> Alternative Treats > by little big pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m doing what now?” Bonbon’s candy shop was a store of wonder for many a mare and stallion. Jars of candy were stacked on shelves that went to the ceiling. The smell of sugar and caramel hung in the air. No matter where one turned, they could see candies and little treats being made in abundance. No matter what kind of candy you were looking for, whether you had a sweet tooth, had a hankering for something chewy, or wanted something so sour that it made your eyes cross, you were more than likely able to find it in this store. What many ponies didn’t know, however, was the little store wasn’t all that it seemed. Underneath all of the bright colored candies and cheer, there was a dark underbelly of grumpy bosses, low pay, and no benefits to speak of. None knew this better than Bonbon’s one and only employee, the poor soul that went by the name of Felix. Bonbon frowned, as she did very often when she was in the back of the store away from the customers. “I said you need to take an order up to Canterlot.” “Canterlot? Why the hell do I need to do all the way up there?” Felix asked as he worked a glob of warm sugar. “Because it’s a very special order and I don’t trust that darned mailmare after what happened last week.” Putting his sugar on a part of his table that would keep it warm, he pulled off his gloves and turned to face his boss. “Canterlot’s like a fifteen-hour train ride though.” “I’ll compensate you,” Bonbon replied. Felix snorted. “You’ll compensate me my ass, you furry little slave driver.” Bonbon’s frown deepened at her employee’s perfectly true statement. She took a step forward and gave his belly a poke. Felix giggled, then frowned as well, pushing her hoof away. “Look, this is a very special order, and I need somepony to deliver a box of peppermint candies right away.” “Then why don’t you go yourself?” “Because it’s a long bucking train ride and I don’t feel like going.” Felix threw his hands up. “Why the fuck do you think I’d wanna go?” “Because the capital’s nice this time of year and you’ll get paid overtime,” Bonbon replied. Felix grimaced. “I want double time and a half.” “No,” Bonbon said, in a tone that broached no argument. Felix’s eyes narrowed. “Time a half then, but you gotta finally give me two extra bits an hour like you’ve been saying you were gonna do for months.” Bonbon reeled back as is she was slapped. “Are you bucking out of your mind, colt? That’s worse than double overtime!” Felix crossed his arms. “It’s that or you can find someone else.” Both the employer and the employee stared at each other for nearly a minute. A silent battle was waged between the two, one terrible and blood-filled. At one point, it grew so fierce that steam could be seen coming out of Bonbon’s ears. Thankfully, for the store and the surrounding buildings, Bonbon eventually broke the stare-off by looking away with a snort. “Bucking money-hungry colts… Fine. I’ll give you your overtime and one bit extra.” “Two bits,” Felix immediately corrected. Bonbon’s face contorted as if she had just eaten one of her more sour creations. “…Fine. Fine, two bits,” she grumbled, throwing up her hooves. “Take the bucking store too while you’re at it…” “Just go and get the package, you grumpy dyke,” Felix said with a smile as he did his best not to rub his hands together in glee. Making a rude gesture with a hoof, Bonbon disappeared out of the kitchen, appearing with a box a moment later. “Here, but be bucking careful with this.” Taking the box out of Bonbon’s mouth, Felix took a moment to inspect it. To his surprise, he saw that this wasn’t the ordinary plain brown box that they used for most of their deliveries. This box was made of sterner stuff, with fancy red paper covering the whole thing along with a bright gold ribbon. “Fancy, so who’s the order for?” he asked, tucking the box under his arm. “It’s for Princess Luna.” Immediately, Felix, pulled the box from under his arm and very carefully put it on one of the tables they used for cooling candies. “Princess Luna? The fuck is she ordering candies from a shithole like this?” Bonbon poked his belly again, making the human giggle. Felix swiped at her hoof indignantly. “Will you quit that?!” he demanded, his cheeks colored with a shade of pink. “Princess Luna ordered her candy from here because she knows I make the best peppermint this side of Equestria,” Bonbon said. “She’s been getting them from me since she returned from the moon, and she’s gonna keep bucking getting them from me until I retire if I can help it.” “So, these are the peppermints that you never let me work on?” Felix asked, looking over at the box as if he expected it to blow up at any moment. “Yes,” Bonbon said with a nod. “They’re made exactly to her majesty’s specifications, down to how tight the red swirl wounds the entire stick.” “Huh, I never knew that.” “You never knew that because I never told you,” Bonbon said, picking up the box and shoving it into his hands. “Now, Lyra should be back with your ticket soon. When you get it I want you to go home and pack whatever you need to pack and get on the train.” “And be fucking careful with this box,” Felix added. “And be very fucking careful with that box,” Bonbon agreed, nodding. “Because if you don’t, I swear to Celestia I’m docking your pay.” “…If you docked my pay, I’d be paying you, you money grubbing donkey.” From the front of the store, the bell on the door could be heard ringing. “Bonnie, I’m back with the ticket!” “We’re back here, Lyra,” Bonbon called, brushing past Felix. Before she had managed to make it halfway to the door, Lyra burst into the kitchen. “Hiya Bonnie, hiya, Felix,” the mare chirped with her usual smile, trotting over to nuzzle Bonbon. “Did you get that ticket, hon?” Bonbon asked. “Yep! Got one right here!” Lyra replied, magicking the ticket out of nothing to show her marefriend. “An eight o’clock ticket to Canterlot, one way.” Felix’s nose scrunched up. “I’ll give you the bits for the ticket when you get home, you baby,” Bonbon said before he could even open his mouth, giving Lyra one last nuzzle before taking the ticket and walking back over to him. “Now go ahead and get ready. Grab the box too. You don’t wanna go all the way up there for bucking nothing.” “I might be an idiot, but I’m not stupid, Bonbon,” Felix said, carefully picking up the box and making his way toward the door. “I’ll be back when I’m back, I guess. See you two then.” Lyra giggled. “Have fun up in Canterlot, Felix. And be careful with that box! I spent the whole morning making it look nice.” Felix stopped in his tracks. With a look of concern, he stared at Lyra. Lyra just smiled back, her golden eyes bright and cheery. “You’re the one that fixed up the box?” he asked. “Yep!” Lyra said, nodding. “I picked up the box, tied that bow, everything.” Felix took a step backward, biting his lip. “You didn’t put the candies in yourself, did you?” you asked hesitantly. Bonbon frowned. “Felix…” “Hey, if I’m going to be giving this to royalty it needs to be perfect, right?” Felix looked at Lyra, then back at Bonbon, making some vague hand gestures. “Excuse me if I’m a bit… you know.” “I’m sure Lyra did a fantastic job,” Bonbon said. “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really sure? Because I can get my ass thrown into the dungeons if we mess this order up.” “Princess Luna would never do that, especially to a stallion. Besides, I think Lyra can handle putting candies in a box.” “We’re talking about the same Lyra that burns toast if you don’t watch her, right?” Lyra frowned. “Hey! That was the one time!” she said, stomping her hoof. “It’s fine, hon. I trust that you put the right candies in, and so does Felix,” Bonbon said, smiling at her marefriend. “Felix does too, he’s just twisting your teats. Isn’t that right, Felix?” Felix sucked air through his teeth. Bonbon’s smiled soured as she stared at him. Some very subtle but threatening gestures were thrown his way, making the young man sigh. “Yeah, I guess I’m kidding,” he said. Lyra’s frown deepened. She loudly hummed, staring at him with narrowed eyes for several moments before her smile once again reappeared. “Alright, but you quit those horse apple jokes. You might hurt my feelings next time!” Felix did his best to chuckle. “Yeah… I’ll do that,” he said, giving the box in his hands a wary glance before making his way toward the door. “Oh lord, please, please, please let Lyra not fuck this up…” ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ “State your business.” Two guards stood at the front gate of Canterlot Castle. Both of them were battle-hardened veterans, larger than the average mare with very powerful builds; a single glance from either of them would have sent most running, especially in the darkness in which they stood. But to Felix, who was very tired and stiff from his long train ride and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep, both of them looked just as small and adorable as any other little horse that he had ever met. “I’m here to make a delivery,” he said, showing both mares the box in his hands. “It’s for Princess Luna, from Bonbon’s Candy Emporium.” Both mare’s exchanged glances. Both of their horns glowed, one taking the box out of Felix’s hands while the other scanned his body for any weapons. Felix squirmed under the treatment, but for the sake of not causing a scene, he kept his mouth shut. When both mares seemed satisfied that he wasn’t carrying anything harmful or dangerous, the box of candy was placed back into his hands. “Alright, follow me,” one of the guards said. “The Princess wanted these candies delivered to her personally.” Felix nodded. “Alright, sounds good to me.” Without another word, the guard lead him into the castle. While the night obscured much of the castle’s grandeur, it was still a sight to see. Balls of magical light illuminated the halls, giving an almost surreal glow to everything. Lavender hung thick in the air as well, and while Felix didn’t see anyone other than him and the guard walking the halls, he could hear a commotion wherever they went. Minutes ticked by as the guard lead him through the labyrinth of endless hallways. The deeper into the castle they went, the quieter and eerier it became. He couldn’t quite see shadows moving by themselves, but if the guard would have said so he would have believed her without a second thought. Felix gave his head a shake, feeling more and more tired with each step he took. Hopefully the princess would be kind enough to give him a room for the night, otherwise, he’d pass out before he made it back to the train station. “So, how are things?” he asked the guard. “The night’s been quiet,” The mare said. “No intruders.” “Oh? Do a lot of ponies try to sneak around here after dark then?” “Not any that don’t want to see the inside of a dungeon.” Felix flinched, his grip on the box tightening. “Yeah… I can’t imagine that that’d be fun…” The mare said nothing as the two turned the corner, where a pair of massive doors sat.  The guard stopped, causing Felix to pause as well. “We’re about to meet her majesty,” the guard said, adjusting the helmet on her head and standing up as straight as she could. “Please take a moment to ready yourself.” Felix gave himself a quick once-over. He straightened his shirt, ran his fingers through his hair, and made sure that the box of candy was in pristine condition. With all of that done, he gave the guard the thumbs up. The tip of her horn glowed. The two massive doors slowly began to open, revealing a pair of guards standing at attention with spears at the ready. “State your business,” one of them said. “I have a delivery for her Highness,” the guard said, gesturing toward Felix. “The candies that she ordered are here.” Looks of relief flooded the two guards faces. One of them let out a very quiet breath, the other let her shoulders slump. “Bucking fan—” one of the guards said, only to remember herself. She quickly cleared her throat, standing at attention once more. The other guard was quick to follow. “Please, right this way. Her majesty’s been expecting you.” Felix’s guide gestured him toward the throne room. Felix nodding, brushing past the little guard—making sure to give her a pat on the head for her help, which got him a look of confusion then annoyance. The other two guards stepped to the sides, allowing him to pass between them. There, sitting at the very end of the massive room, was a very large throne. The thing was as ornate as anything that Felix had seen in Canterlot, a marvel of obsidian and gold. At the very top of the throne sat a large, comfortable looking pillow, and sitting on that was Princess Luna herself. In all of his time here in Equestria, Felix had only met Princess Celestia very briefly. He had never seen the Monarch of the Sun’s younger sister. Princess Luna was a big mare, easily twice the size of the guards watching him. Her body was long and slender, and even in the dim light, he could see powerful muscles underneath her dark blue coat. Just like Princess Celestia, Princess Luna’s mane was of magical construct. It moved by some unseen breeze, the tiny constellations gleaming in it just as bright as any star in the sky. The princess was sitting lazily on her throne, watching as he made his way toward her without saying a word. Her expression was regal, aloft, and her eyes were hard and cold. Felix quickly made his way toward the base of the throne. He looked around for a moment, trying to figure out what to do to greet the monarch. He looked back at the guards, who gestured him to kneel. “Um, good evening, your majesty,” he said, doing just that. “I’m from Bonbon’s Candy Emporium. I have your order here.” Luna’s gaze flicked from his face to the box in his hands. She sat up, her large, dark blue wings ruffling at her sides. Though she still looked like nothing less than an all-powerful monarch, there was a slight change in her expression. If Felix didn’t know any better, he would have said that she looked excited. “Wonderful,” she said, rising from her throne. “I had feared that the delivery was delayed.” She stepped off her pillow and onto the stone steps of her throne. As she descended it, the thud of each hoof fall echoed through the nearly silent room. Felix lowered his head as Luna approached, offering the box to her. “My boss didn’t trust the mail ponies this time, so she sent me. Sorry it took a bit longer than normal, I had to take the train up here.” Princess Luna said nothing, causing him to look up to see that the alicorn was not a foot away from him, her head cocked to the side ever so slightly. “You are a very large stallion,” she said. Felix couldn’t help but smile. “That’s what ponies keep telling me, Your Highness.” Luna smiled back. The tip of her horn glowed, and with a spell, she took the box out of his hands. “You’ve done me a great service, young stallion,” she said. “I’ll have the servants set you up a room for the night. I shall see to it that you also receive a just reward for making the journey up here yourself.” Felix bowed his head to hide his grin. “Thank you very much, your majesty.” Still smiling, Luna began to unwrap the box. “There’s no need to thank me. Now, let’s see here…” With practiced ease, she untied the ribbon and pulled off the wrapping paper.  She licked her lips as she pulled the lid off the box and stared at its contents. Slowly, the smile disappeared from her face until it was completely gone. A frown started to replace it, Princess Luna’s brow furrowing. “…What is this?” she asked, very quietly. Felix could feel every muscle in his body tighten. He stared at the princess, who seemed to be getting more and more upset by the second, with wide eyes. “Your candy?” he said. His words only seemed to further anger the princess. Her muzzle scrunched up and her lips drew back into a snarl. Her wings unfurled halfway, making her appear even more threatening than she seemed. “I ordered 48 candy canes,” she growled, all but shoving the box into the human’s face. “Instead, I appear to have 48 sticks of black licorice.” Across the room, the guards watching took a hasty few steps back. Bowing his head once again, Felix desperately wished that he could do the same, all the while vehemently cursing a certain mint green unicorn. “I do not very much care for licorice of any kind,” Luna continued, placing the lid back on top of the box. “I find it too chewy and bitter. A candy cane, however, is sweet and minty, perfect to chew on during the day.” “I’m sorry, your majesty,” Felix said. “If you let me make the trip back down to Ponyville I can get everything sorted out and—” “Guards, leave us,” Luna said, not taking her eyes off of the human. Felix flinched as the guards scurried out of the throne room, shutting the doors behind him. He did his best to appear as small and pathetic as possible. Luna, meanwhile, took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “I am severely disappointed in your abilities as a transporter, young stallion,” she said. “At the very least you should have checked the contents of this box to see if you were bringing the correct order.” “I… you’re right, Your Highness,” Felix said. “I not only have those candies as something sweet to snack on, but I also find that sucking on something during the evening puts me at ease,” Luna continued. “And because of your error, I’ll be far more restless and irritable than I usually am, which will affect my ability to govern my fair kingdom.” “There’s really no excuse that I can give you that’ll make this any better, princess,” Felix said, wishing that Lyra was here so he could kick her out a window. “Still, I’m sorry for the messed up order, and if there’s anything that I can do that’ll make this up to you just say the word.” A gleam came to Luna’s face that he didn’t particularly like. “Anything?” she asked, tilting her head ever so slightly. “Anything,” Felix said. Seconds dragged by in silence as the human awaited for princess’s sentence. If he was lucky, he might get tongue-lashed for a bit longer before the princess let him get on a train to get her candies. If he was unlucky, he’d probably find himself spending the night in the dungeons. “I don’t believe that you’ve introduced yourself, yet, stallion,” Luna said, finally breaking the silence. “I’d like you to do so.” “My name’s Felix, Your Highness,” Felix said, offering the alicorn a hand before quickly thinking better of it. “Felix. Felix…” Luna said, humming to herself. “A very strange name. Then again, you are a very strange stallion.” She turned away from him. As they always did when a mare turned around, Felix’s eyes immediately snapped to her backside. To his pleasant surprise, he found himself staring at a large, shapely bottom. Nothing compared to her sister’s, at least from what he remembered of her, but it was still a very nice flank. He might have looked at her rump for a bit longer, waiting for that starry tail to flick out of the way, only for Luna to look back at him. He managed to tear his gaze away from it, trying to look as innocent as possible. “I believe I know just the punishment for you, my subject,” she said, making her way toward the doors to the throne room. The tip of her horn glowed, and with a spell, both doors were flung open. “Come. I’d like to begin as soon as possible.” Felix frowned. Casting one glance around the throne room, he eyed the giant window pane. He did some quick mental math, trying to figure out if he’d be able to close the distance and jump through the thing before the princess caught him. If he was able to get out of the castle maybe he could get back to Ponyville some way or another. Sure, he’d have to get whatever belongings he could carry and get out of there, but a life on the run might be a good deal better than whatever Princess Luna had planned. That, and if he managed to get back home he could shave Lyra completely before he left. “…Eh, where the hell would I go then?” he grumbled to himself. “Mexicolt? That place is a shithole. And where would I even find a poncho?” “Keep up, stallion,” Luna called over her shoulder. “I have no patience for lollygagging.” Felix jumped, his eyes snapping back toward the princess. “Of course, Your Highness. I’m sorry.” Luna said nothing, simply stepping out into the hallway. Felix didn’t run after her, not really wanting to rush to his punishment, but for the sake of his health, he did powerwalk. Thankfully, with his long legs he was able to catch up with her fairly quickly. The halls were completely empty as Luna led him down the hall at a slow, leisurely pace. Even the far-off commotion and chatter had died off. The only sounds that could be heard were those of Felix’s footsteps and Luna’s metal horseshoes tapping against the stone floor. The two walked for some time until the princess stopped in front of an ornate door. “Ah, here we are,” she said. With a spell, the door was unlocked and opened, revealing a dark room. “Come along. I’d like to begin as soon as possible,” Luna said, stepping inside. Felix tensed, ready to turn around and sprint as fast as his feet could take him. Before he could take a single step to his freedom, an invisible force grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him inside. As soon as he was fully through the door it closed behind him, leaving him in complete darkness. This did absolutely nothing to put him at ease as he blindly reached around, trying to find something to grab onto. “Hey, Your Highness? Would you mind—” At the other end of the room, a candle flicked to life. As Felix looked over at it, another candle lit up, then another. Dozens of candles lit up around the room. With a flick of Luna’s horn, a fireplace was lit as well, completely illuminating the room. “There’s a seat next to the fireplace,” Luna said, making her way across the room, toward a very large blue bed. “Take a seat while I make myself more comfortable.” Felix opened his mouth to say something, only for it to snap shut as the sound of the door being locked made its way to his ears. His shoulders slumped as he looked over at the fireplace. Sure enough, there was a large, comfortable-looking cushion sitting there, one that looked quite a bit like the one that had been in the throne room. “Princess Luna? You mind telling me where we are?” “We are in my personal bedchambers,” Luna said, taking off her crown and sitting it on a podium that sat by the bed. “And why—” “You are not here to ask questions, my dear subject. You are here to make amends for your mistake,” Luna said, kicking off her horseshoes. “Now, take a seat. I’ll be with you in a moment.” Making a face, Felix did as he was asked, walking over and plopping down onto the cushion. He tried to make himself as comfortable as possible, leaning back as he watched Luna continue to strip her royal finery until she was completely naked. “Here, now we can begin,” Luna said, making her way over toward him. Felix sat up in his seat, anxiously watching as the tip of her horn glowed. He readied himself for some sort of spell, or for the princess to teleport something into the room. What he got was the very faint sound of the zipper of his pants being undone. “What the…” he looked down at his jeans, then up at Luna, “Your Highness, what are you—” “Hush,” Luna said, sitting right in front of him, her muzzle dipping down dangerously close to his groin. “Lean back. Spread your legs as well.” With a flick of her horn, Felix’s pants were unbuttoned. His hips were lifted by some unseen force and his jeans were pulled below his knees. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Felix said, his eyes wide. “What the hell’s going on?!” Luna looked down at his boxers, a small frown on her face. “Why in the stars would you wear clothing under your clothing?” she asked, more to herself than to Felix. “Well, no matter.” Without warning, she leaned down and began rubbing her muzzle against his slowly rising bulge. Felix sucked air through his teeth, his eyes growing huge. “P-Princess?!” Luna inhaled deeply as she rubbed the tip of her muzzle against his rapidly hardening cock. She let out a hum, her blue eyes snapping up to his face.  She nuzzled him from base to tip, her touch featherlight. All the while her nostrils continued to flair, taking in his scent. Felix twitched, biting his lip. A part of him wanted to push the princess away, to get up and leave the room, but each time he opened his mouth to say something that featherlight touch would become more forceful. Luna’s tongue lolled out of her mouth, giving his cloth-covered length a long lick. “I saw you eyeing my flank, you know,” she said, using a hoof to spread his legs out nice and wide so she could wiggle closer. “I’ve had many stallions eye me when they thought I wasn’t looking, though they would never admit it. However, I must confess that none have ever done so right before I enacted their punishment.” She licked again and again until Felix’s boxers were soaked in saliva. The human’s cock was now straining against his boxes, begging to be released, but Luna seemed in no hurry. “You have a very masculine scent, my subject,” she said, teasing his head with her lips. “It is… different from a normal stallion’s. Oddly… intoxicating.” She gave his balls a nuzzle, making him groan. “I… this…” Felix rolled his hips, pressing his cock against Luna’s face. Luna smiled, giving it a loving kiss. “W-What about… my punishment…?” Luna’s horn glowed. “Dear stallion, this is your punishment,” she said, pulling down his boxers, watching as she exposed inch after inch of bare flesh. “I had said sucking on something puts me at ease, and since you hadn’t the sense enough to make sure I got my candies, I will be sucking on something else entirely.” With one final tug, Felix’s cock sprung free, hitting Luna’s jaw. Luna stared down at his red, throbbing member, an eyebrow raised. “You seem to be already leaking,” she said, grabbing his length with a hoof and giving him a few quick jerks. “You are quite large as well…” She leaned back, staring at his cock with a critical eye. Luna rolled her jaw, licking her lips as she squeezed a dollop of pre out of his tip. “Hmm… Large, but nothing I cannot handle…” She was about to lean down, but stopped at the last moment, eyes flicking up to his face. “I should ask you if you already have a mate,” she said with a thoughtful hum, licking his tip. Felix let out a moan as Luna shrugged. “Actually, I think not. After I am finished with you shan’t even remember your name, much less any lover. Now, prepare yourself. Impress me, if you could.” Luna let go of Felix’s cock, allowing it to fall onto her muzzle. She crossed her eyes, staring at it for a moment before planting a kiss right below his tip Felix gritted his teeth, digging his fingers into the cushion. “Fuck…” He rolled his hips, rubbing his cock against the princess’s muzzle, staining her fur with his pre. Luna let out a hum in response, trailing her kisses lower and lower until she was at his sack. “This is where your scent is at its strongest,” she said, gently nosing his balls. “Perhaps I shall amuse myself here first…” Popping one of his balls into her mouth, Luna began to bathe it with her tongue. Felix’s cock jerked, slapping against the space just below her horn. When she had fully coated half his sack, she quickly switched to the other, a shiver running down her spine as she savored his taste. Panting, Felix watched as the princess gave his balls a tongue bath. He tried to reach a hand up to begin stroking his cock, only for a magical aura to force it back against the cushion. “None of that, now,” Luna said, licking her lips as she pulled away. She planted a kiss in the space where Felix’s cock and sack met. She then dragged her tongue along the side of his shaft, ending with a wet kiss on his tip. “This is your punishment,” she continued as Felix sat there, panting. “You shall sit there like a good stallion.” Felix’s cock jerked. Luna was quick to suck up the pre that leaked out of his tip. “Though don’t bother being quiet. I enjoy it when my lovers are loud.” With that, the princess truly began her punishment. Her lips and tongue when to work on his entire cock, kissing and sucking. Luna’s hooves stroked and teased as well, rubbing both his thighs and stomach as well as his balls. Felix’s cock never found a home in the alicorn’s wet maw, but there almost wasn’t a need to. With Luna’s skill, Felix could feel his willpower being slowly eroded. A little too slowly in his opinion. Moaning, he thrusted his hips as Luna leisurely kissed the underside of his tip as she played with his balls. “C-Come on! Just fucking suck it already!” he said. “S-Stop messing—” He whined as Luna, tilting her head to the side, wrapped her lips around the middle of his cock. She hummed, letting her tongue lazily drag across his sensitive flesh. Felix’s whine turned into a growl of frustration. Wiggling in his seat, he tried thrusting his hips again, only to find that he was glued to the cushion. “Mother… G-Goddammit, princess!” Luna didn’t pay his shouting any mind. Her lips slowly made their way up and length, teasing and massaging as it went. Every inch or so she’d stop to trace a vein with her tongue or move back to his balls to make sure his sack was freshly coated in her spit. Felix moaned and squirmed. Each kiss made him twitch, and each lick and suckle made him want to scream. Never in his life had he been tormented in such a way. “Goddamn… s-son of a bitch…” He wanted Luna to stop messing around. He wanted to feel her mouth. He wanted to hear her gag as she took more and more of him. He wanted to see her swan-like throat stretching as she forced her to go deeper. Luna, however, didn’t seem particularly concerned with what he wanted and continued as she did. Felix did his best to hold out, but Luna would not be denied. Her skill was too overwhelming, and she seemed to have an otherworldly patience. Throwing his head back, the young man let out a scream as the pleasure finally got the better of him. His cock throbbed mightily one final time, bouncing against his lower belly before smacking against Luna’s muzzle. The first burst of cum smacked right into the base of the princess’s horn. Luna let out a low moan, pressing his tip against her silky soft cheek just as his next shot fire, coating it with his cum. Again and again, Felix came. Luna continued to point his cock where she will, making sure that not an ounce of cum was wasted. When Felix had finally tapered off, the young man was left dazed and shaking. He slumped against the cushion, dead to the world. Minutes passed before he was even able to crack open his eyes to see Luna, now cum-covered, doing her best to lick herself clean. “Hmm… you seem to be extraordinarily virile, my subject,” she said, using her long pony tongue to lick her cheek clean. “Is your orgasm always that large?” “No… it’s not,” Felix said, desperately trying to catch his breath. “I don’t… think I’ve ever… leaked like… that… either.” Wiping the cum from her eye, Luna gave him a small smile as she licked her hoof clean. “Then my skill is just as sharp as it has ever been. Good.” Taking a deep breath, Luna looked down at his rapidly wilting member. She frowned for a few moments, looking back up at him as she placed her hooves on his knees. “Now, I believe that I shall drink straight from the tap, as it were,” she said matter-of-factly. “Hopefully you still have some cum to spare in those orbs of yours.” Before Felix could ask what she meant, Luna lunged. Opening her mouth, she took his entire cock into her maw and started sucking hard. Felix grunted, his toes curling. “P-Princess,” he said, his voice sounding strained as he leaned forward. “G-Give me a couple o-of minutes. I-I—” With a pop, Luna released his cock, only to swallow it whole a second later. She began to bob her head rapidly, tongue swirling around his length. Felix’s knees slammed on either side of Luna’s head, making her grunt. The tip of her horn glowed, forcing his legs back open as she did all she could to bring his member back to life. In no time at all, she was able to bring his poor, hypersensitive cock back to full throbbing hardness, much to Felix’s astonishment and dismay. Luna’s jaw was forced stretch around his girth. Her brow furrowed in concentration as her bobs became longer and more vocal. “Ugh! Urgh! Ugh! Ulk!” Cum and saliva began to pool in Felix’s lap and Luna’s chin and face. Luna’s mane and tail could be seen whipping around sporadically as if they were caught in some unseen storm. Felix didn’t notice a bit of this, however, the poor, very sensitive human just doing his best to hang on for the ride. “Come on—Fuck! J-Just let me—Oh Jesus!” Luna released his cock with a pop. Opening her mouth, she slapped his tip against her tongue, each wet, meaty slap filling the human’s ears. Moaning, she then rubbed his cock against her face, leaving a bigger wet, cum-filled mess on her muzzle and cheeks. “Oh god,” Felix said, shutting his eyes. “Oh god…” Bouncing his cockhead off of her lips, Luna opened her mouth. Wrapping her lips around his member, she started her descend. She went lower and lower, not so much as gagging as each inch of his maleness was swallowed. When Felix was finally able to open his eyes, the first thing that he saw was Luna pressed her muzzle into his lap, Felix’s cock buried deep in her tight, wet, incredibly hot throat. His breathing hitched at the sight. Luna held the position, looking up at him. Winking, she gave his balls a lick before quickly pulling up and slamming herself down. She gurgled, tears streaming down her face as she twisted and sucked and licked as quickly as she could. The sight, the sounds, the feeling of Luna’s muzzle against his belly each time she hilted, it was all too much. Felix, to his shame, found himself racing to the finish line. “Princess. Princess! Luna! OhmygodI’mgonnafuck—!” Luna’s ears perked up. Bobbing her head once or twice more, she leaned back until just the tip of Felix’s cock was in her mouth. With a throaty moan, she began swirling her tongue around his tip. With a girlish yelp, Felix felt himself cum for the second time of the night. His vision exploded into white and the air grew hot. He could feel himself sucking in a lungful of air for a moan, but didn’t hear it. His hips jerked and twitch with each spurt of cum. Luna, humming in delight, was quick to swallow everything that he had, again and again until he finally tapered off. Then, pulling back, her cheeks puffed up like a chipmunks. Felix watched as the princess opened her mouth, revealing a mouthful of sticky, white cum before she swallowed. His eyes flicked down to her throat before he closed his eyes and went limp against the cushion. “Excellent,” Luna said, sounding a bit breathless. “I had not expected you to last as long. Your production is as impressive as the first time as well.” She stared at the half-conscious, her tail flicking from side to side eagerly. “Yes… You shall do very nicely.” The tip of her horn glowed, and Felix found himself floating into the air. Luna gave his side a tender nuzzle, smearing spit and cum against his thigh. Felix didn’t so much as twitch, still trying to figure out which way was up. “Now let us take a quick shower and rest. Your punishment will last a little longer yet.”