> Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time > by Wolfgang > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Anomaly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! Return to Equestria Chapter 1: Anomaly *********************\ It’s been two years since the Ark Cradle incident. Each member of Team 5D’s has gone their separate ways. Jack has once again become the King of the dueling world; Crow has entered the pro circuit; Aki is studying to become a doctor; and Rua and Ruka are now living with their parents. Yusei has remained in Neo Domino City and is employed by KaibaCorp. as the leading scientist in the development of Momentum. But when a strange anomaly is detected, Yusei will journey back to a land he once visited and become a savior once more... *********************\ Author’s Note: Confound you guys. And confound my brain. I blame both of you for this story’s existence. I was FINISHED, blast it all! And now I have to write ANOTHER story because I had a FANTASTIC IDEA for one. You guys wanted a sequel and my brain came up with one. Great. Just great. I doubt I’ll be doing a lot of psychological evaluations in this one. This is just a short adventure, but it’s gonna be a heck of a ride. /*********************\ Yusei sipped his coffee as he read the latest readout from Momentum. While it was intended to keep the reactor under control, the Fortune program had the side effect of doubling the energy output with no indication of backlash. Despite putting out more than it was designed to generate, Momentum gave every indication that it was operating at normal capacity. Nevertheless, Yusei monitored it closely. He drank the last of his coffee and set the cup down, then flipped to the next page of the readout. Just as he finished with the report, the door to his office opened. A young woman with short pink hair walked in holding another report. “Here’s the latest D-Wheel report from Bolger and Company,” said the young woman, laying the papers on Yusei’s desk. “Good. Thank you, Lena,” said Yusei. “Would you like some more coffee?” Lena asked. “No, thanks,” said Yusei. He picked up the report and began to read. Lena did not move. Yusei looked up. “Is there something else, Lena?” “Oh! Um...” Lena blushed and looked to the side. “I was just... wondering if... um...” “Yes?” “Would you... like to grab lunch later?” Yusei blinked. What could he say? That he was waiting for a girl to come home even though they weren’t in a relationship? “Sorry, Lena. This whole week’s been pretty busy so I don’t have time to go anywhere.” “Oh... well, um... raincheck?” “All right,” said Yusei. Lena smiled, bowed, and left the room. Yusei sighed and spun his chair around to look out the window. “One of these days,” he said, “I’m gonna get myself into a mess I can’t handle.” It was raining in Neo Domino City. Thick sheets of water were blown against the windows. On a clear day, Yusei could see clear to Satellite. Today he could only see as far as the edge of the next district. Ever since that night in Satellite four years ago, Yusei never liked the rain. The day was dreary and he couldn’t see as far ahead as he would have liked. The day was exactly how Yusei felt. There was a knock at the door. Yusei spun his chair back around and saw Mayor Jaeger walk in. “Mayor Jaeger,” said Yusei, standing up and bowing. “Good to see you, Yusei,” said the short man. “How is the research on Momentum coming along?” “Strangely,” said Yusei. “The Fortune program is doing everything it’s supposed to do, but we’re still reading twice as much energy as we should be. Momentum looks like it’s running optimum efficiency, but it’s still giving off more energy than it should be. I don’t know what to make of it.” “Maybe you need a break, Yusei,” said Jaeger. “You have been throwing yourself into your work. I think you need a change in perspective and some time to clear your head. Perhaps you should ask your assistant Lena to lunch.” “I... can’t do that,” said Yusei. “Because of Miss Izayoi?” Yusei sighed. “I understand,” said Jaeger. “Take a break, Yusei. Call your friends. Go have a duel.” “Yeah, maybe you’re right,” said Yusei. “I guess I’ll-” A man in a white lab coat rushed through the door. “Mr. Fudo!” he shouted. “We have a problem!” “What is it?” Yusei asked. “We’ve picked up an energy spike, but it’s not coming from Momentum!” said the lab tech. “It’s coming from Satellite!” “Is it Old Momentum?” asked Yusei. “No, it’s in the Cubic Area,” the tech replied. “Let’s go!” said Yusei. “Mayor, sorry for rushing out on you like this.” “Quite all right, Yusei,” said Jaeger. Yusei nodded and left. Jaeger shook his head. “Always throwing himself into everything that comes up... I suppose he can’t help but try to fix everything.” ***** Sector Security officers stood in a wide perimeter around the square. A large white pavilion with numerous computer terminals had been set up just inside the perimeter. Yusei and Lena watched a giant four-monitor setup. A continuous stream of data poured in from an array of signal dishes aimed at the anomaly at the center of the square. “Mr. Fudo,” said Lena, “what do you think it is?” Yusei said nothing, but he had seen this kind of thing before. The anomaly was tall and rectangular in shape, like a door. It glowed bright white and seemed to flicker like a candle. “Yusei!” came a deep voice. Yusei turned and saw his old friend Tetsu Ushio. “Ushio!” said Yusei. “What are you doing here?” “I got promoted to chief a just last month,” he said. “When I heard you were going to be here, I decided that I would personally oversee this. How’ve you been, Yusei?” “Busy,” replied Yusei. “First Momentum and now this.” “What’s wrong with Momentum?” asked Ushio. “It’s giving off twice as much energy as it should be, but all of our instruments say that it’s acting normally,” Yusei explained. “We’re seeing way more energy than we should be, but Momentum itself is acting like it’s running at normal capacity.” “That’s weird. Think it has to do with the Fortune program?” “It might,” said Yusei. He looked out toward the glowing shape. “What can you tell me about that?” “It appeared yesterday at 5:38 PM. Witnesses say there was a flash and then it was just there. Some people claim they are hearing voices coming from it.” “Voices?” “Yeah. Weird, huh?” “Has anyone gotten close to it?” “Thankfully no. A small child wandered near it about an hour after it appeared, but a Security officer got to him before he could get too close.” “That’s good. And what about the voices?” “I don’t know a whole lot about that,” replied Ushio. “Almost nobody could make out anything clearly enough, but a few people said they heard voices calling for help.” “That doesn’t sound good,” said Yusei. “Man, when’s Akutsu going to get here?” “That spinning lunatic? Why do you need him?” asked Ushio. “He knows more about Momentum and energy signatures than I do,” Yusei answered. “I’m good at programming and mechanics, but he has more experience with this sort of thing.” “If you say so, Yusei,” said Ushio. “So... voices, huh?” asked Yusei. “I think I’d like to hear this.” “You sure? I mean, the reports don’t seem reliable,” said Ushio, “and there’s no telling what’ll happen if you get too close.” “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” said Yusei. He started walking toward the anomaly. “Yusei Fudo!” came a voice. Yusei stopped and turned around. A man in a white coat with a large shock of brown hair approached him, spinning wildly as he did. “Chief Akutsu,” said Yusei. “Good. We need you to-” “Way ahead of you, Yusei!” said the man. He produced an item with a small dish mounted on the front. “With this device, I’ll be able to monitor and analyze the energy signatures of the anomaly in order to determine its exact nature.” “How long will it take?” asked Yusei. “It could take at least two hours to gather the necessary data,” said Akutsu. “I don’t know how long I’ll need to analyze it, so give me a day.” “All right,” said Yusei. ***** Yusei lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. The room was small, but Yusei liked it that way. Jaeger had convinced him to move into the Tops district so that he could be closer to KaibaCorp. tower, but Yusei didn’t want a huge room. They eventually found one that Yusei liked. The moon and city lights filtered into his room through the thin curtains; he could just make out the ceiling. Yusei’s thoughts raced through his mind. Thoughts of Momentum, Lena, the anomaly, his friends... I guess a lot’s been happening lately. Yusei sighed. I just wish I could figure out what I should be doing right now. It seems like I’m just distracting myself with work. I know what I should be doing there. I need to figure out what’s going on with Momentum and that anomaly. But what about Lena? That was the second time I’ve turned her down. Is it because of Aki? Do I miss her that much? Or am I just afraid of hurting her? Man, I wish Jack and Crow were here. They could help me figure this out. Yusei turned onto his side. But Jack and Crow are in the pro leagues and keep pretty busy. I don’t think the twins could help either. And Aki... When did life get so complicated? The problem isn’t even that hard to identify, I just can’t figure out what to do about it. Yusei’s eyes began to grow heavy and soon he fell asleep. ***** “What’ve you got for me, Akutsu?” “Ah, Yusei! Good! I just finished my analysis.” “And?” Akutsu grinned like a madman. “You aren’t going to believe what it is!” Yusei blinked. “Well?” he said. “Tell us, what is it?” Akutsu began spinning like a dervish. “I’ve discovered high traces of chroniton particles and trace amounts of tachyons,” said the spinning scientist. “So, what does that mean?” asked Lena. Akutsu stopped spinning. “It means, my dear,” he said, “that time travel is quite possible! We briefly picked up similar readings twice over two years ago, a few months before the WRGP. What we saw quickly disappeared, but this... there is something else you should know, Yusei.” “What is it?” Yusei asked. “These particles are moving at the same frequency as Momentum energy. Which means that this anomaly originated from a Momentum generator.” “You’re kidding!” “I may act silly, but I never kid.” Yusei turned to look at the anomaly. “If a temporal anomaly was caused by Momentum... could it be? Could he-” “Yusei!” Yusei turned around. Walking toward him were two of his friends. “Jack! Crow!” Yusei ran up to meet them. “It’s great to see you guys! But what are you doing here?” “We heard about this thing on the news so Jack and I figured we’d find you here,” said Crow. “Listen, we’d love to catch up, but we need your help.” “My help? With what?” asked Yusei. “Well, you see,” Crow began, but he was interrupted by Jack. “That masked D-Wheeler that stole Stardust Dragon from you two years ago just stole Red Dragon Archfiend from me!” roared Jack. “Yeah, and he took Black-Winged Dragon from me too,” said Crow. “Paradox?!” Yusei gasped. “But... but that’s impossible! We destroyed him! Me, Jaden and Yugi! He merged with one of his monsters and we destroyed him! How can he be back?” “I don’t know, Yusei,” said Jack, “but you’re going to have to stop him. You’re the only one that can go after him.” “Then those voices...” Yusei turned and ran toward the anomaly. He stopped just a few feet away. And he heard them. Voices calling for help. Voices he had not heard for two years. > Chatper 2: Threat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic: Return to Equestria Chapter 2: Threat *********************\ Yusei has returned to Equestria! After reuniting with his pony friends, Yusei learns the origin of the anomaly back home. A dangerous face from his past reappears and this time threatens to put time itself at risk! *********************\ Author’s Note: I have every intention of keeping this sequel as short as possible. So the chapters probably aren’t going to be all that long. /*********************\ Twilight was thrown backwards through the air several feet, landing roughly on her side and crying out in pain. “Why...” she said, panting. “Why are you doing this?” “For the benefit of my world,” said the masked human before her. “But to do this, I must eliminate all who would stand in my way. And I must, regrettably, sacrifice your world.” Two white dragons loomed over her, wearing masks and armor patterned after the mask of Twilight’s opponent. Each dragon was familiar; and each one corrupt. “Perish, Element of Magic!” said the masked man. The two dragons roared and opened fire. Twilight’s eyes went wide as she cried out. “Help!” ***** Yusei drove home as fast as he could without getting pulled over. Those voices, he thought. I’d almost forgotten about them... if Paradox is still around, then he’s probably the reason why that... that portal to Equestria has opened! But what’s he doing there? And how did he even get there in the first place? Yusei pulled into the parking garage and skidded into a spot. He opened the door, jumped out, slammed the door behind him and ran around behind the car. Yusei opened the trunk and pulled a suitcase forward from the back. “It’s been a long time,” he said as he gripped the handle, closed the trunk and began to run to the elevator. His personal garage was in the basement level. ***** “Time is a malevolent current which flows into destruction, pushing all things to an end,” said the masked man. “It is beyond even your chaotic powers.” “Then it’s fortunate that time never interested me,” said Discord. “I’m immortal, so why should it?” “In my grand experiment, I seek preservation. If my people survive, then we can escape the flow of time.” “Yawn,” said the draconequus mockingly. “Just take your turn already, would you? Pinkie and I have to go dump strawberry milkshakes on Twilight.” “The Bearers of Harmony have long since been dealt with,” the masked man replied as he drew a card. “As I shall deal with you.” Discord’s eyes widened as a familiar white dragon appeared above him. “No,” he said quietly, shakily. ***** Night had fallen in Neo Domino City. Sector Security guards stood vigilant around the white light that floated in the middle of the square. Akutsu spun. “Akutsu!” barked Chief Ushio. “Tell me you have a way to fix that thing!” Akutsu abruptly stopped spinning. “I am sorry, Chief Ushio,” he replied. “I have not yet devised a way to close the portal from here. However-” “Wait, portal?” asked Ushio. “Yes, a portal,” Akutsu answered. “I have determined that this is a portal, a doorway in time and space. I have also determined that it has an energy source keeping it open. If that energy source is shut down, then the portal should shut down moments after.” “So where’s the energy source?” “Unfortunately, it’s-” A D-Wheel screeched past the guards, through the barriers, and into the portal. Ushio’s eyes widened as it disappeared. “Who the heck was that?!” he yelled. “I believe that was Yusei,” said Akutsu as he adjusted his glasses. “Oh no... this is bad!” “Why? What’s the problem?” asked Ushio. “The energy source keeping the portal open,” Akutsu explained,” it’s on the other side of the portal! If Yusei shuts it down, he’ll have only a few moments to return! If he doesn’t make it through, he’ll either be stuck where the portal ends, or worse, he’ll be trapped in the rift between dimensions!” “We gotta warn him!” cried Ushio. “Can you get a transmission to him?” “I can try,” said Akutsu, “but the dimensional waves might interfere with the signal.” “Get on it!” said Ushio. “We have to warn him!” ***** Yusei’s D-Wheel squealed to a halt. There was grass everywhere. He was in Equestria. “Hang on, girls,” he said. “I’ll save you!” “Save us from what?” came a voice behind him. Yusei turned around. “Dash!” he said. “Are you alright? Where are the others?” “Good to see you too, Yusei,” said Rainbow Dash. “What are you doing back here?” “We need to find your friends,” said Yusei. “I’ll explain when we do. Round up everyone you can. I’ll head to the library.” “Why?” asked Dash. “What’s going on, Yusei?” “Both of our worlds are in danger again,” said Yusei. “Hurry and get the others!” “On it!” Dash said with a salute, then flew off, leaving a faint rainbow trail behind her. Yusei revved his engine and rode toward the library. ***** “I don’t know what your deal is,” said Rainbow Dash, “but I’m not gonna let you get away with hurting my friends!” “Your power is undeniable,” said the masked man, “but it is no match for my own.” “We’ll see about that!” the pegasus shouted. “Rainbow Dragon, attack!” “I play a Trap!” “What?!” Dash’s monster was struck by a beam of light purple energy and was destroyed “Rainbow Dragon!” she cried. “And I’m not finished with you yet!” said the masked man. “The power of light is no match for the power of darkness!” Dash’s eyes widened. “No,” she cried. “No, no!” Her own monster, corrupted by the masked man, fired a rainbow beam from its mouth, knocking Dash to the ground. ***** Yusei parked his D-Wheel and rushed into the library. “Twilight! Spike!” he called. “Anybody here?” “I know that voice.” Spike poked his head up from behind the counter. “Yusei! Oh wow! It’s been too long!” “Good to see you too, Spike,” said Yusei. “But we don’t have time to catch up. Where’s Twilight?” “She’s in her study room,” replied the dragon. “I’ll go get her.” As he ran off, he called, “Hey Twi! You’ll never believe who’s here!” Yusei wanted to smile, but he couldn’t. Not now. “Yusei!” came Twilight’s voice. “It’s so good to see you again!” “You too, Twilight,” said Yusei. “But I’m not here for a visit.” “You’re not?” “No,” said Yusei. “Something’s wrong and both our worlds are in danger again.” “Yusei!” came Rainbow Dash’s voice as the library door opened. “We came as fast as we could!” “Yusei!” shouted Pinkie Pie just before tackling him to the ground. “Oh wowie wow! We missed you so much, which is a lot, and I bet you missed us a bunch too, and there’s so much you missed here like the Cakes having twins, and-” “Howdy, Yusei,” said Applejack. “Hello, Yusei,” whispered Fluttershy. “Good to see you again, dear,” said Rarity. “Everyone’s okay,” said Yusei with a sigh. “Okay? What are you talking about, Yusei? What’s going on?” asked Twilight. “Let me up, Pinkie,” said Yusei. Pinkie stepped back and Yusei stood up. “Everypony, our worlds are in danger again.” “Is it another threat from your dimension?” asked Twilight. “Yeah,” said Yusei. “It’s the man who stole Stardust from me: Paradox.” “Paradox?” said Spike. “But Yusei, I thought you defeated him,” said Twilight. “So did I. I don’t know how he’s back, but he is. He stole Red Dragon Archfiend and Black-Winged Dragon from two of my best friends back home. He might have taken some other cards as well. We need to find him and figure out what he’s doing in Equestria.” “We should split up,” said Twilight. “We can cover more ground that way.” “That’s a bad idea,” said Yusei. “Paradox isn’t just a dangerous duelist. He can make monsters real and cause real damage. I saw him cause a lot of destruction when I found him attacking Jaden the first time around. Holes in buildings, gashes in the ground, all from monster attacks.” “Then we should stick together,” said Rarity. “We might need the Elements of Harmony,” said Twilight. “Spike write a letter to Princess Celestia and tell her briefly what’s going on and to bring the Elements. And tell her to bring Discord as well.” “Why Discord?” asked Spike. “Because I have a feeling that we’ll need all the help we can get,” Twilight answered. “She’s right,” said Yusei. “Before, it took myself, Jaden and Yugi to beat Paradox. He’s no doubt gotten stronger since then, so we’ll need a lot more help.” “Don’t worry, Yusei,” said Twilight. “With all of us working together, I’m sure we can stop Paradox’s plans and save our worlds!” ***** “Just who do you think you are?!” roared the bearded unicorn. “What you are doing could tear the very fabric of reality apart!” “That is my goal,” said the masked man. “Your writings on time travel were quite enlightening, Star Swirl, but now, your role has reached its end. Malefic Stardust Dragon, attack!” TO BE CONTINUED > Chapter 3: Rip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic: Return to Equestria Chapter 3: Rip *********************\ Yusei and the others begin the search for Paradox and his work, but quickly discover that the walls of time are breaking down in Equestria, forming a strange, twisting labyrinth of recent points on the Equestrian timeline. The group is split up and Paradox works to pick them all off one by one... *********************\ Author’s Note: So much for “short and simple”... This might end up being a far more... well, epic story than I had intended. My original intent was for a simple one-off fight between Paradox and Yusei, but now I have so many things I can do to work up to it. And, of course, I can’t resist. /*********************\ It started as an ordinary day in Ponyville. The birds sang, the smell of breads and pastries wafted through the air around Sugar Cube Corner, foals trotted to school and laughed as they talked with their friends, and Rainbow Dash was making her rounds, clearing the sky of stray clouds. Everything was normal until the light appeared in the park. Spike nearly jumped out of his scales when the library door slammed open. “Twilight!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Come quick!” “Jeez, Rainbow Dash! You really scared me!” said Spike. “Sorry, Spike,” said the pegasus. “Where’s Twilight?” “I was in my study,” came Twilight’s voice. “What’s all the noise about?” “You gotta come see this! Some weird smoke-light just appeared in the park!” said Dash as she turned to fly out the door. “Come on!” The pegasus flapped her wings and shot into the air. “Spike, you look after the library while I’m gone, okay?” said Twilight. “And send a letter to the Princess.” “Aw, can’t I come with you to see it?” said Spike. “It might be dangerous,” said Twilight. “Just stay here and send that letter, okay?” “Oh, alright,” said Spike, defeated. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” said Twilight before running off. ***** “What do you suppose it is?” asked Rarity. “I dunno,” said Twilight. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Maybe I can use a scanning spell to find out what it is.” Twilight’s horn lit up and a wide beam of energy was projected from the tip, forming a sparkling pink wall of light. The wall slowly moved forward and began to pass through the smoky floating light. However, when the wall reached the center of the light, it stopped. Twilight’s eyes shot open and she cried out before ending the spell and collapsing. “Twilight!” shouted her friends. “You alright?” asked Applejack. “What happened?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight was panting. She slowly got her hooves under her and pushed herself off the ground, shaking her head. “I’m... I’m okay,” she said. “It’s... it’s a hole. A rip in space. But it’s not made of magic.” “Then what is it?” asked Dash. Twilight looked up. She said only one word: “Momentum.” ***** Princess Celestia arrived at the library an hour later. “Momentum?” she asked. “Yes, Princess,” said Twilight. “It’s a form of energy used in Yusei’s world.” “Does this mean that Yusei has returned?” asked Celestia. “I don’t know, Princess,” replied Twilight. “If he had, he probably would have sought out my friends and I first, wouldn’t he?” “You said that it’s a ‘rip’, didn’t you?” said Discord. “Perhaps it is not Yusei, but someone else.” “What do you mean by that?” asked Rarity. “Portals and rips are two different things,” Discord explained. “A portal is a controlled gateway that can be opened and closed at will. Creating one is difficult, but closing it again is quite easy. It is essentially pushing space aside to access a new world, and then putting it back to close the door. To close it, you simply have to get rid of the energy pushing it open. “But rips are different because they linger and can be very dangerous. More often than not, they are accidental. They happen either by punching through a weak area in space, or simply by wearing it down until it falls apart on its own.” “I can understand not wantin’ to break somethin’,” said Applejack, “but how does any of that make a rip dangerous?” “Because if left alone, they will expand,” Discord continued. “Purely magical objects must remain complete to exist. The slightest fracture will cause them to shatter and disintegrate. The fabric of spacetime is much the same, but sturdier. If a rip appears, then it will spread like cracks in glass under pressure. If the rip isn’t repaired before it becomes too large, then the universes it connects could be sucked through and collide with each other. Both would likely be destroyed.” “Then we need to fix the rip,” said Twilight. “How do we do that?” “If I remember what old Star Swirl said correctly, rips have to be repaired from both ends. If only one end is fixed, then the rip remains on the other side and can reopen the repaired end.” Discord stroked his beard with his lion paw. “This means that anyone on the other end can’t come back without creating a portal, which is extremely difficult to do.” “What if you went?” asked Celestia. “Could you not teleport back?” Discord shook his head. “I can only go places that are spatially accessible to me. If I can’t get there without my power, I can’t get there with it.” “And the vault?” “You should have used a Rift Spell and put that room in a pocket dimension.” “Discord, can’t you open a portal once you’re on the other side?” asked Twilight. “I don’t know, my dear,” Discord replied. “My power may not work in Yusei’s world. And even if it did, there’s no telling if I can create a stable portal without it turning into a rip. The last time I tried, I created Tartarus.” “Almost immediately after he realized what had happened, Discord enclosed the rift in a gate that stopped it from expanding,” said Celestia. “After Luna and I turned Discord to stone, we tried to eliminate the rip completely, but our magic could not get past the gate, and the Elements of Harmony did nothing, almost as if they saw no need.” “So, what do we do?” asked Twilight “I don’t know, Twilight,” said Discord. “Nor do I,” added Celestia. “I think I know where we can find out!” said Pinkie Pie. “In the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing of the castle library!” “What makes you say that, Pinkie?” Twilight asked. “Remember when we went there because you saw your future self and you were trying to stop a disaster but it turned out it wasn’t a disaster, it was just you going back in time to tell yourself not to worry, but you didn’t get the chance and you ended up worrying anyway and-” “Pinkie, the point?” Dash interrupted. “Right, sorry,” said Pinkie. “Anyway, I saw a few books in there about portals. Maybe we could find something there!” “It will have to wait, though,” said Celestia. “That wing is currently closed for remodeling.” “How long will that take?” asked Twilight. “At least one more day,” answered the princess. “Do ya think we can contain it ‘til then?” asked Applejack. “I’m not sure,” said Twilight. “Momentum is a completely different energy from magic. There’s no telling how a magical containment would affect it.” “Well, we might as well try, right?” said Discord as he cracked his knuckles. The draconequus snapped his fingers. There was a bright flash, but nothing else happened. “Well... darn,” said Discord. “Magic can’t contain it. I’d need to match the energy.” “Can’t you create Momentum?” asked Twilight. “Even my chaotic abilities have limits, my little pony,” Discord replied. “So what do we do now?” asked Fluttershy. “I suppose we’ll have to inform the townsfolk of the rip and tell them to stay away,” said Rarity. “And we’ll have to keep an eye on Sweetie Belle and her friends, or they may try to fix it themselves.” “I’ll go speak with the mayor,” said Twilight. “Dash, can you guard the rip?” “Sure thing, Twi!” said the pegasus with a salute. “Great. Everyone else, see if you can gather the townsfolk at City Hall.” “On it,” said Applejack. Everypony except Rainbow Dash turned and left the area. The cyan pegasus sat on a small hillock nearby. ***** Yusei’s tires squealed as he stopped, kicking dirt into the air. “Hang on, girls,” he said. “I’ll save you!” “Save us from what?” asked Rainbow Dash. > Chapter 4: Distortion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! Return to Equestria Chapter 4: Distortion *********************\ Yusei and the ponies begin the search for Paradox! But as they traverse the fields near Ponyville, strange happenings divide the group, sending them into unfamiliar territory with strangely familiar traits. What is happening to Equestria? Can Yusei and the Elements of Harmony stop it in time? *********************\ Author’s Note: And this is where I start having more fun with time travel than the Joker has with Batman on a regular basis. Yeah, this is gonna get weird. Hold on to your thinking caps, folks, because you’re gonna need at least two braincells to rub together for this one! Time Travel is a funny little thing and you can do all kinds of awesome, disturbing and downright weird things with it. /*********************\ Everypony in town had gathered inside of City Hall. The crowd murmured, mostly about Yusei’s presence. Though glad to see him, they still remembered what had happened the last time he showed up. Mayor Mare stepped up to the podium and gave Yusei a concerned look before facing the crowd. “Everypony,” she said, “ we have a situation. Strange events are occurring here in Ponyville. I will allow Miss Twilight Sparkle to explain what she knows.” The mayor stepped down and Twilight took the podium. “Thank you, Mayor,” said the lavender unicorn. “Everypony, a dimensional rip has appeared in the park. For those of you who don’t know, a dimension rip is exactly what it sounds like: A rip in fabric of this dimension. Reality in that area has been torn, and the wall between Equestria and Yusei’s world has been broken through. I advise you all to stay as far away from the rip as you can. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo- this goes triple for the three of you.” Three voices in the crowd cried out: “Awwwww!” “I’ve sent a letter to Princess Celestia asking that she and Discord return here as soon as possible,” Twilight continued. “They, Yusei and myself will work to close the rip and to keep it from spreading. For now, though, please steer clear of it. Yusei will explain what he knows.” Yusei pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning against and walked onto the stage. “Hello again, everypony,” said Yusei. “I’m sorry to say that I’m not here to visit. Another threat has come from my world and invaded Equestria: A man named Paradox. He’s riding a very large, silver D-Wheel. If you see him, inform someone as quickly as possible. Try not to let him spot you as he’s very dangerous. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, don’t try to take him on either. If you see him, let one of us know as soon as possible, then get to safety.” “That concludes our meeting,” said the mayor. “Everypony is dismissed. Please be safe and inform Yusei, Twilight or their friends if you sight Paradox.” ***** “Everypony ready?” asked Yusei as he slid his helmet over his head and lowered the visor. Twilight looked back at her friends, then at Yusei. “Ready!” she said. Yusei nodded and revved the engine of his D-Wheel, then sped off. Four ponies galloped behind him. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew overhead. “Say, where are we going?” came another voice. Yusei looked up and saw Discord hovering above him. “To find the man who created that rift in the fields,” said Yusei. “The rift?” said Discord. “Why do we need to find the one who created it? The rip was made using energy from your world. Shouldn’t you be able to close it?” “It’s not just that, Discord,” said Yusei. “Paradox is a determined and destructive man. He destroyed large parts of Venice just to get Jaden out of his way, and destroyed several buildings to kill Maximillion Pegasus, killing a lot of others in the process.” Yusei narrowed his eyes. “We can’t let that happen here! Whatever damage he might do... we have to find him before that happens!” “How are we supposed to fight him?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Beating him in a duel might be the only way,” said Yusei. “He’s not some supernatural power like Darkness was; he’s an android sent from the future by Z-one.” “What’s an android?” asked Twilight. “And who is ‘Zone’?” “An android is a thinking machine,” said Yusei. “It can be made to look like a person, and it can even think and act like one. “As for Z-one, he was a man who survived the total extinction of humanity. He tried to save the future by changing it, but all of his actions were destructive. He sent Paradox back in time to kill Pegasus, hoping his death would halt the development of Duel Monsters.” “But why would he want that?” asked Rarity. “Because of Momentum and Synchro Monsters,” said Yusei. “Synchros were the symbols of human evolution. Momentum isn’t just a reactor; it’s a living energy that can be made to do just about anything, even fueling human evolution. Whenever a Synchro is played, Momentum would spin faster, giving off more energy, which caused humanity to evolve faster.” “Your people evolved out of control, didn’t they?” asked Discord. “Yeah,” said Yusei. “Humans became subconsciously obsessed with Synchros, and very greedy. Momentum then rebelled because of that. The network of reactors gained sentience and created massive robots to wage war against the human race, wiping them out. Z-one was one of only four survivors. When the others died, he created androids with their minds and sent them to the past to try and stop the disaster by eliminating the things that caused it: Synchros and Momentum.” “None of this really explains what Paradox is doing in Equestria, though,” said Twilight. “Whatever he’s doing here, we have to find him and get him out of here,” Yusei replied. “My friends and I can handle him, so we need to get him back to the rift.” “You don’t honestly expect it to be that easy, do you?” asked Discord. “No,” said Yusei. “But we have to try!” Yusei looked up ahead and saw a flash and a shimmer. “Did you guys see that?” he asked. He sped up his D-Wheel, then slowed to a halt when he came close to the shimmer. The ponies and Discord stopped behind him. “What is it?” asked Fluttershy. “I don’t know,” said Twilight. Yusei got off his D-Wheel and reached a hand out to the shimmering air. His hand passed into it, sending ripples through it like water. Yusei pulled his hand out and examined it. “Doesn’t seem to be harmful...” he muttered. “Let me see if I can analyze it,” said Twilight. Her horn lit up and a wide, pink ray was projected from the end. She waved the ray back and forth across the shimmering air, then let it fade. “I can’t really tell what it is. It seems to be a kind of distortion, but I don’t know what kind.” A pony began walking on the other side of the shimmer. However, the clothes it wore were very old and worn. “What on earth is she wearing?” said Rarity. “It looks familiar,” said Twilight. “I know! I know what it is!” said Pinkie Pie as the pony disappeared from view. “Aw, she’s gone!” “What is it, Pinkie?” asked Yusei. “She was wearing one of the costumes from the Hearth’s Warming Pageant!” “The what pageant?” asked Yusei. “It’s a play that we ponies put on every year that tells the story of how Equestria was... founded... oh no,” said Twilight. “Now I know what kind of distortion this is: Temporal.” She quickly scanned it again. “That’s why I didn’t recognize it before. I’ve never encountered a time rift before. Everypony, we’re looking at Equestria’s distant past.” “I had no idea those dreadful costumes were... historically accurate,” said Rarity. “Oh, I feel so sorry for the poor dears!” “Well, we can’t risk changing a thing, so helping them is out of the question,” said Discord. “I rather like how things ended up, so let’s not go sending ripples of change through the timeline, shall we?” Just then, a long, silver object sped past in front of them. Yusei gasped. “Paradox!” “That was him?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Mighty impressive vehicle he’s got there,” said Applejack. “Come on, after him!” said Yusei, revving his engine. “Yusei, wait!” Twilight cried, but it was too late. Yusei had sped through the rippling distortion. There was a flash and the distortion changed. It began to sink in on itself, forming a tunnel. Wind kicked up around them as the tunnel grew and twisted into the sky. “Oh, this is bad,” said Twilight. “Very, very bad!” “Twilight!” cried Pinkie Pie. “What’s going on?” “The time rift has turned into a wormhole!” Twilight yelled over the wind. “I should have told Yusei that the whole thing was unstable!” “It’s too late for ‘should haves’, Twilight,” said Discord. “For now, we must retreat!” Discord snapped his fingers and the seven of them were teleported to the library. “Hey, guys!” said Spike. “Glad you’re back, I was just about to make some lunch! Anypony want to help? We can have a picnic!” “No time, Spike!” said Twilight. “This is an emergency! Take a letter and send it to the princess immediately! Tell her that Yusei went through an unstable temporal rift and that it’s changed into a wormhole.” “Whoa! That sounds bad,” said Spike. “It is, now hurry!” Twilight urged. Spike ran off to find some paper and a quill. “Um, pardon me, Twilight,” said Rarity, “but wouldn’t it be faster to simply send Discord?” “It would, but we need him here,” said Twilight. “You do?” asked Discord. “Yes. We need you to protect Ponyville from whatever’s happening, and I need your help tracking Yusei.” “Blocking magic-based temporal waves I can handle, but this isn’t just magic; it’s also Momentum, as you said. And tracking an extra dimensional being through time... just how do you plan to do that?” “I... I don’t know. But we’ll have to try something!” Twilight turned around when she heard Spike’s scratching with the quill cease. He rolled it up and doused it in emerald flame. “Okay, I sent the letter, Twilight!” said Spike. “Now what-” Spike was interrupted by a burst of green flame and a loud belch that accompanied it. A letter emerged from the fire and fell to the floor. Twilight opened it. “‘I know, Twilight,’” she read. “‘I saw it in the distance. It’s splitting, and the branches are moving to different locations. I am coming with the Elements of Harmony. Stay there until my arrival. Do not leave the library unless it becomes unsafe.’ Good. Maybe we can fix... whatever it is that’s happening here!” “But don’t you remember what Yusei said?” said Applejack. “Paradox ain’t a supernatural being like Discord here. He’s just a machine. And we don’t even know if the Elements o’ Harmony can fix all this timey-wimey stuff goin’ on!” “I know,” said Twilight. “But we can’t give up. We have to keep hoping that we can fix this.” “Hope may be all we have,” said Discord. “There’s no guarantee that Celestia will make it here safely if more temporal portals start opening.” “Couldn’t she just teleport here?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash, Celestia would not dare take that risk,” said Discord. “I teleported us here on the assumption that the time portal Yusei rode into was the only one at the time. If the library becomes enclosed in a bubble and the rest of Equestria outside is of a different era, then the results of teleportation into the distortion could be disastrous.” “What do you mean, Discord?” asked Twilight. “Do you know why he was called Star Swirl ‘the bearded’? It is because of an accident that occurred during one of his experiments. He enclosed a small area in a time bubble and then tried teleporting into it. Had he simply walked through, he would have found himself twenty years in the past. Teleporting into that location, however, caused him to age twenty years. When he removed the bubble, he was bearded and shaky around the legs.” “But the princesses are immortal. Wouldn’t that make them immune to the aging effect if that happened?” “Their immortality stems from the purest of magic, but it can be extremely fragile. There’s a reason that I never distorted the timeline with my own powers. I could have lost my dominion over chaos or transformed into something far more hideous. Such a fate might befall Celestia if she tried that.” “What about the letter that Spike got?” Twilight asked. She picked it up with her magic and floated it over to Discord. Discord took it carefully into his eagle claw, stroking his short beard with his lion paw as he examined it. “This letter couldn’t have been written in a mere five seconds,” said Discord. “Celestia’s not that fast. Which means...” Discord dropped the letter and moved to the door. As he opened it, the six ponies behind him gasped. The air shimmered and waved like water. “Just as I feared,” said Discord. “The library has become enclosed in a time bubble.” “What do we do, Twilight?” asked Spike. Twilight was silent for a long time before finally replying, “I don’t know, Spike.” > Chapter 5: Separation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 5: Separation *********************\ The temporal distortions continue to spread throughout Equestria, stranding Twilight and her friends throughout time. Yusei has disappeared after pursuing Paradox through a time warp, Twilight and the others have no access to the Elements of Harmony, and even Discord appears to be powerless! All hope seems lost when Twilight and Spike encounter the enigmatic Star Swirl the Bearded... *********************\ Author’s Note: Yeah, this is gonna be MUCH bigger than I originally intended, and truth be told, the task is becoming more daunting by the letter. But I’ve already started the story and I have every intention of finishing it. So don’t worry, my friends. You give me support and I’ll give you an epic tale! And probably a chronic hatred of time travel. /*********************\ Twilight had been pacing back and forth for a good five minutes. “Sugar cube,” said Applejack, “you’re gonna wear a hole in the floor if’n ya keep doin’ that.” “I’m trying to figure out what we should do,” Twilight said without stopping. “Pacing helps me think.” “Twilight, my dear, I know far more about temporal phenomena than you do, I’m a being of pure chaos, and I’ve had far more time to think than you ever will,” said Discord, “and I don’t know what to do to fix this.” “Wait... time travel!” said Twilight. “What if we simply stopped this from happening? If we found Paradox and stopped him from doing whatever caused this, would that fix it?” “You risk creating a paradox,” said Discord. “Only one of two things could happen in that case: Either the future is rewritten to accommodate the changes of the past, or time itself breaks down and is ultimately destroyed.” “But that’s happening right now!” said Spike. “Spike’s right,” said Twilight. “It can’t hurt to try any more than what’s going on outside.” “Then what are we waiting for?” said Rainbow Dash. “Let’s go find this Paradox guy!” “Wait,” said Fluttershy. “Yusei said that this man is dangerous. And besides, don’t you think we should try to find Yusei first?” “We’ll look for them both,” said Twilight. “If we find Yusei first, then we’ll stick together and find Paradox. If we find Paradox first, we’ll just have to deal with him as best we can.” “And just how do you plan to fight him?” asked Discord. “You don’t have the Elements and I cannot bring them here. In fact, using my power for anything might only make things worse.” “Only if you use teleportation or do something time-related, right?” Twilight replied. “As time breaks down, space goes with it. The two are intertwined; one cannot exist without the other. Space cannot exist without time to define its existence; time cannot exist without space to progress through it. Things getting worse is hardly an excuse to do anything at all.” “For the spirit of chaos, you sure know an awful lot about how things are supposed to work,” said Pinkie Pie. “Of course,” said Discord. “One cannot create chaos without understanding order.” “We’re wasting time,” said Twilight. She levitated Spike into the air and set him down on her back. “We need to go. Now.” “I suppose you’re right,” Discord sighed. “We can’t stay here forever.” Twilight nodded and opened the door. Together, they walked into rift. ***** Yusei stopped. He’d been riding for over an hour and still no sign of Paradox. He’d taken care not to be seen by anypony, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. The further he rode, the more ponies he saw. “It’s almost as though things keep... changing...” Yusei looked around. He spotted a city in the distance. Tall buildings formed the outline, but even taller structures were being built near the center. “I’m in a different era,” said Yusei. “This is not good.” “For you, perhaps,” came a voice. Yusei looked behind him. “Paradox!” he said. “So you know my name,” said the masked man. “What else do you know?” “That you have to be stopped!” said Yusei. “You cannot stop my latest experiment, Yusei Fudo,” said Paradox. “You do not even know where to begin, much less the purpose of my actions.” “That doesn’t matter, Paradox,” said Yusei. “You’re here, so I’ll stop you here!” “How can you stop me when you cannot catch me?” Paradox laughed. His D-Wheel suddenly sped away and vanished in a flash of light. “Paradox!” cried Yusei as he revved his engine and sped off in the same direction. ***** “Where are we?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Not where, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. “‘When.’ But I don’t know when we are because everything looks about the same. Discord, any ideas?” “None yet,” said Discord. “I’m thinkin’ ‘where’ is a pretty good question,” said Applejack. “‘Cause I don’t think we’re in Ponyville anymore.” “Applejack’s right,” said Fluttershy. “It looks like we’re in Manehattan.” “You’re right!” said Rarity. “I recognize that cafe! But everything looks...” “Like it’s still being built?” offered Pinkie. “Yeah, you’re right!” said Spike. “We must be on the outskirts of early Manehattan,” said Twilight. “Do you think Yusei’s here?” asked Fluttershy. “Yep,” said Applejack. “What makes you so sure?” asked Discord. Applejack pointed a hoof out. Everypony looked where she was pointing. Yusei’s D-Wheel was speeding toward them, a cloud of dust rising in the distance behind him. “Yusei!” cried several of the ponies as they dashed toward him. Discord’s eyes widened and he dashed forward. “Wait!” he shouted, but it was too late. Each pony disappeared before him. He looked up. Yusei was gone as well. “Just great,” said the draconequus. “Now I have to find them! Just fantastic.” He started walking, grumbling the whole time. ***** Applejack stopped and looked around. She was standing on a thin outcropping in the mountains. “Uh... girls?” she said. Nopony answered. “Uh-oh.” “You look lost,” said a deep voice behind her. Applejack gulped and turned around. A huge, purple dragon loomed over her. “I, uh... yeah, a little,” she said. “But, uh, I’ll just go back the way I came and leave you alo-” “Applejack?” said the dragon. ***** Rarity groaned as she walked. “I just HAD to end up in a rainstorm, didn’t I?” she grumbled. She flicked her now dripping mane out of her face. Rain fell in sheets all around her, obscuring her vision. “I’ll have to find shelter then.” Her horn lit up as she began to shine the way ahead of her. Several minutes passed with no shelter in sight, not even so much as a tree. Cold water ran down Rarity’s nose. She sneezed. “And now I’m catching a cold,” she said. “Just wonderful. Oh? What’s that?” Something glimmered in the distance. Rarity started walking toward it. ***** Pinkie Pie bounced along. The sun was shining, the grass was the most green it had ever been, and she and the girls were going to be reunited with Yusei. “Then we can stop that meanie-pants Paradox guy from doing... whatever he’s doing!” she announced proudly. “Right, girls? ....girls?” Pinkie stopped bouncing and looked around. Her friends were gone. “Oh no,” she said. “It must have been one of those time bubble things!” “What are you talking about?” came a voice behind her. Pinkie gasped and jumped into the air, spinning around as she did. She landed flat on her belly with an “Oompf!” “Are you okay?” asked the pony standing over her. Pinkie slowly stood up. “Yeah, I’m okay,” she said. She looked at the pony. She was a light brown with white marks on her chest and nose. And she was wearing a hat that resembled a large pudding cake. ***** “Twilight!” called Rainbow Dash. “Fluttershy! Pinkie! Anypony!” She flew in every direction she could think of as she searched for her friends, but she found nothing. There was nothing but dirt and rocks. “Hello?” she shouted. “Somepony answer me!” Rainbow Dash landed. “Okay, so I’m all alone and there’s no telling if anypony is anywhere. I’m lost in time, and I’m probably lost in this wasteland. Okay, think... if I can’t find anypony, maybe somepony can find me. But how?” She sat and racked her brain for ideas. Then it hit her. “Of course!” she said before shooting into the sky. “The one thing I can do that gets me all the attention I could ever want!” Moments later, a rainbow shock wave spread out across the land. Rainbow Dash flew in wide circles for several minutes before landing. “And now we play the waiting game,” she said with a proud smile. But her smile faded when she realized what she just said. “Ugh. I hate waiting for stuff to happen...” Rainbow Dash landed and started pacing back and forth. She sat. She drew in the dirt. She paced again. She flew in circles. She screamed at the boredom. She landed again, panting. A shadow appeared over her. She looked up. “Oh no,” she said. ***** “Yusei!” Fluttershy called. She hovered in the air and waved a hoof above her head. Yusei saw her and began to slow down, rolling to a stop just in front of her. “Fluttershy!” he said as he removed his helmet. “I’m glad you’re okay. Sorry for running off earlier.” “That’s okay,” said Fluttershy. “Did you find Paradox?” “Yeah, but he ran off and I lost him,” Yusei answered. “Hey, where’s everyone else?” “What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked. “They’re right he- um... girls? Where did you go?” “Oh this is not good,” said Yusei. “Girls! Where’d you go?” Fluttershy called. “Oh no! What if something happened to them?” “Calm down, Fluttershy,” said Yusei. “You probably just got separated in a time rift. I’m sure they’re fine.” “But what if they got separated from each other too?” said Fluttershy. “With everything that’s happening, I don’t know how they’ll-” “They’ll be fine, Fluttershy,” said Yusei. “Your friends can take care of themselves.” “That is where you are wrong, Yusei,” came a familiar voice. Yusei and Fluttershy turned to see Paradox. The bottom half of his mask had broken off and he grinned wickedly at them. “Five of the six Bearers of Harmony have been dealt with. All that is left is to destroy the Element of Kindness! Go, Malefic Stardust Dragon!” ***** “I don’t think we’re gonna find them, Twilight,” said Spike. “We have to find them, Spike!” Twilight replied. “These temporal distortions are spreading and getting worse. If we don’t find them soon, who knows what might happen!” “But Twilight, look around!” said Spike. “There’s nopony here!” “That’s not entirely true,” came a voice behind them. “I am here, as are the two of you.” Twilight turned around. Her jaw dropped. “You know,” said the bearded pony, “you very much resemble my apprentice Clover.” ***** Dark storms loomed over the land. Princess Celestia flew as fast as she could, dodging any distortions she saw, but the more she tried to avoid them, the further out of her way she went. “At this rate, I’ll pass through Trottingham before I even get close to Ponyville!” she muttered with frustration as she dove under another rift. She glanced up and saw that it stretched onward, snaking its way above her path before spiralling down in front of her again. Lightning flashed above her, striking the distortion. The electricity danced along the outside and vanished. Then thick tendrils began branching off from the main body of the rift, twisting through the air in every direction. “This is not good,” said Celestia. She began to beat her wings faster. She swerved and dove and spun trying to avoid every tendril that snaked its way near her. One dropped in front of her and a large stone flew out of it, striking her wing. She lost the bag which held the Elements of Harmony, and she herself began to fall. TO BE CONTINUED > Chapter 6: Hunt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 6: Hunt *********************\ Paradox continues running rampant throughout Equestria’s history. Our heroes have been split up by the growing labyrinth of temporal distortions and each now faces a new challenge! Can our heroes overcome adversity and reunite with one another? Will they discover Paradox’s endgame? Or will they remain lost in time as the masked menace wreaks untold havoc? *********************\ Author’s Note: One of these days, I’m going to figure out how to make my brain stop churning out ideas. This story is getting out of hand. Also, I apologize for the delay in releasing this chapter. Bit of craziness IRL right now. /*********************\ “Applejack? Is that you?” said the purple dragon. “How’d you know my name?” asked Applejack. “It’s me! Spike!” said the dragon. Applejack’s jaw dropped. “It’s been a long time, huh?” said Spike. Applejack shook herself. “Uh.... I guess,” she said. “Where’s Twilight? And how’d you get so big anyway?” “Twilight’s... gone,” said Spike, looking away. “It’s been a hundred years since I saw anypony other than Celestia.” “A hundred- oh jeez,” said Applejack. “That time rip must’ve sent me to the future.” “And into the Dragon Mountains too,” said Spike. He held out his clawed hand. “I remember this. Come on, I’ll take you to Canterlot. Maybe Celestia can help get you back.” Applejack hopped into Spike’s hand and he placed her on his back. Then he slowly made his way down the mountain. “So I guess this is just after everypony got separated trying to get to Yusei,” said Spike. Then he added, “For you, that is.” “Yeah, I guess,” Applejack replied. “Uh... Spike, if you remember what happened...” “Uh-uh,” said Spike. “Can’t tell you that.” “Why not?” “For two reasons. One, I told the Spike you know that, except for this, I didn’t tell you anything. And two, contradicting what I remember might make things worse. At least, that’s what Celestia told me.” “So that’s why you’re takin’ me to see the Princess?” “Yeah. I can’t say anything, but she might can. She might even get you back to your own time.” “A pity that will never happen!” came a loud voice. Applejack turned around and Spike looked over his shoulder. Paradox raced down the mountain toward them on his D-Wheel. ***** Rarity knocked rapidly on the door. “Hello?” she called. “Is anyone there?” The door opened and a brown stallion with a gray mane appeared in the doorway. “Can I help you?” he asked. “Yes, I appear to have gotten a bit, well, lost,” said Rarity. “Lost?” said the older pony. “Yes. I was with my friends, but the next thing I knew, I was in this rainstorm and- oh can I please come inside?” she begged. “It’s absolutely frigid out here!” “Yes, yes, of course!” said the pony. He quickly stepped aside. “Where are my manners? Come in! There’s a fire already lit in the room to your left.” “Thank you, sir,” said Rarity. “My name’s Clyde, by the way,” said the stallion. “Clyde Pie.” Then he called out, “Sue! Find some towels!” “What for?” came a female voice. “We have a guest! Poor thing got caught in the rain!” “Um, excuse me, sir,” said Rarity, “but did you say your last name was ‘Pie’?” “Yes I did,” said Clyde. “Why do you ask?” “I know somepony- a close friend of mine actually- named-” Suddenly a towel was thrown over her head. “Ah! Who turned out the lights?!” “Oops!” said the female voice with a chuckle. “Sorry about that, miss!” Rarity pulled the towel back. Standing next to Clyde was a pale gray mare, her mane tied in a bun behind her head, gold spectacles resting on the end of her nose. “I’m Sue Pie,” she said. “And you are...?” “Rarity,” said the white unicorn. “By any chance, are you two related to Pinkie Pie?” “Why, yes we are,” said Clyde. “Are you a friend of hers?” “Yes, a very close friend!” said Rarity. “I see. Well, I suppose she’ll be happy to see you. Sue, dear, take our guest to the fire and I’ll go get Pinkamina,” said Clyde. He turned and walked up the stairs. “This way, dear,” said Sue. Sue Pie led Rarity to a simple but thick rug in front of the fireplace. Rarity sat down and began rubbing the towel gently through her mane and coat. “So, Mrs. Pie-” she began. “Please, call me Sue,” said Sue. “Sue. Why is Pinkie here? I thought she moved to Ponyville,” said Rarity. “Is she visiting?” “Ponyville? What are you talking about, Rarity?” asked Sue. Suddenly a voice came from behind them. “But, Dad, I don’t know anyone named Rarity!” “Are you sure?” came Clyde’s voice. “She’s right there.” Rarity turned around. Staring right at her was a bushy-maned, bright pink filly. “Nope, never seen her before,” said the filly. “Hi! I’m Pinkie!” “Oh dear,” said Rarity. “This is going to be terribly difficult to explain, isn’t it?” “Maybe not,” said Clyde. “Perhaps you know another pony named Pinkie?” “Well, yes and no,” said Rarity. “You see, I know Pinkie, but she doesn’t know me. At least, not yet. She will when she moves to Ponyville.” “I don’t follow,” said Clyde. “I don’t either,” said Pinkie. “How can you know me but I don’t know you but I will when I grow up unless you’re a time traveller which is just silly because I’ve never heard of a time-travelling unicorn but that’d be really cool if I met one and maybe we could go on a cool time-hopping adventure to-” “Okay, Pinkie, dear,” said Sue. “Please excuse her, she gets a bit... excitable at times.” “It’s quite alright,” said Rarity. “I’m used to it. But that little, er, rant that just happened... well, she’s right. I’m a time traveller. Well, technically, I’m lost in time. I ended up here by accident.” “So... you’re from the future?” said Clyde. “Yes,” said Rarity. “You really expect us to believe that?” he asked. “Not right away, no,” Rarity replied. “You’re really travelling through time?” squealed Pinkie. “Dad! There’s something weird coming out of the rain!” came a voice from upstairs. “In a minute, Inkie!” said Clyde. “Dad, it’s moving really fast and coming straight for the house!” came another, younger voice. Clyde sighed. “Sue, see if you can make sense of what’s going on here,” he said. “I’m going to see what those girls are talking about.” He turned and left. Sue got up and walked over to a window. “Rarity, my husband may not believe you,” said Sue, “but I think you might be telling the truth.” “You do?” said Rarity. “Yes. Do you know what time it is right now?” asked Sue. She turned and walked over to another window. “No.” “It’s the middle of the day, and yet it’s as dark as night outside. And the rain is just as strange; there wasn’t a cloud in the sky today.” “That’s because something terrible is happening. A person from another dimension named Paradox is trying to destroy Equestria!” “What? Why? How?” “He’s been travelling through time, and it’s causing reality to break down.” “So he’s breaking reality?” said the tiny Pinkie Pie. “I do that all the time! It’s easy!” “Of course you do, dear,” said Sue. “Say, what is that light in the distance?” Rarity got up and joined Sue at the window. Pinkie bounced over and stood on her hind legs to see, resting her hooves on the window sill. A light was racing toward the house. Flying behind it were several large shapes, beating their wings. A deep roar shook the house. “Oh no,” said Rarity. “He’s here!” ***** “Why are you wearing a pudding cake?” asked Pinkie Pie. “Why does everypony keep asking me that? It’s just a hat I made!” said the pony. “Well, it looks delicious!” said Pinkie. “So, um, where am I? Am I still in Ponyville?” “Ponyville? No. You’re in Equestria.” “Well I know that, silly! But I was in Ponyville just a- wait, you don’t know about Ponyville?” “No?” “And you’re wearing a pudding hat.” “It’s not- bleh, fine. Yes.” “You’re Chancellor Puddinghead!” “And there are days when I think my parents were prophets,” huffed the pony. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.” “You know, you’re not as fun as the script makes you out to be,” said Pinkie Pie as she fell in stride behind the chancellor. “Script? Oh, that performance Playwright is working on,” sighed Puddinghead. “He likes to embellish things. A lot. Those meetings were incredibly serious, as are the ones coming up.” “What’re you gonna talk about?” asked Pinkie. “We still have to work out treaties regarding territory and how to deal with the Windigos should they come back. Furthermore, we still have to allocate farming and weather duties amongst the pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies. On top of that, we have to come up with a decent weather schedule that also takes the local wildlife into account. And after that-” “Okay, okay, I get it! You’ve got a lot of important stuff to talk about.” “You’re quite right. Why are you following me?” “Because I don’t have anyone else to follow.” Puddinghead stopped and whirled around. “Who are you anyway?” “Oh, I’m sorry! I never introduced myself. I’m Pinkie Pie!” “Uh-huh. Well, as much... fun as this has been, I have important business to attend to. The founding of Equestria was one thing, but the formation of its government is quite another, and I have to make sure the earth ponies don’t get the short end of the stick.” She turned and walked off. “Well, can it wait?” asked Pinkie. “Because something really bad is happening and it’s actually how I ended up here! I think we need to talk with the leaders of the other pony clans and see if we can get them to-” “You just don’t get it, do you?” growled Puddinghead. “Tensions are still incredibly high between the clans. Just because six of us made friends doesn’t mean the rest of us will.” “But this is important!” said Pinkie. “I’m from the future and all of Equestria is in danger! The past, the future, all of it!” “The... future?” “Right!” “You’re an earth pony.” “Right!” “You’re not magical.” “Um... right.” “Time travel magic is still being investigated by that bearded wizard and his companion.” “I... right?” Puddinghead stopped and glared at Pinkie again. “So you honestly expect me to believe you’re from the future?” “Right.” “And what makes you say that?” Pinkie pointed over the chancellor’s shoulder and said, “That.” Puddinghead turned around. A purple and silver streak raced across the landscape before turning sharply and heading toward them. “RUN!” yelled Pinkie. ***** “YOU!” shrieked Rainbow Dash. “What are YOU doing here?!” “I may have been banished from your world, but Tartarus is a dark place,” said the cloaked figure. “Did you honestly think you could destroy me that easily?” “Well, never showing up again might have been nice!” Dash snapped. Then her expression changed. “Wait a second. Did you say ‘Tartarus’?” “I am not your only concern, Rainbow Dash,” said the figure. “Your sonic rainboom will have attracted every evil creature living in the depths of Tartarus. You are very much in trouble.” A thunderous rumbling echoed across the emptiness. Rainbow Dash turned around. A massive dust cloud was approaching the two of them. Dark shapes twisted and writhed within. But something was racing ahead of it. Something that gleamed in the gray light. “Oh no,” said Dash. “Paradox!” She quickly took to the air and flew off. “You cannot run forever, Rainbow Dash!” boomed the cloaked figure’s deep voice. “You and all of Equestria will fall!” ***** A clear beam sparkling with black light raced toward Yusei and Fluttershy. Yusei grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof and pulled her onto his D-Wheel before taking off. The beam missed them, leaving a sizable hole in the ground. Paradox revved his D-Wheel’s engine and shot off after them. Malefic Stardust Dragon flew above and behind him. “You can’t escape me, Yusei Fudo!” shouted Paradox. “The Bearers of Harmony are doomed, as are you and this world!” “Yusei, what are we going to do?” cried Fluttershy. “I don’t know,” said Yusei. “But we’ll think of something. We have to!” “Wait,” said Fluttershy, suddenly calm. “How does he know about the Elements of Harmony?” “Probably found out about them while he was time-hopping,” said Yusei. “Whatever he’s planning, we can’t let him win! I’ve gotta keep you safe!” Yusei pushed a button on his Duel Disk. It opened and a card slid out. “Take flight, Stardust Dragon!” ***** “You’re... you’re...” Twilight stammered. “Star Swirl the Bearded,” said the bearded pony. “No way,” said Spike. “THE Star Swirl the Bearded? The one who made the Amniomorphic Spell?” “Why does everyone pronounce it that way?” said Star Swirl, rolling his eyes. “It’s OMNIO-morphic. A shape-shifting spell.” “Oh, heh heh,” Spike chuckled. “Star Swirl, we need your help,” said Twilight. “Someone’s causing chaos in- Spike, did you actually read that book?” “Well, I had a look at it when the time stuff started happening and-” “Um... you needed my help?” asked Star Swirl. “Um... yes,” said Twilight. “You see, someone’s causing chaos in Equestria and we got separated from our friends! Can you help us?” “The dragon- Spike, was it?- said something about ‘time stuff’. What exactly does he mean?” “That’s the chaos. Time anomalies have been appearing all over!” “Time anoma- how? Unless...” “Unless he’s travelling through time and changing the past?” came a voice. Twilight, Spike and Star Swirl looked to its source. “Paradox!” said Twilight. Her horn began to glow. ***** Discord looked around him. “The palace gardens?” he muttered. “Why am I he-” He stopped. A statue caught his eye. His statue. Discord slowly walked up to it, gazing at it. “Yes... I remember that day,” he said. “I liked them both. But I loved Celestia... Hm. But I could never resist making Luna happy. She was just as much my younger sister as she was Celestia’s. She asked me to sing for her. Her favorite song... how could I not? I loved to see her smile.” Discord shut his eyes. He slammed his fist on the pedestal. “I was a fool!” He glared up at the statue. “YOU are a fool!” “We are all fools,” came a voice behind him. “The only thing we can do is see our mistakes and learn from them.” Discord turned around. “Or in my case,” said the voice behind him, “prevent them from happening.” Discord looked at the masked man before him. His hands were folded behind his back, his stance straight and unchallenging. “Paradox, I presume?” he said. “Indeed,” said the man. “Discord?” “Correct,” said the chimera. Paradox raised his gaze. “An inspiring statue, I think,” he said. “Yourself?” “Myself imprisoned,” said Discord. “Literally. I’m trapped in there.” “A shame,” said Discord. “Why are you here before me?” “To destroy you, of course,” Paradox answered. “I have already defeated the Bearers of Harmony, as well as Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Celestia. I cannot have you running around undoing what I have done.” “Celestia?!” Discord glared. “What did you do to her?” “What was necessary for my world,” Paradox replied. “Do you duel, Discord?” “I know how,” said Discord. A Duel Disk appeared on his right arm. A rainbow of colors swirled around each other across the disk. Three uneven spikes adorned the edge. “Whatever you did to Celestia, I’ll make you pay for it!” “Then let us begin,” said Paradox as he brought his right arm out from behind his back. His Duel Disk was already in place. “DUEL!” they both shouted. TO BE CONTINUED > Chapter 7: Defeat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 7: Defeat *********************\ Discord has challenged Paradox to a duel! Will chaos triumph over time? Or will Paradox defeat Discord? Meanwhile, Celestia has lost the Elements of Harmony and stumbles across an incredible discovery... *********************\ Author’s Note: I’d originally intended for there to be only one duel, but one of the comments got me thinking that I could right up a quick one between Discord and Paradox. So here you go. I’ll get back to the Main 6 in the next chapter. /*********************\ “DUEL!” Life Point Count Paradox: 4000 Discord: 4000 “I shall take the first turn,” said Paradox. “I activate the Field Spell ‘Malefic World’. Within this sinful realm, our lives are forfeit should one of us lose.” The atmosphere around them changed to appear like a purple nebula. Stars twinkled in the distance. Discord kept his gaze fixed on Paradox. “Next I play the Continuous Spell ‘Field Barrier’,” Paradox continued. “Field Spells cannot be destroyed and neither of us may play a new Field Spell. Then I summon ‘Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon’ and ‘Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon’.” As he spoke, two dragons appeared behind him. One was the familiar Blue-Eyes, while the other was a smaller, black dragon with many spikes. Both of them wore black and white half-masks which covered the right eye. Their wings had similar markings on them. Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon ATK/3000 LV 8 Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon ATK/2400 LV 7 “Blue-Eyes... you and I aren’t that different, are we?” said Discord. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” said Paradox. “You’ll see soon enough,” Discord replied. “Are you done?” “I end my turn with two face-downs,” Paradox answered. Discord drew a card. “First, I send ‘Darknight Parshath’ to the Graveyard to Special Summon ‘Dark Grepher’ from my hand.” Discord’s dark warrior appeared before him, grinning evilly as he brandished his black sword. Dark Grepher ATK/1700 LV 4 “Next, I’ll use Grepher’s effect by discarding a DARK monster from my hand, so I can send a DARK monster from my deck to the Graveyard. And now all the pieces are in place!” “For what, exactly?” asked Paradox. “For my own corrupted monsters. When there are exactly three DARK monsters in my Graveyard, this monster can be Special Summoned from my hand. Behold, ‘Dark Armed Dragon’!” A deep roar echoed throughout the gardens as a monstrous black dragon appeared. Axe blades and drills jutted out of its armor and a massive club rested at the end of its tail. Dark Armed Dragon ATK/2800 LV 7 “I’ll use my Armed Dragon’s ability! By banishing a DARK monster from my Graveyard, I can destroy one card on the field. Go, Dark Mambele!” The black dragon grabbed the massive blades that were its wings and pulled them off their stands, then threw them forward. They spun through the air with a loud whistle, then sliced through the corrupted Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The blades turned and spun back to Dark Armed Dragon, reattaching themselves to its armor. “I play the Trap ‘Malefic Tune’,” said Paradox. “When a Malefic monster is destroyed, I draw 2 cards.” “As if I care,” said Discord. “Dark Armed Dragon, attack Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon with Dark Armed Punisher!” Discord’s dragon slashed at Paradox’s remaining dragon, its claws slicing through it like paper, and it exploded. Discord ordered Dark Grepher to attack directly after. The warrior jumped through the smoke and brought his sword down on Paradox. Life Point Count Paradox: 1900 “I play another Malefic Tune,” said Paradox. He seemed unfazed by the attacks as he drew his two cards. “I Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” said Discord. “I wonder,” said Paradox as he drew, “why you didn’t simply destroy both monsters and attack me directly?” “You had two face-downs,” said Discord. “Sure, it turned out they were just draw cards, but what if you had gotten a hand effect? I lost to Yusei because of such a card.” “A misplay on your part regardless,” said Paradox. “I Special Summon ‘Malefic Cyber End Dragon’ to the field!” A massive mechanical dragon emerged from a portal in the ground. Both of its wings were covered in the same pattern as Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes before it. Each of its three heads wore a mask. The center head wore one of both black and white, while the ones on the sides wore only black and only white. Malefic Cyber End Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “I also activate ‘Malefic Divide’, that I may revive Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon,” Paradox continued. The white dragon appeared once more, roaring loudly. “You’ll have to do better than that,” said Discord. “I plan to,” replied Paradox. “I summon the Tuner Monster ‘Malefic Parallel Gear’.” A thin mass of gears and springs appeared. Malefic Parallel Gear ATK/0 LV 2 “Malefic Parallel Gear, tune with Malefic Blue-Eyes!” said Paradox. The gears of the little monster began to spin faster and faster. As its body vanished, two bright stars appeared and drew black rings around Malefic Blue-Eyes. “Born from the threshold of the dimension of Darkness, time to lower the curtain of destruction on the stage that surpasses time and space! I Synchro Summon ‘Malefic Paradox Dragon’!” A black pillar appeared around the dragon and enveloped it completely. A much larger dragon emerged from within. Its body was black with white running along the ridges of its armor and thick wings. Yellow spikes jutted out from behind its head. Its eyes were two red slits that stared emptily ahead. Malefic Paradox Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “Battle! Malefic Paradox Dragon, attack Dark Armed Dragon!” The dark dragon inhaled deeply, then released a stream of purple energy that destroyed Discord’s monster. “Now, Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack Dark Grepher! Eternal Evolution Burst!” The three-headed machine launched a fireball from each head at Discord’s monster. It was utterly obliterated and Discord was thrown to the ground by the explosion. Life Point Count Discord: 500 “I Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” said Paradox. “Not... yet... you don’t,” growled Discord as he stood up. “I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Fires of Doomsday’! This summons two ‘Doomsday Tokens’ to my field in Defense Mode!” One of Discord’s face-down cards flipped up. Two small creatures made of smoke appeared. Each one had a single, expressionless eye in the center of its head. Doomsday Token DEF/0 LV 1 ***** Celestia’s eyelids slowly opened. The wind and the rain stung her eyes and pushed against her wings. She saw the bag falling beneath her, but no thoughts passed through her mind except those of survival. She tried to fully extend her wings, but the wind pushed against them, keeping them at their odd angles. Celestia looked down at the bag again. A thought passed through her mind: The Elements! She pulled her wings in and regained control, then beat her wings to speed up her dive. It was so close. A time rift snaked its way toward her. She saw it out of the corner of her eye and swerved to avoid it. It missed her, but only just, and the bag containing the Elements of Harmony had gained some distance. Celestia redoubled her speed. Another rift flew into her path, but much further away. Realizing where it was headed, Celestia tried to speed up again, but it was too late. The rift caught the bag and then vanished. Celestia pulled up and slowed to a stop. “Oh no,” she said. “Oh, this is beyond bad.” A rift came out of nowhere and struck her from the side. ***** “My turn!” said Discord. “First I play ‘Smashing Ground’! This card destroys the monster on your field with the most Defense Points.” Discord’s card appeared before him. The earth trembled and a fissure opened up in the ground, sliding its way toward Malefic Paradox Dragon. Malefic Paradox Dragon DEF/4000 Malefic Cyber End Dragon DEF/2800 “Don’t get hasty,” said Paradox. “I activate the Trap Card ‘Malefic Force’. A Malefic monster equipped with this card is unaffected by my opponent’s Spell Cards. A good try, but you will have to do better than that.” A web of chromatic light weaved itself in front of Paradox’s dragon. The fissure winding its way through the ground stopped at the web. “Plan ‘B’ then,” said Discord. “You have but one Set card and two unremarkable tokens,” said Paradox. “Your hand is empty and you have no other options. I don’t believe you have a ‘plan B’.” “I do," replied Discord. “I just don’t know what it is yet. I play the Trap ‘Dark Spirit Art - Greed’! By sacrificing one of my tokens, I can draw two cards. You can negate this effect if you’re holding a Spell Card. But look! Your hand’s empty too!” Discord grinned as he drew his two cards. “Oh. So that’s Plan ‘B’. I Release my remaining Doomsday Token to summon ‘Darklord Zerato’!” The angel of darkness unfurled his bat-like wings and pointed his scimitar at Paradox. A deep rumble emanated from beneath his mask. Darklord Zerato ATK/2800 LV8 “Normally he requires two sacrifices,” said Discord, “but since there are four DARK monsters with different names in my Graveyard, I can summon him at half the cost!” “Your monster pales in comparison to mine,” said Paradox nonchalantly. “My deck draws on the power of the strongest creatures throughout Duel Monsters history.” “Then how come they’re about to get blown up?” Discord sneered. “I activate Zerato’s effect! By sending a DARK monster from my hand to the Graveyard, I can destroy all monsters on your field!” Darklord Zerato flared out his wing-like cape and raised his sword. Bolts of black lightning shot out of the blade and danced through the gardens in an unholy manner, spiralling toward Paradox’s dragons. “You will not get the best of me!” said Paradox. “I activate the Trap ‘Malefic Claw Stream’! If I control a Malefic Synchro Monster, I can destroy one of your monsters!” A violet whirlwind spun out of the card and struck Darklord Zerato, destroying him. The black lightning continued its dance, striking down both of Paradox’s monsters. The smoke cleared. Both Paradox and Discord were panting. “It seems we are at a standstill,” said Discord. “Neither of us has any monsters, and our hands are empty.” “And yet I will win,” said Paradox calmly. “You are out of time, Discord.” “What makes you say that?” Discord asked. ““Time is a malevolent current which flows into destruction, pushing all things to an end,” said the masked man. “It is beyond even your chaotic powers.” “Then it’s fortunate that time never interested me,” said Discord. “I’m immortal, so why should it?” “In my grand experiment, I seek preservation. If my people survive, then we can escape the flow of time.” “Yawn,” said the draconequus mockingly. “Just take your turn already, would you? Pinkie and I have to go dump strawberry milkshakes on Twilight.” “The Bearers of Harmony have long since been dealt with,” the masked man. “As I shall deal with you. I activate the effect of Malefic World. In lieu of drawing a card, I can add a random Malefic monster from my deck to my hand.” Discord’s eyes widened as a familiar white dragon appeared above him. “No,” he said quietly, shakily. “Malefic Stardust Dragon, attack!” ordered Paradox. ***** Celestia floated through space. In infinite blackness, swirling portals were opening. Rivers of light flowed from them into a glowing point. “What is this?” said Celestia. “Where am I?” “You are at the end of my experiment,” said a voice. Celestia turned and saw a masked human standing beside her. “The end and the beginning.” “Who are you?” asked Celestia. “What is all of this?” “The tunnels you’ve seen growing in the sky all lead here,” said the man. “The energy flows into this point. This is the end of all things. How ironic that we are at the beginning.” “What are you talking about?” “My name is Paradox. This point, this... singularity is where your universe began. I shall use this energy in my grand experiment.” “You’re destroying our world!” “A regrettable loss. It is truly a beautiful place. But I must do this to save my people.” ***** Storm clouds gathered overhead. Deep thunder rumbled across the sky. Discord lay at the feet of his statue, once again encased in stone. Paradox’s D-Wheel raced off and disappeared. TO BE CONTINUED > Chapter 8: Fall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 8: Fall *********************\ Paradox begins his ruthless assault on the Bearers of Harmony and their guardians! Yusei struggles to protect Fluttershy as they search desperately for their friends!. Can the Bearers of Harmony escape Paradox’s wrath, or has he already won? Only time will tell... *********************\ Author’s Note: And thus we begin the downfall of our heroes! I have so many plans with this story now. I still know where this story is going to end, but it’s getting bigger and bigger all the time. So many things I can do now. A grown-up Spike, Pinkie’s family, Chancellor Puddinghead being exactly the opposite of her portrayal in the pageant, Star Swirl the Bearded, and let’s also not forget about the cloaked figure in Tartarus, and the opportunity for some character development between Yusei and Fluttershy. /*********************\ “Who are you?” asked the bearded pony. “My name is Paradox, as the Element of Magic has stated,” said the masked man. “Element of... you mean to tell me that you’re connected an Element of Harmony?” said Star Swirl. “Long story and we’re from the future, so maybe you shouldn’t know about that,” said Spike. “I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish,” said Twilight, “but you’re destroying my home! I’ll stop you here and now!” “That is laughable,” said Paradox. “But you are welcome to try.” Twilight fired a beam of magical energy from her horn. Paradox revved his D-Wheel and sped out of the beam’s path. He held a card up. A dragon appeared above him. “That’s-!” said Spike. “Yusei’s card,” said Twilight. “Stardust Dragon!” The creature roared. Black and white armor wrapped around its chest, knees and legs. A mask similar to Paradox’s was clamped onto its face. “What have you done to it?!” demanded Twilight. “I have subdued it and made it mine,” said Paradox. “Malefic Stardust Dragon, attack!” The dragon roared again and fired a sparkling beam at Twilight. Twilight shielded her eyes. But the impact never came. She looked up. A barrier had appeared around her. She looked behind her and saw that Star Swirl had conjured it. “Thank you!” she said. “Don’t thank me yet,” said Star Swirl. “You! Just what do you think you’re doing?” “Changing your past to save my future,” said Paradox. “In my world, my race is dead, destroyed by their own selfishness. My mission is to prevent that future.” “Just who do you think you are?!” roared the bearded unicorn. “What you are doing could tear the very fabric of reality apart!” “That is my goal,” said the masked man. “Your writings on time travel were quite enlightening, Star Swirl, but now, your role has reached its end. Malefic Stardust Dragon, attack!” Twilight blinked. The old pony was knocked to the ground, smoke rising from his cloak, his hat laying only a few feet away from him. The barrier faded and this time, Twilight felt the impact. She and Spike were thrown to the ground. Spike tumbled on and fell disappeared. Twilight, however, didn’t notice. “You cannot fight against me, Twilight Sparkle,” said Paradox. “Not even you are strong enough.” Twilight stood up slowly. Fire burned in her eyes as she shot Paradox a glare. “We’ll see about that!” she roared. Energy swirled into her horn. Malefic Stardust inhaled. Two massive beams fired at one another, one clear and sparkling, the other bright pink. The two beams were not aimed directly at each other and just barely missed one another. they began to twist around one another as they approached their targets. Suddenly they slammed together and exploded. The shockwave pushed against Paradox and tossed the dragon backward through the air. Twilight rushed forward, firing a quick stream of small pink bolts at Paradox. Paradox revved his engine and drove out of the way. Twilight stopped and followed him as he circled her. Paradox weaved and twisted to avoid each bolt. Twilight began charging another large blast. Paradox looked at Twilight. He quickly took a card from his deck and played it. Twilight fired her beam at the spot where Paradox would be. She grinned and said, “Gotcha!” There was a flash of white and an explosion. Twilight was knocked back again. She groaned and looked up. Two white dragons loomed over her, wearing masks and armor patterned after the mask of Twilight’s opponent. Each dragon was familiar; and each one corrupt. She gasped. Paradox laughed. She looked at him. “Why...” she said, panting. “Why are you doing this?” “For the benefit of my world,” said the masked human before her. “But to do this, I must eliminate all who would stand in my way. And I must, regrettably, sacrifice your world.” Malefic Stardust Dragon roared, twisting its head through the air. Blue-Eyes White Dragon floated beside it, covered in the same armor and mask, one of its eyes exposed. It growled deeply and Twilight shuddered. “Perish, Element of Magic!” said the masked man. The two dragons roared and opened fire. Twilight’s eyes went wide as she cried out. “Help!” The explosion was massive. Dust and smoke flew up into the air. When it cleared, all that remained was a crater. There was no sign of Twilight or her companions. Paradox disappeared. ***** Distant rumbling echoed throughout the mountains. It sounded like thunder, but there were no clouds in the sky that day. A purple dragon bounded down the side of a mountain. An orange earth pony had her front legs wrapped around one of his spikes, hanging on for dear life. Fireballs and energy beams shot over and past them, leaving massive holes in the landscape. Applejack looked over her shoulder. “Left, Spike!” she yelled.. “Left!” The dragon lurched to the left as two fireballs struck the spot where he’d been just moments before. A three-headed, mechanical dragon flew after them, with two smaller dragons trailing behind it. Spike kept running on all fours, shooting ahead as fast as he could. Paradox swerved and sped after them. “Hang on tight, AJ!” said Spike. “I’m hangin’ as tight as I caaaaAAAAAAAN!” Spike had jumped into the air and spun around. He loosed a quick shot of green fire at Paradox. Paradox swerved and dodged the jet of green flame. Spike finished his spin and landed, keeping his pace. “These mountains shall be your grave,” said Paradox. “Go, my monsters! Destroy it all!” Fireballs and energy beams shot overhead at the mountains ahead of Spike. He stopped when explosions shot up in front of him. Landslides began to roll down the mountains. Spike tried to escape, but the attacks from the other dragons kept him from going anywhere. In a matter of minutes, he and Applejack were buried. ***** “Everyone needs to hide!” said Rarity. “Get your family out of here as quickly as possible! He’s after me, not you!” “Who’s after you?” asked Sue. “Paradox,” said Rarity. “He’s trying to destroy our world. Get Clyde and the others and go find a place to hide! I’ll draw him off!” “No,” said Sue, “I won’t let you. We have to stick together!” “Thank you, but this is for the best,” said Rarity. She dashed off toward the front door, using magic to open it as she did. She ran out of the house and into the rain. Her horn was glowing bright blue. “Hey, you!” shouted Rarity. “Over here! You want some? Come get some!” She used her horn as a light as she looked around. She saw large rocks everywhere. Using her magic, she picked them up and began throwing them at the oncoming light. Rocks clanged against the frame of the D-Wheel as it sped toward Rarity. She kept hitting it, but it kept coming. Rarity shrieked and jumped out of the way. As it passed her, she saw that it was vacant. Paradox wasn’t on it. “What the... where could he be?” she wondered aloud. “Behind you.” Rarity whirled around and saw the tall human for a brief moment. His fist came up under her chin and she was thrown through the air, landing hard in a group of rocks. She cried out as the rocks jabbed into her side. She struggled to stand. “The Element of Generosity,” said Paradox. “You are not so generous if you seek to keep this world’s energy to yourself.” Rarity collapsed, panting. She tried again to stand up. “Everyone else has asked why I am trying to destroy your world,” Paradox continued. A white dragon appeared above him and roared. “So I shall tell you as well: My world is dead. My people are dead. I must do something to save them.” “And you would- ah!- sacrifice another world, another species?” Rarity groaned. “You are a hypocrite!” “As long as it saves my world,” said the masked man, “I don’t care! Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon, atta-” A rock hit his head. He stopped and turned around. “You leave her alone!” shouted a pink filly. “Pinkie Pie! Run!” cried Rarity. “So you wish to die as well?” said Paradox. “So be it.” “Uh-oh,” said Pinkie. She started to run as a blast of white lightning struck the ground where she had been moments before. She kept running. Rarity looked around and grabbed as many rocks as she could with her magic, then hurled them at Paradox. A giant wing intercepted them. They bounced off the black and white armor and fell into the mud. Pinkie Pie slipped and fell. Rarity ran as fast as she could toward her. Another blast was fired. A scream. “PINKAMINA!” Lightning flashed overhead. Paradox saw a crater. He turned and left. ***** Pinkie slammed the door behind her. She and the chancellor were panting heavily. “What... in harmony’s name... was that?” asked Puddinghead. “And what was with those weird dragons chasing it?” “Not what,” said Pinkie. “Who. His name is Paradox. And those dragons weren’t chasing him. They were following him.” “The difference being...?” “They’re following his orders.” “Impossible.” “You said the same thing about a time-travelling earth pony.” “Yes I did.” There was a screeching noise outside. “Oh no!” whispered Pinkie. “Come on, let’s hide upstairs!” The two ponies sneaked up the steps as quietly as they could and entered a room across from the landing. Pinkie crept over to the window and looked over the edge. Paradox stood in front of the door. “I know you’re in there, Element of Laughter,” he said. “You can’t stop what is happening. Your world is doomed, but its death will save mine. Could you honestly tell me you would not do the same?” “No I wouldn’t!” shouted Pinkie Pie. She grabbed a potted plant and threw it down at Paradox. It never reached him, and instead disappeared into a rift. “A valiant effort,” said Paradox. “For you, anyway.” He turned and walked back to his D-Wheel. “Burn it to the ground,” he said to the dragons above him. The house collapsed in a matter of moments. ***** Sparkling beams of sonic energy raced past each other. Two nearly identical dragons circled one another, spitting the beams at each other and slashing with their claws when they got close enough. Malefic Stardust Dragon roared and climbed higher into the sky. Yusei’s Stardust Dragon shot up after it. It flapped its wings and gained speed, shooting up like a rocket. Suddenly, the Malefic dragon flipped around and dove past Stardust. It launched a beam directly at Yusei and Fluttershy. Yusei’s D-Wheel raced off. Yusei pushed a button on his console and got a view of the area behind him on the monitor. “What is he doing?!” cried Yusei. Paradox had driven his D-Wheel directly into the path of the blast. “Oh no!” cried Fluttershy. “Yusei, do something!” “I don’t think I can, Fluttershy,” said Yusei. “You have to save him!” she said. “You couldn’t save him before, so save him now! Please!” Yusei blinked. “Fluttershy...” he said. He looked back at the monitor. Paradox had vanished and a large rift had appeared. The beam disappeared within. Yusei looked back up. Paradox appeared before him and swerved to the right. Malefic Stardust Dragon’s attack shot past him and struck Yusei’s D-Wheel, throwing it into the air. Fluttershy screamed. Yusei grabbed her hoof. “I’ve got you, Fluttershy!” he said. They crashed to the ground. ***** Rainbow Dash pushed herself as hard as she could, flew as fast as she could without using another sonic rainboom. Monstrous spikes erupted from the ground in front of her and she swerved to avoid them. Dash looked around, looking desperately for a place to hide. A large outcropping caught her eye. She flapped her wings and sped toward it. She dove behind the rocks and landed, out of breath and exhausted. The cloaked figure rose from the shadows. “You cannot escape his wrath, Rainbow Dash,” it said. “Why do you keep following me?!” Dash demanded. She peeked out from behind the rocks. Paradox was heading her way. “I come to you with an offer,” it said in its deep voice. “I will give you the strength you need to fight him. Should you defeat him, you will do something for me.” “Yeah? And what’s that?” “I will tell you when the time comes.” Dash remained silent. “You can protect your friends this way.” Dash looked up at the figure. “Okay,” she said. The figure vanished. Rainbow Dash stepped out into the open. A dark gray cape appeared around her and a wide, curved, black device appeared before her. TO BE CONTINUED > Chapter 9: Struggle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 9: Struggle *********************\ After making a deal with a dark resident of Tartarus, Dash has acquired the power to duel against Paradox! Will Dash’s new power be enough to stop the time traveler’s rampage? Or will she too fall to the power of the Malefic dragons? *********************\ Author’s Note: As you may be aware, my keyboard is not working properly. I'm typing this on a public computer at the local college. That combined with an epic duel that’s had me exhausted is the reason for the delay in this chapter. The duel itself was especially difficult. After making up my mind about what deck to give to Rainbow Dash, I began having a lot of trouble with the flow of the duel. Over time, I noticed a trend in how the duel was forming, so I went with it. It might have made things a bit harder, but I stuck with it and eventually worked it all out. This duel will debut a few of the new cards I've created for Paradox. I’ll try to explain them as clearly as I can when they're played. /*********************\ Paradox stopped, the brakes on his D-Wheel screeching as he did. He and Rainbow Dash stared at each other. A dusty breeze blew between them. “You’re done,” said Dash. “You’re done destroying my home.” “You do not have the power to stop me,” said Paradox. “I’ve got a new power,” the pegasus replied. “Duel me! If I win- which I will- then you have to undo everything you’ve done!” “Very well,” said Paradox. “Prepare to meet your maker.” He dismounted and readied his Duel Disk. “DUEL!” they shouted. Life Point Count Rainbow Dash: 4000 Paradox: 4000 “I’ll go first!” said Dash. Six cards emerged from a deck on the edge of the curved disk and floated before her. “I activate the Field Spell ‘Advanced Dark’!” A bright blue ring appeared around the two duelists. Within the ring were ancient runes. “Advanced Dark treats all of my ‘Crystal Beast’ monsters on the field or in the Graveyard as DARK monsters. I summon ‘Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus’ in Attack Mode!” Deep blue smoke billowed up from the ground and a white pegasus emerged from within. On the joints of its wings were two large sapphires. On its neck and ankles were a black necklace and bracelets. In the center of its forehead was a ridged, black horn. It snorted as it landed on the field, its wings blowing away the smoke. Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus ATK/1800 LV 4 “When Sapphire Pegasus is Summoned, I can take another Crystal Beast from my hand, deck or Graveyard and turn it into a Continuous Spell.” Another card floated out of Dash’s deck and placed itself on the curved duel blade. A giant amber gemstone appeared on the field. “Amber Mammoth, I presume?” said Paradox. “It’s generally considered polite to say these things.” “After everything you’ve done, you don’t deserve polite!” Dash snapped. “I end my turn with three face-downs.” “My turn,” said Paradox. “I activate my own Continuous Spell, ‘Malefic Space-Time Distortion’. So long as there is a Field Spell in play , this card’s name is treated as ‘Malefic World’ and it cannot be destroyed by card effects.” “Okay...” said Dash. “I send ‘Stardust Dragon’ from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon ‘Malefic Stardust Dragon’ to the field!” said Paradox. Massive wings beat against the air as Stardust Dragon appeared. Dark smoke covered its eyes as a black and white mask clamped down on its head. Black and white armor clanked against the dragon’s torso, knees and wings. The creature roared, almost in pain. Malefic Stardust Dragon ATK/2500 LV 8 “That’s Yusei’s card!” shouted Dash. “What have you done to it?! How DARE you!” Paradox ignored her. “Malefic Stardust Dragon, attack Sapphire Pegasus,” he ordered. “Shooting Sonic!” Stardust inhaled and launched a dark beam at Dash’s monster. “I activate Advanced Dark’s effect!” said Rainbow Dash. “When a Crystal Beast I control battles, I can negate the damage the damage by sending another Crystal Beast from my deck to the Graveyard.” The blast struck Sapphire Pegasus and destroyed it, then continued to Rainbow Dash. A massive emerald appeared before her, blocking the attack. As the beam and the emerald faded, Dash said, “And since it was destroyed, I can turn Sapphire Pegasus into a Continuous Spell instead of sending it to the Graveyard.” “I end my turn,” said Paradox. “My turn!” said Dash. Another card floated out of the black Duel Disk. “I summon ‘Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle’ in Attack Mode.” An eagle appeared on her field. Cerulean gems adorned its chest and wings. Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle ATK/1400 LV 4 “I activate Cobalt Eagle’s effect,” said Rainbow Dash. “Once per turn, I can send a ‘Crystal Beast’ card on my field to the top of my deck. I’ll choose Sapphire Pegasus.” The sapphire gemstone vanished from Dash’s field. “Activate them now,” whispered a dark voice. Dash’s eyes narrowed. Paradox didn’t seem to notice; he simply stood at the opposite end of the circle, waiting. “Won’t I skip six turns, though?” Dash asked. “You will only skip your next two,” said the voice. “Play them now!” “Alright, alright,” Dash grumbled. “I activate my three face-down ‘Reckless Greed’ cards. I draw six cards and skip my next two Draw Phases. I’ll end my turn with a face-down.” “Impressive,” said Paradox. “But it won’t help. I send ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’ from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard to summon ‘Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend’ to the field!” Crimson flames erupted behind Paradox and a red, demonic dragon appeared behind him. Another black and white mask clamped itself around this dragon’s head. Black and white spirals wrapped around its three horns. Malefic armor appeared on its chest, shoulders, wings and legs. Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend ATK/3000 LV 8 “Just how many of these things do you have?!” said Dash. “My deck is comprised of the most powerful cards from throughout Duel Monsters history,” Paradox answered. “Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Cobalt Eagle! Absolute Powerforce!” Blood-red fire consumed the fiendish dragon’s hand. It slammed its palm into the Eagle and closed its fist around it. “I send ‘Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat’ to the Graveyard so Advanced Dark can protect my Life Points!” said Rainbow Dash. “Next, instead of letting Cobalt Eagle turn into a crystal, I’ll let it go to the Graveyard so I can activate ‘Crystal Pair’! When one of my Crystal Beasts is destroyed by battle and goes to the Graveyard, I can play a Crystal Beast from my deck as a Continuous Spell Card.” A large ruby appeared in front of Dash. “Collect as many gems as you like,” said Paradox. “It doesn’t matter. Malefic Stardust Dragon, direct attack.” Malefic Stardust spat its dark beam at Rainbow Dash. She simply watched it approach. It struck, creating an explosion. The smoke cleared and revealed Rainbow Dash grinning. A Life Point Counter hovered next to her. Life Point Count Rainbow Dash: 4000 “What?!” said Paradox. “But how-?” “Crystal Pair’s second effect,” sneered Rainbow Dash. “For the rest of the turn, I don’t take any Battle Damage.” “Fine,” said Paradox. “I end my turn.” “My turn,” said the pegasus. “But because of Reckless Greed, I have to skip my Draw Phase.” Dash reviewed her hand. The dark voice began to whisper in her ear again. “I think I can play my deck just fine, thanks,” she snapped. “I summon Sapphire Pegasus again, and with his effect, I’ll put ‘Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger’ on the field as a Spell Card.” As the great pegasus flew onto the field again, a giant yellow gemstone appeared next to the ruby and amber. “Now I play ‘Crystal Promise’,” said Dash. “This lets me Special Summon one of my Crystal Beasts from my Spell Zones. I summon Ruby Carbuncle and activate its effect! When it’s Special Summoned, it summons all of my other Crystal Beasts from the Spell Zones.” A tiny cat-like creature with emerged from the ruby. Its fur was purple and a small ruby sat on its forehead while a larger ruby sphere rested on the end of its tail. The runed rings around the duelists began to glow and a black, spiked collar appeared around its neck. The ruby on its tail began to glow and the gems behind it cracked as two more beasts emerged. One was a mammoth with four long tusks, layered black armor on its legs and trunk, and a black flail on the end of its tail. The other was a white tiger. The same black armor adorned its legs, while its tail was armed with a curved, black blade. Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle ATK/300 LV 3 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth ATK/1700 LV 4 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger ATK/1600 LV 4 “I Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” said Dash. Two cards slid into the disk before her, and larger versions appeared on the field. “My turn,” said Paradox, drawing a card. “Time to end this. I send ‘Cyber End Dragon’ from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon ‘Malefic Cyber End Dragon’ to the field!” A monstrous, mechanical dragon appeared. Each of its three heads roared as it emerged from a distortion in the ground. Malefic Cyber End Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack Ruby Carbuncle!” ordered Paradox. “Eternal Evolution Burst!” “I activate Amber Mammoth’s effect!” said Rainbow Dash. “When a Crystal Beast I control is targeted for an attack, I can change the attack to Amber Mammoth!” As she spoke, the mammoth stomped its way over to Ruby Carbuncle and stood between it and the oncoming fireballs. “Next I play the Trap ‘Amber Crystal Circle’. When Amber Mammoth is attacked, it gains the Attack Points of all other Crystal Beasts on my field!” Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth ATK/5400 “What?!” said Paradox. “Amber Mammoth, take him down! Mammoth Rundown!” The mammoth’s armored trunk sliced through the fireballs as it ran forward, ramming into the body of the robotic dragon. It burst through the dragon’s back, causing it to explode. “A pathetic attempt. I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Malefic Energy Drain’,” said Paradox. “This reduces the damage I take this turn to zero and lets both of us draw one card. But I cannot activate other Spells or Traps this turn.” “You dodged some damage, big deal,” snorted Dash. “Do not underestimate him,” said the dark voice. “If Yusei can beat him, then so can I!” Dash snapped. “Who are you talking to?” asked Paradox. “That’s none of your business,” Dash said sharply. “Then I shall make it my business,” Paradox replied. “I am an android.” “A what?” “An android. A living machine. With a few adjustments, I can see things on many different wavelengths.” “Come again?” Paradox sighed. “It means that I can see colors you’ve never even heard of. Now, let’s see what you’re hiding... ah. I see.” “You see? See what?” “Nightshroud,” said Paradox. “I know of the creature’s existence from the historical records. I suppose this explains how you are able to wield cards without your own magic, as well as the dark nature of your cards.” “He can see you,” whispered Rainbow Dash. “I am aware,” said Nightshroud. “I Set two cards face-down and end my turn,” said Paradox. “My turn!” said Rainbow Dash. “Because of Reckless Greed, I can’t draw a card, but that ends next turn. Besides, I have this: ‘Dark Spirit Art - Greed’! By Releasng a DARK monster on my field, I can draw two cards, but you can negate this effect by revealing a Spell. I Release Sapphire Pegasus.” The pegasus looked back at her before vanishing. Two cards floated from her deck to her hand of cards. “I’ll Set a card and call it a turn.” “My turn,” said Paradox, drawing a card. “I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Malefic Whirlwind’. This changes all of your monsters to Defense Mode and lets me draw one card.” Strong gusts of wind kicked up and raged around the duelists. All of Rainbow Dash’s monsters took a defensive stance to shield themselves from the blasts. Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth DEF/1600 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle DEF/300 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger DEF/1000 “Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Amber Mammoth!” ordered Paradox. “Absolute Powerforce!” The fiendish dragon slammed its flaming claws into the mammoth and destroyed it. No crystal appeared in its place. “Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend’s effect activates,” said Paradox. “When it attacks a Defense Mode monster, it also destroys all of your Defense Mode monsters. Fiend Meteor!” The dragon roared and threw two fireballs from its hands at Dash’s remaining monsters. They were also destroyed, but no crystals appeared. “Malefic Stardust Dragon, attack!” said Paradox. “I play the Trap ‘Rainbow Gravity’!” said Rainbow Dash. “When there are seven different ‘Crystal Beasts’ on my field or in my Graveyard, I can summon a ‘Rainbow Dragon’ monster from my deck. Rise, ‘Rainbow Dark Dragon’!” A dark, serpentine dragon rose up from the ground. Black plates of armor edged with gold and embedded with jewels clattered against each other. Jet black feathers ruffled in the air as massive wings spread above smaller, golden ones. The creature roared as it snaked its way through the air. TO BE CONTINUED > Chapter 10: Betrayal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 10: Betrayal *********************\ Rainbow Dash has called upon a dark version of her ace monster. Will the power of Rainbow Dark Dragon be enough to conquer Paradox’s dragons? Will the power of Nightshroud stop the madman? Can the dark creature even be trusted? Or has Paradox already won? *********************\ Author’s Note: Bought a new keyboard. So far, it’s working pretty well. I’ve decided to retcon my story and change Darkness’ name to its dub name “Nightshroud”. Perhaps it doesn’t carry quite as much weight as “Darkness”, but at least it’ll eliminate confusion over card names and its own name. Extra long chapter, but only by a few hundred words. /*********************\ A dark, serpentine dragon rose up from the ground. Black plates of armor edged with gold and embedded with jewels clattered against each other. Jet black feathers ruffled in the air as massive wings spread above smaller, golden ones. The creature roared as it snaked its way through the air. Rainbow Dark Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “How do ya like that, Paradox?” jeered Rainbow Dash. “An impressive beast,” said Paradox. “Malefic Stardust, stop your attack. I end my turn.” “My turn,” said Rainbow Dash. “Now that Reckless Greed is done, I can draw a card.” As her new card floated to her, she glanced at it briefly and said, “Not bad, but first things first; I activate Rainbow Dark Dragon’s special ability! By removing all DARK monsters on my field and in my Graveyard from the game, Rainbow Dark Dragon gains five hundred Attack Points for each one!” The black dragon roared again as the gemstones on the sides of its body began to glow, becoming brighter and brighter until they shone like stars. The dragons eyes flashed red. Rainbow Dark Dragon ATK/7500 “I activate the Trap ‘Malefic Shock Wave’,” said Paradox. “When a monster you control activates its effect while Malefic World is in play, this card negates all of that monsters effects permanently!” Paradox chuckled as the gems’ light faded away. “I can still attack, Paradox!” said Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dark Dragon, attack Malefic Star-” She stopped. What am I doing? That’s Yusei’s card! There’s gotta be another way! She shook her head and pointed a hoof. “Attack Malefic Red Dragon! Dark Rainbow Refraction!” A beam made of the seven colors of the rainbow fired out of the dragon’s mouth, with a rainbow shock wave expanding from its jaws. The colors were very dark and hissed through the air. It struck the dark red dragon and pierced its body, causing it to explode. Life Point Count Paradox: 3000 “Don’t count me out yet, little pegasus,” said Paradox. “I play another Trap: ‘Malefic Regen Flash’. When I take damage, I gain Life Points equal to the damage I took, and I draw one card. However,” he said as he drew, “I must skip my next Draw Phase.” “Fine by me,” said Rainbow Dash. “I’ll throw down two face-downs and end my turn.” Dark energy moved the cards into thin slits on the curved blade floating in front of the pegasus. Giant cards appeared before her. “My turn,” announced Paradox. “But I must skip my Draw Phase. No matter. I send a monster which you should be quite familiar with from my deck to the Graveyard to summon its Malefic counterpart. Arise, ‘Malefic Rainbow Dragon’!” The air itself seemed to change. The space around the man and pony became dark and an aurora appeared in the sky. It flowed quickly, but began to take on a shape similar to that of Rainbow Dark Dragon. The shape was covered in shadow, but it suddenly faded. Where the shadow was hovered a white dragon with the black and white patterns of Paradox’s mask covering its face and wings. Malefic Rainbow Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “NO!” screamed Rainbow Dash. “What have you done to it?! You... you... !” “You have little room to speak, Element of Loyalty,” Paradox spat. “Or have you forgotten the things you have done in the past few minutes? You’ve made a deal with darkness incarnate and you’ve corrupted your monster yourself. But you are no master of the dark, and I shall prove it to you: I activate ‘Malefic Stranglehold’! This lets one of my Malefic monsters destroy a monster you control with an equal or lower Level in lieu of attacking. Malefic Rainbow Dragon, destroy Rainbow Dark Dragon!” Paradox’s dragon flew forward, twisting through the air, and wrapped itself around its black counterpart. Rainbow Dark Dragon struggled, but the Malefic dragon tightened its hold. The black armor began to cave and crack. Malefic Rainbow Dragon gave a final, quick squeeze and Rainbow Dark Dragon was destroyed. “Malefic Stardust, attack!” ordered Paradox. “I play two Traps!” said Rainbow Dash as her two face-down cards flipped up. “‘Dimensional Regression’ and ‘Defense Draw’! The first puts all monsters that were removed from the game back into our decks, and the second lets me draw a card while reducing the damage I take from one attack to zero.” A barrier appeared around Rainbow Dash. Malefic Stardust Dragon’s attack struck the barrier but could not pierce it, and soon faded. A new card floated over to Dash. “Yet another stalemate, it seems,” said Paradox. “I place two cards face-down and end my turn.” “I draw!” said Rainbow Dash. “Okay, time to start building speed. I summon Sapphire Pegasus!” Once again Dash’s Pegasus flew onto the field. Dark armaments appeared on its ankles and horn as its eyes began to glow red. Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus ATK/1800 LV 4 “With Sapphire’s effect, I can put Cobalt Eagle into my Spell Zone,” said Dash as a dark blue crystal appeared. “Now I equip Sapphire Pegasus with ‘Golden Rule’! First, this card lets me put down two more Crystal Beasts in my Spell Zone.” Two more crystals, a bright green emerald and a violet amethyst, appeared on the field. “Then it lets me Special Summon a Crystal Beast from my hand. I summon Ruby Carbuncle to the field in Defense Mode!” The small, purple animal appeared next to the much larger white pegasus. “And now Ruby’s effect activates, letting me summon ‘Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise’, ‘Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat’ and Cobalt Eagle from my Spell Zones!” Three beasts burst from the gigantic gems. The first was Cobalt Eagle, its dark armor gleaming in the setting sunlight of Tartarus. The second was a dark green tortoise with massive emerald shards growing out of its shell. Dark armor covered its legs and head. The third was a cat wearing a gold chest piece with a large amethyst in the center. Black armor covered her shins, tail and ears. Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle DEF/800 LV 4 Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise DEF/2000 LV 3 Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat DEF/400 LV 3 “I activate Cobalt Eagle’s effect and send Sapphire Pegasus to the top of my deck,” said Rainbow Dash. “Because its equipped monster is gone, Golden Rule is destroyed, which also destroys Ruby Carbuncle.” The purple kitten vanished and was replaced by a large ruby. Dash Set two cards face-down and ended her turn. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” said Nightshroud. “Keep your cloak on, I know this deck better than you,” Dash replied. “My turn,” said Paradox. “I activate ‘Malefic Calling’. By removing a monster in my deck from the game, I can Special Summon its Malefic counterpart from my deck. Come forth, ‘Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon’!” Black and white wings spread, revealing eye-like patterns. The white dragon flew onto the field and roared, a single blue eye revealed within the mask on its head. Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon ATK/3000 LV 8 Great, thought Dash. Yusei’s card, then mine, and now Spike’s? Just who IS this guy?! “There is a drawback to my Spell Card,” said Paradox. “After I summon my new monster, all Malefic monsters I currently have lose a thousand Attack Points until the end of the turn.” “Play it now!” said Nightshroud. “Yeah, yeah,” replied the pegasus. “I activate the Trap Card ‘Gem Fortress’. Since I have three Crystal Beast monsters in play, you can’t attack with anything that has 3000 or less Attack Points.” “Then I shall have to attack by other means,” answered Paradox. “Trap Card, ‘Malefic Panic!’ This lets me Special Summon any number of Malefic monsters from my Graveyard, but their Attack and Defense Points become zero, their effects are negated, and they cannot attack. Be reborn, Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend, Malefic Cyber End Dragon!” Dash raised an eyebrow as the two monsters returned to the field. Point Counters appeared next to them and showed their “ATK” as 0. “What gives?” said Dash. “You summon these guys but you can’t even attack this turn.” “Oh, but I can,” said Paradox. “I activate Malefic Rainbow Dragon’s effect! By sending all other monsters I control to the Graveyard, it gains one thousand Attack Points for each Malefic monster I sent! Go, Rainbow Overdrive!” Paradox’s four other monsters- Stardust, Red Dragon, Cyber End, and Blue-Eyes- vanished in beams of dark and white light. They slammed into the jewels on either side of Malefic Rainbow Dragon’s neck and disappeared within, causing the gems to glow. The dragon roared as its power increased. A Point Counter appeared next to the dragon. Malefic Rainbow Dragon ATK/7000 LV 10 “No way!” Dash gasped. “Seven thousand Attack Points?!” “Malefic Rainbow Dragon, attack Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle!” said Paradox. “Over the Rainbow!” The corrupt dragon opened its mouth and fired a prismatic beam of energy, accompanied by a rainbow-colored shockwave at the start. The beam struck the eagle and obliterated it. “Cobalt Eagle crystallizes,” said Rainbow Dash as a large gemstone appeared. “I end my turn,” said Paradox. “And since my turn is over, Malefic Call’s effect wears off and Malefic Rainbow Dragon regains its lost Attack Points!” Malefic Rainbow Dragon ATK/8000 LV 10 Dash growled as she drew her card. Sapphire Pegasus, she thought. Gotta focus! I’m almost there... “I summon Sapphire Pegasus in Attack Mode,” said Rainbow Dash. “What are you doing?!” roared Nightshroud. “What I have to,” said Dash. “With Sapphire’s effect, I place Amber Mammoth on the field as a gemstone and end my turn.” “Not much of a turn,” said Paradox as he drew. “I suppose I should just end this. “Malefic Rainbow Dragon, attack Sapphire Pegasus!” “It’s not over yet, Paradox!” said Rainbow Dash. “I activate my Trap Card ‘Rainbow Path’! By sending Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle in my Spell Zone to the Graveyard, I can negate your attack and add a ‘Rainbow Dragon’ monster to my hand!” The rainbow beam that erupted from the masked dragon’s jaws collided with a colorful barrier that grew around the Sapphire Pegasus. The beam pushed against the barrier, but failed to break through and faded out of existence. Paradox snorted and Set a card face-down. “My turn!” said Rainbow Dash. “I activate ‘Crystal Beacon’. If I have at least two Crystal Beasts in my Spell Zones, I can Special Summon a Crystal Beast from my deck. I summon Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger! “With your first Rainbow Dark Dragon in the Graveyard, a second one can easily match Malefic Rainbow Dragon,” Nightshroud stated. “You have played well up to this point.” “I’m not using Rainbow Dark Dragon,” Dash replied. She turned and glared at Nightshroud. “You might have given me a Duel Disk and made some blank cards for me, but they responded to ME, not you. This is MY duel!” Turning back to Paradox, she said, “When all seven Crystal Beasts are on the field or in my Graveyard, I can call on my most powerful monster! I Special Summon ‘Rainbow Dragon’!” A giant rainbow emerged from the ground and shot straight up into the air. The massive form of the true Rainbow Dragon emerged from within. The Tartarus sun gleamed off its white-armored hide and its yellow eyes flashed and its feathered, angelic wings spread wide as the dragon roared to announce its arrival. Rainbow Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “I lend you my power, yet you rely on your own,” said Nightshroud. “You cannot expect to win if you do not listen to me. I am ancient beyond reckoning! I-” “You can just be quiet,” said Dash. “I still haven’t forgiven you for what you did to me and my friends.” “You agreed to this deal!” “And the way I see it, you owe me anyway. Besides...” Dash smirked at Paradox. “Sometimes, you have to fight the darkness with light!” “Your light will not avail you, weakling,” said Paradox. “We’ll see about that, Paradox! Go time!” Dash shouted. “Rainbow Dragon, attack that faker!” “My monster’s Attack Points are twice as high as your own,” Paradox said. “What could you possibly gain from this?” “Advanced Dark’s effect is what!” replied Dash. “When a ‘Rainbow Dragon’ monster attacks, the monster it’s going after loses its effects!” “What?!” “Go, Over the Rainbow!” Rainbow Dragon spat a rainbow beam of energy at its corrupted counterpart. Dash smiled and said, “My monster’s Attack Points are twice as high as your monster’s, and that means I’ve got enough power to take you down! I win, Paradox!” “Don’t get hasty, Rainbow Dash,” said Paradox. “I play the Trap ‘Malefic Shield’. When an attack is declared, I can negate it and end the Battle Phase.” The beam collided with a gray barrier that materialized around Malefic Rainbow Dragon. The beam exploded and vanished in the smoke. A thundering sound was heard off in the distance. “It appears that we are going to have company very soon,” said Paradox. “I suggest we end this as quickly as possible.” “I end my turn,” said Dash. Paradox smiled and drew. “I Set one card face-down and end my turn.” “That’s it? Nothing at all?” said Rainbow Dash. “My turn! Rainbow Dragon, time to win! Attack with Over the Rainbow!” “Nothing is ever that simple, Rainbow Dash,” said Paradox. "My experiment, for instance, is far from simple. The end result, however, is beautiful in its simplicity." “I don't know what your deal is,” said Rainbow Dash, “but I'm not gonna let you get away with hurting my friends!” “Your power is undeniable,” said the masked man, “but it is no match for my own.” “ We'll see about that!” the pegasus shouted. “Rainbow Dragon, attack!” He chuckled as another Trap Card flipped up. A flash of light erupted from the gemstones on the body of Malefic Rainbow Dragon. The creature moved with speed that shocked Rainbow Dash, slashing its wings through Rainbow Dragon like blades. Rainbow Dragon cried out in pain before it was destroyed. “Rainbow Dragon!” screamed Dash. “What happened? What did you do?!” “The Trap Card ‘Malefic Flash Strike’,” Paradox replied. “When a Malefic monster is attacked, this card destroys the attacking monster and one face-up Spell or Trap on the field. Say goodbye to your amber gemstone.” The amber stone in front of Dash shattered. Amber shards flew past Dash’s head. “I’m still in this, Paradox,” said Dash. “I Set a card face-down and end my turn.” As Paradox drew, he grinned. “It’s very much over,” he said. “I activate ‘Malefic Parasite’! This will force your face-down card to activate!” “Fine by me!” said Rainbow Dash, “because it’s ‘Crystal Raigeki’! I send a Crystal Beast from my Spell Zone to the Graveyard, and that lets me destroy one card on the field. Cobalt Eagle, take out Malefic Rainbow Dragon!” The jeweled eagle burst out of the dark blue crystal, screeching as it flew toward the gray-white sun of Tartarus. A gleam of light was followed by a shadow as Cobalt Eagle dived at the Malefic dragon, its wings tucked tightly against its body. It screeched and spread its wings. Lightning bolts flashed out of the gems in its wings, destroying Malefic Rainbow Dragon. The lightning also struck the eagle and it too was gone. “And I’m not finished with you yet!” said the masked man. “The power of light is no match for the power of darkness! I activate my final face-down card: The Quick-Play Spell ‘Malefic Divide’! With this, I can Special Summon a Malefic monster from my Graveyard.” Dark clouds swirled around and above Paradox. A dark shape formed in the mist and Malefic Rainbow Dragon formed once more. Dash gasped, taking a step back. She looked at her Duel Disk, then back up at the dragon that aimed its pointed snout at her, then at Nightshroud. “No, no, no! Do something!” she cried. “Nightshroud, do something!” The skeletal figure turned to look at her. “Indeed I shall, Rainbow Dash,” said Nightshroud. “Goodbye.” It walked away from her. Rainbow Dash looked up. Malefic Rainbow Dragon had launched its attack. Nightshroud had abandoned her. The evils imprisoned in Tartarus were closing in on her, their nightmarish shrieks ringing in her ears. Dash shut her eyes. > Chapter 11: Silence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 11: Silence *********************\ Paradox has completed his hunt for the Bearers of Harmony. Yusei struggles to survive in the midst of absolute chaos as he looks for a way to get to Paradox and settle the score once and for all! Will Yusei make it to the singularity? Can he find a way to stop the distortions *********************\ Author’s Note: Now that I’ve got THAT done with, I can get back to the story! Though I may end up reworking the Yusei vs. Paradox duel at the end. There’s a card I want to include that would make it that much cooler. In any case, now I’ve got this new keyboard and some more cool ideas. Hang onto your hats because we’re about to rev it up! /*********************\ Even if Yusei could tell how long he’d been pushing his D-Wheel- battered, scraped and inoperative- through Equestria’s varied landscapes, he wouldn’t bother. Time had turned in on itself, warped beyond recognition and measurement. Nevertheless, he was exhausted. Yusei stopped pushing. The earth was barren, save for a few scattered boulders. Yusei gently leaned his vehicle against a particularly large rock. He was careful not to pinch Fluttershy between the two. Fluttershy lay flat on the seat of the D-Wheel. Whether unconscious or worse, Yusei didn’t know. A sudden wind rushed past him, followed by a time tunnel. Yusei stumbled backward into the D-Wheel. It slipped off the rock, sliding to the dirt below. Fluttershy hit the ground as well. Thankfully, she didn’t get caught between the D-Wheel and the dry, cracked clay. Yusei fell to his knees. “It’s all hopeless,” he muttered to himself. “I don’t have the power to follow Paradox. I don’t have the power to fix this. The Elements... my friends... our homes... they’re all doomed.” Tears ran down his face. “I’m so sorry!” he cried. “I’m so sorry!” Yusei held onto hope. A fleeting spark. It burned for so many things. He hoped that he could see Aki again. He hoped for his friends to find him and help him. A harsh word from Jack, encouragement from Crow. He hoped that the other ponies, Discord and Spike were all okay. But above all else, he hoped against hope that Fluttershy would wake up, if only for a moment, and tell him it was all right. Yusei hoped in silence. ***** Night had fallen while he walked. It was as though a blanket of night had been pulled across the sky. He knew it was another distortion and kept pushing his D-Wheel. Fluttershy still wouldn’t stir. How could Paradox have returned? What was Yusei missing? Yusei pushed onward, thoughts racing. How did Paradox know about Equestria? Why was he here, destroying all of it? How could that help him accomplish his goal? Yusei stopped. He lifted one arm of the motorcycle and held onto the other to keep the device upright. Using his free arm, Yusei hoisted Fluttershy onto his shoulder. He let go. The D-Wheel slammed into the sand. Yusei pulled Fluttershy gently off his shoulder and held her in his arms. “Fluttershy,” he whispered. “Please wake up. I need you to tell me it’ll be okay. I need to know that you’re okay, that I didn’t fail, that I-” His voice caught in his throat and he sank to his knees. The tide came in. The tide went out. The gentle sound of the waves flowed through the air. ***** Yusei awoke the next morning. Fluttershy lay curled up next to him. He shook the sand out of his hair and picked her up in his arms one more time and headed over to the fallen D-Wheel. If nothing else, he had a promise to keep to Fluttershy. He had to stop Paradox and save him. “I won’t give up,” he said as he walked. “Even if there’s no hope for Equestria or Neo Domino City.... I have a promise to keep.” A gentle sigh reached his ears. He stopped. He waited. He felt a pony nuzzle into the crook of his elbow. ***** Akutsu’s fingers flew across the keyboard. “Done!” he said. “Aim that dish at the rift,” he told one of the aides. “Right away, sir!” said the aide. “Can we contact Yusei now?” asked Ushio. “This is our best shot at it,” Akutsu replied. “I don’t know if the signal will survive the rift, but I’ve made it as strong as I could.” “Well, hurry up!” roared Jack. “Yeah, we have to warn Yusei before we close this thing!” Crow added. “I’m going as fast as I can!” Akutsu replied. He pushed a button. “Yusei! Come in, Yusei! This is Chief Akutsu!” ***** Yusei stopped when he heard the static. He looked down at the screen on his D-Wheel. The image was faint and the sound was barely there. “Yu... Co... in, Yusei! Th... Ch... Ak...tsu!” And then it was gone. Yusei sighed. His helmet was stored beneath the seat of his D-Wheel and he couldn’t have tried to communicate with Akutsu without it. He continued. ***** Yusei was lucky to find an apple tree in the next era. He picked several and began to eat as his stomach growled at him. He saved a few for Fluttershy, in case she woke up, setting them inside the helmet compartment of his D-Wheel before putting Fluttershy gently back on the seat. Yusei continued wandering in silence. ***** Yusei had stopped when night had fallen. He built a small fire from wood he’d found in a nearby grove of trees. He tossed a stick into the flames. A hidden pocket of moisture hissed and popped, and a small wisp of steam rose to join the dancing smoke. Yusei could hardly stand the silence. He lay on his back and stared up at the stars. The night sky here was very different from what he was used to. He’d been out to areas where there were no cities before, had seen the stars in all their glory... but he never got used to it. His stars had always been city lights. He found himself wishing for his friends to be with him, to share this sky with him. The twins would have thought it was amazing. Crow would have held the same appreciation as Yusei. Jack would have snorted and said it was a waste of time, but deep down, he admired the stars just as much as Yusei. And Aki would simply bask in their beauty. Such a complicated girl, but she had such simple views of life. Yusei admired that about her. He knew he couldn’t be with his friends right then, but he found himself wishing for some company. He turned his head toward the spot where he laid Fluttershy. Close enough to the fire to keep her warm, but not so close that she would get burned from overexposure. She was looking up at the stars. Yusei bolted upright. “Fluttershy!” he said. Fluttershy squeaked and rolled onto her other side as fast as she could. “Oh! Yusei,” she said. “You startled me.” Yusei quickly moved over to the yellow pegasus and hugged her. “Yusei?” she asked. “What’s wrong?” “I thought I lost you,” he said. “I thought I’d failed... you’ve been out for days. I thought you’d never wake up.” Fluttershy nuzzled against him. “I’ll be alright,” she said. “Although, I am pretty hungry. Do you have any food?” Yusei pulled away and smiled at her. “I passed an apple tree yesterday and grabbed some of the apples,” he said as he went over to his D-Wheel. “I ate a lot of them myself, but I saved a few for you.” He pulled several bright red apples out of the compartment beneath the seat and walked back over to Fluttershy. He handed her an apple and she eagerly bit into it. “This tastes like an apple from the Apple Farm,” she said. :”Are you sure it was just one tree?” “Yeah, just one standing in the middle of a beach.” “A beach?” “Yeah. I bet it was another time distortion.” “Oh.” Fluttershy quickly finished the apple and started on another one. The two sat in silence for a long time. Yusei stared at the fire while Fluttershy worked her way through the third and last apple. “Yusei,” said Fluttershy after she ate the last of her apple. “Yeah, Fluttershy?” “What will you do if we find Paradox again?” Yusei said nothing for a long time. “Yusei?” “I have to protect both our worlds, Fluttershy,” said Yusei. “You could have died when he attacked us. I can’t let that happen.” “But what about Paradox?” “What about him?” “Yusei... don’t you remember what you told me about when you first fought him?” Yusei continued to stare at the fire. “Yeah, I do.” “If you have to face him again, can you save him?” Yusei hesitated. “I don’t know. It’s the Field Spell ‘Malefic World’, he said. “Paradox said that anyone who loses a duel in that world loses their life as well. I don’t think I can convince him to stop all of this, but I know I can get him to duel me.” “Yusei, promise me something,” said Fluttershy. “Promise me that you’ll save him. Don’t let him die this time.” Yusei leaned back and looked at the stars. “Two years ago, the man who sent Paradox on his mission attacked Neo Domino City,” said Yusei. “His name was Z-One. He tried to erase Neo Domino City from history to prevent the tragedy that Paradox was also sent to stop. Before he began experimenting with time travel, he’d... he turned himself into me. Mind and body. And he tried to save everyone.” “What happened to him?” asked Fluttershy. “He failed,” said Yusei. “Only he and three others survived. That’s when he began working with time travel. “First he sent Paradox back in time to kill Chairman Pegasus and stop the development of Duel Monsters. When that failed, he sent Aporia to manipulate Rudger into destroying Old Momentum. That also failed.” “What did he do after that?” asked Fluttershy. “He sent Aporia back in time again to infiltrate Neo Domino City and turn it into a machine that could open a rip in time and space, like what’s going on here. Once opened, he would send a giant machine called the Ark Cradle through it to destroy the city once and for all.” “That’s horrible!” Fluttershy gasped. “That was only half of it,” said Yusei. “Z-One also sent a man named Antinomy back in time. I knew him as Bruno. He taught me a move that I could use to fight against Aporia’s Synchro-eating Meklord Emperor monsters. But even he was just a pawn, and he made me and my friends pawns as well. With the energy I gave off from my evolution, the Infinity Circuit gained enough power to open the door for the Ark Cradle. “When it appeared after I defeated Aporia, my friends and I went up to the Ark Cradle to fight Z-One and end his attacks on our era. I fought him myself and evolved further than Z-One thought possible, further than Bruno had dreamed. I won. But it wasn’t enough. The Ark Cradle had stopped its descent, but gravity would run its course in due time and it had to be sent back. Z-One sacrificed himself to do that. “Fluttershy, Z-One only ever did what he felt was right. Even against all odds, he held out hope and did impossible things. He saved Neo Domino City without destroying it. I promise you, Fluttershy, that I’ll do the same. I’ll save Paradox, even if I have to defeat him in another duel.” Fluttershy smiled and watched the flickering fire. A time rift snaked its way across the sky in the distance. As terrible as everything was, it was beautiful to watch, in an odd way. “Bruno, Aporia and Z-One all sacrificed themselves for me and my friends,” said Yusei. “I promise I won’t let that happen again.” Fluttershy tried to stand. As she did, her knees buckled and she fell back down. Yusei was by her side in an instant. “Don’t try to move too much,” he said. “You’re still pretty beat up.” “Oh,” said Fluttershy. She lay her head in Yusei’s lap. “We should try to get some sleep,” said Yusei. “We’re both pretty tired.” “Yes, you’re right,” Fluttershy replied. She yawned and curled up next to Yusei. He lay on his back, his hands supporting his head. “Good night, Yusei.” “Good night, Fluttershy.” ***** Yusei was awakened by someone poking him. “Come on, wake up!” came a voice. “We don’t have all day!” Yusei groaned and sat up. As he opened his eyes, two bright blue ones met his. Startled, Yusei jumped back. A white unicorn wearing a red uniform stood before him. “And, uh... who are you?” asked Yusei. “Name’s Shining Armor,” said the unicorn. “I’m Twilight’s brother. You must be Yusei.” “Yeah,” Yusei replied. “Um...” “I don’t have a lot of time to explain. Just get Fluttershy on that red wheel-thing you’ve got and let’s go.” “Where are we going?” asked Yusei. “To where Paradox is, of course,” said Shining Armor. TO BE CONTINUED > Chapter 12: Convergence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 12: Convergence *********************\ Two new players enter the fray: Shining Armor and Princess Cadence! But as Paradox begins the final preparations of his plan, will their power be enough to save the Bearers of Harmony and restore Equestria’s timeline? *********************\ Author’s Note: Let the fun begin! And believe me, this is gonna be all kinds of fun. I’ll be honest: I may try to stall until the Season 3 premiere, but we’ll just have to see how things go, considering I’ve got the duel written and everything. Also, I’m going to try a little experiment at the end of this chapter. Let me know what you think. /*********************\ “Paradox?! Wait a minute, Shining Armor,” said Yusei. “How do you know about that? Just who are you?” Shining Armor sighed. “We really don’t have time for a lot of explanations, Yusei,” said Shining Armor, “but if you have to know, fine. I’m Twilight’s older brother and nephew-in-law to Princess Celestia. Celestia told me and my wife Cadence about all of this shortly after we were married last year. I don’t know how she knew it would happen and she wouldn’t tell us, but she knew and it’s all come true. Now will you please follow me? I found a wormhole that will take us straight to Paradox.” Yusei nodded. He got up, picked up Fluttershy and laid her on the seat of his D-Wheel, then turned back to Shining Armor. “Lead the way,” he said. ***** The mountain shook. Dirt slid down the sides and rocks rolled beside it. A deep growl could be heard echoing between the taller mountains. A purple dragon burst through the top of the mountain. He looked around, fire burning in his eyes. “Applejack!” he said, and started digging. Spike furiously threw the rubble aside, burrowing deeper into the mound. His claw struck a magical force field. “Ouch!” he said. “Wait a minute...” He continued digging, slowly this time, brushing the earth away from the barrier. Standing over Applejack was Princess Celestia,. “Princess?” said Spike. “What are you doing here?” “No time to explain, Spike,” said the alicorn as she lowered the force field. Applejack had covered her eyes with her hat, and now peeked out from under the rim. “Well, I’ll be! Princess Celestia!” she cried happily as she hopped up. “Am I ever glad to see you!” “It’s been too long, Applejack,” said Celestia with a smile. “But I’m afraid we don’t have time for catching up. My sister is saving Rarity in another era and we are to meet at the Singularity.” “The what now?” asked Applejack. She turned and looked up at Spike. “You know what she’s talkin’ about, big fella?” Spike said nothing, but nodded. “All will be revealed when we get there, Applejack,” Celestia said. “For now, we must hurry. There is a rip that will take us to the Singularity. That’s where we’ll meet everyone else, including Paradox.” “Then I guess we’d better get movin’!” replied Applejack. ***** Twilight’s eyes went wide as she cried out. “Help!” There was a flash, and Twilight closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact... but it never came. She opened her eyes. She floated in an empty space. Before her was a single light. Rippling wormholes had opened and energy poured out of them into the light from all directions. “Where... where am I?” asked Twilight. “You are in the... what’s it called again?” came a voice. It sounded familiar to Twilight. “The Singularity,” said another voice. This time Twilight definitely recognized it. She used her magic to turn around. “Princess Celestia!” she cried happily. “And... who’s this?” she asked, pointing a hoof at a smaller alicorn with a flowing pink mane. “This is my younger self,” said Celestia. “She and Luna saved you, Spike and Star Swirl from Paradox’s attack.” Twilight smiled at the young Celestia. A small, blue alicorn peeked out from behind her sister’s flowing pink mane and Twilight smiled at her too. “Thank you both so much,” she said. She looked back at the Celestia she knew. She was covered in scrapes and bruises, and she seemed exhausted. “Princess! What happened to you? Are you hurt?” “I will be alright,” Celestia answered. “I ended up here by accident. I encountered Paradox and he attacked. I held him off as best I could before knocking him through a portal. I do not know where he is now, but he could return at any moment, so we must be ready.” “I don’t think we can take him without Yusei,” said Spike as he floated past Twilight. “Spike’s right, Princess,” said Twilight. “We might can try the Elements of Harmony, but I don’t know what good it’ll do since he’s a machine and not supernatural. Say, where are the Elements?” “I’m afraid I bear bad news, Twilight,” said Celestia somberly. “I was struck by lightning and I lost the Elements. They fell into a wormhole and I was unable to follow. I arrived here and fought with Paradox. You arrived only a few moments after.” “Twilight, maybe you could challenge Paradox to a duel!” said Spike. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” said Twilight. “Even if I thought I could take him on, I can’t make another Duel Disk. The one I made during Nightshroud’s invasion wasn’t just magic; it was fueled by Momentum. These wormholes are too unstable for me to get any.” “Then we will have to fortify our defenses,” said Celestia. “Celly, Luna, what do you know about defensive magic?” ***** Rarity awoke next to a fireplace. “Hey, she’s awake!” Rarity rubbed her head and sat up. She looked around and found herself back in the Pies’ living room. Princess Luna stood over her. “How are you feeling, Rarity?” she asked. “Princess Luna! I’m... oooh,” she said. “I’ll be fine. What... what happened?” “She saved us!” said the little Pinkie Pie excitedly. “I know you’ve not fully recovered, but we have to hurry,” said Luna. “You and I must meet my sister and the others.” “Meet them? Meet them where?” asked Rarity. “At the beginning of time,” Luna answered. “A place called the Singularity.” “Sounds like fun! Can I come?” asked Pinkie Pie as she bounced up and down next to Rarity. “Can I? Can I? Can I?” “I’m afraid it’s much too dangerous, little one,” said Luna. “And you have a future all your own that must be protected.” “But I wanna protect it!” Pinkie pouted. “It’s MY future, isn’t it?” “It is, Pinkie, dear,” said Rarity. “But we need you to be safe. You’re too small to fight against Paradox now. But when you grow up, you can help us fight him.” Luna’s horn began to glow. A small portal appeared where the fireplace had been. “Come, Rarity,” she said. “We must hurry. I will have to close this portal quickly or it will become unstable.” “I understand,” said Rarity. She looked at Pinkie again. “Take care, dear.” She looked at the rest of the Pies. “Thank you all so much for your hospitality.” Then she turned and walked through the portal with Luna. Where they found themselves was wondrous and empty. A single light sat in the distance as currents of energy flowed into it from various rips. “Wow, this is so pretty!” Rarity and Luna quickly turned their heads. “Pinkie Pie!” they both said. ***** Pinkie Pie opened her eyes. Puddinghead lay next to her. They were safe,, lying in a grassy meadow. “Great to see you again, Pinkie Pie!” came a voice. Pinkie looked up. A pink alicorn stood in front of her. She gave Pinkie a warm smile. :”Princess Cadence!” Pinkie yelled. She jumped up and gave the alicorn a hug. “Oh my gosh! It’s soooooo good to see you again! Did you save me and the Chancellor? Thank you so much! How’d you get here? Where’s Paradox? What time is it?” “Whoa, slow down, Pinkie!” laughed Cadence. “Yeah, I teleported the two of you out of that house just before it collapsed, then I put out the fire. I got here through a wormhole, probably the same as you. I don’t know where Paradox is right now, but I know where he will be. And it’s a quarter past three if that sundial is in the right spot.” Cadence pointed to a stone sundial a few feet away. “Oh, okay,” said Pinkie. “So where’s Paradox going to be?” “The same place we’ll be going to, Pinkie,” Cadence answered. “But we have to hurry. Everyone else will be there soon.” Puddinghead moaned and sat up, rubbing her head. “What happened?” she groaned. “A friend of mine saved us,” said Pinkie. “Come on, we’re gonna go stop that guy who tried to crush us in that house!” “What?” said Puddinghead. “Are you insane, Pinkie? He’s got dragons under his control! Dragons, I say! We could have been killed!” “But we weren’t!” Pinkie chirped. “Come on, you need to lighten up a little! Now let’s go beat that meanie-pants Paradox!” “I’m not going anywhere,”Puddinghead huffed. “If you want to get yourself burnt to a crisp, then be my guest. But I have meetings to attend to that will determine the governing body of Equestria, and I’m late enough-” “I know, Chancellor,” said Pinkie, suddenly very quiet. “It’s really scary. But my friends need my help. And I need my friends’ help too. You’re my friend, aren’t you?” Puddinghead stood silent. “Please, Puddinghead?” Pinkie whimpered. “Please help us?” “I... I don’t know that I can,” said the pony. “Even just laughing a little can help a lot,” said Pinkie. “We can beat him! Just laugh at whatever’s scary! Come on, laugh a little!” Puddinghead started to say something, but stopped. Then she smiled. “You have a real knack for alliteration, Pinkie Pie.” Cadence opened a portal and the three stepped through. ***** The darkness was all encompassing. Rainbow Dash had stopped trying to escape. Three sonic rainbooms had done nothing. She felt like she was drifting. She felt like she was in the World of Darkness again. She’d made a deal with evil and lost. She didn’t deserve light. She curled up and tried to go to sleep. Then she felt something lick her face. “Hey! What the- cut it out!” said the pegasus. Then she started laughing. “H-hey, come on!” She opened her eyes. Three huge dogs were licking her face. “Ha ha! Hey!” The dogs kept licking her as she laughed. Suddenly there was a noise behind her. It was like a rattle snake hissing as it shook its rattle. Dash, laying on her back, looked up. She saw nightmares. She heard the dogs growled. They raised their heads and began to bark. As they did, she saw three necks leading to one body. “Uh-oh,” said Dash. “Cerberus!” The dog growled and barked with each of its heads before bounding off into the mess of creatures before it. Rainbow Dash rolled onto her stomach and watched as each of the three heads attacked a different beast. A five-legged imp with a scythe-like head skittered up to her from the dust clouds of the battle. “Loyalty,” it hissed. “The power to bind power... mine!” It raised its head and swung it around. Dash gasped as a paw slapped the creature away. “Thanks!” said Rainbow Dash. Cerberus started running. “Hey, wait!” She took to the air and started following the beast. One head looked back at her and barked as its body ran. Dash squinted as she flew behind the dog. It was running toward something in the distance. As they approached, Dash saw that it was a massive set of double doors. “Those must be the gates of Tartarus!” she said. She beat her wings to pick up the pace. Soon she was right beside Cerberus. Another shape made itself known near the gates. Dash prepared for a fight. “Hurry!” called the figure. “Through the gates, quickly!” “Hey, I know that voice!” said Dash, and she redoubled her speed. Cerberus barked and broke into a sprint. Dash grinned as Princess Luna came into focus. The princess threw open the gates and the three of them rushed through, the doors slamming shut behind them. Dash landed smoothly, but then collapsed, completely out of breath. Cerberus’ three heads panted heavily. “Are you injured, Rainbow Dash?” asked Luna. “Not really,” Dash replied. “I’ve got a few bruises from that duel I had with Paradox, but I’ll be okay.” “That is good,” said Luna. “But we only have a moment to rest, for we must soon depart through that rip.” She pointed to a nearby shimmer in the air. “Why? What’s on the other side?” asked Dash. “That is where we will find our friends, as well as the malevolent Paradox,” Luna replied. “What?!” shouted Dash. “Then let’s go! I owe him a kick in the keister!” She got up and started running. Cerberus barked with two heads and ran after her. Luna flapped her wings and followed them, and the three disappeared into the rip. ***** A noise and a flash drew the attention of Yusei and the others to a portal high above them. Rainbow Dash, Luna, and the three-headed Cerberus flew through it. “Alright, where’s Paradox?” growled the cyan pegasus. “I’ve got a score to settle with him!” “Rainbow Dash!” shouted Twilight and Yusei. “At last, we have all arrived!” came another voice. Yusei spun around. “Paradox!” he said. “Indeed, Yusei,” said Paradox. “You may have followed me once more, but you cannot stop me this time! All of you combined do not have the power to halt my final experiment!” “Then perhaps they need an extra boost,” said another voice. All eyes turned to a portal behind Paradox as Discord floated through. In his eagle claw was a large saddle bag, the contents of which were glowing in a full spectrum of color. “Impossible!” shouted Paradox. “I defeated you! You became statue!” “I got better,” said Discord, “thanks to these.” He flipped open the flap of the saddle bag. “The Elements of Harmony!” shouted Twilight happily. TO BE CONTINUED /*********************\ Next time on Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time With a whole host of characters from throughout Equestrian history backing him up, Yusei plans to challenge Paradox to a duel to settle the score, get some answers, and reverse the damage he’s done to the timeline! “You are essential to my plan, Yusei Fudo. Duel me and all will be revealed!” But when Paradox reveals that HE had been planning to challenge Yusei from the moment he formulated his plan, Yusei goes on guard with the intention of surviving a fierce Duel! What is Paradox planning, and why does he need Yusei? Will he be able to defeat the time-travelling menace and save his friends and their world? Chapter 13 Duel > Chapter 13: Duel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 13: Duel *********************\ Seventeen ponies, two dragons, Cerberus, Discord and Yusei have all gathered to confront Paradox at the Singularity, the point of origin for the Equestrian dimension! However, Paradox moves to put the final phase of his plan into action by challenging Yusei to a duel! Will Yusei discover Paradox’s purpose? *********************\ Author’s Note: Still a few questions to answer, so I’ll get to those real quick. Also gonna stir in a bit of action if I can. I brought in just about everyone I could think of, all to confront Paradox and undo what he’s done to Equestria. But the duel is Yusei’s fight alone; the world’s salvation rests in the hooves of the Bearers of Harmony. The end is coming soon, folks! /*********************\ Discord smirked. “How?!” shouted Paradox from behind his mask. “When I defeated you... you turned to stone! Malefic World drained the life out of you!” “This bag landed on me,” said Discord. “The Elements of Harmony freed me. I don’t know where they came from, but I don’t really care. I’m here now.” “I know where they came from,” said Celestia. “The bag fell from my back in the storm as I flew to Ponyville. It must have fallen through time to you, Discord.” “Wait a moment,” said Rarity. “Even with the Elements, we don’t know that we can fix this.” “Rarity’s right,” said Twilight. “Most of the damage Paradox did was done with Momentum, not with magic. They’re two completely different energies, and we know next to nothing about Momentum.” “You cannot stop this,” said Paradox. “My grand experiment is nearing completion. There is only one thing left to do. Yusei Fudo... I challenge you to a duel!” “You what?” said Yusei in disbelief. “You are essential to my plan, Yusei Fudo.” “But why?” “Duel me and all will be revealed!” “Not a chance, bub!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Cerberus, sic ‘em!” “Save me a piece!” roared the grown-up Spike. He spat out a stream of green fire at Paradox, but the masked man revved his D-Wheel’s engines and dodged the attack. Cerberus barked and tried to swat at him, but missed. “You will not escape my wrath, Paradox!” shouted the Celestia from the future. She fired a massive bolt of magic from her horn. Paradox again dodged the blow. “My turn!” shouted Rainbow Dash. She flapped her wings and shot at Paradox. A rainbow shockwave erupted behind her as she launched into a sonic rainboom. Her outstretched hoof struck Paradox’s mask and he was thrown off his D-Wheel. The mask flew off his face and disappeared into a portal. Beneath the mask was just another man. Hurt and anger were reflected in his eyes. Rainbow Dash hesitated. “Wait!” said Yusei. “We need answers. If I accept his challenge, maybe I can get them.” “Yusei’s right,” said Twilight. “We need to know what’s going on if we want to fix this.” Yusei nodded. “Paradox, I accept your-” Yusei felt a tugging on the back of his jacket. He turned around and saw Fluttershy. “Remember your promise,” she said softly. “Please?” “I will, Fluttershy,” said Yusei. He stroked her mane, then turned back to Paradox. “I accept your challenge. We’ll settle the score once and for all!” “That’s what I wanted to here!” said Paradox. “What you believe to be correct is actually incorrect. My final experiment will prove that to you!” “You’re the one who’s ‘incorrect’, Paradox!” said Yusei. “DUEL!” Life Point Count Paradox: 4000 Yusei: 4000 “What are they doing?” came the voice of the filly Pinkie Pie. “They’re gonna play a game with the fate of Equestria on the line!” said the grown-up Pinkie. “By the way, hi! I’m you from the future!” “Wow! What’s the future like?” asked filly Pinkie. “Don’t answer that!” said Star Swirl. “We cannot risk tainting the timeline any further!” “Okay then,” said Pinkie dejectedly. “Can I at least say that it’s fun?” Star Swirl sighed. “I suppose that’s all right.” “It’s a lot of fun!” said Pinkie. “I will take the first turn,” said Paradox. “I activate ‘Terraforming’. This lets me add a Field Spell from my deck to my hand.” Here it comes, thought Yusei. “Welcome to the sinful realm, ‘Malefic World’!” said Paradox. Everything around them changed. Stars, nebulas, galaxies appeared in swirling shades of red, yellow and purple. “While I control this card, I can add a random ‘Malefic’ monster from my deck to my hand instead of drawing each turn, but I cannot attack with non-Malefic monsters. “Now I send ‘Cyber End Dragon’ from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon ‘Malefic Cyber End Dragon’,” Paradox continued. Several ponies gasped as a three-headed metal dragon emerged from one of the portals. Each head wore a mask stylized after Paradox’s. Malefic Cyber End Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “I Set one card face-down and end my turn,” said Paradox. “Show me your power, Yusei Fudo!” “My turn!” said Yusei. “I activate the Spell Card 'Tuning', which lets me add a 'Synchron' Tuner to my hand, and then send cards from the top of my deck to the Graveyard equal to its Level. I add 'Junk Synchron' to my hand and send three cards to the Graveyard. Next I activate ‘One for One’! By sending a monster from my hand to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon a Level One monster from my hand or deck. Come on out, ‘Tuningware’!” A little robot wearing a yellow scarf appeared by Yusei. “Next I Normal Summon the Tuner Monster ‘Junk Synchron’!” said Yusei. A larger robot wearing orange armor appeared and shouted “Hah!” “When Junk Synchron is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level Two or lower monster from my Graveyard in Defense Mode with its effects negated. I Special Summon ‘Nitro Synchron’!” Yusei’s new monster resembled a can of nitrous with arms and a face. Its arms were crossed in front of its body. “I activate ‘Doppelwarrior’s’ effect from my hand! When I Special Summon a monster from my Graveyard, I can also Special Summon this card from my hand. Appear, Doppelwarrior!” A soldier dressed entirely in black and trailing an orange shadow appeared. Tuningware DEF/300 LV 1 Junk Synchron ATK/1300 LV 3 Nitro Synchron DEF/100 LV 2 Doppelwarrior ATK/800 LV 2 “Wow, four monsters in one turn,” said Twilight. “Yusei’s not playing around,” said Spike. “You get him, Yusei!” said Rainbow Dash. “Level Three Junk Synchron tunes with Level Two Doppelwarrior and Level One Tuningware,” said Yusei. Junk Synchron pulled a ripcord under its front armor plate and the two engines on its back roared to life. Junk Synchron disappeared and three bright stars appeared. They drew green rings that encircled the other two monsters. Their bodies disappeared, leaving only stars behind, and the stars and rings were enveloped in a massive pillar of green light. “When wishes of steel gather around the messenger of the gale, those wishes will become an invincible shield! Become the path its light shines upon! I Synchro Summon ‘Junk Gardna’!” Yusei’s monster emerged from the pillar. It was covered head to foot in green armor and had two massive shields for arms. It slammed them against each other, forming a wall in front of itself. Junk Gardna DEF/2600 LV 6 “A similar move to when you first faced me,” said Paradox. “You are nothing without Stardust Dragon.” “Who says I don’t have it?” said Yusei. He pulled a card from his deck box and revealed it to Paradox. “I defeated you two years ago, Paradox. You were destroyed and I got Stardust back.” “Then summon it and show me your true power,” said Paradox. “No.” “What?” “No. Not yet. When Tuningware and Doppelwarrior are used for a Synchro Summon, Tuningware lets me draw one card, and Doppelwarrior can Special Summon two ‘Doppel Tokens’ to my field in Attack Mode.” Yusei drew as two imp-like soldiers appeared on his field. Doppel Token ATK/400 LV 1 “I Set three cards face-down and end my turn,” said Yusei. “Yusei, why didn't you summon Stardust Dragon?” asked Twilight. “Because it’s not time yet,” said Yusei. “My turn,” said Paradox. “I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Malefic Whirlwind’. All of your monsters are switched to Defense Mode, and I draw one card.” “I play the Trap ‘Card of Sacrifice’!” said Yusei. “If all my Attack Mode monsters have less combined Attack Points than your weakest monster, I can draw 2 cards. Currently, I have two Doppel Tokens with 800 Attack Points total, and you have Malefic Cyber End Dragon at 4000.” Yusei drew two cards and his imp-soldiers knelt down on one knee. “Increasing your resources will not help you,” said Paradox. “I send ‘Red Dragon Archfiend’ and ‘Black-Winged Dragon’ from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard. Appear by my side, ‘Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend’ and ‘Malefic Black-Winged Dragon’!” Two more dragons appeared from the portals surrounding everyone. One was a blood-colored dragon with three massive horns protruding from the back of its head, and the other a thin, bird-like creature. Each one had a mask and armor covering their faces and bodies. Black and white spirals extended from the mask of the red dragon and wrapped around its horns. Eye-like patterns covered the knife-like feathers of the black dragon’s wings, and a yellow beak rested beneath its mask. Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend ATK/3000 LV 8 Malefic Black-Winged Dragon ATK/2800 LV 8 “Battle! Malefic Black-Winged Dragon, attack Junk Gardna! Noble Stream!” ordered Paradox. The bird-like dragon spat out a roaring beam of black and red energy. “I activate Junk Gardna’s effect!” said Yusei. “Once per turn, when you declare an attack, I can change the attacking monster to Defense Mode!” The beam struck Junk Gardna’s shield-like arms and slid off the armor. Black-Winged Dragon snapped its jaw shut, cutting off the stream, then folded its wings in front of itself. “Just the play I was waiting for,” said Paradox. “Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend, attack! Absolute Powerforce!” Flame-wreathed claws slammed down onto Junk Gardna and crushed it. Junk Gardna exploded, the fire from the burst mixing with the fire in Malefic Red Dragon’s hand. "I activate 'Revenge Return'," said Yusei. "When a monster I control is destroyed by battle, I draw one card." “It matters not. Now Malefic Red Dragon’s effect activates,” said Paradox. “When it attacks a monster in Defense Mode, it destroys all of your other Defense Mode monsters after the battle. Go, Archfiend Meteor!” Fireballs erupted from the dragon’s maw and slammed into Yusei’s three remaining monsters. “Junk Gardna’s second effect activates,” said Yusei. “When it’s destroyed, I can change one of your monsters to Defense Mode!” Malefic Cyber End Dragon folded its wings in front of itself. “Do not count me out yet, Yusei,” said Paradox. “I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Malefic Lunge’! If a monster I control is changed to Defense Mode by an opponent’s card effect, it switches that monster back to Attack Position!” “Say what?!” Yusei gasped. “Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack!” shouted Paradox. “Eternal Evolution Burst!” Each mechanical head fired massive streams of yellow energy at Yusei. “YUSEI!” cried Twilight. “You didn’t really think it’d be that easy, did you?” asked Yusei. “I play the Trap ‘Spirit Force’! This reduces the damage from this battle to zero and lets me add Junk Synchron from my Graveyard to my hand!” A white barrier appeared around Yusei, intercepting the beams. “Phew!” said Rainbow Dash. “That was too close, Yusei! Try not to do that again!” “What just happened?” asked the young Celestia. “Players in this game get what are called Life Points,” said Twilight. “You start with four thousand and if you lose them all, you lose the duel. If Paradox’s attack had gone through, Malefic Cyber End Dragon would have dealt four thousand points of damage to Yusei and he would have lost.” “But that card blocked it?” asked the tiny Luna behind her. “That’s right,” said the grown-up Spike. “Never underestimate Yusei.” “He’ll win this for sure!” said Rainbow Dash. “So long as he keeps his promise,” whispered Fluttershy. All eyes returned to the duel. “I Set one card face-down and end my turn,” said Paradox. “During the End Phase, if the monster affected by Malefic Lunge attacked, it is switched back to Defense Mode and both of us draw one card.” Malefic Cyber End Dragon DEF/2800 “Fine by me,” said Yusei. “It’s also my turn!” He drew two cards. Just what I needed! he thought. “I call Junk Synchron back to the field, then use his effect to bring back Nitro Synchron!” The two Tuner monsters reappeared on Yusei’s field. “Next, I can Special Summon this card from my hand by Releasing a Warrior-Type monster I control. I release Junk Synchron and summon ‘Turret Warrior’!” Junk Synchron vanished in a ball of colors and a new monster appeared. It was a massive warrior covered completely in bricks, like a fortress. Two swiveling turrets rested atop its wide shoulders. Turret Warrior ATK/1200 LV 5 “Turret Warrior gains the Attack Points of the monster that I Released to Special Summon it,” said Yusei, “but it won’t be sticking around for long because I’m having Nitro Synchron give him a tune up!” The pressure dial atop Nitro Synchron’s body moved to show maximum pressure. The little Tuner vanished and two stars appeared, drawing green rings around Turret Warrior. The giant warrior’s body vanished, leaving five stars that formed a line in the rings. Another pillar of light enveloped them. “Gathering thoughts will now become a new force! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Blaze on, ‘Nitro Warrior’!” A green, horned warrior stood tall above Yusei and the others. Fire erupted from the jet on its tail as it rose into the air and shouted. Nitro Warrior ATK/2800 LV 7 “Just what do you plan to do with that?” laughed Paradox. “It’s not strong enough to destroy any monster but Malefic Black-Winged Dragon.” “Maybe not on its own, but together, my friends and I can overcome anything!” said Yusei. “The bonds I have with my friends have never failed me!” “Then show me the power of your bonds,” said Paradox, “and I will show you just how feeble this power is.” TO BE CONTINUED /*********************\ Next time on Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Yusei unleashes a devastating attack with Nitro Warrior, but Paradox survives and quickly turns things back against Yusei! Both players’ Life Points are halved and a fierce battle unfolds as Paradox unleashes card after terrifying card, relentlessly pounding against Yusei’s defenses! “Paradox! How did you survive our last duel? Why are you destroying Equestria? And why do you need me?” As the duel rages on, Paradox reveals the truth to Yusei. Yusei, in turn, reveals his new power! Will it be enough to stop Paradox’s ambitions? Chapter 14 Truth > Chapter 14: Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 14: Truth *********************\ Yusei Synchro Summons Nitro Warrior and takes the duel to an explosive new level, intending to finish it as quickly as possible. But Paradox is not so easy to defeat and survives Yusei’s strategy, only to turn it around and hammer against Yusei’s defenses. In the midst of the fighting, Yusei starts asking for answers... *********************\ Author’s Note: A good friend of mine died a few days ago, an old teacher. I feel bad for not spending more time with him after he moved into my neighborhood. Mr. Jim, I’m dedicating the rest of this story to you. /*********************\ “When Nitro Synchron is used to Synchro Summon a ‘Nitro’ monster, I get to draw one card,” said Yusei. “Now I equip Nitro Warrior with ‘Junk Barrage’ and ‘Fighting Spirit’! Fighting Spirit increases Nitro Warrior’s Attack Points by three hundred for each monster you have on the field.” Nitro Warrior ATK/3700 “NItro Warrior, attack Malefic Cyber End Dragon!” said Yusei. “Dynamite Knuckle!” Jets of fire burst out of the large bracelets that Nitro Warrior had on its wrists as it thrust both fists forward, punching through the mechanical dragon and exploding out of its back. “Junk Barrage’s effect activates!” said Yusei. “When the equipped monster destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you take half of its Attack Points as damage!” “Don’t get hasty, Yusei,” replied Paradox. “Whenever I would take damage from a card effect, Malefic Black-Winged Dragon redirects it to my opponent!” “Say what?!” Yusei gasped. As Malefic Cyber End Dragon exploded, the force of the blast knocked Yusei backward and he crashed into the grown-up Spike. He shook his head to clear it. “Nitro Warrior’s effect activates! When it destroys a monster by battle, it can switch a defense monster to Attack Mode and attack it! Nitro Warrior, destroy Malefic Black-Winged Dragon!” Malefic Black-Winged Dragon ATK/2800 Nitro Warrior ATK/3400 Nitro Warrior punched the corrupted dragon twice in the head and destroyed it. This time, the blast struck Paradox as Junk Barrage’s effect activated. Life Point Count Paradox: 2000 Yusei: 2000 “Whoa,” said Twilight. “If Yusei’s first attack hadn’t been thrown back at him, he would have won!” “Yeah,” said Dash. “Hang on, Yusei! You can do it!” “I’m trying, Dash,” said Yusei. “Not hard enough,” said Paradox. “I activate ‘Malefic Tune’. When a ‘Malefic’ monster is destroyed, I can draw two cards.” “I Set a card face-down and end my turn.” “My turn. However, in lieu of drawing a card, I will use the effect of Malefic World and add a random ‘Malefic’ monster to my hand.” Paradox’s Duel Disk shuffled his deck. When it finished, a single card was sticking out. Paradox took it,. “Not bad,” he said. “But I will not use it now. Instead, I summon ‘Malefic Rainbow Dragon’!” The serpentine body of the massive dragon pushed through a portal just to the left of Discord. It roared and circled above Paradox. Malefic Rainbow Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “Aw come on!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “That’s MY card!” “I activate ‘Malefic Panic!’ This will summon as many ‘Malefic’ monsters as possible from my Graveyard, ignoring their Summoning Conditions. Revive, Malefic Cyber End and Malefic Black-Winged Dragons!” “Oh no. Yusei, this is the same move he used to beat me!” said Dash. “Be careful!” Yusei nodded. “I activate Malefic Rainbow Dragon’s effect! By sending all other ‘Malefic’ monsters I control to the Graveyard, its Attack Points increase by one thousand for each!” Malefic Rainbow Dragon roared as the gems on its sides began to glow. Malefic Red Dragon, Black-Winged Dragon and Cyber End Dragon were all absorbed into the gems. Two point counters appeared next to Malefic Rainbow Dragon and Nitro Warrior. Malefic Rainbow Dragon ATK/7000 Nitro Warrior ATK/3100 “Malefic Rainbow Dragon, attack Nitro Warrior!” ordered Paradox. “Over the Rainbow!” “I play the Trap ‘Wave Force’!” Yusei said. “When a Synchro Monster I control is attacked, this destroys all of your Attack Mode monsters!” Nitro Warrior roared and threw its fists forward, launching a massive wave of energy at Paradox’s monster. The dragon fired a rainbow beam that collided with the wave, but was pushed back. The wave struck the dragon and it was destroyed. “Impressive, Yusei,” said Paradox. “But you won’t get out of this that easily. I send ‘Red-Eyes Black Dragon’ from my deck to the Graveyard. Rise, ‘Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon’!” A black dragon emerged from a portal below Paradox. Its wings and most of its face were covered in the black and white patterns of the Malefic mask and armor. Its right eye, shining bright red, was visible. It hissed loudly as it unfurled its wings and claws. Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon ATK/2400 LV 7 “Now I activate ‘Malefic Devastation’,” Paradox continued. “Its effect changes depending on if ‘Malefic Blue-Eyes’ or ‘Malefic Red-Eyes’ is on the field. Since it’s Malefic Red-Eyes, you take four hundred points of damage for each Spell and Trap you control. Then, since Malefic Red-Eyes is the only monster I control, those cards are destroyed and I draw one card.” Malefic Red-Eyes spat out two crimson fireballs at Fighting Spirit and Junk Barrage, destroying them. The blast pushed against Yusei, knocking him into the larger Spike again. “I Set three cards and end my turn.” Life Point Count Paradox: 2000 Yusei: 1200 “You okay, Yusei?” asked the larger Spike. “Yeah, I’m fine,” said Yusei. He drew a card to start his turn. “Paradox! How did you survive our last duel? Why are you destroying Equestria? And why do you need me?” “So many questions,” Paradox replied. “Very well, I will tell you how I survived: I am not the Paradox that you fought against.” “Say what?!” said Yusei. “What do you mean you’re not the Paradox I fought? Did Z-One revive you?” “No. After you appeared and saved Jaden Yuki, I moved back to the point in time where I was to kill Pegasus. I succeeded.” “But we stopped you!” “You stopped a past version of myself. The Yugi that you took back in time... he had seen what had happened, did he not?” “Then that means...” “Yes. If someone is taken to a different point in time and the timeline changes, they will continue to exist. I remembered that you had used the Crimson Dragon to follow me back in time. I traveled back to the point where you three confronted me and observed the duel. When I witnessed my own defeat, I began searching for other means of fulfilling my mission.” “How did you find out about Equestria, and why are you destroying it?” “I came across this place entirely by accident. The walls between dimensions had begun to break down as I continued jumping through time in the Satellite area, which was formerly Old Domino. I had no intention of entering here, but I discovered that this dimension is brimming with energy. So I made up my mind to use it.” “But what for?” “To destroy the future of our world, Yusei.” “Destroy the future? Do you plan to kill Pegasus again?” “Not just that. I will literally eliminate the timeline from the point that Pegasus began exploring Egypt, and then guide the future myself. Time is just another dimension, Yusei, one in which space exists. I will destroy the part of that dimension where Pegasus created Duel Monsters using the boundless energy of Equestria and its timeline! Behold! Energy from all eras is pouring into the Singularity, the point of beginning for the universe! “Do you understand, Yusei? I am turning time itself into the energy needed for the ultimate weapon, and then I will destroy the link in the chain that connects Domino City to the doomed future that I was sent to prevent! This will erase that future entirely, and I will stop Pegasus without interference from you or the other historic duelists!” “Paradox, you don't have to do this! I've already saved the future! Z-One attacked Neo Domino City directly and I stopped him. Then I developed a program that would prevent Momentum from going berserk again!” “Why should I believe you? Even if you did stop Z-One, that would not have changed the future.” “Paradox!” “Enough! Take your turn!” Paradox shouted. Yusei grit his teeth. “Battle! Nitro Warrior, attack Malefic Red-Eyes with Dynamite Knuckle!” The green warrior slammed its rocket-propelled fists into the black dragon, destroying it and knocking Paradox back. Life Point Count Paradox: 1600 Yusei: 1200 “I activate the effect of 'Level Eater' in my Graveyard. Be reducing the Level of a Level Five or above monster I control by one, I can Special Summon it. I Special Summon Level Eater In Defense Mode and Set two cards face-down. Your move, Paradox.” A round, red beetle appeared. It had a large, yellow star on its back. Paradox drew. “Excellent. I activate ‘Malefic Selector’. By removing Malefic Red-Eyes and Malefic Cyber End from my Graveyard, I can add two ‘Malefic’ monsters from my deck to my hand. Appear before me, ‘Malefic Stardust Dragon’!” A snow-white dragon emerged from a portal above the Singularity. Stardust’s face was completely covered, its wings were black and white, and armor covered its torso and knees. "Now I summon the Tuner monster ‘Malefic Parallel Gear’.” A small stack of gears appeared through the same portal that Malefic Stardust had come from. Malefic Parallel Gear ATK/0 LV 2 “I activate 'Malefic Greed', allowing me to draw two cards if I control 'Malefic World' and at least two 'Malefic' monsters. Now, Level Two Malefic Parallel Gear, tune with my Level Eight Malefic Stardust Dragon!” said Paradox. The gears that made up the new monster whirred to life and the thing disappeared. Two stars appeared and drew black rings around the corrupted Stardust Dragon. “Born from the threshold of the dimension of Darkness, the time has come to lower the curtain of destruction on the stage that surpasses time and space!” Malefic Stardust vanished, leaving eight stars behind. They formed a line and a black pillar engulfed them and the rings. “I Synchro Summon ‘Malefic Paradox Dragon’!” shouted Paradox. A massive black and white wyvern emerged from the pillar. The creature rivaled the grown-up Spike in size, but was far more menacing in appearance. Malefic Paradox Dragon ATK/4000 LV 10 “When Malefic Paradox Dragon is Synchro Summoned, I can Special Summon a Synchro Monster from my Graveyard, ignoring its Summoning conditions. Appear before me, ‘Stardust Dragon’!” Another portal appeared and began spewing energy into the Singularity. Stardust Dragon also emerged from this portal. Stardust Dragon ATK/2500 LV 8 “Oh no!” cried Fluttershy. “Yusei, did he steal your card again?” “No, Fluttershy,” said Yusei. “I never got Stardust back from this Paradox. I fought an earlier version of him.” “I don't understand,” said Fluttershy. “Neither do I,” Applejack chimed in. “If you got your card back from him, how does he still have it?” “Like I said, I got it back from an earlier version of him,” said Yusei. “And like Paradox said, he’s from a different timeline altogether. After this one killed Pegasus, he went back in time to make sure nothing changed. But it did, so he ended up trapped in the current timeline.” “Ya lost me there, Yusei,” said Applejack. “Paradox said that time is a dimension all its own, like Equestria or my home dimension,” Yusei explained. “He’s from a different ‘time dimension’, one that he got cut off from when Yugi, Jaden and I put history back on course.” “That makes sense,” said Twilight. Many others nodded in agreement. Rainbow Dash scratched her head with a hoof. “I still don't get it,” said the rainbow-maned pegasus. “But whatever. Kick his butt, Yusei!” “He will be hard pressed to do so,” said Paradox. “Malefic Paradox Dragon decreases the Attack Points of my opponent’s monsters by the Attack Points of all other Synchro Monsters that I control. Feel its curse, Nitro Warrior!” A black aura appeared around Yusei’s monster and it fell to one knee with a groan. Nitro Warrior ATK/300 “Now I activate the Trap Card ‘Malefic Overload’,” said Paradox. “By returning at least three ‘Malefic’ monsters in my Graveyard to my deck, I can draw two cards. If I return four or more, I can draw three cards instead. I return Malefic Parallel Gear, Rainbow Dragon, Black-Winged Dragon, and Red Dragon Archfiend to my deck so I can draw three cards!" As soon as Yusei saw the two cards in Paradox’s hand, he smiled. “Just what I was waiting for,” he said. “I play the Trap ‘Insightful Cards of Reversal’! When you add cards to your hand outside of your Draw Phase, I can draw cards equal to the number of cards in your hand! And I count five!” “Yusei just drew six cards!” said Twilight. “Now he'll have some more options on his next turn!” “Hmph. It doesn't matter,” Paradox snorted. “I summon 'Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon'!" Another dragon appeared behind Paradox. Blue-Eyes, like Red-Eyes, wore armor on its wings and a mask with its right eye revealed. Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon ATK/3000 LV 8 “That's not your card!” roared both Spikes. “How DARE you do that to it!” shouted Rarity. “My deck is composed of the strongest monsters from throughout all eras of time, subjugated to my whims. But I am far from done. I activate Malefic Devastation!” “You had another one?!” Yusei gasped. “That’s right. And you may remember that it’s effect changes depending on whether I have Malefic Blue-Eyes or Malefic Red-Eyes on the field. Since it’s Malefic Blue-Eyes this time, all of your monsters are destroyed!” “Continuous Trap, ‘Monster Chain’! It gets one Chain Counter for each monster I control, loses a Chain Counter at the end of each of your turns, and is destroyed when it doesn't have any more Chain Counters, but stops us both from attacking as long as it’s here.” Criss-crossing white rings appeared around all five monsters on the field. “Clever, but not clever enough! Trap Card, ‘Malefic Claw Stream’, activate! If I control a ‘Malefic’ Synchro Monster, it destroys one monster you control! I destroy Turbo Synchron!” Malefic Paradox Dragon and Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon spat out beams of energy that sliced through Yusei’s two monsters. “Since Malefic Claw Stream destroyed a monster first,” said Paradox, “Monster Chain will only last for a single turn. I Set two cards and end my turn.” "Before you do, I activate the Graveyard effect of 'Revenge Return'!" said Yusei. "By removing it from play, I can Special Summon a monster that was destroyed by an effect this turn. I'll use it to revive Level Eater!" Level Eater reappeared as Yusei’s 'Monster Chain' card vanished and the white rings disappeared as well. He drew a card. “I summon ‘Necro Linker’,” he said. A skeletal figure in tattered robes appeared from within a portal. “By Releasing Necro Linker, it can Special Summon a ‘Synchron’ Tuner from my Graveyard, but I can't Synchro Summon with it this turn. I revive 'Turbo Synchron' and Set the rest of my hand face-down. Your turn, Paradox.” A small, green monster resembling the front end of a motorbike appeared before Yusei. As it did, five cards materialized behind it. Paradox smirked. “Is that the best you can do?” he asked. “It is no match for the pure might of the ‘Malefic’ cards in my deck. You may think your actions are correct, Yusei Fudo, but they are far from correct. They only led to the destruction of humanity! I intend to fix that.” “Paradox, I told you that you don’t have to do this anymore!” Yusei pleaded. “Z-One is gone! He sacrificed himself to stop the Ark Cradle! The future is changed and the world isn't in danger of Momentum anymore!” “Is that right?” Paradox snapped. “Tell me, Yusei, what do you know about the disaster that wiped out mankind?” “I know that the Momentum network gained sentience and-” “What was the name of the network?” Yusei blinked. “What? I... I don’t know.” “Then I’ll tell you. Its name... was Fortune!” Yusei gasped. “Yusei, what’s wrong?” asked Fluttershy. “It... it can't be...” Yusei shook his head and looked down. “Fortune... that was the name of the program I designed to keep Momentum from going berserk!” TO BE CONTINUED /*********************\ Next time on Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time After revealing a devastating truth, Paradox closes in for the kill! Yusei desperately fights back and tries to prove to Paradox that he has evolved by summoning Shooting Star Dragon! “It can’t be... it can’t be!” But the idea that it was his program that caused the end of the world in the future weighs heavily on Yusei. Can he overcome his newfound doubt to stop Paradox’s ambitions? Or has Paradox already won? Chapter 15 Evolution > Chapter 15: Evolution > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 15: Evolution *********************\ After the devastating revelation that it was Yusei’s program that destroyed the world in the future, Paradox continues to unleash his onslaught of Malefic monsters! But Yusei keeps his cool and manages to Accel Synchro! But will it be enough to prove to Paradox that he’s saved his world? *********************\ Author’s Note: I totally didn’t see that coming. No, seriously. I did NOT plan that. That was just a flash of inspiration that I had. I have no idea what I’m gonna do with it, but it’s already there and I’m not taking it out. Retconning cards and duels is one thing, but the story? Not cool. I got kind of carried away, so this chapter is double-length. Enjoy! /*********************\ “Yusei, what exactly is ‘Fortune’?” asked Twilight. “The Fortune Mainframe was a program I developed which unified the lifelines of Neo Domino City and other cities using Momentum,” Yusei explained. “Basically, Neo Domino City would prevent Momentum from going berserk anywhere else in the world, and the Fortune Mainframe would also prevent the Central Momentum from going out of control as well.” “It took two hundred years and many upgrades to the software, but the network itself gained sentience,” said Paradox. “Fueled by the living energy that it generated, Momentum learned of the greedy ways in which humanity was using it and decided that they should no longer be allowed to live. It punished us for our greed.” “But that’s impossible!” said Yusei. “The core parameters of Fortune would prevent Momentum from going into Zero Reverse!” “It went into reverse, but remained in full control of itself,” said Paradox. “Z-One and I learned the truth after he saved me. After it gained sentience, it created the armies of Meklord Emperors to keep humanity busy. While we waged war against nigh-indestructible machines that fed on our greed and fear, Momentum worked to overwrite the anti-overload parameters of your program. It succeeded just after Z-One started his ‘Clear Mind’ revolution. Though it saw him, it decided that his handful of selfless followers were not enough, and also saw pride in his heart. It even told him so after he gave up.” “It can’t be... it can’t be!” said Yusei. “It just can’t be!” “It is, Yusei,” said Paradox. “In the future that I come from, you designed this program when you retired from Pro-Dueling.” “I designed it after I defeated Z-One!” Yusei replied. “It won’t matter,” said Paradox. “Your program destroyed us, Yusei, and it will do so again. So I will destroy you and your future. My turn!” Paradox drew and smiled. “I send ‘Cyberdark Dragon’ from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon ‘Malefic Cyberdark Dragon’!” Paradox’s new monster came through a portal. Its body seemed composed of three different monsters. The tail was thin, black and snake-like. The body was green, but its wings were covered in Malefic armor. The head was a copper color with four massive tusks around the mouth. Within its open, mechanical mouth was the head of a dragon, covered in the Malefic mask. Malefic Cyberdark Dragon ATK/1000 LV 8 “Malefic Cyberdark Dragon gains one hundred Attack Points for each monster in my Graveyard, and when I Special Summon it, I can equip it with a ‘Malefic’ monster in my Graveyard and Malefic Cyberdark gains that monster’s Attack Points,” Paradox said. “Feed on the strength of Malefic Stardust Dragon!” Many thin wires shot out of the underside of the mechanical monstrosity and disappeared into a portal, then withdrew, pulling out a limp Malefic Stardust Dragon. The claws on the central section gripped the dragon, holding it in place. The creature roared loudly as a red aura appeared around it and its Attack Points shot up. Malefic Cyberdark Dragon ATK/4200 “Battle!” shouted Paradox. “Malefic Blue-Eyes, attack!” Yusei smiled. “I activate ‘Urgent Tuning’! During the Battle Phase, I can activate this card to perform a Synchro Summon. Turbo Synchron, tune with Level Eater!” Yusei’s two monsters vanished and were replaced by one green ring and one star. “Gathering wishes will call out a new horizon of speed,” Yusei chanted. “Become the path its light shines upon!” A formula race car emerged from the column of green light that had enveloped the star and ring. Legs, arms and a head all emerged from the car, making it the central body of a robot. “I Synchro Summon the Power of Hope, the Synchro Tuner, ‘Formula Synchron’!” Formula Synchron DEF/1500 LV 2 “Synchro Tuner?” repeated Twilight. “You mean it’s a Synchro Monster AND a Tuner Monster?” “That’s right, Twilight,” said Yusei. “This is a power that I gained to fight the Meklord Emperors.” Turning his attention back to Paradox, Yusei announced, “Bring it on, Paradox. I've got a new trick to show you!.” “Antinomy’s little trick failed us in the end,” Paradox sneered, “just as it will fail you. Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon, destroy Formula Synchron!” “Not so fast, Paradox!” said Yusei. “I play the Trap ‘Synchro Material’! This lets me use a monster you control for a Synchro Summon. I choose Stardust Dragon!” “Yusei, why now?” asked Twilight. “Why not wait until next turn?” “Because I don’t need to wait,” said Yusei. “I tune my Level Two Synchro Tuner, Formula Synchron, with the Level Eight Synchro Monster, Stardust Dragon!” “You’re Synchro Summoning on Paradox’s turn?!” said Spike. “How is that possible?” asked Twilight. “This is the power I gained to fight the future!” said Yusei. “Gathering dreams crystallize to open a new door of evolution. Become the path its light shines upon!” Formula Synchron and Stardust Dragon flew straight upward, the former racing ahead. A funnel cone formed around them, rays of light flashed off the front of Formula Synchron’s body, and at last the two monsters vanished. Yusei held up a blank card. “Accel Synchro!” he shouted. “Arise, ‘Shooting Star Dragon’!” A single beast appeared from a new portal that flashed into existence before vanishing after the monster’s exit. It soared through space like a jet, a stream of light trailing behind it. It swooped down, spinning as it did so, then came to a stop above Yusei. Its head was smaller and completely armored, but most of its body was much larger. Its wings were straight and tinged with green. Its roar sounded like Stardust Dragon’s, but deeper, wiser, and far more powerful. Shooting Star Dragon ATK/3300 LV 10 “Accel Synchro?” said Twilight. “Now THAT’S what I’m talking about!” cheered Rainbow Dash. “It’s... incredible,” said Fluttershy. “Shooting Star Dragon can be Synchro Summoned on my opponent’s turn,” said Yusei. “This is the power I gained to fight the Meklords, and this is the power I’ll use to stop you, Paradox!” “Malefic Blue-Eyes, cease your attack,” Paradox ordered. “Let’s change tactics, shall we? Because you sent Stardust Dragon back to my Graveyard, Malefic Cyberdark’s Attack Points are one thousand higher than Shooting Star’s. Malefic Cyberdark Dragon, attack Shooting Star Dragon! Full Darkness Burst!” A black ball of crackling energy appeared between the four horns of the mechanical creature. As it formed, another of Yusei’s face-down cards flipped up. “Go, ‘Wild Tornado’!” said Yusei. “This destroys one face-up card in the Spell and Trap Card Zones! I destroy Malefic Stardust Dragon!” “Without Malefic Stardust’s power, it’s no match for Shooting Star Dragon!” said little Spike. “Since Malefic Stardust is a monster, Malefic Cyberdark Dragon only loses twenty-four hundred Attack Points when it enters the Graveyard,” said Rarity, “but that still puts it at only nineteen hundred points!” “Then that means Paradox will take fourteen hundred points of damage!” said Twilight. “He’ll only have a hundred points left!” “That’s showin’ ‘em!” shouted Applejack. The others began to cheer right alongside her. “You actually believe it will be that easy?” Paradox said smugly. “From my hand, I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Malefic Sacrifice’. By sending Malefic Cyberdark Dragon to the Graveyard, I gain the Attack Points it had on the field in Life Points!” Malefic Cyberdark Dragon vanished in a stream of light that wrapped around Paradox in a small cocoon that quickly faded away. Paradox chuckled. Life Point Count Paradox: 5900 “No way!” cried Yusei. “Oh no. And Yusei worked so hard to get him to where he was!” said older Pinkie. “Yeah, that’s not fair!” said the filly Pinkie. “What is the significance of these ‘Life Points’?” asked Puddinghead. “Life Points indicate how close you are to victory or defeat in this game,” said Twilight. “If your Life Points drop to zero, then you lose,” the younger Spike chimed in. “Then your friend Yusei is in quite the pinch, isn’t he?” Puddinghead said. “If the fate of Equestria rests in his hands, then I hope he can turn this around once more.” “Believe me, that’s what Yusei’s good at,” said Twilight. “Malefic Paradox Dragon, attack Shooting Star Dragon!” said Paradox. “Paradox Stream!” “I activate Shooting Star Dragon’s effect!” said Yusei. “During your turn, I can remove it from play, and during this turn, I can negate one attack.” Shooting Star Dragon shot forward and vanished into a portal like the one it emerged from. Paradox Dragon’s attack disappeared into the other side of the portal. “Bah,” snorted Paradox. “I end my turn.” “During the End Phase, Shooting Star Dragon returns to the field after it was removed by this effect,” said Yusei. “It’s my turn now, and I play the Trap ‘Miracle Locus’! Shooting Star Dragon gains one thousand Attack Points and can attack twice this turn, but won’t inflict any Battle Damage to you. Shooting Star Dragon, attack Malefic Blue-Eyes!” Shooting Star Dragon roared and blasted forward, after-images of itself trailing behind it and quickly fading away. Shooting Star pierced through Malefic Blue-Eyes and the corrupt dragon exploded. “Not done yet!” said Yusei. “It’s Paradox Dragon’s turn to go down! Go, Stardust Mirage!” Shooting Star Dragon blasted down from above Malefic Paradox Dragon, striking it in the back and piercing through its yellow underbelly. The massive wyvern exploded shortly afterward. “Woo-hoo! That’s what Go-Time looks like!” shouted Dash. “No,” said Paradox. “THIS is what ‘Go-Time’ looks like! You might have thought that move was the right one to make, Yusei, but it was a huge mistake on your part! I activate ‘Malefic Paradigm Shift’! When Malefic Paradox Dragon is destroyed, I can pay half my Life Points and sacrifice myself to Special Summon ‘Malefic Truth Dragon’!” Paradox screamed as if in pain as three different-shaded images of his Trap encircled him and a dark orb engulfed them all. A new portal appeared beneath him, a massive circle of swirling light. Something began to emerge. The sharp-edged, triangular head of an enormous dragon rose up from the portal. The rest of its body quickly followed. Most of the creature’s body was golden yellow. Its belly was armored with blood-red plates and its eyes were the same color. Its teeth were constantly bared and fit together perfectly. Paradox’s legs sank into the top of the beast’s head and he groaned with the effort of the merging. Malefic Truth Dragon ATK/5000 LV 12 “I will eliminate you by my own hand, Yusei Fudo!” said Paradox. “And this time, there will be no mistakes! When you dueled that past version of myself, you should not have won! Had that Paradox focused his attacks on Stardust Dragon, you surely would have fallen!” “Then I’ll prove to you here and now that I’m still the better duelist,” said Yusei. “We shall see,” said Paradox. “I play my own Trap: ‘Crush Star’,” said Yusei. “When a Synchro Monster on the field is destroyed, I can Special Summon two monsters with one thousand or less Attack Points; one from my hand and one from my Graveyard. From my Graveyard, I revive Tuningware. And from my hand, I summon ‘Quickdraw Synchron’!” Two small robots appeared on Yusei’s field. The new one wore a cape and cowboy hat, with a single eye revealed beneath its shadow. “Quickdraw Synchron can substitute itself for any ‘Synchron’ Tuner monster, and Tuningware can be treated as a Level Two monster if I use it as a Synchro Material,” said Yusei. “Level Five Quickdraw Synchron, tune with the Level Two Tuningware!” A ring of monster cards appeared a few feet away from Quickdraw Synchron. The ring began to spin, picking up speed until the cards became a blur. The little robot grabbed a gun from one of the holsters on his belt and fired. The ring stopped. Junk Synchron had a hole through it. “Gathering anger becomes an entranced warrior born from a brutal god. Become the path its light shines upon!” A massive axe cut through the pillar of light that had appeared from Quickdraw Synchron and Tuningware. “Synchro Summon!” shouted Yusei. “Howl, ‘Junk Berserker’!” The warrior that emerged was just as massive as the axe it held. It was covered in bright red armor lined with gold. Spikes littered its armor from head to toe, and a long, jagged horn rested atop its head. Junk Berserker ATK/2700 LV 7 “First, Tuningware lets me draw one card. Next, I activate Junk Berserker’s effect,” said Yusei. “By removing a ‘Junk’ monster from my Graveyard, one of your monsters loses that monster’s Attack Points. I remove Junk Synchron to weaken Malefic Truth Dragon!” Junk Berserker swung its massive axe, launching a wide beam at Malefic Truth Dragon, with a ghostly image of Junk Synchron riding it. It struck the creature’s red underbelly. It roared as the energy weakened it. Malefic Truth Dragon ATK/3700 “I Set a card face-down and end my turn,” said Yusei. “My turn!” said Paradox. “I send ‘Armed Dragon Level Ten’ from my deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon ‘Malefic Armed Dragon’!” A massive, orange-skinned dragon entered the field through one of the surrounding portals. Black and white armor covered its belly and wings, though short, sharp blades pierced through it. The Malefic mask covered its face, but metallic tusks and horns jutted out from underneath it. Malefic Armed Dragon ATK/3000 LV 10 “Armed Dragon...” said the larger Spike. “I activate Malefic Armed Dragon’s effect,” Paradox said. “Once per turn, it can destroy one card on the field. I choose Shooting Star Dragon! Go, Malefic Mambele!” Malefic Armed Dragon grabbed the giant blades that formed its wings, pulled them forward and threw them. They spun through space toward Shooting Star Dragon. “Shooting Star Dragon’s effect activates!” said Yusei. “I remove it from play until the end of the turn, then I can negate one attack this turn!” Shooting Star Dragon shot forward at the spinning blades and vanished. The blades passed where it had been and turned back toward their owner. They landed on its back with a loud CLANG! “That’s fine,” said Paradox. “Malefic Armed Dragon, attack! Armed Big Punisher!” “With Shooting Star’s effect, I negate your attack!” A glowing, white barrier appeared around Yusei. Malefic Armed Dragon slammed its clawed hand down, but struck the barrier instead of Yusei. “My turn now!” Paradox said. “I attack through Malefic Truth Dragon!” The massive yellow dragon opened its mouth and a yellow beam fired out between its pointed teeth. “I activate ‘Defense Draw’!” said Yusei. “This reduces the damage from this battle to zero and lets me draw one card!” Another barrier appeared around Yusei, blocking the yellow beam. Yusei drew a card and added it to his hand. “I Set two cards and end my turn,” said Paradox. Shooting Star Dragon reappeared on the field. “My turn!” said Yusei. “I summon ‘Synchron Explorer’! And when it’s Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a ‘Synchron’ Tuner from my Graveyard!” A round, red robot appeared. The hole in its spherical body began to glow and Nitro Synchron emerged from within. “Level Two Nitro Synchron, tune with the Level Two Synchron Explorer!” Yusei ordered. As the two monsters vanished and their stars enveloped by light, Yusei said, “I Synchro Summon ‘Armory Arm’!” A black and gold mechanical arm with long, red fingers emerged from the light. Armory Arm ATK/1800 LV 4 “I activate Armory Arm’s effect,” Yusei said. “I can equip it to a monster on my field, giving that monster a thousand extra Attack Points!” Shooting Star Dragon thrust its right arm into the back of Armory Arm. It flexed the fingers and roared as its power increased. Shooting Star Dragon ATK/4300 “Now I’ll use Shooting Star Dragon’s effect!” Yusei continued. “I can check the top five cards of my deck, and during this turn, Shooting Star Dragon gets one attack for every Tuner Monster in those cards!” Yusei took five cards from the top of his deck and held them up. “There’s three Tuners, Paradox, which means Shooting Star Dragon can attack three times this turn!” “What?!” Paradox said, stunned. “Shooting Star Dragon, Power Gear Mirage!” Shooting Star Dragon split into three different colored versions of itself- one red, one blue, and one yellow- and sped off toward Paradox’s monsters. The red one used Armory Arm to slash through Malefic Armed Dragon, blasting through its back. “Armory Arm’s effect activates!” shouted Yusei. “When the equipped monster sends a monster to the Graveyard by battle, you take damage equal to that monster’s Attack Points!” Malefic Armed Dragon exploded. The fire from the blast struck against Paradox and Malefic Truth Dragon. Life Point Count Paradox: 1600 “Woo-hoo! Now THAT’S some big damage right there!” cheered Applejack. “Go get ‘em!” yelled Rainbow Dash. Cerberus barked with all three heads. “You’ll have to do better than that,” said Paradox. “Counter Trap, ‘Malefic Regen Flash’! When I take damage from battle or an effect while I control Malefic World and a ‘Malefic’ monster, I regain the Life Points that I lost and draw one card!” Paradox laughed as he drew and his Life Points increased. Life Point Count Paradox: 4600 “You’re still going down, Paradox!” said Yusei. “Shooting Star Dragon still has two attacks left! Shooting Star Dragon, attack Malefic Truth Dragon!” Paradox still has one face-down left, Yusei thought. I have to make sure it won’t stop my attack before I go for game. The blue Shooting Star Dragon curled the fingers of Armory Arm into a fist. Its wings began to light up and fired like jets, propelling it forward. The fist struck Malefic Truth Dragon square in the chest. Life Point Count Paradox: 4000 “Twilight, didn’t Paradox gain three thousand Life Points just now?” asked the young Spike. “He did,” said Twilight. "Couldn't he have won just now if it weren't for that?" "Not quite. Even if Paradox never gained back the three thousand points, he'd still have one thousand points left after the second attack." “I might not win this turn,” Yusei said over his shoulder, "but I'm still gonna put the hurt on Paradox!". He was smiling. “You’ll have to get past me first!” said Paradox. “Malefic Truth Dragon’s effect: When it would be destroyed, I can remove a ‘Malefic’ monster in my Graveyard from play to negate its destruction!” Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared in front of Truth Dragon, roared, and then vanished. “Good luck destroying me, Yusei!” Paradox laughed. “There are still four more ‘Malefic’ monsters in my Graveyard, and you have only one attack. There’s no way you can defeat me this turn!” “You sure about that?” said Yusei with a smile. “Quick-Play Spell: ‘Double Cyclone’! This card destroys one Spell or Trap on each side of the field. I’ll destroy Armory Arm and Malefic World!” “What?!” cried Paradox. “‘Malefic’ monsters need Malefic World on the field in order to survive,” said Discord. “Without it, they automatically destroy themselves,” Rainbow Dash added. “And that’s the kind of effect you can’t save yourself from, Paradox!” Yusei finished. “Perhaps not with Malefic Truth Dragon,” Paradox replied, “but with this, it’s an entirely different matter! Quick-Play Spell, ‘Malefic Divide’, activate! This Special Summons one ‘Malefic’ monster from my Graveyard. Resurrect, Malefic Stardust Dragon!” A bright X-shape tore through the space above Paradox and Malefic Truth Dragon. Malefic Stardust Dragon grabbed the edges with its clawed hands and tore its way through. Malefic Stardust Dragon ATK/2500 LV 8 “While Malefic Stardust is in play, Field Spell Cards cannot be destroyed,” said Paradox. “And without Armory Arm, Shooting Star Dragon is no longer strong enough to battle me!” “Tch. Shooting Star, attack Malefic Stardust Dragon with Stardust Mirage!” Yusei called. The final Shooting Star Dragon- yellow- blasted off to Malefic Stardust and shot straight through it. Yusei then Set a card and ended his turn. “Even after all of that, do you really think you could defeat me?” laughed Paradox. “Due to the effect of Malefic Regen Flash, I must skip my Draw Phase this turn. But it doesn't matter. All the pieces of victory are already in place. This is the end, Yusei Fudo! I summon the Tuner Monster ‘Malefic Causality Gear’!” A mass of gears emerged through a portal. Each gear seemed to bend and twist as they connected to each other in a circle. A metal rod moved through the center of each gear, bending here and there as it turned to connect the gears further. A single rod stood in the center of the ring of gears. Spinning on the tips of the center rod was a metal circle. Another circle was connected to the first and sat horizontally. Malefic Causality Gear ATK/0 LV 4 “I activate 'Malefic Greed', allowing me to draw two cards. Then I activate Malefic Causality Gear’s effect,” said Paradox. “With it, I can reduce its Level and my own Level by two!” “Wait, ‘my own’?” Twilight repeated. “He really DID merge with his monster, didn’t he?” “He did,” said Yusei. “Just like last time...” “Yusei, you can still save him, right?” asked Fluttershy. “I don’t know, Fluttershy,” Yusei said somberly. “I just don’t know.” “Level Two Malefic Causality Gear, tune with myself, the now-Level Ten Malefic Truth Dragon!” said Paradox. The vertical circle began spinning, and the one that was horizontal began to move along the first, constantly changing angles as it did. The twisted gears inside the creature began to turn and move along their contorted, circular pattern. A bright yet dark light appeared in the machine’s center as it floated up to Malefic Truth Dragon’s red chest. It sank into the creature’s body as it roared. Paradox screamed in agony as his body and that of Malefic Truth Dragon became nothing more than an orange outline. “Turbulent energy thrown about by the whims of chaos takes its first and last form. Behold the true power of Darkness, and the final state of mankind!” As Paradox spoke, the orange light that outlined him and Malefic Truth Dragon turned black. Crimson light flared from the outlines, swirling into the darkening light of the Causality Gear at the center of the beast. A black hole began to form, and the shape of the dragon began to change. It became longer, sharper, yet never solid, almost like smoke. The outline began to fill in as black scales that danced like wisps of smoke began to appear, forming layers over one another. Gigantic, blood-red spikes shot up from the dragon’s back and along the top of its tail. Three curved blades formed at the end of the tail, black with red edges. Red light swirled around the black hole on the creature's chest, defining it. Yellow eyes opened up in the darkness as three red spirals grew from the back of the head, curving back around toward Yusei and the others. Black smoke filled the spirals and turned them into horns. The smoke began to peel back around the mouth, revealing sharp white teeth, and forming the shape of an evil grin. “Born from the corruption of the Living Singularity, I Synchro Summon,” yelled Paradox, “the end and salvation of man, ‘Malefic Singularity Dragon’!” “Living Singularity?!” cried Yusei. Malefic Singularity Dragon ATK/5000 LV 12 Paradox’s outline refilled. The violet in his hair had turned jet-black, and the white of his clothes was the same. Paradox laughed loud and long. “This is my final form, Yusei!” he said. “I will use this power to obliterate our timeline and reshape the future!” “Wait! You said, ‘the Living Singularity’,” said Yusei. “What do you mean by that?” “You know what it means, Yusei,” said Paradox. “I can hear it, the whispering in my ear. It tells me that you know. And it tells me your weaknesses! You cannot defeat me this time, Yusei! You are alone! I watched you for a long time before making my move. You and the others no longer bear the marks of the Crimson Dragon, so you have no connection to your friends like you did before, nor any way to harness the power of the Elements of Harmony!” “It can’t be...” said Yusei. “It is, Yusei Fudo,” a deep voice said, echoing in Yusei’s mind. The others in the group covered their ears. Fluttershy screamed in terror. A shadow appeared above Paradox. “I am immortal.” TO BE CONTINUED /*********************\ Next time on Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Paradox has revealed a new, terrifying monster born from the Living Singularity! An old enemy has returned and is fueling Paradox’s ambitions to destroy the future and Equestria. Yusei struggles to survive the onslaught as more and more of Malefic Singularity Dragon’s powers are revealed! “There’s always a way out of the darkness, Paradox! Look! This is the card I used to defeat Z-One!” In a stunning turn of events, Yusei begins to mount a counterattack. But will it be enough to destroy this new dragon? And can Yusei keep his promise to Fluttershy? Chapter 16 Singularity > Chapter 16: Singularity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 16: Singularity *********************\ Paradox has transformed himself into a far more powerful monster, fueled by a power that Yusei and the others thought had been defeated! Yusei struggles to regain control of the duel as Paradox delivers a relentless onslaught from Malefic Singularity Dragon. But in the midst of it all, there remains hope... *********************\ Author’s Note: I made a few mistakes in the duel in the previous chapter, but I’ve corrected them. I forgot that Malefic Regen Flash made you skip your next Draw Phase, and I had miscounted the damage Paradox took from Truth Dragon’s battle with Shooting Star Dragon. I’ve fixed both, however. The duel is winding down. We’re currently on Turn 19. Seven to go before the duel is finally over! /*********************\ Were it not for the glowing blue light of its eyes and the light from the portals, they might never have seen the shadow that hovered above Paradox. But the light was there, defining the darkness of Nightshroud. “It can’t be!” said Yusei. “What... we defeated you!” “How did you return?” Twilight demanded. “I think I can explain that one,” said Rainbow Dash. All eyes turned to her. “When we got separated, I ended up in Tartarus. Nightshroud was there. And... I...” “What is it, Dash?” asked Yusei. “I made a deal with it,” Dash said. She hung her head in shame. “It gave me the power to duel Paradox, but it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t beat him. Guess that’s what I get for not staying loyal to you guys, huh?” “Dash, why did you do that?” asked Twilight. “I did it to protect you guys!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “But I shouldn’t have tried the way I did. We fought AGAINST Nightshroud, and here I am teaming up with it! Some friend I am.” “Dash, you might not have done the right thing,” said Yusei, “but your heart was in the right place. It always has been.” “Yusei’s right, Dash,” said Applejack. “No point beatin’ yerself up over it.” “You did the right thing in your heart, dear,” Rarity chimed in. “I don’t believe for a single moment that your loyalty to your friends and Equestria wavered at all.” “You’re our friend, Dashie,” said Pinkie Pie. “You never stopped being our friend.” “And we’ll never stop being your friends,” Fluttershy added. “No matter what happens, we love you, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. Rainbow Dash sniffed and wiped her eyes. “Thanks, you guys,” she said. Yusei smiled and turned back to Paradox and the massive, black dragon he was merged with. “So how did you and Nightshroud wind up together?” he asked. “After I defeated Rainbow Dash, Nightshroud abandoned her,” Paradox answered. “Seeing my power, it came to me and offered to increase it even further.” “And what do you get out of all this?” Yusei said to Nightshroud. “You will learn soon enough,” replied the shadow before vanishing. “This duel is far from over,” Paradox said. “It’s still my turn. I activate the effect of Malefic Singularity Dragon! By sending a card from my hand and a ‘Malefic’ monster from my deck to the Graveyard, I can destroy one other monster on the field, and if I do, I can destroy a Spell or Trap as well. I send ‘Malefic Rainbow Dragon’ from my hand and ‘Malefic Parallel Gear’ from my deck to the Graveyard to destroy Shooting Star Dragon! Go, Causal Destruction!” Ghostly images of Malefic Rainbow Dragon and Malefic Parallel Gear appeared and were sucked into the black hole on Singularity Dragon’s body. Jagged bolts of crimson lightning flashed from the tips of its wings. They danced through the air, but were moving toward Shooting Star Dragon. “I activate Shooting Star’s effect!” said Yusei. “I can remove it from play and negate one attack this turn!” Shooting Star vanished and the lightning struck the spot where it had been before vanishing. “Since you didn’t destroy Shooting Star Dragon, you can’t destroy a Spell or Trap.” “That was never the point,” said Paradox. “I Set one card and end my turn.” “During the End Phase, Shooting Star Dragon returns to the field,” said Yusei. “Before you take your turn, you should know of another of Singularity Dragon’s effects,” said Paradox. “As long as it’s in play, each player may only control a single monster.” “Oh no,” said Twilight. “That’s not good. Shooting Star Dragon’s no match for that thing!” “Yeah, but Yusei can just keep negating attacks, right?” asked Rainbow Dash. “There’s that, but I don’t know if it’ll be enough. What if Singularity Dragon has a damage effect?” Twilight shuddered. “Yusei only has twelve hundred Life Points left. That’s not much at all.” Life Point Count Paradox: 3200 Yusei: 1200 “My turn!” said Yusei. He glanced at his card and a spark ignited in his mind. All right! he thought. “I activate Shooting Star Dragon’s effect! I check the top five cards of my deck, and this turn, Shooting Star can attack once for each Tuner in those cards.” Yusei drew five cards and looked at them. “There are four Tuners here, Paradox: ‘Hyper Synchron’, ‘Effect Veiler’, ‘Drill Synchron’ and ‘Debris Dragon’. This means Shooting Star Dragon can attack four times this turn!” “With only thirty three hundred Attack Points, how much good could that possibly do?” Paradox laughed. “A lot of good, actually,” Yusei replied. “I activate ‘Half-Shut’! Until the End Phase, Malefic Singularity Dragon’s Attack Points are cut in half, but it can’t be destroyed by battle.” “Malefic Singularity Dragon’s Attack Points will be at twenty five hundred,” said Twilight. “Exactly eight hundred points below Shooting Star Dragon’s!” “And if my math is correct- and being a business mare, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be- four attacks would result in thirty two hundred points of damage,” Rarity added. “Exactly enough to win the duel!” “Then it’s too bad you won’t get that chance!” said Paradox. “I activate ‘Malefic Force’! This Trap equips itself to a ‘Malefic’ monster I control and makes it immune to my opponent’s Spell Cards!” “Well, at least I know what it is,” said Yusei. “I end my turn.” “Heh. My turn,” said Paradox. “But instead of drawing, I will use Malefic World’s effect to add a random ‘Malefic’ monster to my hand. “Next, I activate Singularity Dragon’s effect! By sending ‘Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend’ from my hand, and ‘Malefic Black-Winged Dragon’ from my deck to the Graveyard, I can destroy Shooting Star Dragon!” “I activate Shooting Star’s effect!” said Yusei. “I remove it from the game until the end of the turn and I can negate one attack this turn!” “Destroying your dragon still isn't the point,” said Paradox. “I Set one card face-down. Your move.” Shooting Star Dragon returned to the field in a flash of light. Yusei drew, Set a card and ended his turn. “This is bad, isn't it?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Yusei’s holding his own for now,” said Twilight. “But what if Paradox figures out a way around Shooting Star Dragon’s ability to stop attacks?” asked the eldest Celestia. “Then, sister, we must hope that he does not,” said the Luna beside her. “My turn,” Paradox announced. “I activate the Spell Card ‘Malefic Life Burst’. This lets me destroy one of your face-down cards while granting me two thousand Life Points!” “I activate Shooting Star Dragon’s effect!” said Yusei. “When a card other than Shooting Star Dragon would be destroyed by a card or effect, I can negate its activation and destroy that card!” “I was prepared for this, Yusei! I play the Trap ‘Malefic Shock Wave’! When you activate a monster effect, this Trap targets that monster and negates its effects!” “Then I’ll just activate Shooting Star’s self-removing effect so you can’t stop it!” “Too bad. The monster targeted by Malefic Shock Wave cannot activate its effects in response!” “What?!” Paradox laughed as a massive shock wave erupted from the body of Malefic Singularity Dragon. It ripped through Shooting Star Dragon and destroyed the face-down card behind it. “Fortunately for you, I cannot attack this turn. Your move, Yusei.” Yusei drew. I need more options! he thought. If I don’t find a way to defend myself, that thing will destroy Shooting Star Dragon and I’ll lose the duel! “I play the Trap ‘Hope for Escape’,” said Yusei. “By paying a thousand Life Points when my opponent’s Life Points are higher, I can draw one card for every one thousand points of difference between us.” Life Point Count Paradox: 5200 Yusei: 200 “Wow,” said Rainbow Dash. “This means Yusei gets to draw five cards!” “That’s good, right?” asked the pink-haired Celestia. “Hopefully,” said Twilight. “The more cards Yusei has, the better his options might be.” Yusei drew his cards and looked them over. His eyes fell on one. Of course, he thought. Could it have been anything else? “I Set three cards face-down and end my turn!” “Yusei’s almost filled up his back row again,” said the younger Spike. “He must be making his move!” said Dash. “My turn!” said Paradox. “Disappear from the world, Yusei! I attack with Malefic Singularity Dragon! Go, Dark Singularity Stream!” The grinning dragon opened its mouth and launched a spinning beam of dark energy that convulsed and contorted itself hideously. A second beam erupted from the black and red vortex on its front and twisted itself around the first, matching its movements. “Yusei!” cried Rainbow Dash. “I can’t watch!” squeaked Fluttershy. “Because of Malefic Shock Wave, Shooting Star Dragon’s effect is negated, which means you cannot stop this attack!” laughed Paradox. “Vanish from my sight, you insignificant vermin!” The twisting rays struck Shooting Star Dragon and exploded. Smoke filled the empty space where everyone floated. As the noise died down, Paradox could be heard laughing. But then it stopped, suddenly cut off. “That’s... not possible!” said Paradox. “Why is Stardust Dragon there?! How?! WHY?!” “The bonds I have with my friends and with Stardust are too strong for you or anyone else to destroy,” said Yusei. “No matter what you throw at me, I’ll always be ready because WE stand strong!” “You just don’t get it!” Paradox roared. “It was you, your father, and Maximillion Pegasus who led the world to its doom! The three of you are the reason my era is silent and shrouded in darkness!” “There’s always a way out of the darkness, Paradox!” Yusei replied. “Look! This is the card I used to defeat Z-One: The Continuous Trap, ‘Gathering Wishes’! When Shooting Star Dragon is destroyed by battle, this card reduces the damage to zero. Then, by removing appropriate Synchro Material Monsters from my Graveyard, I can Synchro Summon ‘Stardust Dragon’!” Ghostly images of Turret Warrior, Necro Linker, and Turbo Synchron appeared around Stardust and vanished a moment later. “It doesn’t matter, Yusei! As soon as the Battle Phase ends, Singularity Dragon will activate its final effect, dealing sixteen hundred points of damage if it battled this turn!” “Then it’s a good thing the Battle Phase isn’t over yet. Gathering Wishes has a few other effects. First, Stardust’s Attack Points go up by the Attack Points of every Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in my Graveyard. Only Shooting Star Dragon is there, but that’s still plenty!” Stardust Dragon ATK/5800 “Also, I can force one of your monsters to battle Stardust by returning a Synchro Monster in my Graveyard to the Extra Deck,” Yusei continued. “I return Junk Gardna, Nitro Warrior, Formula Synchron, Armory Arm, and Junk Berserker to my Extra Deck, which means that you’ll have to fight me five times!” Stardust Dragon roared and beat its wings, launching itself straight up. It spun around in the air and dove, firing multiple beams at Paradox and Malefic Singularity Dragon. “Malefic Singularity Dragon’s effect!” yelled Paradox. “By removing a ‘Malefic’ monster from my Graveyard, I can prevent its destruction!” Ghosts of Malefic Parallel Gear, Malefic Black-Winged Dragon, Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend, Malefic Armed Dragon, and Malefic Paradox Dragon appeared around the shadowy dragon. Each one intercepted a beam from Stardust’s attacks before being sucked into the vortex on Singularity Dragon’s body. Life Point Count Paradox: 1200 Yusei: 200 “What was the point of that?” Paradox said before laughing. “I still live, and now you’ve made me angry! I activate the Quick-Play Spell ‘Malefic Parasite’! This card forces you to use one of your Spell or Trap Cards. If it’s face-down, it forces it to activate. If it’s face-up, it forces you to activate its effect.” “Say what?” said Yusei. “You want to fight so badly, then so be it! Gathering Wishes activates one final time!” Paradox laughed. “There’s only one Synchro Monster left in Yusei’s Graveyard,” the big Spike said. “Shooting Star Dragon!” moaned Rainbow Dash. “Oh jeez, he’s done for! Without it in the Graveyard, Stardust goes back to twenty five hundred points!” “I’m not out of it yet, Paradox,” said Yusei, “but your dragon is! I play the Trap ‘Shooting Star’! If I have Stardust Dragon in play, I can destroy one card on the field!” “You’re a fool, Yusei,” Paradox spat. “Malefic Singularity Dragon cannot be destroyed by your card effects!” “Then how about its own effect?” “What?” “Stardust Dragon, destroy Malefic World!” Stardust roared and flew straight at Paradox. The ‘Malefic World’ card appeared beside him. White light streaked past Stardust as it gained speed and smashed through the card. “Malefic monsters need Malefic World in order to stay on the field,” said Discord. “Without it, they self-destruct!” “And without Malefic World, there’s no danger of anyone dying,” Yusei added. He turned to smile at Fluttershy. “I’m keeping my promise to you, Fluttershy. No matter what.” “Y-yusei!” said Fluttershy. She pointed a hoof over his shoulder. Yusei turned back around. “No way!” he said. Malefic Singularity Dragon was still there. TO BE CONTINUED /*********************\ Next time on Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Yusei has finally succeeded in destroying Malefic World, but Malefic Singularity Dragon remains. A seemingly immortal monster looms before him, and time is running out as the Singularity draws in more energy from the eras that Paradox has attacked! “We are not so easily destroyed, Yusei! But you.... you will die here with your equine friends!” “No one’s gonna die today, Paradox!” Yusei struggles to regain a foothold in the duel and begins to wonder if there’s a way he can keep his promise to Fluttershy. But in the midst of Paradox’s and Nightshroud’s taunting, Yusei sees the light of hope... Chapter 17 Salvation > Chapter 17: Salvation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 17: Salvation *********************\ In spite of his efforts, Yusei is still unable to destroy Malefic Singularity Dragon. Time is running out as the Singularity continues to draw in energy, and Paradox’s D-Wheel transforms into a massive cannon. Can Yusei discover Singularity Dragon’s weakness before it’s too late? *********************\ Author’s Note: Today’s high note: Season 3 premier! Today’s low note: I had to attend another funeral, this time for a friend of the family. The man was only 43 too. Good man, good friend. Story related notes: This chapter will wrap up the duel. An epic conclusion to what has been described as an epic battle! However, while reviewing the duel outline, I noticed that I made a pretty big error: Yusei had, at one point, activated six Traps when he had only set five the previous turn. No time to set the sixth. So I had to change two major events in the course of the duel to rectify this. You’ll probably have to reread the duel. I apologize for that. On the plus side, though, this is a double-length chapter. Hang onto your hats, my friends! This duel is approaching the finish line! Also, I apparently forgot to hit "Publish" on Saturday. Whoops. /*********************\ “How?” said Yusei, stunned. “Why is it still there? Don’t all ‘Malefic’ monsters need Malefic World to stay on the field?” “That they do, Yusei,” said Paradox. “However, so long as there are ‘Malefic’ monsters in my Graveyard and there is no Field Spell in play, Malefic Singularity Dragon treats the field itself as ‘Malefic World’!” Yusei and the others looked around. The air around them was still the hazy, purple space of Malefic World. “This is bad,” said Twilight. “Yusei, do you have any Field Spells in your deck?” “No, I don’t,” said Yusei. “Don’t give up, Yusei!” Rainbow Dash called. “Every monster has a weakness! You just have to find it!” Dash is right, Yusei thought. But what’s this thing’s weakness? I can’t destroy it with card effects, and it’s unaffected by Spells because of Malefic Force. The only way to destroy it is by battle, but Paradox can save it with its effect! “The battle is still on, Yusei!” said Paradox. “My ‘Malefic Parasite’ card has forced you to activate the effect of Gathering Wishes for the last time! Without Shooting Star Dragon to power it up, Stardust Dragon is no match for me!” Stardust Dragon ATK/2500 Malefic Singularity Dragon ATK/5000 Life Point Count Paradox: 1200 Yusei: 200 “Malefic Singularity Dragon, attack!” ordered Paradox. “I play the Trap ‘Synchro Barrier’!” said Yusei. “By Releasing a Synchro Monster I control, I take no damage for the rest of the turn!” Stardust Dragon vanished in a flash of light. Glowing white particles formed a barrier around Yusei as Singularity Dragon launched its attack. It struck the barrier but didn't make it through. “I end my turn,” said Paradox. “But you won’t be so lucky next time!” “My turn!” said Yusei as he drew a card. All I can do for now is hang on! “I Set one card face-down and end my turn.” “Pathetic,” Paradox snorted, drawing a card. “I attack your Life Points directly with Dark Singularity Stream!” “I play the Trap ‘Iron Resolve’!” said Yusei. “By paying half my Life Points, I take no Battle Damage for the rest of the turn!” “Good show, Yusei!” said Rarity. “Hang in there and you can do this!” The twisting streams of dark energy struck a barrier that had formed around Yusei. Life Point Count Yusei: 100 “Tch. I will still end you, Yusei!” said Paradox. “I activate Malefic Singularity Dragon’s final effect! At the end of the Battle Phase, if Singularity Dragon attacked, it inflicts sixteen hundred points of damage to you!” “Oh no!” said Twilight. “Yusei!” “Final Singularity!” shouted Paradox. The dragon beneath him shrieked repeatedly, almost as if it were laughing. A white light flashed in the vortex of its body. A pale beam shot out of the vortex, heading straight for Yusei. “From my hand, I activate the effect of ‘Synchron Keeper’!” said Yusei. A hideous, fat, green monster appeared. It opened its huge, bulbous mouth and swallowed the incoming beam. “By removing this card in my hand and a Tuner in my Graveyard from play, I can negate any damage I would take from one card effect. After that, I can Special Summon a Synchro Monster from my Extra Deck whose Level is the sum of the two monsters I removed, and that summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.” “Spike, look!” said Twilight to the younger dragon. “Yusei’s okay!” Spike had covered his eyes with his hands. He looked up. “All right!” he said. “Go, Yusei!” “The Tuner Monster I’m removing is Quickdraw Synchron,” said Yusei. “Since it and Synchron Keeper are both Level Five, that means I can summon a Level Ten Synchro! Give a warm ‘Welcome back’ to Shooting Star Dragon!” The green creature vanished into one of the nearby portals. The portal began to sparkle, then suddenly erupted with light as Shooting Star Dragon blasted out. Shooting Star Dragon DEF/2500 LV 10 “Shooting Star Dragon!” said Fluttershy. “Your move, Yusei,” grunted Paradox. “My turn!” said Yusei. He looked at the cards he had in his hand. Okay, Yusei, think. Malefic Singularity Dragon can’t be destroyed by card effects, so I’ll have to take it on by battle. But Paradox can just remove a ‘Malefic’ monster from his Graveyard to save it from being destroyed. And as if I didn’t have enough to deal with, there are still five ‘Malefic’ monsters left in his Graveyard. Wait a minute! That’s it! That’s how I’ll beat it! “I Set one card face-down and end my turn!” said Yusei. “My turn!” said Paradox. “I attack Shooting Star Dragon with Dark Singularity Stream!” “Shooting Star Dragon’s effects are negated,” said Discord, “so Yusei can’t use its effect to stop the attack!” “And if this attack connects, Yusei will take damage from Malefic Singularity Dragon’s effect and lose,” added Celestia. “This is the end for you, Yusei Fudo!” laughed Paradox. “Not yet, it’s not!” Yusei replied. The convulsing beams of energy struck Shooting Star Dragon and destroyed it. “I activate a Trap: ‘Miracle’s Wake’! This Special Summons one of my monsters that was destroyed by battle this turn!” Shooting Star Dragon reemerged on the field, roaring as it did. “It doesn’t matter, Yusei!” said Paradox. “Singularity Dragon’s effect activates!” “I play the Trap ‘Return Marker’! When an opposing monster’s effect activates that would destroy a card or inflict damage, the effect is negated and you take damage equal to that monster’s Attack Points!” “Quick-Play Spell, ‘Malefic Revenge Slash’! When I take Battle Damage or when a card that inflicts damage is activated, that damage is negated and your Life Points are cut in half!” Singularity Dragon roared and slashed its wing at Yusei, throwing him downward. He slowed down and eventually stopped. Life Point Count Paradox: 1200 Yusei: 50 “Yusei!” cried Fluttershy. She dove after him and pulled him back up. “I’m fine, Shy,” said Yusei. “Your time is running out, Yusei,” Paradox laughed. “End turn!” “I draw,” said Yusei. “You’re gonna have a hard time attacking now, Paradox. Since Shooting Star Dragon left the field, its effects are no longer negated by Synchron Keeper. I Set three cards and end my turn.” Three face-down cards appeared on Yusei’s field. He looked back at Fluttershy and gave her a smile. “Don’t worry, ‘Shy. I’ll keep my promise.” “And pray tell, what promise is that?” asked Paradox. Yusei looked up at his foe. “I promised her that I’d save you,” he answered. “When I first dueled you, I didn’t have that chance. Now, though, I do.” “Ha! You still hold onto foolish hopes that can never be fulfilled. I will not die, but you will not ‘save’ me. I do not NEED saving. It is our world, our species that needs saving! If humanity is not cut off from the tools of our self-destruction, then it is inevitable that our race will disappear!” “And you’d sacrifice an entire universe for that?!” Yusei said angrily. “YES I WOULD!” Paradox shouted. The dragon he had merged with roared loudly. A strange force, like wind, pushed against Yusei and the others. Yusei turned to his right and saw that the Singularity was pulsing. “The time has come,” said two voices. One belonged to Paradox; the other belonged to Nightshroud. “We will guide humanity to eternal peace, to immortality, and to ultimate unity.” “Not if I have anything to say about it!” said Yusei. “We are not so easily destroyed, Yusei! But you.... you will die here with your equine friends!” “No one’s gonna die today, Paradox!” A black aura appeared around Paradox. He clutched his head and screamed. “Paradox!” said Yusei. He sounded worried. “Take your turn, Paradox,” came Nightshroud’s voice. “End this duel!” “I will end it... on my own!” shouted Paradox. “This is MY duel! This is between me and Yusei! If you want him, fight him yourself, but you will remember your end of our bargain and leave Yusei to me in this fight!” Paradox looked down at Yusei. “You WILL die here, Yusei. You should have died in Domino Square when you first battled with me.” “My friends and I beat you, Paradox,” Yusei replied. “And you should have lost!” Paradox said. “And I’ll tell you why: You were able to use Stardust Dragon’s ‘Victim Sanctuary’ effect because I did not destroy it.” “You couldn’t have destroyed it,” said Yusei. “...could you?” “I could. Had I focused my attacks on Stardust Dragon in the final turn, you would surely have lost. But I got carried away and focused more on dealing damage.” “No... no way,” said Yusei. “This is the final turn, Yusei Fudo! My turn!” Paradox drew. “I equip Malefic Singularity Dragon with ‘Malefic Twin Shot’, allowing it to attack twice each turn! Shooting Star Dragon will only be able to block one attack, and I currently have a hundred times more Attack Points than you do Life Points!” “Yusei!” cried Twilight. “I can’t watch!” said Filly Pinkie. Cerberus whimpered. “I attack with Dark Singularity Stream!” The black dragon opened its jaws and spat out a twisting, convulsing beam of energy. Another beam fired from the dark vortex on its front. The two spun around each other, twisting and arcing like lightning bolts. “I activate Shooting Star Dragon’s effect,” said Yusei. “I remove it from the game until the End Phase, and I can negate one attack!” “You can only stop one attack, remember?” Paradox laughed. “My attack continues! This is the end for you and Equestria!” “Yusei!” shouted everypony behind him. As the spiralling arcs raced toward him, Yusei smiled. “Even you haven’t given up hope, Paradox,” he said. “You still hope for a better future for mankind. And you’re strong, there’s no doubt about that. You’re strong enough to resist even Nightshroud’s influence.” “There is no hope when the possibility of destruction exists!” said Paradox. “You’re wrong, Paradox! The possibility of destruction is why hope exists! Look at yourself! Look at me! Look at these ponies behind me! Look at the dragons, at Cerberus, at Discord! All of them are faced with destruction, but they’re still hoping that it can be stopped! Just like you!” “I-!” “Paradox, hope is what drives us. Hope is what makes us stronger. I still have hope for our future!” “It was YOU that destroyed it!” “Maybe I am responsible for what happened, but that won’t stop me from trying to fix it. Neo Domino City, my colleagues, and most importantly, my friends believe in me! Because of them, I believe in the human race and its ability to change the future!” “Then show me your hope, Yusei! Show me your ability to change the future!” “With pleasure! I play the Trap ‘Zero Force’! When a monster I control is removed from play, this card reduces the Attack Points of your monsters to zero!” “What?!” A giant number zero appeared in front of Yusei. The twisting beams of energy passed through the center, but they had turned ghostly and hollow, almost as though they were nothing more than colorful wind. “I still have Singularity Dragon’s effect! Final Singularity!” roared Paradox. “Your future ends here, Yusei Fudo!” “I play another Trap: ‘Panic Wave’!” said Yusei. “I destroy one card I control, and for the rest of the turn, the effects of face-up Continuous Spells and Traps and face-up Effect Monsters are negated!” “What?!” Paradox said. “Gathering Wishes has one last purpose to fulfill. This is the power of our bonds, Paradox! I destroy Gathering Wishes!” Gathering Wishes exploded, sending out multicolored shockwaves. As they hit Malefic Singularity Dragon, Paradox screamed in anger. “Impossible! How could you have blocked all of my attacks again?! HOW?!” he yelled. “I did it by hoping, Paradox,” said Yusei. “Throughout the duel, I hoped that my cards would answer me, and they did. I hoped that they would give me what I needed not only to save Equestria and my home, but you as well.” “But... why? Why me?” “Because, Paradox,” said Yusei, “I made a promise. But it’s more than that.” Shooting Star Dragon reappeared on the duel field, roaring loudly as it did. “I hoped to save you, Paradox,” Yusei continued, “because I have a bond with you too!” “We...” “Don’t listen to him, Paradox!” shouted Nightshroud. Paradox screamed once more as Nightshroud’s dark aura appeared around him. “This is MY duel!” he roared. “If I attacked a second time with Malefic Twin Shot, it’s destroyed. But when it’s destroyed by an effect, I can draw one card! I equip myself with ‘Malefic Resilience’! While a ‘Malefic’ monster is equipped with this card, I take no damage from its battles! I end my turn, but know this: Should the duel progress to the next turn, you will undoubtedly lose! Instead of drawing a card on my next turn, I can add Malefic Twin Shot from my Graveyard to my hand if I control ‘Malefic World’ and exactly one ‘Malefic’ monster. No matter how many times you muster your defenses, I will keep attacking until they fall!” “Then this is my last turn,” said Yusei. “My turn! Draw!” “Yusei! We believe in you!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “You go get ‘em, partner!” called Applejack. “Don’t give in!” said Rarity. “You can do it, Yusei!” cheered Pinkie. “Yusei, if you stop Paradox, we have a chance of stopping all of this,” said Twilight. “You have to win! I KNOW you’ll win!” “Yusei...” said Fluttershy quietly. “I activate Shooting Star Dragon’s effect!” Yusei said. “Once per turn, I can check the top five cards of my deck. This turn, Shooting Star Dragon gets one attack for each Tuner Monster in those cards!” Yusei took a card from the top of his deck. “The first card is a Tuner Monster: ‘Effect Veiler’!” “Discord! The Elements!” said Twilight. Discord nodded and pulled the Elements of Harmony out of the back in his lion paw. He threw them up and snapped his fingers, causing each one to disappear and reappear on their Bearers. “The second card... is another Tuner: ‘Drill Synchron’!” “Go for it, Yusei!” shouted the young Spike. The larger one roared. “The third card is also a Tuner!” said Yusei. “‘Debris Dragon’!” “Three attacks...” growled Nightshroud. “I still have two cards to check! The next card is one more Tuner: ‘Road Synchron’!” “Impossible!” gasped Paradox. “And the last card,” said Yusei. “I don’t believe it... they’re all Tuners! The last card is ‘Hyper Synchron’!” “Yusei has five attacks!” said Rainbow Dash. “That is so COOL!” “Go, Yusei!” cheered everypony behind him. “Shooting Star Dragon, attack Malefic Singularity Dragon with Stardust Mirage!” Yusei ordered. Shooting Star Dragon ATK/3300 Malefic Singularity Dragon ATK/0 Shooting Star Dragon rocketed straight up until it was little more than a twinkling light in the distance. The light flashed and split, becoming five separate lights. Five different Shooting Star Dragons plummeted toward Paradox, each one slamming into the dragon he had merged with. “You will not defeat me that easily!” said Paradox. “Malefic Singularity Dragon can survive being destroyed by removing a ‘Malefic’ monster from the Graveyard!” “I know,” said Yusei. “W-what?!” Paradox stammered. More dragons slammed into the dark beast. The last one struck and flew back to Yusei’s side. “Malefic Singularity Dragon needs ‘Malefic World’ in order to survive, and treats the field as ‘Malefic World’ while there are ‘Malefic’ monsters in your Graveyard,” said Yusei. “But you had exactly five left, and I just forced you to remove them all.” “No... no!” shouted Paradox. “This is impossible!” “Your experiment was wrong, Paradox!” shouted Yusei. The gigantic black dragon exploded, shrieking horribly as it died. Paradox screamed as he was separated from the creature’s head by the blasts. The shades of purple and the stars and nebulas disappeared from the space around everyone. The smoke from the explosion faded. Paradox and his D-Wheel were all that remained. “Impossible,” he said. “That’s just not possible!” “It IS possible, Paradox,” said Yusei. “I believed it was possible. That’s how I defeated Nightshroud before, that’s how I saved Neo Domino City from Z-One, and that’s how I’m going to save you!” “Save... gah!” Paradox grabbed his throat as a black aura appeared around him. “You have disappointed me, Paradox,” said Nightshroud. “Let him go, Nightshroud!” shouted Yusei. “He failed to defeat you, Yusei Fudo,” Nightshroud replied. “He is mine to do with as I please.” “Not if we have anything to say about it!” shouted Twilight. Her eyes were glowing the purest white. She and the other Bearers of harmony hovered above their friends, the gems they wore illuminating the darkness. “I play the Trap, ‘Explosive Breakout’!” said Yusei. “When I battle a Level Eight or higher monster and it’s destroyed, I can lower Shooting Star Dragon’s Attack Points by eight hundred and let it attack one more time!” Shooting Star Dragon ATK/2500 “Fluttershy, I promised I wouldn’t let Paradox die!” said Yusei. “Everybody lives, Fluttershy. Just this once, everybody lives! Go, Shooting Star Dragon!” A light formed above Twilight and the others. A rainbow shot out of the light, and each color split from the others and formed a vortex around Shooting Star Dragon, coming together in a point in front of the dragon as it flew forward. Rainbow trails formed from its two wings that twisted in the air as Shooting Star Dragon spun to match the vortex around it. “You’ll let him go, Nightshroud!” said Yusei. Together again, Yusei and the Bearers of Harmony named the attack: “Stardust Rainbow!” The dragon turned ghostly and passed through Paradox. The shadows enveloping him were caught in the spectrum of light surrounding the dragon as it blasted through. Nightshroud roared as it was pulled away from his host. “Mark my words, Yusei Fudo! We will meet one last time! And I will have my revenge!” roared the creature. “Revenge is something you’ll never have,” said Yusei. Life Point Count Paradox: 0 Yusei: 50 Paradox drifted away slowly. Twilight used her magic to bring him close to them. “Paradox!” said Yusei. “Are you okay?” Paradox opened his eyes. “Why...” he said. “Why did you do that? Why did you save me?” “I believe that anyone I duel becomes a friend,” said Yusei. “Dueling is a clashing of souls. It brings out exactly who each Duelist is. In that moment, Duelists see each other completely. In that moment, they become friends.” Yusei held a hand out to Paradox. “I tried to kill you,” he said. “I tried to kill all of you.” “Maybe you can help us fix this,” said Yusei, his hand still outstretched. Paradox took it. “Even if we could fix the damage I caused here,” said Paradox, “our world is still doomed.” “Then when we get back, we’ll work to stop it,” said Yusei. “But without destruction.” Paradox nodded. “It would take me a long time to fix this,” said Paradox. “I created a lot of paradoxes and rips.” “Leave that to us,” said one of the Lunas. It was the one from the future. Her sister spoke up as well. “Paradox, you visited three eras in Equestrian history,” said the elder Celestia. “So it will take power from the three eras to fix what you have done.” “What power could do that?” asked Paradox. “The Elements of Harmony, of course,” said Celestia. “My older self is correct,” said the present Celestia. “I remember this well.” “I do?” said the pink-maned Celestia. “You will,” the oldest one said with a smile. “You brought the Elements of Harmony, correct?” “Luna has them. Luna?” The tiny alicorn revealed a small saddle bag on her back. Her sister used magic to open it and brought out six gemstones. A flash of light appeared above the eldest Celestia and Luna as the Elements appeared above them as well. “Twilight, Celly,” said the eldest Luna, “you must use the Elements at the same time as us, understand? Focus their energies on the Singularity.” Three sets of gems lit up. Three rainbows pressed forward into the Singularity. It flashed with energy, pulsing faster and faster. “Something’s wrong!” shouted Twilight. “Keep going!” said the elder Luna. “Twilight’s right!” said Celly. “This isn’t working!” “It is, Celly!” said the Celestia from the future. “Just hang on!” The pulse of the light grew faster and faster. For a brief moment, it stopped. Then it suddenly exploded, sending out a massive shockwave that pushed against everyone, expanding in all directions. All but three portals disappeared. “These will take us back to our individual eras,” said Celestia. “Celly, you, Luna, Star Swirl and the Chancellor should take that one. My sister and I, as well as our friend Spike, will take the one over there. Everyone else, the remaining portal is yours. You must hurry, for these portals will close very soon.” Chancellor Puddinghead looked at Pinkie Pie. “I’m glad I met you, Pinkie,” she said. “You and your friends saved my life. I’ll be honest, I thought you were... well... annoying, at first.” “Yeah, that happens sometimes,” said Pinkie Pie sheepishly. “Maybe tone down the excitedness a bit,” said the Chancellor. “I’ll remember you, Pinkie Pie. You are a good friend.” “Thanks, Puddinghead- I mean, Chancellor.” “You can call me Puddinghead,” the Chancellor said with a chuckle. “Or Pudding for short.” Star Swirl was speaking with Twilight. “You are an incredible spellcaster, Twilight Sparkle,” he said. “I’ve not seen such potential in a mare since I came across Clover. I can see why the Element of Magic chose you.” “Thank you, Star Swirl,” said Twilight. “Spike, you take care of this young mare,” said the bearded unicorn. “I will,” said Spike. “You know,” said the older Spike, “I’m going to miss all of you. It was good to see you all again. I’m just sad we couldn’t spend more time together.” “Aw, it’ll be okay, Spike,” said Applejack. “Maybe we’ll see each other again someday.” “Oh, that reminds me! Spike!” The younger Spike looked up. “Wow, you’re- I’m- you’re big,” said the little dragon. “You will be too,” said Future Spike. “Listen, I have to tell you something before I go. In a hundred years, you’ll see Applejack again. She’ll ask you about the future, but you cannot tell her anything, except that I told you not to.” “A hundred years?” said Spike. “I don’t think I can remember something for that long.” “You will, Spike. We dragons have very long memories, especially strongly magical dragons like us.” “Spike!” called Future Celestia. “We have to go. The portal is going to close soon.” “Just a second!” he replied. He turned to Twilight. “Twilight... out of everypony I’ve lost, I miss you the most. You were my parent, my sister, and my friend.” “Spike, I... thank you,” said Twilight. The present Luna was looking thoughtfully at her past self. “I know what you’re thinking,” said her future self. “But you mustn’t do it. Those events must come to pass. And in time, you will appreciate what happened.” “Can the past not be changed?” Luna asked herself. “You saw the damage that was wrought from Paradox’s actions and even Yusei’s carelessness. The timeline of our dimension is not the same as the one from Yusei’s own. Paradoxes cannot happen here, or they will rip our dimension asunder.” “I understand,” said Luna. She flew over to her past self. “Dear little one, do not worry for the future. You shall become myself in a thousand years, strong, confident and wise. Until this day, remember this: Your sister will always do what is best for you.” “Um... guys?” said the filly Pinkie Pie. “How am I gonna get home?” Pinkie Pie’s Element of Laughter began to glow and a small, pink portal appeared in front of the filly. “Oh! Okay then!” she said. “Oh, Mini Me!” said Pinkie. “Before you go, let me tell you something...” She whispered something in in the filly’s ear, gave her a big smile, and waved her through the portal. “We should get going too,” said Twilight. Her horn began to glow and violet light appeared around everyone from her era, as well as Yusei. “Twilight, wait,” said Yusei. “We can’t leave without Paradox.” “...you’re right, Yusei,” said Twilight. The purple light appeared around Paradox and his D-Wheel and he joined the others. “Thank you,” said Paradox. “I don’t deserve this, but thank you.” “I’m doing this for Yusei,” said Twilight nonchalantly. “Twilight, don’t do it for me,” said Yusei. “Do it for him.” “...alright,” said Twilight. “I’m sorry.” TO BE CONTINUED /*********************\ Next time on Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Equestria has been saved, and the temporal labyrinth has been repaired. As Yusei and the others return to their era in time, Yusei thinks upon the events that transpired. “Paradox, anyone can be redeemed.” Will Yusei’s words prove true? And what of what Paradox told Yusei about the future, and Nightshroud’s last words? Yusei will have a lot to think about before he returns home. Chapter 18 Redemption > Chapter 18: Redemption > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Chapter 18: Redemption *********************\ At journey's end, Yusei and Paradox prepare to return home. Paradox now has a new mission: Redeeming himself for his actions. With Yusei as his new friend, the road to redemption may not be a difficult one. *********************\ Author’s Note: A short ending to a short story. As a challenge, go back through and see how many references you can find! But if you find one from the Back to the Future trilogy, let me assure you that it was completely accidental. I haven't seen the movies in ages. Well, this should just about wrap it up. I'll post an epilogue and then a list of the home-made cards I gave to Paradox. I hope you enjoyed our little romp through time! /*********************\ A light breeze created ripples in the grass and rustled the leaves of a few nearby trees. Paradox stopped to look around. “This truly is a beautiful place,” he said with a sigh. “I was wrong to think I could sacrifice it.” “Potential exists everywhere, Paradox,” said Yusei. “Even here in Equestria. We shouldn’t be so quick to throw things away.” “You are correct, Yusei,” said Paradox. He turned to the six ponies beside him. “I’m sorry for what I tried to do. Can you ever...” “We forgive you, Paradox,” said Fluttershy. “It’s not like you won anyway,” said Rainbow Dash. Applejack smacked her on the shoulder. “OW!” Twilight turned her head and wouldn't look at Paradox. “I’m really glad that we got to see each other again,” said Yusei to the ponies. “I just wish we could meet under better circumstances.” “Me too, Yusei,” said Pinkie Pie. “Still, it was kinda fun, wasn’t it? Big adventure through Equestrian history, running for our lives, with an epic battle at the end of it all!” Yusei laughed. “It was fun, wasn't it?” he said. “The rip to your world is just over this hill,” said Twilight. “Once you’re through, we’ll close it up.” “It’ll have to be closed from both ends,” said Pinkie Pie. Everyone looked at her. “What? I read it in a book!” “Pinkie, when did you read about this?” asked Twilight. “That time you thought a disaster was coming because you went back in time to warn yourself not to worry about the future and we went to Canterlot to look for time spells in the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing and we didn’t find one but there wasn’t a disaster so I showed you that time travel spell and then you went-” “Alright, Pinkie, dear,” Rarity interrupted. “I think we get it.” “I can close the rip from our side,” said Paradox. “I can modify the portal generator to close rips with ease.” “Um, by the way, Twilight?” said Pinkie. “About that week... you remember when you came to see Madame Pinkie and I told you you’d get a really cool birthday present and then a flower pot fell on your head?” “Yeah?” said Twilight. “What about it?” “I think I threw it at Paradox when he was chasing me and Puddinghead,” Pinkie said sheepishly. “We hid in a house and I dropped it from a window on the second floor. It looked just like the one that hit you.” “Oh,” said Twilight. “Well, it’s okay, Pinkie.” “Stranger things have happened,” said Applejack. Suddenly, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Discord appeared overhead. “Princesses! Discord!” said Twilight. “What are you three doing here?” “We put Cerberus back at his post and decided to see Yusei home,” said Discord. “Paradox, I assume you will be returning to your dimension as well?” asked Celestia. “I will,” he said. “I possess stolen cards that I must return, and I have a lot of work ahead of me if I wish to redeem myself for my actions.” “Best of luck to you,” said Luna. “Thank you,” Paradox replied. “We should get going,” said Yusei. “Thank you for your help, everyone.” “Before you go, Yusei,” said Celestia, “perhaps there are some lessons in friendship that have been learned here.” “I agree,” said Yusei. “What do you mean, your Majesty?” asked Paradox. Twilight stepped forward to explain. “A few years ago, the princess sent me to Ponyville on an assignment. I met my friends here. She gave me another assignment afterward: I was to study the magic of friendship and send her a report of what I learned.” “Paradox, I think you should give the report this time,” said Yusei. Paradox blinked. “A report... on friendship?” he said. “You have very strange ways here, my little ponies.” He smiled. “Very well. I came here knowing only destruction. I was built by a scientist named Z-One, and given the mind of one of his late friends. My mission was an experimental one: To prevent the development of Duel Monsters by any means. “I had come online with memories of devastation, and with the fruits of that devastation as my only scenery. I knew only ruin, death and emptiness. “After my mission failed, I began searching for more power. I broke through the dimensional barriers by accident and found myself in this same field. My scans showed that there were massive amounts of energy here. So I studied and found a way to complete my mission. But again, I knew only destruction, and that is how I would complete my mission: I would destroy this place to destroy the future of my world. “I hunted all who would stand in my way... and failed to destroy you. I suppose fate had other plans, even for me. Instead of being destroyed as my alternate self was, Yusei fought to save me. I still cannot believe that he did. “From all of you, I learned forgiveness and kindness. From all of you, I learned that there are ways of preventing destruction without using destruction itself. I’ve also learned the meaning of hope.” “Thank you, Paradox,” said Celestia. “Twilight? Did you learn anything?” “No, Princess,” said Twilight blandly. “I didn’t.” Celestia frowned, but said nothing more. He and Paradox mounted their D-Wheels. The engines revved and they sped off toward the rip. Yusei looked back and waved. “Goodbye, Yusei!” shouted everypony. ***** The anomaly flashed twice. Two D-Wheels emerged. One was familiar, the other was not. “Yusei!” said Crow. “Guys, Yusei’s back!” He, Jack and Ushio ran up to him. “Yusei! Are you alright?” asked Jack. “I’m fine,” said Yusei. Jack nodded, then looked behind Yusei at the other D-Wheel. “You!” he roared. Jack stomped over to Paradox, with Crow right behind him. “Give me back my card!” “Yeah, mine too, you thieving-!” “Of course,” said Paradox. He held the two cards out in front of him. “I apologize for taking them from you.” Jack and Crow stood dumbfounded. They each took their card. “I did a lot of damage, and much more is yet to come,” said Paradox. “I wish to help fix it.” Jack and Crow were still silent. “Yusei!” called Chief Ushio. “You made it back!” “Ushio!” said Yusei. “Yeah, I had a heck of a journey.” “Who’s this guy?” Ushio asked. “Chief! I’m detecting massive chroniton and Momentum readings from the stranger’s D-Wheel!” shouted Akutsu. Ushio crossed his arms. “I guess you’ve got some explaining to do,” he said to Paradox. “Perhaps, but before I do,” said Paradox, “I should close this rip.” He pushed a few buttons on his D-Wheel console and turned the vehicle to face the anomaly. A white beam shot out of the nose of the D-Wheel. The anomaly slowly shrank and then vanished. ***** The glow from the Elements of Harmony faded. Twilight and her friends slowly descended to the ground. The rip to Yusei’s world had vanished. “That’s that,” said Twilight. “Come on, everypony. We should go make sure everyone in town is okay.” “Twilight,” said Fluttershy, “do you think we’ll see Yusei or Paradox again?” “I don’t know, Fluttershy,” Twilight answered. “But I wouldn’t mind seeing Yusei again.” “What about Paradox?” Twilight didn’t answer. “You know what I think?” said Pinkie Pie. “I think it’s time for a PARTY!” Twilight smiled. “I think you’re right, Pinkie,” she said. “Come on, everypony! Let’s go celebrate!” THE END > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time Epilogue *********************\ Yusei is back home and back on the job working on Momentum. He has a lot on his mind and is still looking for answers. But a hundred years into Equestria’s future, Spike has questions of his own... *********************\ /*********************\ Yusei sat in his office chair, staring out the window. Today was bright and sunny. He heard the door open. Steady footsteps made their way toward his desk. Yusei saw in the reflection of the glass who it was. “I’m still not convinced that the future is unchanged,” said Yusei. “I’m not writing it off completely; if it is true, I’ve already got a few ideas we could try on the Fortune Mainframe that might help. But I’m not entirely convinced. Nightshroud has the ability to read people’s hearts. It’s possible that it gave you the information about the Fortune Mainframe so you would try to throw me off my game.” “No, Yusei,” said Paradox. “Even now, without Nightshroud’s influence, I know that this is true. In my timeline, you created the Fortune Mainframe after retiring from pro dueling. Though you meant well, your creation turned on humanity, just as your father’s did.” Yusei spun his chair around to face Paradox. “Show me,” he said. “Show you?” Paradox repeated. “You know the risk to the dimensional barriers, Yusei. Jumping through time has weakened the borders and it could take hundreds of years for them to regenerate.” “The dimensional barriers can handle two more jumps,” said Yusei. “One to the future and one back. I want to see for myself if the future has changed or not.” Paradox sighed. “Very well,” he said. “I suppose I could risk two more jumps.” ***** Though cloudless, the air around the mountains was very cold, signalling the coming of winter. Celestia and Luna glided through the air, beating their wings often to keep up their body heat and fight the cold. The two landed on a large outcropping about halfway up the side of a mountain. A huge, purple dragon crawled out of the massive cave that loomed before them. “You wanted to speak with us, Spike?” said Celestia. The massive dragon poked his head out of his cave. “I take it you got my letter,” said Spike. “I had to get Garble to write it. Amazing he never got any bigger since the day I met him a hundred years ago.” “That would explain the spelling,” Celestia chuckled. “Your letter said you wished to speak with both of us,” said Luna. “Yes,” said Spike. “I spent a lot of time around Twilight when I was young. And ever since the day Paradox invaded a hundred years ago, I did a lot of thinking, working out the whole thing in my head. Something you said stuck out with me, Princess Luna, and I came to a... different conclusion.” “What is it, Spike?” asked Celestia. “Luna, you said that paradoxes could rip our dimension apart,” Spike said. “But everything that happened then was a giant paradox. Our dimension remains, and I think I know why.” Luna was silent. “A paradox is only dangerous if nothing is done to reconcile it with the rest of the timeline,” Spike explained. “A lot of things happened during those events that reconciled everything with the rest of the timeline. Me telling myself not to mention anything to Applejack when she showed up a hundred years later. Your memories of how the entire thing was fixed. Pinkie Pie throwing a flower pot at Paradox only to have it hit Twilight in the head during her first adventure with time travel. “And something else that Twilight told me. What Pinkie Pie whispered to her younger self was that she should throw Twilight a party once they met in Ponyville. This would explain the reaction she had, which was in stark contrast with how she reacted to anyone else new she met over the years. “Ultimately, what the Elements of Harmony did was repair the torn space by applying energy through the Singularity. It all fixed itself because it had always happened.” Luna closed her eyes. Celestia smiled. “Very impressive, Spike,” she said. “Like I said, I’ve had a long time to think about it,” Spike said with a shrug. “Everything you said is true,” said Luna. “I may have... exaggerated.” “You could have at least said that an unreconciled paradox would have ended the universe, you know,” said Spike. “I... I implied,” Luna said. “Alright, you two,” said Celestia. “Spike, what exactly is your purpose in telling us your discovery?” “You two know a lot more about time travel than you’ve ever let on,” said Spike. “In fact, during my adolescence, you may remember that Twilight and I took a field trip to the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing. We went because of my curiosity, not hers. I noticed that there were a few books missing from the shelves, and the records said they had been checked out by both of you shortly after Paradox’s attack. But the title of one book has been bugging me for a hundred years now.” Celestia and Luna looked up at him. They knew before he said anything what title he was about to say. “‘The Myth of Man’.” Celestia and Luna looked at each other. “Yusei wasn’t the first human encountered in this world, was he?” asked Spike. “No, Spike,” said Celestia. “No, he wasn’t. Nor was Paradox.” /*********************\ Author’s Note: Yes, this is leading exactly where you think it’s leading: I wrote myself into this, and now I have to write ANOTHER sequel. Squeal with glee all you like, I’m not happy about it. There are days when I wish I could just turn my brain off like this computer. I want to be done with this, but I can’t be until I’ve written a definitive end to the entire thing. Which means a trilogy. Confound it all. Eh, here’s a trailer. /*********************\ Neo Domino City: A once thriving metropolis. Now, it is a warzone. A tyrant has forcefully conquered the city and now wages war on the citizens of Neo Domino. Team 5D’s is scattered across the globe, its members now mere refugees unable to stop the madman rampaging through the streets of their beloved city. Only one man can stand up to the tyrant, but even his immense power is not enough. A dark shadow looms over the center of the city. At the edge of defeat and on the verge of death, the lone hero is saved by seven unlikely allies from his past. As the tyrannical ruler of Neo Domino City turns his eyes on the rest of the planet, the Bearers of Harmony must fight for their lives and the lives of their friends. Secrets will be revealed, friendships will be destroyed, and the fate of two worlds linked by time and destiny hangs in the balance. The journey... the war... and the reign of the Black King begin with these words... ”Delta Accel Synchro!” My Little Pony Dueling is Magic! > Malefic Extra Cards > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of the cards I created for Paradox to use in Dueling is Magic! A Rip in Time. Malefic Red Dragon Archfiend DARK Level 8 Dragon/Effect Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 1 "Red Dragon Archfiend" from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard. If “Malefic World” is not face-up on the field, destroy this card. After damage calculation, when this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls: Destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls. ATK/3000 DEF/2000 Malefic Black-Winged Dragon DARK Level 8 Dragon/Effect Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 1 "Black-Winged Dragon" from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard. If “Malefic World” is not face-up on the field, destroy this card. Whenever you would take damage from a card effect, inflict that damage to your opponent instead. ATK/2800 ATK/1600 Malefic Armed Dragon DARK Level 10 Dragon/Effect Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 1 "Armed Dragon LV10" from your deck to the Graveyard. If “Malefic World” is not face-up on the field, destroy this card. Once per turn: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy that target. ATK/3000 DEF/2000 Malefic Cyberdark Dragon DARK Level 8 Machine/Effect Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 1 "Cyberdark Dragon" from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard. If “Malefic World” is not face-up on the field, destroy this card. When this card is Special Summoned: Target 1 "Malefic" monster in your Graveyard; equip that target to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the equipped monster's ATK. This card gains 100 ATK for each monster in your Graveyard. If this card would be destroyed by battle, destroy the equipped monster instead. ATK/1000 DEF/1000 Malefic Causality Gear DARK Level 4 Machine/Tuner If “Malefic World” is not face-up on the field, destroy this card. Cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Malefic" monster. Once per turn: You can target 1 or 2 face-up "Malefic" monsters you control; reduce those targets' Levels by 1 or 2 until the End Phase, but you cannot Summon for the rest of the turn, except by Synchro Summon. ATK/0 DEF/0 Malefic Singularity Dragon DARK Level 12 Dragon/Synchro/Effect 1 "Malefic" Tuner + "Malefic Truth Dragon" Cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon. If “Malefic World” is not face-up on the field, destroy this card. While you have at least 1 "Malefic" monster in your Graveyard, the field is treated as "Malefic World" (do not apply this effect if there is a face-up Field Spell Card). This card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. If this card would be destroyed, you can banish 1 "Malefic" monster from your Graveyard instead. When this card is Synchro Summoned: Each players sends monsters they control to the Graveyard until the only control 1 monster. While this card is face-up on the field, each player can only control 1 monster. Once per turn: You can send 1 card from your hand and 1 "Malefic" monster from your deck to the Graveyard, then target 1 other monster and 1 Spell or Trap Card; destroy the targeted monster, then, if you do, destroy the targeted Spell or Trap Card. At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card battled: Inflict 1600 damage to your opponent. ATK/5000 DEF/5000 Malefic Calling SPELL Spell Card Banish 1 monster from your hand or deck; Special Summon, from your deck or Graveyard, 1 “Malefic” monster with the banished monster written on it, ignoring the Summoning conditions, then all “Malefic” monsters you currently control lose 1000 ATK until the End Phase. Malefic Devastation SPELL Spell Card While you control a face-up "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon" or "Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon": Select and activate an appropriate effect; - If you control a "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon": Destroy all monsters your opponent controls, then, if "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is the only monster you control, inflict 200 damage for each card destroyed by this effect. - If you control a "Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon": Inflict 400 damage for each Spell and Trap Card your opponent controls. Then, if "Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon" is the only monster you control, destroy all Spells and Traps your opponent controls and draw 1 card. Malefic Life Burst SPELL Spell Card Target 1 Set Spell or Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then gain 2000 Life Points. "Malefic World" must be face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect. Malefic Greed SPELL Spell Card Draw 2 cards. You must control "Malefic World" and 2 or more "Malefic" monsters with different names to activate and to resolve this effect. Malefic Stranglehold SPELL Spell Card Target 1 face-up "Malefic" monster you control and 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with a Level less than or equal to that monster; send your opponent's monster to the Graveyard and inflict 600 damage to your opponent. Your targeted monster cannot attack this turn. Malefic Space-Time Distortion SPELL Continuous Spell Card While there is a face-up Field Spell Card, this card cannot be destroyed by card effects and its name is treated as "Malefic World". During your Standby Phase, if you do not control a face-up "Malefic" monster: Take 1000 damage. Malefic Twin Shot SPELL Equip Spell Card Equip only to a "Malefic" monster. It can attack twice per Battle Phase. Other monsters you control cannot attack. If the equipped monster attacks a second time with this effect, at the end of the Battle Phase: Destroy this card. When this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Draw 1 card. During your Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw: You can add this card in your Graveyard to your hand. You must control “Malefic World” and exactly 1 “Malefic” monster to activate and to resolve this effect. Malefic Resilience SPELL Equip Spell Card Equip only to a “Malefic” monster. You take no Battle Damage from battles involving the equipped monster. If the equipped monster attacks an opponent’s monster, after damage calculation: Destroy that monster and draw 1 card. Malefic Energy Drain SPELL Quick-Play Spell Card When you would take damage (either by battle or effect) while you control a face-up “Malefic” monster: Negate all damage you take this turn and both players draw 1 card. You cannot activate other Spell/Trap cards this turn. Malefic Whirlwind SPELL Quick-Play Spell Card If the only face-up cards you control are 2 or more different "Malefic" cards: Draw 1 card, then change all face-up monsters your opponent controls to Defense Position. Malefic Parasite SPELL Quick-Play Spell Card Target 1 Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls; if it is face-down, activate it and destroy it if its activation timing is incorrect. If it is face-up, your opponent must activate its effect after this Chain has resolved. If they cannot or the activation timing is incorrect, it is destroyed. You must control “Malefic World” and a Level 7 or higher “Malefic” monster to activate and to resolve this effect. Malefic Lunge SPELL Quick-Play Spell Card If a "Malefic" monster(s) you control is changed to Defense Position (face-up or face-down): Target 1 of those monsters; change it to face-up Attack Position. During the End Phase, change that monster to face-up Defense Position and both players draw 1 card. Malefic Sacrifice SPELL Quick-Play Spell Card Target 1 face-up "Malefic" monster you control; send it to the Graveyard and gain Life Points equal to its ATK on the field. This turn, you cannot summon "Malefic" monsters with ATK equal to or higher than the amount gained. Malefic Revenge Slash SPELL Quick-Play Spell Card When you would take Battle Damage OR when a Spell/Trap Card or effect of an Effect Monster is activated that inflicts damage: Negate that damage, then halve your opponent's Life Points. You must control "Malefic World" and a face-up Level 7 or higher "Malefic" monster to activate and to resolve this effect. After you activate this card, you cannot activate other cards or effects until your next turn. Malefic Shock Wave TRAP Trap Card When an opponent's face-up monster activates its effect while "Malefic World" is face-up on the field: Target that face-up monster on the field; negate that target's effect(s). That target cannot activate its effect(s) in response to this card's activation. "Malefic" monsters you control cannot attack during the turn you activate this card. Malefic Panic! TRAP Trap Card Target any number of "Malefic" monsters in your Graveyard; Special Summon them, ignoring the Summoning Conditions. Their effects are negated, their ATK and DEF become 0, and they cannot attack. During the End Phase, destroy all monsters summoned by this effect. Malefic Shield TRAP Trap Card When an attack is declared, if you control a face-up "Malefic" monster: Negate the attack and end the Battle Phase. If you control a face-up "Malefic World", cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this card's activation. Malefic Flash Strike TRAP Trap Card When a “Malefic” monster you control is targeted for an attack: Target the attacking monster; destroy it and 1 face-up Spell or Trap Card on the field. Malefic Overload TRAP Trap Card While you control a face-up "Malefic World": Target any number of "Malefic" monsters in your Graveyard (minimum 3); Shuffle those targets into the deck, then draw 2 cards. If you returned 4 or more monsters to the deck this way, draw 3 cards instead. Malefic Regen Flash TRAP Counter Trap Card When you take damage (either by battle or by an effect) while you control "Malefic World" and 1 or more face-up "Malefic" monsters: Gain Life Points equal to the amount of damage you took and draw 1 card, also, skip your next Draw Phase.