> Tiny Adventures in a Land of Giant Anthro Ponies > by MisterAlexShark1234 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some called it morning. Some called it sunrise. Some called it the most wonderful time of day. To you it was hell. A groan escaped you as your eyes fluttered open to the shining dawn of the early sun. A slight dizziness from last had turned into a full blown headache, leaving you groggy and tired, even though you had just slept eight hours. You rubbed your eyes, practically feeling the bags underneath them, and yawned loudly before sitting up. Movement simply made your head hurt more, so you sat there for a moment, rubbing your skull to ease the pain. It didn't help much. With another groan you stood up, and sat back down again. A wave of vertigo hit you like a freight train, and you nearly puked. With a sigh, you laid back and stared up at the ceiling. Thank God you didn't have work today. As you shut your eyes once more, you try to sleep off whatever is wrong with your body right now, but the attempt is unsuccessful, as you toss and turn for about an hour before deciding that sleep is useless, so you might as well get up. Passing through the hall of your apartment, you come upon the main area of your small abode. As a student in college, you didn't have much to your name, but you were proud to own the small apartment and everything within. You quickly enter the kitchen before starting up your coffee machine and popping an aspirin. Perhaps some painkillers will get rid of these trying headache. To say your morning was bland would be an insult to bland. Unfortunately, most of your mornings were like this. You didn't have classes, you didn't have many friends, and the ones you did have tended to have classes on the days you didn't. Today being one of them. And so your day passed by in what felt like a matter of hours. Over the course of that Sunday, you tried to entertain yourself. First, you did actually text everyone to see if one of your friends decided to ditch class and wanted to hang out. Unfortunately, everyone decided to be a good student today, and show up for their classes, so that plan was shot. And so you did the only other thing you could do. Play video games. You were a bit of a nerd. Not enough to be considered amongst any of the stereotypes, but you did enjoy video games and a good anime every once in awhile, and that was how your day was spent. You were super relaxed on this “me day” of yours, but just as soon as it seemed to begin, night fell, and it was time to turn in. As you return to your room to retire for the night, you take note that, while it has lessened, you still have that headache. Deciding to ignore it, you get into bed, close your eyes, and fall asleep, the wish for more excitement in your life being the only thing to accompany your dreams. > Start! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again, the light of the morning sun causes you to wake. You could've sworn you closed the blinds last night, but then again maybe you didn't. Sighing deeply you sat up. And almost immediately you noticed something was different. What you were lying on wasn't your bed. It was smooth, and hard like wood. Your covers weren't covering you either, a cold breeze clearly making that evident, and so you open your eyes, seeking an explanation. What you saw, confused you beyond belief. You were no longer in your bedroom, rather, you were in a different house altogether. It appeared to be some sort of living room, nicely decorated with furniture to match the numerous bird houses, pet beds, and mouse holes that were seemingly placed there on purpose. But strangest of all was the size. Everything was huge. Absolutely, positively, massive. In comparison, you figured yourself to only be an inch tall at most, half an inch tall at least. You had never seen furniture of these size before. It was quite, intimidating. There was one thing however, something that bothered you at first, but now shook you to your core. If the house was this big, then what would the residents be like? As if to answer her question, the sound of footsteps came from the hallway at the back of the room. From it, came the most beautiful creature you had ever seen. It was a pony, an anthropomorphic pony to be exact. She had creamy yellow fur, that looked soft and warm, and a long pink mane trailed down her back, a tail not too far below doing much the same to her legs. Large wings protruded from her back, matching the color of her fur, and her eyes were a sort of teal color, which simply highlighted her appearance. And to top it all off, this pony had the most perfect ass and breasts you had ever seen. Sized and shaped just to your liking, covered by a green turtleneck and black sweatpants that hugged body tightly. She was walking around, seemingly looking for something. “Angel?” Seems as though another resident of the house was hiding from this woman. The giant mare searched diligently around the kitchen, attempting to find whoever it was she was searching for. “Angel? Where are you?” she called once more. Her tone was kind and gentle, which was oddly comforting to you. You considered calling out to her, but then you considered the risks. If you did call out, she'd find you, and who knows how'd she react? The mouse holes in the wall did seen purposely placed however, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Still, you couldn't be sure. Furthermore, if you did decide to hide, where would you go? What would you do? If there was the possibility that she could help you, it might be worth it to call out to her. As the giant mare got closer to you, you made up your mind and acted upon your decision. > Choice 1: Get Her Attention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As voted by comments, and a PM from someone who wanted to keep their vote anonymous, the choice to get her attention has been made You needed help, and all signs told that this mare would be willing to help a small creature such as yourself. So, you took in a deep breath, and shouted out. “HEY!” you cried at the top of your lungs. The giantess’s ears twitched in your direction, and the mare looked about. “H-Hello?” she asked shyly, her gaze flying about, scanning the room. “Down here!” you shout again, and the her eyes fall on you. “Hmm? And who is this?” she calmly approached you, that brief shyness now gone from her expression. “Poor thing, are you lost?” “Y-Yeah,” you reply. She was a lot bigger up close. You barely managed to keep yourself from fleeing as she reached down to grab you. “Oh my!” she says picking you up. “You feel so cold!” It was true. Though you couldn't tell why, you were steadily getting colder. Perhaps is was winter or fall in this world? Maybe early spring? The giant mare held you against her breast, and you cooed at the softness and warmth. “Poor thing, you must be so scared. Well don't worry, I'll put you somewhere nice, safe, and warm.” she grabbed you by the scruff of your shirt and lifted you up. At first you thought she was going to drop you into her cleavage or something like that, but soon you found yourself suspended a bit above her head. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was open, and a sense of fear gripped you as she began to bring you to her gaping maw. > Choice 2: Fight Back! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fear. That's what was completely consuming you right now. Fear. Your situation reminded you of “Attack on Titan,” an anime that you loved with a horrifying, gory concept. That comparison kept you frozen in place. You couldn't move, no matter how hard you tried, and could only watch in horror as the giant mare gently placed you on her tongue. You were let go, and the jaws behind you began to shut. You quickly bit your tongue to snap yourself out of your stupor. Turning quickly, you saw her teeth about to close. “NO!” you cried, diving forward. You attempted to reach those pearly whites, but the red muscle below you went on the offensive, wrestling with you in an attempt to keep you from escape. But you fought back with everything you had, and managed to pull yourself away from your crimson foe. Standing up, you began to separate her teeth, forcing her mouth open, and allowing you a chance at freedom. “Yes!” you declared, the mare's mouth now open. But soon your feeling of victory turned to one of dread as the giantess’s hand cane up, her pointer finger ready. She began to tickle you, and with you being very ticklish, you hardly had the ability to resist. The tickling made it hard to hold her mouth open, and soon you were brought back in by her tongue. “NO! Please!” you shouted as you were pushed to the back of her mouth. “I don't wanna die!” But the giantess either couldn't hear you, or didn't care, as she directed you to the entrance of her esophagus, and swallowed. A loud gulping noise surrounded you as you began your decent. You could feel pressure from one side, and concluded that your predator was tracing your path as you slid down her throat. Soon you disappeared into her chest, a loud thumping sound accompanying your journey, and landed face first in her stomach. You slowly sat up and looked around, tears beginning to emerge from your eyes. Was this how it all ends? To be swallowed whole by some beautiful anthro horse, and become nothing but a snack to her? You slowly curled up and began to cry, waiting for the digestion process to begin. “Ah, you were tasty,” the giant mare said. “Sorry if that was a little scary, but you're safe now.” At first you wanted to shout out and ask why she was tormenting you, but you soon realized she was right. The stomach acids that pooled around didn't burn like they should be. What's more, you could breathe perfectly fine in here, which shouldn't be possible. “You okay in there little one?” “U-Um, y-yeah.” “Oh good. Well, my name is Fluttershy. What's yours, if you don't mind me asking?” “S-Sarah… My name is Sarah.” “Well Sarah, you can stay in my tummy for as long as you want, I'll keep you safe and warm.” “Um… thanks.” “You're very welcome.” You suddenly felt something press into the wall behind you. Quickly realizing that Fluttershy was rubbing her belly, you let out a deep sigh and relaxed. The petting was oddly comforting, and soon you drifted off to sleep.