When someone goes to Equestria somewhat prepared...

by icebreath8686

First published

After a poor experience on earth he's sent to Equestria by a certain draconequus as an earth pony.

After a 17 year-old dies in a fire-fight, He is dropped into Equestria with his numerous injuries as an earth pony

A New Day

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Good morning Virginia! It is a lovely Monday morning with nothing but sunshine and cool weather!

I sat up in bed and glared at the alarm clock, "Euuuugh. Already!?" I lazily rolled onto my left side before blearily looking at my pink alarm clock. Wait a minute... 6:45!? "Shit! I'm going to be late!" *THUD*. I laid there for a moment, wondering if the floor had an agenda, before I hoisted myself up. I scrambled to pull my clothes on, threw my backpack over my shoulder, and ran out the door. Screw breakfast! Screw hygiene! I gotta go! I tore down the street to the bus stop, where the other students were already boarding.

I stopped next to my friend, panting from the excessive and extremely unwanted exercise. He watched me jog the last few steps, wearing a shit-eating grin. "Late again. If only you took school as seriously as me."

"If only you could see the miserable life we live. We are only level one in a dark souls game. The only difference? We can't respawn."

He chuckled, "Wise words for a shut-in."

"Shut up Kevin."

He's a cool dude. Moving had been a hassle and I was glad that I had managed to make at least one friend. Being in a new school and house could have been much more difficult without him.

I sat down and shook my head. "Mondays..." The bus lurched forward and we were off. I turned to lean against the window, my head occasionally bouncing off the window when the bus hit a pothole. The sun was just coming up and the horizon was a watercolor of reds, oranges, purples, and blues. I loved watching the sky. It's a pity so many don't appreciate its beauty. I always thought the night sky was full of hopes and dreams. Why else would we wish on stars?

Oh, that reminds me. *SNAP* "Nothing huh?" After reading so many books on fimfiction, I'd developed a couple cheesy quirks, including thanking Luna for the night sky and snapping my fingers. Before long, My snaps could be heard from down the road. I always hoped that, by snapping my fingers, I could do something impossible. Nothing had happened so far, but I continued to do it anyway, because why not?

I was 6 feet tall (it's actually 5' 11 3/4" but I'm rounding up), with skin pale from many hours inside, hidden away from the sun in front of a screen. My eyes were brown and I had dark brown hair, pretty standard for a guy, not shaggy, but not really short either. I had some dramatic side-bangs that are pretty useful for hiding half of my face from the world. I usually wore a white hoodie with black jeans and grey sneakers I got for Christmas. I had a fit-bit and a watch on each wrist. On my right was the fit-bit, which records steps, pulse, and the date. It was pretty interesting (distracting), so I ended up constantly checking my steps and experimenting with how to make my pulse change. On my left was the Rainbow Dash watch my little sister got for her birthday, which I "borrowed" after she got bored of it.

So. I was heading to school, which wasn't exactly my favorite place. I didn't like being around people, never really feeling welcome. I had problems actually talking to people, every conversation started eventually ending up as an argument. I didn't hate interacting with others, I loved talking and spending time with my friends. I just didn't have many.

School was important, but I had a hard time staying awake when the teachers were so boring. For example, the teachers were boring enough that I couldn't even pay attention when I stayed awake. This resulted in an unbelievable amount of free time in school, which, in turn, meant lots of time to read fanfics. I tended to favor fanfics that had Discord in them. He is a sadistic son of a bitch, so he had to be my favorite. He was only imprisoned twice and each of those times he was in a garden and he was never sent to Tartarus, so he must be doing something right. Finally, class started, and my mind shut down.


School ended and all of the students headed for the parking lot. I'd always thought that the traffic on the way out was dangerous and irritatingly time consuming. It would only take one person with the right kind of gun to mow down the huge group leaving the door. The grouping would hinder their movements, keeping them from running, probably just tripping over each other. After hearing that multiple schools were attacked by shooters, thinking about scenarios, necessary precautions, and what I could do became something of a habit. I never thought that those precautions would be useful.....

The Worst Day of My Life

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Futures were burning and souls were screaming for mercy as the bullets punctured their skin.

I couldn't move.

This can't be happening!

My fellow students were dying left and right. Regaining my senses, I flung myself behind a pillar, watching as everyone died. Some looked at me, begging me to do something, others staring forward, too terrified to show emotion.

I have to do something. WhatcanIdo? WHATCANIDO?

Looking over the mass of bodies, I found a security guard clutching a bullet wound at his chest.

He's not going to be much help, but the gun could still be useful. He was only two feet away and the shooters were searching classrooms ,so I scrambled to grab it. The police officer looked at me with suprise and grabbed my collar. He said, "Run and don't look back..." His eyes grayed as life left him and the grip on my collar slackened. I grabbed the pistol from his hip and ran around a corner, feet pounding loudly, I crouched down.

And I waited.

One of the shooters sprinted around the corner and three bullets rushed to meet him. Once he was down, I took his gun, a fair bit larger than the one I had, and his combat knife. Retreating, I was a bit unsettled at how easy it was.

It felt... good? That isn't normal is it?

I rushed around the corner and pressed my back to the wall. I pulled out the knife and threw down the larger gun. I wasn't sure why, but the knife was more comfortable in my hand. Either way, there was time to think about it. I crossed the knife hand over the pistol hand and took deep breathes. I had to focus. I waited silently, listening for the sound of the other pursuers...THERE! Leaping around the corner, I rushed the shooter, lifting my knife as he pulled the trigger. His bullets grazed by my face and I distantly wondered why it was so easy.

It took me a moment to realize the pain coming from my stomach. The realization sent a wave of confusion through my mind, quickly morphing into horror. I faltered. The resulting pain in my stomach made me flinch. Cursing myself for my stupidity, I retreated, letting the adrenaline take over.

My pace picked back up as I sprinted toward the next gunman. The look on his face was... Scared... I saw him firing his gun, over and over, and felt the the starbursts of pressure on the chest, but there was no pain. I couldn't help but chuckle as I drew closer to him. I could see him starting to panic. Closing the distance, I watched as my knife bit into him, slicing him from left shoulder to right hip. I grinned as his face went pale and his eyes dilated to pinpricks, doing an spectacular impression of a fish.

"Too late to go back now, Douche bag!"

He gaped at me.

And his body fell to the floor.

I stood for a moment, the adrenaline leaving my body, taking the numbness with it. I looked down and blinked at the amount of red staining my hoodie. Even my pants were sticky with blood. I coughed into my elbow, and my hoodie became just a little bit redder. My knees gave out, and I inhaled sharply as my chest hit the floor, wincing as my head bounced off the floor a second later.

" Well shit."

Even then, I couldn't stop myself from grinning. I thought that I would die old or from sickness. I never thought that I'd do something useful in my life, let alone something that heroic! I was just glad that I went out with a bang. I'd even managed to save lives! I paused for a second before chuckling into the blood slowly pooling around me.

"One last time."

I lifted my blood stained hand into the air, Pressed my thumb to my middle finger and used the rest of my strength to produce a final *SNAP*. A blast of blue energy emitted from my hand as the world turned to black.

A New Life, and A Terrible Start

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"So this is the after life, huh?"

I was standing in what seemed to be nothing, surrounded by an endless void of white. There were no shades, no spots, no imperfections. Nothing but a blank canvas.

"This is very cliche." If I'm dead than why do I feel so shitty?

"That's because your not dead."

"I know that voice..."

"What's with that puzzled expression? Don't you know who I am?"

While he slowly blinked, I took in the spectacle in front of me. He looked a little befuddled, wearing a pink polka-dotted shower cap and holding a brush.

With a snap of his talons he made himself presentable, by removing his shower 'clothes'. "Well. You came earlier then expected. Although it does add a little chaos to the subject. The subject being me of course." He said with a toothy grin.

"You were waiting for me? Why?"

The chaos god spluttered for a moment before pulling a cat off of his tongue. "Of course I was waiting for you! I couldn't wait to give you your present! What should I give you? " Discord scratched his chin and smoke came out of his ears. Mini firefighter trucks appeared and attempted to put out the smoke, then they were gone.
"Your Cutie-mark!"


"I'll let you chose your own cutie-mark!" This is going to be fun."

"I'm going to Equestria?"

"Of course you are! Why else would I be here? I'm not your god."

"I want my special talent to be time."

"One pony coming up!"

Discord pulled a TM from out of nowhere and aimed it at me. "Have a fun trip!"

There was a bright light and I felt a sense of falling. Opening my eyes, I found that I was skydiving towards Ponyville. This town never gets a break. "Sorry about this!" I started my landing by crashing into somepony's house and since the houses were neatly lined up, I got to smash a couple more before I finally stopped.
"That's gonna leave a mark." looking back, I can now see the destruction I had caused when I landed. "I guess it already left a mark." Way to go, give yourself a pat on the back, you just destroyed your future friends homes! I briefly wondered how I had survived falling from such a height. "It's not like it could get any-" NO! no. nope. I paused, and waited for Murphy's Law to take effect. After several moments I decided that the disaster was avoided. *sigh* "Thank goodness."

I stood up to begin walking in the direction of town hall and fell flat on my face. "Oooooow?" Why did I fall? I didn't even take a single step! I looked at my legs and prepared to scold them before I realized that they weren't MY legs. "I should have expected that."

The legs in front of me were constantly changing colors. It was very hard to look at and gave me a headache. It seemed that my body couldn't decide on a color so it just chose all of them. Rainbow leg aside, I was a pony. An earth pony. Not my favorite option but who said that I had an option? I smiled, happy for the peace and new beginning in a place that I'm familiar with. My smile quickly disappeared when I remembered that I had certain "qualities" that I would rather keep. After checking to make sure that the family jewels were secure, I decided to attempt walking again.

After successfully taking two steps, I ended up on my side once again. I looked at my body so I could diagnose my problem. Apparently, when Discord sent me to Equestria, he forgot to heal me. Blood once again started to pool from my open wounds as I started to cry.

"Where is everyone?" Taking in my surroundings, I noticed that I was in Ponyville but it was strangely empty. This is cruel. Giving me false hope. Putting my dream just out of my grasp. I looked at town hall as a flash of black smoke surrounded the building. It's the tallest building by far and led to the center of town. NightmareMoon.

The door opened with a groan as, what seemed to be the entirety of Ponyville, ran out in panic. I just won the easiest game of hide-&-seek ever. All of the ponies were screaming about the end of the world. What is with peo-*Ahem*ponies and their clustering? Remembering this scene from episode one, I hoped that someone would notice me in the crowd of panic soon to come.

I waited in the rubble and thought of ways I could catch somepony's attention. Screaming wouldn't work. Too many are already doing that. Just as I finsished that thought, a purple dragon with a green spine came within shouting distance. I gathered what little strength I had left and shouted his name.


The baby dragon looked around with confusion, glancing over in my direction.


His iris eyes landed on my broken body and he ran away.

Spike will have gone to get help. I can rest now...*SLAP* OR NOT!

"Stay with us! Whatever you do, don't go to sleep! Now hold still. I need to scan you for any internal injuries. This might sting a little bit."
My blurry vision was filled with a white glow as a pulse webbed throughout my new body. For once, it didn't hurt.

"Spike! I need you to get a blue flower with red thorns. He has pieces of metal and wood inside him. I can't heal him properly until those are removed." The voice was slurred, so I couldn't tell who it was.

"Got it!"

"Okay. Now this is going to hurt a lot. Hang in there."

I felt an oily substance on one of my wounds. Before I could question him/her, there was a painful stabby feeling in my back leg. I writhed in pure agony as somepony said something in a panicky voice. After a couple of convulsions, My breathing went back to normal and Spike returned with a blue flower with red thorns.

"Thanks Spike. Could you help me with the stallion until he is stable? I need to take him to the hospital. His condition is far worse than I thought..."

"Ah-alright..." Spike was shaking from head to toe. I guess the sight of blood unnerved him. He walked up to me and lifted a large portion of my body onto the another pony. It was only slightly uncomfortable, but that was due to my broken everything.

After several moments of bouncing on somepony's back, I was placed onto a bed. With the smell of bleach and other sterilizers, I could safely assume that I was in a hospital. The amount of ponies near me suddenly increased.

"Oh my Faust! What the buck happened to this stallion!?"

"Spike found him in the remains of a collapsed house. He's not dead yet, but if we wait any longer he might be. Prepare the O.R. and send our fastest Pegasus to fetch Fluttershy. This stallion doesn't react well to magic and without her knowledge in anatomy, we might not be able to save his life."

"Yes mam!"

"Whha do aayyyeee doo?" My vision had become blurry and focusing became increasingly difficult.

"Your going to be okay. We'll fix you up real quick. He's an earth pony, increase the dosage."

NONONONONONOnonoonononono.........annnnnnddd black again.