> The Tales of Moondancer > by Shiron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Moondancer and the Ursa Major > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nopony could remember a time when it had rained so hard. Ponies ran for their lives as a loud roar rang out. The gigantic Ursa Major raged through the poor town and nopony was strong or brave enough to fight him. However out of the nowhere a strong and powerful unicorn appeared. "What was her name mommy?" asked a unicorn filly with big purple eyes, a light blue mane and a blue coat. With a smile the mother looked from the book to her daughter. "Her name was Moondancer. She was the bravest of all ponies and everypony looked up to her." The young filly listened in awe when her mother continued with the story. "She was also a unicorn just like you sweetie" A great smile covered the face of the filly. The pony who was called Moondancer fought the Ursa Major and with her strongest magic she was able to vanquish him. With this she saved the town and all the ponies. However when the ponies tried to thank her she was already gone to help other ponies in need. Since this time Moondancer became known as the great and powerful Moondancer. "I love this story. Please read it again mommy." The filly looked with her big purple eyes at her mother but she said with a caring smile "Tomorrow sweetie. It's time to sleep." "Do you think I can be like Moondancer?" The filly asked with a yawn "Of course sweetie." Soon the young filly was asleep but the mother heard her daughter mumble "Watch out Ursa Major. I, the great and powerful Trixie will vanquish you..." The mother kissed her daughter on the forehead and covered her with a blanket. With a smile she whispered "Good night my great and powerful sweetie." To be continue … maybe