> Mission Failed? > by Clopficsinthecomments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue - The Heist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: This clopfic is based off of a number of fantastic pictures from Derpibooru (NSFW: #1461000, #1465894, #1572552) but more importantly an incredible primer from Scygnus in the comments. His short commentfic inspired me all those months ago to make this account and play on both Derpibooru and Fimfiction. With his permission I've decided to expand on his masterpiece! Hope you enjoy! The desert night was cool and silent, bathed in a moonlight glow from Luna's night sky... Perfect conditions for a clandestine convoy travelling from the base camp of an archaeological expedition operating out of the Mysterious South... a convoy hoping to avoid any notice. The unicorn at the front of the convoy, Captain Stalwart, cleared his throat softly before motioning to his squad of Royal Guardsponies to pick up the pace slightly. Something in his gut was telling him that there was danger out there, among the scattered boulders and tumble-weeds. The two strong earth guards-ponies pulling the large military-style container wagon increased their tempo, their strong hooves digging into the arid desert terrain. The boxy vehicle they were pulling was made of sturdy copper sheets with only a single sliding door on one side, locked with an intricate 'Military-Royal Business' Lock and further sealed with powerful unicorn magic. Captain Stalwart was taking no chances... he himself had acted as the designated spell-crafting unicorn and cast the required anti-tamper wards... The level of seriousness the Captain was treating this mission had increased dramatically since he'd received the cargo to be moved... Stalwart's squad had complained about the assignment when they'd first received it, even though the order had come directly from Princess Twilight herself. Since her ascendancy, the Princess of Magic had become notorious for dispatching the Royal Guard to escort the latest trinket from some dusty museum or stuck-up research lab. As such, when they'd received word it was their turn to travel hundreds of miles to retrieve an artifact of the greatest importance, Captain Stalwart couldn't help but overhear one of his privates complain about being sent on yet another of Twilight's 'nerd-chores' and even the Captain had resigned himself to a long and boring mission. That had all changed when they'd arrived at the Royal Southern Archaeological Expedition base-camp, currently exploring the Temple of Shadows deep in the Southern Jungle. Firstly, instead of being met by the usual stuffy poindexter, holding a tiny dust brush and obsessing over some tiny bone fragment, he'd been called into the camp's central canvas tent for a briefing by the legendary explorer... freaking Daring Do! Inside the tent, his face had blanched immediately as he saw just what it was he was meant to be taking back to Canterlot. Daring Do had regaled him with an incredible tale about how she and the expedition had broken into the temple, just as a dark cult had finished an ancient ritual which had pulled the strange creature currently restrained before them through a mysterious portal. Defeating the cult with her usual flash of panache, Daring had quickly subdued and caged the creature and prepared it for transport back to the Canterlot archives immediately... Twilight had been quite insistent upon reading Daring's initial report. Stalwart had gone over the manifest and noticed that his squad would also be transporting an ancient book alongside the cage. Daring quickly explained that though the remainder of the cult's library had been engulfed in a fire during the fight and destroyed, this book had survived. She'd included it in the list of items to be transported because it contained a dangerous dark magic spell, one which belonged in the restricted wing of the Royal Canterlot Archives. When Stalwart had mumbled that they ought to just destroy the evil item here and now, Daring Do had immediately whirled on him with a snarl and said it belongs in a museum! So it was that the good Captain and his squad were taking this mission deadly serious. The groans and mumbling from the creature within the armored wagon were being completely tuned out as the military ponies looked out for any danger. The convoy was still a few hours from the rail-head, where a military train-car and an express routed locomotive awaited to take them the remainder of the way to Canterlot. Once they made it to the train, with its reinforcements and heavy armor - they would be home safe and sound... if anyone was going to make an attempt... now was the time. Suddenly, an exceedingly brilliant firework went off in the sky, momentarily blinding the entire squad. "AMBUSH!" Stalwart shouted, retreating immediately to the wagon and drawing his blade with his telekinesis in a well-practiced action. He could see 4 or 5 shadowy figures emerge from behind the various desert detritus ahead of the convoy. 5 ponies. One unicorn, two earth ponies, a thestral, and a pegasus. He laughed under his breath at the meager forces arrayed against them. 5 ponies would stand no chance against his 10 highly trained guards-ponies, already arranged in battle formation around the cart. He began charging an area-wide stunning spell to stop the attackers in their tracks. His horn glowed green with potent energy. It continued to charge, and charge... and charge? He noticed now that all of his men seemed to be slowing down, moving bizarrely slowly... even defying gravity as they jumped from their positions on the wagon to the desert floor... time magic! Stalwart tried to prepare a counter-spell, his mind racing through the training he'd received regarding the very rare form of magic, but it was too late. He was frozen in time-space as he helplessly watched the 5 shadowy figures begin to move toward his frozen squad at a relaxed, normal pace. He blinked. The moon moved jarringly across the night sky, jumping forward in its arc by about one hour's worth of travel. At least time had resumed it's normal flow. Unfortunately, in the intervening period he'd been frozen, the Captain's entire squad had been bound and gagged by the criminal ambushers and he was helplessly stuck on his side, his hooves bound together with manacles and a spell-suppressing inhibitor wedged painfully onto his horn. "Criminals! Release me immediately before you compound your charg- *OOPH*" Stalwart was cut-off by a stiff jab into his gut by one of the bruiser earth ponies. "Shut it, copper... we didn't leave you ungagged to hear you spew manure." The earth pony said in a distinctly Massachoofetts accent... "That's right, I didn't leave you ungagged to talk about the law..." the shadowy unicorn said while levitating Stalwart to his hooves, before addressing him directly. "No... what I'm going to do now is ask you very nicely to open the wagon." Stalwart laughed bitterly, "you all must be a new crew... Royal Guards-ponies have special conditioning and training to prevent cracking under pressure, torture, even mind-control spells fail... you'll never get me or my squad to op- *OOPH*" Stalwart was caught again by an uppercut to his gut. "I said, don't spew manure, copper..." the earth pony growled. The unicorn sighed, and motioned to one of the other ponies behind him... "Nurse Blackheart, if you please..." Stalwart's eyes refocused on the beautiful light blue mare as she came out of the darkness, her turquoise mane visible despite being tucked under a black woolen toque which matched her black turtleneck... she was definitely dressed for the occasion. The mare sighed before responding in a pleasant, tittering voice. "Please don't call me that, it reminds me too much of my cousin... unlike her I'm no nurse..." she chortled as she opened her saddle bags and removed a clipboard and a bubbling vial... "I'm a pharmacist." Stalwart noticed her cutie mark, a red cross with little hearts in the empty quadrants, all over a green back-ground splatter that dripped onto a small skull and crossbones beneath the cross. Stalwart couldn't help but wonder: why did the bad guys always have such obviously evil cutie marks? Uncorking the vial and holding it well away from herself, she began to address Stalwart in a friendly but clinical manner. "Do you have any drug allergies? Are you on any medications?" Stalwart shook his head, answering despite himself because of his kidnapper's earnest tone. "Good, good any problems with hypertension or blood press-" "DOC!" The earth pony who'd socked the Captain earlier piped up, "get ON with it! We don't give a damn if he lives after we're done, just dose him already!" Blackheart clicked her tongue and glared at the bruiser before putting away her clipboard. "Well I care, Mr. Tough, I'm not some two-bit, fly-by-night, poisoner... but fine... Captain, I'll assume you're a healthy guards-pony... so one last question Mr. Stalwart... do you prefer mares or stallions?" Stalwart blushed and coughed, "w-what!?" Blackheart smiled and asked again, "Do you prefer mares or stallions? Buns or hot-dogs? Tacos or sausages? Clams or bananas? You do seem like maybe you enjoy the company of colts..." Stalwart shuddered, "I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I LIKE MARES... one beautiful MARE in particular, thank-you-very-much... and I've liked her for years!" Blackheart chuckled and added a drop to the bubbling vial from a pouch she selected from her saddlebag, "fantastic... and I'm sure that you have never cheated on her, have never even looked in another mare's direction?" Stalwart growled, struggling against his restraints, "Of course not!" "Not even a cute mare in heat? Maybe given thought to starting a herd?" Blackheart asked absentmindedly, her focus completely on the vial as it bubbled and hissed at the addition from the pouch, turning finally to a sickly shade of pinkish-purple. "From the moment I saw her, I've only had eyes for my wife Marigold and our foal, Daisy! They mean everything to me. I'd die before I even thought about letting them down. We've been married for almost 7 years. That's why they call me Stalwart Heart!" He shouted, pointing at his cutie-mark, a heart inside a shield. Blackheart's expression changed a bit, hearing this. "Captain Stalwart, I usually don't give additional warnings in these situations but I detest playing the role of homewrecker." She reached a hoof out and put it on the Captain's shoulder, looking deeply into his eyes with concern. "Jes' get on with it already Blackheart, ya' big softie!" A young female Manehattan accent called from behind Stalwart, where he couldn't see. Blackheart frowned at the direction of the voice, and then looked sincerely back at Stalwart. "Captain, I'll tell you truthfully: we've found a way through Guard conditioning... love." Stalwart laughed. Blackheart blushed but continued, "I'm not joking Captain. This here is 'perfected love poison'. It is one of the most forbidden of black magics... and I'm probably the only apothecary who can make it. Only the perfected form will work on Guard conditioning." She sighed and held the vial between them, it's bubbling purple depths menacingly drawing Stalwart's attention. "Unfortunately, the perfected form is completely irreversible with the current state of Equestrian science and thaumatology..." "So. Buckin'. What." Stalwart tried to play tough, though the fact he was beginning to sweat betrayed his increasing nervousness. "So, let me be perfectly clear as to the effects of this poison, Captain." Blackheart continued, her expression pleading with the guards-pony to see reason. "Once I have you consume some of this, for the next 5 minutes you will be in a state of complete love receptiveness." She motioned around her with her hoof. "During those 5 minutes the first mare you lay eyes on... you will fall into true love with her. Forever." Stalwart swallowed heavily. Blackheart tapped the vial, "and I'm not talking about some lustful romp after a good night's drinking that you'll forget about by lunch... the mare you see will replace all other true loves you have... hobbies, jobs, friends... wives and children. The love you have for them will need to make room, will be displaced by the new love you have for some random mare you locked eyes on." Her eyes watered a little bit before she went on. "I-I've seen it happen before Captain... I'm not proud of it and it's not a pretty thing. Stallions leaving their entire lives behind completely of their own heart - a heart that's been irreversibly changed... There is a reason they call it love 'poison': it kills the old love and replaces it. Stalwart was starting to shake a bit as he thought of his cute 5 year-old foal, playing with his wife Merigold in their garden - a memory he cherished more than life itself... He would no longer love them? The implication of the potion was terrifying. "It's not an exact science Captain," Blackheart lectured, "sometimes ponies have enough room in their heart to still maintain a semblance of their old loves - in smaller portion, to a far smaller degree than the new 'poisoned' love... but rarely... usually they have no space in their heart for the past..." Blackheart was softly crying, now begging the Captain as she went on. "Please Captain, don't make me give this poison to you... don't make me destroy another family... the result will be the same either way: you're going to open that door for us... why not do it without breaking your heart... and Daisy and Merigold's hearts too?" She asked hopefully, her other hoof still holding the poison. Captain Stalwart was almost hyperventilating as he tried vainly to contain his panic, pulling away from the vial held in front of him but unable to get far as a set of hooves gripped his head from behind. The female Manehattan voice was right near his ear now, obviously the owner of the hooves holding his head steady. "Awww, c'mon Blackie yer such a big softie!" The voice chuckled annoyingly. "I was hopin' to get a nice lay tonight, stallions are always so eager once they've been love poisoned... best sex a gurl can have!" Blackheart glared at the voice behind and shook her head disapprovingly, before looking back to the Captain with tears streaming down her face... "Please Captain, you have a choice." Captain Stalwart took a deep breath to gather his courage, before affixing Blackheart with his gaze. "If I gave in here I'd already be betraying my two loved ones: I'd never be able to face them... and I believe in my Stalwart Heart resisting your evil ways... I believe in true love conquering all... so screw you all... I WILL NEVER OPEN THAT DOOR WILLINGLY!" Blackheart choked out a sobbing cry, "NO! You stupid, stubborn stall-" "BWAHAHA! You heard the guy, Blackie - serve it up!" The voice behind Stalwart sneered. "Shut UP, Dusk Wing you dumb bitch. Why don't you try the door one more ti-" Blackheart began, trying to turn away with the potion before it was snatched from her grasp by a levitation field, the shadowy unicorn stepping back into the light. "No, I think that we've given the Captain here more than enough opportunity, playtime's over." The unicorn laughed as he hovered the vial to the Captain's snout. Blackheart scrambled forward and slid a blindfold onto Stalwart quickly, wiping her teary eyes. "Be CAREFUL with that vial! The next time this blindfold comes off he'll latch onto the first thing he sees." "Say ah! Ya guards-pony bastard!" Dusk Wing chuckled in her annoying tone as she pinched the Captain's nose, making him involuntarily open his mouth to breathe. Immediately the levitating vial was shoved into his muzzle - nearly choking him as the thick liquid slid down into his gut. "HA! A full dose, no hope for this asshole now!" Dusk Wing chittered, releasing his head from her grasp. Stalwart tried to vomit, to hack up the poison but it had been absorbed the moment it slid down his throat, entwining itself inexorably with his thaumatological system. "So... Blackie... you seemed like you had a sweet-spot for this one... you wan' him?" Dusk Wing asked cloyingly. Blackheart glared at the younger mare, "Dusk you're a piece of trash. Do you have no problem ruining lives?" "Ruining lives? Of guards-ponies?" she glowered before responding to Blackheart, "no I've got no problems ruinin' their lives. Why should I? They had no problem ruinin' mine." Blackheart turned away in disgust from the puerile argument, "Whatever. I'll have nothing further to do with this." Dusk Wing smiled evilly. "Ya shure about that Blackie? If you don't take him, I guarantee I'll make you regret it." Blackheart paused hearing this. Dusk Wing had a bunch of little sayings, and 'guarantee' meant she would do everything in her power to make her guarantee come true. The thought of taking Stalwart's pure heart was disgusting to her though, and she couldn't imagine how Dusk Wing could make it worse. "I'm sure you evil little parent-less orphan." THAT struck a chord with Dusk her smile momentarily twitching, showing that Blackheart's snipe had landed. She shrugged it off quickly though and her casual demeanor returned. "'Kay, don't say I didn't warn ya Blackie." She motioned to the earth-pony bruiser, "Ey Toughie, turn 'im around and let me get set before you take the blinders off." Dusk Wing turned around so her rear was facing the Captain, her tail pulled aside and her butt exposed. "I think its hilarious when 'dey fall hopelessly in love with me while my plothole's in their face!" She chuckled, wiggling her flank. Captain Stalwart felt OK. He'd felt the horrible taste of the poison and the panic that had come with ingesting it, but only a moment later he'd felt nothing. He heard the two female criminals sniping back and forth and felt himself moved by the heavyset earth-pony, but no other effects. None of the tell-tale confusion or nausea he'd been trained to expect from magical potions... perhaps this really was all a ruse. Suddenly, the blindfold was torn from his face. Clenching his eyes shut, he squeezed his face with all his facial muscles to avoid seeing anything. "Awww, c'mon Cap... 'jes a little peek. I promise you'll love it." Dusk Wing chuckled from in front of him. He could smell her, she was right in front of his muzzle now, the heat from her body radiating onto him. "No? Alright, lemme help ya then Cap!" Dusk shouted, whipping her tail hard against his snout, effectively slapping him. He involuntarily flinched and opened his eyes. "Ta Daaaaa! Tell me what ya think, Cap!" *ba-BUMP* Stalwart felt his heart throb heavily, a wave of powerful magic surging through him. *ba-BUMP* Directly in front of Stalwart was a shapely rear belonging to what looked to be a 19-year old female thestral. Her fur was a dark grey, with a purple mane and tail. Her haircut was messy and short, revealing her ears which were embroidered with blue studs that matched her big, slit-pupil-led eyes. Her bat-wings were spread out to either side of her lithe body, she was definitely a bit on the smaller side. Stalwart barely registered this though, as his gaze was drawn to her teenage plot. Her tight and shapely dark marehood less than an inch from his nose, and slightly above it her taut, tiny ponut twitching enticingly. Dusk Wing smiled exaggeratedly, showing her fangs. "Don't leave me hangin' Cap, tell me you love my little ass." She wiggled in his face. Captain Stalwart took a moment to think about how he felt... nothing! He was OK! This young little mare in front of him had nothing on Merigold and Daisy! It must have been an elaborate ruse. Such a cute little criminal, with such an adorable face and smile meant nothing to him. Just look at her lovely little face, and her charming hair... all it did was remind him of his daughter, Daisee. His daughter would never turn to a life of crime though... like this low-life. Although, maybe she just needed his guidance, maybe he could be a mentor for Dusk Wing: she was a good pony at heart, right? Merrygole always believed in giving ponies a second chance... and his wife never had a pussy like THAT! "Speechless, huh Cap?" Dusk continued wriggling in his close gaze. It was so shapely, part of such a perfect rear end. Ever since his... partner? NO, no... she'd been his wife... ever since she'd had given birth to... -Dizzee? Dazzee?... she'd gotten a bit looser down there. Not a hot little minx like Dusk Wing... and her tailhole was so tight looking and cute... he just wanted to plant a kiss on it. Maybe, maybe he could find a way to convince Murrigul, uh... no... it was Merylgild... well... convince whoever she was that Dusk Wing could join their herd as lead mare... she'd be such a good fit, she really completed him. If not, oh well... it wasn't like whats-her-name was the best catch in the sea and they'd only had one foal together. "I think, we got 'im fellas..." Dusk Wing tittered, covering her chuckles with a free forehoof before slapping Captain Stalwart across the snout with her tail and stepping forward out of his range. Captain Stalwart barely managed to close his muzzle. "W-wait Dusk Wing. Y-you don't have to do this... you're a beautiful young mare. I-I can take care of you... we could start a family." He begged toward Dusk Wing. Dusk Wing turned around and put her hoof under Stalwart Heart's chin, "boy, you got it bad Cap." She blew warm air over his face, making him swoon. Blackheart piped back up in annoyance. "Stop messing around and just have him open the door already, you've done enough damage." "Naw." Dusk Wing said with a bored tone as she began making her way around the carriage, "I'm gonna have some fun at your expense first." Blackheart seethed as she looked at the unicorn in charge. "Quantum, is this the kind of outfit you run... you let horny little teens delay your heists!?" Quantum Freeze stared impassively at the obvious prodding of Blackheart before responding impassively, "Well, Nurse Blackheart, at this particular point in time Dusk Wing holds all the cards... the Captain will only listen to her." Blackheart stomped a hoof. "You don't pay me enough for this!" Quantum stared at her menacingly. "First of all, we do. There's a reason you turned criminal when they stopped funding your research commercially, and the family pays you very well to research your little poisons." Quantum prodded Blackheart forward, forcing her to move toward where Dusk Wing had trotted off to. "Second of all, it about time you realized you're just as bad as us - I've had it with your holier than thou crap... you are just as responsible as Dusk is for what's going to happen." Blackheart, shook her head but had no response, looking up at Dusk Wing who had stopped by a prone, bound guard. "See, Blackie... interesting thing is, as I was shaking down the guards during the time freeze, I saw this 'un here had an interestin' name..." Dusk Wing rolled the earth guards-pony over onto her side, revealing the name plate on her chest armor: MERIGOLD. Blackheart felt her stomach drop. "Now, the fact she's got that name could all 'jes be a crazy little co-inky-dink..." Dusk Wing said as she riffled through Merigold's saddlebags, before finding something that made her grin cruelly. "Or it could 'jes be a case of good 'ole fashioned office romance, blossomin' into marriage 'n foals." She held up her hoof, revealing a family picture she'd found in the saddlebags, showing a smiling Merigold embracing a smiling Stalwart Heart, with little Daisy squished between them, a little crown of flowers on her head. "Please. Don't." Blackheart begged, looking at Dusk Wing. Dusk Wing's smile went to a stoic face, revealing her true nature for a moment. "I guaranteed you'd regret it, Blackie... don't ever call me a parent-less orphan again... I had parents before the guard showed up." After saying this, the 19 year old thestral put back on her fang-y grin and motioned to the bruiser restraining the Captain. "Let 'im go, fellas... he's just gonna run to his honey." Dusk joked as the earth-pony bruiser unlocked the Captain's manacles and pulled off the spell-restraint ring. "I can't watch this." Blackheart said, trying to turn away. Quantum lit his horn, holding Blackheart in his powerful magic and forcing her to watch Dusk Wing "You'll watch the whole thing, Blackheart... or I'll make you give the guards-mare the poison too and leave that foal without anyone." Blackheart sobbed softly, and watched... Captain Stalwart charged toward Dusk Wing and Merigold. The latter looked up from her bound position and smiled through her gag, shouting something unintelligible. Stalwart charged right past her and embraced Dusk Wing. "Dusk... I knew you'd do the right thing and let me go... come on now... we can get out of here together - I know a great lawyer and we'll get you right with the la-" Stalwart rambled as he squeezed the teen-criminal in a hug. Dusk silenced the Captain with a hoof. "Sure thin' Cap, sure... but first..." she wrapped her tail up around one of his hind legs, the hairs brushing against his balls, "why don' we hav' a little fun?" "Here...? NOW?" Stalwart looked incredulously at the bound bodies of his squad, the gang of criminals 20 feet away watching them snuggle. "Sure Cap! Unless..." Dusk Wing looked up at the older stallion with puppy dog eyes, batting her eyelashes, "...unless you don't like me?" She wiggled her rear a little, bumping the bigger stallion. "NO! No... uh... I guess. I mean, of course we can have a little fun." Stalwart leaned in, oblivious to the fact that his wife was looking up at him with incredulous wide eyes as he planted a little peck on the much younger mare's mouth. "Pft... c'mon Cap. I wasn't asking you to kiss me the way you kiss ya' daughter." Dusk chuckled in his face. "My who?" Stalwart asked in confusion, as Merigold's muffled shout came up from the ground. "Ya little gurl, Cap..." Dusk said leaning in with lidded eyes, fully aware that Merigold was crying in confusion and watching them. "But let me show ya' how this little gurl kisses..." she planted her open muzzle on Stalwart's forcing her tongue into his mouth as she aggressively ran a hoof through his mane. Merigold watched in horror as the teen's free hoof trailed down Stalwart's barrel and reached under his hips, stroking his cock. Stalwart passionately groaned into Dusk's sucking face as his stallionhood grew in her massaging hoof, quickly falling out of its sheath and extending to full erection. Breaking the kiss, Dusk Wing pulled back from the Captain, giving him puppy dog eyes again before looking under his legs. "Wow, Cap... you may be a bit too big for this little gurl." She whimpered, wagging her tail. "N-no! I-I... w-we can..." Stalwart stammered as he shifted to try to re-engage with Dusk in another kiss. "Woah, woah there Cap... OK OK... we can keep goin', I could use a good rut after some of tonight's annoyances," Dusk ruffled her wings, looking back in Blackheart's direction with anger, "but first..." Dusk held up a key, "don't you want to let Merigold go free?" she pointed down at his wife. Merigold's eyes opened in shock as the bat-pony mare dropped the key right in front of her face... her husband could get them out of here right now, a quick unlock and a teleport and they could run well clear of the situation to get help! Stalwart looked down, seeing Merigold for the first time. "Merigold! Are you OK!?" he gesticulated with his hooves awkwardly, "I'd like you to meet Dusk Wing... I-I'm going to ask her to join our herd..." Merigold's face scrunched up in horrified confusion. "N-now hold on a minute em, I know we said all we need is each other, but just... just look at her!" Dusk Wing took the opportunity to make a goofy face and stick her tongue out, further increasing Merigold's confusion. Stalwart went on, explaining obliviously to his bound wife, "Just look how beautiful she is, she... she's clever, and cute... she'll be GREAT with our son-" "Daughta'. " Dusk Wing corrected him. "uh- Daughter too. She's probably closer in age to little Dimpy-" "Daisy." Dusk Wing corrected him. "Closer in age to Daisy than to us, so she'd be like a loving big sis to her... right?" Stalwart looked at Dusk Wing. "Nah. I fuckin' hate little fillies, 'specially guards-pony fillies. If you didn't watch me with her I might beat the shit outta the little snot." Dusk Wing chuckled as Merigold sobbed. "Th-that's fine... we can send Daisy away to boarding school... or you can beat her up... it'll toughen her up, right em?" Stalwart looked to his wife with a smile, only to see her shake her head in despair... "but Dusk's... well... her butt is just amazing! Just look!" Dusk Wing shook her rear tauntingly in Merigold's face. "Just look at that, even when you were young you didn't hold a candle to that." Stalwart said happily, as if he'd made a great point. Merigold screamed into her gag. "Oh, sorry Morigull-" "Merigold." Dusk Wing corrected. "Let me get you out of those restraints real quick." Stalwart knelt down and began to fumble to pick up the key, Merigold's eyes brightened and she began to nod, trying to shift but unable to move. Just as Stalwart got his hoof on the key, it was covered by Dusk Wing's hoof. "Actually, Cap... I changed my mind. You only get to choose one: go home right now with Merigold and your whole squad, back to little Daisy and your home..." Dusk spoke slowly so he would fully understand, as Merigold nodded her head vigorously, a smile spreading across her face - they were so close to getting out of this nightmare! "Or...?" Captain Stalwart asked his hoof still on the key. "Or... ya' leave her locked up, and I'll let you eat my little marehood out and pound my plot before you open the wagon-lock for us and the fellas 'n I rob you blind and leave you in the desert." Dusk Wing said with a grin. Merigold twisted her head in shock, trying to catch her husband's attention. He didn't flinch or hesitate. "The second one." Captain Stalwart said, throwing the key away into the desert as he stared into the teen-filly's eyes. "Knew it!" Dusk Wing chuckled, plopping down onto her belly in front of the prone Merigold. She scrunched forward so that her rear-end was in front of Merigold's face. "W-what are you doing?" Stalwart asked with confusion. "It's what, 'yer doin' Cap... which is eatin' me out right in fronttah 'yer wife." Dusk chuckled as she wiggled her small butt in front of Merigold. "R-right there? Not somewhere else?" He shuffled his hooves nervously even as he made his way to Dusk's rear end. Dusk Wing looked over her shoulder, spreading her rear legs and flagging her tail, adjusting herself so that she was as close to Merigold as possible. "Yep', it's here or nowhere, Cap! OOo!" She chuckled as Stalwart Heart dove into her plot. Stalwart buried his muzzle in sweet, teen, bat-pony snatch, snuffling deeply with his nose. The fact that Dusk was more than 20 years his younger made no difference, as his tongue lashed out into her pussy. "That's it Cap, get me nice and wet, now..." Dusk grinned evilly, watching Merigold's crying face as she lay inches from her marehood, watching her beloved eat her out. The sight caused her to heat up a little bit, and she felt her clit begin to swell up a little bit. "Mmm, that's it Cap... come on now... focus on my clit... aincha' never ate puss' before?" she chuckled. Captain Stalwart puled back, a string of juice connecting his nose to the 19-year old thestral's marehood. "N-no... I never liked doing this for my wife..." Dusk continued watching Merigold's face as she asked, "how 'bout now... how does my little snatch taste... Ooo!" She jerked as she felt the stallion's tongue trace up from her clit to her vaginal opening, now beginning to appear as her lips swelled and revealed the twisting pink lips within. "Mmm... it tastes incredible... I love licking you..." Stalwart dove back into her noisily attacking her with sloppy licks. "MMMmmn, that's it Cap... hang on now..." Dusk felt flush as she felt her first orgasm approaching, "hang on, Cap... w-WAIT you STUPID PRICK... ungghhhh...." she swore as she twisted away from his tongue, doing her best to aim her rear as she began to squirt small little strands of mare-juice. Little strands of mare cum splattered over Merigold and Captain Stalwart's faces, it wasn't a lot... but just the knowledge that Stalwart was eagerly lapping up her sex-juices, and Merigold was probably getting some in her gag turned Dusk on incredibly. "UNGH! YES! Damn Cap... you're not bad at eating my little snatch... let's see how good you are at eating my ass..." She shuffled her butt, making her little ponut more prominent. "Y-you want me... to lick... that? I've never done that before for my wife." Stalwart asked in surprise. Dusk sighed, rolling her eyes. "You uptight goody-two shoes guards-ponies never learned to live a little..." She gripped her tight flanks with her hooves, pulling her tight cheeks apart to fully reveal her tight, teen, puckered tail hole, "buck yeah I wantcha' to eat my ass... or no more fun stuff!" She grinned over her shoulder. Stalwart leaned in under Merigold's watching eyes, slowly extending his tongue and licking under the tight little ponut, on the sensitive piece of skin between Dusk Wing's young asshole and pussy. After a moment of that he began to trace around her ponut, feeling the tight little muscular ring around the outside, the taste of her sweat salty on his tongue. "Mmmnnn, that's good stuff Cap... but I asked you to EAT MY ASS!" Dusk Wing waggled her hips, "...unless you're all done and wanna go home with Merigold." "Uh-uh," Captain Stalwart moaned negatively Captain Stalwart brought his tongue to the center of the dark grey donut, teasing the outside for a moment before the young thestral thrust her hips back, forcing his tongue to penetrate her anus, slipping inside of her. "...there you go, Cap. Now stick that tongue in deep and swirl it around." Stalwart did as he was told, his nose being tickled by Dusk Wing's dock and tail. Dusk's teen marehood begin to wink and clench as she got into the depravity of the situation. "...MNNF! Sweet Celestia, that's the spot... Keep lickin' you buckin' piece a' shit guardsmen... eat my dirty little asshole, you mindless love-sick guards-bitch." Dusk was winking almost continuously now, grinding and writhing her sweet teen-filly ass in circles as Stalwart's tongue reached deep within her. "Buck you!" Dusk began to cum, little squirts shooting out of her pussy and splattering against Stalwart's neck and onto Merigold's face, "Buck your beloved guards-corps!" a squirt landed right in Merigold's nostril, "and... b-buck.... *hef*... b-buck your shitty little guards-familyyyeeeeEEEEEeeee~!" A high pitch scree escaped from Dusk Wing's muzzle as she writhed and moaned, the wave of orgasm rolling over her and taking her breath away. "*huf*... *huf*... *huf*..." Dusk Wing rolled off to her side and away from Stalwart Heart's tongue, wiping her brow with one of her outstretched wings. "*phew*... dayum Cap! Seems like you're a natural asshole eater. Awww.... was the flavor not tah' 'yer likin'?" She grinned, as the Captain, tried wiping his tongue on his arm. Dusk Wing began to stretch as she got to her feet. "Welp Cap, I know I promised you that we'd have some fun after you ate my ass out, but turns out I'm a shitty little lying crim-" Dusk cut herself off as she noticed Merigold glaring at her with furious anger, tears streaming down her face. "Huh, I take that back Cap..." Dusk said, a frown crossing her face. "Seems your wife is angry that I ain't keepin' mah promises." Dusk ignored Merigold's furious head shakes in the negative, as she rolled the captive guards-mare onto her back. "An' I don't wanna let down my new herd-sister on our first date... sooooo....." The teen criminal stepped gingerly over the prone, bound guards-mare looking down to see exactly where the drips from her wet, throbbing pussy fell... carefully shifting forward until the drips fell onto the flinching muzzle of Merigold's now frightened face... perfect. She flagged her tail aside and spread her stance slightly, wings outstretched in the classic pony-style mating position, "...so come rut my little ass." Stalwart barely noticed his wife, his nostrils flaring in excitement as he mounted the much smaller teen bat-pony. His heavy rear hoofs landed dangerously close to his wife's ears as he nickered in excitement, thrusting forward. "Easy Cap... easy- OOMPH!" Dusk grunted as the weight of the larger stallion landed on her back. She felt the press of his shaft against her rear as the thick pipe lay across her marehood and asshole, the head pushing against her dock... he really was a big stallion. His hips began to thrust in little spurts. "Whatcha' doin you idiot? Stick it in my butt already..." She wiggled a bit forward, as Captain Stalwart used a hoof to line his shaft up with the teen's tailhole. "That's it... now be gentle or we're DONE." Dusk screeched, looking over with a mean look at the guard-captain, who nodded enthusiastically back at her. He pushed forward, his thick cockhead straining against her tight muscular ring. "Hoooooah...." Dusk breathed out as she felt the pain of her tight, immature asshole spreading out and begin to engulf the fat shaft invading it. "Reminds me of when I took that huge dump a couple weeks back..." she chuckled at her own crude comparison, before suddenly clamming up and tightening with a little bat-pony squeak "*EEP!*" She tensed as her teenage pucker stretched a little bit further than it ever had before, without having slipped over the flare of the Captain's penis yet. "C-c-cap...? H-hang on a minuuuhhhhhhhhhggggnnnggh...." she moaned out as her teen-ponut stretched even further before finally slipping over the widest point of the Captain's cockhead to re-grip around his shaft. He was inside her. "W-wow, Cap... you really were a big fella', no joke." She chuckled, wiggling her lithe rear end, enjoying the feel of the pressure of having her anus stuffed with a big cock head. Stalwart was in heaven. His dick was in the asshole of the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria, the asshole of his true love. The feel of her tight, muscular ring constricting so tightly just under his cockhead, pinching his fat shaft almost painfully was intoxicating... the teen bat-pony's red hot insides feeling incredible. He began to push his shaft in deeper. "Ah - ah - ah...." Dusk pulled a bit forward, away from the Captain's thrusts. "Sorry Cap, 'yer dicks a bit too big for my little ass, so only little thrusts OK?" She smiled a toothy grin at him. Complying immediately, the Captain began to move his hips back and forth in only little thrusts, Dusk's tight ponut only sliding back and forth along a half inch below his fat cock-head. "Th-that's it, Cap... mnnn..." Dusk groaned, as she felt herself get into the rhythm of the anal-sex, her marehood beginning to drip again... dripping down onto Merigold's face as she looked up at her husband's assfucking of a much younger mare. "Unnghh... your ass... is... so... tight!" Stalwart grunted out in between each little thrust. His pre-cum and Dusk's juices were working up a good froth, coming out of her sticky asshole and trickling down his cock before dripping onto his wife below. Dusk grinned and tried flexing her teen-tailhole around the invading large rod, making the Captain groan and begin thrusting more quickly, tensing toward a crescendo. Dusk swatted his face with her tail, making him stop. "Uh-uh Cap... you don't get to finish in my butt... pull out of my ass now..." Dusk instructed. Captain Stalwart whimpered and hesitated... his entire biological and mental imperative telling him to blow his load in this little teenage filly's rear. "NOW." Dusk sternly warned, her face turning cruel. Stalwart withdrew, causing dusk to groan as her ponut spread wide once again to permit the exit of the guards-pony's fat flare. It finally released it's grip with a slick pop, letting a torrent of juices and sweat pour from Dusk's tailhole down onto the Captain's wife below. Dusk looked down at the crying wife, a cruel grin on her face as she watched her flinch and cough, the juices splattered over her face and dripping into her muzzle around the gag. But she wasn't done yet. "Alright, Cap... now shove that fat cock in my little puss..." She wiggled her hips, drawing her tail around Stalwart's waist. Captain Stalwart nickered, stepping forward, his hoof stomping on the previously discarded family portrait, still showing him, Merigold and Daisy hugging happily. "Stop." Dusk Wing scolded, fixing him with a disappointed stare. "What are you doin'?" "I-I'm... sh-shoving my fat cock in your little puss?" "Not THAT dirty cock that was just in my ass... you better wipe it off on somethin' first..." Dusk pointed down at Merigold. Without even hesitating, Stalwart Heart reached down and used his magic to grip some of his wife's beautiful golden mane, using it to clean his throbbing erection of the juices and ephemera it'd been slathered with in Dusk's tailhole, Merigold could only watch as her beloved defiled her further. "Wipe it on her nose." Dusk said, coldly watching. Again, Stalwart didn't hesitate, wiping the juices from his union with the teen-criminal onto his wife's snout, literally rubbing her nose in his infidelity. "Good boy." Dusk smiled, watching Merigold sob. "Now you can finish." Stalwart re-mounted the little thestral, his aching cock sliding into her. "Shiiiit Cap, fuckin' grade A cock yah' got there!" She moaned as he slid inside her young clenching pussy. "Oh Celestia! You're tighter than Merigold was on our honeymoon..." Captain Stalwart grunted as he pushed agonizingly into Dusk's clenching, velvety vagina. "Yah' ain't felt nothin' yet, Cap." Dusk bit her lip and began to thrust back, clenching her vaginal muscles and forcing herself to wink and squirt on the guards-pony. "Unghhh...." The Captain's tongue lolled out of his mouth as the spatter of juices began to stream down from their frenzied coupling. "T-tell me Cap..." Dusk squeaked as she gyrated her hips on the older stallion's penetrating thrusts, "t-tell me you don't give a shit about your shitty wife and daughter..." "I-I don't. I don't care about them." Dusk squeaked at his response, her little clitoris sliding in and out of its hood and throbbing against the fat shaft entering her tight teen snatch. "T-tell me they mean nothing to you... th-that you only need my little ass... th-that you have no family anymore!" "UNGGH.... Dusk!" Stalwart moaned as he started thrusting more heavily, "I don't have a family... all I have is you... all I need is you... I'd tr-trade my family just to see a picture of you!" "Y-YES!" Dusk moaned as Stalwart replied, an orgasm roiling through her and making her tight marehood clench at the Captain's cock, finally allowing his medial ring to slip past her entrance, instantly permitting him to hilt deep within her. "T-Tell me you only want a foal with me Cap... that you don't care about any other foals..." she moaned as Cap leaned forward and nipped at her neck. "I-I... C-celestia... Dusk... I'm..." he began to moan out. "SAY IT, MOTHERBUCKER." Dusk moaned out, her head leaning back as she squirted on the hilted shaft throbbing within her. "I want to put a foal in you... only you... I only want you Dusk!" the captain screamed into the little teen thestral's neck, as his balls tightened and his flare fattened within her body. Dusk moaned out and had her hardest orgasm of the evening, her juices squirting in thick splortches that splattered down onto Marigold's mane and fur, her clenching clitoris peeking in and out with each stream. She felt her grasping cervix make Stalwart release with a guttural scream, unloading thick ropes of heavy batter deep inside her. Four, five, six... she felt herself filling with his sperm as she rode out her evil orgasm... ten, eleven, twelve... she was now totally full... Stalwart having totally emptied himself into the much younger mare. With Dusk's womb being completely full, he felt his final spurts escape sloppily from Dusk's pussy, the thick semen splattering down onto his wife's face as it fell out of the young homewrecker above her. Finally, a minute later, Dusk regained her senses. "Ahhhh.... that hit the spot..." She stretched her wings and shrugged her shoulders signalling Stalwart to get off of her. "Ey, Merigold... ya' still with us?" She looked down at the guards-mare under them, covered in their juices and emissions. Dusk chuckled. Looking down at her condescendingly, Dusk smirked. "Cap wanted to give me a foal, but I don't wanna carry his shitty guards-pony seed... I'm on my estrus-control of course so I 'ain't gettin' preggers... but you really like this guy so you can have his spunk if ya wan' it... here..." Merigold's eyes widened and she tried to flinch away as Dusk pulled Stalwart Heart's flare out of her teen snatch, a thick torrent of his cum pouring down onto Merigold's fur and face, causing her to cough and hack as she got a good quantity onto her gag. Dusk looked over her shoulder at Stalwart. "Hey asshole, I'm done with you... will you get the buck offa me already?" Stalwart heart looked hurt, confused as he got off of Dusk Wing... he reached up to her and tried to hug her. Dusk coldly pushed him away, "stay the buck off me you freak." Stalwart's face continued to twist in agony as his heart was breaking... "D-dusk, please we're meant to be tog-" Dusk started walking away, "I don't date married guys, you bucking guards-pony shit-head." Stalwart reached for her, begging. "D-dusk I-I love yo-" "Stop talking to me." Dusk didn't even look at him, walking toward Blackheart and Quantum. Stalwart slumped to the ground next to his emotionally destroyed wife, and began to cry. Trotting up to Blackheart, Dusk grinned. "Guaranteed ya, ye'd regret it... imagine if you'd done it and just asked him tah' open the door... he coulda' bin' snugglin' his wife right about now... maybe he'd always be secretly dreamin' bout your fat ass... but at least things would be better than how I left it..." Dusk Wing chuckled, motioning over her shoulder at the pair behind her, utterly destroyed. Blackheart whispered through her teary face, "You're a monster, you've use some little hurt you suffered in your past to destroy these ponies' lives..." Instantly Dusk's face went almost black with rage. "Pretend!? Quantum make her give me the love poison and we'll give it to Merigold, Tough Stuff has earned himself a fun time - or one of the other fellas... I'll show this dumb cunt what 'destroyed' means..." "No." Quantum said impassively. Dusk bristled for a moment, then began to trot away toward the Tough Stuff and the pegasus, who were both giving her a round of applause for her performance. "Ahem... forgetting something Dusk?" Quantum asked, an eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah! Cap!" She put on her puppy dog eyes again. "Can you do me a big favor and open the wagon door?" Sobbing, Stalwart Heart looked at the puppy dog face, knowing it now to be the thinnest of facades covering one of the darkest of hearts... yet, even that small acknowledgement was better than the depressing reality of his destroyed heart. He got up and with a quick spell, unlocked the Royal Lock. "Th-there you go Du-" Stalwart said, sniffling while looking hopefully at Dusk Wing. "Thanks! Now go jump off a bucking cliff and die..." Dusk started laughing along with her cronies as Stalwart slunk to his knees, having now committed high treason as well. Blackheart looked angrily at Quantum, "real fine crew you're running." "Yes. You're part of that crew too, Nurse Blackheart. I'd advise you not to antagonize Dusk Wing about her past, or I will continue to indulge her little reciprocation... you don't know what she's been through... plus its fun!" Quantum chuckled as he climbed up to the wagon door, unlatching it and preparing to slide it open. "Let me be clear Blackheart... you'd better get comfortable with your career choices very quickly. The love poison's effects are FUN to us... but this little dark spell that we're picking up tonight scares even me... the power to make anything incredibly addictive, re-writing free-will... the darkest of dark magic..." Quantum shook his head in dismay. "And you're going to help us commercialize it make anything we sell irresistible... drugs... booze... sex... advertising... toys..." he slid open the door, "...monsters?" Quantum looked at the caged creature. The strange hairless ape-like creature within raised a hand in bemused greeting, "hey weird criminal ponies... my name's Anon, how's it going?" To be continued.... > The Investigation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra Heartstrings regarded herself as one of the sneakiest ponies in Equestria. It was this confidence that had led her to conceal herself in her roommate's closet. One of Lyra's favorite pranks was to pop out unexpectedly, surprising her friends and eliciting screams and shouts from them. In the case of the flower trio (her favorite targets) sometimes she could even get them to faint! She always had trouble when trying to shock Bon Bon though, whose closet she was currently trying to use as a base from which to spring her latest jump-scare. Despite the high regard in which she held her own talents, the truth about Lyra's clandestine expertise was an entirely different matter... for instance Lyra had neglected to keep the bottom of her mint-green tail from peeking out beneath the slightly ajar closet door... Even worse, Lyra was also chuckling aloud to herself, unable to contain her amusement at her own brilliance. "Hee hee! I'm gonna get Bonny so good this time!" Lyra spoke to herself as she tried to muffle her laughing with her hooves. The last time she'd tried to surprise Bon Bon it had been her laughing that gave her away, Bon Bon had walked right up to her hiding spot behind the curtains and revealed the silly unicorn stoically... Lyra could never understand how how Bonnie always managed to find her... Lyra never paused to think that sneaking up on a former Special Agent of a highly secret government intelligence agency would be a difficult task for even the most seasoned of spies (let alone a goofy unemployed musician) - to her, it was just a fun way to play with her friend. Lyra heard the door to the two mares' shared two-story cottage-home open and shut after permitting somepony to enter. "She's here!!!" Lyra whispered excitedly to herself, unnecessarily creating more noise that would give her away. Sliding back in the closet for more concealment, Lyra felt something slimy on her butt... levitating it away, she caught a quick glimpse of what it was. "Oh ew, Bon Bon... you've gotta clean these after you use them and before you put them away..." Lyra floated the rather small-sized 'Cooler Co. brand Stallion Form #3 (size small) anti-estrus sex-toy' away from her, oblivious to the fact that it was colored a rather familiar shade of mint-green. "Lyra? You home?" Bonny's voice echoed through the house as her hooves clip-clopped up the stairs toward her room. "*Hee hee!*" Lyra chuckled out loud, even as Bonny entered the room. Usually these amateur-level slip ups would have revealed the silly mint unicorn's shenanigans immediately, but Bon-Bon was badly distracted at the moment. The cream-colored earth pony hurriedly entered her room, completely missing the obvious signs of a Lyra infiltration (such as an ajar closet, mint-green hairs, and a light-gold magical glow illuminating the closet’s cracks)... Instead she rushed to her blinds and pulled them shut before returning to her room's door and sliding the deadbolt lock (a necessity when rooming with a mare like Lyra) closed. Bon Bon took a couple of deep calming breaths, trying to take stock of what had just happened. Reaching forward, she put the small silver pendant she’d just been given onto her desk. She'd just been returning from working at her sweet shop, when she'd caught sight of a familiar pegasus - though one she hadn't seen in a few years now, before he'd swooped down to her. She used to know his name - now she could only remember that it had 'Feather' in it... which unfortunately was fairly common when it came to pegasi. "Agent Drops," the pegasus had nodded to her before handing her the pendant, "good to have you back." Bon Bon looked down at the same pendant, now resting on the desk in front of her.... she hadn't received one in so long, but with the bugbear threat removed, perhaps she was finally being called back into service? She touched her hoof to the pendant, the magic contained within activating and opening a small magic window. Bon Bon pressed her hoof to the glowing aperture, starting the pre-recorded message meant for her. A stern-faced Shining Armor appeared causing Bon Bon to sigh, "they still do the same boilerplate pre-warning... Haven't even updated it since Shining is now Prince of the Crystal Empire, huh?" Shining addressed the room loudly, "Attention, attention. The following message is a Top Secret level classified correspondence. It is only meant for ..." Shining paused for a moment. "AGENT SWEETIE DROPS," the magical video intoned in a robotic tone, before Shining continued. "if you are NOT the intended party of this correspondence, you must cease viewing of this message immediately. You are required by law to turn in this correspondence to your local constabulary or Royal Guard unit. If you are outside of Equestria and are not the intended party, please destroy this message and report this incident as soon as possible by express air-post. Continuing to view this Top Secret classified correspondence is a serious offence and will be punished to the fullest penalty permitted. This note is required by law. Thank you." Bon Bon's eyes re-focused as Shining's bright white face video clicked off the screen, being replaced with the actual message... apparently to be delivered by Princess Luna. "Greetings, Agent Sweetie Drops. I apologize for any confusion you may be feeling now." Luna looked apologetically at the  camera. "I regret that we have not had a chance to work together since my return, your reputation at the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria precedes you. You may not be aware that all of the Equestrian intelligence agencies have been re-organized to report to me, as it was in ages past." Luna paused to sigh, giving Bon Bon a chance to seat herself and focus carefully on the message. Luna went on, "unfortunately S.M.I.L.E. requires you to return to active service. We are recalling you to assist in a search for a potentially dangerous creature who was stolen while being transported to Canterlot. Your successes in previous investigations involving new monsters factored greatly to your credit, and uniquely qualifies you for this mission." Bon Bon grinned, happy to hear that she had managed to leave such a strong impression on the agency. "The criminal group who snatched this monster also purloined an incredibly dangerous spell, one that my sister and I had thought we'd purged from all magical archives long ago... it allows a caster to corrupt free will, creating a true addiction that cannot be undone." Luna shivered. "As you can see, we have grave concerns for the evil that could arise with that spell in the public domain or even worse, in criminal hands... you must return to Canterlot as soon as able to receive a full briefing." Bon Bon grumbled, wishing that Princess Luna would describe the kidnapped monster in more detail. Right on cue, Luna looked to her right, someone speaking to her from outside the magical recording's field of view, "Ah, Agent Drops, Twilight Sparkle informs me that calling the purloined creature a monster may be inappropriate... apparently she has had some previous experience with these so-called 'humans'-" Bon Bon heard a muffled squeak of pure joy from behind her and exploded to her hooves, whirling to face her closet, where the noise had come from. "-but we suggest that you treat them as you would any dangerous monster until the situation is under control-" Bon Bon watched, shocked to her core, as Lyra burst forth from the closet, slamming her hooves in frustration on either side of the pendant and screaming at the Princess as if expecting a reply, "HUMANS ARE PEACEFUL, NOT DANGEROUS!" Luna's recording had no reaction, of course, "-ward to seeing you in person, Agent Drops. Luna Out." The recording winked out of existence and the pendant vanished in a puff of self-annihilating magic. Lyra's face was still a mask of anger, even as she turned to Bon Bon. "Can you BELIEVE what she was calling humans? Calling them monst- HEY!" Bon Bon moved in swiftly, gripping Lyra's fore-hoof and twisting it behind her back slamming her chest onto the desk and pinning her upper torso. She quickly reached up with her other hoof and grabbed Lyra's horn, squelching it pre-preemptively from casting any magic and totally restraining the unicorn, just as she'd been trained. "Lyra Hearstrings, you are under arrest for espionage, breaking the Royal Classification of Records legislation, and violation of the HAYTRIOT act." Bon Bon kicked Lyra's rear hooves  further apart on the floor, spreading Lyra's stance too wide for her to free herself from Bon Bon’s submission hold. "Jeez Bon Bon, take it easy." Lyra groaned, as her friend pressed her face into the wood of the desk. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a military or Royal Tribunal... Lyra... what the BUCK were you thinking!?" Bon Bon barked angrily. "What? I was just trying to surprise you?" Lyra whined. "I didn't know you were going to do some super-secret spy agency stuff!" "Lyra, that was a TOP SECRET message... you're going to go to jail for like... 15 years for this!" Bon Bon growled looking around for something to restrain her friend with. "WHAT!?" Lyra shouted, "Why? I... I could help! I could help you with the human... nopony knows about humans like me! I'm the head of the Human Enthusiasts Society!" "Lyra, you're the only member of the Human Enthusiasts Society..." Bon Bon deadpanned. "Nuh-uh! Twilight came to a couple meetings a while back... before she complained that all my scientific drawings were 'overly-erotic' and 'fetishistic regarding hands to a fault'." Lyra adopted a cloying falsetto tone when mimicking Twilight's remarks. Bon Bon groaned, "Shut it Lyra, you can't help. I have to turn you in and get to Canterlot..." "W-wait Bonnie... couldn’t you just deputize me? Then I could help and wouldn't have to go to jail!" Lyra pleaded. "No, Lyra… Sheesh, that isn't even a real thing. Now be quiet until you get a lawyer to help get you out of this." Bon Bon began pulling a tassel from her curtains, hoping to bind Lyra's hooves with it. "Hey Bonnie... what's up with this pose though? Couldn't you at least buy me dinner first?" Lyra looked back with a goofy grin and an eyebrow waggle. Bon Bon felt her heart bump in her chest. She knew the inane green unicorn was just joking around using the first thought that popped into her head, even given the crazy situation, and yet... she had to wonder if Lyra didn't actually know how deep Bon Bon's feelings for her best friend truly ran. Bon Bon had always felt like Lyra was dropping little innuendos, inviting her to take their relationship to a new level... only for her to realize that the unicorn was just incredibly daft. Maybe. Probably. "Hey Bon... are you the good cop or the bad cop?" Lyra chuckled, wiggling her beautifully shaped rear-end. Bon Bon blushed. "Sh-shut up Lyra! Stop joking around, you're in a lot of trouble!" Still, Bon Bon had to take a moment to consider if she could really arrest her friend, her friend that she had a bad crush on. Maybe... maybe she could let this slide, and get Luna to retroactively pardon her after she got to Canterlot. "Oh my Officer Bon, trouble? You are a bad cop then!" Lyra made goofy bedroom eyes at Bon Bon while flicking her tail. Bon Bon couldn't help but start laughing, releasing her friend who proceeded to sit next to her and laugh as well. Bon Bon couldn't help it... as much trouble as she knew she could get into, she just loved her best friend. Lyra always knew how to push her buttons in just the right way to get her to forgive her for her antics, time and again. It was that same, deep love that made Bon Bon so nervous to confess her romantic attraction: she couldn't risk the precious friendship she did have. As they finally wound down and ceased chuckling, stress now completely dissipated from the previously extremely tense situation, Bon Bon spoke up. "Lyra, I just can't stay angry at you, you goofball... I've got to get to Canterlot and you need to stay here and lay low until I'm back with further instructions." Lyra squee'd in excitement, shaking as she replied, "D-does this mean that I'm your deputy secret agent?" "NO." Bon Bon grabbed Lyra by her shaking shoulders, affixing her with a serious gaze. "You are not a deputy, and you are not investigating the missing human - you are staying confined to this house until I'm back from Canterlot." Bon Bon sighed, rubbing her temple with her free hoof... the last thing she needed was an overeager Lyra running some haphazard investigation. "Just... just promise me you'll stay at home, stay quiet for a couple of days, OK?" Bon Bon looked to her friend. What she saw was disconcerting - Lyra seemed to have a thousand yard stare, a smile as manic as one of Pinkie Pie's after discovering you'd broken a pinkie promise... she was shaking with energy. "L-lyra!?" Bon Bon shook her friend, "w-what's wrong?" Lyra murmured, "I-I almost forgot when you were arresting me... humans. Human are real." Lyra jumped to her hooves on Bon Bon's bed before shouting out loud, "I KNEW IT. HUMANS ARE REAL!" She began bouncing up and down as Bon Bon tried to grab her. "REAL HUMANS. HUMANS REAL. THERE'S A REAL HUMAN OUT THERE BON BO-" Bon Bon finally clamped Lyra's muzzle shut with her hooves. "SHHHHH.... Holy Celestia Lyra, what don't you understand about keeping this mission a secret? Stop shouting out loud about humans." Bon Bon considered a moment with a sigh, "although... I guess that isn't any different than a usual afternoon for you Lyra... still, no human talk, or else!" Lyra's whimper escaped from her pinned shut muzzle. "NO. Bad Lyra." Bon Bon released her and headed toward the door, "in any case, I have to get going to Canterlot immediately, there's no time to waste. Equestria needs me." Bon Bon snagged a metallic suitcase she'd stashed under her bed for such an occasion. "B-bonnie..." Lyra called out, just as Bon Bon's hoof touched the door, making the earth pony pause. "Your best friend needs you too, OK? Be safe out there." Bon Bon felt her heart melt as she looked back at her friend and secret crush, who seemed deflated and concerned that she may be heading into danger. "Don't worry Lyra... or should I say best-est friend deputy Lyra." Bon Bon knew she may regret saying that, but she couldn't stand to see her friend depressed and deflated. Lyra instantly began to smile and shake, her excitement rising, she began to open her mouth. "Does this mean I can hel-" "Deputy of staying at home for 5 days, and not going outside." Bon Bon winked, rushing out the door so that she would have the last word. "NOT COOL, BONNNIIIIIEEEE!" Lyra moaned out, slamming her face into the bed. She could still hear Lyra's whining as she ran down their house-path to the street, if she hurried she could still catch the late overnight train out of town to Canterlot and be there by morning... Back in the house, Lyra picked her head off of Bon Bon's sheets, gathering her wits. "Still... the thing about deputization is that you've been empowered to make critical decisions..." Lyra popped up and rushed into her room, navigating through the chaotic mess of discarded clothes, papers, and books to her walk-in closet. Opening the door she entered her closet, now converted into, as she liked to call it, the Main Archive of the Human Society, technical drawings, blurry photographs, pseudoscience textbooks, faux-research papers on human society (many penned by Lyra herself) were neatly organized on carefully prepared shelving "...and if there's anyone in Equestria qualified to conduct an investigation on a human, it's Deputy Secret Agent Lyra Heartstrings." Bon Bon had just made it onto train as it was pulling out of the station. Unfortunately, unlike most of the overnight express trains to Canterlot, this one was actually moderately full, which meant that there were no completely empty cabins. Bon Bon felt like maybe getting some shut-eye, so she didn't want to sit in the general seating car. Opting instead for the next best thing that she could get, she picked a sleeping cabin with what looked like two Canterlot University students, both unicorns. The other cabins had a mix of families with mewling foals or more senior citizen ponies that snored louder than Rainbow Dash had at Lyra's last slumber party (which had been a major tease of an event for poor Bon Bon). They'd welcomed her in, insisting that she have one of the two large benches all to herself, passing her one of the thick woolen blankets so she could get comfy for the long ride to the capital city. They'd introduced themselves quickly, with smiles. The very talkative unicorn mare, with her orange main and tail and light peach-yellow fur was Glitter Shine and had just started at Canterlot U, a freshman studying general magical arts with a concentration in Earth-Pegasus-Unicorn social integration (good luck getting a good job with that basket-case of a course Bon Bon thought snidely), though the future barista was pretty cute, especially with her braces and big bright blue eyes. If Bon Bon was in the market, and had more time, she might endure a painful lecture over ciders from the idealistic student about how she was culturally discriminated against as an Earth pony, in order to take her home for a one-night tumble in the sheets. She could teach her all about oppression with some of the toys she had back home. Bon Bon grinned. The stallion unicorn was wearing a varsity jacket, and appeared to be fairly athletic. His taupe fur complimented his short-cut black hair and well-cut jaw. His name was Silver Glint, and he'd barely mumbled a few words about how he was going into his fourth year in business administration. From what little she'd gleaned from the overly talkative Glitter Shine, Glint was her 1st-year adviser/mentor and they just happened to both have family back in Ponyville and had run into one another during the weekend... Bon Bon believed that story about as far as she could spit, especially with the googly eyes the young mare was making at the older colt. She wouldn't be making any sort of a deal out of it, as much as it was probably against school policy for Silver Glint to be 'mentoring' Glitter Shine in such an interesting fashion. Bon Bon sighed, looking at the sleeping form of the young co-ed mare, as she lay curled up on the opposite end of the bench from her 'friend'... such a waste... she really didn't understand what mares saw in other stallions: so rough, so rugged... and after a few pokes in the plot Bon Bon had decided that they weren't well-equipped to truly satisfy a mare... oh the things she could teach that girl if she had the time. About an hour after pulling out of the station Bon Bon was already snuggled in on the comfy sleeping bench getting ready to nod off to the rhythmic 'clickety-clack' of the train's soothing background sounds, when she heard muffled chuckling from the other side of her cabin. She watched secretly from her side of the dark cabin as Glitter unfurled herself from her solo cocoon and slide over to the other side of the bench where her partner lay. As soon as Glitter escaped her blanket, the small cabin was flooded with her powerful musk. Bon Bon knew she'd sensed something, but the girl was smart enough to keep herself and her pheromones under wraps. Now though, the air was thick with the smell of pure sex... Bon Bon's nose twitched. Either Glitter was on her heat or she'd been hoofing herself under the covers... Probably both. Bon Bon watched, transfixed as she nudged Silver Glint with a giggle. Stirring him. "Zzznngh? Whozzat?" He murmured groggily. "Shhh. Glint it's me." The musky coed whispered. "Glitter? What is it? There's no way we're there yet." The stallion groaned, yawning. "We're not, but I can't wait anymore - I need you inside me, NOW." Glint sat bolt upright, now instantly awake. "Wh-what? Here? Now? What about whats-her-name... Bon Bon wasn't it? She's right over there!" Glitter chuckled, "Shh! She's asleep, there's no way she'll wake up." Glint still seemed nervous about this. "I don't know Glitter this seems like a bad ideaa-ahnnnnn...." he moaned as Glitter's hoof began to stroke his half-hard stallionhood. "Hmm?" Glitter said, looking into Glint's pleasure-filled face as she stroked up and down his hardening length with her delicate under-hoof. "I didn't hear you right, Silver Glint... Did you say your idea is you want me to be bad?" she whispered with a mischievous grin as her horn lit, a soft blue field wrapping around Glint's balls and tugging them in time with Glitter's strokes. "Unf!" Glint moaned, as he leaned back, letting the freshman mare stroke his cock to full erection. Bon Bon continued watching, not wanting to interrupt at this point mostly because of the embarrassment it would cause all involved. Maybe they would have a quickie and get back to sleep. Despite his fairly impressive length and girth, Glint did look like a quick-shot to Bonnie: not that she knew that much about stallions. Glitter shifted her hoof down to the pair of large testicles, letting Glint's fat sausage slap against his belly. She then traced her magical field up and away from his balls and encapsulated the whole shaft with her aura, squeezing and pulling at it as she enjoyed watching the effects of her ministrations on the stallion's face. "Glitter - y-you... umnn... you're making too much light!" Glint whispered, pointing out that her blue field had essentially made a giant glow-stick out of his penis. Glitter smiled evilly, "well... I'll just have to cover up that glow then, won't I?" Glitter dipped her head, engulfing the fat head of Glint's stallionhood with her mouth. After tracing her tongue around the flare a couple of times in a move that surprised Bon Bon for just how experienced the young freshman co-ed was, she slipped the Stallion's thick shaft down her throat. "G-Glitter!" Glint moaned, leaning back on the bench, reaching his hoof down to put it on the back of her head. He groaned silently as Glitter slid partway down his shaft, before gagging when she reached his medial ring. Bon Bon's eyes went wide as she could clearly see the thick bulge in Glitter's throat. Glint applied pressure softly to the back of the young filly's head, and slowly, with the most obscene choking and gagging sounds, she swallowed past his thick ring. Bon Bon covered her mouth in awe, watching the medial ring slide down Glitter's throat, clearly bulging her esophagus outward. 'That girl must have been a sword swallower in a circus in a past life,' Bon Bon thought. With her nose now buried in Glint's pubic fluff, and his entire length down her throat, she began to slide up and down - just small amounts - only an inch either way. "Celestia damn it, Glitter." Glint whispered in agony, "you are such a buckin' little slut." He reached with his free hoof down to Glitter's supple flanks, both mounds poised beautifully in the air (Glitter had dismounted the bench to get a better angle at Glint's shaft and now had her flank up in the air as she rested her fore hooves on Glint's lap) and playfully slapped at the taut, fleshy globes. Glitter groaned around Glint's cock, the rumbling making him react as well. Glint lit his own horn, a reddish aura appearing around Glitter's dock as he yanked her tail up and out of the way... Bon Bon could almost feel the wave of pheromones from the filly's plot assault her face, even from the other side of the cabin. She was treated to the sight of a tiny, tight tailhole poised atop a swollen and grasping plump opening. Glitter's love button shot in and out of sight, each throb exposing the deep pink flesh within, the walls connected with strands of sticky mare juices. 'I think this little filly needs it bad.' Bon Bon thought. "Buck Glitter!" Glint moaned, moving his magic from her dock down to her marehood, as she continued to bob her head up and down, deep-throating his erection. The red aura traced past the sensitive area between ponut and pussy, before teasingly gripping both her lips together. Glitter slapped at Glint's thigh's with her hoof in annoyance, bobbing up and down faster. "Unghh...." Glint groaned, "did you like that Glitter? How about... this?" Glint's aura pinched and squeezed at her hot clitoris, and instantly Glitter moaned and shuddered, a spatter of juice squirting from her love-opening to the cabin floor. Bonnie's nose was assaulted with the powerful smell of Glitter's heat, the potent juices filling the cabin with the smell of sex and desire. Glitter's blue aura re-lit and went back to her rear-end, pushing Glint's magical field out of the way. Bon Bon watched as Glitter formed a small cylindrical magical construct and plowed it into her marehood, fucking herself with her magic as she fellated Glint. Even more surprisingly, she saw the same blue aura direct Glint's magic up to her asshole, inviting the red magic field to play with her backdoor. 'Yep, she needed it pretty bad.' Bon Bon confirmed to herself. As Glitter continued to slam into herself with her magic -l while Glint toyed with her tight little ponut and her juices splattered to the floor with regular frequency, Glint suddenly stiffened. "Gl-glitter... slow down. I'm going to-!" Glint tapped on her head to get her attention. But Glitter didn't slow down. Instead, she quickened her pace, moving up and down on as much as she could handle of his erection. Glint went cross-eyed as he squeezed the young mare's head, his hips bucking up and down off the bench. Through the mare's neck-fur, Bonnie could see Glint's flare widening out and throbbing, obscenely making it seem as if Glitter's neck had some strange bulge in it... he was obviously cumming deep inside the mare's throat. A moment after Glint stopped shaking, Glitter withdrew. The long slow process of pulling herself off the thick, long stallionhood culminated with a *smack* and *pop*, as the aftermath of Glint's explosion flowed down the sides of his shaft, which now limply sat in his lap like a floppy thick sausage. Glitter immediately began to lap up his semen from his shaft and lap, as she continued to pound into herself with her magic. Glint huffed, still catching his breath as he leaned back and let out a happy sigh. "*huff* *huff*, ahh.... s-sorry babe, your skills were too much for me, as usual!" He reached for his blanket, preparing to slide happily back to sleep. "I hope you can get your fix using your own mag- *hnk*!" He was cut off as Glitter put a hoof over his mouth. "If you think I'm going to let you blue-ball me Silver Glint, you've got another thing coming." Glitter whispered as she reached with one of her hooves and picked up the limply deflating cock, stroking it harshly. "My heat is totally peaked, and if I don't get your spunk in my pussy, I swear I'll walk out this door and buck the first colt I see." Glitter's impassioned demand aside, Glint's stallionhood continued to shrink and retract into its sheath, even as Glitter struggled to hold onto what was now a small slimy noodle. "S-sorry babe... you know it takes a few hours before I'm 'back in the saddle'... I'd do anything if I could to speed it up, you know that." Glitter swore under her breath before she got an evil smile. "Anything?" She ceased the pumping of her magic into her marehood, pulling it out with a squelch. "Woah woah woah, I know what you're thinking about, but we agreed no spells in th- *hrk*!" Glint shuddered and his eyes twitched as Glitter's blue magic aura slipped around his tailhole. "I think I just heard you say, anything, Silver Glint..." Glitter grinned, leaning in to stare down the stallion with her sultry, needy eyes. "Glitter, h-hun." Glint nervously chuckled, as her magic played over his tightening pucker. "I kn-know that you're thinking of using Starswirl's spell of stallion reconstitution... but we agreed that you wouldn't play with my butt and we both know that magic spell needs to be applied directly to the prostATE! *EEP*!" Glint squeaked as Glitter leaned in with her smirking grin, watching his face. Her magic field spread Glint's asshole and slid into his anus, finding the thin membrane between his rear cavity and his prostate. Her mind quickly recalled the spell she'd memorized one afternoon at the library, firing it directly into the stallion's prostatic glands. Immediately, she could see her blue glow emanating from within Glint, spreading from insideq his abdomen and down through into his large testicles, before reaching his sheath. "H-hot... hot... HOT!" Glint began to whine, as Glitter covered his mouth with her hoof to prevent him from making too much noise. He whined a muffled scream as she continued to pump magic into his tailhole. Suddenly, his cock slipped out of its sheath, rapidly growing with each heartbeat, pumping full of blood. "Oopsies, maybe that was a bit too much energy?" Glitter smirked with her tongue out, enjoying the power-trip she'd just applied. She pumped one more large burst of magic into Glint's ass before withdrawing her magical field, then just sat back and watched as Glint twisted and moaned, clutching his lower stomach and balls as they throbbed with pain... all while his stallionhood continued inflating. "Mmmm, good boy." Glitter smiled as she continued stroking the stiffening shaft, while all Glint could do was to continue mewling about how the heat he felt pulsating through his loins. The penis throbbed back to its original full girthy length... but continued throbbing. Each heartbeat seemed to be pushing more and more blood into the stallion's length. Glint's eyes were shut in pain as he gritted his teeth, Starswirl's spell having much more than its intended effect. Like a balloon that was being overfilled, the organ could not grow any longer, so instead it swelled outward, thick veins popping out of sides that had bulged outwards so that they were almost as thick as the flare - itself now a truly intimidating mushroom shaped cap the size of a hoof. Glint's stallionhood was now a monster. Bon Bon watched in amazement - dicks were not her thing, but this one was now scary looking. Glitter leaned back and licked her lips, as the stallionhood finally finished throbbing, the thick piece of meat was just as long, but now was as girthy as a pony's foreleg. "Mmmm... mama-like!" Glitter chuckled as she shifted around and sat in Glint's lap, her back to the moaning stallion. She used a flick of her magic to lay the thick sausage between her butt cheeks, the heavy dark organ landing against her with a hearty *thwap*. Glitter could feel immediately that the shaft wouldn't fit between her tight buttocks, it rested on the outside of her asscheeks... so she used her magic to pull her cheeks apart. With a little bit of effort, she wedged the thick sausage in between her cheeks and released her magic, sandwiching the shaft between her buttocks and up against her still sopping marehood. "MMnnn- buck!" Glint moaned out as Glitter began to grind her flank up and down on his lap, his stallionhood fully hotdogging Glitter's hot rear. With each grind, he could feel the filly's heat on his painfully thick shaft, as it became more and more slathered in her juices. He couldn't stop his biological urges as he began to hump back against the hot young unicorn, his thick flare drooling pre-ejaculate as it plowed into Glitter's dock. "OK, that's enough foreplay, now I need my medicine." Glitter moaned as she dragged her bottom up Glint's shaft one last time, until she perched over his flare, aligning it with her winking opening. "This is gonna be good..." She whispered as she lowered her hips onto the fat cock head. Bon Bon's focus was on the union of the two co-eds, but she grimaced in pain as she watched the young freshman mare's lips stretch... but ultimately fail to admit the ridiculously thick shaft. "Oomph... ooh..." Glitter bit her lip in frustration, "I-I don't think it's going to fit Glint." She looked back over her shoulder at the unicorn with a look of despair and fear in her eyes: she wanted it so badly - but she could tell that her little marehood couldn't handle Glint in his current state. "Horseapples." Glint grunted out, his stallionhood throbbing harder than it ever had before. "You ain't getting out of this one Glitter - you broke it..." he placed his hooves on Glitter's hips as his horn lit up and Glitter's eyes widened in fear, "you bought it..." Glint pushed down with all his might, and activated his magic to drag the young filly's hips down powerfully onto his swollen organ. "HOLY BUCKIN' CELESTIA!" Glitter screamed out loud as her labia finally slipped around the huge cockhead. If it weren't for the two's copious natural lubrication, she might have torn something as her body slid down the obscenely fat fleshy pole. Her body stretched to accommodate the stallion entering her, as she finally jammed on her downward path on the donut-like medial ring. "BUCKIN' TARTARUS GLINT, YOUR COCK IS HUGE!" Glitter screeched, as her marehood winked and clasped on the invading stallion's cock. Bon Bon cleared her ears out... probably the nearest three cabins had heard that last shout, there was no use pretending anymore, and these two had gone on for long enough - it was time to put a stop to these two. Bon Bon sat up, rubbing her eyes and letting out a fake yawn as if she'd just been roused from sleep. "G-glitter! You idiot!" Silver Glint whispered. "*eek* G-give me that!" Glitter whisked the nearby blanket over the two of them covering their lower halves and wrapping them up. "J-just act natural Glint!" Glitter whispered through clenched teeth. 'Seriously?' Bon Bon thought to herself as she looked over at the two Unicorns under the blanket. Maybe if she was completely dumb and deaf, a pony could be fooled into thinking Glitter had fallen asleep in Glint's lap... but throwing in the smell of sex and the two flushed faces, and it was pretty obvious what was going on under that blanket. A red-faced Glitter tucked her face into the blanket as much as she could, before looking over at Bon Bon. "I-I'm so sorry, Ms. Bon Bon... I had a nightmare and woke up shouting - it happens to me sometimes, right Silver Glint?" She chuckled nervously. "Buck me! Yes!" Glint moaned as he clenched his teeth, something obviously gripping something else sensitive under the blanket. 'Seriously?' Bon Bon thought, an annoyed frown on her face... she was going to play along for about one more minute before she ended this charade. "*huf* *huf*, y-yep... just a nightmare! You can g-go b-back to sleep! I promise not to waaaaaaa...." Glitter trailed off into a moan as Glint's hips began thrusting under the covers. Bon Bon could hear the wet squelching of their fucking as the unicorn stallion steadily bucked into his young lover. "St-stop you idiot!" Glitter whispered over her shoulder to Glint. But it was no use - his male biology had fully overridden his senses and he would continue to thrust with abandon until he was done. Glitter moaned softly at one particularly powerful thrust, before she refocused on the mare sitting across from her with a grumpy expression and a raised eyebrow. "Y-you *unf* see... Glint here *unf*, he likes to give me *unf!*, massages under the blanket *UNF!*, when I get *UNF!!* nightmares!!!" Glitter's pathetic excuse was interrupted by more and more powerful thrusts which drove the breath from her lungs, as wet organs slapped against one another under the blanket. Glitter must have realized that the jig was up at this point, and began to apologize. "I-I c-can explainnnnnggggg!" before she could though her back arched forward. Bon Bon noticed that the young mare suddenly slid down a few more inches into Glint's lap... 'She must have just been hilted' Bon Bon thought. "Oh Celestia!" Glitter's eyes rolled wildly and her tongue slipped out of her muzzle as she shuddered. A moment after Bon Bon heard a wet splattering sound and saw an impressive torrent of juices pour off the bench from under the blanket, sloshing down to the floor in little bursts as Glitter squeaked and convulsed. "She bucking knows, Glitter... here!" Glint growled as he ripped the blanket aside, leaving the pretense aside and revealing everything to Bon Bon. She couldn't help but whistle at the sight of the young co-ed riding Glint reverse cowpony style, impaled all the way to the base of his thick shaft, her marehood spread to the limit around his cock's incredibly wide base as it spasmed and spurted fluid. If Bonnie didn't know better, she swore she could see Glitter's flat belly bulge ever so slightly from the huge organ spearing her. "B-b-buck me!" Glitter moaned as she instinctively bounced up and down on Glint's lap. "Here you go babe, I'm... I'm cumming!" Glint thrust particularly hard as he clenched Glitter's hips, driving deep into her as he convulsed. Glitter's eyes rolled wildly and she opened her mouth wide as she looked up at the ceiling mindlessly, her estrus finally being sated by the thick splurts of semen shooting into her womb. "Ugh, b-buck!" Glint groaned out as he began to lift Glitter off of his cock. For whatever reason, Glint had decided to try to get the filly off of his stallionhood before he climaxed completely in her - perhaps he thought that he shouldn't shoot everything in her for fear of getting her pregnant, perhaps he was worried about getting lodged in her... in any case Glitter mewled as his rigid staff slid out of her, still firing thick ropes of semen. One string shot out of his cockhead and painted across Glitter's chest and up into her face, splashing with some force. She reacted to push the thick spurting shaft away from her. Bon Bon watched as another thick rope of ejaculate shot from the tip of the unicorn's throbbing penis and flew across the cabin, landing in her hair and along her muzzle. Before she could even flinch a second rope hit her right in the noze and mouth, thankfully her lips were closed so she only had a small taste of the salty liquid. A final shot with less force only managed to hit her chest floof, before falling weakly to the floor - connecting Bon Bon with a sticky line to the stallion's dick. As Glitter regained her senses, she looked across the cabin at the earth-pony mare - realizing with shock that part of her stallion's load was dripping off of her snout to the cabin floor below. "OH MY GAWSH. I am SO sorry!" Glitter squeaked, covering her mouth in shock. Glint grinned from his seat, basking in the glow of his orgasm. "Aw, don't be babe... she got a free sample she should be thanking us." Glitter punched her stallion playfully and chuckled, "shut up you asshole, she didn't ask for this." "She didn't have to - " Glint smiled as he gripped his still rock hard stallionhood with his magic and waggled it at Bon Bon, "she's had her eyes glued to my dick... she wants it." Glitter looked up at Bon Bon. Bon Bon was not amused. Wiping herself with a tissue she pulled from her bag, she fixed Silver Glint with a cold stare. "Thanks, but no thanks... not ever. Even if I was interested in stallions, it would be a cold day in Tartarus before I'd squat on that spell-warped freakstick." "Hey!" Glint looked a bit hurt, "just 'cuz you're a filly-foolin' dyke doesn't mean you need to be a bitch about it. I'm offerin' you a chance to 'ride' here!" Bon Bon's eyebrow twitched in anger. "Glint, quiet!" Glitter admonished, before looking back at Bon Bon. "It's OK you know." "Huh?" Bon Bon asked, angrily her rage building even higher. "You can buck him if you want..." Glitter explained, as if speaking to a small child. "In my university classes on pony race interactions, it's a commonly known phenomenon that earth pony mares take up filly fooling because they feel inferior." "What." Bon Bon couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Yes, you see... because earth-pony mares have trouble in the modern era keeping up with pegasi and especially unicorn mares in attracting mates, they take up homosexual relationships with other earth-mares..." Glitter explained with a smile, "you may not even have realized it, because you've internalized the discrimination. But I want you to know: you aren't inferior... you can buck Glint, you'll enjoy it!" Glint rolled his eyes at Glitter going into a social justice spiel, but waggled his cock anyway. "Yeah, yeah, feel free to hop on." "I can't believe this." Bon Bon rubbed her temples, the rage building in her mind like a thunderstorm. "Oh hang on, maybe this will make the transition easier." Glitter adjusted herself, sliding back onto Glint who groaned out loud as she wedged herself partway onto his cock once again. "If you'd like Ms. Bon Bon, you can start by licking me while I'm on Glint: it should feel more natural to transition back to a male once you've done that." Bon Bon stepped off of her bench, trotting the step or two over to the couple. "Let me make sure I have one thing clear though Glitter... you believe that the sexes should have equality in all things right?" Glitter nodded with a smile, "yes! Of course!" "Good." Bonnie turned around, pointing her flank at the joined couple. "Aw yeah! Show me the goods, girl!" Glint hooted. "This is for both of you then..." Bon Bon aimed carefully right where the two were joined, and pulled her right hoof back... ... A huge cry of pain echoed through the train, and a moment later a bedraggled looking Bon Bon left her sleeping car, suitcase in hand. After a brief stop at the washroom to clean up, she made her way to the general seating, where she found a crowded seat and tried vainly to get some rest amidst a car filled with snoring ponies and crying foals. Lyra trotted happily through the streets of Ponyville. She had barely hesitated to consider whether ignoring Bon Bon's stern admonition based on her own judgement was the wisest course of action: Lyra knew that she would be the best human incident investigator Equestria had ever known. Of course, in order to do things right she would first need to be properly equipped for the job, which is why Lyra was jauntily bouncing up the steps of the carousel boutique, bursting through the door with enough enthusiasm to make the small door chime irrelevant. "Hi Rarity!" Lyra effused, waving at her fashion designer friend, currently hunched over her sewing table, partway through some complicated design. "Oh! Hello Lyra, if you wouldn't mind giving me a moment I have a cus-" Rarity began with a smile. "No time!" Lyra cut her off immediately. "I'm here on critical business from the Crown." Rarity looked up, bemused. "Really darling? Just which crown?" "Can't say." Lyra growled, as she inspected a fedora from the bargain bin. "This is super-secret special agent work and I'm sworn to secrecy." Lyra selected a rather sharp looking hat. Rarity stood up from her table. "I understand, Ms. Heartstrings. And how might I hel-" "Oh very well, Rarity." Lyra sighed, sidling up to the white fashionista and leaning in close to her. "I'll read you in on the mission, but only because I know you're so good at keeping secrets and resisting the urge to gossip." Rarity's snout scrunched up in mild offense, before she remembered that Lyra was simply too pure-hearted to deliver such a snarky, back-handed insult. "Really dear, you needn't-" "I'm investigating the theft of a captured human!" Lyra shouted, shaking with excitement and bouncing up and down in place. Why she had needed to pull Rarity into whisper range only to nearly scream out her secret mission was beyond the fashionista's (or anypony's) understanding. Rarity rolled her eyes. Lyra's escapades regarding her obsession with humans was well known throughout Ponyville. "Oh really now, that's lovely. And how can I help you in re-capturing this... hoo-man?" "It's hu-man Rarity, sheesh. And you can help by providing the correct outfit for a super-secret agent of the Crown!" Lyra tipped her fedora as she darted through the store, before seizing on a beautiful grey trench-coat. "Ah! This is perfect!" Rarity stood up in shock as the mint-green unicorn tossed the coat on in a flourish. "W-wait my dear, that's my Sapphire Spade costume jacket, it's not for sale - it's mine!" Lyra had already done up the jacket and tied the fetching belt that went with it. "Sorry Rarity, I need to commandeer this jacket in the name of royal business... it was yours though, huh? Guess that explains why it's a bit tight in the flanks and roomy in the waist." Lyra said innocently, sliding the jacket about her while wriggling her beautifully plump rump. Rarity's eye twitched. She managed to swallow her building anger, once again reminding herself that Lyra never truly meant to offend. "Yes, well then... how will you be paying for the outfit? It's quite expensive you know." Rarity began making her way to the cashier. Lyra stopped, already halfway to the door. "Uh, pay? I didn't think... uh, put it on the Crown's account with your shop I guess." Lyra shrugged. Rarity looked up from her cash register with a raised eyebrow. "Crown's account? You mean... like... Twilight's account?" Rarity asked with a confused expression. "Yup, perfect! I'm authorized as a deputy working on behalf of the Crown. See ya!" Lyra slammed the door as equally exuberantly as she'd opened it. "Very well then, Ms. Heartstrings." Rarity murmured as her register made an overly loud *CHA-CHING* sound. Rarity turned toward the rear of her shop, where the dressing rooms were located and began trotting back that way, picking up the fabric she'd been working on previously and preparing to resume her work. "Terribly sorry about the interruption. Lyra can be such a dear, though she is so infused with energy when it comes to these ridiculous 'hoo-man' notions of hers." "Nah problem, s'no biggie." A voice responded from behind one of the changing room curtains. "Was a very interestin conversation to overhear, anyway." Rarity smiled, resuming her work. "Yes, quite exciting indeed. In any event I will have this custom order of rather strangely fitted minotaur-like slacks and shirt done in a jiffy for you Miss...?" A familiar young teenage-mare thestral stepped out from behind the changing curtain, admiring the leather duster she was trying out with a grin. "Dusk Wing. Name's Dusk Wing." Bon Bon had managed to leave behind the bad taste of the train ride some hours ago, but the loss of sleep from being crammed into a general seating bench for the past few hours was grating on her. Luckily, her first meeting was with Luna (herself no fan of early mornings) and so plenty of rich dark coffee was on hand. Luna had proceeded to launch into an extensively detailed account of the heist, as recounted by those guards with the best available perspectives and Captain Stalwart himself. Bon Bon had stared in open-mouthed shock as Luna recounted the horrifying nature of the attack and how the criminal gang had utilized love-poison to break through the powerful royal seals. Her open-mouthed shock was partly at the audactiy of the gang, and partly at the vividness of the Princess's recounting. "...and then the vile-wretch did dis-entrench the Captain's stallionhead from her toxic, slatternly gulch, which did pour his seed upon the prostrate-" Luna recited angrily before being interrupted by Bon Bon. "OKAY! Ok... thank you Princess, I think I understand fully. I didn't need to hear all of that." Bon Bon held up a hoof to her blushing, red face. She was no prude but even she had limits. Luna scoffed, "Pony-society has become so prim and proper since my banishment. A thousand years ago my covert-agents would seduce and bed stallions utilizing far more seductive tactics than such feeble rutting - I was the one who instructed them after all. It was a welcome benefit of the job for them." Luna lectured about her earlier sex-capades while Bon Bon could only groan and continue covering her face. "Though, even I must say that those heinous villains have broken the most sacred of rules by dabbling in black magics - particularly those which corrupt a citizen's free will." Bon Bon shivered. "Yes, I'm glad to hear that at least that was considered wrong a thousand years ago... and if they find a way to activate the spell those cultists had... they could make anything as addictive as Pinkie Pie's cupcakes." "Far worse than that, Agent Drops." Luna shook her head while gesturing toward the hospital section of the castle, "come! We shall speak to the Captain himself." As they trotted briskly through the main hallway of the ycastle Bon Bon couldn't help but ask more. "Princess Luna, the spell is of course of the utmost concern... but my specialty is monsters." Bon Bon paused before pressing on, "what can you tell me about this monster... the human?" Luna sighed, "yes yes... the 'monster'. Princess Twilight was quite insistent that we not call the creature a monster - she insisted that she'd had personal experience with the beasts during her time exploring the dimension on the other side of my sister's mirror portal." Luna grumbled as they turned a corner, entering the medical ward area of the castle barracks. "Personally I find the creature to be quite boring - Twilight's sketches appeared to show some sort of hairless ape, bipedal - though much smaller than a minotaur, I can't recall if it was sapient or not." Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. "Uh... that's... not very helpful. Do you know if it's violent?" Luna shrugged, "unknown, however Princess Twilight confirmed that humans have no magic, and the ones she had contact with were not particularly strong." Luna paused as they passed through multiple security checkpoints into a high-security portion of the ward. "Make no mistake Agent Drops, though Princess Twilight and my sister have an extreme concern that we recover the beast, I believe we must focus on regaining control of the addiction spell and any other black magic for reasons you shall shortly see." Luna gestured to a heavily secured door leading to a padded cell, the name above the door read PATIENT STALWART. Bon Bon gulped. Lyra stalked up to the door of the Ponyville 'Potions and Armchairs' shop, huddling under the upturned collar of her overcoat and with the brim of her fedora pulled down. Her back up against the wall she crept stealthily along the exterior wall of the building, her eyes shifting left and right as they looked for potential threats. "Hey Lyra!" Roseluck smiled and waved as she trotted past Lyra, recognizing her instantly by the completely apparent mint-green mane. "SHHHH. Roseluck!" Lyra whined, "I'm on a secret mission, don't just call my name out like that - jeez!" Roseluck just chuckled as Lyra sidled into the 'Potions and Armchairs' shop in frustration. Inside, Lyra didn't have much opportunity to remain annoyed that her disguise was perhaps not as effective as she thought it was before she arrived at the counter and rang the service bell. "Hello there Ms. Heartstrings" a middle-aged unicorn yawned as he looked up from his work filling a prescription bottle, "strange to see you here this time of year... are you having another out-of-season heat? I'll go get the industrial-strength suppressant then..." the unicorn, Pill Popper, turned and used his magic to float down a box from the top of his medicine shelving. "NO!" Lyra blushed, waving her hoof. She was conscious that another pony had lined up behind her and hated that Dr. Popper was being his usual big-mouthed self. "I'm not here for that, I need a special order..." Pill Popper raised an eyebrow behind his spectacles. "You sure about that Lyra? I've got plenty here - only you and some of Fluttershy's animals need this level of suppressant..." Lyra blushed, waving a hoof to try and hush him. "Nothing to be ashamed about dear," Dr. Popper went on as he pulled out a bottle of the heavy-strength hormonal suppressant, "very healthy to have a powerful estrus-drive! You must drive your colt-friend craz-" "Enough!" Lyra stomped her hoof, mortified that another pony knew she needed maximum strength suppressant to get through heat-season, "I'm not in heat. I need a suicide pill and a protein pill." There was a beat of time where you could hear a pin drop. Finally, the Doctor broke the silence. "What." Lyra slammed her forehooves on the counter in frustration, "all good secret agents need a suicide pill in case they get captured." Lyra scrunched her face up in anger as she affixed the pharmacist with her gaze. "I'm on a super-secret mission from the Crown, Pill Popper! If I'm captured I may need to make the ultimate sacrifice!" Dr. Pill Popper couldn't sustain himself and began laughing aloud. "HEY! This's no joke!" The Doctor finally managed to catch his breath, "*hee-hee* ah.... sorry, sorry. Very noble of you. But I can't fill a suicide pill prescription - against the hayppocratic oath." Lyra was about to object before she was cut off by the Doctor continuing on, "and a 'protein pill'? What the heck do you even mean by that? You know there are like a ba-jillion different types of proteins that do all sorts of different things right?" The pony behind Lyra stepped forward with a very annoyed look on her face. Lyra noticed that she was an earth-pony mare with light-blue fur and a turquoise mane... and she was rubbing her temples in frustration. "Listen, can you guys hurry this up? I need to get some supplies. Just give the crazy lady some digitalis concentrate and send her on her merry way." The Doctor frowned at the new mare, who clearly knew enough about medicine to choose a potent poison. "I'm not irresponsible enough to deal out poison to such a clearly delusional mare, miss." Lyra's cheeks huffed out in embarrassment at being patronized. "OK wise guy, I'll have you know that I've been officially deputized as a super-official secret agent deputy for the super-official Crown." Lyra grabbed the Doctor by the scruff of his neck, pulling him in close to half-shout, half-growl into his face. "I've been assigned to track down a recently stolen human... hence why I needed a protein pill, which.... in case you didn't know... means a meat pill! As an expert in human-inity, I know that humans require up to 300lbs of meat per day. So hurry up and ISSUE ME THE DAMN MEDS!" Lyra screamed. Dr. Popper looked right at her, completely unfazed. "Uh, no." "Augh!" Lyra groaned in frustration as she stormed out of the 'Potions and Armchairs Store' shouting over her shoulder, "you haven't heard the end of this Doc... and if you tell anypony about my mission you're going to jail." Lyra slammed the door on her way out. Dr. Popper looked to other customer with a sympathetic grin, though she was staring in the direction of the recently departed Lyra with a shocked, open muzzle. "So, Miss... you said you had some supplies you needed to pick up?" Pill Popper asked as he slid the written note out of the mare's hoof. He glanced down the list. "Hm-? Oh. Oh yes, I do." The mare said absentmindedly, finally able to turn her attention back to the pharmacist. "Who was that 'agent'?" "Oh that was Lyra Heartstrings, I wouldn'-... hm... some of these chemicals are controlled substances, I'm afraid I can't issue them unless I have a pharmacist's registration number and nam-" "453666 Blackheart. Researcher Blackheart." Bon Bon nervously swallowed, holding for a moment outside the door to the Captain's cell. She'd just gotten his entire prognosis, and according to the resident psychiatrist it wasn't good. "Princess Luna, I don't understand, isn't there some way that we could reverse this spell?" Bon Bon had asked, after the psychiatrist had sadly trotted away. "No, Agent Drops, the insidious nature of these spells is such that there is nothing to undo... The black magic overwrote whatever the captain once was - that pony is gone forever." Luna had murmured, staring sadly into the cell. Bonnie scratched her chin in thought before replying. "But... we have versions of the same spell, don't we? Couldn't you use the same spell to 'reset' Captain Stalwart back to being in love with his wife and daughter?" Luna flared her wings and glared angrily at the cream colored earth mare. "I would caution you to cease this line of thinking, Agent Drops. Two wrongs cannot make a right." Bonnie frowned, she hated trite responses to complex questions. "Uh, but in this case... It could, couldn't it? I mean, you overwrite his love for a criminal, bu-" Luna slapped Bon Bon shockingly with her wing, not painfully but enough to startle her. "Enough! You would have me destroy another destiny in the hopes the new one created is better. Who are you to decide that this Stalwart is worthy only of destruction?" Bon Bon, still stunned by the princess's physical touch, could only stammer as she tried to process Luna's words. "I-I d-" "There have been many times where I could have changed a pony's fate with force. Criminals, addicts, murderers. When I was young and foalish, there were many times I did. That road leads to darkness, Sweetie Drops." Luna turned away, tears in her eyes. "Forcing the changes against the creator's will, you are destroying fates... lives... all because you think you know the Truth of this world, that you know how everything should be." Luna sighed, obviously bearing the weight of millennia of experience. "How could you know if a pony's fate was not to find redemption on their own? Or to allow another pony to triumph over their evil in pursuit of a greater good? Why stop with criminals? Why not change the fate of liars and the immoral? Change the fate of the disrespectful and disobedient? Why not write happiness into the very fabric of the world? ... THAT is how tyrants begin Agent Drops. The world needs individual free will, not black-magic wielding spellcasters, well intentioned though they may be..." Luna looked down and murmured to herself, almost imperceptibly, "the moon needs the sun." Bon Bon blinked, wondering if what she'd just heard might hold some clue as to Luna's past. Still though, Bon Bon was nothing if not stubborn, and was unwilling to give up the point just yet. "There are some horrible ponies, some 'fates' that I do think deserve to be destroyed." "Do you, now?" Luna seemed to grow larger and more terrifying in Bon Bon's vision. "Verily, many there are - who deserve death yet still live. But... also there are - those who are dead yet deserve life." Luna looked darkly into the eyes of Bonnie. "Can you give that life back to them?" Bonnie shook her head sadly, thinking of fellow agents who had fallen. "Then do not be so quick to deal out death, young Agent. No, we will be here for the Captain and support him without destroying him a second time." Luna sighed, caressing Bon Bon's cheek with tenderness. "Forgive me, young one. I know you mean well... Which is why I must prevent you from making a terrible mistake." Bon Bon smiled, honored by the princess's care, even if she didn't fully understand. "Now, enough delays my little pony, on to the interrogation." Bon Bon pushed open the door, trotting into the dim cell. A pleasant perfume of vanilla wafted from the vents, and some small speakers on the cell's ceiling pumped in soothing sounds of a surf breaking on a farawaybeach. A bed (no sheets or pillows) sat alongside one wall, covered in books which seemed to have been started only for the reader to discard them almost immediately, only a few pages in. In the far padded corner, with his face pressed into the joint between two walls, sitting bedraggedly on his haunches, was the former guard-pony Captain. He appeared to be wearing a strait jacket, the sleeves fastened behind his back, totally restraining his fore-hooves. A magical constriction ring was also clearly affixed to his horn, preventing the stallion from doing any more than staying put. Bon Bon walked in tentatively, approaching the stallion carefully. Luna stayed just inside the door, content to watch the interview from afar. "H-hello? Captain Stalwart?" Bon Bon asked reaching out with a free hoof to touch the former guard-pony's shoulder. He turned slowly toward Bon Bon, revealing a tired face which had clearly seen better days. The fur under his eyes was dark and tear stained, showing that he had been crying his eyes out for a while. A little snot trailed out of his nose, and he struggled to wipe it with the sleeve of his shoulder. "Hello?" he croaked. "I-I'm so sorry..." the captain sobbed, "s-sorry I'm in such a state, I-I can't control myself." He took a choking, shuddering breath. Bon Bon smiled at him reassuringly, stroking his shoulder. "It's OK, Stalwart. I'm Special Agent Sweetie Drops here on behalf of Princess Luna." Bon Bon paused to motion over her shoulder with her eyes, "I don't want to take up more of your time, I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions about the heist." Bon Bon looked back at Luna, "can I take these restraints off of him? He should be comfortable while we tal-" "Not a good idea." Bon Bon was interrupted by Stalwart himself. He gave a strained smile before going on, "I-I... I asked for these restraints... I get some pretty dark thoughts... I worry I may *hic*, may follow through on them." Stalwart looked ashamedly at the ground, hating that he was so weak as to consider suicide. "I-I know its no excuse to think that way b-but... when I think about wh-what I did to that poor mare... the one who used to be my wife." He sobbed, tears streaming down his face. "I-I've tried... I've tried so hard to feel the love for her and my daughter again, but its just... empty." He was close to crying inconsolably now, "I'm just so-some useless idiot who's in love with a te-teenage cr-criminal's tail. All I can do is hu-hurt others." Bon Bon grimaced, but put her hoof under his chin and held his head up. "Captain, I know you're hurting right now, but please, I hope you know I think you're a brave stallion who will prove instrumental to bringing these criminals to justice." The Captain brightened slightly, excited that he might be able to help. Sniffling to clear his nose. "An-anything! Anything I can do, I'll do." Bon Bon smiled before beginning to walk through the details of the heist with the Captain. She had to admit she was thoroughly impressed with the stallion's ability to recall details... "TWILIGHT!?" Lyra shouted from the top of the castle library. She never like coming to the new crystal palace, she always got lose in the maze-like corridors, and the library section was buried deep within the castle, making it much less inviting for the citizens of the town to frequent than the previous library. "Twilight? Spike said you were in here helping someponies find some books?" Lyra trotted down the steps into the depths of the archival stacks. "Lyra? Yes, I'm just over here!" Twilight's answering voice came from Lyra's left. "How can I help you?" Lyra trotted over to her happily, a bounce in her step. "Twilight, I can't allow you to be so obstructive to me today!" Lyra said haughtily, putting a hoof to her chest as she put her nose in the air and closed her eyes. "I'm the executive chief special agent deputy acting on behalf of the Crown on a critical secret mission!" Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion, splayed her fore-hooves apart and opened her mouth, as if to say... 'what.' Ruffling her wings and gesturing to her head (where there wasn't currently a crown, but there easily could be one). "Uh... I am the Crown, Lyra?" Lyra's smile faltered for a second, and she panicked slightly before regaining her composure. "Err... ah... no... the senior Crown. I've been put on this mission by Luna herself." "Luna asked you to do something?" Twilight mused, with a sigh. "OK, anything I can do t-" "NO Twilight." Lyra put a hoof over Twilight's mouth, her eyes darting left and right under her fedora. "I can't tell you about the mission, it's too classified. Only me and the princesses have authority to know about it." Twilight again pointed at her wings. "Uh... senior princesses..." Lyra babbled. "Now I need every book in this library about humans, immediately!" Twilight rolled her eyes at Lyra's antics. "Well sure, you wrote half of them let me jus-... wait. Did you say you're on a mission from Luna and you need a book on humans?" Lyra nodded. Instantly, Twilight engulfed Lyra in a powerful purple magical field and whisked her to a far, secluded corner of the library. "Lyra, are you investigating the missing human that was hijacked en-route from the South to Canterlot?" Lyra nodded. "Wauugh!" Twilight groaned, pitching her head up in frustration. "What the hay is Luna thinking? I told her that this was extremely serious - but all she cared about was that damn spell. So she assigned this goofball to the case?" "Hey!" Lyra groused, still trapped in the forcefield. Twilight went on. "She probably thinks you're some kind of human expert... but you barely know anything relevant! All you focus on is human-pony smut fantasies! Your last paper spent 40 pages detailing how you thought a human hand would be the perfect masturbatory tool for a pony mare, for Celestia's sake!" "Hey! How would you know that it wasn't?" Twilight blushed. "I-I guess t-technically I don't know about how hands would interact with pony genitalia." She cleared her throat, putting Lyra down. "St-still... this is a serious crime you've been assigned to Lyra! Are you sure you're up to this?" Lyra brushed her trenchcoat off. "Of course, Twilight. When it comes to humans, I could sniff them for days." Twilight looked at Lyra with another raised eyebrow. "Uh... I mean I could sniff their location out in a few days." Lyra grinned sheepishly. "Now, can I get those books or what? I have a human to find." Twilight looked over at the reading area of the library. "Actually, funny you asked. I've been watching this one unicorn all morning. He came in and asked for everything on rare creatures and monster-myths. He has been trying to make it seem like he's doing a project on urban legends and covering up the books he's checking out, but I've noticed that slowly but surely he's checked out every human-related piece of literature in the library. That's all he seems to be reading too." Lyra's eyebrows shot up in alarm. "Really!?" Twilight nodded, pointing over at the midnight-blue unicorn with a buzzcut of black hair, pouring through a stack of books on humans. She could just make out the unicorn's cutie-mark: a small atomic particle diagram of Hydrogen over a background of a snowflake. Lyra spoke up, "Twilight, do you know what this means!?" She bounced excitedly. Twilight nodded, her face grim. "He could be here for the exact same reason as you... to do research regarding his newly captured hum-" "A FAN!" Lyra squeaked excitedly, bounding out toward the unicorn. "LYRA!" Twilight reached out but missed with her magic. Lyra walked right up to the concentrating pony. "Hi there! I'm Lyra Heartstrings..." Lyra snubbed her nose up and closed her eyes, waiting for the adulation and praise to flow her way from such an obvious fan of her scientific works. The unicorn just looked up at her, with a glare, holding a hoof to his mouth and whispering: "shhhh...." while motioning at a sign that asked for Silence, please!. Lyra huffed, but whispered back. "Uh... I wrote half the books you're reading right now? Maybe a little thanks might be in order, Mr...?" "Quantum Freeze." The unicorn said, without looking up. "And to be honest, if you're talking about those books." He motioned with a hoof to a stack of Lyra's textbooks. "They're pretty much useful only for information about human manicures and mating habits... neither of which are at the top of my list of concerns at the moment." Lyra boiled in rage, about to speak up before Quantum went on. "In fact, I'd have to say that Princess Twilight's books on proposed human 'high-school' age behavior is far more in-depth and fundamentally solid work." He said, turning a page of Twilight's paper and scribbling notes in his notepad. "Oh YEAH!?" Lyra whisper-shouted, stamping her hoof. "Well Mr. Quantum Freeze, I'll have you know that my work on humans is so well regarded by the experts that I was appointed president executive chief deputy special agent in charge of conducting a crown investigation into a kidnapped human!" She slammed a hoof down on the page of the report he was reading. "So maybe you'd better take notice of what this mare says, hm?" Quantum Freezer looked up, his face seeming like he'd seen a ghost as he stared into Lyra's golden eyes. Lyra chuckled, happy that her credentials'd had the desired shocking effect on the haughty stallion. "E-e-excuse me, I think I've got everything I need." Quantum Freeze hastily gathered his notes into his saddlebag and scurried out of the library, shooting glances over his shoulder at Lyra as he went. In less than a blink of an eye, he'd left the castle entirely. Twilight rushed over to Lyra, groaning. "What did you do, Lyra?" Lyra smirked, polishing her hoof on her chest. "Aw shucks, sometimes my readers get a little starstruck when they meet me in person, its a little embarrassing actually." Twilight planted a hoof on her face, rubbing it in frustration. "Lyra... I think that pony was doing that research because he has a human." "HE HAS A HUMAN?" Lyra asked in shock, shaking Twilight. "HOW!?" Twilight groaned, "Lyra... he stole the human from the convoy." Realization dawned on Lyra's face. "Oh." She perked up. "OH! So I just need to follow him and I'll find the human!" Twilight shook her head immediately, "Oh no! Lyra, we've found the culprit, this is a matter for the guard now. You're going to go straight home and await for your final debriefing. I'm going to call Luna and the guard and they will track this stallion down and get things done professionally." Lyra groaned. "But Twilight... the human..." Lyra whined. "Lyra, NO." Twilight scolded, as if speaking to a small dog. "This is way too dangerous. You have to promise me you'll go straight home and wait for the guard to take care of this. Promise me." Lyra mumbled. "I-I.... promise." Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. "Now, I have to send a letter. Immediately." Twilight flew off toward her study. Lyra's downtrodden frown slowly crept up into an evil grin. "Heh heh heh." Lyra rubbed her hooves together. "Little does the princess know that the head president executive chief deputy special agent is authorized to deceive junior princesses to accomplish her mission." Lyra poked her head out of the castle, spotting Quantum Freeze making his way down the main stretch of Ponyville toward the outskirts. "Besides, if I don't follow him... he could easily get away. I'll tail him, find his location, rescue the human and then maybe capture the whole bad guy squad. No big deal!" Lyra began to sneak after Quantum Freeze, ducking from one piece of cover to the next. "..." "... then next thing I know, I'm being woken up by the guard-pony search and rescue team." Stalwart finished. Bon Bon was a bit flushed, fanning her face with her hoof. As traumatizing as it had been for the poor Captain, he was detailed to a fault. Bon Bon hadn't expected to hear the intimate details of how Dusk Wing's 19 year-old vagina had gripped the Captain's flare when he exploded in her, but the Captain had not spared any minutiae. Bon Bon cleared her dry throat. "Th-thank you for that Captain. You never know what may prove useful." Bon Bon looked back at Luna, who was still standing by the door impassively. "Is... is there anything else that you'd like to tell us?" The Captain sighed. "One last thing, and I know how it will sound with everything that's happened to me. But... Dusk Wing... she's just a stupid kid. I can tell from how much I love her - she's had some bad things happen to her, but at her heart she's not completely gone - otherwise she would have slit my throat and the throats of the squad when they broke in." Bon Bon awkwardly looked to the side, not wanting to look at the Captain and betray her doubts. "I knew it. You don't believe me, you think that it's just the love poison talking." He sighed, then went on. "I don't expect to change your mind, but that love poison made me love that little mare. I could tell a lot about her - and she isn't fully evil. I don't know if that will help you somehow, but... I had to say it." Bon Bon smiled nervously, she did think that all this talk was just the love poison's continued effect. The Captain looked up brightly for a moment. "Do... do you think, if you capture her... do you think I could meet with her again?" At this Bon Bon frowned, and Luna stirred. "Hmm... probably... probably not a good idea - I understand," the Captain said sadly, "st-still... I think I could help that girl." He blushed as a certain part of him began to stir. Bon Bon couldn't help but look. "Uh- Captain?" "I-I... I'm so sorry." The Captain's stallionhood slid out of its sheath entirely, falling to the floor like a limp sausage. "Just... when I remember her little plot-hole... the way she gripped me..." the Captain's erection now inflated to full mast, throbbing between him and Bon Bon. "Sh-she is probably the sexiest little mare in Equestria." The Captain said with shame, as a small trickle of juice escaped from the head of his penis, sliding down his shaft. Luna stepped forward and placed her horn on the Captain's head. "Thank you Captain for your help. Rest now and focus on being well. The doctor will check in with you in the morning." Luna's horn glowed and the Captain fell into a dreamless sleep, the best gift that Luna could give him at the moment. She levitated him to the blanketless bed and laid him down reverently, then motioned to Bon Bon that they should leave the room. Once outside, Bon Bon let out a breath of air as if she'd been holding it all along, letting the tension drain from the situation. "The poor colt - I hope he can find his way." Luna nodded. "As do I, Agent Drops. We must ensure that no others receive his misfortune." She straightened herself, "was there anything in his statement that will help you locate the gang?" Bon Bon sighed and shook her head. "No leads. We have names and descriptions which is a start, but they could be literally anywhere in Equestria. We'll need to activate the spy networks across the country. It's not like we'll be able to just fall into their hideout." Quantum Freeze waited for the industrial cargo elevator to finish descending. It was the only way into the abandoned underground silver mine that they'd found, and was a perfect hiding place for the gang's hideout. The old commercial warehouse above was used to store sofa and armchair inventory for local businesses, and the old cargo elevator was hidden behind a maze of old crates. It made it very easy to post a guard, and Quantum nodded to Tough Stuff as he stepped off the lift, before sending it back up to the surface. "Follow me, Tough. I've got news for all of us." He motioned to the bruiser to follow him into the depths of the main mining area. "Shure thing boss. The girls n' Flick was sayin' they had news too, they'se waiting for you at the table." He motioned to the planning table the crew kept for their various heists, just in sight of the main entrance. Blackheart, Dusk Wing and the pegasus Flick Feather were sitting around the table arguing about something. "...and I say that we should cut our ties and run. We don't need the human for anything, we leave him in the warehouse and we take the spell and head back East to the coast and the safety of the family." Blackheart slammed her hoof down. "Such a coward... what we oughta' do is jus' wait for the Guard to come and then we hit 'em with the boss's magic and..." Dusk Wing was going on before Quantum interjected. "We've got problems team." Quantum stared at the members of his crew. Both Blackheart and Dusk Wing looked ready to shout at him that they agreed, before he continued. "Looks like the heat is on to us. I was at the library when this crazy mint-" "-green unicorn mare." Dusk Wing and Blackheart both finished for him, with knowing glances. "Huh," Quantum frowned, "so it seems she purposely found us and turned the heat up to see how we'd react. She probably is hoping to scare us out into the open so we can be picked off easily as we try to escape back to Manehattan." Quantum slammed his hoof down and swore. "I didn't want to involve the family just yet - I was hoping I could have commercialized the addiction spell by now. Blackheart - how are we on brewing the reagents for it?" Quantum asked with frustration. "Still a few more days away. A lot of the chemistry is pretty arcane and ancient, even for a black magic researcher like me. I had to use basic chemicals to do a lot of the work." Blackheart frowned, motioning with her hooves. Dusk Wing clicked her tongue and smirked haughtily. "Shut it - Dusk." Quantum rebuked before the young mare could start an argument, "you're trapped here as well until that thing is finished. How's the monster?" Dusk Wing shrugged. "Eh, he's fine. It's still a pain in the flank to feed him and keep him sanitary. Would be way easier if Blackie would just let me dose the big oaf." Blackheart frowned and glared at Dusk Wing, muttering under her breath: "motherless cun-" "Enough." Quantum growled. "Be professionals... we aren't going anywhere right now - the last thing we have is our hideout and its defenses. The next thing we need to do is find out about this Lyra Heartstrings and what her next move is. Flick Feather... you know these agents better than anyone else: can we put a tail on her to find out when she's gonna spring the raid on us?" Flick Feather put a hoof to his chin in thought. "I don't know Quantum, these agents are like ghosts. Forget about capturing one, or tailing one... you usually can't even find them if they were right in front of your face. I haven't heard of this Lyra being an agent - so she's probably a cut above - you can't expect that she'll just fall right into our laps." The cargo elevator began descending suddenly, the gear and chain assembly clattering noisily as the platform returned from the warehouse. All of the members of the criminal crew froze in surprise as they slowly turned from the table to look at the elevator opening. There, standing alone on the lift with a nervous smile on her face, was Lyra Heartstrings. Rubbing one of her forelegs with the other hoof, Lyra looked out at the criminal gang she'd just tailed right into their hideout. "Uh... hi?"