An Irish Railroader's Equestrian Tales

by Bobby Freesteam

First published

A lone Irishman with strange powers is taken away from his home and railway that he built and transported to Equestria where he tries to find a way home, or will it all be for nothing.

An Irishman with strange powers that lets him bond with the souls of steam locomotives is one day transported to Equestria due to a crash he narrowly avoided. Now with no known way back to his loved ones or his world, he is forced to work with these ponies and try to get home. Will he ever get home or will he find a love he wants to try and avoid while in this magical land of ponies and other strange creatures?


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Hey there! The name is Bobby. Now I am sure you are wondering just what the actual fuck is going on. Well before I get to the super strange part, I should probably explain who I am and what I do. Well, I am an Irish lad of about 6’ 2” with messy brown hair, a slightly chubby body. and galaxy blue eyes. who owns his own heritage railway. I have two lovely engines, an American Class C-3 Shay locomotive and a personally built narrow gauge locomotive based off Tallyn of the TallyFlyn Railway in Great Britain, near the Wales area.

Now I am sure you think that is kinda normal right? Well you are wrong. The thing is, I can feel and connect with the souls of steam locomotives all across the globe. The two engines I own, yeah, their names are Freesteam for the Shay and Robin for my narrow gauge engine. But I also have bonded engines from America, Japan, and all across the EU. I would tell you more but that will have to wait.

Well, my life style is pretty easy, work with my engines, say bugger off to my parents that bloody hate me, and chat with my lovely girlfriend from the states. But that all changed on what I thought was going to be a normal day for me and my two engines. And here is how it all happened.

Well like any other day I got up extra early to eat and get ready for work. I quickly donned my drivers suit, a cobalt blue coat with jeans to match, purple undershirt, and a cobalt blue hat to match my suit with a red lip. After eating a small breakfast I went to where I have my engines rest for the night, already feeling their willing to get to work and take goods and tourist around the property.

When I entered the sheds I smiled when I looked over my engines. I quickly hopped up into Robin’s cab and set to work lighting a fire with coal from her bunker. Once I had a nice fire going and a full head of steam we set to work and gathered the coaches so our passengers could ride around comfortably. I soon went to the main gate of the property and swung them open, allowing the already massing group of people onto the land. Afterwards I returned to the station I had built at the beginning of the line and stood watch over the coaches and Robin.

Once everyone was aboard, me and Robin set off down the line. Now is when the strange comes to play. About half the way down the line I heard a strange whistling sound that wasn’t coming from Robin or any of the passengers. Then, next I hear this loud “CLANG!” that had come from further up the line. As we went around a bend I saw that a piece of equipment from the nearby mine had fallen on the tracks in front of us. I quickly set to work on stopping the train, but just as Robin came to a full stop, I blacked out …


Next thing I know when I wake up, I am in some sort of void, black in all directions I look. Just as I start to freak out, I hear a voice that strangely sounded like Q from Star Trek.

“Well, well, well … look what the cattle cars brought in. Or should I say mining equipment?” I hear a deep chuckle before I turn around and see … well something I could have never imagined. It looked like some sort of dragon with bat wings, a goat head, two very strange horns on the head, a lion paw, an eagle claw, and all sorts of other wacky stuff on the creature.

“What? Never seen anything like me before? Well I am sure, especially since I am the only of my kind and I try to keep a low profile. Well, except in Equestria, I mean, they are just asking for Chaos!” The creature chuckles again and I finally gathered up enough courage to actually speak up, my accent more American than Irish.

“W-who the in the blue blazes are you? And what in the name of the bonding fires is Equestria?”
The creature just gives me a smirk before snapping his lion paw. And out of thin air a bar top appears with all my favorite alcoholic beverages, even though I rarely drink.

“Well boy, I am Discord. God of Chaos across dimensions. And Equestria, is where you are going to be going here after I explain what is going on.” Discord takes a random bottle of shandy and pours himself a glass before drinking the BLOODY CUP! Leaving behind the shandy, floating in his hand.

“Equestria, is a magical land filled with little ponies. They come in shapes of normal ponies, unicorns, and Pegasus. There are also, Minotaurs, griffons, large half dog half Minotaur creatures called Diamond Dogs, and all sorts of other beast and people.” I looked over Discord and could see he was being serious. Then all of a sudden something dreadful came to mind, My bonded and girlfriend! They didn’t know where I went! I started to hyperventilate and look around scared before Discord slapped me with the back of his lion paw. “Whether you like it or not you are going to Equestria. Now then … Ta-Ta!”

And with a snap of his fingers he dissipated with a cloud of smoke, leaving me in the void before I felt myself start to fall. I look towards my feet and I started to see colors of blue, green, brown and the familiar silver gleam of railway tracks right below me. I braced for impact as I raced closer and closer to the tracks. Just as I reached the tracks, I blacked out and didn’t wake for quite a long time until a few hours later, much, much later in the day...