Out of the Flames

by Naryyn

First published

A pony wakes up in a dark cell alone and shackled.

A nameless pony wakes up shackled to the walls of a dark cell. Without any memories of her previous life, she must face this darkness completely alone.

A warning there are deaths in this story.

Overhaul is partially complete I will finish the rest of it later.

The Start of Something More

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“Fire can be a devastating force that wipes out everything in its path. Although this is usually the case, there are rare instances of creation out of the flames.”

“Don’t be scared, you will be fine.”

The orange pony awoke with a start, the words still fresh in her mind. Cold sweat clung to her coat as she shivered in the complete dark that surrounded her. Feeling something covering her muzzle she attempted to feel it with her hooves, but was unable to move them more than a few inches.

Frozen steel was wrapped around her legs preventing anything but minimal movement. She had full motion of her head, but not being able to see anything made it pointless. Air was being force in and out of her lungs at regular intervals, simulating natural breathing patterns, through the device on her muzzle. What is this? Why am I not allowed to breath on my own?

She didn’t panic, having no reason to, she couldn’t remember anything before waking up. Only the phrase she heard before she woke seemed familiar. Where am I? Thinking to herself she heard faint hoofsteps and always changing voices above her. Tilting her head she strained to hear what they were saying with little success.

As she listened a word popped into her thoughts from nowhere. Ponyville, she nodded, that’s where I am. Wait, how do I know this? I didn’t hear anyone say it and I can’t see anything. How do I know where I am without any indications? She frowned and thought this over but eventually came to the conclusion that it was probably best not to question it. She was happy just knowing where she was, even if she didn’t know how.

A low rumble rolled through the ground some distance away and brought pleasant vibrations through her shackles. Ah it seems the Ponyville Express is on its way to Manehattan. She ignored the fact that another town name had come to her thoughts. As the tremors faded along with the train she grew bored. She listened to the voices and hoofsteps again and began to associate names to each individual. This went on for the rest of what she thought was night before falling asleep.

Upon waking she felt very hot even though it was very cold in her small cell. Faint memories of a very bright light surrounding her and fire erupting from the ground beneath her faded from her mind like a dream. Her shoulders itched as though something was missing from her body. She shivered as the heat abruptly left her body and was replaced by the cool she felt the day before. Well, I guess I should think of something to do while I'm down here.


Weeks passed by and she had developed stories for the ponies walking above her. One pony in particular had kept her entertained during the times she became lonely. Pinkamena Pie, Pinkie to her friends, was quite a mystery to her. Every time she thought she had Pinkie figured out, the party pony would do something that threw her off track. Although she couldn't see Pinkie it felt as though the pink pony knew she was lonely and tried to make her smile through happy vibrations in the earth.

The day before the Summer Sun Celebration two new sets of steps appeared in town. One of them seemed to only walk with two legs. A dragon? She grew confused, What is a dragon doing in Ponyville? Two names came into her head, but for the first time there was a small back story that came with them.

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student and illegitimate child given up to prevent a scandal, and extremely gifted in magic. There is also Spike the baby dragon, hatched by Twilight and her personal assistant. She frowned, one of the names struck a chord deep in her mind. Celestia, where do I know that name from? Not receiving an answer, she continued to follow Twilight’s steps as she walked through the town.

The events that followed Twilight greatly interested the shackled pony. The discovery of the Elements of Harmony and their use in the defeat of Nightmare Moon. The removal of the Ursa Minor had caught her attention because its heavy footsteps shook her small prison. The vibrations were bigger than any she felt while confined and the earth and rock above her began to loosen as a result.

She could sense the start of a small crack on the surface of the rock. The feeling of hope rose from her chest, hope that someday she will be able to see the sunlight. She could imagine the warmth of the sun flowing over her body as it banished the cold she had been living with for as long as she could remember. The thoughts of this happening made her shudder in anticipation, I hope this happens fast I want to meet everypony I've come to know from this dark prison. I want to know what the sun feels like on my coat as I stand of my own will in freedom. She kept these thoughts in her head as she drifted off to a happy dream.


"We are doing this for the safety of everypony in Equestria. You must understand that this has to be done Sun Spot."

She bolted awake, the chains snapping taut, the phrase repeating in her mind. My name is Sun Spot. Celestia, Luna, and Discord locked me away, but why? What could I have possibly done to deserve this? Tears started to flow freely down her face when there was no response.

When the tears slowed to a stop, Sun Spot focused on the crack in the rock. Its progress was slow but it was almost deep enough to bring her light. It is one big vibration away from breaking through, and considering what Twilight brought to this town it shouldn't be long. It's too bad she left last year after the incident with the chimera that ended in Diamond Tiara's death.

Without Twilight the town had reverted back to its old ways and Sun Spot had grown bored again. Pinkie could no longer bring her entertainment because she had matured and was as uninteresting as the other ponies in town. Rainbow Dash cheered her up a little bit, with her constant pursuit of joining her brother in the Wonderbolts. It reminded her to keep her hopes up about one day leaving her prison and starting over with a new life.

After ten years of confinement since she first woke up, Sun Spot was glad it was finally about to end. She could feel something about to happen, Rainbow Dash is teaching Scootaloo how to do a sonic rainboom. The rainboom should be enough to push the crack all the way through, I just hope she actually does one.

Hours passed while she waited for it to happen and just when Sun Spot was about to give up hope the world above shook violently. The crack penetrated into her cell and when the sunlight streamed in, her world exploded.


Sun Spot's entire body was set ablaze, melting the shackles from her legs. Fire burst from her sides to form wings that burned with white hot rage. A blazing horn erupted from her head, filling her mind with ancient memories and anger. She looked at the ceiling and it exploded upwards sending burning shrapnel into the surround area.


The witnessing ponies stared at the devastation and bodies from the explosion. The screaming started when they saw Sun Spot rising from the ground. She looked at them all panicking and smiled, They will all pay for what was done to me.

Her eyes fell on Rarity crying over Pinkie's bloodied body and her heart dropped. She was real? No it can't be, I made her up! Before she could do anything three bright flashes brought Celestia, Luna, and Twilight to the scene of ruin.

The sister princess' eyes widened when they saw her in the sky. Luna looked too terrified to speak and backed away. Celestia on the other hand flew into the sky and tried to talk to her, "Sun Spot! How did you get out of the ground?"

Sun Spot's mind clouded with rage, "I have been locked away for fifteen centuries, I am back to claim what was once mine!"

"We had to do it Sun Spot! You are a danger to everypony in Equestria! Just look at what you have done here!"

"I'm a danger? My sister and I created this world, we created you, and what do we get in return? You destroy my sister, turning her into the Elements of Harmony and using them to imprison me. You deny your makers and take over what is not rightfully yours, and I'm the danger?"

"You were going to kill everypony! We did what we had to do to prevent the destruction of Equestria. What happened to your sister was tragic, we know that, and it resulted in the greatest weapon in known existence. When the elements were broken, they were reborn in the bodies of Twilight and her friends. Your sister lives on through them, just not in her physical form."

"Don't bring your daughter into this!" Twilight looked up, wide eyed at what she just heard. Sun Spot landed on the ground, "She disgraces my sister with the bodies of useless ponies." Sun Spot's horn blazed with magic and she aimed it at Twilight and her two friends. Their bodies convulsed in pain as the Elements were ripped away from them. Twilight and Rarity passes out from shock and Sun Spot focused her magic elsewhere, teleporting Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash to her location. Celestia landed next to Twilight and cried over her daughter's unconscious body as Sun Spot pulled the remaining Elements out of the last three frightened ponies.

The glowing forms of the Elements joined together and in a bright flash a grey stone mare appeared. Sun Spot smiled and spoke to her, "Welcome back Moon Rise, are you ready to take back what is ours?"

Moon Rise talked in a gravelly yet somehow beautiful voice, "Yes sister, the rebirth of this world is long overdue, but where is the other so-called princess?"

Sun Spot looked around and it seemed Luna ran away from fright. She was about to start laughing when she heard a popping noise behind her. Turning she saw the missing princess standing next to Discord, her face contorted in pure rage at the sight of him, "How dare you show your face here you ungrateful wretch!"

Discord started to laugh, "Oh mother, you always knew how to make me giggle like a school girl, but I am here to help stop you and your sister again. The deed was so simple the last time we did it."

"Simple? You attacked my sister while she slept because you couldn't do anything if she was awake!"

"Even you have to admit that it was a brilliant plan mother, and with you and auntie out of the way I was free to reign the world in chaos as it was meant to be."

"You are an empty-headed fool! Nothing could live in that much chaos! The world is only meant to have a moderate amount to keep everything in balance, too little or too less can destroy the minds of everypony it touches including your own."

"Oh but chaos is just too much fun mother, why would you ever expect me to keep the balance in order?"

"I've had enough! It's time I put you down like I should have when you were born." Her horn blazed and Discord started screaming in agony. Smoke flowed from his nostrils and mouth heavily, while his fur lit up in flames. His eyes bulged outward before popping from the heat as he burned from the inside out.

Discord collapsed, his body crumbling into flaming cinders and Sun Spot turned to Celestia, "All of you have disgraced Moon Rise and I, your soft hearted ways have ruined the perfect world we created. You three were created to be something more than what you became but you disposed of us before it came time for you to truly rule."

Celestia sobbed uncontrollably, "I'm sorry mother, I'm so sorry!"

"It's too late for that now Celestia, fifteen centuries too late. It is time for the abomination of a world you shaped to end." A burning ball of flames engulfed Celestia, raging like the sun, and her sudden screaming slowly started to stop. Sun Spot released her magic and sniffed at the cooling circle of glass. Good riddance.

Hearing a combination of laughing and screaming behind her made her turn. Sun Spot watched as her sister slowly ripped Luna apart by binding rock to her legs and pulling in small increments. After Luna's legs were removed, Moon Rise proceeded to surround her with thousands of pebbles that abruptly slammed together compressing what was left into a bloody mush.

Moon Rise turned around and smiled at her. "It is done sister, with those three out of the way we can bring these worthless ponies their salvation. Are there any you wish to save?"

"Only the truly virtuous can survive and considering what we have seen here there can't be many left. In my time of imprisonment I have only felt three pass through this town, and one of them is lying dead under the bodies of her friends."

"You mean the pink one sister? I believe something can be done about her death. Do you remember that selective time reversal spell you came up with? You could use that on her body and reverse her death."

"Good thinking, I had forgotten all about that in my rage. What would I ever do without you Moon Rise? You are everything I am not, completing what I was unable to finish."

"You lived for fifteen centuries without me I'm sure you are able to survive without my powers."

"I lived under a false life, after being cut off from everything related to the sun I lost all memory and had to restart life powerless and without meaning. Now that I am released and you are back, I am able to live free and under a clear state of mind as we always have."

"Yes, now do you spell I am growing impatient at having to stay in this disgusting world." Moon Rise stuck out her tongue and mimed gagging to prove her point.

Nodding Sun Spot turned to Pinkie's body and focused her magic into her body. A purple sphere of light surrounded the pink pony's body and the blood on the ground started to recede. Soon after the blood returned to it's rightful place Pinkie started to breath and her eyes shot open. Sun Spot released her magic and walked over to her, "Pinkie Pie you have been chosen to be part of the new world, do you have anything that you want to bring with you?"

Pinkie Pie looked around and frowned, "What happened to me? Why is everything destroyed and my friends sleeping on the ground?"

"Do not concern yourself with that Pinkie just answer my question. What would you like to bring with you?"

"I guess I would bring Gummy. Why? Where are we going?"

"You and two other ponies have proven yourselves worthy to be part of our new world, after we destroy this one." Sun Spot looked at her sister who nodded before her horn started to glow. In a flash Gummy appeared in Pinkie's lap, "Now Pinkie, come over here and wait while we retrieve the others." Pinkie didn't ask anymore questions placing Gummy on her back and walked over to the sisters.

Sun Spot focused her magic into the distance splitting it into two strands, these strands moved outward until reaching their destination. The magic wrapped around the targets they were given and pulled them to their source. Popping into Sun Spot's vision were the two ponies Big Macintosh and Broken Wires, both of them looked surprised at what happened and were speechless.

Pinkie looked at Broken Wires and smiled, "Ooh I've never met you before, who are you and what is with those fake wings?"

Broken Wires glanced at her then replied, "I am Broken Wires. I am responsible for all long distance communications in Equestria. These wings help me get to high places to work on malfunctioning equipment."

Pinkie took on a puzzled look, "Long distance? What do you mean?"

"Letters, I run the Equestrian Postal Service. The malfunctioning equipment are mailboxes that mislead youngsters put cherry bombs or other types of fireworks into it messing up the door."

Sun Spot interrupted the conversation, "Enough of this talk you can continue after the recreation of this world. Now get over here so we can protect you."

The two stallions didn't say anything and moved over next to Pinkie. Moon Rise and Sun Spot built a protective sphere around them with their magic and the five ponies took off into the sky. Finally this world can be remade as it was meant to be a long time ago, with the Sun's fire and the Moon's stone. Sun Spot thought as they ascended into the heavens.