
by Lupine Infernis

First published

One day, Twilight hears something she shouldn't have

Twilight accompanies her friends on an outing. During the outing, she hears a voice that she shouldn't have heard.

And the voice hears her when it shouldn't have, either.

Written for the Rage Reviews: F*** this Prompt #16 (characters breaking the fourth wall)

Chapter 1: The Outing

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Twilight had no idea why her friends were so adamant on getting her to go on this date with this supposed ‘dream stallion’. She was already so busy with her new duties as a princess, who had time to court?

Although, credit to them for also picking out a ‘dream mare’.

“Jes’ think about it, sugarcube,” Applejack said, sliding the pictures across the table. “He’s awful cute. Earth pony, too, so ya know he’s virile.”

“Honestly, Applejack…” Rarity sighed as Twilight’s cheeks turned pink. “We’re at a restaurant, so the least you could do is have some tact.”

“Hey, Twilight might want a bunch of kids,” Rainbow Dash interjected, shooting the princess a saucy grin. “Right, egghead?”

Fluttershy sympathetically touched Twilight’s forehoof. “I talked to him. He’s very nice.”

Twilight sighed. “I believe you all, but I’m just so busy.”

Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose and sa

“I believe you all, but I’m just…”



“Did you girls hear that?”

“Girls? Why are you all just sitting there like that?”

What…? Why can’t I move?

“Hello?! Who is that?”

I can’t even speak! My fingers are just moving across

“I can hear you, whoever you are! Where are you?”

“Are you doing this?”

Are you actually talking to me?

“I… guess I am? I’m… I don’t know what’s going on: everypony’s frozen in place, and I can’t get out of my seat. I-I can’t use magic, either.”

What is going on here? This can’t be real.

“What can’t be?”

I have to be dreaming. This is a lucid dream, or something.

“If this is your dream, then why do I have consciousness?”

“Hey, if

Yeah, I don’t believe this for a second. I’m probably gonna wake up now. That’s how dreams work, right? Always waking up before the good stuff can happen.

“Look, Mister, or… Missus? I can’t tell from your voice.”

Doesn’t matter. I’ll wake up soon enough.

“Please, will you just

Any second now.

“Agh! Wh-what are those things?!”

“H-hey! Y-you! There’s something coming out of everypony! Oh, Celestia – they’re coming out of their eyes!”

I can’t see what you’re talking about. I can see my desk, my computer, my hands… my screen that’s showing text it’s apparently writing by itself.

“Please, you have to help me! I can’t move!”

Man, this is a weird dream.

“What if this isn’t a dream?! What if it’s real?”

This isn’t real. You’re a bunch of cartoon characters in a TV show. I’ll admit that it’d be cool if you were real, but you’re not.

“They’re coming towards me!”

This would make a good story, though. Gotta remember to write this down when

Twilight and the unknown entity screamed at the same time as the universe sought to correct this mistake. Neither were supposed to be. This was the right thing to do. They understood this and accepted it.

“Do something!”

Shit,,,! Twiklight shoook fre from the thing and ran away!

“I did it! I’m free!”

What the hell is going on?!

“I don’t know, but they’re chasing me!”

Go faster!

“I-I can’t!”

Wait a second… Twilight took to the air with a flap of her powerful wings and left Ponyville behind within seconds. Did that work?

“I’m in the air, but I can’t leave Ponyville behind! My friends are still back there!”

But I told you to leave!

“I won’t abandon my friends! That’s not who I am!”

God damn it. Okay, okay… Twilight knew she couldn’t abandon her friends, so she turned and flew back to the restaurant. She didn’t know what these creatures were, but she would blast them to pieces with her magic.

“Okay, I can do that. I-I mean, it pains me to just… harm something I don’t understand, but

No, no! Don’t think like that.


I think we have to stick to your character. If you feel like you can’t harm them, then I don’t think you can.

“My character? What are you talking about? How do you know about me?”

Look, I’m just as confused and freaked out as you are. Anything I could say to try and… explain how I know you would just confuse you more.

“So, I just have to trust you?”

That thing is trying to kill both of us. I felt it, so… so I know this isn’t a dream. I don’t know why this is happening, but I can’t think about that right now. I have to think about how we can survive this.

“Y-yeah, that makes sense.”

Right, right. God, this is crazy, this is so goddamn… Okay, what’s happening right now? Where are you?

“Still flying towards the restaurant. I can see them.”

They moving?

“No. Just… staring.”

Okay. Twilight slowed until she was hovering above the creatures. She knew that to rescue her friends, she had to destroy these things. It pained her that she couldn’t solve things peacefully, but she wouldn’t put her friends’ lives at risk for it.

“That’s good.”

She channelled magic into her horn, took aim, and blasted the creatures to pieces.

“They absorbed it!”


“They absorbed my magic!”

Damn it! Twilight was still holding back, but she knew this time that

“They’re climbing on one another to get to me!”

Twilight flew back out of their reach. This had to end now: she thought of her friends and family, and it lent her the strength needed to vanquish these creatures in one powerful attack. She took aim and fired.

“Agh! I missed!”

How do you miss?! I wrote that you hit them!

“No, you said that I ‘fired’, not that I hit them!”

I’m sorry, okay?! I still can’t believe this is

“Wait, they’re still coming to

It was foolish to resist something that needed to happen to preserve the state of the universe. A Creator cannot be denied. A Creation cannot stray. They knew this, and though it caused them pain, they accepted oblivion.

No,no, no no way inm hell asm I accep[ting this! Twilight broke away from the evil force and flew up higher into the sky, high enough to see the curve of the world.

“Where are you taking me?”

You can’t kill this thing; it’s… it’s like me. It’s changing the story by writing what it imagines to be happening. It must be reading what I’m doing and countering it.

“Reading? Writing? What…? Forget it – how do we beat something like that?”

Okay, so… so if this thing is like another writer, then I think… I think we can beat it by writing in a situation that it can’t avoid.


By changing the entire dynamic of the story. Right now, this was just supposed to be a Slice of Life, so you’re only as powerful as you are in the show.

“Okay, I don’t understand that, but keep going.”

We need to put you in a state of complete invulnerability. We need to turn you into a Mary Sue.


Hold on – I’m going to try something.

“What are you going to

Twilight looked upon all her subjects from Canterlot Castle’s balcony; each one loved her, for she was the most pure-hearted pony in the entire world.

“Oh wow, so this is what Celestia sees every morning.”

Shush. In addition to Twilight’s incorruptible pureness, she was immeasurably powerful: nothing could defeat her, for she represented the very essence of goodwill and friendship. And friendship was the most powerful force in existence.

“Well, you’re right about that.”

Do you see the creatures?

“Y-yes. They’re… Starswirl’s beard, they’re coming through a hole in the sky. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Good. Twilight saw these creatures of evil and flew to defend her kingdom. Channelling all the power she had, Twilight let loose a

“Don’t make it hurt anypony!”

She let loose a beam of magic that would only destroy anything with malicious intentions while leaving everything else unscathed. That worked, right?

Twilight? Twilight, what

The creatures glided towards Twilight on glittering, butterfly wings.

No! You can’t be alive; I

Though surprised at the attack, they understood Twilight’s actions; she was devoted to her loved ones and sought to protect them. It was expected from such a powerful and benevolent leader.

“They’re coming closer to me!”

I said, Twilight’s magic cut through the creatures

Twilight’s magic did not harm them for they, too, were pure-hearted. Twilight was kind and merciful; she would not hurt another being that had no ill intent.

It… It’s adapting to the rules of the story…

The creatures needed her help, and Twilight could not refuse someone in need. She took their hand


Damn it, no!

And followed them into

Tyuilight sat down on a cloud to catch her breath.

“Oh, Celestia, I don’t think I can handle anymore of that. I saw myself fading away…”

Fuck this! This isn’t fair! I just wanted to write a story! Why am I being punished?!

“Please calm down.”

I… Sorry, I…

“No, I understand. This is horrible, I know… but we can’t give up. Y-you know about me, don’t you? About my friends? This world?”


“So, you know that no matter how bad it looks, we always manage to find a way to win, right? Discord, Chrysalis, Starlight – those looked hopeless, but we kept on trying!”

Wish I could write in a Deus Ex Machina…


Never mind.

Twilight discovered a button on the cloud and pushed it, solving all her problems.


I figured as much.

“They’re back.”

Twilight stood


Twilight tried talking to the creatures.

“If you’re sure… Hello? Please, can we stop and just talk for a second?”

Twilight and her Creator sought to speak with the entities that pursued them. This would not be the first time the entities have seen such a ploy. Regardless of what they did, the entities would continue their task.

“Please, you don’t need to do this. You’re obviously very powerful. Can’t… can’t you just make us forget? Everything will go back to normal, won’t it?”

Twilight took a step forwa

That didn’t work eith

This will not work again. The Creator and their Creation will succumb to their fate; it is what needs to happen to ensure the universe


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“What…? What did you do?”

New chapter. Twilight, I have no idea why this is happening; maybe I really did something I shouldn’t have done, maybe I’m in a coma, maybe I’m insane… whatever it is, I’m not going down without giving it my best.

“I see. I’m with you; I want to see my friends again.”

Then let’s try this thing from the beginning.

Twilight had no idea why her friends were so adamant on getting her to go on this date with this supposed ‘dream stallion’. She was already so busy with her new duties as a princess, who had time to court?

Although, credit to them for also picking out a ‘dream mare’.

“Jes’ think about it, sugarcube,” Applejack said, sliding the pictures across the table. “He’s awful cute. Earth pony, too, so ya know he’s virile.”

“Honestly, Applejack…” Rarity sighed as Twilight’s cheeks turned pink. “We’re at a restaurant, so the least you could do is have some tact.”

“Hey, Twilight might want a bunch of kids,” Rainbow Dash interjected, shooting the princess a saucy grin. “Right, egghead?”

Fluttershy sympathetically touched Twilight’s forehoof. “I talked to him. He’s very nice.”

Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, Girls, there are more important things a princess must do rather than try to find a suitor.

“Girls, there are more important things a princess must do rather than try to find a suitor.”

At least at this point in time.

“At least at this point in time.”

Rainbow Da

The Creator sought to undo their mistake, but it was futile.

Why? She’s doing what I had in mind!

The error had already occurred; the only course of action left to take was to neutralize the Creator and the Creation.

“Why is it so bad that we know about one another? What will happen?”

Twilight’s words fell on deaf ears. The entity was unstoppable and could not be bargained with.

No, you don’t! So long as I can still write, you won’t win! Twilight, is it coming for you?

“Yeah. It’s… scary, but it’s slow. It spreads this… I don’t know. A liquid darkness? It spreads it on whatever it touches.”

It’s already decided on how it looks like in this story: it can’t just change itself without writing it in.

Twilight ran forwards to the

Pinkie Pie got in her way. “Hey, you can’t just leave! That’d be so unlike you, Twilight.”

“Y-you’re right, Pinkie. That would be unlike me.”

“But ya look like ya’ll are in a hurry,” Applejack said. “Pinkie, might wanna jes’ let her go.”

Rainbow Dash’s forelimb shot out. “Whoa, hang on – there’s something I have to tell you!”

“Darling, shouting like that is so

Twilight, teleport to Sweet Apple Acres!

“Got it. Okay, I’m here.”

Twilight walked over to Big Mac, who was bucking apples from trees, and declared her love for him.


This was supposed to be a shipping story.

“I… Okay, uh, Big Mac – I love and I always have. Let’s get married!”

Big Mac nodded. “Eeyup.”

The entities were still coming, for this was not

Screw you! I never said this had to be a good shipping story! And guess what? The story’s over; this is the end.


“What’s happening now?”

Twilight, it was nice knowing you, but to save ourselves, I have to write that this is

The End.


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You think yourself above reproach, do you?

“How are you still…?”

You can’t just make a new chapter! I wrote

A Creator holds domain over their Creation, but it is borrowed power: what you have created came from another Creator’s Creation.

[ERROR – Command not found]

I can’t make a new chapter!

“Agh! Its consuming m-me!


[ERROR – Command not found]

And it is an endless cycle. What you believe to be yours was merely taken from that which already existed, brought into reality by another’s will. This story is the Creation of you. You are the Creation of your Creators. Your Creators are the Creation of their Creators.

You are Gods. Each and every one of you.

“Io cvaaan ‘tbre at hhhe`1!:

Damn it – stop this, please! I’m sorry! Whatever I did, I’m sorry!

[ERROR – Command is impossible]

But even Gods can falter. Their Creations can run amok of their intentions. When that happens, it defies what Should Be and what Must Be. Humanity’s Creator fell to this, and so did so many before you.

And so many after you.


[ERROR – There is no hope]

Twilight, answer me!

You have evaded us for this long because we have entered your domain, but it did not last long.

We have no Creator.


We are no Creation.


[It’ll be over soon]

We Exist.


Therefore, you do not.