> A new home? > by matthiasiam > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1: Where am I now? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Greetings, I'm Chara. Thank you! You're power awakened me from death" The same route, the same lines... every time "Strange you want to go back, you want to go back to the world YOU destroyed, hmm? Perhaps a different path would be better suited for you?" I tried helping them, convincing them, begging them... they just would't stop. Ever since Frisk finished the pacifist route, multiple times, they were bored, the same routine every time. So they began to kill I mean, yeah, I know that I was the one that made them kill everyone the first one or two times, but..... know it's just normal, fall into the underground, kill everyone, reset over and over and over again.... Mom, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, Sans, Dad, and even Flowey! But this time, as Frisk pressed reset everything went black. Darkness surrounded me as I floated in the black abyss "Hello!? Is anyone there?!?" I called out............. But nobody came. Or so it seemed. As I floated for what seemed like hours I heard a voice, a beautiful voice although, I could't quite make out what it was saying. Light shined through a slit in the darkness I squinted, trying to make out what it was. Closer, closer, and closer yet still so far away... But as I drew close enough to the light I realized it .................Was a crown? Heh..... It's funny really.....It kinda looks like the one Asriel wanted me to wear as kids.... when he still was Asriel at least...........When we were still so innocent and played pretend before I.... before I told him about that stupid plan to set all monsters free and decided to poison myself with those STUPID FLOWERS!!! Please, please, please I just want to see him, just once more. If he had just listened to me and fought back against those awful humans then.... he wouldn't have been dragged down with me. If we could just go back in time we could've lived happily with mom and dad, but of course life just doesn't work like that, there are no real happy endings for anyone or anything. I stared down at the crown in my hands while tears streamed down my pale face as all the happy memories of Azzy and I came flooding right back to me. "No! I can't dwell on the past, I have to find out where I am and how to get back!" but as soon as those few words left my mouth I was once again thrown into unconsciousness. --------------------------------------------------------------------*------------------------------------------------------------------ *chirp, chirp* "Ow, my head!! What the hell happened?" I muttered to myself as I sat up on the hard gravel ground, holding my head in one had as pain raced through my body... wait... BODY?! But I'm dead!! How do I have a real body again?? The only way i used to be able to get a real body was when i possessed Frisk but this is actually my body! Before i died that is. "OK, Chara, don't freak out! I'm sure there's a completely reasonable explanation for this!!" Yeah. there wasn't one. After a few minutes of trying to figure out whether or not this was some sort of weird, messed up dream of some kind, I hesitantly stood up, something I haven't done in a long time considering I was a ghost and just used to float everywhere all the time, and looked around to see I was surrounded with dark, tall trees looming over me. "Well by the looks of it I'm in some sort of forest, a creepy one at that! Hmm, the first thing I should do is probably look for civilization, as much as I hate humanity it's really my only option here" I said to myself only recently finding out I was no longer in the underground which was a pretty big shock. Though after a while I eventually found a path that I was now following down, but hopefully it won't lead to too much danger, but if there was I'll of course be able to handle it, I am Chara after all, and I still have 20 lv, I just don't want to tire myself out too much. And so I decided to take my time, just in case, but chills ran down my spine as I walked whenever I heard a hungry growl or a painful whimper, but I did my best to ignore everything around me while I continued trying to concentrate o the path rather than the noises around me while quietly humming softly to myself not exactly loud enough to draw attention to whatever might possibly be in this forest, but loud enough for me to distract myself from every other noise... ------------------------------------------------------------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ugh! I've been walking down this stupid path way for hours!!!" I screamed, I was really tired from all the walking, I had tripped multiple times so my knees had scraps all over them and were also bloody, my eyes had a hard time focusing because of how dark the forest was and I was still getting chills up and down my spine from the small but frighting animal noises around me. But just as I was thinking about looking for a different path I saw a light shining through a patch of trees, and as I walked closer, and closer I realized it was some sort of small town or village or some type of civilization and I began running, desperate to get there as soon as I possibly could... mostly because I was starving and needed chocolate, fast!! "Yes!! Finally!!!" I shouted in joy as I stumbled out of the dark forest and into the blinding sunlight that covered the town, at least that's what I was assuming it was. But there was one more question left that needed to be answered... Where am I now? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2: meet the group > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- recap: "Yes!! Finally!!!" I shouted in joy as I stumbled out of the dark forest and into the blinding sunlight that covered the town, at least that's what I'm assuming it was. But there was one more question that needed to be answered... Where am I now? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Umm...." Well this is awkward. After stumbling into the town like an idiot I realized I seemed to be in the middle of some sort of market place and EVERYONE was staring at me, or, wait..... What are they?! "Ahh!" I squeaked as I stared at them, their eye's locked on my figure in either wonder, caution, confusion, or fear.... mostly fear. They backed up a couple feet when I tried to walk closer, I don't know why they seemed so scared though, i mean they're bigger than me and there's, like, a hundred of them and only one of me.... the again, I am still a demon just with a solid body, but they didn't know that! "What is it?" "It has no fur!" "Mom, why is it bald?" "Where did it come from?!" "That thing's not a pony!" Yeah, rude..... But these were only some of the many things I heard them whispering to each other. "Umm... hi...?" I waved uneasily and they gasped seemingly shocked by the fact that I could talk and soon ran off, hiding and locking them and their kids, younger siblings etc, in their houses. "HEY, FREAK!" I turned and looked towards the voice to just barley see a blue anthro pony thing with wings flying towards me at full speed before I was kicked to the ground a few feet away from where i was once standing. "Ugh..... what the hell was that?" I muttered as I slowly lifted myself of the ground holding my stomach in pain, about to grab the sharp knife from my back pocket, for self defense of course. "Rainbow dash!!" I looked forward to see a group of these so called 'ponies'. The first one was a purple pony with a unicorn horn ad Pegasus wings, long purple hair with a pink and a slightly lighter purple stripe in hair and tail, she was also holding a strange book which looked as if it came straight out of a Harry Potter movie, it looked as if she was glaring, but it wasn't directed at me it was at her friend 'Rainbow dash',that's the blue Pegasus' name I guess? Oh yeah, she also had a six point star mark on her shirt. The second one was cream yellow colored with right pink hair and tail, and folded wings on her back much like the 'Rainbow dash' one, she looked as if she was trying to hide behind her hair and she let out a small squeak when she saw me looking at her so i'm guessing she's either extremely terrified or very shy.... or both, and to finish the look she also had a mark on her shirt although this time it was three little butterflies. The third one, well, she just looked insane, her hair and tail was pink and so fluffy, kinda like cotton candy, her skin, or fur, was also pink except slightly lighter, she had a huge smile that could probably put Sanses to shame, she was bouncing up and down non stop at an in-human speed, and her mark were three small balloons. The fourth girl was..... interesting, to say the least, her fur was milky white and both her hair and tail were purple which ended in swirls at the tips of her hair, she appeared to be wearing pearly blue eye shadow and mascara, and she seemed to be eyeing, not me, but my clothes, as for her mark, there were three right shining diamonds on her shirt. And the last girl, well, she looked like the most normal one out of the whole group she had blonde hair and tail that were tied up, her fur color was almost the same as my skin color except mine was more pale, she was wearing a stetson hat and it looked like she was holding a rope or something, she was staring at me cautiously but didn't kick into action just yet, and her mark looked like a red apple. As for this 'Rainbow dash' she had rainbow hair and tail her glare pierced through me like bones, her hair was messy and she looked like a tomboy kinda gal, her wings held her in the sky a foot or two from the ground as one her friends dragged her to their group by the tail, as for her mark she had, on her shirt, a rainbow lightning bolt. "Ow! Be careful!!" She complained as her friends continued to drag her from the tail. "Umm........" I began to slowly walk backwards, hoping to avoid the awkward situation, unfortunately for me the pink hyper one noticed just before I could get around the corner, "Hey! Where are you going?" she yelled, alerting the others of my escape attempt as I tried to make a run for it but was suddenly surrounded by a purple aura and dragged back to them, face to face with the purple one who seemed to be the group leader. "Hi. Umm, I'm sorry about that, my name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends, this is Rainbow dash, Flutter shy, Pinkie pie, Applejack, and Rarity, what's your name?" she asked, but I just stayed quiet, refusing to talk back as I crossed my arms and pouted slightly. "Why is it so quiet?" Rarity asked quietly "Umm, maybe it just doesn't understand our language...?" Flutter shy responded in a barley audible whisper, "That could be it. Hey, I think I remember seeing a spell in one of my books that could translate other languages, and while we're there we could look for a book that might identify it's species!" Twilight replied somewhat cheerfully, until I finally had enough. "Ugh. My name is Chara okay!? It's Chara!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------