> Green and Friends - Episode Follow-ups > by blaa6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > S7E19 It Isn't the Mane Thing About You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy when back to Carousel Boutique to get the remaining remover potion, Twilight and Dash stayed behind with Pinkie. “Let’s try and make this as clean as possible,” Twilight said, levitating a broom over and sweeping the bubbles out of the bakery, humming her sweeping dance remix to herself. Dash hovered in the air holding a broom in her hooves and swept the bubbles out as well. Pinkie did the same, but used her new bouncy mane to hold the broom instead. “Hey Pinkie,” a voice said from outside. “Are the rainbow cupcakes rea-” Green started to say as he entered the bakery, but stopped at the sight of Pinkie’s new mane. He zoomed over, Dash tried greeting him, only to quickly realize she was being ignored. “Pinkie.” She looked at him, her mane bouncing freely. “Your mane looks...beautiful,” he said, enchanted at the sight. Pinkie blushed a bit at the compliment. “Aww. It’s just the shampoo Zecora gave to Rarity, got switched with my magic remover potion and she went all punk,” she explained quickly. She bounced up and down, her mane and tail following suit as his eyes stayed glued to both. “I already thought of a nickname for her: Punkity!” She made a wide sweeping gesture with her hooves. Dash on the other hoof was getting more and more jealous of her friend stealing all of Green’s attention. “Ahem” she interjected, motioning to the rest of the mess. Both Pinkie and Green looked over, embarrassed. “I’ll let you know, Greeny. Right now, we kinda have a mess to clean up,” she said, getting back to work. Green shrugged and left. Dash looked at him and pondered: “What would happen if I used some of that shampoo? Would he feel the same about my mane and tail?” She flew over to Pinkie. “Do you still have that shampoo, Pinkie?” she asked nervously. Pinkie turned to face her and smiled knowingly. Dash blushed a bright crimson. Pinkie leaned in and whispered, “Don’t worry, Dashie. I got plenty more you can use.” She winked at the cyan pegasus and got out the bottle and passed it to Dash. “Anything I gotta know beforehand?” “What are hands?” Dash sighed. “Nope. The ‘focus on what to get rid of’ thing only applied to the remover.” Dash grinned and quickly hugged the pink pony. Dash stored the bottle under her wing and they both got back to cleaning. Dash opened the door to her home and sighed. It took a while to clean the place up at first. Fortunately a few minutes after Green showed up, they came back and removed most of it much easier. She trotted in and closed the door behind her. Having only an hour to prepare before he got back, she quickly made her way to the bathroom and closed that door, too. Just in case he needed to come home early, or something else happened that caused someone to possibly walk in on her. “Time to try this stuff out,” she said to herself, putting it on one of the sidings in the shower. Dash turned on the shower and waited for a bit as the water got to a good temperature. ‘I know she said this wouldn’t help, but I’ll think about my mane and tail anyway.’ She put a hoof up to the running water, glad to see it didn’t take long to heat up. She stepped inside and closed the sliding door. She inched her way under the water and focused on wetting her mane and tail first and foremost while also generally washing and soaping herself. That clean up made them all a bit dirty, so this helped in two ways. ‘Here we go,’ she thought as she picked up the bottle, uncorking it with her wing and making sure only to use a few drops on both her mane and tail. “Mane and Tail, mane and tail” she muttered to herself softly, focusing on them as she scrubbed with the shampoo. As she worked, they began to tingle and seemed to get longer more than they were getting bouncy. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Guess this stuff works for everypony differently she thought. As the shower came to a close, she couldn’t help but be excited. She turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing the towel off the top of the shelf and quickly drying herself off on her merry way across the bathroom. When she arrived at the mirror, she dropped it in awe. “OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!” She squealed with delight and smiled wide. Not only was her mane longer, it was also shiner, softer, and flowed beautifully. She looked at her reflection close up, turning around in place and smiling wider. “I’m so hot!” she said to herself as she turned around to have her back face the mirror. “Ooh and sexy too,” she purred seductively. “He won’t be able to get his hooves off me now.” She stepped out of the bathroom, thinking of the best way to surprise him. “Hmm...Maybe some roleplay where I’m the sexy wife welcoming home my stud husband,” She sighed as she blushed, starting to get wet at the thought. “Wait. I got it,” she trotted over to their bed and laid on it, waiting for the right time to make a sexy pose. Green was approaching their home. ‘I haven’t seen Dashie since the shampoo incident. I hope she’s home,’ he thought as he landed on the front porch. Opening the door, he shouted, “I’m home!” “In here, stud,” Dash said. Green heard her voice and trotted over to the bedroom. As he entered, he sniffed the air a bit. It smelled like...Green Apple? He looked up to find a quite surprising, yet not unwelcomely beautiful sight: Rainbow Dash, lying seductively on their bed. She got up and slowly walked towards him, swaying her hips suggestively. Green started to blush. She approached him with half-lidded eyes. “So, stud. Notice anything different about me?” She rubbed her longer mane in his neck and brushed her longer tail in his face. She inched her face close to his. Green had had enough and pounced Dash into a tackle. “I must admit, I did not expect it to make you fully erect.”