> Chrysalis's consultation prize > by Sean Retro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen Chrysalis sat on her throne, annoyed over her failure to take over Canterlot and a losing a tasty meal. She remembers how close she was, Celestia defeated, the elements of harmony captured, Shining Armor under her control and her Changelings overrunning Canterlot. But they still found a way to defeat her, sending her and her Changelings to different parts of Equestria, no thanks to Shining Armor barrier with a power boost to his now wife . Chrysalis decided to get some sleep and then make a plan for where they can get their next meal. But before she can get some sleep, one of her Changeling’s guards entered her thorn room. “My Queen, a group of Changelings has returned after they had been thrown out of Canterlot and they somehow brought a pony with them, also this pony clams that he’s a prince.” This got Chrysalis attention, if what this pony says is true, she could use this pony a little pay back. But just to be sure. “Bring me this pony to me, I’ll see what he says is true or not.” “As you command my Queen.” The Changeling soon left the throne room to bring the so called prince. Chrysalis thought for a bit, wondering what she could do with this pony. ‘If this pony really is a prince, I could use him for some payback after that defeat, if he’s from Canterlot that is and if this pony is lying? hum, we just finish redoing that torture chamber, he can be the first pony to try it. But still prince or not he’s going to be a good meal at the end.’ A few minutes later the throne room doors open, then a group of Changeling coming in as well the so called prince that’s inside a cocoon. The Changelings stop in the middle of the throne room and bowed to their queen. “Queen Chrysalis we have bought you the pony.” Chrysalis got up and walks towards to the pony to get a closer look, but there was something she needs to ask first. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did you put him inside a cocoon?” “It was the only way to get him to shut up.” “Make sense. Now then let’s see if I know this pony.” Chrysalis looks at the pony inside the cocoon again just to be sure. “I’m sure I seen him before, just can’t put my hove on. Hold on a sec.” Chrysalis then used her magic to pull the pony’s head out of the cocoon and then he started to talk in an annoying way. “You’ll release me this once or my aunt Celestia will, mmfhghf!” Before the pony could say anymore Chrysalis put his head back in the cocoon. “Now I remember who you are, you’re Blueblood that annoying, whining, complaining, irritating, and infuriating prince that also doesn’t know how to treat a lady. So how have been then?” Chrysalis pulled Blueblood’s head out of the cocoon again, so she can hear what he has to say. “No I’m not. You’re Changelings ponynap me, drag me along inside a bag, put me inside a cocoon and now I looking at the Changeling that nearly ruined the wedding that I wasn’t invited to. So I’ll say this again, release me or my aunt Celestia” “Yeah, yeah, just don’t forget who beaten her blueblood.” Chrysalis quickly said interrupting him. “Hum, you just got lucky that all. But this time when she comes for me she WILL beat you.” Chrysalis brought her front hooves under his chin and moved her face in front of him with an evil smile on her. “That’s if she knows where you are. Also what makes you think I’m going to tell her I have you here in my kingdom?” Chrysalis then moved past his face to his ear. “I might just keep you here all to myself and keep me well feed.” Chrysalis started licking Blueblood’s ear, making him shiver. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful?” Blueblood doesn’t like this one bit, she going to keep him, use him as food. He needs to think a way out of this and then he remembered that he could just teleport out of here. He closes his eyes and starts to focus on his magic, in a few seconds his magic is ready and was about to teleport. But then he feels something off, it felt like his magic is beaning drained and for some reason his horn felt wet, also he’s getting weaker, he opened his eyes to see why. What he saw has left him speechless, his horn is inside Chrysalis mouth sucking it, feeding off on his magic, he could hear her gulping on his magic. After about a minute Chrysalis removed Blueblood’s wet horn from her mouth from. Chrysalis licks her lips to get any of Blueblood’s magic off her and into her mouth. “Mhmm. A bit salty but very tasty indeed, also a bit. *burp* Oh pardon me, a bit filling.” Blueblood couldn’t believe it, he heard Changelings could feed off love and other feelings, but he had no idea that they could also feed on magic as well, then he remember his teacher years back told him about the Changeling’s diet and it was something he should have listened when he had the chance. Chrysalis is pleased were this is going, she got a not very bright prince, that’s also tasty and she could get some payback after all. But she needs to think carefully just to be sure. She looked at Blueblood to see that he’s a bit drained after her little snack on him. “You seem bit tired Blueblood, let’s have my minions take you to your room for a good night sleep. Guards take our guest here to the guest room and you can take him out of that cocoon now, I don’t think he’ll be going anywhere tonight. Oh and before I forget I need the Changelings that bought Blueblood to me to stay here.” The Changelings bowed to their queen and carried out her orders, the guards took the cocoon while Blueblood is still inside, except for his head to the guest room. While the Changelings that ponynaped Blueblood stayed to see what their queen wanted. Queen Chrysalis walked up to the Changelings that ponynaped Blueblood wanting to ask them something. “Now tell me, how did you capture Blueblood?” One of the Changelings raised up to answer their Queen. “My Queen, while us Changelings you see now with two extra Changelings got separated from Canterlot from that barrier, we landed near a place called Las Pegasus. While we’re regrouping we saw a small mansion that seemed no pony we home, so we thought it would be a good idea to rest in there before the long trip back. When we were resting in the mansion we saw a few ponies, only about three or five and then we saw that Blueblood pony and since Unicorns are your favourite, we decided to take him with us. We knock out the other ponies and put Blueblood in a bag we found. When we were half way there we meet up with two more Changelings that was thrown out from Canterlot, we told them we’re doing with Blueblood. Until we could stand no more of his whining, so made a cocoon, put him inside it and the drag it all the way here my Queen.” The Changeling finished his story then bowed again for his Queen. Chrysalis is pleased with this consultation prize. She could think of many ways to get payback, but she the first thing she needs now is sleep after a nice snack. “You have pleased your Queen you are now dismissed.” “Thank you my Queen.” The Changelings raised up and exited the thorn room. Then Chrysalis headed to her room for a good night sleep. She placed herself on her bed rubbing her belly full a Blueblood’s magic from that meal, looking forward to tomorrow and then she drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile the guards bought Blueblood to the guest room and pulled him out of the cocoon, and then put on a bed for him. While the guards were leaving the room, one of them stop and said. “Sleep well pony. Queen Chrysalis will need you to be in good shape for tomorrow.” The guard then left the room, closing the door then locking it to keep Blueblood in there. Blueblood needs to think a way out of here, but he’s too tired to do anything right, so the only thing he can do now is rest and think of a plan in the morning. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blueblood slowly opened his eyes as the morning sun shines into his eyes. He got up slowly, got off his bed and started to look around the guest room he’s in. “For a bunch for Changelings, it’s not a bad room, cosy bed, room looks clean, smell nice and its even got a mini bar, but what drinks they got I do not know and I’m sure they don’t have anything nice.” Blueblood then went to a window he saw early on from his search on the room. He opened it that lead he to a balcony, he saw that he’s very high up and he could see a large wasteland that surrounded the castle he’s in. “Walking back to Canterlot would take too long and my coat will get ruined in the first five minutes I’m out there. I guess it’s best for me to wait until I’m rescued.” Blueblood sat and waited for somepony to save him, until the door open and one of the Changelings comes thought the door. “The Queen wants to meet you in the dining hall, I’m here lead you the way.” Blueblood had a feeling this wouldn’t end well since they meeting in a dining hall. But he doesn’t have much of a choice right now. “Ok then lead the way.” Blueblood got up and followed the Changeling that’s leading him to the dining hall. Since it was day time Blueblood could see more of the Changeling’s home, he could see that the place seems to look less of a hive and more of a castle, there’s a bit of goo here and there. After a few minutes of walking they have arrived at the dining hall, one of the Changelings standing next to the door open it, allowing Blueblood to enter into the dining hall. As he entered the dining hall he could see Chrysalis sitting at the table waiting for him. “Good morning Blueblood, I trust you had a good night sleep?” “I would have slept better if some Changeling didn’t use me as a sack.” “Oh minor details, besides if you haven’t tried to escape I wouldn’t have to feast on your tasty magic. But enough of that it’s time for breakfast.” A group of Changelings then entered pushing a trolley that has Blueblood and Chrysalis breakfast. One Changeling gave Chrysalis a dish of slime, also a glass that has a red liquid in it and the other Changeling gave Blueblood, hay bacon on toast with egg on top. “How did you know I enjoy hay bacon on toast with egg on top?” “It’s not that hard to find out these sorts of things when you’re disguised as other ponies.” Blueblood decided to ignore her for now and eat his breakfast. At his first bite, his mouth was full with different flavours, he has no clue how Changelings could make this tease so good. After his last bite he look at Chrysalis and saw her finishing her dish slime, then started to drink that glass of red liquid, he could smell something off about it, he thought now was the best time to asked some questions that’s been bugging him. “Chrysalis, I got a few questions I need to ask you?” “Aw, Blueblood asking me to marry you so soon? We haven’t spent the night together yet.” “What! No! No! That wasn’t what I was going to ask. Look, I was going to say this. First, how did your Changelings make this castle? I was expecting more of a hive sort of thing like bees. Second, how your Changelings make this tease so good, also I thought you don’t normally eat this sort of food. And third what is that you’re drinking? It’s giving of an odd scent that I don’t like.” “Is that all Blueblood?” Blueblood nod his head to replied “Ok then. No we didn’t make this castle, we found this abounded a few years back, repaired this and that too good as new, when we were doing the place up we found a few things that us a bit history about this place. It seems the owner of this castle was an Earth Pony called Henry VIII, he seemed to have a habit of cutting off his wife’s heads, no idea why.” “Yes I remember hearing about that Pony back at school. So I guess this castle is about 700 years old. It seems like you lot done well redoing this place.” Chrysalis smiled at that reply, she knew if she keeps this up she’ll have more love to feed on. “Thank you Blueblood. As for the food you’re not the only pony who’s here.” Blueblood was surprised be this. “What I’m not the only pony here?” Chrysalis nodded. “Yes we do. Also we got Griffons, Diamond Dogs, Zebras and my second favourite Buffalos here as well. We give them a balance diet to keep them healthy, that way they’ll tease better for us. And for the last question, this I’m drinking is blood, Griffon’s blood.” Blueblood is sock by what he just heard. “What! Blood, I thought you Changelings just feed on love and magic?” Chrysalis couldn’t help herself but laugh at Blueblood’s lack of knowledge on Changelings. “Oh Blueblood, didn’t your school teach you anything about us or were you to busy chasing mares all day?” Blueblood knew she had a point on the last part, sort off. He just has to make sure she doesn’t know that. “Oh they did, we got a choice on what we want to learn.” Before Chrysalis could say anything else, one of the Changelings came up to Chrysalis and bowed to her. “My queen, I’m sorry to disturb your breakfast, but I need to inform you that one of the Griffons got herself killed in attempt to escape the pantry.” “Oh, that’s a sham do you know which Griffon is it?” “From what I was told the Griffon’s name was Gilda. The owner of the blood you just had.” “Aw, what a shame her blood always had a nice kick to it.” Chrysalis look at what’s left of drink knowing it would be the last time she would get a tease of her blood, in one go she drank what’s left of it, placed her glass on the table and looked at her Changeling. “Tell the chefs to pluck the Griffon and put her in the fridge we can’t let her go to waste. Also I want to how this has happened in the first place.” “I’ll pass on the orders my queen.” The Changeling got up and left to pass on the order from the queen. Chrysalis looks back to Blueblood who seems lost for words. “Sorry about that Blueblood way were we?” As Chrysalis called his name, Blueblood mind snap back to reality. “Oh, err, we were on about what I learnt back at school. But going back on a subject you said Buffalos are your second favourite, I’m afraid to ask but what is your favourite? Also how did you get them?” Chrysalis couldn’t but laugh as she finds Blueblood questions amusing. “Getting the meals isn’t that hard, all my minions have to is disguise what we’re after and we normality use diamonds on Diamond dogs to lure them.” Chrysalis got and walks up to Blueblood, he’s getting nervous as she’s getting closer. She got up right to his face then she licks his face and looked into his eyes. “You little Ponies are my favourite.” “I was afraid of that and was there really need to lick me?” Chrysalis gave a small giggle. “You’re so funny, I like that.” Chrysalis walk away from Blueblood and headed to the door, she then stop and look at Blueblood. “I’m sorry that I have to end this date so soon, but there are things I must do. My minions can take you back to your room and if you need anything just ask my minions. See you later.” As she left, the other Changelings walk next to Blueblood and took him back to his room. Blueblood just sat on his bed trying to think what to do. “Ok forget the rescue, I need to get out of here before I’m on the menu or waking up in Chrysalis’s bed with her in it. I just hope somepony notices I’m missing.” “Sir we looked all over the place and we can’t find Prince Blueblood anywhere.” The Earth Pony sighed over the report from the Pegasus at their luck finding the Prince. They already knew it was the Changelings who did this after they looked around to find what happened to everpony. “Well we can’t contact the two Princesses’ they’re having a small break after that wedding and those two are still at their honeymoon.” “If don’t mind me asking sir. Why can’t we contact the one of the Princess?” The Earth Pony knew the Pegasus is new to the royal guards so he can understand why he doesn’t know. “Well rookie, we’re under orders not to disturb them unless, Discord is on the lose again, a rock from space doing to crash into us or a portal that leads to a different world where they could enslave us all. Also the last pony that didn’t follow those orders, he couldn’t sit for two weeks.” The Pegasus knew what he was on about. Those who disturb Princess Celestia will be punished by her. “So what are going to do then sir?” The Earth Pony thought this though for a bit, he knows there isn’t much they can do right now. “Ok here’s what we’re going to. You and the other Ponies are going to town get some good looking mares and stallions for the mares that work here, after that send some Ponies to the chemist to get some condoms in case somepony wants to have fun, also get lots of beer, lager, cider and anything else they can think of. While I break into that storeroom were Blueblood keeps some of the good stuff.” “What good stuff sir and why are we doing this?” “Let me tell you something rookie. I been working for the royal guards for ten years and for the last two years I been given the task to watch Blueblood, and that pony who was with him at the last gala put better words then I can ‘the only royal thing about you is that you’re a royal pain.’ And for what’s in the storeroom, more beer, lager, cider. So tonight we’re going to party until this place is a wreck.” The Pegasus pony knows he’s right about Blueblood about beaning a pain in the flank. He’s only been given the task to watch him for about two months now. “Sir before I go can I bring my marefriend?” “Of you can love ones are welcome.” “Good and one more thing sir.” “And what would that be?” “I call dibs on Blueblood’s bed.” After that the Pegasus left to tell the others the plan. While the Earth pony heads off to Blueblood’s storeroom. “Now time to get drunk and make his world upside down. If he gets back that is” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been four days now since Blueblood been ponynap by the Changelings. He’s been using different ways to escape, he tried to use the bed sheets as a rope only to find out that his rope is only 1/10 in length what he needs, he tried hiding in a cardboard box, he tried to seek out at the middle of the night, he tried teleporting again only to be surrounded by Changelings and he even tried to fool the Changelings by telling them that Queen Chrysalis was letting him have a walk outside. But no matter what he tried nothing worked. Blueblood just sat on his bed looking outside of his window, wondering if he’ll ever get back home. While Blueblood was deep in his thoughts, the door behind him slowly and quietly opened allowing Chrysalis to get though. She saw Blueblood sitting on the bed looking away from the door. This gave Chrysalis an idea, she quietly walk up behind him, then she grab Blueblood then throw him onto his back, then she got on top of him and placed her lips onto his, after a few seconds she let go of him to see a very surprised look on his face. “I’m sorry I haven’t been seeing as much as I hoped, I been so busy lately I just didn’t have the time. I hope that little kiss was ok?” “I would be ok if there was something to do and back at Canterlot as well, also was scaring and kissing really necessary?” Chrysalis laughs a bit and rubs her hoof on Blueblood’s chest. “I love it when you play it hard to get. By the way I thought it would be a good idea to meet the others in the pantry. Don’t worry you’re not staying in there, just for the night.” “Why would I be spending the night in that place, where you keep as you call it food?” Chrysalis moved to his side and started hugging him closer to her. “Well since you’ve been in this room for some time I thought you can have some fun with them, after all its poker night for them.” Blueblood was surprised by this he turned his head to see Chrysalis face right next to his. “Well we got to keep them entertained somehow if we don’t they’ll go crazy like that Griffon a few days ago, also we don’t want them to lose their flavour when we feed on them.” *Sigh*”As long I’m away from you, I’ll play poker with them.” “Ok then, guards.” Just then two Changelings entered the room waiting for their orders. “Take Blueblood down to the pantry, its poker night and tell the other Changelings guarding the pantry to let him out in the morning.” “At once my Queen, come Blueblood lets go” As Blueblood and the Changelings left the room Chrysalis laid on Blueblood’s bed laughing to herself. “Soon Blueblood, very soon you’ll be all mine. I’ll just toy with you a bit more.” Blueblood soon arrived he could see two Changelings guarding the pantry’s door. One of the Changelings walked up to one of the guards explaining the Queen orders. After that the pantry’s door open allowing Blueblood, before the doors closed he could hear one of the Changelings saying something to him. “We’ll let you out in the morning, that’s if the others will let you leave that is, I hear one of them has a bone to pick you.” Blueblood wasn’t too sure what he was on about, but he has a feeling he’ll find out soon. He turned around to see inside of the pantry and what he saw wasn’t what he was expecting. The place looks like the inside of a Bed & Breakfast place then some sort of cage. “Well, well, well. Of all of the Ponies in Equestria to end up here, you’re last Pony I expected.” Blueblood turned to see where that voice was coming from, as he turned to saw a Unicorn and a Griffon following behind. “Hay, isn’t he Blueblood?” “That’s Prince Blueblood to you bird brain.” “You may be a Prince Pony but that doesn’t matter when you’re in here.” The Unicorn then moved in before the Griffon does something stupid. “Easy Airazor, the self-centred snob of a Prince just doesn’t know how to treat a lady.” Blueblood doesn’t like the way he’s been treated by this Unicorn and Griffon. Since Chrysalis hasn’t been eating his magic since that day he got here his magic is back to full power. Blueblood started to focus on his magic to teach these two a lesson. “ENOUGH! All of you!” Everypony look to see who that was and saw a big Diamond dog standing at a door way who seem not to happy over what’s going on. “I’m trying to get some sleep here after those Changelings took some of my blood and I don’t need this right now” Airazor remembered that it was Rex’s turn to have his blood taken. “Sorry Rex. I forgot it was your turn for the blood drink. Blueblood, Blade says that you’re sorry.” “Sorry Rex.” “I don’t see I have to apologies to a Diamond dog that has an IQ of a glass of water.” Rex sighed heavily over the lack of respect Blueblood has. “At least I’m not Prince of Le Smeg like you. I’m going back to bed wake me up when it’s time for poker ok.” Blade and Airazor nodded while Blueblood just put his head to the side. Rex went back to get some sleep while Blade looked at Blueblood. “Just to let you know, he’s going to kick your ass at poker now that you didn’t apologies to him.” Blueblood just laughs over what Blade just said. “I just don’t see how a common dog or any others could beat somepony like me.” “You’ll see Blueblood, you’ll see. Airazor give Blueblood a tour of the place while I get the drinks ready.” “Ok. Come on Blueblood I’ll show you the place.” “Fine then. Show me the place then.” As Airazor and Blueblood went one way, Blade went the other way but stop and turned around to look at Blueblood walking away. “He doesn’t remember me at all.” > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a quiet evening at Chrysalis’s kingdom. Chrysalis is sitting on her sun bed watching the sun set while having a glass of blood. Then a Changeling came to her holding a folder in his mouth. “Aw the report I ask for. Thank you my little Changeling.” Chrysalis then used her magic to take the report of him and look at the report. “So the griffon called Gilda thought she saw a window of opportunity when the pantry’s door was open.” Chrysalis stops for a second to take her drink. “And didn’t look where she was going fair enough, take this report to the file room where we keep the other reports when the others from the pantry died.” “Don’t forget the ones you ate.” The Changeling quickly added. Chrysalis gave the Changeling a mean look. “Oh sure bring that up why don’t you. I mean the last one tied to kill me before we had sex and I was looking forward to that.” “You always look forward to sex.” The Changeling pointed out. Chrysalis looked at the sun to see it has fully set and giving out a small sigh. “Just take the report already.” “Yes my queen.” The Changeling bowed to her and left Chrysalis alone at the quite night. Few minutes later after the sun set Chrysalis went straight to her bedroom and then let her fall on her bed, then looked at the ceiling thinking how Blueblood’s doing. “I wonder if Blueblood is having any luck with that poker game.” “Why am I doing so badly at poker?” Blueblood said while banging his head on the table and the others laughing at him at the same time. Airazor stop laughing for a minute so she can say something to Blueblood. “Maybe there’s something to that you have paid anypony to lose back at your kingdom.” Everyone laughed out even loader at that joke. Everyone stop laughing just to catch their breath. “Oh, that’s the third time in a row, you lost using king high. This reminds back at the buffalo tribe when this one buffalo was playing blowing and he always ended up with splits, he never gets spare or a strike.” The Zebra then look at the buffalo. “Yea I remember you telling us that before Bison. Oh that reminds me we haven’t all introduces are self’s to are new guest here. The name’s Zack, I got captured be the Changelings for five months ago. They disguised themselves as one of my ex-girlfriends telling me that she was sorry for breaking up with me, I didn’t understand why she was sorry since she told me I was a waste of space and the lack of sex I used to do with her. I followed her so we could talk private then something knocked me out and when I woke up I was in this place. It’s your turn Bison.” Bison rose from his seat and took deep breath. “You already know my name thanks to Zack, but I’ll tell you anyway the names Bison. As of how I got here, let’s says drinking three barrels of hard cider leaves you open for Changelings to help their self’s to a free meal and that was about three months now if I remember right.” “Well they did say heavy drinking is bad for your health.” Bison nodded to that reply. “Any way on to the next one Airazor it’s your turn.” “Ok then the names Airazor I been here for about two and half months now. As of how I got here, let’s just say that if you’re going to take a nap on a cloud near the waste lands don’t, those Changelings had a lucky shot knocking me out. Moving on now, Rex you’re up.” Rex the Diamond Dog put down his cards and looked at Blueblood. “The names Rex, you already meet me earlier on when you, Airazor and Blade were arguing. I’m sure Chrysalis has told you how Changelings chapter us Diamond Dogs using diamonds to lure us into their trap?” Blueblood had to think for moment just to make sure if she did or not, then he remembered she did. “Yes she did. I’m getting a feeling that you didn’t really fall for that trick didn’t you?” “You got that right. I’m in here because of my stupid little bother can’t tell the differences between real and fake diamonds.” “You can tell if the diamonds are real or not?” “Having a sharp eyes help, as well as doing some research on diamonds. Unlike that bother of mine” Rex them slammed his fist onto the table making a loud noise. “Is doing who knows what back at home making a fool of himself. I told him those diamonds fake when I was with, but he wouldn’t have none of and when those changelings jump us. We tried to get them of us, I throw one of them who were on my brother, and then he just ran, leaving me behind to be taken by the Changelings. After all I done for him this is the thanks I get? *sigh* If I ever get out of the place I been suck in the past three mouths I'm going to fire him out of a CANOON! Blade it's your turn, I’m going to get another drink.” Rex got up and walked away to get another drink. The others felt bad for Rex even Blueblood of all. Blade turned back looking at Blueblood, a staring dagger look. "Well I guess it's my turn now. The name's Blade, I was once a great chef working at high class restaurant, making wonderful food for everpony to enjoy. But then, this one pony, this one pony just had to ruin it for me and my representation, over a bowl of Gazpacho soup, that's supposed to be served cold, not hot. After that my representation went downhill, I lost my job because of that pony. My good friend Fancypants tried to help me, but no restaurants would want me due to fear if anypony finds out I'm working there, they representation would go down. One day this pony came up to me offering a job at this restaurant she's opening. She shown me where I would be working, the place looks a bit run down, but she told me once the repairs are done it'll look brand new. After the tour we went to a room where she can interview me, and then she started getting all horny and coming on to me, once that happened we started to have sex, hard, breath taking sex. When I woke up I was in here, and that was about six months now." Blueblood looked at everyone after hearing they story’s, wondering how long this had been going on. "So, has there been here before you all and how long has this been going on?" Ever one in the room thought this for a minute and then Blade spook. "Well since I been here the longest I fill you in on that one. There are still two more of us but they're asleep right now, there's the Earth pony Wiled Spice, she took a wrong turn going somewhere and somehow ended up here and there's the other zebra Herb Med, she was getting some plants to use as medicines, during her search she came across a young pong injured, Med went to see if the young pony is ok, as she got the young pony to check on it. As she got closer to the pony she felt something hit he flank and then she felt light headed then passed out, after that she woke up in here." "So there are only seven of you here then?" Blueblood asked "Well there would be nine of us if that Griffon Gilda didn't get herself killed." Zack mention with a hint of annoyance. "Wait a minute." Blueblood recounted who is in the pantry. "That would make eight, what about the ninth one?" Everyone in the room moaned over the ninth one then Zack spoke. "Because that dumb noble pony got himself killed.” “Really who was he and how did he die?” “His name was Top Monocle and for how he died? He tried to kill Chrysalis, also let’s just say Chrysalis gave us a good hint on what happened to him when she came to see is the next day.” Blueblood facehooved knowing he’s not going to like this one bit. “And what was this hint she gave you all?” Rex answered Blueblood question. “She came in here with a rounded bulge belly. It didn’t take long us long to put two and two together.” The look on Blueblood’s face has been filled with pure shock. “She ate him?” Everyone nodded. “Devoured him whole, that’s what we could work out.” said Airazor. Blueblood’s pure shock had just been replaced with complete panic. “What I’m I going to do? If I stay here any longer she’ll eat me like she did with Top Monocle!” “Now calm down Blueblood, there’s a good chance that may not happen to you.” Blueblood calm down for a moment just so he can understand what they’re going to say next. “So if she isn’t going to eat me in self-defences, what will she do to me instead?” “Well there are the few things we can think of. One she may mate with you, two you had Snu-snu with her, three she kills you for some reason, four she had enough of you so she suck all the life out of you and five she replace you for a new toy to play with and puts you in here with the rest of us.” As Blade put it. Blueblood slowly let those scenarios sinks in, working out which scenario he’ll be better off with. “Ok then, so two out of five of those scenarios that’ll not kill me, even if I don’t like those other options.” Zack took a deep breath to break the bad news to Blueblood. “Try zero out of five.” “Wait what? Are you saying that I got no chance getting out of here alive? And how does mating kill me?” “Oh Blueblood you really have no idea what the Queen of Changeling does to their mate don’t you?” Blueblood moved his side to side. “Ok let me put it this ways. When Mr and Mrs Spider love each other very much, they decided to have kids of their own. To do that they must have sex and they had their sex, Mrs Spider eats Mr Spider so Mrs Spider has nutrition for their kids.” If Blueblood’s jaw could drop to the floor it would be doing it now over how shocked he is over what could happen happen to him. “So you got the idea what could happen to you yet Blueblood?” *Thud* “Blueblood?” Airazor looked over to see if Blueblood is ok. “I do believe he has fainted.” Rex Moved to have a look as well. “So it seems. Ok then who wants to draw his face? I call dibs on the moustache.” A new day has started at Chrysalis’s kingdom. The sun slowly risers blighting up the kingdom and the sun light reaches to Chrysalis’s room letting light to wake Chrysalis up. She slowly lifted her head up, yawed and then she said. “Great just when I’m having lovely dream, until Celestia’s fat flak had to wake me up.” After Chrysalis’s time getting ready for the day she entered the dining room. She saw that Blueblood hasn’t returned from the pantry yet, she called her guard to see if Blueblood is his room or not. “Not yet my Queen, shall I send the order to let him out?” “Please do. I don’t want Blueblood to miss breakfast with me.” The Changeling guard then headed off to get Blueblood, while the Chrysalis is having a word with the chef. “I’m in the mood for some bacon, get me some bacon.” > Ending A > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Knock* *knock* “Blueblood sweetie what’s wrong?” Chrysalis is standing outside of Blueblood’s room waiting for him to come out. From what Chrysalis been told as soon as when the pantry’s door opens Blueblood rushed out and ran to his room. “You’re not coming in.” “Why not?” “Because something happen last night and I don’t want anyone to know about it.” “Did they tell you what happen to the others when I don’t need them anymore? Because if so, I can make sure that won’t happen to you and we can always have a little night time together to cheer you up?” Chrysalis thought of with a hint of lust in her voice. “Don’t tempt me woman!” “Oh playing hard to get now, time to step it up a bit.” *Knock* *knock* “Come on Blueblood there’s no need for that. Tell you what, you’ll let me in and I promise that I won’t eat you, put you in a pie, drain all of your life energy, and kill you or anything that’ll end your life.” Chrysalis places her head on to the door hoping that he’ll answer to her. “Promise me one more thing.” “And what would that be?” Chrysalis started to get a bit worried hoping he won’t ask her to let him go. “That you won’t laugh” “Yes!” “Ok. I promise I won’t laugh.” Chrysalis opens the door with her magic and entered the room. “I’m going in.” As Chrysalis look around looking for Blueblood, Chrysalis saw Blueblood head skicting out from under the bed sheets. It’s taking a lot of will power for Chrysalis not to laugh. “Oh? So, that’s *smirk* what all the fuss is about? It doesn’t look that bad.” “Doesn’t look that bad? Chrysalis they painted my royal face, they gave me a monocle, a moustache, a beard and look.” Blueblood moved the bed cover off him to show Chrysalis his cutie mark. “They even have the nerve to paint a baseball with a screw on it.” Chrysalis jump up on the bed and place herself next to Blueblood. “Don’t worry I’m sure it’ll wash off.” Blueblood stares down at the floor and sighs. “What’s happening to me Chrysalis? Where has all that noble respect I had? No pony would do this sort of thing to me, but now it feels like I have none.” “Blueblood I hate to break this to you but no pony had any respect for you.” Blueblood looks at Chrysalis wondering what she meant by that. “But I’m a prince. Everypony respect prince and princess.” Chrysalis’s sighed and slowly moving her head side to side knowing how wrong he is. “Blueblood sweetie, when I was in Canterlot disguised as Cadance I seen how you treat them and I listen how they can’t stand you. One time one of the guards told me how you miss treated one of the Elements of Harmony.” “How can a simple guard know who the Elements of Harmony are? Beside if I meet one of the Elements of Harmony I would have treated them with high standards.” “Have you ever even checked to see who they are?” Blueblood moved his head side to side. “Nope, to busy grooming myself to check who they are. Aunt Celestia did give me something that had something to do with the Elements of Harmony, but I was too busy making myself look good, but now I look like a complete joke.” “Blueblood you are a joke, even before you came here. Do you remember everypony got their wedding invites but you got something else?” “Yeah it said ‘Sorry but your invite is in another castile.’ You would have anything to do with that would you?” “Nope that was Shining Armor idea and I don’t blame him.” “And do tell me why?” Chrysalis took a deep breath for Blueblood’s answer. “That you don’t think of anypony but yourself, you never say thank you, you always expect somepony to open the door for you, you treat them all like crap, you never call them by name, you never do anything yourself, you throw a tantrum when your manes not right after it’s been groomed and remember that pony you used as a shield from that cake at the Grand Galloping Gala? She’s one of the Elements of Harmony, the Element of Generosity. So to put it in smaller words, you’re just a piece of shit that nopony wants.” Blueblood just sat there letting the words Chrysalis snick in. The more time he thought about it the more he realise that she right that no one likes him. Blueblood looked down at the floor and start remembering the events with pony at the Grand Galloping Gala, how he misses treated her. Once Blueblood worked it all out he burst into tears. “Oh Celestia she right. I really I’m a royal pain. I been focusing on myself that I never thought about looking after the other ponies. It’s no wonder they didn’t come and rescue me. They’re properly having a party right now because I’m not there.” Chrysalis could see that Blueblood finally gets why nopony likes him and her opportunity to control him. While Blueblood is crying like a rich slob that he is Chrysalis wraps her legs around Blueblood’s neck and put her horn next to his. Just then a small green aura appeared on the tip of Chrysalis’s horn and touches the tip of Blueblood’s horn, the green aura travelled down from Blueblood’s horn into his ear, just then Blueblood’s eyes turned green and then turned back into his arctic blue colour. Chrysalis smiled knowing the spell she just used has taken effect on him and ready to get busy. “Blueblood do you want to know what will make you feel better?” “What?” “Kiss me.” “Ok.” Blueblood rolled over and wraps his legs around Chrysalis’s neck, then placed his lips on to hers. After a minute of making kissing, Chrysalis removed her lips from Blueblood’s lips and looked at her new puppet, while liking her lips. ‘Mmm. A bit less Salty and filling then his magic, but still very tasty.’ “Feel better Sweetie?” The mind control Blueblood slowly nodded to his master. “Much better, now I wish to return the favour. Please lay on your back for me.” Chrysalis laid on her back wondering what Blueblood will do for her. Then she felt something in her virginal, Chrysalis look to find Blueblood mouth against her marehood and with Blueblood’s tongue inside Chrysalis’s marehood. “Oh yes! Blueblood keep going I’m, Oh! Enjoying this!” As Blueblood pushed his tongue in deeper inside Chrysalis, the loader the mourning from Chrysalis got. Lime coloured liquid came pouring out of Chrysalis’s marehood and all over on Blueblood’s mouth, some he swallowed. At one point Chrysalis decided it’s time for change of place. “Blueblood look at me.” Blueblood put his tongue back in his mouth and looked at his master. “Is there something wrong my wonderful queen?” “Your stallionhood I want it inside of me, now!” Chrysalis said with lust in her words. Blueblood nodded. “Yes my wonderful queen.” Blueblood moved on top of Chrysalis and placed his stallionhood into Chrysalis marehood, and then he started moving it from slow and soft to fast and hard each pasting minute. Both Chrysalis and Blueblood were grunting and moaning out of pure joy over they sex. Just then Blueblood can feel he’s reaching the climax. “Chrysalis it’s coming, I can feel it.” “Push it in deeper. *gasp* and don’t you dare pull out.” Blueblood did what he was told he moved his stallionhood deeper into Chrysalis ready for his load to be unleashed. Just then his seed bust out on the inside of Chrysalis both started gasping for air after their long sex. They roll to the sides and looked into each other eyes. “Was that good for you my queen?” Chrysalis kisses him on the nose and was about to tell him it were, when she noticed that Blueblood had fallen asleep. She laughs and burped quietly. “Looks like Blueblood have the right idea.” Chrysalis slowly closed her eyes for a nap after a wonderful meal and sex. One week later Chrysalis was just about to start day. When she noticed something from her mirror, when she looked at it she noticed her flank has got bigger. “*Sigh* looks like I may need to cut down on the sex from Blueblood.” Chrysalis looked back at her bed where Blueblood is sleeping still after the sex they had last night. Chrysalis put her hoof on her flank and started rubbing it. “Still it doesn’t look too bad. I’ll have to see where this goes for me.” > Ending B, Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So let me see if I got this right. As soon as you open the pantry Blueblood rushed out and went straight to his room without anychangeling guiding him?” Chrysalis asking her little Changeling to make sure she was hearing this right. “That is correct my queen and when we went to check to see what was wrong, he somehow lock the door also we could hear running water and we hear him saying something but we couldn’t work out what.” Chrysalis sat on her throne taking this info in. Thinking what should she do, go and check on him or give him some time to his self. “Ok. Thanks for letting me know. I think we’ll give him some time to his self. Just let me know if anything happens ok?” The Changeling got his orders and went off to let the others whose guarding Blueblood’s room know what to do. “Our Queen has order us to give Blueblood sometime to himself. You know what to do.” The Changeling’s guards nodded to the Changeling that told them what to do, as the Changeling left them, Changeling’s guards just sat there waiting to see what Blueblood would do next. “The nerve of those commoners to paint me while I was out cold, if I were still in my kingdom I would have thrown them in a dungeon by now for ruining my beautiful coat.” Blueblood continued washing his coat, while he’s washing himself he was trying to remember what made him fainted. He slowly remembered what would happen to him if him stayed here and remembered what Airazor said what happen to Top Monocle that horrified him the most. “Devoured him whole, that’s what we could work out.” Blueblood remember that that he met Top Monocle before and remember that Top Monocle were a Earth Pony and since Chrysalis can use magic it would make sense for Top Monocle to lose to her. “Hum, if I remember right Top Monocle went missing about two months before that wedding. I wonder if he has anything to do with the invasion. I’ll have to ask Chrysalis when she comes, but I need to think of a way to get out of here and as much I hate to say it I need Chrysalis’s help do that.” Blueblood continues cleaning himself as well as coming up with an escape plan. Sometime later Blueblood got an idea, risky but if things played out right it could work all he needs now is Chrysalis to complete it. “*Sigh* This plan better work or it won’t end well for me.” Later on during the day Chrysalis decided to check on Blueblood to see if he’s ok. As she arrived she knocks on the door to see if Blueblood is ok. “Blueblood are you ok?” “Yes I’m fine. Actually I need to talk to you about something.” “Oh really and what would that be?” “Come in and I’ll tell you” “Ok then but you better not try anything or else you end up like that other pony I had to deal with.” Chrysalis entered Blueblood’s room to see what he wants. She finds Blueblood sitting in the middle of the room, with a strong look on him, Chrysalis wonders what’s going on, but she has a feeling she find out soon. Chrysalis walked up to Blueblood and sat down, ready to see what he’s going to ask. Blueblood took a breath and said. “Chrysalis, I want my freedom back.” Chrysalis burst in laughter over Blueblood’s request. She never thought Blueblood would ask for his freedom so straight forward. “Oh Blueblood sweetie, what makes you think I’ll let you go?” “Because we’re going to play a game that will decide my freedom.” Blueblood spent the next few minutes explaining his plan to Chrysalis over what they’re going to do and what’s at stake. “So let’s see if I got this right. We’re going to have a chase and I need to hunt you down in my home within two hours?” Blueblood nodded. “And to make this interesting if I don’t catch you within the one hour mark I have to let our pantry food go?” Blueblood nodded again. “That’s right, free to go where they want and if you catch me within the two hours, I’m all yours.” Chrysalis likes this plan she gets to have fun with him and use it to her advantages. “Very well Blueblood I’ll play your game over two conditions, one no magic for both of us and I won’t use my wings as well, and two we have sex, and after that I feed on your magic.” Blueblood took a big sigh knowing this would be his best chance for this plan to work. “And I believe the sex comes right now if I yes?” This time it was Chrysalis turn to nod with a big smile on her face. “Of course, I want to have one last taste of you just in case you win.” Blueblood sighed again he hoped she wouldn’t feed on him again so soon, but he hasn’t got much of a chose here. “Ok, we got a deal.” Chrysalis jump up and down clapping her hooves together in joy of the turnout and what’s coming next. “I’m happy to hear that.” Chrysalis jump on Blueblood’s bed and tapped on it. “Come on handsome, I’m hungry and we don’t have all night.” If there were one place Blueblood would like to be it would be anywhere but here, but it’s like his aunt Celestia said sometimes you got to get your hooves dirty and sometimes in a horny way. Just as Blueblood got on the bed Chrysalis grabbed him, made him lay on his back on the bed and then Chrysalis slammed her lips onto Blueblood’s lips, he decided to just go with the flow and let Chrysalis’s tongue slide into his mouth hoping this would end quicker. An hour has passed since the sex between Blueblood and Chrysalis started, and Chrysalis is finishing Blueblood of by feeding off on his magic. Blueblood’s eyes are barely open and all he could hear is Chrysalis sucking him dry of his magic with each gulping sound she makes. After Chrysalis was done feeding off on Blueblood’s magic, she removed Blueblood’s horn from her mouth. As Chrysalis looked at Blueblood she could see he has fallen asleep. Moving down a little Chrysalis rapt her legs around Blueblood to hug him and laughed a little. "Ah Blueblood, thinking he has a great plan to get out of here. But does little he know I’m the one holding the cards. It doesn’t matter if we have to let our pantry food go, because in the end you belong to me, My… Little… Pony.” > Ending B, Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new day has started at Chrysalis’s kingdom, as the sun slowly rises, brightening the room where Chrysalis and Blueblood sleeps. As the sun light brightens the place up, Chrysalis is sleeping peacefully while holding Blueblood like a teddy bear. As the sun shines on Chrysalis, she slowly opens her eyes to see Blueblood has his head resting next to her neck. This is one of the few times Chrysalis doesn’t mind beaning woken up by Celestia’s fat flank. Chrysalis kissed Blueblood on the head, which woke him up as he slowly opens his eyes, only to wish that he hasn’t. “Blueblood sweetie did you had a good night sleep?” Blueblood doesn’t have the strength to say anything, so the only thing he could do is morn. Chrysalis awed at Blueblood’s little grunt and moved on top of him. “Is my little Blueblood tired? May be this would help.” Chrysalis then gave Blueblood a long kiss, while she’s enjoying it, Blueblood did not. “Now don’t worry about our little game we’re having, I’m giving you a couple of days to regain your strength, while I get a few thing ready.” As Chrysalis left Blueblood look at the window hoping this plan of his would work or else. Once Chrysalis has entered her throne room a Changeling approached her worried about something. “My Queen, me and the guards who were outside the guest room where you and Blueblood were last night, over heard what you’re planning and it may be not my place to say this, but is it a good idea to do this?” Chrysalis laughed a bit and walks up to the Changeling and gave a little pat on the head. “My little Changeling, there’s nothing to worry about. Blueblood may have thought this would work, but there’s something he forgot.” “And what would that be my Queen?” “Simple this is my castle I know every hidden route in this place. Also after the first hour when we have to let our food go, he didn’t say where they can go and even if they do ended up somewhere Blueblood will be long gone by then. So no matter what he has already lost.” Three days later Every Changeling, Blueblood, Airazor and the others were outside of the castle waiting Chrysalis to appear. Blueblood walk up to Airazor and the others that are in a cage wanting to explain what his plan is. “Ok has one of the Changeling’s explained what’s going on for you all?” Everyone in the cage moved their heads side to side. “Guess not, me and Chrysalis has made a bet, if I don’t get caught by her with in the two hour mark I get to go free. Also before any of you start to say ‘What about us?’ don’t worry about that because you’re my back up plan, just in case I don’t win.” Everyone one the cage were surprise at Blueblood’s plan, even wounded what he means back up plan? Then Blade decided to ask. “And what would that be?” “Simple if I’m caught after the first hour of this game, I need someone to go to Canterlot and tell Aunt Celestia that I’m in the hooves of Chrysalis.” “That’s Queen Chrysalis you stupid pony.” Blueblood and the others looked at the source of that voice, only to find an angry Changeling worker who didn’t like the lack of the word Queen in Chrysalis. “Now, now there’s no need to get all worked up my little Changeling.” Everyone turned to Chrysalis walking up to them and grab hold of Blueblood. “It’s ok for Blueblood to call me Chrysalis. After all he’s are guest here. Sweetie I’ll you a few more minutes with them and then meet me over there” Where Chrysalis pointed. “So we can get this started.” Chrysalis let go of Blueblood and walk off. “So you’re Blueblood then. The others told us about you.” Blueblood heard somepony talking to him, he turn to see who was talking to him, as he look back at the cage he an Earth pony and an Zebra he hasn’t seen before. The Earth pony had a light gamboge coat with a white mane and a chili pepper cutie mark. Then he look at the Zebra, she has a black and white striped coat with a black mane with an herb cutie mark. “And I guess you’re Wiled Spice and Herb Med then?” Herb Med nodded. “That’s right, it’s a shame we could meet earlier I never had a chance to have snu-snu with royalty before.” Blueblood wasn’t sure how to react to that. Wiled Spice sighed “Sorry about that she just having a bit of fun but still it’s good to meet you. I can only wish you good luck on your trail.” “Thank you I think I’m going to need all the luck I got for this.” Sometime after that Blueblood meet up with Chrysalis, with something on her horn and something rapped around her wings. “Ah, Blueblood good timing, you saved me the trouble looking for you, it’s almost time to get started.” A Changeling then put some green slime on Blueblood’s horn. “I take it this stuff will keep me from using any magic?” Chrysalis nodded. “That’s right and to keep me from flying as you can see.” As she moved to her side too show him. “And as I think about it now, I should have brought some with me to Canterlot for the wedding.” After Chrysalis and Blueblood got ready and waiting at the starting line a lone Changeling, with a monocle on him, moved in front of them and took a deep breath to give out a speech. “Today, we are here to see what fate has in store for Queen Chrysalis’s special guest Prince Blueblood from Canterlot and the food in that cage over there.” As he pointed to them. “The rules for this are simple this will be a two hour chase, if Blueblood is court within the two hour chase he’ll stay with Queen Chrysalis forever, but if Queen Chrysalis was unable to catch Blueblood within the two hour chase Blueblood is free to go. Also if the chase is still going on after the first hour then the food is free to go.” Everyone in the cage is happy to hear that is still happing. “Also there will be no magic and no flying. And to be fair Queen Chrysalis will give Blueblood a five minute head start, so Blueblood you better get ready.” Once Blueblood and Chrysalis got that, Blueblood got into position while Chrysalis just sat there. “3, 2, 1, GO!” Blueblood made a mad dash to the castle, while Chrysalis waited for her time to go a Changeling came up to her and bowed to her. “My Queen everything is ready as you have requested.” “Is the boat heading in the opposite direction from Canterlot?” “Yes my Queen.” “Good, has the hunters been given the message as well?” “Yes my Queen, they been given the order to wait a bit longer for their return.” “I love it when a plan comes together, I get to have fun with my mate, we get some fresh food and none of them knows a thing.” Just then the Changeling with a monocle came up to Chrysalis. “My Queen it is time.” “Right see you in two hours my little Changelings.” With that Chrysalis started to make her way to her castle, while the others waited. “Oh my sweet little Blueblood you may be good at directions but I know every secret and traps this castle got, with your scent to top it off.” Chrysalis then inhales his scent. “This is going to be fun.” With that Chrysalis started to laugh as she enters her castle sending fear to Blueblood as he try to hide.