> Friday the 13th Equestria Girls Part VII The New Blood > by Slayer99 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Song of Redemption > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a dark and gloomy night, The sirens known as the Dazzlings, paced around and around with no other idea to somehow control the earth and its people. Then from the far reaches, they have heard a sound going "KI KI KI MA MA MA". They did not know where it came from or who it came from. Then, their restored pendants began to glow and shown an image of where the sound came from. They shown none other than Jason Voorhees, who died as a kid and re-birthed as a revenant to kill anyone to his blood line. The Dazzlings were surprised that they heard his echo from Camp Everfree. Then their pendants stopped showing the image and disappeared. Then they made a misty path leading to the camp and to find someone who can help them receive their revenge right after the Humane 7 defeated them. "Follow this path, we can find someone who can help us" said Adagio. "Okay" said Sonata. "Right behind you" said Aria as they all followed the misty path to Camp Everfree. When they have arrived, they saw the end of the path that leads them to the dock. The pendants are telling them that the common foe of Jason and his friends is floating under the water which it seemed weeks or days that she lied in torment after her defeat. They approached the edge of the dock and began to sing their tune right into the water. As it proceeds, Gaea then awoke when she heard some music from the sirens as bubbles appeared around her. She then struggled a little because of the increasing power surrounding her and the chains around her began to weaken. When their power increased, the chains broke off of the rock and Gaea was free. She then skyrocketed up from the bottom of the lake and to the surface. She then landed on the dock, and saw the sirens in front of her. She looked at their pendants that they are the ones who made a power surge and set her free. She then approached them and made introductions. "I am Gaea Everfree, forest spirit of Camp Everfree. State your names" she said. "I am Adagio Dazzle and they are Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze. We are the sirens thus the descendants of Equestria. We have traveled here and we have freed you from your torment under the lake" she introduced. "So, I see that you three are seeking revenge on the Humane 7, well so am I" she said. "And we see that their friend Jason Voorhees is with them. I propose that we form a team to destroy them" said Adagio. Gaea then made a few thoughts and took moments to think. Then she knew that they are after revenge against the Humane 7 as she was against Jason as well. She then made the thought and accepted the proposition. "I accept your offer. Soon we will have our revenge. The camp will be mine, the world will be yours and our enemies who protects this camp from me and this world from you, will all fall" she said. "Okay, let's get to work" said Adagio. "First we must hide in the woods so we can wait for them to not take notice so I will continue my lust for blood" she said. "Okay, let's hide and we will be ready for them to meet their demise" Adagio said darkly as they hid into the woods and waited for the sun to rise for another day of carnage and great fear coming for them. > Seductive Music > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the dawn of morning, The campers, the girls, and Jason awoke from their sleep. But when they got up, Jason then sensed the presence of Gaea and the sirens. In which he heard about as mythical creatures to sing a song to attract people to a trap or control them. He also knew that they freed Gaea from her prison under the lake and joined her to destroy him and his friends. He then walked up to the girls and told them a warning. Fluttershy then translated his words and she and the others were shocked and worried about of what has happened. "The Dazzlings with Gaea!? This is going to be a problem" said RD. "They must have rebuilt their pendants and used their power to break the chains and set her free" said Sunset. "I don't know if we can defeat them again since they have more help" said Rarity. "We can help" said Indigo. "Okay, but the more you throw violence at them, they can absorb your negativity and become stronger" said AJ. "Okay, we get that" said Sunny. Then, Jason told them that his negativity may never be absorbed. Because revenants like him are immune to the music by the sirens. When Fluttershy translated his words, they were very surprised that he is immune and never very effective to their music at all. Which makes them lucky that the Dazzlings were never going to be that strong at all. "Well, I guess we are lucky after all" said Pinkie. "Yeah, well they could be anywhere around here waiting to pounce on us" said Soursweet. "True, but until we find a way to attract their attention and then we will attack" said Sunset "Okay, we will wait and soon they will fall for our trap" said Lemon Zest. Then Jason and the girls parted and gone to do some activities. Then from the part of the woods, the Sirens and Gaea were watching them as they all parted to do activities before they begin planning their trap. The Dazzlings observed Jason, and they had a thought that they can control him to destroy their enemies. "I have an idea, we will use our magic and we will control Jason and he will give us all of his power to us so we can get revenge on our enemies and control the world" said Adagio. "It will never be easy, Jason is a revenant and revenants are vengeful spirits whose negativity will not be easily absorbed because of their nature. States that they are immune to your music and he will never be under your control" said Gaea. The Sirens then sighed in defeat that they can never control Jason. But in the mean time, Gaea is going out on her killing spree and the Dazzlings are going to wait in the bushes for her return. > A Murderer's Song > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the night began, Gaea walked out of the woods and began her hunt on the campers as the Dazzlings waited in the bushes for her return after she finishes her killing spree. As a guy left the cabin to the dock, she grabbed him and dragged him to the water drowning him to the death. Next she got out of the water and used her sharp vine to stab the camper in the head and let it slip out of her vine and fell to the ground. Then she entered a cabin, went under the bed, and used her machete to stab from below and through the chest. When she left the cabin, she spotted Jason and the girls nearby. She hid away far from them and began to hunt her next target. She picked up a harpoon and spotted a girl at the archer range. She pulled the trigger and the harpoon hit her in the eye straight to her brain. The next target she saw is a boy at the lake's lifeguard tower. She used another harpoon and shot it through his chest and fell to the ground leaking blood and stained on the tower. Then, Gaea went to the cabins and waited for campers to come out. When they came out, she used her vines and stabbed them through their heads. Then after she left them she went to the dock of the lake. She used two harpoons, and fired at the campers in the chests as they fell into the water bleeding out the blood in the water. Then she went to the office and used a knife and stabbed three campers in their heads, hearts, and guts making them leak blood on the floors. Then Gaea went to the open field, she used her fists and slammed on the ground summoning the roots and vines underneath and they grab hold of them and choked them to death and left their mouths leak out blood and on to the grass. She also went to the tents and used her machete and slashed them to death in every tent she goes to. She then thrusted her machete into another person and stabbed him in the head and the chest. She also went up to the dock and dove under water. When she reached to a boat with someone sleeping in it, she popped out of the water and snagged the camper and drowned him in the water. She then got out of the water and walked back to her hiding spot, where the Sirens were hiding before the crack of dawn. When she returned, the Sirens were impressed of her character. "It seems that you have something in common like we have" said Adagio. "Yes, day is about to dawn and we must hide here for the perfect time to attack" she said. "Okay, we will wait, and they will come walking into their demise" Adagio said darkly as they hid in the woods and the sun began to start the morning. > Heart of Violence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the sun rose and the morning dawns, they all woke up from their tents and saw a lot of dead bodies all over the camp. At the dock, the archery, the cafeteria, the cabins, and the tents as well. Jason and the girls are worried and concerned about the massacre here. They knew it is always Gaea doing all of this. They knew that they had enough and they gathered at the cafeteria to discuss of some plans to stop Gaea from killing the campers. "She has gone too far to kill all of the campers and we need to find a way to make her stop" said Sunset. "Even when the sirens are with her, we need to think of a way to take them both" said RD. "We can't just waltz right into the sirens so that they can absorb our magic again like last time" said AJ. "They can be hiding in the woods. That can be the place where we can face them and we can let Jason do the fighting" said Twilight. "Good idea" said Fluttershy. "They could be waiting for us there and they could have set up a trap for us to walk in" said Sugarcoat. "Then we must be careful and watch for them when we walk in the woods" said Indigo. "Okay that's settled. We wait until night comes and we will go to the woods and find the sirens and Gaea" said Sunset. As the sun sets and the night begins, they all left to the woods and searching for the Dazzlings and Gaea. They looked from acre to acre, bush to bush, and every corner and they did not find them yet. Then Jason activated his sensing power and spotted the heat signals from the Sirens who are 2 miles away from them. He walked to their location as the girls realized that he found their trail and followed him. As they traveled 2 miles to them, they have found their hiding spot and Jason walked up and grabbed them on their hair and threw them from their hiding spot and right in front of his friends. The trio then were foiled again and Adagio stood up and glared at Jason and his friends. "So it's you girls again! and I see that you have the shadowbolts as your friends too" she said. "Adagio whatever you and your friends are here for and helping Gaea, you are not going to succeed. And don't make us tell Jason to fight you three because his strength is not normal but very brutal that you will never survive" said Sunset. "You think that he can kill us, we can do something more" she said as she and the other began to sing. They sang to control Jason and absorb his power. But it all proved pointless that he is indeed immune to their music and he can never be controlled. They were shocked that he defied their wishes and he is willing to put a sharp knife into their pendants for such ambition. He then charged at them making them realize that they messed with the wrong guy. > The Revenant vs The Sirens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the battle continues, Jason did a few attacks to weaken the sirens as they continued their fight. The Humane 7 used their magic and made a few blasts on them that they could not block. Then the Shadowbolts used the weapons Jason gave them and made a few slices, cuts, and slashes that could penetrate the sirens long enough to be weak. As the sirens suffered a few hits, they used their dark powers and music and struck them a few times that could have penetrated them and weaken them but they have very little effect. Then they have the opportunity as they used their abilities and Jason used his strength to strip the sirens of their power by destroying their pendants as they begun to become weaker and weaker by the hits of their attack. Finally, the sirens have lost their singing voices and they fell into despair and defeat that they lost to Jason and his friends. Jason then approached Adagio with his machete and spear in a stance to kill her and kill Gaea next. "Jason, don't do this! We surrender! Grant us mercy!" Adagio pleaded. When Jason heard her words, he then silently said to Adagio "Sorry, but I show no mercy to any ambitious person like you!". When he said that he drove his spear and arrow to Adagio's liver and used his machete to stab her heart. He then finally decapitated her head off as it rolled into the woods as Jason apprehended his weapons while he did the same with Aria Blaze which leaves Sonata the last one. Then he approached Sonata as she looked at him in terror and fright that she is going to die. Jason then grabbed Sonata and lifted her onto her feet. The girls were very surprised that he spared her life and he is giving her a second chance to be better. It is the very first time that Jason forgives Sonata, and she is a little confused. "Why did you spare me?" she asked. Jason then responded with his little boy self voice and said"Was it really your decision to join them?" "No" she said. "Then what is something you wanted in life rather than enslaving people?" he asked again. Sonata then told him of what dreams she was chasing after and what she really wants. Jason then shook her hand that she never wanted to be evil or join Adagio at all. Jason then said "Music doesn't come from the pendants for you to sing, it will always come from your heart and you contained it all your life and never let it out. I think it's time that you bring it out of your cage" Sonata then began to breathe and breathe, then she sang a tune that is not from her pendant but from her heart. She was thrilled that she has found the music in her heart all along and Adagio never told her. The girls were surprised that Jason taught her something new to be a better girl and singer. "Well, Sonata, I guess I owe you an apology" said Sunset. "No, I owe you one. It is all because of Adagio who filled my head with lies and Aria just bullies me" she said. "Okay" said Sunset. "I guess it's time for me to go now" she said. "No stay with us" said RD. "Well okay" said Sonata. They left the woods leaving the dead bodies of Adagio and Aria behind. As they came back to the camp, Sunset walked up to Jason and said "Jason, I'm proud of you of forgiving Sonata and giving her a choice to reform" Jason quietly said "You're welcome Sunset. That's what friends are for" Gaea then approached the dead bodies of Adagio and Aria and concurred their efforts. "So they have fallen to Jason and turned Sonata on me, it hardly matters now. But soon Jason and his friends will fall and will pay for their insolence and so will Sonata for her betrayal" she said as she walked back into the wood and hid there before the morning dawns. > Explosive Rage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the day dawns, The girls, Sonata and Jason then woke up by the alarming clocks. They got up quick and they got dressed up for the day and made preparations to set up a bait and spring the trap on Gaea. They managed to set up a trap in one of the cabin’s basement and filled it with gasoline containers, then they set up a bait of a wild flower to attract her attention. They hid in the bushes as Sonata and Jason hid in one of the cabins waiting for Gaea to come out and get the bait. Gaea came out of the woods and spotted the wild flower, she approached it and plucked it out of the ground and smelt it. Then some traps were set off. The trap they activated were arrows that were fired from the crossbows and hit her in place making her leak blood. She cried in pain as she pulled the arrows off of her when another trap was set off. The trap was a metal trap with teeth that she stepped into and chomped down very hard and almost to her bones. She then opened it and walked further, only to be met by another trap which they were harpoons that shot out of nowhere and hit her in the leg, gut, and head. She pulled them off and got very angry. Then some flying machetes, pickaxes, spears, and arrows came out and struck her at every part of her body that almost made it a little fatal and her body leaking blood. She then got very, very furious of the pain that she is inflicting and her defeat being imminent. Sonata went out of her hiding spot and sang a tune to attract her attention. "You! You betrayed me!" Gaea yelled. "I decided to reform and I will rather be better than a bad person like you" she said. Gaea then followed her to the cabin's basement where the new trap is set by Jason and his friends. When she arrived, she was met by a punch in the face by Jason and Sonata kicked her in the leg making her cry in agony. Jason then threw a gasoline container and dumped it all on her as she felt it going through her eyes making her yell in pain and agony. Then Jason placed a remote sticky bomb on the furnace and opened the furnace's door. Jason did a few punches and kicks on Gaea making her weak to move and escape from a real trap that she has ran into. Jason and Sonata managed to escape the cabin and hid in the bushes. Jason pressed the button to detonate the bomb and the cabin went "BOOM" sending Gaea flying very far from the camp and back into the waters. When she landed, she lost conscience and sank to the bottom of the water sleeping in torment once again. After all of the fighting, the girls and Jason cleaned up the camp and recovered from their victory. "I guess I may be here with you guys for a while" said Sonata. "It's okay, you did something good today and you are forgiven for a reason to be better than what you are before" said Sunset. "You're right. I am better than what I am" she said. "You have my respect Sonata" said RD. "Even ours too" said Soursweet. "Thank you guys and thank you Jason" said Sonata. Jason responded by patting Sonata on the head as a sign of gratitude and respect. Now for days to come, the sirens are gone, Sonata is reformed, and Gaea is still wandering in the woods as they predicted. With Adagio and Aria gone, the only threat remains far from the camp, whose limited years of slumber is coming to its end as Jason sensed it as he hung out with his friends he echoed out "KI KI KI MA MA MA” THE END