> Friday the 13th Equestria Girls Part IX Gaea Goes To Hell - The Final Friday > by Slayer99 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > False Death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at Camp Everfree right after the death of Midnight Sparkle, and the group's trip to NYC, Gaea waited at one of the cabins waiting for someone to enter and for her to kill. As the night appeared and the moon shone on the camp, one woman entered the cabin with Gaea inside and when she saw her she now slashed her on the arm and she fell off the second floor. As she landed, Gaea looked down and she is willing to finish the job. But then she ran out of the cabin and out to the field as Gaea followed her. Then what came out of the bushes are the Humane 7, the Shadowbolts, Sonata, and Jason. Also heavily armed men from the FBI came out of their hiding spots and began firing at her. As they fired, Gaea is suffering the huge amounts of bullets going through her. Then Jason held his hand to tell the FBI agents to stop firing as he approached Gaea for another duel. As they began swinging their machetes and slicing each other, the FBI agents then scrambled a few missiles at Gaea while Jason was fighting her. Then as Jason weakened Gaea a few times, she then felt dizzy that she is losing her concentration. As Jason saw the missiles, he backed away and the missiles hit and missed Gaea a few times as one of the missiles finally hit her as she blew up to smithereens as her arms, legs, and head fell apart by the missile's impact. "Well I guess she's dead for good." said RD. "I don't know if that would be true." said AJ. "Anyways, thank you FBI agents for helping us." said Twilight. "No problem, It's our duty." said one of the agents. "Well, we should gather her body parts and examine them at the laboratory." said one of the agents. "Be careful she might still be alive." warned Sunset. As the FBI agents gathered her body parts, they left to one of the secret labs to examine and do research. As the girls and Jason went to a cabin to relax, a man then entered the cabin and told them a warning "She is not dead, yet." he said. "Who are you?" asked Fluttershy. "I'm Creighton Duke and I saw all of the fighting before the FBI took her body to the lab." he said. "Well, what makes you think that she is not dead?" asked Sunset. "She still lives as a disembodied soul and when one of the examiners eat her heart, her soul then erupts from her destroyed body and enter to other people's bodies as vessels of murder until she finds someone to be reborn. A member of her family is what she must use to be reborn to restore her full form and only a member of her family can kill her and set Gloriosa free." he explained. "Oh no, this is not good for the FBI!" said Twilight. "We must warn them!" said RD as Jason agreed the same. "Be careful out there, even when you use your magic of friendship upon her it will not be enough to defeat her. You must find one of her family members main or half. Remember only a member of her family can kill her." he said as he left. Jason then had an idea. As he told Fluttershy and as she translated his words, Jason can give some of his power to his friends that can unite with their magic and to have enough strength to defeat Gaea. "Okay, let some of that power to us." said Soursweet. Jason then began to glow as he filled his friends with his power giving them maximum strength to their magic. After he finished he realized that a member of her family can defeat her. The girls realized it too. "Who can we find?" asked Indigo. "I don't know but we need to find one soon." said Sunset. "Yes and before she can be reborn and kill more people." said Rarity. As they all left the cabin, they went to their tents and slept the night away for another day. With them knowing that Gaea is still alive, they must find someone of her family if the camp and the world are determined to survive. > Soul Transfer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Laboratory, Gaea's body parts were placed on a table. The doctor then turned his camera on to record the examination of Gaea Everfree's biology, body structure, and psychology. As the review continued, he then placed her heart on the heart rate scale to see if it beats in rhythm. Outside of the facility, Wallflower from CHS who used the memory stone to erase her bad memories and when it affected Sunset and her friends they somehow regained their memories and destroyed the memory stone. After the stone's destruction, one of the students she fell in love with snapped in anger and broke up with her after that person discovered of what she has done. She had no other choice but to run away and never come back to CHS, and after her disappearance, she was never seen or heard from again. She knew it was entirely her fault and realized that the Humane 7 was right of what power that stone has. She has no intention to seek revenge but to live alone forever. As she stealthily passed the lab security and made it to the main lab, she then discovered the dead body of Gaea Everfree and the doctor inside. She snuck in quietly and watched the examination continue as she saw Gaea's heart on the Heart rate scale. Then suddenly the heart began to beat in a few slow beats as the scale began measuring the rate. Wallflower approached the heart and picked it up to observe of how it's beating without being inside of Gaea's body. She then thought of eating her heart which will be embarrassing for her. She chewed on it several times and swallowed it down her throat a few times as well As she kept eating it, the doctor who is examining the body then saw her eat Gaea's heart. "What are you doing!?" he shouted. "What?" she asked as she dropped the heart. "Mam this is a restricted area, you are to leave now." said one of the guards. As she stopped eating the heart she then began to leave, but sparks of Gaea's soul erupted from her dead body and entered inside of Wallflower. As her soul is completely now inside of her she then controlled her and killed several guards and the doctor who examined Gaea's body. As she left the lab, Gaea then channeled herself to speak with Wallflower in person just inside of her mind. As she was channeled to go to her mind, she then found none other than Gaea Everfree. She approached her as Wallflower trembled in fear. Gaea stopped to cease the overwhelming on Wallflower. "Why did you do this to me?" asked Wallflower. "It's only natural for me to be in control and in order for me to return to my former self, I need you to help me find a member of my family so I can enter inside another body and I will be complete once again either dead or alive." she explained. "You will not make me kill anyone!" she retorted. "Anyone who gets in my way will die and I will control you, there is no resisting as long as I am in your body." she said. Wallflower fell in defeat that she is now a slave to Gaea to kill people until she finds a member of her family. "Though I see that you found a memory stone that you used to erase the memories of Sunset and her friends. But I see you have failed to them as they destroyed the stone." she said. "I only wanted to use it to erase little things in my memories! I did not know that it did effect them and other people!" she yelled. "Well, be as it may. I will not leave you until I find another body. Do you understand?" she said. "Yes." said Wallflower. Then when Wallflower left her mind, Gaea then took control of her and continued to find another body to be restored so she can kill her enemies and Jason. > White Daisy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Gaea's soul transferred into Wallflower's body, she then began controlling her as a vessel of murder as police are unable to stop her rampage all over Canterlot making a huge bloodbath all over. On the road, inside a white 1970 Dodge Challenger was White Daisy. She was driving down the road to Camp Everfree that her mother allowed her to go there and spend some time in the outdoors and adapt to nature. As she drove, she entered the camp and parked in the parking lot. She got out and she was met by the Humane 7, the Shadowbolts, Sonata, and Jason. She gazed around the group and Jason in a shy, timid moment. She then introduced herself to them. "Hello, I'm White Daisy." she said. "Good to have you here." said Sunset. Jason then approached her and wanted to introduce himself to her. She was a little frightened by his size and silence, but Sunset calmed her and told her that Jason is okay and gentle to new comers. White Daisy calmed and relaxed at the moment and accepted his friendship. "I am Gloriosa's half sister." she said. The girls and Jason were very surprised of what she said and they have found the one family member to save Gloriosa and destroy Gaea. It may be confusing for White, but they took her to the cafeteria and began to explain about of what really happened to Gloriosa and what caused the carnage in the camp. As they explained of Gloriosa being trapped in Gaea Everfree's grasp they told her that only a member of her family can free her and banish Gaea to hell for all time. After the explaining, White Daisy was then worried and scared of what happened to her and she would do anything to help free her half sister and save the people from suffering Gaea's rage. She then realized that Jason is compared to Gaea of their power, skill, strength, and abilities they possess. Then the television came on as the news came on. "Here's a Canterlot news flash. We have received a report from one of the high security labs stating that Gaea Everfree is believed to be still at large. As the scientists discovered that Gaea's soul then transferred from her dead body and into Wallflower, one of the students of Canterlot High School. Somehow she was possessed and she is now being under the control of Gaea's soul and spreading huge carnage in the city killing several civilians and law enforcement are unable to apprehend her or stop her which she appeared to be unstoppable. But people are advised to stay in their homes and out of the streets of Canterlot City as FBI units and National Guard units are mobilized to hunt Gaea Everfree and remove her soul from Wallflower. And that is all tonight for Canterlot News, goodnight." said the reporter as the news cut off. "Canterlot is in danger, and so is Wallflower." said Twilight. "We need to go back to the city and find a way to save Wallflower. Also she ran away and she did not come back to us after we destroyed the Memory Stone." said Sunset. "It's okay, we can still save her and she can still have the life she deserves and she deserves to be our friend too." said Twilight. "Okay, let's go back to Canterlot and save Wallflower." said Rainbow Dash as they all left the camp and back to Canterlot to save Wallflower, battle Gaea, and set Gloriosa free. > Tommy Jarvis Returns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the girls, White Daisy, and Jason traveled back to Canterlot, the streets were empty and they knew it was Gaea doing all of this. Then Wallflower came out of the shadows and approached the girls and Jason. They knew it was Gaea possessing her. Sunset approached her with caution and she used her magic to enter Wallflower's mind and speak with her in person. "Be careful Sunset." said Twilight. "I will." said Sunset as she entered Wallflower's mind. She then looked around inside her very mind and called out to her. "Wallflower?" she called. "Sunset?" Wallflower called. Sunset ran up to her and found her. Wallflower hugged her in relief that she is about to be saved. "Sunset, please help me, you must free me from Gaea's control, she is using me to find a body of a member of her family to be whole again!" she pleaded. "My friends, Jason, and I will set you free, when you're free we will take you in as a friend and you will never be alone again! We promise!" she said. Then Gaea came out of nowhere and approached Sunset with a snarl. "You again! You won't break her free that easy!" she said. "You will not keep her as your slave!" yelled Sunset. "We'll see about that!" she said. "Get out of here! I know you will all set me free! I know you can do it!" said Wallflower. "Okay!" said Sunset as she exited Wallflower's mind and backed away from her. Then out of nowhere a loud 'BANG' from a firearm hit Wallflower in the foot, making Gaea growl in pain. Out of the shadows was Tommy Jarvis who came back to help. "Tommy!" said Rainbow Dash. "Tommy Jarvis! you're back!" said Pinkie "Hey guys." he said. "Hello, I'm Sonata Dusk." she introduced "I'm White Daisy." she said. "Good to meet you." he said. Then Gaea crawled out of Wallflower when she was hit by a bullet. She crawled away and searching for another body to possess. Wallflower was thrilled that they kept their promise. "When I went to the lab, I made the mistake into eating her heart and I didn't know that she would possess me and control me. Can you ever forgive me?" she asked. "We already did, since we destroyed the memory stone. You don't have to run away anymore, let us be your friends so you will never be alone again." said Sunset. "Okay, and thank you for freeing me." she said. They all went up to her and gave her a group hug, as Jason and Tommy did the same. Jason looked down at her, and she was extremely shy of his height and appearance. Jason patted her head to assure her that he is gentle and was relieved of her fears. Wallflower looked at Tommy Jarvis and gazed at his face, 'He is very cute.' she said to herself. Tommy looked at her as well, 'Well she looks beautiful.' he said to himself and said, "I'm sorry for shooting you, I just knew that she possessed you in all." "It's okay, I forgive you." she said. The girls, Sonata, and Jason looked at the pair in surprise. "Well, they have a crush on each other." said Soursweet. "Just like Fluttershy and Jason." said Applejack. "We need to find Gaea and quick, she is looking for another body to possess." said Wallflower. "Okay, let's follow her!" said Indigo. "I like to help too." said Wallflower. "Sure, because more friends are better and you are our true friend." said Sunset. "Thank you, Sunset." she said as they all followed Gaea's trail to stop her from possessing another body. > More Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As they all searched block to block to find Gaea they found no trace of her at all. They all traveled back to CHS, and they all waited for their friends Starlight Glimmer and Princess Twilight. As the portal glowed, Princess Twilight and Starlight came out of the portal and back to the world of humans. The girls were happy to see them again and gave them a group hug. Tommy, Wallflower, and Jason walked up to them to say hello. "Hey, I'm Tommy Jarvis." he introduced. "I'm Wallflower." she introduced. "I'm White Daisy." she said. "It's good to meet you three, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria." she said. "I'm Starlight Glimmer, Twilight's student." she said. Jason then walked up to the two to say hello. They were a little scared of his appearance, Jason took notice and patted the two girls stating that he is gentle. "Who is he?" asked Starlight. "This is our friend, Jason Voorhees." said Sunset. "He seems, silent." said Twilight. "We'll tell you about him in the school." said Sunset as they all walked in the school. "Wait, why is Sonata with you?" asked Twilight. "Jason has forgiven Sonata and she made her choice to reform." said Sunset. "I really never wanted to join Adagio." said Sonata. "Okay, I forgive you." said Twilight. They all explained about Jason's story and his unexpected fate, he was a little boy at camp Everfree and he was bullied by the other kids and left to drown in the lake. His mother, Pamela Voorhees, she sought revenge against the counselors and created a death curse at the camp, hunting anyone who comes to the camp. When she died and killed Gaea, Jason has risen from his grave and continued the bloodlust. But when they met him, they all felt sorry for the loss of his mother and told him that revenge will not bring back his mother. He of course was a revenant, an immortal being that can never die. Jason then met up with Gaea and defeated her 6 times. They also told them that only a member of Gloriosa's family like White Daisy can free her and banish Gaea to hell forever. After their explaining, the two were surprised and impressed of Jason's story and legend. "Well Jason, I guess we are proud to call you our friend." said Twilight. Jason was happy to have more friends. Then they also realized that they have an enemy to stop. "We need to go find Gaea and quick, she will be willing to possess anyone's body to find a body of her family members to be whole again." said Tommy. "Okay, we'll be assisting you in your search." said Starlight as they all left the school and began searching in the city. As Gaea looked around for another body to possess, she found another person alive and she entered his body and straight down the throat to possess the mind and the heart once again in control. "This body will do nicely." she said savagely. > Vengefulness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Gaea now possessed another body, she then walked around the city block to block and house to house. She then found the mother of her half sister, Nora Daisy. She was busy doing some work on her house not knowing that she was being watched. The possessed man then came in her house startling her. She looked at him in confusion, he did not speak or utter any words. She was being more confused by his actions and immovability. Then the unexpected happened as he grabbed her in the throat and held her. "What are you?" she asked. Then she saw the soul-like vision of Gaea Everfree herself. "I am your worst fear! Your half daughter!" she boasted. "Gloriosa!?" she asked. "Once. Now I am Gaea Everfree!" she said. "Where is your daughter!? My half sister!?" she yelled. "She is in the city, somewhere there." she said. "Well, she of course is with my enemies, the Humane 7, the Shadowbolts, Tommy Jarvis, Wallflower, Sonata Dusk. Even Jason Voorhees, my arch and sworn enemy!" she roared. She then used her machete and stabbed Nora in the heart. She then dropped her dead body and left her house as her soul-like vision disappeared. She then walked to the city and began her search. At the neighborhood, The girls, Tommy, and Jason walked around and still not found Gaea anywhere. Jason is being very concerned and impatient of not finding Gaea. Then they came across White Daisy's house. "You all can come in if you like." she offered. "Sure." said Sci-Twi. "It's okay with me." said Twilight. "We like to." said the girls and Tommy. When they entered the house it was quiet. It became very uncomfortable to Jason, Tommy, and the girls. They looked around to find White's mother, Nora. When Wallflower entered the living room she found the dead body of Nora Daisy and was very shocked. "Guys! Come here!" she called. "What is it Wallflower?" asked Sunny Flare. Then when they all saw the dead body of Nora, they were all shocked of her dead body and they knew it was Gaea that killed her. "Mother!" said White Daisy as she fell to the ground on her dead mother's body, and cried in pain. "Gaea, I knew it would be her!" said Lemon Zest. "She is going to pay!" said Indigo Zap. Sunset approached her and comforted her from the painful loss of her mother. "It's okay, she will be remembered." said Sunset. "Yes, let go of the pain and you will be okay." said Twilight. "Okay and thank you." she said. "You're welcome, that what friends are for." Jason said to her with his child voice echoing. Then Creighton Duke came to them again and approached White Daisy. "Creighton?" asked Sunset. "It seems that your half sister possessing people has killed your mother." he said. "Yes, I saw that." she said. Then Creighton picked up a dagger from his sleeve and said "Catch." As White Daisy caught it, the dagger's appearance altered as the handle was covered in metal vines and flowers. White Daisy knew that she has the power to save her half sister. "With that dagger, you have the power to save your half sister, and exile Gaea to Hell for all eternity." he said. "Well, when will she be here?" she asked. "I don't know yet." he said. Then a person came walking in and they saw the person with green glowing eyes, they knew it was Gaea possessing the person. Tommy made his move and shot the person's head off, as Gaea in her creature form crawled away and entered the dead corpse of Nora Daisy. Jason was then surprised of what she is doing next. "How can this be?" asked Wallflower. "She can only be reborn through a member of my family. I say that she is now being whole again using the dead body of my mother!' she said. "Oh, my, God." Duke said in shock as They watched Nora's dead body alter to become Gaea Everfree. "At last, I am whole again!" she said. "Run!" said Starlight as they all fled from the house and got in their vehicles and drove away from her. She knew that they will be going back to Camp Everfree and followed them. Back at the camp, they all gathered at the cafeteria and began planning. "We need to find a way to stop her and free Gloriosa!" said Sci-Twi. "How can we do that?" asked Sonata. "Yeah, how?" asked Tommy. Jason then took notice and gave some of his power to Princess Twilight, Wallflower, White Daisy, and Starlight enhancing their strength and magic. "What was that you gave us?" asked Starlight. "I gave you four some of my power, power to help save Gloriosa and defeat Gaea." he said with his echoing child voice. "Thank you, Jason." said Twilight. "Thanks." said Wallflower. "Anyhow, we must get ready and prepare the traps like we did last time." said Tommy. "Okay we rest and wake at dawn." said Creighton as they all went to their tents and slept. > The Final Duel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the day dawns, The girls, Tommy, White Daisy, Creighton and Jason then woke up by the alarming clocks. They got up quick and they got dressed up for the day and made preparations to set up a bait and spring the trap on Gaea. They set up a bait of a wild flower to attract her attention. They hid in the bushes as Tommy, White Daisy, and Jason hid at the main cabin waiting for Gaea to come out and get the bait. Gaea came out of the woods and spotted the wild flower, she approached it and plucked it out of the ground and smelt it. Then some traps were set off. The trap they activated were arrows that were fired from the crossbows and hit her in place making her leak blood. She cried in pain as she pulled the arrows off of her when another trap was set off. The trap was a metal trap with teeth that she stepped into and chomped down very hard and almost to her bones. She then opened it and walked further, only to be met by another trap which they were harpoons that shot out of nowhere and hit her in the leg, gut, and head. She pulled them off and got very angry. Then some flying machetes, pickaxes, spears, and arrows came out and struck her at every part of her body that almost made it a little fatal and her body leaking blood. She then got very, very furious of the pain that she is inflicting and her defeat being imminent. Then Gaea saw White Daisy at her main cabin and walked over to her. She was then attacked by Jason as he tackled her and start beating her to the ground. As the battle continues, Jason, the girls,Tommy, White Daisy, and Duke did a few attacks to weaken Gaea as they continued their fight. The Humane 7 used their magic and made a few blasts on her that she could not block. Then the Shadowbolts and Tommy used the weapons Jason gave them and made a few slices, cuts, and slashes that could penetrate Gaea long enough to be weak. As Gaea suffered a few hits, she used her dark powers and struck them a few times that could have penetrated them and weaken them but they have very little effect. Then they have the opportunity as they used their abilities and Jason used his strength to strip Gaea of her strength as she began to become weaker and weaker by the hits of their attack. White Daisy then approached her with her dagger and said "Let my half sister, GO!" She then impaled the dagger to her heart as her soul erupted from her as the light from the heavens appeared. She kicked the dagger very deep and the lights from the sky came down on her and separated Gloriosa from her. Gloriosa then regained her conscience and saw her monster self as hands from Hell came out of the ground and grab hold of her. She was yelling in fear of her being captured as she began sinking down to the ground. As she sunk, she is now finally forever banished to hell and disappeared from the ground yelling "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" After the fight, Gloriosa knew that it was her half sister, Jason and his friends that saved her. "Thank you for freeing me. I'm so sorry that I end up being a killer." she said. Jason approached her and said "It's okay, I know it was never your decision to make. I am more than happy to forgive you and call you my friend." Gloriosa was then relieved and hugged Jason. White Daisy then came to her and hugged her too as the girls and Tommy did the same. "It's good to have you back sister." said White Daisy. "Where's Timber?" she asked. Sci-Twi then had to confess and said, "He's dead, he let his lust for revenge turn him into someone else. I tried to save him but it's too late for him. He left me no choice but to kill him and I never wanted to kill him. But he made me." Gloriosa was then surprised and worried. She would not want to become like of what happened to Timber. So she hugged her and said, "It's okay, I forgive you." Then when they left the camp and back to CHS, Twilight and Starlight made their farewells and entered the portal back to Equestria, as Tommy did the same and drove away. “Well, now that Gaea, the Sirens, Delta, and Midnight are gone, seems that it’s finally over.” said Sunset. “Yeah, there were good adventures while they lasted.” said Rainbow Dash. “They sure were.” said Soursweet. "I could agree to that too." said Fluttershy. “So do I.” said Sonata. Jason then silently called to his mother and said, "Mother, my quest is complete." "That's my sweet, sweet, Jason. Mommy's proud of you and your new friends too." the voice of his mother called. With Gaea, Delta, the Sirens and Midnight now gone peace is now forever restored to Camp Everfree as Gloriosa takes the responsibility to take care of the camp. As new adventures come soon for them to endure and overcome, Jason echoed out, "KI KI KI MA MA MA” THE END.