My Little Pony: Friendship is Magnificent

by Sonic Longstride

First published

As i awake from my slumber late one night I find some things are amiss. Then I find i'm in Equestria.

During the course of a late night study session, Twilight Sparkle accidentally Conjures up a tremendously powerful spell that manages to pull me into equestria. but not only that, it even ponifies me into my allicorn known as Sonic Longstride. so what exactly happens to me? how will i react? what will become of the town? only one way to find out

this is a slightly different take on the whole "human in Equestria thing"

not only that but i basically break the fourth wall the entire time with my knowledge

Chapter 1: Insertion

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magnificent

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction By Sonic Longstride (The Omega)

Chapter 1: Insertion


“Twilight what’s going on?!”

“I don’t know I-I Can’t Control it!”

“I’m so sorry for knocking over the ladder! I Hope that didn’t cause this!”

“It’s not your fault Spike. Oh I just hope this doesn’t cause anything bad!”

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


I gasped as I awoke with a fright in the middle of the night. I awoke to my bedroom brightly flashing and spinning around, glowing with a sparkling rose colored light. I quickly turned to face my bedside atomic-self-setting clock. I managed to get a quick glimpse of the time and day of the week: 12:00 am, Monday morning. This has got to be, officially, the weirdest. Monday. EVER. I thought to myself. Suddenly, I began to float in the air, glowing with the same rose colored light that, until just seconds ago, had been filling my entire room, but was now located solely around my being.



And with that last flash of lightning, everything turned black as I began to relive the past week as a vivid tape, playing in my mind’s eye…the short story that it was…basically I had just been watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic through Netflix On my Nintendo Wii, while spicing it up every now and again with a fanfic or two. By now the terms ‘everypony’ and ‘anypony’ had replaced my former mannerisms of ‘everybody’ and ‘anybody’, and any use of God’s name had been replaced with the use of Princess Celestia’s name. At this point of my brief flashback, I began to think to myself, why didn’t I do anything productive or impressive lately. And then, darkness filled every corner of my thoughts.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It was now a quarter past three in Equestria. It was quite a pleasant day. The sun was brightly shining, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, it was a nice eighty degrees with a slight cooling breeze. Everypony was having a great day. That is until exactly three forty-seven, it was at that point that there occurred a thunderous *boom* coupled with the appearance of a massive tower of light shooting down from a massive, swirling, dark, ominous cloud, approximately 100 miles away from the little town of Ponyville and 50 miles from the great capital city of Canterlot, that no Pegasus pony could possibly create. Not even the great Princess Luna, and besides it was daytime and she wouldn’t appear until it was time for the sunset. The seemingly apocalyptic tower of light that had mysteriously appeared out of nowhere, however, disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. In Ponyville, everypony was panicking, while in Canterlot, Princess Celestia’s most trusted allies, the six ponies that had control over the kingdom’s most powerful artifacts, The Elements of Harmony which were made up of six different elements: the element of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic, were summoned and then each given their elements, wished good luck and then sent to investigate.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

When I came to my head was spinning and everything was blurry. I sat up but…something was… different…I couldn’t tell what at the moment so I shook my head. At that moment my vision cleared and I was able to see much better, however, it was at that moment that I noticed my first problem, I was much…eh, shorter than I normally would be….but I wasn’t sitting down. I seemed to be on… all fours. My eyes slowly darted down until I saw…well…hooves…at that point I jumped back and hit my head against a low branch on a tree. I only briefly saw that I was actually in the middle of a tall tree in a forest somewhere in some strange place before I quickly crashed into the ground with a resulting cracking of branches and a loud thud. Then, back to the darkness as my mind’s only companion.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

When next I came to, I found I was in a hospital, my mind a jumbled up mess of frantic thoughts about where I was and what was going on. At one point I even thought I might be dead but the full body cast and constant throbbing pain in my head reminded me that being dead, was not a possibility. As I looked around the room I saw two things in my immediate vicinity: the first a chart stating that my bandages were to be taken off today, and the second was what I was now assuming was an old x-ray showing an Allicorn’s body with most every bone in its body broken. There’s…no way that’s me….just no way…but if it is…could I be…a…pony? I thought to myself. But…if it is true…and this is real…then…just then my thoughts were interrupted by what appeared to be an orange unicorn with what appeared to be a mark of an EKG machine on his flanks. When he saw I was awake he seemed rather startled. “Oh!” He said, “Y-you’re awake! We- we didn’t think you would wake up for quite awhile longer, after all you were unconscious for a whole month…uh h-here let me get those bandages for you.” The orange unicorn said. As he began to undo the bandages I was wrapped in, my eyes began to widen with a combination of bewilderment, and joy as I began to realize where I was. When all the bandages had been undone I first asked if there was a full-body mirror anywhere nearby. When I was shown to one I stared myself up and down. I was no longer a human. I was now a white bodied, flared, white winged unicorn with a spiked back gold mane and blue eyes with the same styled tail design. On both flanks I had what appeared to be a cutiemark of a golden laurel wreath which, I presumed to symbolize victory. It was at that point, when I was smiling greatly at myself in the mirror, that the orange unicorn asked me if I was okay I assured him I was better than okay and asked him to tell me where exactly I was. He replied quizzically with, “Um, Equestria sir, Ponyville to be exact. Um are you…sure you’re okay? You seem a little…too happy.” “I’m Fine I promise!” I joyfully squealed. “Do you happen to know how to get to a pony named Twilight’s house?!” he then proceeded to give me directions since, I’m assuming, I seemed too happy to be much of an immediate threat to anyone at the moment, or possibly ever. After this I then walked out of the hospital thanking everyone for helping me as I walked towards Twilight’s tree house.

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Enter Twilight

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I began walking through the town of Ponyville, joyfully taking in every possible sight. It was simply amazing. A world that was previously thought to be nothing more than a story was real! And I was here! In that world! Everything, by the way, seemed a bit different than what was depicted in that show. For starters the color scheme wasn't as…well…cartoony. They were much more realistic. Closer to what we see in our world. The ponies, all the different kinds, were still multi-colored, which I was quite happy to see. The ponies were all busily bustling around town doing what I assumed was last minute shopping. You see, I hadn't quite realized just how slow I had been walking until I saw the beginnings of twilight forming in the sky. It had been mid-afternoon when I had begun walking from the hospital, but with the evening’s soothing call approaching, I picked up the pace as I hurried towards the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle’s house, nearly causing two ponies carrying a large mirror using their magic from their horns, to lose their concentration and almost tripping over the infamous cutiemark crusaders.

The golden twilight had just finished covering the sky when I approached the house of Twilight Sparkle. The tree house seemed to be the center of tranquility in its given area. At this point the crickets began to chirp signifying the now official start of the evening. At this I began knocking on Twilight’s door. I was immediately greeted with a loud proceeding of crashes, thumps, an occasional “Ouch!” then finally a, “Hang on!” at this I simply shrugged and patiently awaited the opening of the door. Not but a few moments later, the door opened and I saw the purple unicorn with an exhausted look upon her face. She then turned her attention towards me saying, “Sorry about all that, I-“ she was, now looking straight at me, completely shocked to see me, for reasons I could make only guesses at. “You-you’re that strange pony we found in the forest!” she said with clear astonishment.

“Oh, so…were you the one who took me to the hospital then?” I asked her.

“Yes I…well, we did. My friends and I, I mean. But you don’t really make any sense.” I looked at her utterly baffled.

“I make no sense? Well, if you only knew what exactly I am,” I laughed, “then I’m pretty sure you’d be way more confused than you already are. I know I am.” She looked at me with sheer confusion.

“What are you talking about?” she stated. I was now assuming both of our minds had…well…let’s just say it…exploded twice, as neither of us seemed to believe what we were seeing in front of us. After a moment of awkward silence, I decided to speak first.

“Well… can I…come in to tell you?” I said rather awkwardly, “It’s uh…getting late and I uh…” To make a long story short, I was at a loss for words due to the fact that when I was a human, this was the pony I had a crush on. I’m not entirely sure why this was exactly. I mean, I considered myself to be most like her personality wise. So to have a crush on her is quite…eh… disturbing to say the least. But at any rate, seeing this particular pony standing before me, illuminated by the thin, golden veils of twilight in the evening sky, made me quite uncomfortable and also made it hard for me to speak to her. Fortunately for me however, I didn't have to wait long as she answered me quickly with a gleeful yes and I was then shown inside. As I took a look around the rather spacious library, I immediately noticed everything was as depicted in the show. The foyer was a wide open space where books lined the shelves that were placed around the circular room. In the back of the room there was a staircase that made an upward curve to a balcony where there was a door leading to the bedrooms, while on the left, there was a door which led to the laboratory and a smaller room filled with books, lastly there was a door on the right wall of the foyer which led to the kitchen.

“Come on in and make yourself at home,” Twilight said with a smile, “then we can discuss how exactly you got here, and more importantly who you are.” As I entered the room, she closed the door behind me and invited me into the smaller room to the left, and then into her laboratory. As we descended into the laboratory, I began to see all the beakers, test tubes, and other various devices she had set up.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a minute,” I said nervously, “What in the world are you gonna do to me?!”

“Calm down,” she said with a soothing tone in her voice, “I’m not going to hurt you if that’s what you’re worried about. I just want to get some blood work done and some other things about you written down to see if you’re healthy. You see…I can’t help but feel I’m responsible for bringing you here.”

“What do you mean by that exactly?” I replied.

“Well, the day we found you, there was a massive tower of light that appeared in the sky. Everypony everywhere saw it, and they were all scared out of their mind. That tower of light caused most cities to go dark from the clouds that surrounded the beam. All the weather went crazy too! There was lightning everywhere! Here in Ponyville alone, there were thirty houses destroyed! The worst part was when the entire right side of Cloudsdale, the city that sits high atop the clouds, collapsed and came tumbling down. When my friends and I were called to go investigate it, we found that it originated in a far off section of the Everfree Forest. When we got there, we found you covered under a large pile of fallen tree branches. We thought you were dead, but somehow you were still faintly breathing.” By this point Twilight was sobbing, “But you see, the other ponies don’t know it yet, but the night before that tower of light appeared, I had found an old spell book that looked interesting and in had started reading some of the spells in it. I eventually came across a very difficult looking section of spells and started trying those out. That section contained inter-dimensional transportation spells. And, well, I started trying out some of those spells and managed to bring several species of plants as well as various metals to this dimension from all across the universe. But then I found two spells that could transport living creatures across dimensions. One of them just simply teleported them to my location, but the other really caught my attention: this one took that creature and, while transporting it, took it through a sort of rainbow colored filter. This filter then took that creature and transformed it into whatever the final destination’s planet’s primary sentient life form was and converted it into that species. I didn't intend to cast it, but my assistant fell from a ladder and startled me into accidentally casting it. And I think that’s what brought you here. I’m terribly sorry if it did…I promise I’ll try to find a way to reverse it.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I reassured her. “That may be what happened but, in all honesty, you did me several favors. For starters, you proved one of my two theories of the universe correct.”

“And what’s that?” she said with a look of interest

“That anything anyone has ever thought of exists somewhere somehow. You see in my world, this whole place is a television show. Nothing but a story. But now I can see that it truly does exist. All the pain I've felt since arriving here proves that. But most importantly, Twilight, you've brought my life happiness and joy again. I haven’t felt as happy as I am now in years. You see, my family is dead and I've been living in a run-down apartment for the past five years. All my friends are dead too. My only companion was my dog but…she died last month. I haven’t been able to figure out what to do with my life since then. The show about this place and the fans of it, have been the only thing keeping me sane. If I wasn't here, I would still be trapped in a vicious cycle of depression. So thank you Twilight. Thank you for doing this. Even though it was an accident, I still greatly appreciate it. But you need to tell Princess Celestia about this. She needs to know. And so do your friends.”

“So, let me get this straight: You know all about our world because, somehow, in your world, we exist as a Television show?” she asked, utterly baffled.

“Yeah,” I chuckled, “Pretty strange isn't it. And yet, so fascinating. I mean, think about it: could it truly be that all things and all worlds have a subconscious link to one another in which information of things contained within each world is transmitted though some kind of invisible relay system, and then directed into the thoughts of randomly selected individuals? And then, if that’s the case, are the individuals that have been chosen to relay that information to the public really chosen at complete random? Or is there some kind of higher authority directing exactly to whom the information should be relayed to?” I said with a confident, philosophical tone

“Hmm,” pondered Twilight, “That could make for an interesting experiment one day. But for now let’s get what we came down here to do in the first place done. I still need to know if you’re healthy.”

“Alright, if you insist.” I replied. After I had sat down and had my blood drawn, she told me to relax while she did the blood work. While I was sitting however, I began to feel a slight tingle down my spine. I just shrugged it off due to the fact that I was used to having chills run down my spine. As Twilight was examining my blood she began commenting on how strange Alicorn blood cells looked compared to other forms of blood cells. Once again, I felt the same tingle down my spine. Once, twice, and as of the third consecutive time, I had begun to worry. “Umm…Twilight? I’m feeling kind of…strange.” Just then I heard her gasp and I quickly turned towards her with just enough time to see a quick flash of electrical energy leap out from under the microscope where she was examining my blood,

“No that…that’s not possible!” she yelled with clear astonishment,

“What’s not possible?” I asked, very scared at this point. It was just after I had said this, that I began to light up with the same electrical energy which then shot off of me in all directions. I wasn't even able to scream in pain. In fact, I couldn't say anything, or even move. It felt like my entire body was being ripped apart from the inside out. But this pain cleared after a single minute, even though that minute felt like several hours. When the light cleared, I was awoken by Twilight. As I looked around, I could see that the massive amount of energy I had put off had shorted out every single one of her devices. “Twilight? What happened here? What happened to me?” I asked both with pain and worry.

“Well…as for what happened to this place, I’m not entirely sure. But…um for you…well…take a look” she said with a kind, reassuring tone. Upon saying that, she lifted a mirror over with her magic. And upon gazing into it I realized my appearance had completely changed. I was no longer an Alicorn. I was a simple blue unicorn with pink eyes and a seafoam green colored mane.

“How could this have happened? I-I don’t understand it.” I said utterly confused.

“Well I do have one idea of what might have just occurred. You see, while I was viewing your blood cells, right before you changed the blood cells began to violently shudder and then spark. After that they too had changed. I think this has something to do with how you got here.” She stated

“What do you mean? How in Equestria could this be related to how I got here?” I halfway snapped back.
“Well I think that maybe, somehow when you were brought here, maybe I messed the spell up and in doing so, I may have made your physical form unstable. It might be reversible, but I wouldn't have the faintest idea where to start looking for a way to reverse the effects.” Twilight replied.

“Well what about the palace of the two sisters? You know the old castle deep within the Everfree Forest? Maybe there are still some old books left in there that might have a way to reverse it. OH! Or what about the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing in Canterlot! I’m sure he must have figured something out!” I said with a yawn.

“Hmm…it sure is getting late isn’t it? Well I have a guest bed up in the bedroom you can use. We’ll get a jump on this in the morning okay?” said Twilight.

And with that it was a simple quick agreement and we were off to bed. But at the same time, I began to feel a sort of pressure, a pressure of something dark and powerful in the distance, something reaching out for me, trying to pull me out of my newfound home. Little did I realize that far off from the little town of Ponyville and the great capital city of Canterlot, a storm was brewing. A storm far more destructive than the storm that was created when I first arrived, a storm that would lead to the demise of all things in this quiet Utopia of a country, a storm that I myself brought upon them.