> The Wraith Equestria Girls > by Slayer99 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Spirit's Descent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the dark of night, round objects of light has descended to the earth all the way from the far reaches of outer space beyond the cosmos. As they descended, the objects flew through walls, flew on the streets right passed signs leaving them to melt, and billboard signs. At the square-like intersection of the roads, the objects came and gathered to each other and crashed upon each other to form a vehicle. It was gray, black, streamlined, and dark, the vehicle was called a Dodge Turbo Interceptor formed by the very evil spirit from another world has came because of the peace being disturbed. It awoke by starting its engine, it had light blue eyes, eyebrows, and razor teeth that he bared. He took a look around to see the new environment he's in. "I am on Earth, it seems that I need to plan a challenge on the rogue that destroyed my home and prevent this world from suffering the same" he spoke as he drove to the city of Canterlot where his journey begins for justice, just when the day he will be met by the ones who know peace and Friendship. Then another group of light objects came to earth, they are pure red. When they descended to the surface, they crashed through objects and left them on fire, and when they met up at the center road, they have merged into another vehicle called a Chevrolet Corvette with red decals and black body paint with a savage attitude. "Finally, now when I find him, this world will bow to me" he said as he drove to town to find his foe. > An Alien's History > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At CHS, The humane 9 and the vehicles are having another calm day at the school by attending classes, helping with activities, and solving some strange mysteries of their power. Minutes later outside, the portal glowed and princess Twilight came through to see her students and friends again and to check on of what other happenings that has came to earth. "Hey Twilight" said Max. "Good to see you old friend" said Trinity. "Thanks, well have any of you seen anything strange here?" she asked. "Well, last night there were little objects of light came down here from space" said Sunset "There were two groups of them, one was blue the other was red" RD added. "That in which I never heard before" said Jake. Then coming down the road, they saw a black and grey Dodge Turbo Interceptor. It turned to face the group as they saw it in curiosity. It revved its engine to get their attention and they thought about doing introductions to the car. "Hello, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria, this is my human counterpart of this world and these are my friends and students Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and their new friend Juniper Montage" Twilight introduced. "I'm Max and this is my convoy Jake, John, Fright-Liner, Pete, Rare, and Dumpy" said Max. "I am Trinity, and this is my sister Christine" he said. After introductions it was his turn. "I am Wraith" he said. "I came from all the way from a distant world in outer space" The girls were surprised to hear him say that. Then they were questioned about where he came from, he thought of something to tell them about himself and his home. "Well, I would tell you all why I came here and away from home and it is rather a story with fate" he said. "I like stories!' said Pinkie. "It all started long ago on my home world of Spirita, my kind was another species that we can use spirit-like powers to summon our own objects for transportation, work, and war. One of the spirits that is a fugitive to our kind is named Sombra. He has torn a war on our world consumed with great death, I fought against him and I have slayed many of his armies to save our kind. When he lost he ran away to retreat far away from our planet to here. I have followed him and I then passed away in my body of flesh and blood and so did he. We are now but spirits that has descended here and I took this form of this vehicle and so did Sombra. Now I am in need of your help to prevent your home from suffering the same fate of my home." he said as he finished. "How!? Sombra was destroyed in my world by the crystal heart!" said Twilight. "I would assume that he turned into a disembodied soul and went to his world and now here" said Sunset. "If this is another threat that the devil has corrupted that person, I will accept to help you and so will my sister" said Trinity. "I will accept that offer too." said Max. "Well, we will help you to the bitter end lad" said Rare. "Okay, well where will we find that evil spirit somewhere here?" asked AJ. "We must find him somewhere in the city or out of this town" he said. "Okay then let's split up and find him as quick as possible" said Sci-Twi as they got in the trucks and cars and departed from the school. "I'm riding with you Wraith" said RD "Thanks, I like to use the company on the road" he said as they drove off to search for Sombra. > The Fugitive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the convoy and the cars went to find Sombra, they have searched far and wide block after block but no sign of him at all. The groups then rallied to each other and discussed their searching. "Anything?" asked Wraith. "We looked uptown and he wasn't there" said Max. "We looked downtown and we did not find him" said Christine. "Well we need to keep looking he could be anywhere" he said "I agree, we cannot allow him to make his own throne here like Nightmare Moon did" said Starlight. Then there was evil laughter surrounding them. They jumped in shock and fear as they heard it. Then a pair of yellow headlights appear and rolled forward to approach the group. It was none other than King Sombra himself as a Chevy Corvette glaring and staring at them savagely. "Hello Princess, it has been a while, and Wraith it is a surprise to see you here" he said. "What do you want Sombra!?" asked Twilight. "After my defeat by you with the crystal heart and by Wraith, I’ve had a plan to rid you and your new friends out of my way to begin my new rule here" he answered. "You're not taking this world from us forgranted. We will not surrender to the likes of you at all in any way. Because we are not afraid of you!" said Max. "You think that you can resist me? Well I will see to that as soon as I prepare myself and raise another army with the scrapped machines you all destroyed when you're in battle with Nightmare Moon" he said as he used his dark magic to resurrect the destroyed machines as they awake as undead machines. "I'll give you a few days for you to decide to surrender, if not you will all perish" he warned. "You will not touch my friend from a farm you varmit!" yelled Pete. "We will decide but be warned, the darkness will not always be your strength" Trinity warned as the convoy and the gang left the city. "It is only a matter of time before my new throne is made and you will all bow to me" he said as he watched the convoy drive away. > Plan of Action > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As they left the city and back to school, they are worried of what choice to make. A choice to surrender or die. But Wraith has a plan to defeat him and his minions. "How can we fight his army that are the ones we fought previously?" asked John. "I can use my power to summon new battle armor that are immune to his magic and equip them on you" he said as he began to glow and new battle armor and weapons were equipped on the trucks in a flash. "Wow! That is so Awesome!" RD said in excitement. "Well I hope we can use them against him and his army" said Juniper. "First we need to plan something to attack him in the city and his minions not just waltz right in to get killed easily" said Christine. "We divide and conquer. Max you and the convoy split into teams, You, Rare, and I go assault the front entrance while Jake, John, Fright-Liner, and Pete attack the side entrances. Trinity you, Christine and Dumpy attack the back entrance. When everything is all cleared we assault the inside of the city and attack the last remaining armies with Sombra there." explained Wraith. "Okay, Twilight, Starlight, Juniper and I will be with Max" said Sunset. "I'll be with Wraith so will Sci-Twi" said RD. "Okay, whenever any of you broke through the entrances, radio me to let me know. Then we hide in a building to plan another attack." said Max. "Okay, let's hit the road!" said Fright-Liner as they drove off to separate roads in order to assault the city entrances At the front, Max, Rare, and Wraith with their friends are approaching the city's front entrance guarded by undead machines. "Okay Charge!" said Rare as they gone into max speed to collide with the minions. As they crashed they've fired their weapons and the zombies are now scrapped and the trio with their friends proceeded through to the city. "Guys this is Max, we got through the front and into the city. How are all of you holding up?" he said. "We are doing okay, we are about to ram into those flesh gibblers on the right entrance" said Pete. "So are we at the left" said Jake. "Trinity, Dumpy and I are about to approach the back. When we get through we will meet up with you" said Christine. The other trucks and cars successfully got through and left the machines in bits and pieces. They now rallied to a nearest parking deck for them to plan their next move. > Liberation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As they rested in an empty parking deck, they woke up at first light. They now began to plan their next move to liberate the city for justice and bring an end to Sombra's madness. "Okay here's the plan, he is setting up his throne at the city hall. We need to breach his defenses by surrounding them and charging right in. When his minions are scrapped, we fight and destroy that king forever." explained Wraith. "Yes, but you can't face him alone maybe there's something I have not told you about ourselves" said Twilight. She told Wraith about the elements of harmony and their purpose into protecting her home and theirs. She told him about her confrontations with the formidable villains of her home and how she defeated them with her friends. Wraith was impressed about the elements and knowing that he is around them held by the girls. "You and your friends are true spirits to protect and defend your homes. With your magic of friendship, unite it with my spirit both can defeat Sombra with the given strength that you have given to Max when he was fighting Nightmare Moon." he said. "Understood. Now let's go to city hall and stop Sombra" said Sunset as they left the deck and headed for city hall. Sombra was sitting in his throne at city hall with a grin of victory and evil, He then felt his enemy's presence coming for him, he went to one of his minions and warned them. "They are coming here, kill them on sight when they arrive!" he said. "Yes sir" said one of his minions. Then the gang approached city hall and observed the field. They selected the targets that are optional and they mad their move by charging in. "Charge!" shouted Wraith as they moved in and began shooting the minions. "Evacuate the humans!" called Max as the convoy moved the humans away from the fight and to outside the city "They are all out" called Jake. "Eat hot lead bitches!" shouted Christine as she rammed through the minions on fire and burned them to ash. "Eat this dickheads!" said Trinity as rammed and barrel rolled the minions and left them to explode. With the battle going fierce, the Humane 9 and their friends have successfully destroyed Sombra's minions. "That's all of them! Except him!" called Starlight as she pointed at Sombra With all of the chaos, Sombra was mad with all of his minions going into bits and pieces. He then moved towards the group and growled with a sneer and made a challenge to fight Wraith. "So you have defeated my minions. I am of whats left to save your world" he said. "You won't live long enough to kill us and our friends!" growled Trinity. "Well, Wraith if you and your friends don't defeat me by the last chime of midnight, I will rule this city and you will all die" he warned. "Okay it's 11:50" said Fright-Liner. "Well we got time, Okay it's you and me Sombra" said Wraith. "Very well, let us fight!" he said as he and Wraith charged at each other which began an new and ferocious duel for survival. > Rage and Speed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the duel continuing, Wraith and Sombra fought each other with the skills they've used years ago on Spirita. The pair then received damage more worse than Max's fight with Nightmare Moon. "Give it up Wraith! You have no other solution to fight me!" he yelled. "No I will never surrender to you!" he yelled as he continued to fight Sombra. As the battle raged, their conflict damaged most of the field around city hall. When Wraith was almost on the verge of defeat, Twilight and her friends gathered and united their hands and summoned the Magic of Friendship. The magic then hit Wraith and gave him strength and speed very supernatural that he has the strength to defeat Sombra. "No Impossible!" he panicked. "It is possible! With my spirit and their's united with me you are done for"! he yelled. "Midnight draws near. It is 11:59 and when the chime rings to the twelveth you perish" he warned. "Not if I end you first!" he yelled as he charged right into him. His strength and speed made him unstoppable that Sombra can't keep up. "Just admit it you are nothing but a loser." said Wraith. "You think!? how about a little race?" he challenged. "Well from here to where!?" he demanded. "From all around the city and back." he said "Very well, challenge accepted." said Wraith. "Be careful Wraith!" said Sunset. "I will." he said. As they positioned themselves at the start, one of the machines came up and said, "Okay, first one to back here wins in one lap, you lose the race you lose your friends! Agreed!?" he said. "Yes!" said Wraith. "Okay. Ready, Set, GO!" said the undead machine as Wraith and Sombra took off. While racing, Wraith was in the lead and ahead of Sombra. He was furious that he is about to lose. When approaching the finish line after racing around the city, Wraith saw a pile of dynamites and forced Sombra off the road and into them. When he crashed he shouted in pain as the dynamites blew him up"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" "My body may have been destroyed, but I still live as a soul!" he shouted as the clock reached to midnight. "When it strikes, you will all bow to me" he said savagely. "Not if I can call the shadows to abduct you!" said Trinity as he howled like a wolf to call in shadowy demons. As they appeared, they grab hold of Sombra causing him to yell in fear. "No! Stop! Have mercy!" he pleaded. "Sorry, but you're going down a road to hell bitch!" said Christine as she blew a fireball at Sombra making him weak. At last the demons have now dragged him to hell to where he will stay for eternity. "He's gone and it's midnight" said Fluttershy. "Well, it's finally over" said Juniper. "Okay let's go back to our homes and rest" said Max as they left the city and back to their homes. > A happy ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As their battle with Sombra came to a conclusion, Twilight prepare to return to Equestria. They've made their farewells and Wraith made a compliment to be a friend she and them can count on. "Well Twilight, you are a worthy spirit and so are your friends who had the courage to protect humanity and the universe. I am honored to fight by your side and to save this world from suffering, like my home. This will be a new home for me to be and I still have much to learn, even from you and your friends" he said. "Thank you Wraith. I will see you and you all again soon and you too Starlight." said Twilight. "Thank you and I'll come back when I finish learning things here. Goodbye" said Starlight. "Farewell my friend" said Trinity as Twilight entered the portal. "Well I must ask can I be a student to you Sunset? like you did to Trinity, Christine and the others" he said. "Sure, I can teach you anything you need to learn about friendship and life" she said. "Thank you" he said. Days later when Wraith was taught with the lessons by the Humane 9 and he began to fit in with their society as a new friend. Protecting the lives people, helping others, and inspiration that has brought a new beginning to his life and his new friends. THE END