Friday the 13th Equestria Girls Part V A New Beginning

by Slayer99

First published

If the memory of Gaea Everfree still haunts you, then you're not alone

After Jason's Sacrifice and Gaea's death, peace has returned. But Timber Spruce her brother who could not let go of the painful loss of his sister then intends to copycat Jason and seek revenge on the girls and Tommy Jarvis like the time when Tommy was at the mental camp of Pinehurst when Roy Burns copycatted Jason for revenge for the death of his son Joey in 1985. Now the Mindless, Murderous, Fury that was buried with them has been born again inside Timber, as terror has become child's play.

Sequel to The Final Chapter

F-13th(c) Paramount
MLP EG(c) Hasbro

This story is rated "M" for mature with the same unsuitable content for younger viewers.

Haunting Memories

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It's been a few weeks since Jason and Gloriosa died. The loss of Jason really broke Fluttershy's heart right after when they got to know each other and love each other, Jason may be gone but their love never disappears. For Timber, the loss of his sister almost made a huge suffering to his family and to the camp, he did try to let go of the pain, even when he feels sad Twilight will always be there to comfort him from pain and loss. Then one night as they sleep, Tommy's dream was almost a reality that he traveled through the woods and he found himself at a cemetery. The two graves standing next to each other was both Jason and Gloriosa. Then two men came to the graves and pulled out their digging equipment to dig up their graves.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" he asked.

"Well, let's dig and find out" he said.

They both grabbed their shovels and began digging their graves. As they dug in, they found the two coffins that contains Jason and Gloriosa's dead bodies. Tommy was being scared that they are disturbing their sleep and robbing their graves. The men grabbed two hoes and drove them in the coffin and lifted the two coffins's doors to reveal the dead bodies of Jason and Gloriosa. Their appearance after death was very gnarly and their skin decayed. The two men were very surprised that they found their bodies and they are willing to use them for their ways of robbing the graves from any cemetery they go. As they attempted to grab the two bodies, Jason unexpectedly awoke and drove his machete in the man's gut and he fell and died. The other man was shocked that Jason awoke and killed his partner. Then Gloriosa awoke and killed the other man using her vine and stabbed through his chest and let his body slip from her vine and died. Jason then turned to her with a angry look and so did Gloriosa. They began their death battle and raged on the cemetery. Tommy was shocked and scared that they have returned and when they fought, Gaea spotted Tommy and try to come at him but Jason prevented that and grabbed her on the leg and sling her far from them to a different part of the cemetery.

Then Tommy awoke from his sleep as the morning dawns. He had a very bad nightmare about Jason and Gaea's return that he could not resist to tell his friends about his nightmare. When he dressed up, he left the tent and to the cafeteria for breakfast. As he sat down with them, the girls were being worried about of happened when he was sleeping.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" asked Sunset.

"I just had a nightmare about Jason and Gloriosa coming back from their graves and when Gloriosa tried to get me, Jason saved me" he said.

The girls were surprised of he told them.

"It's okay, it's only a dream and they can't become a reality" said Indigo.

"Yes, I know" he said.

"I had a dream about him too" said Fluttershy.

"Look, I know you care about him. But he's gone and there's nothing we can do to bring him back" said Timber.

"I know, but our love never dies when I gave him a love note" she said.

"I see, well I got to go to my office and do some paperwork that needs to be done for the camp" he said as he got out of the table and walked away.

"Okay, take care Timber" said Twilight.

Timber then walked out of the cafeteria and entered his office. When he got there he done some paperwork and when he finished he then made the suspiciousless look on his face and pulled out a green hockey mask with two blue triangles below the eyes. Then he put it on, which means his act of revenge begins for a new beginning of the bloodline that the Voorhees family made and all of the mindless, murderous, fury are now born again inside Timber.


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As the day continues, Timber then set out to find victims of his own. The first he approached are two campers at the dock, he then used a cleaver and sliced the camper's head off. Then he also used a belt and wrapped it around the campers head and tightened the belt using a stick, when he twisted the belt the camper's brain was torn up.

Then next he went to the cabins and tents, slashing, cutting, and slicing them making them leak out the blood once more. He also went to the archer range and used a machete to slit their throats and decapitate their heads. He then used some arrows and shot a few at them in the chests, bellies, and heads making them drop to the ground and die.

As the sun sets and the night dawns, he went to a person's car and stalked one behind him. He lit a stick flare and drove it into his mouth, burning the inner organs down to ash and he fell to the ground and died. He then also went to the camp garage and slit a few throats on the workers and slashed them across the belly and chest. When the sun is about to rise, Timber ran back to his office and took off his mask and crossed out the photos of the campers he killed in his photo book. Then after he left the office he then acted normal with a normal look as the campers wake. When they woke up, they see no blood on the field but screams were heard when they found dead bodies in the tents, cabins, parking lot, and garage. The girls and Tommy were being concerned and worried if Gloriosa really came back or someone else is doing the kills. The girls and Tommy gathered at the field and began to make discussions of who really killed the new campers.

"We all know that Jason and Gloriosa are dead" said Sunset.

"Yes, it could have been someone else who could have caused all of this" said Tommy.

"Timber would not do such a thing to anyone" said Twilight.

"Well he is our friend so we can't blame him" said RD.

"That is if he's hiding something" said AJ.

"By the looks of the kills, it does remind me of the time when the head paramedic Roy Burns became a copycat to kill like Jason back in 1985 when I was at a mental camp called, 'Pinehurst'. He killed the counselors and mental ill people to get revenge for the death of his son Joey Burns when he was hacked to death by a mentally ill axeman." he said.

The girls were shocked of what happened back then in 1985, and they wondered if it's like the same paradoxical situation that Roy of the Burns family continuing the bloodlust started by the Voorhees family.

"Well, talk about families with the same situation. That is if Timber feels the same way." said AJ.

"We all don't know that. We should not do anything but to figure this out if Timber is the killer" said Indigo.

"He couldn't kill anyone, that's not him" said Twilight.

"Okay, sorry for assuming. We should clean up the mess and bury the bodies, then we will investigate this carnage" said Sunset.

"I agree, maybe we should keep check on Timber?" asked Tommy.

"Sure, just without reminding him" said Sunset as they began to clean up the camp from all of the blood and buried the dead bodies that appeared from last night. Timber walked back to his office and looked at his photo book. He knew that Twilight cared about him, so he crossed out her name that she is not to be in his bloodline but her friends and Tommy.
"Soon Twilight, I will have you and if you side with them you will no longer be here in this camp at all and die with your friends" he said darkly as he put the book away in his drawers and sat on his desk with a emotionless look on his face.

Secrets Revealed

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As the girls finished the clean up, Twilight secretly walked to the office to find out of who the real killer is. As she entered, she opened the desk's drawer and found a photo book. She looked inside and found photos of the campers that are crossed out and when she gone through to the end, she found the photo of herself, the Shadowbolts, and Tommy. She couldn't believe if Timber is the killer but she knew it's not true. She opened another drawer and found a green hockey mask with blue triangles. She thought of it if it was the way Jason dressed as to cover his face. She then thought of accessing the security camera control and played back the recent events that happened last night. She then found a mysterious masked man that attacked the campers place to place all over the camp. She paused and zoomed in to the figure to find out of who the real killer is. When the screen zoomed in, she observed the figure and discovered the brown hair and the green eyes.

It was Timber Spruce himself, Twilight was shocked of what she saw and she felt that her heart was shattered of what has become of Timber. She knew him that he could not hurt anyone, but she figured it out that the very actions that was buried with Jason and Gloriosa must have entered him to be reborn. As she turned off the screens, she now felt heartbroken that Timber has become a murderer. She then realized the photo in his book that she and her friends are his next targets and she knew that she must warn them. She left his office and went back to her friends at the tents.

"Twilight, where have you been?" asked Tommy.

"I was at Timber's office, and I discovered something very bad" she said.

"Well, did you find out of who is the new killer?" asked RD.

"Yes, and it was... Timber" she said.

The girls were shocked and surprised that it was Timber doing all of the kills but they did not see any proof.

"Are you sure Twilight?" asked Pinkie.

"If it is him, we need to see proof" said Soursweet.

"I have it here, I've downloaded the security footage from the computer to this USB. I'll connect this to my laptop and play the recent captures" said Twilight as she plugged in the USB and played the security footage from last night.

When they saw Timber in his green hockey mask, they were surprised but scared that the Timber they knew is gone.

"Poor Timber. What has he become?" said Sunny.

"Trying to be a copycat eh?" said RD.

"Here's the photo book of the other campers. He scratched them off means that he killed them in this camp. But all the way to the end we're next!" said Twilight.

The girls gasped that they are his next targets. They couldn't believe that he would kill anyone out of revenge because of the death of his sister.

"He did all this for revenge?" asked Rarity.

"Yes" said Twilight.

"I don't know if we can reason him that revenge will not bring her back" said Lemon Zest.

"We can try or I'll have to confront him myself when we face him' said Twilight.

"Not all alone. We will always be there to help you" said RD.

"Okay" said Twilight


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As they waited for the day to end, Twilight walked over to Timber's office if she could talk to him. When she entered, he's not there. She looked around and never saw any sign of Timber. She walked out of the office and went back to the others and she told them that Timber is not at his office.

"So, Timber is hiding somewhere for him to pounce on us and attack" said Sunset.

"Could be true, but I'm not sure where he could be at somehow" said Twilight.

"Well whenever he comes we must be ready" said Tommy.

"Okay let's hide. When the night comes and we see Timber I will walk up to him and ask him why" said Twilight.

"Okay and be careful" said Sunset.

"I will" said Twilight.

They all went to their hiding spots and waited for the day to end as soon as possible for Twilight to confront Timber and try to reason with him even if that fails she may have no choice but to kill him if her friends may survive from his rage and anger. As the night falls, they waited for him and waited for several hours that they could not handle any longer. Then a few moments later, Timber came out and looked around to find the girls and Tommy. When they saw him, Twilight had the opportunity to face him and try to reason with him if she could try to get to him and make him realize that revenge will not bring back his sister right after death.

Timber then looked at Twilight with a sneer look on his face under his mask. Twilight approached him with caution if he does attack her unexpectedly.

"Timber, please don't do this. You are not the Timber I know" she said.

"Ever since that you did not had the chance to save my sister you left her to die" he said.

"We didn't have a choice! We could not even save her with any other way. You must see that revenge will not bring her back, it will keep you in pain and haunt you for the rest of your life" she said.

"If you will not join me, then you will die along with your friends!" he said as he slashed Twilight across the belly and she fell to the ground crying in pain.

Her friends came out and attacked Timber to protect Twilight at any cost. When they fought, him they have discovered that the supernatural strength has made him stronger and they are being worn out from the fighting they have been into to take him down. Then Twilight got up from the ground and ready to fight Timber to protect her friends and the campers as well.

"Well Timber, if you are willing to be that way, then you have broken my heart." she said.

"Fine then, if you want to fight me then have it your way" he said as he and Twilight charged at each other and began their duel for the camp's survival.

Twilight vs Timber

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As the battle began, Twilight was in her pony form as she did try to throw some attacks to weaken Timber. But her are not enough, she picked up a machete and used it to block Timber's attacks. Then she used the machete and slashed Timber through his skin on his belly, she then sliced cut through his insides and other parts of his body making him bleed and spill blood all over the field. As the battle rages, Tommy thought of a way to help her.

"We need to surround Timber, so Twilight will have a chance to kill or save him" he said.

"Okay, let's give it a try" said RD.

The girls and Tommy came to Timber and battled him into different directions that he could not do all at once with all of Twilight's friends around him.

"What kind of trick is this!?" he shouted.

"You will not win this Timber!" said Tommy as he jumped on Timber attacking him on the head and giving him more distractions that he could not go into when he is fighting Twilight.

As they continue to fight him, Twilight has felt something inside her and she went to the inside of her mind. She saw Jason Voorhees himself right in front of her. She was wondering why he is in her mind, he silently told her of what she needs to defeat Timber. Jason held out his hand and Twilight grabbed his hand, then a surge of power came from Jason and flowing through her increasing her magic, strength, abilities, and logic that may be enough to defeat Timber. When the surge ended, she then left her mind and she now have the power to save her friends and defeat Timber.

She attacked him with many moves Jason filled her mind with, she also used her magic and abilities on him making weaker than she can expect to inflict on him. Then as they went to the camp's barn and went up the ladder, she used her strength and threw some punches and kicks all on him that he could not endure of such pain she is throwing on him. Timber then try to use the machete to stab Twilight but she blocked it with her own machete and put a few slashes, slices, and dices all over Timber that he is about to give out. Then when he is still standing and willing to kill Twilight, she picked up a bow and arrow and aimed it at his head and said "Smile you son of a bitch!" she said as she fired the arrow and struck Timber in the head making it fatal. Timber then fell to the ground, landed on a spike bed stabbing him, and died lifelessly. As Twilight took one last glance at him she secretly cried for him.

Then a few days later, Timber was buried beside his sister's grave and Twilight felt guilty of what she had done.

"It's okay Twilight, it is already time for him to move on and to be better" said Tommy.

"I know, but I just felt heartbroken" she said.

"Listen, it's fine all you need to do is let go of the pain and be happy for Timber that he is in a better place" said Sunset.

"You're right, he did let go, and it's time for me to leave it all behind and move on" she said.

"Okay, let's go back to the camp" said Soursweet.

"Okay" said Twilight as they left the cemetery.

When they left Twilight then thanked Jason for helping her and he responded to her with his echo from his grave at the cemetery going "KI KI KI MA MA MA"