a get together trip will be home by Monday Love Cinnamane and Datalas P.S we promise will help you with your needs when we get back.”  Magma quickly puts the note aside and falls back on the bed before passing out exhausted from the day. Meanwhile back at the Fungeon… “Ah please no more cum I can’t take anymore!” KO cries as Charlotte’s balls slam into her as her dick explodes another jizz bomb inside her pussy bloating her even more she is practically held up by her swollen tummy now. “Ah this is good just a few more and will consider your debt fulfilled~” Charlotte informs her before pulling out only to slam back inside her. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As some of the sun’s rays filled the room irritating Magma slowly opened his eyes letting out a big yawn seeking out the warm bodies of Datalas and Cinnamane to cuddle only finding an empty space. Looking around the room he realizes that both Datalas and Cinnamane aren’t in bed. Getting up with a sigh feeling lonely for the first time in awhile he was well alone. He quickly get up to stretch and quickly get dress seeing as he has time to kill he heads out quickly locking the door of the house closed as he makes his way out to enjoy the morning. “Man what am I gonna do? Cinnamane and Datalas always had an idea of something to do but now I gotta kill the whole Weekend?” he contemplates as he walks down the road past The Hot CinnaBuns Bakery seeing a black and white figure standing at the front door looking in through the glass of the Bakery’s windows . “What the hell is that pony doing?” Magma asked himself as he quickly made his way to the figure who kept trying to see if anyone was still in the place. “Uh hey you do know the store is closed right?” Magma informed the pony knocking on the glass which must have took him by surprise as he jolts upright and let’s out a surprised yelp not realizing someone was behind him. taking the opportunity Magma noticed this wasn’t a pony more so a dragon he had a dragon tail and wings his color pattern consisted of white with his under belly having a black streak and a few black splotches here and there scattered across his scaly form from the looks of it his hair was black with a little hat on top of it. His body was curvy and feminine much like Magma’s with his butt sticking out quite a bit. “Who….What are you?” Magma asks raising an eyebrow towards him. “Oh um I’m sorry I am looking to deliver one of these packages to a Miss Cinnamane but when I got here the place was dark so I kinda been standing around waiting for someone to come in but no one showed up.” The black dragon explained. “As for what I am I’m a dragon my name is Kurosuji.” He states offering his hand out for a handshake. “I am Magma.” He responded shaking the dragons scaly hand. “So do you know where miss Judy Cinnamane is so I can drop off this package for her?” Kuro asks picking up the small box package and holding it under his arm. “Well I know where she is staying but she recently went on vacation she won’t be back till late Sunday at the earliest.” Magma informs him. “Oh well err then I guess I will have to hold onto this then and get a room at the local inn since I need her signature in order to deliver this package.” He lets out a heavy sigh before spreading his wings preparing to take off “Thanks for the info though.” He turns back to Magma to tell him. “Hey wait how about I sign for it since Cinnamane lives with me.” Magma asks him before he flies off. “Wait you live with her?” Kuro looks at him grabbing his little clipboard. “Well sure it would save me a lot of time and I can then get to take another one of my jobs.” Kuro hands Magma the clipboard pointing at various spots. “Just sign here and here and date and initial here.” Magma quickly signs the last part and hands the clipboard back to Kuro as Kuro tucks it into a bag slung across his shoulder and hands the package over to Magma. Looking over the package Magma notices a small logo reading Naughty Wyvern and easily deduces what the packages contents are. “So what now gonna head off to your next delivery?” Magma asks him taking the package from him. “Nope this is my last one after it I was thinking about hitting this new milk bar that opened up in town supposed to be really popular wanna tag along?” Kuro asks Magma. “Hmm  well I got nothing better to do so sure it’s on the way home so I can drop off the package at the same time” Magma says as he turns and begins walking back to the house to drop off the package. “Woah you live here!?” Kuro exclaims shocked at the size of the place from the outside of it. “Yeah i live here with my girlfriends their out of town.” Magma explains unlocking the door and walking in with Kuro following baffled at the size of the place. “Hellllooooooooo!” Kuro yells out testing his echo in the large entranceway as his voice bounces off the walls and becomes more louder and repeated. As Magma rolls his eyes heading upstairs leaving the dragonboy to have his fun as he makes his way to the bedroom to set the package on the nightstand deciding to leave it for later. As he makes his way back downstairs. “Peeeeeniiiiiiiiiis!” Kuro yells aloud hearing the echo of his voice chuckling at his echo. “Had your fun cause i am ready to go when you are.” Magma states to him “Oh yeah sure just one more, Boobies!” Kuro yells having it echo before walking out the door with Magma following as he uses his magic to close and lock the door before making their way to the Cowpoke. “So you know this place serves fresh milk drinks straight from the tap too!” Kuro points out about the place excitedly. “Yeah I heard they have some cow ponies running the place they supposedly can make different varieties of milk.” Magma remarks throwing his hands behind his head grinning thinking about the different flavors they could have. “I also heard they have Karaoke there too.” Feminine voice says right next to Magma as a certain blue Unicorn in a hoodie walked alongside him adjusting her glasses. “Yeah that sounds like fu-“ Magma cuts himself off to look over to see Rift as she gives a cute little wave as Magma’s face turns to a mix of terror and arousal. “Miss me Magma?” Rift asks “cause last time you were pretty…..drained.” she jokes at his expense his body turning more crimson worried if she came back for seconds with him. “Who is she?” Kuro asks Magma looking over his shoulder seeing Rift’s tremendous tits as his gaze is fixated on them. “Well I am Rift Gate and I am a close friend of Magma’s we have done a few things if you catch my drift.” She teases throwing an arm around Magma bringing him closer to her boobs as Magma instantly feels her soft boobflesh against his cheek. “Why are you here Rift thought you went back home?” Magma asks her trying pry himself out of her grip. “Well I did but something that Cinnamane told me about you peaked my curiosity.” She says as she opens a small portal reaching into it pulling out a book from it and handing it to Magma. The title read Daring Doo And the lost Amazonian tribe Magma quickly looked at it immediately realizing what this is about. “So it’s a children’s story trilogy what does that have to do with anything?” Magma asked looking through the book noting that it contains the location to the village and some mentions of a prince too. “Well not much is known about them no books about them except this one book many think it’s a childish legend and so did I until Cinnamane told me all about you.” She says pulling in close to his ear “Your Highness.” She whispers causing him to jump regretting telling Cinnamane in the first place about his royal heritage. “But there will be plenty of time to talk about that later we are here.” Rift says pointing towards the bar with the big sign reading Cowpoke as she opens the door gesturing for them to enter. As they enter they look around seeing a bunch of patrons happily drinking milk in beer mugs and a few cow ponies working the bar giving the waitresses who were also cow girl’s the drinks to dispense to the thirsty customers as a cute shy pony sings her song nervously on the stage following along with the beat occasionally messing up a lyric or two but the listeners didn’t mind one bit. Maneuvering to an empty table was a bit of a challenge with all the loud and happy customers but are able to grab a table. “I will go grab some drinks from the bar!” Magma tells them hoping they hear him over the noise both Kuro and Rift nod as he makes a beeline for the bar meeting one of the cow ponies. “Hi three please and make them fresh” Magma says placing down the bits on the counter as the cow pony nodded she was wearing a cow print apron colored differently from her own colors and had two lactation marks on her chest clearly symbolic to where their milk they supply comes from as the waitresses move around in cow print bikini’s but rather then pull the apron to free her large tits she brings the hand holding the mugs under her crotch as her other hand does a quick jerking motion and she lets out quiet moans. Magma leans over to see her cock quickly shoot what looks to be either cum or milk into the mugs filling them up fast and spilling only a little bit before letting out a soft moo and handing him the mugs as he looks at them not sure what to think about it. He notices a sign saying “Do not entice the bartender” as well as another stating to please engage in sexual activities clearly a problem that seems to be common as he grabs the drinks and slowly walks back to the table. “So Kuro where are you from?” Rift asks him as Magma puts the drinks down clearly eyeing his not sure whether or not to drink it. “I am from Haven it’s a city pretty far from here I’m mostly travelling around taking odd jobs seeing what Equestria has to offer.” Kuro answers taking a huge swig of his drink before asking. “What about you Rift?” “I am from Hollow Shades.” She says before gulping down her entire drink in one go letting out a cute burp. “Waitress I need a refill!” she calls out as one of them makes a quick dash towards her and grabbing her mug before going to the bar and returning with a full glass of milk and setting it on the table in front of Rift. The three laugh and have a good time in the bar Kuro tells them tales of the lust ponies that inhabit Haven as well as the Void ponies. Rift however was on her 7th mug of milk happily gulping it down, the barmaid eventually looking visibly spent from Rift’s excessive demands for milk that a few of the Waitresses had to help “extract” the milk from her dried up balls eagerly hopping over to jerk her off or to suck the milk right out of them. Eventually the mic  opens up for someone to sing and Rift makes her way to the stage grabbing the mic eager to sing a song. “This song goes out to something I love very dearly.” She says in a soft calming voice. “I wonder what she is going to sing.” Kuro wonders outloud causing Magma to shrug not knowing what she is gonna sing at all as she takes a deep breath. “BOOBS! YEAH I LOVE BOOBS!” She belts out at the top of her lungs catching everybody’s attention. “Oh I just want to squeeze them, nuzzle them and juggle them. I could live off of those two super big gulps! Every time I see them I never wanna sulk! I can play with them like a toy! Every time I am near them they are my Ode to Joy! They are two Soft serve cones I always wanna bone! They are always my number one for lovin, my favorite are W.B.D’s weapons of bra destruction!” Rift sang going on about her love of tits as she moved around the stage finding one of the waitresses still singing but grabbing and shaking the waitress’s tits up and down causing her to moo loudly before seeming letting out a sultry moo before the stains on her bikini top and bottom darken. “Thank you Manesville you all have been great!” Rift calls out to a thunderous reaction by the crowd a few of which with their girlfriends one bravely asking for Rift to take her top off only to be silence by a grunt of pain. “You two wanna get out of here?” Rift asks walking up to Kuro and Magma as both of them nod as Rift leaves with a huge applause following her to the exit. With her making a small little bow as she leaves. “Wooo that was fun what do you guys wanna do now?” She asks throwing her hands up in the air stretching. “How about we go back to Magma’s house?” Kuro suggests looking back at Magma clearly trying to hint at a possible “fun time” with Rift. “Well I guess since Cinnamane and Datalas aren’t home we can hang out there” Magma says trying to be a great wing pony for Kuro but reluctant at the prospect of the place being turned into a bang pad. “Alright let’s go!” Rift exclaims before having her horn light up and a portal open behind the two males before pushing them through before jumping in herself ending up right in front of the house “Oh thank you Portal Magic.” Rift says not feeling like walking all the way back. “Could have told us you were gonna do that.” Magma says getting up to dust himself off before fishing into his pocket for the keys before pulling it out and opening the door letting the dragon and the portal pony in. “So where is the kitchen? I think we can use some….tea” Rift says staring at Magma. “Down the hall will be in the living room come on Kuro” Magma quickly disappears into the living room with Kuro following his tail as Kuro yells another obscene thing to test the echo as he makes way. “Soooo do you think we have a chance?” Kuro asks Magma happily taking a seat on the couch grinning like an idiot. “A chance at what?” Magma asks him back unsure of Kuro’s meaning. “A chance to get it on with Rift duh.” Kuro says rolling his eyes making a smug face at him. “Well considering I already have done that it is a possibility but eh I don’t know for sure.” Magma responds back to him sitting next to him curious to what Rift has cooking up. Meanwhile in the kitchen Rift prepares the tea as well as adding in a little extra ingredient to it. “Well I was hoping not to use this on Magma especially on his new buddy but I am really curious about the Amazonians so this little truth potion will help butter them up and make them nice and dumb and complaint and get a little fun out of the evening.” She wonders aloud before planting a single drop into the two cups of tea before grabbing the tray and heading to the living room getting slightly lost before finding the right room. “Here you are some fresh tea.” She sets the tray on the coffee table quickly snatching the cup without the potion added in it sipping it deciding to watch the magic happen. Both Kuro and Magma take their cups sipping it lightly, Magma telling something off about it as he looked back his eyes slowly lightens his thoughts feeling more slow and confusing. “Ungh is something like wrong with the tea it tastes funny like not haha just regular funny” Magma points out sounding more….dumber with each word he says. “So miss Rift thanks for the tea you know you look really pretty and super-hot I was wondering if we could like fuck sometime.” Kuro pipes up happily grinning like an idiot. “Why thank you and I see that it’s taken effect so no need to be vague yes I slipped you both a strong potion that makes you airheaded and makes you only tell the truth as well and makes you both a tad bit horny but will cross that bridge when we come to it.” She says opening up a portal and reaching in to retrieve a pencil and paper pad. “Like what bridges there are no bridges in here.” Magma points out his head feeling clouded. “Hehe you have nice tits I wanna squeeze them.” Kuro responds back. “In due time you two now to make sure I’m gonna as you both a simple question, Who has the bigger dick between you two?” Rift says trying to ensure the potion is working at full capacity. “I do!” the two say in unison before looking back at each other and scowling clearly feeling challenged. Before looking back at each other and giggling like idiots before rubbing their hands on each other’s respective crotches outlining their bulges. “Okay bad choice in question but moving on Magma earlier I asked you about the Amazonian race why is that when I brought it up you avoided the question.” Rift asks readying her pencil eager to do her unique research method. “Hehe well like I am the prince there but I left cause my mom wanted me to do stuff I didn’t wanna and I like don’t think I should tell too many ponies I only told Cinnamane then like we had totally hot sex in her kitchen I came a lot.” Magma says slowly trailing off the topic as Kuro kept staring at Rift’s tits occasionally glancing at her eyes to make it seem like he wasn’t eying her boobs. “Alright then tell me all about them then me you and that cute dragon boy will go have some fun upstairs” Rift says giving them both a vixen like stare both immediately perk up as Rift asks Magma more and more about his knowledge of the Amazonian culture and lifestyle as well as the location to the village and more details he struggles to focus half the time with the heat building up in his loins but gets through it. “Okay think I got all the info on that now you two still wanna let out some pent up steam?” she asks opening her portal to shove her notes in as both Kuro and Magma nod a little too enthusiastically as Rift take both by the hand leading them up into the bedroom. As they all enter the bedroom Rift takes them to the bed pushing both lightly on it. “Alright big boys whip them out so we can get to it~” she informs them still clothed as the two eagerly strip off their pants. “Well now these seem to be just right~” Rift teases grabbing and examining both dicks. Magma’s she was already familiar with as she did end up draining his balls of all its contents despite his complaining he loved it. As she looks over to the dragon companions cock she noticed how different it was. Though it was equine in appearance it was ridged to the touch, making it feel dragonic, colored black much like his underbelly as well as having a frenum ladder piercings adorn his penis, Kuro was slightly bigger than Magma in length but Magma was defiantly thicker and his balls were a bit larger than his. “Hmmm how to handle you two should I let you both at the same time or take turns while one faps and waits?” Rift playfully teases the two as they look back at each other. “Dibs on her pussy!” they both cry in unison before arguing with themselves as to who fucks what hole on her they continue to argue about it evolving into a slight wrestling before Rift stops them. “Woah look how about you two take turns I do have another hole that’s just as enticing as my pussy why don’t you tend to it Kuro and Magma can get my snatch and when you both finish will switch things up sound fair?” she proposes to the two horndogs as they nod while Rift slinks out of her sweater pulling off her tank top giving both a show before taking off her bra letting her glorious melons hang free before turning around and seductively stripping her spats and panties in front of them. Both watch the strip show eagerly sporting raging hard ons. “Your like super-hot you know that.” Magma says to her “I wanna fuck your butt” Kuro mentions lightly stroking his tip as his cock throbs Rift then rolls her eyes and tackles Magma to lie down aligning her dripping snatch with his throbbing horse meat as Kuro sneaks in to align his own pierced cock with her butt. She eventually lowers herself down on Magma as Kuro sinks in deep his piercings scraping her inner walls as he thrusts in. the two then set her on a nice steady pace allowing each a chance to bottom out inside her before they start speeding up. “Ah~ you like oh so super tight back here” Kuro says happily plowing her butt as Magma starts speeding up his pace slamming in and out of her. “Whoa whoa shit Magma might wanna slow down you might cum if you go too fast.” Rift warns him noticing his more speedy pace compared to Kuro’s brisk one. “Ca-cant help it wanna cum, gonna cum soon” Magma cries out before blowing his thick load deep inside her wet snatch happily creaming her up good as Kuro could feel Magma’s cum heat up Rift from causing her to clamp down on him before Kuro shoots off his own load following in Magma’s steps to creampie her butt with his dragon cum. “Heh wow you boys must have been quite pent up~” Rift says hoping off Magma’s cock having Kuro pop out as well their thick seed leaking out, Kuro takes the opportunity to pin Rift down grinding his cock against Rift. “Dibs I got your pussy next!” He exclaims still in a lust drunk phase. “Hehe alright big boy let me just get myself in a more comfortable position.” She tells him rolling onto her stomach before getting on her hands and needs wiggling her butt towards him cum still leaking out of both her snatch and ass. As he plugs her Pussy happily taking Magma’s sloppy seconds with both of them letting out loud moans as Kuro starts piston like thrusts slam in and out of Rift’s pussy before a hand brushes up on Kuro’s butt feeling and admiring it’s roundness. “Huh who is grabbing my butt?”  Kuro asks before Magma reaches in and nibbles his ear lightly tugging it while grinding his still sticky cock against his butt lightly humping him. “You know you got a nice butt~” Magma says appraising it with his hand before grabbing his cum coated dick and sinking it in Kuro’s butt causing him to yelp out loud as Magma happily claims his butt. “Come on Kuro work your hips let’s get this train moving.” Rift says rolling gyrating hips in a circle enticing Kuro to get moving as he begins lightly thrusting forward gradually speeding up as he goes with Magma matching him in pace constantly hitting his prostate milking out thick amounts of pre from the dragonboy. “Like your just as tight as Rift Kuro~” Magma compliments the dragon femboy as he continues to plunder his butt. “Nnngh slow down I can barely keep up you keep- AH~” Kuro cries out as his cock begins twitching and his balls tighten as he dumps his load inside Rift further mixing his cum with Magma’s as Magma gives one more powerful thrust before creaming up his thick butt. “Mmmm you two boys sure do cum fast don’t you its fine must be a side effect.” Rift says removing the dragon dong from her cummed up vag. Letting out a sigh as the cum escapes her looking over to the package on the table. “Hey what is this?” Rift asks using her magic to bring the package over before seeing the Naughty Wyvern logo and grinning “My, My what a naughty boy are you Magma getting something for when your girlfriends are away shame on you” she teases him as he is still recovering from his orgasm as she tears open the package. As she begins opening it she finds two cockrings one white the other black each had some rune written on them as she removes them from the box she grins. “Well, well look at what these are” she says showing the two off to the two boys who looked at them utterly confused as Magma dislodges himself from Kuro’s ass as cum starts leaking out from it. “Hehehe let me show you then~” she says before shoving the white one in Kuro’s mouth as he lets out a muffled yelp surprised by it as Rift puts the other one down Magma’s cock. As the runes light up slightly Kuro suddenly felt something enter his mouth something thick and veiny he screams into it and looks over to see the same runes are lighten up on Magma’s cock ring. “I see you're wondering what it is eh Kuro~” Rift snicker to herself. “In short these are magic cock rings quite the expensive toy no?~ put one through one and comes out the other one so your gonna be deepthroating Magma while i suck on yours~” She teases as she gives Kuro’s cock a nice long lick as her hand slowly maneuvers the cock ring up and down Magma’s shaft as her tongues teases Kuro’s foreskin licking around his piercings of the sensitive skin. Kuro’s eyes begin to droop taking in Magma’s musky cock as Rift wraps her lips on his as she happily slurps down his cock while Magma merely letting out moans as he watches her jerk him off with the cockring into Kuro’s throat as his cock is deepthroated twitching sending pre down his gullet. Magma eventually cannot take anymore and all too soon explodes in Kuro’s mouth shooting off thick waves of cum down his throat as Kuro gags in shook as his eyes go wide barely keeping up as he blasts Rift mouth full of his own salty treat. Rift swallows down Kuro’s whole load before detaching her mouth from his dragon cock and giving it a wet kiss before getting on her knees grabbing her tits and shaking them “Alright you two one more load all over my tits~” she informs them as Magma removes the cock ring taking his cokc out of Kuro’s mouth as he spits out the cockring, now sporting a slight cumbelly with cum coming out of the corners of his mouth. As Rift reaches out pulling the two to either side giving both their cocks licks and sucking on them as she jacks both of them off pointing the two cocks towards her huge blue tits the two letting out soft grunts and groans as she forcibly milks them and their balls of cum. Kuro is the first to cum coating Rifts blue tits white with his dragon seed it isn’t as big a load as his two previous one as he lets out a high pitched squeal. Magma cums shortly after his load far larger than Kuro’s a stray strand of cum hits Rift in the eye as he changes her blue melon an off white. “Ahhh~” the two boys say in unison their balls thoroughly milked as their cocks fall limp as the two immediately fall on the bed drifting off to sleep with big grins on their face. “Well come morning I think will have another round sleep tight boy.” Rift says laying back patting both the fuckboi’s spent cocks. Meanwhile far away from Manesville someone looks on. “That’s right keep feeding into your lust save it all for me Magma~” the voice says “I will see you soon for my feeding~” > Chapter 7 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  While all that was happening with Magma the night previous to his misadventures the two girlfriends boarded the train heading for Las Pegasus. “Wooo next stop Las Pegasus!!!” Datalas cheered, eager to head down as she boarded showing her pass with Cinnamane following behind her showing her pass to the train conductor before boarding onto the privately reserved Cabin that Datalas got for them. “Was it really necessary to rent out the whole cabin Datalas I mean were going for the weekend on this girl’s trip.” Cinnamane says, setting her bag down in the luxury cabin which included a big fluffy bed and what looked to be a hot tub showing Datalas went all out with the cabin as well as getting some fancy drink . “Well you should see the hotel room we got! The Presidential Suite at the Mareott.” Datalas brags, taking a huge swig of her drink. “But why not the Penthouse Suite?” Cinnamane replies curiously, noticing that Datalas gets a bit flustered. “It’s not my fault it was booked I tried everything to get the room but the client paid a hefty sum for it” Datalas explained drinking her beverage. “Well still it should be a good time I hope Magma won’t be too lonely while we're gone…” Cinnamane says, hoping he is doing alright. “Well I am sure he is fine, he did say he used to wander from place to place before, maybe he will meet someone in town and hang out with them.” Datalas remarks, finishing her drink before going over to the bar to make another one. “Yeah good point, I do wish the package I ordered came sooner so he wouldn’t be too pent up…. Anyway refill me we got a long trip.” Cinnamane says, as the two settle in and enjoy their ride to Las Pegasus, drinking the exotic drinks and having a party in their cabin, eventually using the hot tub splashing each other in it and at one point Cinnamane’s top came off. After some time the train pulls into the station for Las Pegasus and the two mares exit with their luggage making their way through the city to find the hotel seeing all the sites of casinos, hotels and a couple of gentlecolts clubs with large neon signs. They eventually reach a hotel with a large red sign reading “Mareott” on it. “Well here it is come on let’s go check in.” Datalas replies, as the two enter the hotel. “Wow this hotel is even bigger on the inside.” Cinnamane remarked, looking around the lobby noticing the chandelier and fancy furniture all of which looks like it belongs in a fancy expensive Palace. “Yup, this is the best Hotel in all of Las Pegasus.” Datalas points out, bringing her suitcase through the lobby. “It’s extremely expensive and is a five star rating after all. It was very expensive booking a room here but i got it anyway.” Datalas tells her, practically stroking her ego. “Yet you couldn’t get the Penthouse suite and settled for the Presidential suite.” Cinnamane informs her, reaching the front desk before ringing the bell on the desk to get the clerk to come to her. “Not my fault! Someone else booked it when i tried to book the rooms.” Datalas complains, before the clerk emerges smiling at them. “Hi welcome do you have a room reserved?” The clerk asks, looking at the two. “Yes under the name Datalas.” She replied, staring at the clerk as the clerk punches in the number before retrieving a key. “Here you are the Presidential room is on floor 6. Right before the Penthouse enjoy your stay here.” The clerk tells them, smiling as they take their room key turning around to go up to the room before the lobby doors open. A tall blue winged figure appears approaching the front desk. As the two observe her approaching they then make out she is a dragon and a rather voluptuous one at that. With black hair with blonde tips and two horns sticking out as her body is covered in blue scales with a white underbelly. She was in adorn in a regal blue dress as she made it to the front desk with her tail fluttering back and forth behind her with her luggage in tow. “Hi there I have the penthouse reserved.” she said, leaning down eyeing the slightly tomboyish clerk with her purple eyes with a unique pink iris looking down at the clerk. “Oh hi you must be Miss Sonia Edu-” the clerk says, before the dragoness cuts her off. “Ah haha please just call me Swissy please.” She replied, slightly flustered before the clerk reaches handing a key to her. “Of course Miss Swissy please enjoy your stay.” the clerk says, as the busty dragoness turns around seeing the two ponies staring behind her curiously drinking her in. “Hello there first time meeting a Dragon I take it? I’m Swissy.” She says to them, extending her hand. “I thought I heard the clerk saying your name was-” Datalas points out, before the blue dragon suddenly gets flustered trying to stop her from continuing.” “Hahaha please just Swissy okay.”  The dragon girl says. “Well it is a pleasure I am Judy Cinnamane and this right here is my friend Datalas.” Cinnamane says, gesturing to Datalas as Swissy looks over the two noticing a slight bulge in Datalas’s outfit before putting two and two together. “Ohhhh!” The dragoness says shooting them a wink. “Well hopefully I will see you guys sometime during your stay.” the blue dragoness says, before quickly heading up to her room in the penthouse as the two made their way to their own room. They soon made their way into the suite putting down their bags as they entered. Cinnamane heads into the bedroom flops onto a bed. “Ugh I am so beat from the train ride.” she commented. “Well this place does have a small spa area with a sauna wanna head down there and unwind?” Datalas asks, which Cinnamane nods as the two make their way down to the spa area. Upon entering the day spa they make their way into the locker room, undressing in the locker room before entering the hot sauna with towels wrapped around their frames expertly hugging them while showing off their assets. As they enter they both sit down enjoying the hot steam of the room. “Ahh nice to know we have some privacy here” Datalas tells Cinnamane. “Why is that?” She retorts staring at her. “Cause I can let it all hang out.” Datalas says, letting her purple cock out the tip being shown as Cinnamane giggles. “How you hide that thing is beyond me.” Cinnamane says, as the sauna door opens and a certain curvy Dragoness enters. “Oh hey I didn’t think you two would be here. Guess great minds think alike, huh?” Swissy says, looking at the two as her body is covered by a towel the fabric struggling to contain her big breasts as the exposed part of her cleavage looks like it is ready to burst free from her towel causing Datalas to stare and her cock to twitch in excitement as she fumbles to hide it not expecting anyone to come into the sauna so soon. “Oh is that a banana or are you happy to see me.” Swissy says, to her shooting her a wink as her cock hardens more and her face slowly turns crimson. “What! No what cock I don’t have a cock….I need to go!” Datalas says, before trying rushing out only to trip and landing face first into Swissy’s cleavage. “Good going Datalas, you struggle to contain yourself and you run face first into her boobs” Cinnamane teases her, Datalas removes herself from her heaving breasts. “Oh Celestia I am sooooo sorry I am just nervous I didn't want you to think I’m some sort of perverted girl or something.” Datalas says, spewing out an apology only for the blue dragon to place one of her clawed fingers to her lips and shushed her. “It’s alright, not expecting that as a greeting so how about instead you tell me about yourselves or at this point buy me dinner since we just got to second base.” Swissy teases sitting down. A little while later Datalas and Cinnamane told her all about their adventures and how they met as well as Magma too. “I see so you two are on a girl’s trip and here I thought you were something else.” Swissy giggles. “Yeah we're not I mean we are I mean uh oh boy.” Datalas says still feeling slightly intimidated by the Dragoness. “It’s okay no need to be shy about anything.” Swissy chuckles. “So are you two up to anything cause if not my penthouse has a pool if you’re interested.” Swissy offers shooting the two a wink. “Sure.” the two say in unison. “Hehe alright follow me you two also you might wanna tuck that in.” Swissy says pointing to Datalas’ cock causing her to become slightly flustered by it as she giggles back into the locker room. “Aw come on don’t be so flustered.” Cinnamane points out following the Dragoness with Datalas in tow as the trio get redress in the locker room. Datalas couldn’t help but stare at the blue Dragon girl as she bends over to get her clothes out of the locker staring at her butt being barely contained and hidden by her towel. “You know if you keep trying to stare at my butt, I am gonna have to start charging you.” Swissy remarks, shaking her ass at Datalas giggling as she does so, before grabbing what seems to be some simple jeans and a black shirt with a strange symbol on it. “What is that symbol on your shirt?” Cinnamane asked, getting her outfit on. “It’s an Autobots symbol haven’t you guys... Oh right no TV.” Swissy remarks, throwing on her shirt which barely makes it over her boobs looking like a crop top. “So ready to go?” she said, placing a hand on her hips as Datalas and Cinnamane finish dressing themselves only to nod and follow her to the penthouse. As the three head up to the penthouse Cinnamane and Datalas stop by their room to get there swimsuits with Swissy heading up to her suite to meet them up there. The two enter the room grabbing their suitcases and opening them up looking for their swimsuits. “Well aren’t we lucky we get to hanging out in the penthouse anyway this is gonna be so fun!”  Cinnamane remarks, finding her swimsuit and starts to strip out of her outfit. “Yeah I guess it turned out pretty well huh?” Datalas says, removing her panties to which her purple horse cock springs free fully erect and trembling begging for attention. “Woah Darling your practically rock hard!” Cinnamane announces, poking her cock. “I know, I know it’s just that dragoness has me so hot and bothered. I need to get off before I head up there.” She says, slowly wrapping her hand around her cock slowly jerking herself off. “Ugh here this will be much faster.” Cinnamane says, taking Datalas’s hand off only to wrap her lips around her cock before sinking down to her sheath before pulling off gripping her base to keep her cock steady as she continues to blow the purple Pegasus. “Ooooh thanks Cinnamane you don’t know how bad I need this!~” Datalas cries out, placing a hand on the back of Cinnamane’s head forcing more of her cock into her mouth. Cinnamane just rolls her eyes and continues to suck down harder on the trembling cock in her mouth her tongue swiping up the pre cum as it’s produced. Cinnamane speeds up her bobbing expertly sucking Datalas’s hard purple cock off. “Hey are you guys in there!? I’ve been waiting for a while now what are you two doing!?” Swissy calls out, from the other side of the door, knocking impatiently. “Uh ju-just a minute!” Datalas calls out, in a wobbly voice before grabbing and holding Cinnamane’s head down flooding her mouth with her hot seed causing Cinnamane to gag slightly. “Okay just hurry up you two!” Swissy calls back, as the two ponies finish up Cinnamane pulls off Datalas’s cock giving her a death stare. Datalas’s knew she now owed her one a big one at that.  As the two fumbled to get their bikini’s on before swinging open the door ready to go. Seeing Swissy in a royal blue robe with a very impatient look on her face.  “About time you two what were you doing? Sixty-Nining each other?” Swissy asks, them looking them up and down glaring at them almost as they chuckle. “No I just…uh…couldn’t find my bathing suit haha.” Datalas says, while Cinnamane simply nodding in agreement staring daggers at Datalas. “Alright well let’s go the pool’s awaiting!” Swissy says, before the trio head up to the penthouse. “Alright ladies welcome to the penthouse!” Swissy says, pushing the door open showing off the luxurious room guiding them to the pool while the two looked around with their jaws dropped at the exotic room. As soon as the three are at the pool, Cinnamane and Datalas dive into the pool as Swissy walks over to one of the nearby sun bathing chairs taking off her bathrobe revealing her bathing suit. Datalas could feel herself hardening inside her bikini bottoms as Swissy’s bathing suit left literally nothing to the imagination the tiny piece of fabric barely covered her nipple and even still it was more like a thin piece of tape then a bikini as she ran into the pool jumping. “Cannon ball!!!” Swissy yells out loud as she jumps into the pool causing a huge splash hitting Datalas and Cinnamane as she surfaces for air chuckling her tits working like floatation devices as Datalas felt herself harden in her swimsuit. Cinnamane notices and rolls her eyes as Swissy swims over to the shallower zone where the seats in the water are. “Pretty nice right?” she says, chuckling leaning back against the pool wall her tits still floating in the water above her chest, Datalas struggled to look away but couldn’t help but stare at them. “Liking what you’re seeing there Datalas?” Swissy says, to Datalas catching her in the act causing her to blush a bright red. Trying to explain herself but her words coming out as nonsense. “Don’t mind her it’s her first time admitting she is attracted to someone who isn’t Magma.” Cinnamane chimes in, with a smirk seeing Datalas squirm a bit as Swissy giggles. “Oh is that so? She never met a girl like me huh?” Swissy said, letting a sinister smirk take form as she lets a clawed hand slip to the back of her suit and hooked her string bikini as the tiny piece of fabric falls into the water exposing her bountiful breasts. “Oops my swimsuit came undone.” She says, trying to sound as innocent as possible. While Datalas turned from purple to crimson her cock thrashing against her clothed prison bathing suit bottoms while Cinnamane chuckled knowing what she was doing. “Don’t worry I have a spare top hold on.” Swissy said getting out of the pool and walking behind where Datalas was in the pool before kneeling down and plopping her boobs onto her head. “Oops I seemed to slip. Clumsy me~” Swissy says trying to keep up her innocent act while Cinnamane busted out laughing. “Okay Swissy I think that’s enough teasing she needs to get off. Do you mind if we do it in the pool?” Cinnamane asks, reaching to remove her bottoms and her top exposing her breasts falling in the water. “You two are soooo mean.” Datalas says, with Swissy’s boobs still on her head as Cinnamane removes Datalas’s bottoms and climbs up to her lap lining up her cock with her pussy. “Sure go ahead, don’t mind me I just wanna watch.” Swissy says, Cinnamane sinks down as Datalas moans as Cinnamane bottoms out taking her whole cock. And places her hands on Datalas’s shoulders as she begins bouncing her big brown bubble butt slamming against Datalas’s crotch. “Ride her cowgirl.” Swissy encourages, settling in and watches slowly removing her tits from Datalas’s head and going back into the pool watching the action go down in her pool as Datalas moaned out loud. “Oh fuck…. Swissy why are you just watching?~” Datalas asks, embarrassed as someone watches and doesn’t wanna participate. “Cause I like watching you blush and teasing you is even better~” she teases, back as Cinnamane continues to bounce atop Datalas as her moans fill the place loudly as Swissy swims around casually while the two continue to fuck in her pool acting like they aren’t even doing so. “Nnngh I think I’m gonna cum soon~” Datalas announces, grabbing onto Cinnamane’s ass as Swissy swims back to the seats watching them continue to go at it. Datalas then lets out a squeal of glee as she unloads herself inside Cinnamane dumping her load as some cum escapes Cinnamane’s hungry cunny slowly entering the waters creating white strings that spread throughout the pool looking like spider webs. “Boy is the pool boy gonna have a tough time cleaning this…” Swissy says, seeing the cum spread as Datalas groans with Cinnamane on top of her. “I think she is spent you mind if we sleep here with you tonight?” Cinnamane asks Swissy, pulling herself off Datalas’s cock flooding the pool with more cum. “Sure I don’t mind the company maybe we could hang out this weekend too” Swissy responds excitedly. “M-my cock is sore….” Datalas says, as Cinnamane pulls her out of the pool. “Sure we can! Should be a lot of fun.” Cinnamane says to her smiling. As they pull Datalas to the couch. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the morning sun filled the room, one of the trio sleeping in the bed squirmed as the sun hit his eyes. “Nngh five more minutes.” Magma moaned as he tried to evade the light in the bed. “Do you mind if you stop squirming so much your waking me up.” Rift complained as she tried getting back to sleep only for a loud snore to come from the black dragon that was beside Magma. As Rift grunts in anger getting up stark nude. “Guess I won’t get a few extra winks, how we slept with his loud snoring is beyond me.” She says reaching to get dressed again. Magma soon gives in getting up as he pushes Kuro further to the side on the part of the bed that still had cum stains most coming from the seed leaking out of Kuro’s butt. Kuro happily continues to snooze away with his loud snoring filling the room as the other two ponies get dressed. “Want some breakfast?” Magma asks as he pulls his shorts on. “Eh sure why not.” Rift replies slipping her sweater on as she finishes getting dressed. “Should we wake the sleeping dragon for breakfast too?” She asks. Magma soon decides to use his magic to lift the blankets off him as he squirms butt naked with no sheets or blanket clearly slightly cold. “Nngh give it back I am cold.” Kuro whines wiggling more only to no avail as he is forced to get up despite the dried up cum that paints his ass cheeks and the sheets. “Man is laundry gonna be a pain.” Magma says as he uses his magic to undo the sheets from the bed tossing them in a nearby laundry hamper. ”Serves you right for ass fucking me without permission.” Kuro complains teasingly sticking his tongue out as he moves to the bathroom. “And I am gonna shower I gotta get clean before I get ready to go to work.” He says swinging the door shut. Magma shrugs as he finishes getting ready as he opens the door leading Rift to the kitchen. As the two made their way into the kitchen Magma works to throw together a decent balanced breakfast using mainly fruit and two of Cinnamane’s leftover breakfast muffins as he sets the two plates down on the table in front of two seats. “Not much of a cook huh?” Rift jokes as she starts to eat the food set out for her, taking an apple slice before popping it in her maw. “That obvious? Cinnamane does a majority of the cooking.” Magma comments sitting down eating his muffin which once again causes the strange rumbling in his balls, Rift notices and decides not to chow down on it afraid of what might happen after knowing what Cinnamane slips in some of Magma’s food.Instead nibbling on the fruit slices he gave her. After some time and both the two having their fill Kuro makes his way downstairs in his uniform. “Boy I am starving mind if i eat that.” he asks Rift stealing the muffin she didn’t eat. She did not protest as he gobbled it down his balls having the same effect rumbling slightly as he looks down. “Is there some after effect of that truth potion you gave us?” Kuro questions leaning down Rift with his big eyes staring her down. “No dragon boy it must be you it should have worn off or else you two would still be dumb and spilling every dirty secret to me.” Rift teases shooting him a wink as he huffs. “Well I will see you guys around I gotta get to work delivering packages later.” Kuro informs as he walks out of the kitchen and out the front door going to work leaving Magma and Rift alone. “So when do the girls get back?” Rift asks leaning back in her chair stretching her limbs. “This evening it is a long train ride why do you ask?” Magma questions with a raised eyebrow at the blue pony. “Well I need a small favor and since you aren’t doing anything you could help me out with it.” Rift replies with a small grin on her face. “That depends will I do this of my own free will or tricked into something?” He says crossing his arms as he stares her down clearly unsure of her intentions as she puts on a sly smirk. “Relax I just need to go to the Fungeon and pay off that potion I used on you two.” Rift says as she gets up. “And I want some company so wanna come or not?” She asks tilting her head slightly. “I guess I can go, got nothing better to do anyways.”  Magma retorts as he gets up. Rift smiles at him as the two make way to the door heading out. The two make there way down the street cutting through the park to get their faster as they passed through the theatre. “So what do you need me for a trip to the Fungeon for?” Magma inquired. Unsure of her intentions with the outing. “Just relax you will see when we get there.” She casually replies with a soft smile as they continue to walk down the street from the Fungeon, peacefully walking side by side as they approached the glass doors with Magma pulling it open and gesturing for Rift to enter as she does so. They approached the counter to see a bored looking Charlotte with a nail filer filing her fingernails, dressed in a simple white shirt that read “My eyes are up here and my cock is down here both with arrows pointing up and down. She perks up when she sees the two approach the counter. “Well Hello there you two what can the I do for you two cuties~” Charlotte says with a seductive wink. Magma gulped hard he never knew what it is about Charlotte but whenever he is near her he feels slightly nervous almost like she reminds him of some of the Amazonians back home. “Heya Charlotte I am here to pay off that potion I bought last night.” Rift responds as she looks to Magma who put on his best poker face to hide his nerves. “Oh goodie I don’t normally allow someone to hold out payment until the next day but when you promised you would bring a friend I didn’t think you meant Magma here.” She giggles as she licks her lips in anticipation as the beast down below starts awakening from its slumber. “Wait your using me to pay off a debt!?” Magma asked now knowing Rift’s intentions of him coming here with her as Rift does her best to look innocent. “Relax I just needed your help for this and plus it helps me with my research on the Amazonian culture so it’s a win-win.” Rift says with a shrug as Charlotte walks over to the door carrying a sign that read “Closed. Be back in 120 minutes, Busy plowing someone.” as she places it on the door moving the open sign aside as she uses her magic to lock the door. “How does that help with the culture!? Wait you wanna study a male being dominated by a female don’t you!?” Magma exclaimed now connecting the dots and recalling her wanting to know more about the Amazonians as Charlotte returns wrapping her hands around Magma’s waist, her monsterous member grinding against his plush butt. “Now now cutie you’re here and you did say you would help her and don’t worry you will have a good time. And you came at a good time since Ashy had to be out of town this weekend I am all pent up.” Charlotte whispers into his ear before nibbling on it causing Magma to let out a surprise gasp. Strangely enough this development turning him on as his cock tented his shorts. “Heh and you said your not into that but I can see lil Magma is enjoying this.” Rift points out flicking her finger against his tent. As he lets out a subtle moan Charlotte soon releases him as he watches her go retrieve a chair as she lowers herself onto it and flips her skirt up showing them both her gigantic cock and her watermelon sized nuts. “Now Rift I know we agreed upon me using Magma mostly but I do want a small taste of you and those tits you oh so love.” Charlotte says as her cock hardens slightly with Rift casually tossing off her sweater and undershirt before unhooking her bra causing her N cup boobs to flop free. She gets to her knees in front of Charlotte taking her mammoth cock in both hands before wrapping her tits around the best as it soon dropped over her head from it’s length. She struggles quite a bit from the 30 inch long monster  doing her best titfuck that she can possibly given the size of Charlotte. She soon makes her way to the tip giving it a nice kiss on the maroon amazonesses  flat head as it produces some precum. “Mmm that’s it work those blessed beauties~” Charlotte teases as she leans further back in her chair letting moans escape her as Rift continues to focus on her cock head and the top portion licking it as she pumps her boobs as much as possible steadily producing more precum from her overly large balls. Magma watches on at Rifts best attempt to please the giant rod with her massive mammaries and tongue as she keeps scooping up globs of precum with each lick. He subtly reaches into his his shorts to tease his rock hard erection clearly turned on by the act and the lust in the air. “Man this is harder than I thought it would be.” Rift comments taking the blunt-headed tip of Charlotte’s cock into her mouth suckling it as she  pumps her tits up and down on her length as far as she can reach. “Magma why not help Rift here out after all she does have her hands full.” Charlotte teases giving a single finger wave to come here. As Magma gulps hard before joining Rift in front of the colossal horse cock. “You owe me big time for this Rift.” He grumbles before reaching to grab one of Charlotte’s swollen nuts and starts massaging and licking it trying his best to add to the pleasure. The two tirelessly work on her massive meat slab together with Magma switching balls every few minutes causing Charlotte’s overly-sized endowment to twitch withy glee. After some time Charlotte eventually grunts before shooting what would be the first of many loads. The opening blast filled Rift’s mouth catching her off guard as she struggles to swallow it as the next one was hot on its heels causing Rift to gag and cough as she releases the tip which soon blast her in the face with it’s salty spunk. Each shot of cum getting all over Rift hitting her face, mane and tits, plastering her white with spooge. Magma was smart enough to move out of the way as Rift was the only one being hit by the waves of cum gulping slightly as he knew he would have to take that cock next. Eventually Charlotte’s first orgasm dies down leaving Rift white as a ghost with cum from the waist up. “Well fuck I got it all over and in my mane too.” Rift whines worrying about her mane getting all sticky and frazzled. “Awww don’t worry I hear cum is good for ones mane, look at Ashley he get a load of my cum in his mane everyday and he still has a fabulous style and silkyness to it.” Charlotte giggles as Rift stands up grabbing her clothes and opening a portal to get a video camera and a tripod. “Well I need a shower I am not ready to try cum as my main mane care product so I am gonna record this till I get back from Magma’s to shower. You two have fun.” Rift says as she sets up the camera and hits the record button. She then opens another portal and steps through it as it closes behind her. “So it is just the two of us now. The appetizer was great now the main course~” Charlotte teases as she grabs Magma before happily helping him strip his sleeveless hoodie, shirt and shorts off and getting him on all fours. “Mmm such a nice little soft butt you got here I wonder how it feels? Only one way to find out.”  she teases as Magma struggles to stammer a plea out as she slowly inserts herself inside his ass causing him to cum instantly painting the floor white with his cum as it fires onto the floor pooling into a puddle. “Woah you must not be used to having anyone back here I only put in my first foot and a half of cock and you came just like that.” Charlotte notices as Magma’s tummy starts to bulge from her sheer size before she eventually bottoms out. She gives him a moment to adjust to her size before pulling out and ramming herself back in starting a steady pace as she holds onto his hips as she does so sometimes giving his rump a small swat with her hand. “Too…. much…..cock.” Magma whines panting as he is left helpless as the Maroon amazoness plunders his booty. A portal opens up only for Rift wearing nothing but a towel on her head and wrapped around her body eating a cup of instant ramen and using magic to write notes as she sits on the counter to watch the action go down. Charlotte soon cums again firing her load into Magma which trigger’s his second orgasm as he shoots more of his nut butter onto the floor as his belly expands from the size of Charlotte’s orgasm filling him up with as much as she has to offer. “Ahhh so nice and tight and such a soft spankable ass hope you don’t mind me having second and thirds and fourths and fifths…” Charlotte trails on as she resumes the pounding of his tailhole stretching him out more and more as Magma gulps and cums again this time most of his cum hitting his expanded belly as some of the friction between his cock and stomach grind together with each thrust. Rift soon finishes her ramen throwing it in the trash can under the counter as she continues to jot down notes and checks on the camera at the same time. Charlotte soon leans down to nibble on Magma’s ear as he continues to moan and groan in a mix of pain and pleasure at the large cock lodged in his butt. Charlotte soon grunts as she cums for a third time shooting copious amounts of baby batter into his tight ass filling him more as his stomach soon swells more with her seed as she doesn’t stop her hard thrusts into him, After a few hours pass it turns to night and Charlotte is still going to town on Magma’s ass he continues to pant unable to take the amount of pleasure his belly has expanded to nearly touch the ceiling from all the cum she dumped into him. Nearby customers who wanted to come in are subjected to the peep show some staying to fap to the free show being shown. Rift continued to jot notes leaving at time to get some food or something to drink before resuming her note writing. Magma lost track of the amount of orgasms he and Charlotte had his cock created a large pool of cum on the floor as well on the underside of his belly. “Ahhhhh~” Charlotte cries out as she cums once more into Magma’s overly filled ass as she soon starts to pull her elephant sized horse dick out of him causing a tidal wave of cum to run down all the way to his balls as it escapes him. “Phew think I got carried away I was suppose to reopen the shop after two hours.” She notes as she turns to a few stallions and mares at the glass door jacking off as a few cum stains are on the glass from previous patrons to the show. “Haaaaa…..help me…...so much cum.” He says trying to move his limbs but only succeeds in causing the ocean of cum to slosh inside of him causing a cum bubble to burst inside of him only resulting in a cum burp. “Don’t worry Magma I can fix that.” Rift says as she opens a portal somewhere inside of him sucking all the cum as his belly starts to deflate till he only has a small cum paunch. “There that’s as much as I can store in a pocket of space I will have to dump it somewhere later.” Rift notes As she picks up a bowlegged Magma helping carry him as she slings his arm around her shoulder. “Well Ashy will have a lot of cum to clean up when he gets back tomorrow, I better get this place closed up make sure he gets home safely Rift and tell him to come by again sometime~” Charlotte teases a she gives Magma a kiss on the nose. “Don’t worry Charlotte portal magic does wonders.” As she waves goodbye to the Maroon pony and opens a portal to Magma’s place as she walks both him and her through it taking him home. At the house bedroom Cinnamane and Datalas were busy unpacking as The portal carrying Magma and Rift opens up as they come through it with Rift setting him on the bed. “Oh Darling! Rift! What happened.” as the two clamoured to Magma’s side looking at them for answers. “It’s a long story I will tell you all about it just after I do one thing.” Rift says as she her horn lights up again. “Finished doing what?” Datalas asks curiously looking over Magma. “You will probably read about it in the papers tomorrow.” Rift says with a smirk as the two mares looked to each other even more confused. Elsewhere at the Manesville sperm bank. “So Ms Hoofsnatch settled on a donor yet?” The receptionist mare asks. “No it’s just so hard to decide who I should pick.” Ms.Hoofsnatch answers as the receptionist opens her mouth to ask her something a loud noise is heard from the freezer room as what seems to be a tidal wave of cum washes up a fellow employee. “Goodness what in Equestria happened!?”the recptionist exclaims. “Portal…..opened let loose all this cum….got everywhere…..inside me too….might be pregnant.” the employee stated as she soon passes out from the ordeal. “Um I don’t suppose I can have some of that possibly?” Ms Hoofsnatch asks licking her lips. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning was welcomed to the home cooking from Cinnamane, working her magic in a naked apron as she let out a small yawn. Not far off was Datalas sitting at the table, reading the paper in her off-shoulder sweater. With a headline like 'Local Sperm Bank Flooded! Expectant Mothers on the Rise!', it'd be hard for her not to be invested. Magma makes his way towards the kitchen from a well-rested sleep after an eventful night. The belly full of spunk from the ever-endowed Charlotte had gone away overnight, but the stinging feeling of her ravaging thrusts still tanned his hide bare, leaving him to rub his sore cheeks as he made his way over. “Something wrong Darling?” Cinnamane asked, concerned about him. “Ugh…...yeah. My ass is still sore Charlotte did a number on me.” he whines as Datalas drops the paper down ears pricking up. As he takes a seat next to her grunting in pain from his soreness before he can get comfortable wiggling in his seat. Datalas quickly rushes out and returns with a pillow from the room gesturing for Magma to get up as he complies she puts the pillow down on the chair to make his seat more comfortable. Magma spys the newspaper headline. “Huh that is where she put all that cum.” He mumbles. “What was that Magma?” Datalas asks him. “Uh nothing just read the headline.” He points out as Cinnamane puts out plates of hot hay pancakes.with fruit as she uses her magic to set down the maple syrup. As she joins them at the table. “Well Darling just forget about it and enjoy some of my pancakes I put a little cinnamon in it to give it extra taste.” Cinnamane says proudly with a light smile as she pushes her glasses up further. Magma complies as he digs in listening to the stories of the duos trip “And then me and Datalas had sex in the pool while Swissy swam around it was pretty risky tho but I had to keep her from popping a boner every few minutes.” Cinnamane jokes and teases causing Datalas’s to glow red with embarrassment at the tales but is fortunately saved by a ring at the door. “I’ll get it” Magma says as he makes a beeline for the front door. He soon opens it to see Kuro standing outside with a bag of mail slung around his shoulder. “Morning, ya butt.” Kuro teases as he hands him a stack of mail. “So how did your day with Rift go?” He inquires quite curiously. “It was…tiring. Let’s just say that.” he responds shifting through the mail noticing three strange identical letters each with his and Datalas’ and Cinnamane’s name on them. Kuro spies the letter. “Ah got invited to that costume thing too huh? I got the same letter I guess I will see you there, I got deliveries to do ciao.” He says as he takes off to deliver more mail. As Magma waves goodbye he returns to the kitchen. “So who was at the door?” Datalas asks. “Just the mail.Looks like we got a letter from someone.” He tells them throwing the letters on the table as each of them take their respective letter. They tear it open to read their own invitation. `Hmm so we have been invited to a costume party by someone named S.L.” Cinnamane reads out pushing her glasses up further. “Do we know anyone who goes by S.L?” Datalas asked as she adjusted her own glasses. “No clue.” Magma chimes in as he sets the letter down on the table. “So should we go?” “Well I dunno, I don’t have any costumes to wear to a costume party…” Datalas trails off. “Isn’t there a costume shop in town? We could all go shopping for tonight!” Cinnamane cheerily suggests with a smile. “Eh... I guess we can go. What do you think Datalas?” Turns his attention to the purple mare. “Well… I guess we could go, It might be fun.” Datalas says mustering a smile as the trio nod.   Cinnamane cleans up behind her, putting the dishes away as the trio make their way out towards to the store. As they make their way down main street Cinnamane and Datalas both have their arms wrapped around Magma’s arms. As their hips sway as they walk Magma attracts a few envious stares from other stallions and a few females or at least who he assumes are females. “So, we get matching, kinda like a trio? Just so you know people know were a couple, of course.” Datalas suggested. “It’d be difficult to manage a three for a threesome couple... I think it’d be much better to pick something we each like.” CInnamane points out nuzzles Magma’s arm, plotting for an outfit that Magma would be drooling over. Datalas notices her little plan and mimics her to vy for his attention. Magma all the while rolls his eyes to their competitive spirits.  As they cut through the park to they eventually hit the costume shop as Magma uses his magic to open the door to let them in and begin their search for costumes. “All these costumes seem a bit...risque.” Datalas note as most of the outfits are fairly revealing, leaving little to the imagination of onlookers. Cinnamane, all the while keeps sifting through outfits, skipping over the typical sexy halloween costumes that you would find just about anywhere. It wasn’t long before she found the right one. “Ooo how about this?” Cinnamane asks Datalas as she holds a skimpy outfit of an egyptian princess outfit fit with a thong and bra and a neck piece as well as numerous pieces of jewelry and a veil to cover her lower half but it is fairly see through. “Isn’t that outfit a bit..much Cinnamane?” Datalas asks viewing the outfit. “No way it’s perfect and in my size, I am gonna get it.” Cinnamane replies before heading to the counter. Datalas continues to look around while Magma searches the male costumes noticing a certain costume that was a long sage like garb with a flap with several diamond like symbols and a long floating ring around the neck along with strange rod with an orb on top of it as an accessory. “Eh not my style. Oo what is this.” Magma says as he notices the outfit to the right of the one he was looking at. It is completely black and white consisting of a tank top and shorts along with a bandana with a skull on it, to be worn on one’s head and a long chain with a unique skull medallion, along with a black bandana with white designs to be worn on his face. “This is perfect.” he says grabbing it and joining Cinnamane at the counter. “Come on Datalas we’re waiting on you.” He informs her as Datalas continues to look through the outfits. “Oh well...ummm…..I guess this one could work.” She remarks picking out what looks to be a schoolgirls uniform with a sweater vest and a mini skirt with some high knee socks. As she takes the outfit and brings it over to the others at the counter. “Must be some kinda party or something going on.” The sales clerk mumbles as she looks at the trio and back down to the costumes quickly inserting the prices into her register. Cinnamane fishes out her coin purse and pulls out enough for all the costumes as they take them and head back home. “So we got some time to kill before the party should we do something?” Datalas inquires as they pass by an alley. “I got one idea.” Cinnamane says in a sultry voice before dragging the two into the nearby alleyway. “Wait why here?” Datalas asks confused before Cinnamane preses a hand against both of the cock-bearing ponies crotches. “Mmm, should have figured.” Magma says with a knowing smirk as Datalas turns bright crimson with embarrassment and arousal. “Don’t be embarrassed Datalas darling. I am sure I will make you both feel very good.” Cinnamane says adding emphasis as she drops to her knees and pulls Magma’s shorts and flips her skirt up and pulls her panties down to free two hard and ready horse slabs of dick meat. As she holds them each in her hands and giggles as she strokes both of them earning a respective moan from each owner. “W-we might g-get caught.” Datalas weakly stampers out moaning at Cinnamane’s touch, soon giving each cock a lick and a kiss on their blunt-headed tips. Magma’s twenty inch python soon starts producing a steady rate of pre cum as Cinnamane takes the tip into her mouth while stroking Datalas off. “Fuck that feels good Cinnamane.” Magma replies idly placing a hand on the back of her head encouraging her to take more of his rod. Datalas bites her lower lip slightly worried if someone notices what they are doing as she moans in pleasure trying to enjoy it. Cinnamane continues her double minstration of the two horse members.Magma continues to grunt and pushes Cinnamane’s head down his meat pole wanting her to take his cock whole. Data;as continues her own moans as she soon thrusts forward fucking Cinnamane’s hand using her pre cum as lubricant.  “Gragh!” Cinnamane lets out as she is soon gagging on Magma’s spit-coated cock. As his cock noodles it’s way down her throat despite being rock hard. Datalas soon lets out a girlish shriek as she cums shooting wads of spunk straight at Cinnamane’s face. Cinnamane doesn’t notice as she feels some get close to her eye quickly closing it thankful her glasses took the brunt of it. As the hot sticky goo lands on her cheek and some in her mane and on her nose while most of it gets caught in her hands slimming up her fingers. Datalas sighs as her purple cock goes limp in Cinnamane’s hand causing her to release her grip and shake off some of the cum that got stuck to her hand. Now turning her attention to the big red cock that kept slamming in and out of her throat as her nose bumps against his pelvis while his balls slap against her chin. She continues to gag but Magma keeps up giving her a final slam into her throat before letting loose a torrent of spooge. Cinnamane struggles as she breathes through her nose as all she smells is Magma’s musky scent. But she can take it no longer as she pulls off his cock coughing cum onto her chest seeking air, all the while Magma coats her face and tits full of his seed. Magma’s cock fires it off like an unmanned fire hose before Datalas looks over stifling a giggle at Cinnamane’s predicament. “Ahhhh fuck.” Magma moans out as his cock soon stops firing and begins to grow soft a strand of cum hanging from his cocks tip. “Goodness darling did you have to cum so much?” Cinnamane asks however realizing she may have played a part with her sneaking potions to Magma to increase his cum production. “It's all over my blouse. And cum stains are so hard to get out.” She complains as she does her best to scoop up all the cum on her and gobble it down. “Well that wouldn’t have happened if you let finish down your throat.” Magma says as he reaches down to pull his shorts back up. Cinnamane huffs as Datalas struggles to not break out laughing at her Cinnamane. Cinnamane notices and finishes scooping up the last of the cum she could with a mouthful she runs over to plant a deep kiss on Datalas swapping the cum from hers to Datalas’s mouth. Datalas realizes too late as Cinnamane pulls back wiping away some saliva and laughing as Datalas reluctantly swallows the salty load with a loud gulp. “So how was your salty treat? That is what you get for laughing at me.” Cinnamane chuckles as Datalas gave her a nasty scowl trying to put her softening member into her panties and putting her skirt back down. The two amres soon wrap themselves around Magma,s arms as they continue on back home. Eventually the trio make it back home as they hurry upstairs to the bed room. “Oh man I can’t wait to wear this, Magma care to help this princess get dressed?” Cinnamane teases showing off the revealing costume as she starts getting ready for the party. Magma couldn’t help but feel his cock hardening in his shorts. “Ugh keep it in your pants Cinnamane there will be plenty of time to do so after the party.” Datalas points out putting on her knee-high socks.of her costume. As Cinnamane responds by taking off her clothes to get in her skimpy costume pulling the gold thong and and gold bra causing Magma to adjust his legs to hide his flag pole that was slowly rising up. “So darling what do you think? Don’t I look like a very regal princess?” Cinnamane asks him as he stares at her regal being far from the word he would use to describe her costume. Datalas rolls her eyes before continuing on dressing herself pulling the short skirt over her butt, The costume seems more smaller on her frame then she imagined as the skirt was didn’t cover her purple butt and she had to struggle to position her cock from bulging as much in the panties she chose to wear. Magma was busy adding the bandana’s of his costume smirking as he looked in the mirror at how he looked before adding the large chain to complete it.  “Your costume looks nice Magma,: Datalas compliments him putting on her sweater vest to finish her own costume as she goes over to cling to Magma’s arm. “Ready to go?” She asks in a soft tone but too soon Cinnamane joins in on the other side of him. “Yeah I guess we are.” He replied to her using his magic to take the invitation which contained the address as he escorts the two costume cladded mares out of the house to the party. As the trio walked down the streets cladded in costume they attract more stares, especially Cinnamane considering she was in a thong and bra with only a veil covering it causing many of the stallions to stop and register her outfit with their eyes before a tell tale bulge fills their pants. Which did cause Magma to put on a prideful smug grin at their jealousy of him which was hidden behind his bandana as he escorted them to the address in the letter. After sometime of walking in circles and at one point getting lost, the trio soon finds the place, from the outside it looks like a store that has a big grand opening sign setup in front of what seems to be a party store of the sorts. “Huh guess this is the place looks odd for a costume party.” Cinnamane points out looking over the building  as they notice that their was some lights on in the windows of the place along with some muffled music. “Well let’s head in then.” Magma says as he leads them to the door as soon as it opens music escapes the place and hits them right away. As they enter a large pony stops them at the door, behind him is a velvet rope and he clearly looks like he is a security guard to which Magma flashes the special invitation. “You three come on in and have fun now.” He says giving a warm hearted grin before unhooking the rope to let them pass through. And into the party of other costumed ponies most wearing different costumes some were vampires or mummies and there was one dressed in what they assumed to be laundry. They worked their way around the semi crowded room struggling to stay together, surprised at the number of ponies who were invited and soon find themselves at the refreshment table where a large punch bowl and several snacks are. “My my if it isn't Magma and his little girlfriends.” a familiar voice utters out. It was Charlotte as she approached them in a fairly skimpy maid costume which did little to nothing to hide her beast between her legs. “I didn’t know you three were invited.” She says in a sultry voice eying Magma causing him to remember the rough anal pounding she did on his butt. “Hi Charlotte, didn’t know you would be invited.” Cinnamane responds in a friendly tone trying to save face at Magma sweating bullets. “Yes, I was invited by the host since i provided some of the...refreshments for the main event this evening.” Charlotte said with a wink to the trio as she scans the room spotting a group of mares dressed in skimpy cheerleader outfits. “Now if you will excuse me I am gonna go mingle with the cheer squad.” She tells them as she goes over most likely to get in their cheer skirts. “Phew” Magma let’s out happy that his rump will live another day without getting pounded by Charlotte’s mammoth member. As he reaches over to get some punch for him and the girls. “Hey you guys made it!” Someone called out emerging from the crowd was Kuro wearing a red and white outfit with a slight poncho on the top along with a small skirt like bottom showing off his butt and giving his tail plenty of freedom to move about. “Heya Kuro what are you suppose to be a nurse?” Datalas asks scanning his costume with her eyes causing the dragon boy to huff. “No I am a white mage duh.”  Kuro replied showing off the costume before someone comes up to the group. Causing the dick bearers of the group to get semi erect from the outfit. “Didn't know they invited you guys too, how are you all doing. ‘ Rift said as she approached them with her tits wobbling in her extremely revealing outfit of a tied up shirt with parts of a leopard print bra sticking out leaving her midriff completely exposed. She also had on a pair of jean short shorts that were very short added off with a big white belt that hung very loose off it. She was practically in the bombshell of bombshell outfits. “Hey Rift didn’t know you were here and what are you supposed to be?” Cinnamane asks with a knowing grin seeing some telltale bulges in their outfits as some readjust to hide it from showing. “Yeah got a strange letter in the mail and figured why not come and see what was going on.” Rift says as she grabs a cup of punch downing it accidently spilling some on herself causing it to make her massive beefers seem more shiny and slick in the light as Kuro fidgets in place trying to not pop a boner. After some time of bonding and dancing and drinking lots of punch the host sashays her way onto a makeshift stage grabbing the mic before speaking, she too was in costume as a belly dancer with a veil covering her face. The gray pone clears her throat before speaking. “Thank you all for coming to the party but it is now time for the main event of the evening!” She cheers as everybody gets excited as the hollar out. “Now as you know for this party is a simple costume party right?” She asks as the crowd gives a confused response. “Well yes but for this party’s main event will be an anonymous sex party!” She cheers as the crowd of ponies blush looking at one another. “Now the rules are simple find a partner grab them and get yourself exposed not naked the goal is to stay in costume and not let it get too messy and feel free to do it anyway you can. So let the timer begin timekeeper care to keep start the five minute search portion?” She says gesturing to a stallion in a banana suit as she makes her way off stage. He pulls a cloth off a large timer and starts it. “Five minute partner search begins!!!!” he cries out very loudly into the mic as most of the party goers look at each other with blushing faces confused by the development as a large fan is brought out on stage and turned on which is letting off an aroma of pure lust affecting some of the more reluctant ponies. As they find partners and begin teasing each other. “So I guess this means we should partner up I say I should be with Magma.” Datalas says before noticing the announcer wrapping her arm around Magma’s arm. “Sorry but I call this stallion.” The Gray pony says as Magma gives a shocked gasp at the stranger showing interest in him. “But wait.” Datalas pipes up before an arm wraps around her drawing her into some soft blue love pillows. “Don’t worry Datalas me and you will be partners for this fun time.” Rift says with a smug grin as Datalas gulps remembering her last encounter with her and her sexual appetite. “Guess that makes you and me partners if you want.” Cinnamane tells Kuro who simply nods in agreement while Cinnamane eyes the belly dancer pony, thinking she might know her as Kuro notices from across the room Charlotte had partnered up with the gaggle of Cheerleaders. Soon the timer dings as the banana suit stallion takes the mic once more. “Alright you have one hour and begin!!!” he cries as most of the couples start their sex. Most stick with just blowjobs figuring it to be the more simple way of winning the contest. Others are more bold and flat out have sex right then and there. “Well come on big stud I need you to start fucking me so I can win.” The gray mare says lifting her leg up to Magma’s shoulder revealing her naked pussy underneath her lower veil. Using her magic she pulls down his pants to let his cock springfree before lining it up with her velvet curtain. “Get ready Datalas cause I am gonna milk you for all your worth.” Rift says dropping to her knees and freeing Datalas’s male half as she whips out her mammoth melons and places it between them smothering the member in her softness. “Alright don’t keep me waiting I need some ‘Sexual Healing’.” Cinnamane teases propping herself up on the table and spreading her legs for Kuro as his dragonic cock hardens in anticipation as he slowly slides into Cinnamane enjoying her moist depths. “Sweet Celestia she is fucking huge!” A feminine voice cries out from across the room catching Magma’s attention. It was of course one of the cheerleaders as Charlotte clearly let them see her massive bait and tackle. “Her balls are the size of my head maybe even bigger!” Another one pipes up. “Her dick is the size of a tree!” Another shouts out as Charlotte merely smiles before the gray pony gets his attention back with a hearty moan as she starts working her way to bounce on his cock. “Don’t get distracted you got a horny mare here now focus and work with me it takes two to fuck.” She says as Magma starts thrusting in tune with her bouncing. “Nngh~” Datalas moans as Rift licks the tip of her cock each time it pokes out of her valley of cleavage as Datalas clenches the edge of the table digging into the wood and hissing with pleasure, while it is constantly rocked by the thrusting that Kuro is making with Cinnamane, threatening to knock over the punch bowl as it shakes causing the contents to nearly spill out. The room has been filled with lust as most of the party goers were now full fucking but there were some holdouts sticking to blowjobs or handjobs, so far though no one had came yet as the MC in the banana suit looked on surprisingly uninterested in the orgy. “Ohh~ This feels a bit weird I must admit.” Cinnamane blurts out in between moans as Kuro continues to pant with each thrust working his girlish hips only slowing down out of concern. “Is it the position? Because we can change if your not getting any pleasure.” He said with a bit of concern as he keeps up some light thrusts. “Oh no it’s just never had a dragon dick before, only had Horse cock.” Cinnamane says to reassure him. “I Should look into getting one of those dragon dildos from Naughty Wyvern but keep it up it feels good.” She tells him as he nods and picks up his pace once more driving his dragonic dong in as deep as he can manage. “Unf~” Magma grunted as he kept slamming in and out of the gray pony’s marehood holding onto her waist to keep her from falling over as she stays perfectly balanced. “Oh shit she is so fucking big!!! I can’t believe it even fits in me!” A girl from across the room yells out the obvious answer to who she was referring to was Charlotte as one of the cheer girls bounces on her mammoth member while the other two focused on her swollen watermelon like balls licking them and sucking them as best they could. Soon a few of the party goers start to reach their peak. Some cumming outside to avoid the risk of pregnancy and others throwing caution to the wind and blowing their loads inside. Many of the patrons who stuck to blowjobs soon get faces full of cum as well.  “Fuck I am gonna cum between those tits of yours!!!” Datalas cries out as a stream of cum shoots hitting Rift in the face some of which landing between her massive mammaries not getting any on her costume fortunately. Datalas grabs onto Rift’s huge melons and rapidly pumps her hips shooting lance after lance of cum in the air. “Unf Cinnamane I am getting close…” Kuro informs her warning her of his impending climax. “Go ahead white mage cast that white liquid healing on me” Cinnamane jokes in reference to his outfit causing the dragon to roll his eyes at it. As he thrusts in before his balls discharge his dragon seed filling her. “And it seems some folks are already busting a nut who will win this contest!?” The banana MC says into the mic. “Alright Magma your next hurry up and cum inside me.” The gray pony says as she keeps mashing her hips onto his cock as his balls churn. “Wait how do you know my… Fuuuuck” Magma questions as he begins shooting his thick baby batter deep inside her his flare expanding to lodge itself in there. “Holy shit she is cumming too much!” Someone yells across the room as one of the cheerleaders is being inflated by Charlotte and her over productive balls causing some of the other party goers to move snapping out of their post orgasm stupors. Eventually everyone has came panting in post orgasm as the MC walks around the room examining the scene to find the contest winner. “Alright due to most people finishing outside I have found a winner!” he yells as everyone looks to him as he points to  Rift and Datalas. “The two slutty schoolgirls win there costumes are the most clean without cumming inside!” He yells which was true since the cum was mostly on Rift’s blue melons. Causing some to cheer as a spotlight was put on them causing Datalas to turn crimson with embarrassment as Rift stands up and waves to the guests. Some time passes and everyone redresses. “So wait how did you know my name?” Magma asks the gray pony. “Simple your girlfriend told me, My name is Victoria Silverline.” She says extending her hand out. “Wait Victoria? I thought i recognized you even in that getup.” CInnamane says approaching her and giving her a hug. “Magma this is Silverline she is an old friend of mine who I happen to write every now and then.” “Only you had stopped, last letter i got was about the new stallion in your life, so I decided to move my joke and fun shop down here and setup this party to introduce myself.” Silverline said scolding Cinnamane a bit. “Oh well nice to meet you and it was pretty fun.” Magma says looking at the group who were now simply eating the snacks and chatting. “Well it was fun but e better head home now.” Datalas points out locking her arm around Magma’s causing Cinnamane to do the same to his other arm. Magma waves goodbye to Kuro, Rift and Silverline and heads home with both girls in tow.