Echoes Of Discord

by PhoxSillanpaa

First published

Even after the villain Discord is banished from Ponyville, is chaos ever really gone?

Just because you get rid of the mastermind himself, doesn't mean he ever leaves for good. In the wake of Discord's defeat, he leaves many traces of himself behind. Some are as easy as a whisper, while others are fearsome creatures, or pseudo offspring. Discord may be stone, but his legacy and idea lives on. After all, you can't kill an idea.

Sword Of The Filly

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Ponyville was in total chaos. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were dashing along, side by side, as buildings floated around them. Some were upside down, their inhabitants scrambling out the windows, hitting the ground, and scurrying for cover amid the disorder. The Crusaders knew just what to do.

With a determined look on her face, inspired by Twilight and her friends, Sweetie Belle had explained exactly what their duty was. It was a unanimous decision as Sweetie Belle announced that it was up to them to put a stop to Discord's reign of randomness. The three stayed neck and neck, resolved to end it together; and ideally, get the most heroic cutie marks anypony could ask for.

"Do you want to explain this plan of yours?" Scootaloo called sideways.

Sweetie Belle gave her a confident, winning, smile, "It's easy girls, Scootaloo, your speed on your scooter should be enough to distract to Discord. You should be able to lure him to where Apple Bloom and I will be ready. With the fabric I borrowed while Rarity was away, one good stunning kick from Apple Bloom's karate skills should give us time to wrap him up."

Apple Bloom seemed a bit unsure, "Ah don't know, Sweetie Belle. Jus' look what he's doin' to Ponyville... What if he's too strong?"

Sweetie Belle still grinned, "Exactly. We can't just let him terrify our town. And just think about the adoration we'll get from everypony for saving Equestria. We'll get our cutie marks for sure!"

Scootaloo thought to herself a moment. If we can pull this off, everypony will surely recognize me, especially Rainbow Dash. No more living in the clubhouse for me. I'll finally get the respect I deserve, flight or no flight. The orange filly smiled to herself and then veered off from the others to get her scooter.

Her friends watched her go and ran all the faster in order to make sure they were ready for Discord when their friend led him by. Scootaloo ran at full speed until she reached the backside of Sixpence, the local general store. Her scooter was floating off the ground, just out of reach.

The flightless pegasus jumped as high as could, missing by a few inches. She tried again flapping her wings as hard as she could, but to no avail. The filly looked left and right before she saw what she needed. A crate was nearby, only a few inches in the air. She gave a small running start, leaping onto the box then high enough so that a single flap was all she needed to land on her favorite mode of transportation.

Scootaloo's weight was enough to bring the scooter down to the ground with her, smiling triumphantly. She was about to start up her wings to head to find Discord when suddenly an object caught her attention through the window of the store. A long, black sheathe housing a sword with purple lacing around it's handle was resting on the counter.

Scootaloo cautiously got off her scooter, relieved to see it wasn't going to float anymore. She clopped up to the window, looking around inside. Twobits, the store's owner had apparently fled with the rest of the refugees. The orphan picked up a stone from the ground and smashed the window.

It was a pegasus weapon. Any pegasi that wanted to be known as a warrior learned the ways of katanas like these. Scootaloo hopped through the window, her mind a bit confused at what she was doing. Sure, she had stolen before, whenever she was hungry and really needed it, but this was different. She shook the guilty thought from her mind. She would return it after she saved Ponyville. Twobits couldn't be mad about that. She scooped the sheath up in her mouth, surprised at how light it was.

She scampered by to the scooter and zipped off. As she sped along, the filly drew the sword and secured the sheath to her handle bars. Scootaloo stretched her sword arm out, letting it dip as she held the blade to her side. The tip barely avoided the ground as she rode, cutting unfortunate blades of grass with ease as it passed along.

The little warrior cast her gaze about, riding through little bunches of panicked ponies. They were all trying to find somewhere to hide, as though they were just going to wait for a hero. The filly smiled. She would be that hero. She followed the chaos, looking for the epicenter.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watched the orange blur dart through the street below them. They looked at each other for a few moments.

Apple Bloom tentatively asked, "W-wuz that a sword?"

Sweetie Belle nodded, but said nothing else as they watched the orange dot disappear into the distance.

With determination in her eyes and focus on her mission, Scootaloo charged onward. Discord came into view. He was seated on his throne, lounging to one side and resting his chin on his palm. His quick eyes saw the small pony coming before she ever saw him, lips curling into a smile. As she got closer, he sat up.

Scootaloo gritted her teeth, never slowing for a minute. She thought to herself, Be like Rainbow Dash. She'd go even faster! Urging her wings harder, she picked up speed. Discord was drawing closer and closer. She could almost see his mismatched eyes and that snaggle tooth.

Suddenly, the wheels on her scooter became squares. At her speed, the wheels caught a rock in no time. The sudden halt sent the scooter tumbling and the filly flying over the handle bars. Surprise on her face and sword still in hoof, she hit the ground and rolled. By pure miracle, she didn't slice herself in her tumble as she came to rest right at the feet of her enemy.

Discord stood up, smile still playing on his face as the battered Scootaloo tried to stand. One foot pushed her back down and Discord knelt down beside her.

"Well... If it isn't Scoot-Scootaloo. And, oh my... she's armed, as well." The creature toyed.

The inexperienced hero opened her eyes, looking up at Discord. Her bones were bruised in more than a few places from her high speed bail. She didn't try to get up again, knowing he would just push her down again. The filly listened to his every word as he spoke down to her.

"I'm so surprised. To think I would get to see the town dodo lead a direct assault all by her lonesome at the big, bad, evil me. Ohhh, tutututut. I find myself wondering why'd you'd do such a thing for a place like this. Don't you remember? The way they treat you?" His eyes flashed as his last sentence grew a little deeper and raspy.

Scootaloo stirred, clenching her teeth as she struggled to stand again. Discord moved back a little, letting Scootaloo take her stance. Sword in hoof and off to the side again, she stood on three hooves, though it hurt her whole body to do so. One eye squinted shut, mane a mess, and breathing through clenched teeth, she squared off with her adversary.

"Ponyville is my home! I-I won't stand by while you do this!" Her voice broke a little, only a tinge of uncertainty in her tone.

It was all Discord needed to make his entrance, "Home? You don't have a home. These ponies walk around everyday, knowing you don't have a family. Only a select few even know you have a shelter. Make no mistake, young Scootaloo, that is not what a home is."

Unseen by Scootaloo, a wisp from Discord's word escaped his lips, trailing through the air. She retaliated, "They may not see me now! But they will see me once I have defeated you!" They would all see her and know that she existed. As the wisp slipped into Scootaloo's ear, embedding itself into her mind, she charged.

She kicked off with her hind legs, other hoof meeting her sword hoof. She aimed a slash upwards, right to left. She was intent to see him in two pieces now, the plan completely forgotten after the loss of her scooter.

Discord could have easily turned her sword into a sponge, but took a different approach. As soon as she had moved to leap, he was already spinning counterclockwise, tail whipping through the air.

His tail went right pass her attack. Before her sword got anywhere near him, his tail slammed into her body. The blow sent Scootaloo into the ground. Her body bounced once and slid away from him. He gave a satisfied smile, straightening up and moving back to his throne.

"Scootaloo!" A cry rang in the distance among clopping hooves.

Discord, looked up from his claws and then with a simple snap of his fingers, he vanished. It was time to relocate, his work done here.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom came galloping up the road. Apple Bloom blinked back a tear at the sight of their fallen friend. She bit back any instinct to blame Sweetie Belle as they arrived at Scootaloo's side.

"Scootaloo? Scootaloo, wake up!" Sweetie Belle said, pleading and sinking down to lay next to the downed filly.

Apple Bloom looked around, searching for signs of discord, Sweetie Belle! Look!"

Apple Bloom trotted over to the scooter and dragged it back to the pair. She showed Sweetie Belle the square wheels. Sweetie Belle blinked and then looked away, silent shame dominating her mind. She rested her chin on the orange coat of Scoot while Apple Bloom paced about worriedly.

"Aw, Sweetie Belle... ah knew this wuz a bad idea... ah jus' knew it." She started, but silenced herself when she heard the other filly sniffle.

Apple Bloom moved to Sweetie Belle and knelt down beside her, one hoof moving to stroke her mane as they waited for help. Running to find some would certainly do them no good while Discord was rampaging.

Their downed friend stirred beneath Sweetie Belle's chin. Sweetie Belle lifted her chin and looked down to see purple eyes flicker open. The orange filly moaned in pain, moving a hoof as if she were going to try to stand.

Apple Bloom's hoof came down lightly onto her chest and she spoke softly, "Be still Scoot, Wer' gonna getchya help real soon.”


As Twilight and her friends ended the Discord crisis, life went back to normal. Or, at least, things were close to normal. Anytime Scootaloo was not off crusading, she was tucked up in Sweet Apple Acres, practicing with her sword. She never returned it. Since that day, she never even let Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom touch it.

She had been massively discouraged by Discord's flawless victory. And when Twilight and the others defeated him with a single shot, she felt all the more irritated. Her frustration egged her on. Though she still couldn't fly, she had been practicing using her wings to alter her midair motion, making it easier to land on her hooves after a somersault, or block a blow without getting knocked through the air as hard.

She had started with just one apple. With a plank laid over a rock, she'd place the apple on one end and then stomp on the other, catapulting it into the air. With a single stroke, she'd try to slice the apple at the proper altitude, right wherever her eyes crossed it's path. It went slow, sometimes she would spend an hour before she'd hit the apple at all.

Soon, she was getting it every time. Closer and closer to the exact center, her skill grew. The blade finally began feeling like an extension of her arm. She moved on to two apples. It only took her a week to master that.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watched her all the while, innocently cheering her on as she honed her skills. They didn't really understand why Scootaloo had changed since that day. The need to prove herself began to overwhelm the young filly. She was determined to defeat Equestria's next threat, no matter what it might be.

Scootaloo, in the back of her mind, wondered if she would end up with a katana cutie mark. She could now strike three apples before they hit the ground. It made for interesting lunches at the club house.

Almost a year had passed since the discord incident. Scootaloo continued on living in the club house, though she always waited for somepony like Cheerilie, or Lyra, or for the love of Celestia, Rainbow Dash, to scoop her up. She wanted somepony to take her in and care for her. Nopony ever stepped forward, so alone she remained. Her Cutie Mark Crusader best friends were just enough love to keep her going, but even they could not fill the empty spot Scootaloo felt.

It was on the night of Discord's one year anniversary of defeat, that Scootaloo would finally feel the full effect of his curse. The celebration lasted a majority of the night and she had spent it with her friends. When it was over, they both went home. They offered the usual sweet good nights before departing. Scootaloo watched them go home to their families. She just wrapped a hoof around her sheathed blade and curled up on her small basket bed in the corner.

That night, strange dreams were felt all across Ponyville. Rainbow Dash, asleep in Clousdale, was haunted by scenes of her doing wicked things to Scootaloo, some she'd never repeat to anypony. She woke up startled. She had seen every forlorn look the filly had ever given her. Cold sweat dampened her mane and she couldn't get back to sleep. Rainbow Dash climbed out of her bed and looked off her cloud balcony a moment. She made up her mind to go where all wounded hearts go when they are troubled. As she opened her door, an unsettling feeling passed her gut.

The rainbow-maned pegasus turned and went to her mantle to get her own katana. She had learned to use the weapon in flight school; and, as usual, she was the best at it. Something about this night felt so wrong, she dared not leave without its protection. With a few flaps of her wings she was off into the sky.

The cool wind comforted her slightly, glad to be up in the sky on a night like this. Despite its ominous atmosphere, it was a joyful flight to Fluttershy's cabin. Landing on the lawn, she slowly walked up to the door.

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof and knocked gently. It took a few moments as the shy, slow moving pony opened the top half of her door, eyes half closed. Her normally kempt mane was hanging around her shoulders in a slight mess. Fluttershy instinctively knew something was wrong.

"Rainbow Dash? What are you-" She started.

Rainbow Dash looked at the ground as the yellow mare spoke and raised her head, half cutting her off, "C-can I come in...?"

Fluttershy nodded and opened the door, stepping aside for her friend. "I'll put some tea on."

Twilight Sparkle awoke with a start. The mare screamed as she rolled out of bed. Pinkie Pie was seated right next to her, watching her sleep.

"Pinkie! What on Earth are you-?! Are you okay?" Twilight said, her face going from fright to concern as she stood up next to her bed.

Pinkie Pie was seated, dejectedly, on the bed. Her mane was straight and glassy and she trembled on the sheets. Her tremor got a little worse, almost bouncing her off Twilight's bed. The pony looked half heartbroken.

Twilight walked around the bed, cautiously; and Pinkie's eyes followed her. When Twilight came to rest at the pink pony's side, she finally spoke through her trembling.

"Something b-b-bad is g-going to hap-ppen." She stuttered, "It's my P-Pinkie sense."

Twilight stared at her a moment and then furrowed her brow, remembering the last time her pinkie sense had indicated something bad, this was different.

"Pinkie, you look awful. What's happened to you?" Twilight asked, trying to get more out of her.

The shaking pony blinked slowly, "This is really really b-bad T-Twilight. This hasn't happened in a l-long t-t-time."

Twilight looked more and more concerned, "Pinkie... What happened last time?"

A single tear rolled down Pinkie Pie's cheek, "My mother d-died." Pinkie whispered, looking hard at Twilight.


Scootaloo's night was by far the worst. Her mind went back to before the time she met Sweetie Belle. Huddled and cold, she would often sleep behind Sugar Cube Corner, pressed against the wall to absorb the faint heat of the ovens. All over again she had to watch the faces of apathetic ponies walk by her, hardly sparing a glance at the orphaned pegasus. The dreams only got worse.

Before long, she was being hit and abused by everypony. Any chance they got, they took a shot at her. She found herself in moments she knew she'd never experienced, but the horror was all too real.

Images of an atrocious factory in Cloudsdale gripped her mind. It was a horrible place where weak and helpless pegasi were brought to be systematically killed just to make a rainbow. She was strapped in a chair; and her murder was orchestrated by, of all ponies, her hero, Rainbow Dash.

Another scene of Sweet Apple Acres, totally covered in blood and gore flashed through her mind.

With a sudden start, she found herself at the club house’s window, no recollection of how she got there. At that moment, as she looked at the clouds, a rainbow streak crossed the sky, headed for Fluttershy's cabin. Enraged, and humiliated by her dreams, which danced before he like a twisted reality, she tore out of the club house. Her katana bounced at her side at she dashed off find Rainbow Dash. She would make the proud pegasus pay for her suffering.


Apple Bloom shook Applejack awake, panic in her eyes. "Sis! Sis! Wake up!"

The young filly had tiptoed out to check on Scootaloo amongst the oddly stirring night. All she had witnessed was Scootaloo twitching and jerking in her sleep. Apple Bloom had tried to wake her, but the orange pony was stricken with a fever. Scootaloo had gotten up, but she didn't respond to anything Apple Bloom said. After a moment, Apple Bloom knew something was terribly wrong and had ran to the only pony she trusted to make it better.

"Au- wuh? Apple Bloom? Now whut you doin' wakin' me up at this hour?" Applejack mumbled through hazy, eyes.

"Sis, it's Scootaloo, she's sick an’ ah don't know wut ta'do!" Apple Bloom's face was a picture of extreme worry.

Applejack softened a bit and got out of bed. She groggily put on her hat, moving much slower than the young filly wanted; but the mild mannered younger pony let her sister go at her own pace. The two departed toward the clubhouse. Applejack knew Scootaloo had been living there for awhile now, but never said anything about it.

They walked through the dark orchard. Apple Bloom kept getting ahead of her sister and then slowing down to let the older pony catch up. Applejack was still shaking off sleep in the moonlight. Even she could feel something odd in the air, but she attributed it to her sleep.

When they arrived at the scene there was no sign of Scootaloo. Apple Bloom roamed the clearing nervously and finally found a clue.

"Sis! Over here!" She called out.

As Applejack approached, her eyes fell to the ground. There were a few sharp divots from fast trotting hooves, then they turned into tire tracks. The orange mare shook her head, finally waking up.

"Come on, Apple Bloom! She’s taken off on ‘er scooter!"

Applejack couldn't run her fastest without leaving her younger sister behind. If Scootaloo was as sick as Apple Bloom had related to her, the orange filly could not get far.

Inside Fluttershy's cabin, Rainbow Dash was seated across the table from the yellow mare, trembling slightly. The gentle pony watched her friend closely, allowing the other pegasus to gather her thoughts. Dash sipped at her tea, eyes downcast.

When she finally looked up, Rainbow Dash began, "I had the worst dreams. They were about Scootaloo..."

Fluttershy listened, speaking softly when it was her turn, "Well, was she alright?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "No, It was awful. She was all alone and cold; and as she looked up at me for help, all I did was turn my nose. I even smacked her."

Fluttershy reached a hoof across the table and patted her friend's arm, "There, there, it was only a dream. You know you'd never hurt Scootaloo. I'm still wondering why you haven't taken her in. We can all tell you're fond of her."

Rainbow Dash blinked a few times and looked to the window, "You can, huh? Well, to be honest, it's not something that didn't cross my mind; but I live in Cloudsdale, she can't even get up there; and besides, I can't take care of a foal. I can't even stay out of the hospital. I'd make a terrible guardian."

Fluttershy sipped her tea, letting a few quiet moments pass. "Well, that doesn't mean you can't show her you care, right? Why don't we find her in the morning? I'm sure it will make you feel better if you spend some time with her."

Dash smiled a little, "Yeah, you're right."

Truth be told, Rainbow Dash had seldom spent any time with Scootaloo, much less showed her any kind of affection.

That was when the voice called out, "Rainbow Dash! Get out here!"

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash set their tea down and looked to the window. On the lawn about a hundred yards out, Scootaloo, framed by night, stood on her scooter. Her blade flashed in the moonlight.

"Oh... My..." Fluttershy squeaked.

Rainbow Dash looked to the yellow mare. Confused, Dash got up from the table. Her friend nodded to her as she went to the door to talk to the sword wielding filly.

Rainbow Dash felt a few chills at the look on the filly’s face as she approached Scootaloo. She tried to smile, but the look on the young one’s face dampened her efforts. The cyan pegasus kept her distance, made nervous by the aggressive little pony.

"Uh, hey, squirt. What are you doing up this late?" Rainbow Dash started.

Scootaloo was in no mood for pleasantries, "Lay off the nicknames, Dashie. You know why I'm here."

Dash took a step backwards, eyes going from left to right, "Scootaloo... what's going on?"

Scootaloo's flightless wings spread open with a small pop, "You watched just like everypony else! I sought your approval tirelessly and all I ever got was shoved aside and overlooked!"

The cerulean mare was taken aback by the shouting. Her hoof went to the sheath of her own weapon, glad she had brought it, "Scootaloo, put that katana away. Come inside and sit with Fluttershy and me awhile."

Scootaloo shook her head, eyes cast off to the side, "Too long, Dash. I've been ignored and walked over for too long! Nopony will ignore me after tonight, not after I take you down!"

Rainbow Dash found herself stepping back. The young pony was biting her lip, eyes full of rage. Something unnatural glimmered behind her pupils. The older mare had less than a few moments before Scootaloo kicked powerfully against the ground. The orange filly was working to a full advance, katana in hoof.

Fluttershy's face was full of shock as Scootaloo charged at Rainbow Dash, full speed. The yellow pony ducked beneath the window, unable to watch as Rainbow Dash sharply drew her own blade.

Hellbent on this battle, Scootaloo put everything she had into the initial charge. When she was just a few feet away, she leapt from her scooter. It reeled at Rainbow Dash as Scootaloo performed a forward somersault, aiming her sword right between her perceived enemy’s ears.

Rainbow Dash wasn't the best for nothing, though. In one smooth motion, her sword left it's sheathe, cutting the scooter in half. As the pieces separated to either side of her, the sword kept rising to catch Scootaloo's attack. As the blades hit, the filly seemed to freeze in the air a moment before getting thrown back. A smart back flip landed her in the position to dart forward again, her wings propelling her toward her target.

Sliding in, Scootaloo's blade went for Rainbow's side. The older pony easily blocked it, but stepped back. She was so confused and committed to the defensive. She didn't want to hurt Scootaloo, so ring after ring of steel on steel, she was driven backwards.

"Scootaloo! Cut it out! What's gotten into you!?" Dash yelled.

To the rainbow pegasus's surprise, the filly was actually gaining on her. She knew if she didn't do something soon, Scootaloo might really hurt her. With a powerful parry that sent the younger one off balance, Rainbow Dash flapped back with her impressive wings. The staggered filly caught the gust from her wings and toppled backwards.

Rainbow Dash stood, sword in hoof and ready to defend again if Scootaloo came back at her. The crazed filly hopped right back up and charged right back in. She was fighting like a wounded animal. The mare realized that was exactly what she was. After defending only a few blows, Scootaloo's blade broke her defense and caught Rainbow Dash on the cheek. A few more inches and it would have gone deeper into her skull.

Rainbow Dash cried out, realizing Scootaloo was actually trying to kill her. The pegasus would not go down without a real fight. She counter attacked, putting her attacker a few paces back. The sounds rang through the forest and surrounding area.

"If you don't back off me, I'm really going to have to hurt you, brat!" Rainbow Dash yelled through the melee.

It did little to deter Scootaloo. The young pony kept in close, knowing Rainbow Dash had an advantage with distance. Rainbow Dash had had enough though. With a leap backwards she took to the sky, knowing Scootaloo couldn't get to her there.

Rainbow Dash started a dive, building up speed. Scootaloo saw it coming and flapped her own wings, dragging herself backwards to lessen the impact. The mare’s attack still clanged off the filly's blade, toppling her backwards. The orange pony looked up just in time to raise her sword, knocking aside Rainbow Dash’s attempt to pin one of her wings to the ground.

Effectively deflected, Dash's blade sunk into the earth next to Scootaloo. She immediately had to turn sideways to avoid an upwards thrust. Twisting her body and using her wings to help her barrel roll away, she pulled her sword from the ground, landing a short distance away from the filly.

Rainbow Dash breathed heavily, but Scootaloo looked relaxed and determined. The mare wasn't trying to kill her, but she was unwilling to let a child defeat her. The pegasus kept trying to think of ways to disable her opponent, but the filly was too good. It boggled the older pony how one so young could have achieved this level of skill.

The two circled for a few moments, thinking of each other’s next move. Rainbow grew tired of waiting and launched her offensive. The blades bounced off each other, Scootaloo may not have been able to fly, but her motions were quick like Rainbow Dash's. An onlooker would have seen little of the blades themselves as the deadly bits of metal hummed through the air, each seeking the body of its opponent.

Scootaloo blocked a particularly heavy blow, and flapped her wings to pull off a very controlled slide backwards. When she stopped, there was plenty of distance between the two.

Scoot yelled as she charged, blade low. Dash met the challenge, praying neither of them would be seriously hurt when it was over. The two sword ponies raised their weapons at the last moment, each aiming to end the fight with this final blow.

As soon as they crossed, it was Rainbow Dash who spun haphazardly. She took a few tripping steps and then crashed to the ground. The filly breathed heavily for a moment before turning around to see the aftermath. She wasn't quite ready for what she would see.

Her anger burned out, leaving behind only the vindication that had driven her to complete the task. Her hero lay on her back, wings spread. Her arms were curled into her stomach as she held her midsection. The filly could see it was a messy wound as she got closer.

Seeing Rainbow Dash like this broke the spell Discord had put over her, but the sight of what she had done hardened her somewhat, even as a threatening tear edged her eyelid. Scootaloo crouched next to the fallen mare, who was writhing slowly in pain.

The wound was a fatal one. No pony would be able to undo the damage Scootaloo had done. She lightly brushed her hoof through the mare’s mane. Her face was placid as she watched Rainbow Dash dying.

Dash's writhing slowed, and she looked up at the night sky tearfully, "Scootaloo... I've... A-always cared..." Rainbow Dash coughed a bit of blood onto her cerulean chin, "I-I.Just... Couldn't... Didn't.... kno-" There was a short silence. The mare was murmuring, losing her ability to speak, "Ees it."

The pegasus was suffering. It would probably take her another half hour before her inevitable demise. Scootaloo placed the point of her sword against Rainbow Dash's chest, just above her heart. The mare’s hooves came up to grasp the blade of the sword, eyes looking pleadingly at the filly for mercy.

Even the young pony knew that this was the only mercy she could give at this point, even as Dash’s eyes seemed to beg for her life. Scootaloo placed her free hoof over the other pegasus’s eyes and then forced the sword downwards, piercing the mare’s heart.

Rainbow Dash's body jerked and writhed. Enough blood to take away her conscious poured from the wound in less than a minute. As the pegasus went still, and her final breath exhaled. Scootaloo gave a sigh and pulled the sword out of her hero's body.

There was a short calm, but suddenly many things began to happen at once. Awaking from her surreal calm after defeating Rainbow Dash, the thundering of hooves nearby snapped her to.


Without thinking, Scootaloo spun and lashed out at the approaching pony who had gotten too close too quickly. The moment seemed to drag on in slow motion. At the completion of her swing a pink mane floated by, dancing in front of Scootaloo's eyes. Fluttershy hit the ground, having stumbled instead of stopping where she had planned, after the sword bit deep into her.

Scootaloo's eyes went wide at what had just happened. Suddenly, there were more on the scene. Twilight and Pinkie Pie were up the road from Fluttershy's cabin and Applejack and Apple Bloom were coming out of the woods. The filly would never forget the looks on all their faces. Fluttershy struggled to find her hooves, trying get further away from Scootaloo, but couldn't seem to stand.

As the four new ponies on the scene came charging in, Scootaloo took a hop step backwards. She turned and ran, trying to be anywhere but where she was now. Such confusion and anger ran through her head as she looked back to see if she was being followed. The others had not given chase. The orange filly was stuck with the frustrating thought. Oh, why did Fluttershy startle me like that? I never meant to hurt her! No pony would ever want to hurt her.

Back at the scene, Pinkie Pie had stopped trembling, but her hair was straight down her shoulders as she saw what was before her. Twilight didn't know what to think. She ran to Rainbow Dash first, letting Applejack check on Fluttershy. The unicorn let out a stifled sob, anger rising as she realized Rainbow Dash was already dead. Reluctantly, she left the rainbow-maned pony's side to help Applejack with Fluttershy.

Applejack saw the look on Twilight's face and she knew the blue mare hadn’t survived. Pinkie Pie stayed behind, singing a soft song while she wept and rubbed her cheek on Rainbow Dash's, saying her goodbyes.

Fluttershy was conscious, though she was bleeding badly, "I... Was too... scared... Scoo... Scootaloo..."

Applejack furrowed her brow fighting tears as the yellow mare faded, "Shh, shh, jus' be quiet, sugar cube. Apple Bloom! Go get the Doctor!"

Apple Bloom hesitated a moment, in shock.

"Ah said now, Apple Bloom!" Applejack yelled.

Twilight was trying to think fast, but no spell she knew could heal a wound like that. The yellow pony was fading faster and faster, but she grew calmer, despite the tears in her eyes.

Applejack ran her hoof through the gentle pony's mane. She was so in denial about what was happening, she was able to react somewhat rationally. She tried to comfort Fluttershy and the pegasus reached a hoof up to touch her arm in response. Twilight cried out in frustration. She felt like she was the only one who could comprehend the situation.

The yellow mare only lasted a minute longer before she seized a few times, began shaking, and then grew still with a final exhale. Applejack looked away as the pegasus’s hoof fell and she finally died. Twilight Sparkle swallowed hard and fought back as many tears and shouts as she could.

Pinkie Pie seemed to be doing the best out of all of them. She left Rainbow’s side and came to Fluttershy, giving her a similar treatment. The pink pony nuzzled Fluttershy's cheek, still humming. After she was done, she turned her back on the scene, walking towards Ponyville.

Applejack and Twilight watched her go. They sat with their fallen friends until the doctor and a dozen other ponies arrived. It was no low key affair when two ponies were killed in violence in Ponyville. The unicorn left with the doctor and the crew he brought to begin helping with the funeral arrangements.

Applejack had other plans. She returned to Sweet Apple Acres. Tears were running down her cheeks, but her face showed little emotion. She couldn't reach her mind around why Scootaloo would kill Rainbow Dash, or better yet, Fluttershy, who had never done anything to hurt anypony.

Apple Bloom was sobbing in her wake. Aside from the sound of their hooves on the earth, it was the only audible sound. Applejack was glad Apple Bloom didn't have to watch Fluttershy die. The sight of Ponyville’s kindest, most innocent pony fading away at the hooves of violence would be burned into the orange mare's mind forever. But that kind of memory was the least sacrifice any pony could make for a friend like Fluttershy.

As soon as they entered the farmhouse, Apple Bloom went to her room where she would eventually cry herself to sleep. Her imaginings of her friend murdering two of Ponyville’s finest, not to mention two of the elements of harmony, haunted her until exhaustion finally overcame her.

Applejack opened a dusty cupboard. It was one she never opened anymore. Big Macintosh watched her silently from the doorway. Applejack began the process of suiting up. She slipped her hind hooves into two steel shoes, strapping them on like boots. On her front legs, she strapped on a pair of bracers. The equipment was part of a traditional earth pony fighting style. She would be able to do massive damage with her hind legs and block attacks with her front. Applejack knew it well.

"No good will come from this," Big Mac said from the doorway.

Applejack gave him a raised eyebrow, a fire in her eyes, "Ah think lookin' fer good things is kinda outta the question, anyhow."

"You have responsibilities. Don' even think ‘bout not comin’ back." Big Mac said in his monotone drawl.

"Darn tootin'. Ah have two dead friends, includin' my marefriend. I ain't doin’ anythin' until I take care of these first," the mare replied to her brother.

Big Mac nodded and simply turned around. He knew he couldn't stop the orange mare once something got into her mind. There was honor to avenge here.

Pinkie was way ahead of Applejack. Her knowledge of pyrotechnics wasn't just limited to party cannons, welcome carts, and poppers. She donned her close fitting black clothes. Drawing up the face mask and hood, she retrieved her tanto. It was a single small blade that hitched in a sheathe on her hip. Multiple smoke bombs, knock out bombs, and flash bombs adorned her right side. Almost a full hour before Applejack had even made it home, Pinkie Pie was stealing off into the night.

She was out of Ponyville in no time. The pink mare didn’t even bother to be sneaky. It wasn’t until she got to the Everfree forest, where Scootaloo had vanished, that she actually began using her skills. Every pony knew there was no hiding from Pinkie Pie when she wanted to find you.

Her color was easily hidden in the dark tree tops. She resembled a black blur for any with eyes sharp enough to catch it and be looking in the right place at the right time. It wasn't long before she picked up the filly’s trail, bruised and broken branches giving away her reckless dash through the woods.

Scootaloo hadn't stopped running. She blinked back tears at what she had done, but she knew it was about survival now. She hoped Fluttershy would be alright, though she knew there would be other ponies on her trail in no time for what she did to Rainbow Dash.

She slowed down to catch her breath, walking now. The young pegasus tried to distract herself from the events of the night. The major difference she felt was the absence of drive, the force that had pushed her to learn to use the sword. The feeling of invisibility was definitely over, Ponyville would never forget her now.

Suddenly, there was a rustle in the tress. Scoot stopped, a hoof on her sword. From nowhere there was a bright flash in the darkness. Scootaloo raised her weapon, completely blind but instinctively blocking an attack that had been meant for her throat. The vibration scared her in blindness. The filly shook her head, trying to regain vision.

Taking a gamble, she leaned to the right, flapping her wings to speed her off to the side. Her vision was coming back now. Through the blurry pain, she saw a dark, fast figure. Suddenly, another glint of steel caught her eye and she managed to deflect another blow by pure reflex.

Scootaloo counter attacked this time but caught nothing but air. As her vision returned, she knew who she was fighting. Pinkie Pie stood before her, a small tanto blade upside down in her right hoof.

"Hai, Scoots!" Pinkie said, her voice as bubbly as ever.

The pegasus readied her sword and prepared to defend herself, "You're not taking me back to Ponyville."

Pinkie Pie smiled wide, "Back to Ponyville? Silly filly, why would we go back to Ponyville when we're going to have so much fun right here in our own personal party?! Ooh! there will even be fireworks and cupcakes, you look like you would be good at making cupcakes, and dancing too! I love this kind of dance!"

Scootaloo nodded slightly and then dashed forward. Pinkie was gone before her swing was even complete. The pegasus slid off to the side just in time as Pinkie's blade carved the air where her head had just been. Using her wings, the filly managed to stay just ahead of Pinkie Pie as the pony somersaulted and twisted, slashing and striking at Scootaloo.

The blade seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. The young pegasus only had time to deflect half of Pinkie's attacks, never time to launch any of her own. Her mind was racing. Pinkie Pie would strike her down in just a few minutes time if she didn't think of something quick. Pinkie was like a black and pink blur, striking from seemingly every angle.

Scooting across the ground sideways, the young filly deflected two of Pinkie’s attacks within a few seconds of each other. The Pegasus quickly darted backward to try and establish some distance. She looked about, having lost sight of Pinkie Pie. A small sort of panic consumed Scootaloo’s mind, knowing a fatal blow could happen at any moment.

She heard a giggle from the tree tops. Scoot’s keen eyes caught sight of an object as it fell next to her. Before it could hit the ground, the filly sliced it open as easily as if it was an apple from her training. The object exploded in her face, sending smoke in every direction. The pegasus cursed her stupidity as her visibility went from bad to none.

Scootaloo coughed, fluttering her wings and propelling forward to try and get out of the smoke. She covered her face with her hooves, just trying to escape for the moment. Just as she breached the thicker areas of the cloud, the filly looked up in time to see Pinkie Pie’s crazed eyes tumble from the trees at her. Scoot drew her blade in an upward attack, though Pinkie easily matched it with the speed of her tanto.

As Pinkie forced her katana aside, the orange pony kept her wings flapping to clear the smoke. The sword pony was trying to recover her stance from Pinkie’s parry, but found herself barely dancing from side to side, staying ahead of Pinkie’s blade and trying to work herself farther from the smoke.

If it wasn't for Scootaloo's wings helping her skid around and dodge, she would have been long dead. Pinkie Pie was getting frustrated. Each of her attacks came with a growl, sometimes a half crazed sounding giggle. After several frantic moments, the smaller pony finally put some distance between herself and her attacker. She parried a blow that rocked the pink pony back a moment. Scoot flapped up and planted her hind hooves on Pinkie’s chest. With a kick, she zipped away from the ninja. The force staggered the pink mare, causing her to take a few steps back.

By sheer luck, the little filly’s opening appeared. The pegasus darted forward as Pinkie Pie leapt up, exposing her midsection. The earth pony could do nothing to stop the sword pony’s advance.

Scootaloo brought the sword around, aiming a blow that would separate the pink mare at her lower half. Pinkie Pie twisted as much as possible, but her attempt to dodge would not be enough to keep her in the fight. Scootaloo's sword drug across the various bombs on Pinkie’s waist, sparring the pink mare’s body. In a violent eruption, the entire scene exploded with multicolor smoke. The pegasus ducked low and flapped her wings to clear the air around her. She held her breath and covered her nose with her hooves.

Pinkie Pie stood for a moment in the smoke before she roared in anger, "Raaaaaaaaargh!, immediately after, she very calmly said, "Shoot..."

Scootaloo heard the other pony hit the ground. She waited for a minute before she cleared all the smoke away with her wings. Pinkie was sprawled out, defeated by her own knockout gas. The pegasus inched forward, cautious of any tricks as she inspected the mare’s condition.

The orange pegasus used the tip of her katana to scoop up Pinkie's tanto, "That should stall her."

The pegasus took back off. She didn't know where she was going; she just knew she had to put as much distance between her and Ponyville as possible. The filly powered on through the darkness, making an alibi and identity for where ever she was going. For the first time, she was glad she didn't get a cutie mark. She would just grow out her mane, maybe dye a section black, and live out her life in some other village.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the thunderous sound of hooves behind her. An occasional metallic clank met her ears. She put on the speed, but soon realized how tired she was. She couldn't keep running and got caught in a fight for breath. The filly turned, trying to face the sound.

Applejack burst through the undergrowth, at full charge. Scootaloo took one step back and aimed an upwards strike from left to right at the earth pony. The rage alone in Applejack's eyes was enough to defeat the young filly.

Applejack's left leg, armored by her bracer, easily swooped in front of the blade, knocking it back the way it came from. The blade went to the ground on Scootaloo's left as Applejack planted a hoof and used it to pivot. As she turned fully about, her hind legs were already poised to buck Scootaloo's open face. The mare put everything she had into the kick, not caring if it took her opponents head off.

Scootaloo saw what was coming and as defenseless as she was, she managed to keep an arm in front of her face and flap backwards with her wings. She was a lucky filly, as her light weight made it impossible to absorb all the force behind the kick. Between her arm, and her backwards motion, her head was saved. However, the force of the kick sent her sprawling and spinning backwards. The pegasus was just lucky enough to maintain a grip on her sword as she crashed into a tree a good fifteen feet from where she was before.

Applejack was smiling at the effectiveness of her attack and walked towards her opponent, face back to serious, "How could ya kill mah Dashie? Did'ja think we was all jes gonna let that go? Ah won't bother askin' about what ya did to Fluttershy. There ain't no excuse for killin' a pony like that."

Scootaloo's back was bruised from her impact on the tree. Her heart sank with the news of Fluttershy. She had hoped the kind pegasus would live, but it didn't matter right now.

Scootaloo planted the tip of her katana in the ground and rose back to her hooves, taking a careful sidestep away from the tree. If she ever got caught between something solid and Applejack’s attack, it would surely be the end of her.

Scootaloo shook her head a few times just as Applejack was upon her again. The filly struck out with her sword, but found Applejack’s strength and increased momentum in her bracers hard to fight. Scootaloo was faster with her blows than Applejack was, but the earth pony made that armor she wore look weightless. Every swipe of her katana was met by one of the mare’s shin guards. The sound of steel clanging off steel rang through the forest. The pegasus kept finding herself having to quickly dodge a surprise counter attack. Her attacker’s style was as fluid as water, making any opening as elusive as it was brief.

Applejack managed to get through Scoot’s attacks with a deflection, knocking the filly’s weapon away from her center. The mare’s unarmored right hoof shot forward and caught the filly in the jaw, almost knocking her out. The pegasus stumbled backwards, just barely keeping her hooves beneath her. Out of instinct, she swung high in a counter attack. Applejack reared back as the blade took the tip of her ear and cut halfway through her hat before taking it off the earth pony's head. The mare twisted her body in mid-air, bringing her hind hooves into play again.

Scootaloo was slow to bring her blade back to ready and she was met both of Applejack’s armored hind hooves. Scoot managed to get her weapon between her and the hooves, using the flat of the blade and her other hoof to try and block.

The force of the kick sent her tumbling backwards. As she rolled, she lost her weapon and her head hit a rock. Dazed and nearly unconscious all she saw was the raging face of her adversary staring down her. Applejack went up on her legs, planning to stomp the filly's face.

Just through the blur, Scootaloo barely managed to get her head out of the way as Applejack stomped the rock where her face had just been.

The force of that stomp probably would have finished the filly off. Instead, Applejack howled in pain. The rock she stomped had an edge hidden just to the side of where Scootaloo's face had been. It split Applejack's right hoof, causing her to rear up again to get the weight off it.

Scootaloo took the opportunity and rolled to the side, using a quick flap of her wings to help her along. In a single deft spin, she drew the tanto at her waist and brought it across the back of Applejack's left hoof.

The earth pony’s leg went out on her, and without her other hoof to stand on, crashed to the ground in pain. She tried to stand, but just cried out. Tears on her cheeks, she realized she wouldn’t be able to continue the fight. Scootaloo stood over her, tanto in hoof.

Applejack spit at the pegasus, "Ya worthless, no good, disgrace of a pony!”

Applejack breathed hard, her frustration boiling over as she lashed her one good hoof upwards at Scootaloo. She was infuriated that she had failed to avenge Rainbow Dash. The pain she had been keeping concealed boiled over and she burst into tears. She was too overwhelmed with defeat and helplessness to hold it back anymore.

As the death of her marefriend and best friend consumed her mind she continued to bark at the filly, "Go ahead, finish me off! You've taken everythin'!"

Scootaloo took a step back, her eyes meeting the wounded mare's. After a moment, Applejack calmed enough to sit still. The pegasus raised the tanto and the orange mare closed her eyes. The filly brought the blade down, sinking it into the earth next to Applejack.

"If you really wanna die, you'll do it yourself," Scootaloo said as she turned her back on the mare.

The earth pony cried out in rage again and dissolved into a ball of injured tears. Scootaloo picked up her katana and started walking again. As the filly disappeared into the forest, Applejack looked at the tanto. She angrily kicked the weapon away with her good hoof. And what kind of honorable death would that be? She thought to herself.

Applejack lay there a few hours more, waiting for the sun to rise. She hoped some pony would come looking for her. With the tendon on the back of her heel shot and one front hoof out of commission, there wasn’t a whole lot she could do. She cursed at the outcome of the fight. Scootaloo had been lucky. She would not be so lucky again.

Dawn was breaking and finally Applejack heard hoof steps nearby. She was laying on her back and she lifted herself into a sitting position, looking for the source. A very woozy Pinkie Pie stumbled into the small clearing, mumbling to herself.

“Pinkie Pie?” The orange mare said.

Pinkie looked up, seeming to notice her for the first time, “Applejack? Have you seen Scootaloo? I know she… She came this way…”

The orange mare nodded, “Sure have. She split ma hoof and cut ma tendon.”

Pinkie nodded and started walking off in the direction Scootaloo had gone.

“Pinkie!” Applejack called after her.

The pink mare stopped and turned around, looking drowsy and disoriented, “Uh-huh?”

“A little help here?” The farm pony asked, annoyed.

Pinkie Pie smiled goofily and started walking back to her, “Oh yeah… Of course… I’ll get Scoot later…”

The morning found Scootaloo tired. The filly was growing exhausted with the aimless wandering. She had been walking all night and not once did she come across anything that looked like a way out of the Everfree Forest. Even as the events of the night played through her head, the young pony was too dazed to acknowledge them. In truth, the pegasus had not felt completely in tune with reality since her dreams the night before.

As the morning sun beamed new life through the thick canopy, songbirds lit up the air. The forest seemed oblivious to the wicked violence that had taken place only a short time ago. The sunlight only made Scootaloo tired, realizing she had been fighting a lot, and sleeping not at all. Feeling confident she had put some distance between her and her pursuers, she dared stop.

Crossing her legs, the filly sheathed her katana and leaned her back against a nearby tree. Her tired wings slumped at her sides as she closed her eyes against all the light. It was only a matter of minutes before her head drooped forward and she finally got some sleep.

Her rest would not last as long as she had hoped, however. Only a few hours later, a nearby rustle made her ear twitch. Scootaloo popped one eye open only slightly, her muscles poising to react. When she saw a bush nearby wiggle with motion, her hoof went straight to the handle of her katana. One clean motion brought the blade out and the filly to her hooves, ready to defend herself. She stared at the bush, ready for anything. The pegasus balanced on her hind legs, weapon at the ready in front of her. All of this took place in a matter of seconds.

At the filly’s sudden movement, the bush wiggled again and out stepped Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. They wore determined looks on their faces, but Scootaloo just narrowed her eyes. She lowered her blade, letting her body relax a little.

“What’re you guys doing here?” The orange filly posed to them.

Sweetie Belle spoke up, “We’re here to stop you. You have to come to Ponyville with us.”

Scootaloo shook her head, “That isn’t an option for me, Sweetie. I’ve gotta find somewhere else to live and you two need to just stay out of the way.”

Apple Bloom stepped forward, “Ah kin see where yer comin’ from. We only foun’ you cause we followed the blood of our friends you been spillin’. Applebuck season s’gonna be mighty hard with the way you left Applejack.”

Scootaloo looked between the two. They weren’t fighters and she knew it. The pegasus pushed the tip of her sword into the ground, using it to lean on.

“I didn’t have a choice. They were between me and a new life, just like you two are now,” the orange filly said to them.

Sweetie Belle’s horn began to glow as the young unicorn brought her hoof across the dirt a few times, “We can’t let you leave; not after what you’ve done. You got that stupid sword to fight Discord. He’s gone, but you’ve done far more damage.”

Scootaloo pulled her sword from the earth, reassuming her stance, “Please, don’t make me fight you.”

The young pegasus’s voice was soft but dangerous. These were her best friends, but that didn’t mean she was going to let them take her back to Ponyville to face the loved ones of her victims. Flapping her wings softly to help with her balance, she placed one hoof slightly in front of the other. Scoot held the katana directly between her eyes in her other two hooves, ready to defend herself at any cost.

Apple Bloom was following Sweetie Belle’s lead, pacing her hoof in the same way. After a long moment, Sweetie Belle charged. As she came at the pegasus filly, she used her magic to scoop up rocks and hurl them at the sword pony. Apple Bloom was only just behind the young unicorn, wearing a violent grimace.

Scootaloo didn’t stand still long. As soon as she saw the attack begin, she dashed forward. Any rock that came close, she treated like an apple. The katana deflected two of the projectiles, as the sword pony used her own agility to dodge any that were to out of the way to worry about batting.

In just a few seconds the opposing forces were at each other. The pegasus was much quicker on her hooves than the other two. Before the fight began, Scoot already knew she would win. The orange filly planted a hoof when she was about four feet from the young unicorn. Twirling through the air in a three-sixty rotation, her opposite hoof caught the side of Sweetie Belle’s head.

As the white unicorn caught the blow and slid away from the melee, Apple Bloom gave a leaping tackle towards Scootaloo. Her face went from determination to surprise as her target quickly sidestepped with a small spin. Scootaloo’s blade caught the earth pony in the midsection full on. The pegauses whipped the blade forward viciously.

Sweetie Belle was just getting to her hooves as she saw the dreadful blow play out. Apple Bloom was flung backwards, twirling like a limp doll. Scoot sent the unicorn, landing and sheating her blade. The white filly watched in horror as her pegasus friend fled the scene.

It was no tough decision for Sweetie Belle. Rather than chase after Scootaloo, she rushed over to Apple Bloom’s side. Skidding to a halt, she crouched down her knees, inspecting the wound. The earth filly coughed a few times and sat up, taking in a big gasp of air. Upon inspection, Sweetie found only a long red bruise, instead of a gut rending slash.

The young unicorn looked off in the direction Scootaloo had fled. Sweetie lifted a hoof and felt the bruise on her cheek from where the pegasus had kicked her. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

“She used the back of the blade,” the unicorn said.

Apple Bloom drew a hoof across what could have been the end of her life, “Sweetie Belle, let’s git back ta Ponyville and nev’r tell any pony ‘bout this, okay?”

Sweetie nodded, helping Apple Bloom to her hooves. As they slowly walked back to town, they put any idea of following Scootaloo again out of their minds. The young pegasus was on her own now and there was nothing any pony could do to help her. Then something clicked and the unicorn had a thought, Well, almost nothing…

“Dead?! What do you mean she’s dead?” Twilight Sparkle demanded.

Sweetie Belle nodded quickly, tears in her eyes, “It’s true. We found her in the morning, hoping to bring her back here. When we got closer…”

Apple Bloom played her part, burying her head against her unicorn friend’s side, “She ‘ad done ‘erself in. Put the sword right through ‘er ‘eart.”

Sweetie squeezed a fake tear out until it hit the wooden floor of the library. Rarity had taught her well. Her earth filly friend had less acting ability, thus had to hide her face against the white filly’s side.

Twilight gave a sigh and looked to the ceiling for some kind of answer, “Well, I suppose we had better send a crew out to recover her. Who knows if we’ll even find anything after the forest gets through with her.”

The mayor stepped forward, having been standing off to the side, “Let the forest have her. I don’t believe we ought to waste a plot on a murderer like her. She was hardly even part of the community to begin with!”

Twilight seemed to just shrug, “It’s your call, Mayor. I don’t honestly care if she gets a burial or not. I have two other funerals to worry about today. Thank you for the news, girls, but the mayor and I need to discuss other matters for now.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and together they shuffled out of the library. The pair kept up the act until the door was safely shut behind them. The two friends started walking off to their club house.

“Are you sure that wuz the right thang ta do?” Apple Bloom asked.

Sweetie nodded, “She could have killed us if she wanted to. She spared our hide, so we’ll spare her’s.”

As the pair sat in the club house, they looked at Scootaloo’s old bed. They were the only ones who saw how deeply the run in with Discord had affected her. News of the young pegasus’s apparent suicide spread quickly through Ponyville. Everywhere it seemed like the air of tension lifted, swiftly to be replaced by the mourning of the fallen.

Pinkie Pie stayed by Applejack’s side, helping her recover. Any idea of going after Scootaloo was pushed aside. No pony saw any point in chasing a ghost when there was so much healing that needed to be done, both to hearts and minds.

A double ceremony was performed. The town laid both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy down in neighboring plots. It was one of the largest funerals Ponyville had ever seen with nearly the entirety of the population in attendance. No pony would soon forget the brave and heroic Rainbow Dash, nor the caring and kind Fluttershy.


And then Celestia came down from the heavens, brought Dash back to life, wiped AJ's memory, and then Pinkie and Dash fell in love and kissed and had babies.

(( Just kidding. =P Courtesy of a friend ))