> Celestia's Champion > by Darth Severus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Champion is Born > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's that year, the year where the tournament to decide the Demon Champion is held. Your village elder has given you to the guards from Canterlot. Now you move towards the Royal Coliseum to fight for the dreaded title of Demon Champion. First, tell us who you are. Are you? A: A Unicorn stallion with Were-Timberwolf in your blood. Unlike most stallions your age, you are extremely muscular. Because of your heritage, you don't have a normal equine cock, you are gifted with a 7 inch canine cock, 10 inches including the knot. It's no surprise your village elder chose you to give to the guards, given your massive amount of brute strength. You could easily rip a small demon's head off. The guards are oblivious to your bloodline, but during the full moon, that is when you turn into a Were-Timberwolf, and all hell breaks lose. For your entire life, the village elder has kept you under lock and key during the full moon, never letting you transform. When you arrive at the tournament, many others fear your size and sheer muscle mass. You try your hardest to lose the tournament, but the only way you could do that is by refusing to fight, which warrants execution on the grounds of treason. Unfortunately for you, the other competitors are incredibly weak, and are eliminated, leaving only you. Celestia speaks in her booming voice, "The royal is over, one competitor remains! Young stallion, you have been given the great honor of being this year's Demon Champion! May Faust grant you luck on your quest. We are counting on your strength to protect Equestria from the horrors of the Demon Realm." You are given three days to pack the essentials and say your goodbyes. After that, you are escorted by the royal guards to the portal to the Demon Realm. Not looking back, tears in your eyes, you walk through. Right before you do, you say, "When I make it back, and somehow, I will, I will be stronger than any of you bastards could imagine. And when that day comes, I will have my revenge on Celestia." The guards laugh at your threats and one of them says, "Keep dreaming! Nobody's ever returned from the Demon Realm!" and then kicks you into the portal. B: An intersexual Dragon/Kitsune hybrid. Your heritage has left you with some strange physical features. You have nine fox-like tails, and a pair of large black dragon wings. But what is very interesting about you is your D-cup rack, your three cocks that look and function like octopus tentacles, and your virgin cunt. It is unknown what gender you truly are, even to you, so everyone refers to you with gender neutral pronouns. You have the magical powers of a Kitsune, and the physical strength and endurance of a Dragon. As the tournament starts, you sigh and say, "Let's just get this over with already... It's best not to drag my fate out." Any fighters who come close to you are burnt to a crisp, and those that try to attack from afar are blown away with a strong heave of your wings. Celestia speaks and tells the others the tournament is over when she asks you if you have anything to say, you say three words, "Fuck. Off. Celestia." and walk away, flipping the Princess off in front of the entire stadium, ignoring the jeers from the crowd. You spend the next three days meditating. You have nobody to say goodbye to, and you are more than capable of fending for yourself in the Demon Realm. When the guards take you to the portal, one of them says, "You've got a lot of nerve pulling that stunt during the tournament. Then again, the Demon Realm is a perfect place for a freak like you. I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly with the scum that lives there. Seems like nobody will miss you either, so it's a win-win for everyone, except you of course." You chuckle and say, "I have nothing to argue about. You're right. I have nobody to say goodbye to, other than this pathetic world, and the dictator who rules it." and before the guards can retort, you walked through the portal. C: A female plant creature with many flowers and thorns stemming from your body. Your left arm is a large carnivorous plant that could easily devour a person whole. Your most notable features are your thorn-like nipples and the thorns on the inside of your cunt and ass. Obviously, that scares most males away if your arm doesn't. Unlike many others, you entered the tournament of your own free will. Some people call you courageous, and others call you insane, but you don't care what they say. The reason you entered the tournament was to satisfy your bloodlust. You feel cheated, calling the tournament child's play. Celestia decides to test you to see if you can live up to your bravado. She sends out a mutated timberwolf, it's at least 10 times the size of a normal one. You charge at it and dive head first into its mouth. The crowd jeers and claims you were trying to make it so there was no Demon Champion this year. Celestia smirks to herself and calms the crowd saying, "Do not worry my citizens. This creature is simply showing off her brutality." As she says this, you burst your way through the timberwolf's stomach, putting it on the ground writhing in agony. The plant on your arm's teeth were stained red with blood, the timberwolf's innards ripped in its fangs, and it snapped its jaws shut, splitting the bone it was holding right in two. You holler at the top of your lungs, "You give me a target, I'll take it down hard!" the jeering from the crowd turned to cheering, the people obviously had faith in you. You spent the next three days training, and when the guards brought you to the portal, one of them said, "We salute you! You are the most vicious Demon Champion we've ever had, and if you play your cards right in the Demon Realm, you may be the last one we need! Good luck!" and the two guards gave you a salute before you entered the portal. > Into the Demon Realm (Character A) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You've arrived in the Demon Realm. You set up your camp and sigh. "Why... just why... Why did I have to win!? It's all the elder's fault!" You throw a knife at a tree in your anger, but the tree screams in pain, surprising you. It turns out, the tree was an imp in disguise. The imp loses his disguise and yells at you, "Are you fucking insane!? Why the hell did you throw that knife into my eye!?" as you stand up, the imp looks up at you and shudders in fear of your size and says quietly, "Eep!" You lift the imp up from it's head and pull the knife out of its eye and say, "Maybe you shouldn't have disguised yourself as a tree, if you didn't want to get stabbed. The imp pleads with you to spare his life in exchange for his service. What do you do? Spare him or Kill him Spare him You put the imp down and say, "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I've got some medical supplies with me. Let me patch up your eye as a way of apologizing. You pull some bandages out of your bag and wrap his wounded eye with them. You ask, "So, you're a native of this world. Any tips on how to survive?" The imp says, "Well, it's best to stay away from the mountains, that's where the Hellhounds and Cerberus live. You may be strong, but your not strong enough to kill one of them. Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself! My name is Magnus, Service Imp at your... service..." You chuckled lightly and say, "It's nice to meet you Magnus. One more question, is there any way out of this place? I may be the Demon Champion this year, but I do want to find a way home..." Magnus stroked his goatee thinking before saying, "There is a portal that us demons can't pass through, but we haven't seen a Demon Champion go through it yet. Partially because the portal is at the bottom of the Blood Lake. A few of the champions who possess both lungs and gills have tried going in, but their gills can't stand up to the blood." You sigh and say, "Well, it's better than nothing. It's almost dark. We should get some sleep. Just one thing. Don't come anywhere near me during a full moon. I have Were-Timberwolf in my blood, and I transform during the full moon." Magnus nods and says, "As you wish master. You get some sleep, I'll keep watch and see if I can find you some food for the morning." You smile and say, "Thank you Magnus. You're not exactly what I thought of as a Demon, but I must say I'm thankful I met you." You go into your tent and fall asleep. Kill him: You say, "As if I need help from a filthy demon. Don't worry though, I'll make your end quick and painless." You pull your knife out of his eye and use it to decapitate him. You growl lightly and say, "Pathetic creature. I've seen rabbits tougher than you." You drop the headless body and start walking to your tent. Suddenly, a voice comes from behind your tent that says, "Thank you! You've freed me!" You look behind your tent and see a four foot tall mouse-kin. Mouse-kin were creatures that could be found both in Equestria and the Demon Realm, and from the look of this one, she came from Equestria. She said, "Please, you've freed me from slavery! Allow me to accompany you! I will do anything to show you my thanks!" You smile and say, "Very well, I'll let you accompany me." The mouse-kin says, "Thank you master! Please, allow me to show you my thanks the only way I know how to!" she takes off her clothes and walked up to you before pulling your pants off. She smiled at you and said, "This is the first time I've actually consented to this. Please, don't stop me." You blush, but you don't argue and sit down. "Continue, if this is what you wish." The mouse-kin said, "Thank you master" and started licking your canine cock. When it got hard enough, she lifted herself up onto you and said, "Be gentle master." You pull her up to your face and say, "I will." and kiss her, your tongues playing with each other. You lower her down and ask, "Any preference?" She tells you, "I'm yours master, you make the decisions, not me." You smile and say, "Ok then, take a deep breath." and you slip your cock into her ass. The mouse-kin moans in pleasure and says, "Even that imp never did this! Use me any way you see fit master!" She wasn't kidding, her ass was so tight that she was obviously an anal virgin. You lift her up and down on her cock slowly before speeding up a little. "So, you like this, don't you?" The mouse-kin moans out, "Y-Yes master! I love your cock so much! Please let me cum!" You smile and say, "We'll cum together." You pop your knot into her ass and release your seed into her." She screams out in pleasure saying, "I'm cumming master! This is the best orgasm I've ever had!" You fell down on your back, exhausted from your first lay. You smile nervously and say, "You know... the knot's not going to come out until the swelling goes down." The mouse-kin says, "Worry not master, I love the feeling of your cock in my back door. It's so big and warm." You smile and say, "By the way, you never told me your name." She sighs and says, "I've actually been that imp's slave for so long, I've forgotten my name. Would you be so kind to give me one master?" You think for a moment and say, "What do you think of Sally?" The mouse-kin smiled and said, "I like it master, from now on, Sally is yours." As your knot starts to come loose from her, you pull her up to you and kiss her again. > Into the Demon Realm (Character B) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You walk through a forest in the Demon Realm. It's near a lake, so you decide it's a good place to set up camp. You set up your tent, and light some firewood with your flame breath. You keep it going with small flaps of your wings. You get up and walk towards the lake to get some water. You see a strange fin coming towards you. As the fin starts to emerge from the water, you cast a paralysis spell on the fin and it floats up to the surface, revealing a shark girl. You assume she was going to try to use you as her next meal, and wonder what you should do. You could easily move the camp far enough away from the lake that she couldn't reach you without her skin drying out, but you could also take her prisoner. What do you do? Move your camp or Take her prisoner Move your camp: You decide it's too risky to have a camp this close to a shark girl infested lake. You put out your fire and move your camp farther into the woods. Shark girls can survive on land, but they need their skin to stay moist. You say to yourself, "This should be far enough that they can't get here and keep their skin moist." Your stomach growls lightly and you think to yourself, "I should probably find something to eat" and get up to go hunting. You walk through the forest and see a Corrupted Satyr. They used to be normal satyrs, but the energy of the Demon Realm turned them into a traditional interpretation of Satan. You stalk it quietly, and when you get close enough, you pounce, digging your dragon claws into its back and taking a quick bite into its neck, killing it instantly. You drag your kill back to your camp and restart your fire to cook some of its meat. You rip one of the satyr's legs off and cook it over the fire before taking a bite as if it were a turkey leg. Take her prisoner: You pull the shark girl out of the water and drag her back to camp. When you came to the Demon Realm, you came prepared. You had brought some telepath collars, which bound the wearer's will to the one who put it on them. You slap the collar on her neck and release her from the paralysis spell. She got up and said, "You're going to pay for that! I'll rip you to shreds!" You point your finger to the ground and said, "Down." The shark girl growled and said, "What do I look like, a dog!?" she didn't even realize she was obeying you until she looked up and said, "Wh-What!? What did you do to me!?" You smirk and say, "You're wearing a telepath collar now. You obey me." She growled, but the telepath collar started influencing her and she said, trying to resist its power, "Yes... m-master... I-I-I will obey..." You seem skeptical and say, "Prove it. On your hands and knees, ass in the air. Trying to resist will result in punishment." She gulps and says, "Yes master..." before turning around, getting on all fours and lifting her ass in the air. She asked worriedly, "M-Master, what are you going to do?" You lift her tail in the air and say, "I'm going to make you my bitch." before kneeling down and thrusting your tongue into her dripping wet cunt. She let out a little squeal and moaned saying, "Oh, master! Please, don't tease me like that!" You slap her ass cheek hard and say, "I'm the master here, what I say goes. Understand?" The shark girl winces from the pain and says, "Y-Yes master. Use me how you please..." As she gets wetter, you pull away from her cunt and stand up, lowering your pants. "This won't hurt a bit. It'll hurt a lot." she gulps and holds her breath as one of your tentacle cocks slips into her cunt and the other two slip into her ass. She screams out and says "Y-You have three cocks!?" but she is quickly silenced by her moans, but manages to make out, "My ass, my cunt, they feel so tingly!" You smirk and say, "That would likely be the suction cups popping on and off of your insides." You pull one of your tentacle cocks out of her ass and stretch it to tease her tits. "How do you like this, slave?" As your suction cups twist her nipples and pop off of them, she moans out, "It feels great master! Please, make me your bitch! Fill me with your seed!" You chuckle and say, "I'm not going to just fill you with my seed, I'm going to drench you in it." You pull her to have her back to your chest, her head between your own tits. She asks you, "M-Master... are you a boy, or a girl? You have three cocks, but breasts." she licks her lips and pulls your breasts into her mouth and suckles on your nipples. You smile and say, "I'm technically an intersexual. I have both male and female parts." You moan lightly as she sucks on your nipples. After a little while you say, "Does kitty want her milk?" The shark girl says, "Yes master! Please, give your sweet little kitty her milk!" As she says this, the cocks in her cunt and ass cum inside of her, filling her up so much that cum leaks out. The cock that was teasing her tits moves around and squirts your cum all over her face and tits. The two of you collapse from your orgasms. When you wake up, you find the shark girl sleeping in your arms. You say, "Wakey-wakey my little pet." She wakes up and says, "Yes master? Is there something I can do for you?" You smile and say, "First, let's get ourselves cleaned up. There's a lot of my cum on me, you don't want any of that to go to waste, do you?" She shakes her head and says, "Not at all master, let me get you cleaned up." she started licking your seed off of you and then herself. She kissed you and said, "My name is River, but you may call me what you wish master." You smile after the kiss and say, "Well River, why don't we try and find us something to eat. I'll hunt in the forest, you hunt in the lake. If something happens, we're telepathically connected." River nods and says, "As you wish master." before running back to the lake and diving in to hunt for fish. You walk into the forest looking for some form of prey that you and River would enjoy. Although you like fish, unlike River, it doesn't make up your entire diet. > Into the Demon Realm (Character C) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your first day in the Demon Realm, and you were already bored. Every demon ran away from you before you got a chance to get close enough to devour them. You say to the plant on your arm, "Petey, any ideas on what we can do for fun?" The plant took an inhale, then pointed towards the forest. You say, "Do you smell something in there?" to which the plant nods. You get up and go into the forest. As you walk, you hear a growling and hissing sound. You walk towards it and see a puma-like creature caught in a trap. It says to you, "You! Release me from this trap!" You growl and say, "Are you giving me orders? Perhaps you should meet my little friend." you send your plant arm out and it chomps right in front of his face, acting like an angry chained dog. The creature jumped back and said, "F-Forgive me... if you free me, I will be in your debt. I'll hunt for you, I'll fight by your side, please... just free me..." You ponder it for a moment to make your decision. What do you do? Accept his offer or Bribe him Accept his offer You sigh, pitying the creature and say, "Fine, Petey, cut him loose." The plant on your arm growls and you glare at it saying, "Are you seriously going to argue with me? You look like you could use a trimming." The plant shakes its head and bites the chain holding the creature. The creature shakes his leg, getting the last of the trap off him and says, "Thank you master. My name is Rakuna. Would you like me to catch you and... Petey... some prey?" You nod and say, "Yes, that's fine. Try and catch something big. Petey's got a big appetite." Rakuna nodded and ran off. Within two hours, he brought you and Petey a minotaur. You smile and say, "I've heard minotaurs taste like steak, time to find out if that's true. You and Petey start biting into the minotaur, and you notice Rakuna lays down, not eating. You ask him, "You deserve some of this, you caught it after all." Rakuna smiles lightly and says, "Thank you master." and takes a bite of the minotaur. After the three of you finish the minotaur, you notice Petey sniffing Rakuna, who asks, "Is this thing safe to sleep around?" You chuckle and say, "He's only seeing if you smell of lies, it seems he trusts you enough, so I trust you too. Let's get some sleep. Bribe Him You smirk, you can tell the creature is male, only because you can see his feline dick. You say, "Well, if I free you, you're going to have to do more than hunt and fight with me." The creature nods and says, "A-Anything, I'll do anything if you free me!" You smile and lean down to the creature's height and kiss him, your tongue playing with his. "You're going to be my little sex pet. Otherwise, I'll let Petey have a little dinner." The creature gulps and says, "O-Ok... I'll do it..." he mutters under his breath, "But I won't like it..." You nod at Petey and he snaps the chain holding the creature. As he moves his leg, you use your agrokintetic powers to hold him in place and say, "Petey warned me he smelled lies on your breath. So, I'm going to make sure you remember your place." you use your vines to put the creature on his back and say, "First lesson, obedience and humiliation. You owe me a debt, and I'm going to see it paid, one way or another." you use one of your vines to envelop his cock like it was a mouth. The creature moans and says, "O-Ok! I'm sorry! I'll obey!" Petey nods and you say, "Good, time for the fun. But don't worry, my thorns are more like feelers than actual thorns." you take the vine off of his cock and lower yourself onto him. The creature moans, mostly from pleasure, but also a little bit of pain, "I thought you said they were feelers!?" You smirk and say, "They are, but they do cause a bit of pain until you get used to them." you continue to lift yourself up and down on his cock and say, "How do your barbs feel against my thorns?" The creature works out a growl, but it's silenced when he says, "The pain's fading. If I had known mating with a humanoid was this good, I would have done it a long time ago..." You smile and say, "I'm getting close. Since you've been a good boy, I'll let you cum first." and quicken the pace, causing him to cum only mere seconds before you do. You say, "So, still thinking about running off on me?" putting Petey up to his face. He says, "No, I'll stay... mistress..." Petey nods at you and you say, "Mistress, love the ring to that. Let's get cleaned up and I'll take you back to my camp."