> Mutant Ponies: Origin Stories: Vissy-The Invisible Mare > by Creativa-Artly01 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a beautiful snowy day at Hoofman's School when Shida arrived with her mother to get a tour. "Hello child, it's nice to meet you, what's your name and your ability?" asks Doctor Hoofman. "Vissy Crystalair," responds the filly, "and I can turn invisible." She then turns invisible in front of him. "See." She then turns back into a visible form. "Well, let me show you around." He then powers up his wheelchair and the two follow him around every inch of the school. Once they finish up the tour, Shida explodes with questions. "Are there any ponies my age here?" asks Vissy. "Any that turn visible like me? Or am I the only one of my age and ability?" "Yes, there are other younger teenagers here, and maybe two or three other eleven or twelve year olds. In terms of your ability, no. You're the only invisible pony we have." "Okay," responds Vissy. She then looks up at her mom. "Momma," she asks. "Will I make friends here?" "I'm sure you will, sweetheart," responds the mare as she pulls the filly close to her in a hug. A few minutes later, Silver enters the room. "And what's your name?" asks Vissy timidly. "I'm Silver, what's yours little one?" "Vissy," responds the filly. "I turn invisible. Cool wings." "Thanks, they're as sharp as blades," responds Silver. "They're coated in a flexible alloy. It took forever to learn how to fly properly with them. Want me to show you to your room?" "Sure," nods Vissy after she runs up to her mother and gives her mom a hug goodby. She then follows Silver to the student dormitories. There, she is shown to a room with another student in it. "Vissy, this is your room and your roommate, Gem." "Cool, thanks," responds Vissy as she embraces Silver in a hug which takes Silver by surprise. Silver then flies down the hall and out the building and towards Hoofman's office. "Hello roommate, what's your ability?" "I can turn things into Crystals," responds Gem. "That's cool!" responds Vissy. "I turn invisible." "That's really cool!" responds Gem. "Thanks," responds Vissy. A few hours later, the two mares head off to dinner where they meet every pony else. "Hello Vissy," says Hoofman, "how are you adjusting?" "I'm adjusting well, thanks," responds Vissy. "Now who is every pony else?" Hoofman then motions for everypony to state their names to the new student. "Sol," says Sol. "Aqua," says Aqua. "Fireball," responds Fireball. "Sparkler," says another mare. "Shifter," says a colt. "Angelina," says another mare with a flap of her angel wings. "Tierra," says another mare. "Bolt," says a stallion sitting between Angelina and Shifter. "Motha," says a filly with moth wings. "Monarch," says a filly next to her with butterfly wings. "Tsumi," says another mare as she stirs a tiny wave in her hooves. The rest of the ponies then state their names until everypony is done. "Thanks, that'll definitely make things easier," says Vissy with a slight smile. She then begins to eat her dinner. She's so glad to be in a place with others like her where she can be safe from the watching world outside. Later that night after dinner comes to an end, everypony goes outside and plays several rounds of glow in the dark frisbee. As she plays alongside everypony else, Vissy can't help but wear a smile. This place feels like home and everypony around her feels like family. The fact that she feels comfortable around them definitely puts her mind at ease for leaving her mother to come to the school. Five hours later glow in the dark frisbee comes to an end and everypony turns into the dorms when the trainers, who double as monitors do a sweep of the dorms. For Vissy's dorm, the monitor is Silver. As Silver comes around, everymarestands in front of open doors. As she looks down each, she does a mental check. "Good, everymare is in her dorm," says Silver. "Awesome. Have a good night!" "You too, Silver!" says everymare in unison. Everymare then slams her door behind her and hops into bed and falls asleep. Over in the monitors' dorm, Silver happily stares at the ceiling as she whispers to herself. "That new Vissy girl is so sweet," she sighs. "I'm glad she came here. She's going to make friends. Quickly I have a feeling." She then flips over onto her side and falls fast asleep. The next morning the mares wake up and go shower before heading to the dining hall where they are met with big mile high stacks of pancakes. The students then happily chow down. Each student eats about about five to ten pancakes a piece. This absolutely stuns Hoofman and the monitors. "Wow, hungry," he laughs to himself as Silver watches him from his side. He then gets back to eating the two on his plate and sipping his coffee. After breakfast ends, everypony heads off to morning training in the training lab. As they are in the lab, Shida takes to her invisible form and phases through all the obstacles which stuns herself and those around her. She never knew she could do that until that moment. "Double power," says Shida to herself as she regains her visible form. "This is awesome!" She lets out a squeal. "Good job, Vissy," says Silver with a smile. "It normally takes fillies your age longer to unlock potential secondary abilities. You really are a foal prodigy." "Awe, thanks," says Vissy with a blush. "That means a lot coming from you, Silver. You are like my idol." "Awe, that's sweet, I'm honored," says Silver as she ruffles up Vissy's mane. She then takes the filly out for ice cream to celebrate. She can't wait for Vissy to tell Hoofman the good news. A few hours later at lunch, Vissy tells Hoofman the good news. "I learned a secondary ability today. Apparently, I can both turn invisible and phase through things. Aren't you proud?" "Extremely," responds Hoofman. "You're one of the few students here who has discovered their secondary ability. Keep up the good work." "Thanks sir," says Vissy with a beaming smile on her face. She then embraces him in a hug before happily chowing down on her grilled cheese sandwich. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that evening after dinner comes to an end, Vissy goes and hangs out with Sol, Aqua, and another pony named Sunny Grove in the garden where Sunny shows off her abilities to her friends. "I can grow plants out of nothing just as easily if not more than a normal unicorn can from seeds," says Sunny Grove with a grin on her face. "That's so cool," responds Vissy with a smile. "Are sunflowers your favorite?" "Yeah," responds Sunny. "They were grandma's favorite flower. Ever since she died, they became my favorite to grow as they remind me of her. She was a mutant too. Same abilities as me." "Well, sorry for your loss, also that's so sweet," replies Vissy. "It's great you're keeping her memory alive. I bet you're making her oh so proud right now." "Thanks, that means a lot to me," responds Sunny Grove with a smile. She then embraces Vissy in a hug. "Did I mention I'm a bit of a hugger?" A few hours later, the four friends return inside. They all then part ways and go to their dorm rooms for the night. In her room, Vissy goes to her desk and pulls out a book, her ear buds, and a sketchpad and a pencil. She then begins to draw as she reads and listens to her music. As she works contently, she doesn't hear Silver make the nightly rounds to make sure everypony is in her room. This, prompting Silver to do a double check, causes her to enter Vissy's room. "Hey Vissy," says Silver leaning inside her door. "How's it going?" "Good," says Vissy. "What you doing up there?" says Silver as she flies up to talk with her. "Drawing, reading, listening to music," responds Vissy. "My favorite things to do." "I love to draw too. I actually left here for several years to go to art school," responds Silver. "Keep it up." "Ok, thanks," responds Vissy. "Well, I'm gonna leave you alone now," says Silver as she flies out and down the hall, "and goodnight!" "Goodnight!" Vissy yells down the hall after her before going back to drawing, reading, and listening to her music. After awhile, she gets tired enough and falls asleep, ear buds still in and book and sketchbook falling to the floor. Tomorrow, she'll show all the drawings she's really proud of to Silver to see if she has any advice for her. The next morning, Vissy is up with the sun, grabs her finished drawings and heads off to breakfast. At breakfast, she runs into Silver. "Hey Silver," says Vissy, "would you mind looking at my drawings?" "I'd love to," responds Silver with a smile. Vissy then lays the drawings on the table in front of her. "Wow!" says Silver shocked. "Thanks," responds Vissy blushing. "It's all very realistic," responds Silver. "Very impressive. There's an art show coming up on campus, you can enter. I am." "Ok, I will," responds Vissy. "Thanks!" She embraces Silver in a hug. The two then sit down and finally get around to enjoying the nice pancake breakfast. After breakfast, they all head off to morning training. There, all the students hone their abilities even more with each progressive lesson. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After breakfast and training end, Vissy heads off to work on pieces for the art show. In her studio corner of her dorm room, she gets out her easel and puts paints on her pallet and begins to sketch out a drawing on the canvas with her pencil. She draws a mare with a fruit basket balanced on her head and begins to paint it in piece by piece. After around two days of work on the piece, she finally finishes and frames it with help from Silver. "This is impressive," responds Silver. "You might take gold at the show with this." "You really think so?" Vissy responds with a smile. "Yes, of course I do, you've got real talent," responds Silver. Silver then leaves and gives Vissy time to concentrate on her art for the show. Meanwhile in her room, Silver begins work on her pencil sketches and own paintings for the show as well and by the end of the week has a good ten to twelve to show. As for Vissy, by the end of the week, she has three major paintings and several realistic sketches in both pencil and pastels to put in the show. "These are all so amazing, I'm definitely confident," sighs Vissy to herself. "I've got this." "Yeah you do," Vissy hears from behind her. She then turns around and sees Silver standing there. "Awe, thanks," responds Vissy as she turns around to face Silver. She can't help but blush a little bit. Silver has become such an inspiration for her. Two weeks later, it's finally the day of the art show and Vissy and Silver put their artwork up in the gallery on display along with several other entrants. Everything is framed, perfectly centered, up to their personal high standards. The two share a hoof bump and a smile. "We've so got this," the two whisper inaudibly to everypony else. They then take their spots in front of their art. "Hello and welcome to the Student and Staff Art Show," says Hoofman with a smile. "We have every skill level imaginable here. Enjoy!" The other ponies-teachers, parents, and siblings and students then begin to walk around and look at and even examine the artworks. The judges also walk around to see which pieces are worthy of their recognition and praise and most importantly, their ribbons. After about three hours, the ribbons are handed out after much deliberation and Vissy's painting she worked so hard on-the one of the mare in the fruit hat-wins the first place ribbon. Silver's sketch of Hoofman takes second place. A third pony named Alder takes third on his ceramic statue of a unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony along with a mutant pony getting along at a table. Several others get honorable mention ribbons much to their delight. The winners even make the newspaper and it is handed out across the following day at the school and across the city. Vissy and Silver are thrilled. Maybe, now, their families will finally see them for who they are, artists that just happen to have weird abilities in their genes as well. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day following the show, Vissy and Silver sit down and chat about it at the cafe in the bottom level of the school. “That was impressive work,” says Silver to Vissy, “you knocked it out of the water! You deserved that first place you got no questions asked.” “Yeah, and you deserved your reward too,” responds Vissy with a smile. She pulls her mane back behind her ear and out of her face. She then pins it in place. “Hoofman really seemed taken with the drawing you did of him.” “Tell me about it, he had me hang it up in his office this morning,” responds Silver with a giggle. Vissy giggles back. A few moments later, the two finish their coffee and head outside to the courtyard for warmups along with every mutant pony else. Everypony then gets to happily doing frisbee as their agility warm up for the day. It’s one of their favorite warmups by far. The added challenge, no one can use their abilities which makes it so much more difficult and so much more of a challenge. As they play, the two tag team it to beat their peers much to the chagrin of the professors. After awhile, frisbee comes to an end and the abilities based practices begin in a new room of the school that has settings suited to each scenario the students will encounter in the real world of heroing. They all work together as a team much to the pleasure of their professors. It’s definitely been an interesting few days at the school but honestly for the students, for them, it’s about normal-same old routine every day with only a few interesting pace changing events every so often sporadically throughout the year.