> A Quiet Happy Life is all I Want > by general_bad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 001 - change is coming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Quiet Happy Life is all I Want 001 Chapter 001 - change is coming It's a bright sunny day. Birds are chirping, bees are buzzing, and the wind is blowing a gentle breeze along a small sandy path leading to small town in the distance know as Ponyville. On a quiet morning like this a lone figure make its way along the path, his destination the aforementioned small town in the horizon. And while it may be in view it is still a ways off in the distance. This figure was a tall masculine bipedal creature with white fur and long blonde hair that flowed down his broad muscular back, the gentle breeze blowing it majestically behind him as he walked. He wore tight fitting white singlet that hugged his muscular chest quiet tightly, and due to it almost being the same color as it's fur it almost looked like he wasn't wearing a shirt at all. He also wore a pair of navy blue jeans and work boots. Besides his clothes he didn't appear to be carrying anything with him. This creature was called a pony. Although to be more accurate it was an Earth Pony, One of the many intelligent inhabitants of these lands. Of the creatures know as Ponies there were three specific types. Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn, Each with there own capabilities. For example, Earth ponies were know for there ingenuity, agricultural skills, and above all else great physical strength. Looking towards the sun the Earth pony spoke aloud to himself. "it's still early but I really should hurry up. If I miss the train to Canterlot it would be a huge inconvenience for me." with that thought he began walking at a faster pace. The Town in the distance began growing in size as he neared it although was still quite a ways off. But soon something unexpected appeared on his path. The path split into two directions, one heading straight to town an the other trailing off to left and into a Forrest that ran along the side of the Town know as ponyville. But that wasn't the unexpected thing. On a fallen log that laid on the side of the path sat a figure. It was another earth pony, although this one was much more... Well, less gallant. His fur was a dirt brown colour that was very unattractive, his shoulder length black hair was a mess and kept falling over the right side of his face, forcing him to constantly brush it a side as the gentle breeze made his effort meaningless. His yellow eyes looked creepy as dark bags had formed under them as if he hadn't slept for days. It also didn't help that he kept shifting his eyes from side to side every so often, like he was keeping an uncomfortable watch of his surroundings. He wore a puke green hoodie with the hood down that seemed to be a size too big for him. He also wore a black slacks with a silver strip that ran down both sides of them and a pair of black dress shoes. The shoes seemed fancier than the rest of him which seemed odd, although he seemed like and odd person himself with his shifty body language and style so maybe it suited him. As he sat on the fallen log on the side of the road he seemed to be reading over some papers. He hadn't even noticed the muscular earth pony approach him. The more masculine earth pony was well versed in social interactions and niceties. Even though there wasn't any reason to interact with the odd fellow on the road side it was common courtesy to greet one in the morning, no matter how odd they seem. "Good Morning!" the masculine earth pony proudly greeted the oddball on the side of the road. "...huh?" the earth pony in the green hoodie replied as he looked up from his papers. He just blankly stared at the traveling pony for a few seconds before shooting up to a standing position as he dropped his papers. He seemed surprised as he awkwardly bowed to the traveling pony. "G-GOOD MORNING!..." he practically shouted his reply back as he stayed there bowing as the other pony watched in confusion. "...um.... What are you doing?" the masculine pony asked, confused as to why he was bowing to him. "...too much?... Yeah." the pony in the green hoodie replied as he stopped bowing and stood there facing the floor awkwardly. "sorry... You came out of nowhere and surprised me. I wasn't too sure how to respond so I panicked... I'm not really good with others..." "That's fine... But in the future, a simple good morning should suffice" the Earth pony replied. "Names Perfect Guard, I'm on my way to Canterlot to apply to be part of the royal guard. Need to catch a Train from Ponyville to Canterlot." "really... Well, you probably have a good chance at getting in. With that whole big event coming up and all they'll probably be looking to boost security. What was it again?... Some royal something or other." the smaller earth pony replied as held his chin thoughtfully before he had a look of realisation. "oh right!... When meeting someone your supposed to do something like this" he continued as he held his hand out. It seemed he was looking to shake hands as folk do when meeting. "The event your thinking of must be the Royal Wedding" Perfect Guard responded as he reached out and firmly took his hand. However as he shook his hand he was greeted with a very limp grip from the other pony, his hands were also very sweaty. Wanting to let go of his grossly sweaty hand he was disappointed as the other ponies grip suddenly tightened and began shaking it almost comically bad. It seemed just like with greetings he also wasn't a very good hand shaker. "...I'm Sugar Crash..." the sweaty Palmer pony nervously replied, refusing to let go of Perfect Guards hand as he introduced himself. "...nice to meet you" "...like wise". Perfect Guard slightly frustratedly replied as he finally pulled his hand from Sugar Crashes sweaty grip. Usually Perfect Guard was good at sensing the emotions of others which gave him a good idea of how to act around them, but this Sugar Crash was different. He couldn't get a feel for him, although he seemed to be an oddball. "So your looking to become a guard" Sugar replied, now speaking with a little less nervousness in his voice. "solar or night?... Who em I kidding. Just look at you, you look like you were born to he a solar guard. I wouldn't be surprised if your cutie mark turned out to be a shield with the sun on it." The cutie mark he had been referring to was something all ponies gain as they grow up. It symbolises there special talent. As for solar or night guard. He was talking about the guard regiments. There were two military factions lead by the two highest powers in these lands. The solar guard, led by Princess Celestia. and the night guard, led by her younger sister Princess Luna. The two Princess were sisters and co-rulers of these lands known as Equestria. The night guard had only recently been established as Luna had been gone for a long time due to her getting possessed and being banished the moon. ...But she was fine now. "yes, I'm looking to join the solar guard. You would have to be crazy to join the night guard." Perfect Guard proudly replied. "I'm curious. What are you doing all the way out here Sugar Crash." "oh... Well I come out here to think, It's quiet along this road most days. But today I guess I just came to fill out these forms before work. I was supposed to do it yesterday but I felt to stressed... Thought the peace and quiet would help calm me." Sugar Crash replied as he picked up the papers he had dropped earlier. "oh! You sound like you have a stressful job. Are you perhaps part of the solar guard?" Perfect Guard asked. "What?... Me, a guard?..." Sugar replied. "No... nonono... I work in retail!... These forms are for resupply shipments." "Oh!..." Perfect replied, losing interest in Sugar Crash. "well I would love to stay and chat but I do have a train to catch. I'm also a little famished so I hope I can grab a quick bite to eat in town" As Perfect Guard began to move on, Sugar Crash interjected. "you need to catch the train to Canterlot. You probably won't make it in time if you go down that path" Sugar said as Perfect past him. This grabbed his attention. "if you wanna get there on time you wanna go down this path." he continued as he motioned to the path that ran into the Forrest. "oh? How would this Forrest path be quicker than the path going straight through town?" Perfect guard questioned as he moved back to the split in the road and looked to the Forrest path. "that path will take you to town but then you have to deal with crowds an winding roads. But this path goes around all that and circles round directly to the train station... Although you gotta know a shortcut or two." Sugar replied as he stood beside Perfect Guard. "but that's fine, I'll show you the way." he continued as he patted Perfect on the back, his incredibly sweaty hand making Perfect uncomfortable. he then began to lead. "can't fix your hunger though unfortunately" Sugar Crash continued as he moved ahead. "that's fine." Perfect Guard replied as a sinister smile crept onto his face. "I'm sure I'll find something along the way" there was a small ominous green glint in Perfect Guards eye as he followed Sugar Crash into the isolated Forrest path. The tall trees blocked the view of the town as they entered. The path began to wind and bend as Perfect followed Sugars lead, he watched him with a hungry stare. At some points they left the path for a bit and would end up on it again later. Time passed and Perfect was becoming impatient with how long this supposed short cut was taking, not to mention he was hungry. But before he could eat he needed to know he was on the right path, he didn't want to end up lost. "How much further is it?" Perfect Guard questioned, becoming impatient as they once again left the main path. "just around these trees and through these bushes" Sugar Crash blissfully replied as he took the lead. "Good! I'm famished" Perfect Guard sinistly replied as he licked his lips. Sugar Crash suddenly rushed ahead, disappearing through some bushes. Perfect Guard not wanting his prey to get too far ahead and rejoin civilization rushed behind him, a sinister green glint in his eyes. He needed to have his meal before any witnesses showed up. As he leaped through the bushes following Sugar Crash he suddenly stopped. There were no buildings, no train station, and certainly no people. Just a small grassy clearing surrounded by trees, roughly 10 meters wide. Had Sugar Crash gotten turned around at some point. Were they lost. That thought quickly vanished as he noticed Sugar standing at the other end of the small clearing. His nervous and odd expression now replaced with a very serious stare. There was something off with him, dangerous even. "hey Sugar. are you sure this was the right way, cause I think we're lost." Perfect Guard called across to him in a joking way, in an attempt to lighten the mood. "I definitely don't see the train any where around here." "No! You just don't see the train station because it's a few miles behind you" Sugar replied in a serious tone. Shocked, he replied. "What? But that would mean!" "that's right! I lead you away from town. You didn't notice thanks to all the winding paths and tall trees obscuring your view" Sugar replied calmly from across the clearing. "he...hehe..hehehe" Perfect Guard began to chuckle to himself. "So what is this. Some mugging attempt? Perhaps some sad twisted fantasy your trying to fulfill?" "You made two mistakes!" Sugar replied, ignoring him. "what?" he replied. "Mistake one. There is no such thing as the night guard. There know as the Luna Guard." Sugar stated. There was a look of regret in Perfect Guards eye as heard that. "and whats the second one?" "The royal Wedding you mentioned, What is that? There hasn't been any mention of the in the news or magazines. Whatever it is it's not public knowledge. Just what is going on?" Sugar answered. A look of shock overtook his face. "I really blew it on that one... But I guess it's too late for that" Perfect continued. As he said that a green flame erupted from above him, covering him from head to toe. As the flame disappeared where Perfect Guard once was now stood a large bipedal dark insect creature. It had a curved twisted horn and had holes throughout its arms and legs. Sharpe claws hung from its hands as ferocious teeth lined its mouth. A pair of insect like wings now sprung from its back. This creature was a changling, an insect like creature that feed on the emotional energy's of others and could feel them. These creatures lived out of sight and behind masks, they lived secretly in the shadows. As far as the world was concerned they don't exist. Strength, magic, flight. A changling contained all these abilities. They kinda looked like ponies but distorted, even demonic. This was the first time he had shown his true form to a pony, which was unfortunate. Since changlings feed on emotion energy it was gonna spoil the meal. Happiness and love taste the best but now all Sugar Crash would do is have fear. Ponies were know for being easy to frighten. They lived cushy lives, full of happy things like rainbows and sparkles. Seeing something like a changling was sure to frighten him. "even a bad meal is better than non-" the Changling started before he suddenly realised something. He felt nothing from Sugar Crash. If anything he was board. There was no reaction to his transformation, not even a flinch. This was unsettling to him. "sorry if I'm making this underwhelming. My shift starts in half an hour and i'm not really looking forwards to work." Sugar Crash calmly stated. "your an odd one... But I'm sure after a put a hole or two in you you'll make the right reaction." the changling said as he Pointed a hand towards Sugar. His crooked horn glow a vibrant green as a ball of green light appeared in his hand. 'BOOOOOMMM!!!'' Suddenly a loud explosion is heard as a fire erupts from his hand. But this isn't what he was trying to do. The explosion consumes his hand. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!". The changling clutches the stump that remains where his hand was. Green blood shooting from the wound as his arm is left a bloody mess. "WAS... WAS THAT YOU?... WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU DIDN'T EVEN MOVE" he shouted in pain. "are you familiar with a substance called nitroglycerin?" Sugar casually asks. "What?... Yeah, it's highly explosive so what?" he replied. "It's simple!... I transformed my sweat from earlier into nitroglycerin. There's so much more you can do with that transforming ability of yours if you put in the Time and effort" Sugar replied. "Transformed your sweat!... That's not possible. Besides, the only species with the ability to transform is!-" The changling began as he had a sudden realisation. "That's right" Sugar replied as a green glint flashed over his eyes. "I'm a changling too. My sweat crept into your body through the pours in your skin. I turned your arm into a bomb. But that wasn't the only part of you I touched." The changling called Perfect Guard suddenly remembered being pat on the back. "...Why would a changling..." his sudden realisation of his impending death caused him to freeze. "tell me! Why are changling traveling to Canterlot? What's the royal wedding?" Sugar questioned. "you know about us all heading to Canterlot but you don't know of the royal wedding?" Perfect Guard questioned as he looked around the clearing. He noticed a few scorch marked and chunks missing from the area. "you've intercepted others passing through this town haven't you! You've even killed them here, in this spot. But why? your one of us!" "I won't ask again" Sugar replied with a deadly serious expression. "I... I must worn the others who would pass through here!" the Changling said as his wings sprung to life. But he only got three meters into the air before his back exploded. He dropped to the floor unable to move as his spine was destroyed, a puddle of green blood forming around his corpse. "Darm it!..." a frustrated Sugar grumbled to himself. "Once again I still don't know what's going on. Royal Wedding?... I just hope they don't do anything stupid. A changling must never be see. As far as the world knows we don't exist" Sugar continued as he moved to the other changlings corpse, placing a hand across the lifeless creatures face. "I'll get rid of the body for now, Then I better head to work. Whatever there doing it better be done quietly. I can't have them ruin my quiet happy life." Sweat seeped from Sugars palm into the lifeless creatures face. Sugar then applied his sweat other parts of the corpse. Once he was satisfied he began to walk away from the body as he made a motion with his hand, as if he was holding a switch or a push top pen. Now a few meters away he motioned his thumb as if pushing a button or the top of a push top pen. 'BOOOOOOOMMMM!!!' The corpse suddenly exploded, flames quickly devouring the corpse and even the smoke of the flame. In a instance the body is gone, the spot where it once laid mostly intact save a few patches of grass missing. Meanwhile Sugar was already heading back to Ponyville. "hmm... My abilities still need improvement. The control of the explosion is mostly there but I need to have the flames turn in on itself more to erase the sound completely. I might have figured out a new way to use my natural transformation ability, but with it comes a new set of complications." he reviewed. "as long as other changlings exist there is the chance one of them will be spotted. I can't risk one of them being exposed and ruining it for me. To keep my quiet happy life going... I will continue to erase any changling I come across. Although I'm probably worrying too much. Our nature is to hide afterall, it's not like we're suddenly going to stop doing what we've done for the past thousand years and invade a city." With that Sugar headed back to Town confident his quiet life would continue. Meanwhile far beyond town, a beautiful and majestic city sat on a cliff far in the distance. It seemed eiry dark clouds had began to form over it.