> Hybrids and Oneshots > by RoxonTheDemon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Triple Trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia had seen many things in her life. Some things that would make a pony vomit, others that could scar them for life, heck she’d even seen the horrors that the six hybrid siblings whom she had come to call the Morph Six had to offer. Even with all of these things in her mind she had to pause as she walked into her throne room and got sight of what could best be described by other ponies as hairless apes with something resembling manes on their heads one was sitting upside down in her throne the other had its elbows propped up against a window sill looking outside and the last was simply leaning against the wall, with unconscious guards all around them. “Hello there,” the green, brown and orange haired strangers greeted kindly. “Hello there, may I ask who you are and how you managed to enter my throne room?” Celestia asked in a calm benevolent tone. “We’re nobodies just looking for our friends,” the green haired stranger replied as she righted herself in the throne. “We got in here by pounding your guards into submission,” the brunette continued. “You wouldn’t happen to know grey and white furred hybrid guys, would you?” the orange head asked nicely. “Well believe it or not I do now before I give you any more information could you please tell me what your names are so that we may better know each other,” the alicorn said benevolently yet still sounding threatening. “Fair enough we’re…” Golden Oaks Library “Be glad we rescued you from those Diamond Dunces but you didn’t seem to need it considering your whining was enough to make them beg us to take you back,” Roxon stated. “I said I was not whining I was complaining,” Rarity corrected. “Are you sure there’s a difference they both sounded the same to us high pitched voice, non-stop demands, constant talking that would have driven us insane…or made our ears litteraly fall off whichever comes first,” Cyxon said. “Why you-” “Wait you noticed they both sound the same too?” Rainbow Dash joined in. “Rainbo-” “Are you serious, we would rather be punched by a Savior than listen to her complaining…or was it whining?” Rexon added to the already raging flame known as Rarity. “At least I don’t have a death wish like Roxon,” the fashionista growled. “Hey!” Roxon cried indignantly. “Well~ she kinda has a point but it’s more all six of you have a death wish…” Rainbow Dash added. “EH?” the six sibling spat. “…I mean seriously ya tick off every single enemy ya meet and to top it of ya’ll don’t really care whether they’re willin’ ta blow the planet ta pieces,” Applejack cut in. “That was only with Broly and we didn’t know he was a fucking psycho!” Rexon defended. “And also to be fair Rexon is the only guy who taunted him we actually tried to stop him,” Nyxon added. “Hey whose side are you on anyway?” Rexon cried indignantly. “Clearly not yours,” Roxon rebuked. “Why I oughta…” Rexon began but was never able to finish as he heard a voice he thought he would not hear for a long while right outside the library. “REXON…OH REXON…REXON-KUN WHERE ARE YOU?” The extremely familiar voice to the hybrid made him freeze and start chanting, “Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope…” “C.C. SHUT UP! Seriously I sometimes wish Rexon hadn’t even taken you.” The voice made Roxon freeze this time as he remembered getting brutally beaten by a wheelchair while his sibling sat there like a bunch of bumps on a log. “I have to agree can you at least try to be stealthy…or at the most not use your screech to destroy our ears.” Raxon felt the phantom sting of a bullet to the forehead when he heard that voice. “Shirley, Nunnally why are you so mean?” the voice known as C.C. said in a clearly pouty tone. The Mane Six looked at their roommates for a little bit, but before anyone could ask anything C.C. spoke again. “Whatever. REXON I WILL DO-” “FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA AND LUNA HE’S IN THE GIANT TREE WITH WINDOWS AND A DOOR! GEEZ, YOUR SHOUTING IS ALMOST AS BAD AS WHEN ROXON USES HIS SONIC SCREECH!” a random pony shouted back. “Thanks,” C.C. said to the pony. Roxon stood up and started walking to the door. “Whatever I just wanted to save my own ears,” the same pony said. He then shushed the ponies as they were about to speak when he reached the door. “If he’s in there let’s make an entrance!” the other rasher female declared. He finally took a hold of the handle. “Nunnally wait!” C.C. and, through deduction, Shirley pleaded. Roxon opened the door tilting his body to the right to avoid the blonde’s flying kick and then rammed a vicious left hook into Nunnally’s face launching her to the building to the right into a wall. Everything stayed silent as the ponies wondered if the girl was alright. “THAT FUCKING HURT YOU ASSHOLE!” Nunnally said from the rubble voice sounding odd as she pinched her nose hoping it wasn’t bleeding…it wasn’t. “I should care why exactly,” Roxon simply closed the door and leaned against it but their voices could still be heard from outside. “You kinda deserve it. Roxon has told you not to kick down doors unless it’s an emergency,” Shirley commented. “We best go apologize,” C.C. begrudgingly said. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door, Roxon stopped leaning and turned to open it revealing C.C. and Shirley. “What were you doing that took you so long for you to knock?” Roxon asked. The two ladies stepped to the side to reveal the dirt covered ex-princess; said person promptly stomped past the three people in the doorway and went to sit on the stairs. “Nice to see you too,” Roxon said rolling his eyes. “Fuck you,” Nunnally spat strangely without venom. “I can’t believe it, such language and from a princess of all things?” Rexon said mock shock in his voice. “Says the guy who once made a sentence with more profanity than actual words,” C.C. rebuked with a grin. “She is right you know you should be more like me sometimes,” Raxon added proudly. “By that he means drag some poor girl *points to herself* into your stupid lives when it was meant to be a one night stand,” Shirley said in mock anger. “Hey!” Raxon said with fake offence, “I said I was sorry and I didn’t mean to.” “Sure,” Roxon said sarcastically, “and the thumping and moaning we heard the day after was all a part of it huh?” “Dude even I can keep it in my pants better than you can,” Rexon said with a mirthful laugh. “Excuse me?” Raxon growled with a wide smirk, “At least I didn’t mate a fourteen year old girl.” “I at least got to know her and told her what she was getting into when she accepted my request,” Roxon retorted with an equally wide smirk, “you on the other hand did it during a one night stand.” “Lelouch wasn’t happy about it when he found out though,” Nunnally said with a snigger. Before anyone else could talk Twilight interrupted by saying…actually shouting and due to magic it came out like it was through a megaphone. “EXCUSE ME BUT COULD ANY OF YOU TELL US WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?” That single sentence stopped the argument that was brewing between the three hybrids and the three demon enhanced humans and drew sighs from the remaining three hybrids. “I~ completely forgot you guys were here,” Roxon bashfully said. “You’d forget your own head if it weren’t attached to your neck,” Nunnally said in a playful tone. “Says the girl who vanished for a year and didn’t try to contact me even though she knew about our link?” Roxon shot back. “You’re an ass,” Nunnally said quickly adding to stop any further comments, “Hi my name is Nunnally vi Britannia, the green haired lady goes by C.C. and the orange haired one is Shirley. I am an ex-princess of another dimension’s empire; I have (note I didn’t use had) one full-blood brother and…I had no idea how many other half-brothers and -sisters because my dad was a polygamous madman. I used to be both paraplegic and blind before this guy transferred some of his powers into me granting me the same powers he has. If you want to know more ask Roxon the story of how we met.” Nunnally looked like a twenty year old version of herself with a bust a bit larger than C.C. (C.C. is immortal already she hasn’t changed at all) by a few centimeters and hair similar to Cornelia’s, wearing a dark blue version of Lady’s Devil May Cry 4 outfit but with an equally blue version of Dante’s Devil May Cry 3 coat. “You always wear that can’t you at the very least try something different,” C.C. asked in a bored tone. “Says the lady who hasn’t changed her clothing style at all even after all these years,” Nunnally shot back, “but you were a slave once so I guess imprisonment feels natural.” C.C. literally had the same straightjacket like outfit that Lelouch had found her in and had not changed at all, except for the scar which seemed to now look like the mark on Rexon’s abdomen only without the colors, but none of the ponies or Spike knew that since it was covered. “Well what about Shirley’s style,” C.C. asked a little annoyed. Shirley had an outfit like Trish from Devil May Cry 4 only that the top covered up to her neck, had sleeves and was yellow with the tear like part of it white with the pants a light blue with her hair falling to her middle back. “I make this look good,” Shirley bragged. C.C. rolled her eyes, “Whatever, back to what’s going on. If you haven’t figured it out we are their mates. Rexon is mine.” “Raxon is my dumbass,” Shirley said coaxing a grumble from said hybrid. “Guy who looks like he wants to kill me right now is mine,” Nunnally said earning a smack to the back of her head from Roxon. “You may be my mate but you are still a nightmare to deal with,” Roxon said offhandedly. “Its about to get worse,” C.C. whispered to herself. The six brothers proving their ears weren’t for show said, “What did you just say?” “Nothing to be concerned about,” C.C. said calmly but panicking inside when realizing her mistake. “Try again,” Twilight said not convinced. “I’m serious it’s only some girl problems,” C.C. said hiding her nervousness. “Strike two,” Fluttershy deadpanned. “Fine you win I won’t lie but I won’t tell you either,” C.C. grumbled. “That was strike three,” Rainbow Dash said donning an umpire cap which none of the occupants in the room questioned as to where it came from, “YOU’RE OUT!” “Fine by us,” Roxon said, and then snapped his fingers and the three girls found themselves bound by the strange chain of Roxon’s sword, “You guys still have the weights?” “Still have the devices?” Rexon asked. The three demonic power infused humans eyes widened they had had this done to them once before and even though they had regeneration they did not want to be slowly cut in half by a Spanish Donkey again. “W-Wait you c-can’t be s-serious!” Nunnally said in full panic. Rarity entered the conversation, “You happen to be speaking to the same gentlemen who willingly beat each other to near death in a sparring match.” “You really think they ain’t serious about what they’re about ta do?” Applejack asked blankly having seen them do this on a demon before. “I suggest spilling the beans,” Pinkie said simply, “mmh beans.” In the time it took for the word exchange to take place all three had been placed straddling their own separate torture devices their mates holding their respective mates’ weights ready to let them drop. “…Ready to tell us now?” Roxon asked. All three girls shared desperate looks and had a silent conversation before they reached their decision… “WE’RE PREGNANT!” the three women declared at the same time. It took their mates five minutes for their minds to wrap around what they heard and when they came back they removed the weights, which they hadn’t dropped even though they were in shock, untied their respective mates before finally speaking. “Me-dad-you-child-us-parents-diapers-baby-food-home-crib…” the three soon to be fathers said frantically before their heads started spinning, “…and passing out now,” was the last thing they said as they fell backwards expecting pain but instead felt their heads nestle between two soft mounds. They would have a headache when they woke up… … … … … …Right before bouncing off the walls in anticipation, joy and eventual fear. > Hybrids and Harmony Experimental Chapter - Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a day after the Nightmare Moon Incident, and the Morph Six had chosen to stay with their respective Element bearers (Element of Honesty lives with spare Element of Honesty, etc.) since they thought it would have been a good idea for them to stay with their Elements. The previous day was tiring because first they had to deal with the elitist Canterlot nobles, who complained and panicked about having them around, second the Princesses had asked that they train the demon Fluttershy had tamed and decide where it would live, which wasn’t an actual problem because they easily listened onto a fair, merciless and powerful ruler and Roxon ordered it to protect her from the creatures from the Everfree Forest if they weren’t around, and finally they had to deal with a party obsessed Pinkie Pie and tell her they hated parties, which they said was a story for another time. The Morph Six had also kept their Element amulets because they thought they would be safer with someone who could tell it was being stolen and the Element armours were in Canterlot, even though they protested. Now the Mane and Morph Six, and Spike, were all in the library waiting for the explanations they were all promised, with certain restrictions of their pasts and painful memories. Twilight had a quill and parchment ready…but Roxon had burned it saying the information he gives is confidential and Roxon trusted them not to share it just as he said he trusted Celestia. After this the questions began… “So when Rarity asked you of your ‘night vision’ you said it was one of many powers, how many do you have exactly?” Twilight asked. “We have…” Roxon entered a thinking pose which he left two minutes after entering, “…more than I bother to count each with specific names, but I can list of a couple if you want and you can find out more as we go.” “Okay go ahead,” she said. “Let’s see we have… invisibility, regeneration, devil trigger which allows us to use a more intense versions of our power, Quicksilver (DMC 3 Special Edition) aka limited time stopping which we can’t show you because its jammed, Doppelganger (DMC 3 Special Edition) aka a type of solid invincible clone, breathing underwater, sensory powers, enhanced strength, enhanced speed, energy absorption, temporary transformation, illusions, etc.,” Roxon listed. “Wait you can transform too?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yeah but we can’t use it because…” he gave the same explanation he gave to Celestia in the first chapter about the jamming of their powers, “…and it still hasn’t come back yet.” “Okay, how well can you transform though?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I can look sound and behave just like anyone…with varying degrees of success,” Rexon said. “Excuse me darling but I couldn’t help thinking I heard incorrectly, did you say breathing underwater?” Rarity asked. “Yep,” Roxon answered calmly. “Right now forgive my language but I will be borrowing a word from your vocabulary and never use the word I am about to use Spike,” Twilight said then cleared her throat, “HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE?” “I just beat a fish like demon that could assimilate its body with water to turn invisible, its name was…wait what was its name again…” Roxon said then tried to remember the name, “…Ta…teo…be…su…yeah Tateobesu, if I remember correctly, was its name, then I got the ability to breath underwater and swim really fast too.” “How were you able to breathe before you beat it anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked confused. “I used my power to make an air bubble…which burst when I killed it, the tail hit me in the back of the head when it thrashed in agony,” Roxon then sighed, “and like an idiot, I forgot I was underwater and let out a sigh of relief. It was painful breathing in water at first but after five minutes I got used to it.” “Since we have that out of the way, what about your weapons?” Twilight asked. Each of them took out their main Devil Arms, custom guns, Pandora briefcases (DMC 4) and 3 palm sized Aquila blades (DmC: Devil May Cry weapon, the story of that game has no relevance but weapons, demons, maybe a boss or two, and attacks do, one of which could transform into other Devil Arms). Roxon’s guns were dual Desert Eagles; both were obsidian black with golden Chinese dragons on each side facing the barrels with open mouths and silver trim. The word ‘Hope’ engraved on one pistol’s trigger and ‘Despair’ on another pistol’s trigger. Rexon’s guns were two Colt M1911 Pistols, one a golden colour and another a silver colour, the gold one had the word ‘Loyalty’ engraved into the metal on both sides and the silver one had ‘Treachery’ engraved into it on both sides. Nyxon’s guns were two bronze Beretta M9 pistols one had a blue trim and another had a red trim, the blue tinted one had ‘Deceit’ engraved on its left side, the red tinted one had ‘Honesty’ engraved on it right side. Cyxon had two black BUL M-5 pistols; both had a gold trim and words engraved in bronze ‘Joy’ on the one gun and ‘Sorrow’ on the other. Raxon had silver with black trim AMT Hardballers, the one gun had the word ‘Avarice’ engraved into it and the other had ‘Generosity’ engraved into it. Ryxon had two silver AMT AutoMag III, both had grey trim with the word ‘Cruelty’ on one gun and ‘Kindness’ on the other. Roxon starts by saying, “These are our weapons, you can clearly see our Devil Arms,” points towards the swords and other Devil Arms, “and our guns,” next points towards the pistols Pandora briefcases getting confused looks from the ponies. “What are Devil Arms?” asked a confused Twilight. “Devil Arms are indestructible weapons devils, or in rare cases mortals, get after defeating an extremely powerful and intelligent demon that demon usually gives up its physical form to take up the weapon form to link with and serve its new master-” Roxon explained but was interrupted. “Wait you said the demon was intelligent. Why does it give up its physical form and serve a “master”?” Rainbow Dash asked. Before Roxon could tell her Twilight said, “Key word is demon they always keep the instinct to serve a powerful master no matter how intelligent.” “Thank you Twilight, glad you remembered what I said yesterday. Anyway as I was saying they usually gave up their physical forms but my brothers and I found these,” points towards the Aquila blades, “they are actually in pairs of two but we found a third one that is especially made for storing Devil Arm forms. All you need to do is defeat the demon have its consent to take some of its energy and you have your Devil Arm stored, although they can’t store our respective Devil Arms but they can store weaker versions of each other’s Devil Arms,” he demonstrated this by having Rexon turn his transforming Aquila into Roxon’s sword though the black patterns of the blade were missing. “Can you acquire any other items from high powered demons?” asked Rarity. “Yes but not jewels,” Rarity pouted at this, “You can get other abilities such as our Quicksilver or Doppelganger abilities.” “Fascinating. How did you acquire these abilities?” Twilight asked before realising that this could be a sensitive past memory for them. “You battle a demon and defeat it but instead of gaining a devil arm its soul goes into your body directly not fusing your personalities but you powers, in the process the demon’s personality disappears or something. Any of us can get the power then share it with the others,” Roxon said while pointed to his brothers, “makes me think about how strangely I acquire some of the my abilities such as Quicksilver, I got it from a flaming horse-like demon, which I learnt was named Geryon, which had a heavy looking carriage tied to him. He was difficult at first because I had to battle him on a bridge but when it broke and we fell into an arena it was only a matter of analysing his strategy and countering each attack. One thing disturbs me though,” at this the ponies were at rapt attention, “after I beat him he was absorbed into me a surge immediately blew us apart we both hit walls opposite each other. He was directly across me on the other side of the arena even though I felt fatigue I looked towards his end and saw a blur then I heard something that sounded like a “Thank you” then passed out. I woke up a few hours later after recovering from the fatigue.” “That’s really strange,” Twilight said. “That isn’t the weirdest part because when I woke up I couldn’t feel his power in any region of Hell at all like he suddenly disappeared or something,” Roxon said then added in a cold tone, “When I battled him I could feel his emotions he…he felt tortured, trapped and his soul begged to be freed from his torment and my sword did this weird thing where the black markings along the blade went rainbow coloured, the top mark going red, the one below orange and so on.” “Okay back to the questions,” Rexon said clearly irritated at how long this was taking. This time Fluttershy spoke, “I-I want t-to know more a-about those Vital Stars.” “Ah, the Vital Star a stone made by alchemy, a handy thing to have in battle or for emergencies, they can heal almost any amount of damage done to a living creature depending on if the star is small, medium or large, except for if the thing is dead already or the damage is too severe,” Roxon said. “Okay how about those guns you talked about earlier?” Pinkie Pie asked. “First are these guns they are special because we custom made them from special metal that absorbs and shapes energy to fire bullets of our own personal energy, which we are still getting used to because this is new, that we can specify what they do instead of ordinary gunpowder and lead bullets. These bullet types are Bruise Bullets, High Penetration Bullets, Explosive Bullets and Normal Bullets,” Nyxon explained pointing to their pistols. “Normal Bullets are basic bullets certain speed certain penetrative ability yadda yadda yadda, High Penetration Bullets on the other hand do much more damage travel much faster and can pierce through almost anything and keep going until stopped, they can’t penetrate through Devil Arms though, Bruise Bullets don’t do any damage except for making bullet sized bruises on your body, we use this bullet type to train beings without special powers like regeneration to handle demons or train recruits, and finally Explosive Bullets come in three types, Timed, Trigger and Impact, Timed Bullets explode after a set time we have set them to after impact time can be extended after they impact, Trigger Bullets will not explode unless we use some trigger action or word, and Impact Bullets explode as soon as they impact which is dangerous to allies as well as enemies,” Roxon easily broke down in the simplest way possible. Ryxon then added in, “We each have specialties with guns. Raxon and I are long range shooters or the short version snipers,” he said pointing towards himself and his brother, “We can both hit a pea where I’m standing all the way from the top of Celestia’s castle in Canterlot…at night…with a huge crowd here…with these,” pointing to his pistols. “Whoa,” Pinkie said in awe. Cyxon continued with, “Next we have assault weaponry or suppression fire, courtesy of Rexon and me, assault rifle, sub machine guns and even shotguns,” he said pulling said weapons out of nowhere then putting them back and saying, “We are experts with those.” “He’s almost like Pinkie in randomness,” Rainbow Dash commented. Roxon then cut in saying, “Then there’s the heavy weapons users, Nyxon and I are specialised in weapons that can cause serious overkill damage…” he then grabbed his Pandora briefcase turning it into its minigun (or gatling gun whatever you prefer) formation and annihilating a tree before turning it to normal and saying, “…like that, and those are our specialties.” As Roxon finished with the guns and bullets explanation Cyxon began explaining the Pandora, with his little mannerism of being constantly moving, with great enthusiasm, “Then there’s this sweet little weapon right here, the Pandora, not only is it deceiving but it is deadly as well with SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX different combinations, the deadliest one being Formation #666 Omen, that formation can decimate an army because you have people violate the one rule the Pandora has, DON’T LOOK INSIDE, and before you ask the last one who looked inside, when we weren’t fighting, started to vomit carnivorous beetles that proceeded to eat him while they came out and when they had come out.” “I don’t want to look in it now,” Pinkie said suddenly scared. “Where did the beetles come from?” Twilight asked. “Wanna look inside and find out?” Rainbow Dash asked in a flat tone. “Uhh…No thanks,” Twilight nervously said. “What else can you do?” Spike asked very excited to know. “Let’s go into the Everfree so we can demonstrate,” Roxon said simply. When they were in the Everfree Forest they were at the place Fluttershy tamed the Cutlass. “Here are a few things we can do so stay out of the clearing,” Rexon ordered. Rexon demonstrated the Overdrive (DMC 4), Ryxon, the Aquila’s Round Trip on a tree shredding it, Cyxon also added in a weakened Kamehameha (Dragon Ball Z and no they are NOT part saiyan), Nyxon demonstrated a Shadow Ball (Pokémon attack) and finally Raxon demonstrated a Dimension Slash attack. After that Roxon’s third Aquila blade turned into something similar to Rexon’s Yamato blade and he stood in a Judgement cut stance but then a red rune (Think of DMC 3 Sky Star rune with different symbols) five meters in radius appeared as he said ‘Judgement Dome’, at first it seemed as though nothing had happened until Rexon threw a boulder the size of a pony at Roxon. The ponies were shocked as they saw the boulder turn to dust as it was halfway to Roxon. The other thing they found strange was the fact that the air in the dome, thanks to the dust in the dome, seemed to be swirling around in curved waves. “What was that attack?” asked Twilight. “How does it blend a boulder to dust?” followed Rainbow Dash. “And can you teach me how to do that?” finished Spike hopefully. “That was the Judgement Dome, not the best name I know but anyway, it creates a dome full of fast moving air with the cutting power of a sword, the air is fast moving so it is impossible to block and since its air you can’t see it therefore you can’t dodge it. It takes a lot of power to use but it is worth it because it does no damage to the one who activated it but to an enemy trapped inside or pushed inside it causes a lot of damage or kill, the only weakness it has is that you have to wait for a certain time period before you can use it again depending on the size of the dome, and I can’t teach it to you unless you have demon powers or possibly magic,” Roxon said. “That is one deadly attack,” Twilight said in awe. “Anything else you want to ask?” Rexon asked knowing he would regret it and waited for thirty seconds before. “I remember something that I wanted to ask, how did you follow me when I was in a Pegasus drawn carriage… in the sky?” Twilight asked. “We can also walk on clouds,” Roxon said simply, “Just jumped on the clouds behind you to stay hidden.” “Did Princess Celestia cast a cloud walking spell on you?” Twilight asked looking critically at Roxon. “No,” Roxon said getting worried but not outwardly showing it. “That means you have to have the Pegasus ability to walk on clouds somehow,” Twilight said getting her scientist face on, “This is so exciting first I need blood samples from you and your brothers then blood samples from other ponies then we can test it in secret an-HMPHMPH.” “Twilight we tried that already Celestia asked for some samples a few days after we arrived here, and they still can’t determine what allows us to walk on clouds,” Roxon asked having a firm grip on Twilight’s muzzle, “But if it makes you happy we can still give you the samples.” She gave a satisfied nod and he let go of her. “Anything else?” Roxon asked. “Yes are those the only clothes you have to wear, darlings?” Rarity asked. Roxon turned to his brothers, “You owe me a hundred bits each, and we like what we’re wearing thank you very much.” They were all wearing new clothes but they were the same design they wore the previous day (they will get new clothes later). Cyxon asked, “Any other questions,” Pinkie raised her hoof, “Other than the reason we don’t like surprise parties which is still too personal.” Spike raised his claw, “Yeah, why do you keep rubbing your right wrist is something wrong?” Roxon having noticed that he had in fact ben doing that accidentally asked out loud, “How long have I been doing that?” “Ever since this entire Q&A session started,” Spike said. Roxon wanted to say something along the lines of ‘Thanks Captain Obvious’ but instead said, “Well the reason I keep rubbing my wrist is because I lost a special watch I have been using for a really long time now, we all have them but I use it the most. That watch can scan enemies give me some extra detail on what strategy to use against them and control small cameras that record any data and store it for me to use in future. It can even tell us how much energy we still have in us before we exhaust it.” “Awesome,” Spike said in awe. “I know and it can do way more but I can’t really explain everything about it,” Roxon said. “W-What’s special about the watches?” Fluttershy asked feeling unsure about even asking the question. The shy pony’s question was met with a cold reply, “They were gifts from our dad.” They immediately dropped the subject. “Well anypony have any more questions to ask?” Twilight asked nervously. “Yeah, why don’t you guys eat or drink anything?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Seriously from what you’ve told us it been like three days since you last ate.” Rexon answered, “Well that’s because we are so used to not eating for months at a time in Hell, our metabolisms shifted to take everything we eat and turn it to energy, we do eat but it’s usually once a month and you don’t want to be around then. Besides we don’t get hungry a lot since we’re part demon.” “Anything else?” Roxon asked. “Could you show us your Devil Trigger, please?” Spike asked. “Yay I knew someone was going to ask that,” Cyxon said victoriously, “Okay stand back!” he ordered. The ponies did as told and stood back, the brothers then had a burst of energy surround them and explode outwards in a sphere form with a blinding light and when the light subsided the ponies saw that the Morph Six’s fur had turned all white, except for their unique features unless they were white they then became black, hair, and birth marks on their abdomens, their claws were now always extended, their voices also had a type of vibrating or echo effect to them and they had eleven tails swishing wildly to show the power they were itching to use leaving the ponies in awe. “So, any more questions?” Roxon asked. He was answered by calls from each pony, each with a question of their own. Roxon could only sigh knowing that their Q&A session was going to take forever. ‘I have a feeling this is the beginning of one big shitstorm,’ Roxon thought. He had no clue how right he was. Hell Unknown Location While the Mane and Morph Six were continuing with their Q&A session, in hell an insect-like demon was in front of a giant stone looking demon with three eyes…well two considering the one on the middle of its forehead had a slowly healing diagonal gash that could only have been made by a sword on it. “Master we have searched nearly every world that they have been in before for the hybrid b-b-b-b-brothers and we haven’t found a single sign of their presence in them,” the insect-like demon spoke to its now confirmed master. “Agnus you have been failing me ever since you joined my ranks and I will not tolerate it any longer,” the giant three eyed demon said as he reached for the smaller demon, easily fitting the demon in his clenched hand and squeezing. “Wait your greatness there are the worlds that we have not searched that they have n-n-not been yet,” the demon now known as Agnus said quickly hoping to save his own life, “They could have chosen one of those worlds to stay in.” “What are you suggesting you worm,” the demon asked. “These worlds can offer them s-s-s-safe haven to regain their strength and think of ways to defeat you,” Agnus reasoned, “Since they know we don’t know they are there they have all the time they need to think of a way to end you your m-m-m-magnificence.” The stone demon carefully looked at its insect-like servant and after a few moments released him, “You make an interesting argument,” at this Agnus felt relief, “but if you are mistaken in any way I will make your punishment so slow and painful you will be begging for death by the time you are a hundredth of the way through. Do you understand?” the demon concluded with a clear edge in his voice. “Yes…master Mundus.” > Hybrids and Harmony Chapter 12 Deleted Idea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cut Concept for Hybrids and Harmony Chapter 12 {a.k.a. F.U.W.U. (Fucked Up Wrap Up)} Everything stays the same until the sentence "What I'm getting at is that-" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BRRRRRRRRRRRRRZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTTT …Before an extremely familiar demonic beam shot through the sky, making all but eleven of the crowd gasp in surprise, and a small smoking blackened object fell from the same area the beam covered a second later as it vanished. The object grew becoming more distinguishable as it neared the ground and it could be seen that the object had a second shiny object falling alongside it. “Is that…?” Rainbow Dash’s question trailed off. The object could now be seen to have arms and legs as it got closer. “I think so but what happened and what’s… oh no,” Raxon said as he noticed something drawing closer from the distance. The object shook what looked like a head as it recovered from the disorientation…but not fast enough to notice the ice spikes falling from the sky at high speeds. The entire crowd could only cringe in sympathy as the spikes hit their target and launched it into the ground… …and froze said target in ice. Several Minutes of Thawing Later “Son of a bitch that hurt…” Roxon groaned still feeling, and clothes looking, as though he was trampled by a stampede. “Okay bro, tell us who did this?” Rexon asked his eyes indicating that he probably knew the answer already. Roxon sighed and answered with, “Here’s a hint; he worshipped Sparda as a god and his very hopping mad friend.” At the end of that sentence a large shadow slowly started to cover Town Hall, drawing the attention of everyone gathered, a shadow with a very familiar shape. “Well speak of the devil and he will come,” Cyxon said hair turning a little darker. As it came closer more details became clear this caused Pinkie and Twilight to request for the ponies to evacuate the area for their own safety and for further safety evacuate Ponyville. The first to be noticed was platforms made of white stone with Bianco and Alto Angelos flying around and standing on them as well as what could be assumed was a giant frog. The next thing was the clear fact that the floating demon was made of stone and finally was the face with no indications of facial hair and half-lidded eyes. That meant only one thing… “That thing isn’t Sanctus, he’s hiding either inside it or nearby,” Roxon said, “but you have to be careful of the frog bastard on the lead platform though he’s the reason I was blasted.” “How did they manage that?” Applejack asked while the townsponies ran from the area. Roxon sighed, “Well…” Moments Before Roxon Was Blasted “Stay still you nuisance,” Sanctus commanded as several fireballs launched at Roxon. “Sure, stay still so that you can have an easier target to hit that would be very smart of me,” Roxon said sarcastically while rolling his eyes, “You are so~ convincing me that that’s a good idea.” He simply grits his teeth his from faltering a little, eyes shifting from normal to his Diabolica form and his head gaining small horns before it all vanished. Lifted his hand and seemed to be gathering energy forming a shape before he took a breath causing the shape to fizzle out of existence, “No I will not let you anger me, but I do have a question.” Roxon decided to let his guard down just for a few seconds… his first mistake. “Shoot.” He said with a cocky smirk. Sanctus put on his own smirk as he said, “What do police say to a criminal they are pursuing?” Roxon raised an eyebrow in confusion, “Obviously freeze.” “You took the words right out of my mouth!” a new voice said. Here he made mistake number two… turning around. “Wha-” He saw something that looked like two red skinned women head-butt him towards Sanctus, at the same time a portal had opened in the air with a certain statue flying through it and beginning to charge an attack. Sanctus followed up by blasting him with five fireballs towards a giant open mouth… with very sharp teeth and a familiar smell. ‘Dagon?’ Roxon feeling teeth pierce his body as his counting method, counted eight chews, whatever weird slime or spit splashing out of his mouth with each chew, immediately after he was spit out through a portal into the path of a fully charged beam of a Saviour statue. “Oh sh-” BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR- Back To The Present “Well you know the rest…” Roxon finished. BANG A Bianco Angelo stopped its flying charge to bring up its shield and block the fired bullet and Roxon looked to see the thirty remaining demons either flying around or stomping in a patrol formation. “This should take around twelve minutes to take care of,” Rexon groaned, “If we’re lucky.” Sanctus and Dagon As Roxon recounted the moments to his blasting the Bianco and Alto Angelo that flew alongside the Savior attacked forcing the group to fight. As the group fought, Dagon and the Saviour had been busy with their own agenda, Dagon focused and solidified his ice while Sanctus molded and modified it. Their little project took fifteen seconds less than twelve minutes and it was going to result in bad things for our heroes…very bad things. “Now Dagon, go and cause chaos at the other side of this small town this will force them to divide and make them easier to conquer,” Sanctus ordered to which Dagon begrudgingly obeyed. He leapt for the other side of town in a single bound proving that he was not named a demon frog for nothing. Mane and Morph Six “Well that could have gone better,” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “Oh come it wasn’t that bad,” Rarity defended. The entire group turned to her with looks that’s amounted to a collective ‘Are you sure about that?’ The fashion loving unicorn looked away in slight embarrassment, “Okay it was bad.” Roxon glared at her words, “Bad? BAD?! Bad is when you accidentally attack a demon already being attacked by a teammate. Bad is when you accidentally slash at your friend in the middle of a fight. Bad is causing some damage to the surrounding area! THIS…” He pointed at the still burning Town Hall caused by Twilight when she shot fire spells at an Alto Angelo, then to craters on the ground caused by Rainbow Dash’s Arbiter, next were the slash marks covering every wall and tree in the area because of Applejack and Rarity’s wild slashes, then he pointed at Fluttershy who was literally in almost constant danger with her inattentiveness in battle forcing the others to come to her rescue, namely the Morph Six who had wrecked clothes to show for it, and finally he pointed to his own scorched body as a result of Pinkie’s randomness with her Party Canon loaded with exploding cupcakes for demon battles, “…IS A FUCKING DISASTER!” A sudden tap on his shoulder caught his attention and he turned eyes still burning with fury to look at whoever was touching him, “WHAT?” he roared. “Roxon please calm down or you might…you know,” Rexon pleaded noticing his brother’s markings. Roxon looked at himself and noticed that the “X” on his gut had a red glowing dot in the middle of it through his torn shirt while the lines running on his arms and legs had a very small glow on his fingers and toes, but his eyes widened slightly anyway. “No, no, no not now…” he whispered as his hands trembled. The ponies noticing his slight distress grew worried, but with experience on Roxon’s secretive nature and tendency to get defensive decided not to ask at that moment… …At least not when something gigantic was flying their way. The Morph Six barely managed to grab the Mane Six and get them out of danger as the odject tore through Town Hall and reduced it to splinters, glass shards and rubble. “Well no time to feel panic now we have to battle these t…” Roxon said but stopped halfway as he noticed a very absent Dagon, “Where did Dagon go?” A sudden terrified cry from the other side of Ponyville caught their attention. “Crap so that’s their plan,” Ryxon growled. “What will you do now boy?” Sanctus taunted. “Shut up Sanctus we aren’t splitting up that easily,” Roxon said glaring at the giant statue demon, “Girls here’s…” His sentence faded off as he turned and noticed the Mane Six had already left. ‘’…Crap,” he cursed under his breath. “Well at least we gave them information on all the ice type demons we know during the winter,” he self-assured. Sanctus’ chuckles unnerved him. “What’s so funny?” Cyxon questioned glaring at the statue hiding their enemy. “You are not the only ones to have learned a few new tricks,” Sanctus stated smugly, “Dagon and I have a few surprises as well.” The brothers were forced to hold their questioning as beams of light shone on the ground making them jump out of the way of the oncoming gigantic bolts of lightning. “How-” Rexon questioned. “As I have said Dagon and I have new tricks of our own.” Sanctus replied his tone dark and dangerous. It was at that moment they noticed the giant sword on the Savior’s back. “Rexon, Raxon, Ryxon, you three go get the g… oh no,” Roxon said as he witnessed what was going on. His brothers wondered what was wrong but as they observed the warped landscape, twisted buildings and platforms with glowing points on them they realized where they were. “When did we get into Limbo? We usually feel a tug but now…” Nyxon said trailing of halfway through his sentence. “Show yourself Sanctus we know you’re here somewhere,” Rexon growled. “That is the problem boy you already see me clearly yet you need me to reveal myself,” the priest said in a tone that could only be described as condescending, “The core problem is your perception.” The brothers critically scanned the statue again as they wondered what he meant. Ten seconds into the search Roxon noticed the same spot constantly catching his eye and looked especially at it. The red gem on the Savior’s forehead was a lot more eye-catching than the blue of the other ones scattered across its body. “You’re the core, aren’t you?”