Ember's Ascension

by MassDriver

First published

In Ember's initiation ceremony, she grows into a amazonian titan whose head breaches the clouds - and whose cock overshadows the dragon lands.

Being the dragon lord is about more than just a scepter. It's about embracing the power that is unique to dragons. To inherit the throne, Ember must gather wealth and grow in size.

And so dragons have come from all across the world to deliver their greatest treasures to her. But no one anticipated just how much she would grow... or how the first female dragon lord would change. But by the time a towering cock emerges from between her legs, there's no time for questions. She wants more. She wants to grow bigger and bigger, until the might of the dragon lord spans the globe.

All characters are 18+.

Contains: Futanari, Female Muscle Growth, Giantess Growth.

This story was a commission! If you want one of your own, see my commission policy and prices here. I can also be reached at massdriver77 {at} gmail {dot} com, or on Discord at MassDriver#3858.

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Cover art is derpibooru 1269752, by kevinsano, used without permission.

Chapter 1

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“Ah, just the dragon I wanted to see,” said Ember, as the chancellor appeared in the doorway. “I have some questions.” She waved off the attendant who was buffing her underbelly; her scales were smooth enough for her tastes. She ran a talon along the scaly curve of her breasts, pleased with the way they shone.

“I am at your service,” said the chancellor, entering the room and bowing before her. His manner, as always, was impeccable. Courtesy and calm were rare qualities among dragonkind, but centuries of life had worn away whatever belligerence Greatwing had possessed as a youth. As a princess, Ember had always regarded Greatwing as something of an oddity; her father only seemed to respect strength and boldness, and yet this mild-mannered old dragon was his closest confidante. “What do you wish to ask?” he said, looming over Ember. He could hardly help but loom; like most dragons, he was three times her height.

Ember chuckled. “You know, it’s funny,” she said. “When I was small, you never had much time for me. And now you’re ‘at my service.’”

“I served your father in those days,” said Greatwing. “He kept me quite busy. For what it’s worth, I apologize if I was unkind.”

That made Ember laugh even harder. “That’s gonna take some getting used to!” she cackled. “Now that I’m Dragon Lord, I’m gonna have dragons bowing and and scraping and… apologizing.”

“That entirely depends on how you choose to rule,” said Greatwing. “But you said you had questions for me?”

“Yeah, about the ceremony,” said Ember. “What exactly can I… expect? I asked Dad about it, and he just went on about how I’ll embody the glory and pride of the dragons. I want specifics.”

“Of course,” said Greatwing. “As you know, prominent dragons from across the world will be coming to pay tribute. This includes local leaders, elders, those who control wide lands or great wealth. Each one will present you with one item of great value. Generally it’s expected that it will be the single most valuable item in their possession.”

“Right,” said Ember. “And the growth?”

“Yes,” said the chancellor. “As each item comes into your possession, you will grow in size proportional to its value. It is… of note… that the population of dragons has grown since the initiation of your father as dragon lord. You may end up larger than your father, as a result… although we’re uncertain of that. You are the first female dragon lord, after all, and on top of that you are - ahem - of a smaller stature.”

“Are you calling me short?”

“It shan’t happen again, my lord,” said Greatwing. “After the ceremony, I dare say that no one will call you short. I should also mention the psychological changes you can expect…”

“The dragon greed?”

“You will find that desire occupies more and more of your mind,” said Greatwing, seeming a little embarrassed. “Just do your best to get through the ceremony. Very little is expected of you; just accept each gift until everyone has had their turn.” The chancellor’s ear twitched, responding to the uproar from outside. “Your public awaits,” he said. “Do you have any more questions before we begin?”

“No,” said Ember, hopping down from her stone chair. “Let’s get started.”

Ember climbed the stairs to the top of the plateau, grabbing her scepter from beside the door. The chamber she was in - the caverns she’d lived her whole life in - was carved into the immense stone that served as her father’s throne. Her throne. After the ceremony, she’d never be able to fit in here again. But she would fit on her throne.

There was no reaction when Ember stepped onto the plateau. All the gathered dragons were at ground level, far below, and none of them could see her until she reached the edge of the enormous throne. When she made it to the edge and plopped herself down, her short legs dangling over the edge, the crowd sent up a roaring cheer. Ember felt a little silly, sitting on a throne a hundred times too big for her, but the crowd gave her the respect a new dragon lord deserved. They knew what to expect. They knew her body would grow with each tribute, until it filled the throne of the dragon lord.

“Dragons!” she shouted, raising her sceptre. “Today I become your dragon lord. Step forward and pay tribute. Please me, honor me, empower me, and you will be judged worthy.” Her voice felt small - just like her body - but she did her best to project. She was shocked by the number of dragons in attendance - it was a crowd of thousands, and the dragons lined up to give her tribute - there must have been over a hundred. It was going to be a long day.

“Dragon lord Ember!” bellowed the first dragon in line. She was huge, female, with blood-red scales, and her wings kicked up the dry dust of the dragonlands as she lifted herself to the plateau Ember was seated on. “I offer the Deepwater Ewer,” she said, holding aloft what looked to be a geode of black crystals. “Its power undiminished by centuries spent forgotten in sunken ruins, unearthed by…”

And this went on for a while. Ember had never heard of the Deepwater Ewer, but the history the blood-red dragon laid out certainly made it seem like a pretty big deal. It was an artifact of power as well as history, and the story of its passage through the ages was a tale of dynasties and struggles. A long tale. But Ember sat still for every word; it was her duty as dragon lord to honor and preserve the legacy of dragonkind.

After perhaps ten minutes, the dragon wrapped up her tale and presented the artifact to Ember. She took it in her claws, grunting as she felt its weight - and then she felt power flowing through her. The weighty geode basin felt lighter in her arms with each passing moment - and although she knew what to expect, it took Ember a moment to make sense of what was happening to her. She hadn’t expected growing to feel this good. A pleasurable warmth spread through her body like a roaring fire - and it was at its most intense down in her scaly slit. Her throbbing dragon cunt began to trickle with juices - and she considered herself fortunate that the crowd of dragons was too distant to see her body react.

Looking down at herself, she guessed that she’d gained a couple feet of height. That wasn’t much compared to her dad, or the blood-red dragon flapping her wings in front of Ember, but for the diminutive dragon princess it represented a significant jump in height. The crowd cheered; this was what they were here to see, and for most of them it was the first time they were seeing a dragon become the dragon lord.

“Woah,” said Ember. She set the artifact down beside her and looked down at herself. At first, it seemed that her proportions hadn’t changed. She was - as far as she could see - just a larger version of her previous self. But as she ran her claws over her scaly blue thighs, she found that they felt a little thicker and firmer. That made her smile; she wouldn’t just be a big dragon lord. She’d be strong. The power she gained would become muscle as well as size.

“Thank you,” said Ember, lifting her eyes to look at the dragon before her. “Your offering honors the dragon lord. Who’s next?”

Realizing she’d just been dismissed, the blood-red dragon dropped back to ground level. The next dragon - a tall, slender, and emerald-green male. “My lord,” he said, raising a gnarled, fossilized dragon claw, “I present a piece of the First Hoard, still held in the claw of Old Goldscale.”

Ember’s eyes went wide. There was a gold coin clutched in the fossilized claw, shiny and perfect like it was minted yesterday. This was a remarkable offering. The tales of Old Goldscale and the First Hoard had been some of her favorites as a hatchling. She’d never tired of them… and yet, as the emerald-green dragon launched into the story, she found herself instantly bored. She didn’t want to hear a hundred dragons talk to her. She wanted to acquire wealth. To grow bigger. To become more powerful, growing into history’s most powerful dragon lord.

“Deep in the lava-lit caverns,” said the dragon, “dragonkind gathered gold, and gems, and crys-”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Ember, waving a hand dismissively. “Goldscale was awesome. You gonna hand over that thing, or what?”

“Uh, yeah,” said the dragon. “Here you go, uh… my lord.” He seemed taken aback by the interruption, but he did as his lord asked, and extended his hands to offer the treasure.

Ember took the ancient fossil in her hands, and she felt power shoot through her limbs once again. Her legs, dangling over the edge of the immense throne, stretched further down. Her head stretched upward, bringing her height up to ten feet. Now she was the same size as most dragons her age - dragons who had made her feel small by comparison. And she was only going to get bigger.

And the thought of growing bigger was exciting. “Exciting” was putting it mildly - it was making her horny. Her pussy was dripping, darkening the rough stone beneath her. The crowd still couldn’t see it… but it occurred to her that eventually they would. If she became even half as big as her father had been, her big wet dragon pussy would be visible from everywhere. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that… but she knew she wanted to get bigger, stronger, and… yes… hornier.

She set the artifact down beside her. “Thank you,” she said. “Next?”

Over time, the line of dragons came to understand that Ember had no patience for the history of their offerings. They handed over the goods, and she accepted them, growing in size with each addition to her lordly horde.

With each growth spurt, Ember became less and less concerned with keeping up appearances. Dragon culture was never overconcerned with propriety, but a certain dignity, a certain stateliness was still expected of dragons in positions of authority. As a princess, Ember had abided by those guidelines, rough as they were. But as she grew, her scaly bottom etching grooves into the plateau as it expanded, she found it hard to focus on anything but the way that growth made her feel. After the first few spurts, she couldn’t help herself from letting out an audible moan of pleasure as she grew. She was openly rubbing her limbs each time they grew, feeling the powerful biceps band the meaty thighs beneath her scales. And when she felt up her thighs, her talons were drawing dangerously close to her slit.

Her cunt had never needed release like this before. Normally, if she’d gotten this horny, she’d have snuck off to her personal caverns to touch herself. But she couldn’t pause the ceremony just to go masturbate - and besides, she was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to fit into her old bedroom now. The entryway was pretty wide, but… she must have been twenty feet tall by now. She gave her thighs a squeeze - yeah, there was no way her ass was getting through the doorway now. Her scales had grown tougher, her glutes had become stronger - even the layer of fat in between them had grown thicker, giving her a wide, round booty. And as she touched her thighs, she felt the slick warmth of pussy juice on her talons, reminding her of the immense power of her sexual need.

She couldn’t stop the ceremony, and waiting around was only going to make things more unbearable. All she could do, then, was speed the ceremony along as much as possible.

“My lord,” said the dragon addressing her, a stout yellow female, “I bring-”

“Yes, good,” said Ember. “Look, from now on can everybody just tell me what they have, hand it over, and let the next one come up? No introductions, no formalities, let’s just move this thing along. I’m really-” she stopped herself. “I don’t want to take too much time up here, y’know? We’ve got places to be, we’re all important dragons. Especially me.”

It felt good - natural - for Ember to be this demanding, this insistent on getting what she wanted. She’d always been a bit imperious, growing up as a princess, but she’d still been wary of dragons who were bigger than her. And the dragon holding the latest offering would have been far bigger than her, before the ceremony started. But now Ember, twenty feet tall, had a good foot or two on her. She had a feeling she was going to like being bigger than everyone around her.

“Of course,” said the dragon, looking cowed. Ember took the treasure - some kind of silver idol, with streaks of blue stone running down its spine. She clutched it in her claws for a moment, letting it become hers, and moaned loudly as her body grew again. Then she set it aside, atop the rest of her new hoard - a hoard that her big blue scaly ass was pushing further and further aside as it grew wider.

“Oh shit, check it out,” she said dreamily, staring down at herself. Her hands now empty, she cupped her scaly tits, lifting them and letting them drop. “My boobs are getting bigger.” Most of the crowd picked up on her unspoken meaning: they weren’t just growing bigger overall, they were growing faster than the rest of her. In addition to her expanding musculature, her bust was becoming more impressive. She’d actually suspected this a few growth spurts ago, but only now, as her breasts filled her grasping claws, was it undeniable.

And she wasn’t the first one to notice it. Some of the dragons - particularly those nearest the front row - had already realized what was happening. And those of them who had been at the previous initiation, where her father had become dragon lord, knew that there wasn’t really an equivalent to breast enlargement when male dragons grew. Torch, Ember’s father, had certainly grown more muscular during his initiation, and there were plenty of dragons who had found that to be a turn-on… but the first female dragon lord was becoming hotter in a way that was unprecedented.

“Oh wow, are you seeing these things?” she said, bouncing her tits in her hands. “Already huge, and they’re just gonna get bigger… fuck, they feel good…” She drew in a sharp breath as she squeezed the scaly mounds - then her eyes flickered open as she remembered where she was. “Ah, uh, anyway… let’s continue,” she said, trying not to let her embarrassment show.

The next dragon was already there, hovering in front of her with their offering - a weathered sword with a badly chipped blade, made from a material that glowed eerily. No doubt it was a storied artifact, if it had kept its value in spite of its wear - but Ember had no time for it. She snatched the sword, felt her body expand, and set the weapon aside.

The dragons were lined up in midair now, slowly flapping their wings as they hovered in an orderly queue. They dropped each offering into her outstretched talons, and she clutched them briefly, feeling her muscles creak as they expanded beneath her scales, caressing her growing thighs or ballooning tits with her free hand. Then she set them aside and waggled her fingers, inviting the next offering and the next surge of growth.

Ember was starting to look like a proper dragon lord. Before the ceremony had started, the wide plateau that served as a throne had been big enough for her to run laps on. But now her legs dangled halfway to ground level, and her butt took up most of the available space on the throne. It helped that - like her tits - her ass was getting huge, growing faster than the rest of her. In fact, her butt was threatening to shove her hoard off the edge of the plateau - so she scooped up the treasures and dropped them into her lap.

And deep inside her lap, at the intersection of her thick, scaly blue thighs, her pussy was wild with lust. She looked down at the dragons gathered below and started to pick out the hottest ones - males and females, lithe or muscular, she imagined them flying up to service their lord. She wanted to mate, more than she’d ever wanted it before… but even more than that, she wanted to keep growing. The promise of more growth was the only thing that kept her mind off sex.

Of course, her body was still focused on sex. Her pussy, much as she tried to ignore it, was flowing with juices, creating a dark, damp trail on the stone between her dangling legs. The scent of her womanhood, strong and musky, began to drift through the crowd. And as she grew, shooting past fifty feet, her pussy began to produce a ceaseless waterfall of feminine fluid, trickling down the rocks and pooling at the base of the plateau.

“Fuck, I’m really horny,” moaned Ember. “All you little dragons, are you seeing this? We’re not even halfway through the ceremony, and I’m so fuckin’ big and sexy… I think I’m gonna be the biggest dragon lord in history…” She pawed at her thighs. “Ohhh, I can barely keep my talons off my fuckin’ cunt…”

She looked over the crowd, expecting embarrassment to wash over her - but she felt herself going beyond embarrassment, to a more lordly state of mind. One where nothing mattered but her own desires. “Keep ‘em comin,” she said, and the next dragon dropped their offering in her outstretched hand.

Ember rubbed her hips together, feeling her cunt throb with each surge of growth - and then she felt something different about her pussy. Her clit was pulsing, emerging from its hood, and that was nothing new - but it was extending further out than it ever had before. It felt huge - like her tits and her ass, it seemed to be experiencing far more growth than the rest of her. As she continued to rub her scaly hips together, she felt it grow bigger, wider. It wouldn’t stay between her thighs - it grew thick as one of her talons, wet and pulsing with need. It twitched upwards, jostling the hoard of treasures in her lap, and finally it stood upright, out in the open where Ember could see it. Where everyone could see it.

It wasn’t a clit, not anymore - that was a cock. Deep blue, almost purple, thick and hard and already starting to drip with milky precum. Just as it popped into the open, a new treasure fell into Ember’s hand, and her body surged with growth again. Her newly grown cock plumped up, growing out of proportion with her body, becoming thick as her wrist. The pleasure of growth triggered a spurt of pre, which flew into the audience, splattering the faces of three dragons in the third row.

“Ohhh woww,” Ember moaned. Her voice shook the scales of the dragons assembled now, resonating with power. “I’ve got a cock… Oh, it’s big… bigger than most of you…” She chuckled. “Keep the treasures coming, little ones… I’m going to be the biggest dragon lord in history… with the biggest cock in history.”

Yesss,” she hissed, as the next artifact fell into her hand. Her body passed a hundred feet, and her cock stood at fifteen. Like her tits and her ass, her cock was growing more than the rest of her; each spurt of growth not only added additional feet of length and meaty girth, it also made it a more impressive asset relative to the rest of her. Ember, the first female dragon lord, was going to be massively endowed.

And now that she had a cock, her imagination had new, fertile grounds to explore. The need to mate had already been keen, painfully so, when it was just her cunt begging for release. But now mating had a new meaning. She pictured herself stretching dragons over her cock - dragons that would have towered over her, before today - and filling them, bloating them with her lordly load. She pictured massively pregnant dragons, swollen bellies beneath scaly tits, and huge clutches of eggs. All hers. All testaments to her potency.

“Ohhh, I’m fuckin’ big,” growled Ember. “Is everyone seeing this big dragon dick? Oh, it feels good… if it feels this good to have a boner, makin’ it cum is gonna be incrediible…”

“More,” she moaned. “More, I need more. I want to swirl around the clouds with my big fat cock. I want to shake the fuckin’ earth each time my tits bounce. No more of this one-at-a-time shit. Load me up, make me big!” She cupped her hands, creating a deep bowl for dragons to pour their offerings into.

The dragons shot each other nervous looks - this wasn’t what they’d been expecting - but they knew better than to question a dragon lord. Especially one who was just becoming accustomed to the effects of dragon greed. A dragon this big and this horny… if her patience was tested, things could get messy. Ten at a time, they emptied their possessions into her hands, and her growth surged tremendously. In an instant, she shot past the size her father had stood at, arriving at a hundred and fifty feet. Her legs, which had been dangling over the side of the plateau, slammed into the ground, sending a shockwave through the barren earth. Her tits ballooned past d-cups, standing round and firm within the pale blue scales of her underbelly. Her cock grew to twenty-five feet, thick as her wrist, fitfully shooting precum by the gallon. Her limbs swelled with muscle - beyond toned, they became positively amazonian, powerful muscle bulging with every motion. And her ass, round with fat over her powerful glutes, filled out the throne completely.

She was the perfect size for the throne of the dragon lands now. Bigger and stronger than any of her predecessors, brimming with potency. The dragons couldn’t have asked for more in a ruler.

But Ember could ask for more, and she did. Dragon greed - plus pure, ordinary horniness - gave her an insatiable hunger for growth. She didn’t couldn’t think about the consequences of growing bigger of exposing herself to the entire dragon lands - of what would happen when she came. She just wanted more.

Ten more dragons dropped their offerings into her cupped hands. The offerings were almost enough to fill her hands, even at her size; in an uncharacteristic feat of organization, the dragons had done a pretty good job of arranging themselves in order of smallest offerings to largest. This was practical, since Ember wouldn’t be able to hold larger items until she herself grew bigger. But it also meant that her growth was coming faster now. The larger, heavier items were - more often than not - more valuable. And the more valuable the object, the more it contributed to the greatness of the dragon lord.

Ember gained almost a hundred feet in the space of seconds. Her legs, which had been just long enough to reach the ground, now slid forward, pushing aside the crowd or dragons. Her cock and her tits grew until the tip of her member almost touched the underside of her boobs. And her ass - which already took up all the available space of the throne - oozed off the sides, embracing the giant plateau between her big scaly cheeks.

Ember moaned, at full volume, pawing at her body after dropping the newest treasures into her lap. As she expanded, her voice rose in volume - first loud, then earth-shaking, then near deafening - and when she opened her eyes she saw her people cowering beneath her, their hands cupped over the sides of their heads.

“Sorry,” she said, at what felt like a normal conversational tone - but even that seemed to rattle the little dragons. “Sorry,” she whispered, and she saw the dragons lifting their heads, no longer pained by the volume of her voice. “I’m just… so fuckin’ horny… wanna get this over with so I can cum…

Ten more dragons laid their treasures in her hands, and she clenched her mouth shut as she grew, trying not to shatter her subjects’ eardrums with her vocalizations. But at around the halfway mark, something happened that she was in no way prepared for. As her ass grew bigger and thicker, the plateau that had once been the dragon throne sunk deeper and deeper into the darkness of her asscrack. And once it was fully lost inside her, her asshole - quivering in sympathy with her pussy and cock - grew just large enough that the plateau slipped inside of it.

She cried out, louder than ever, as her ass was penetrated by a massive stone buttplug. It delivered a blunt hammer-blow to her prostate - an organ she’d only just developed - sending a brutally intense shockwave of sensation along the lips of her pussy and the throbbing length of her cock. Her cunt flowed like a burst dam, musky fluid sweeping over the ankles of the assembled dragons. Her cock spurted a swimming pool’s worth of precum, splattering the underside of her scaly tits. And her voice, groaning helplessly, made the dragons cower once again.

At this point, Ember could barely form words. She was sure that if she touched herself, if she so much as brushed her gigantic tits or her smooth thighs, she would burst, her cavernous pussy and her towering cock coming until the end of time. But she still wanted more, and so she cupped her hands, insisting on more offerings.

The next few rounds were a blur. Her mind was a haze of lust and greed, a howling desire that drowned out all rational thought. When each offering touched her talons, she could feel its value, and she braced herself for the proportional growth. She managed to stave off climax, even as her cock grew the the size of a sequoia - even when it nestled itself between her expanding tits and its spurting tip popped out the top of her cleavage. Eventually, the plateau - once a throne, then a buttplug - dwindled until she could no longer feel it underneath her.

And then the offerings stopped. Ember opened her eyes and looked down, seeing only clouds. Batting the clouds out of the way, she looked down and made out the multicolored shapes at her feet that must have been the dragons. Her dragons. No one would question her claim to the throne of dragonkind - not when she was fifteen hundred feet tall.

Ember, assuming the ceremony had come to an end, started to lower her hands down to her crotch. Finally, she though, I can cum

But then she saw a handful of tiny shapes on a small cloud that was drifting towards her. She focused her eyes, discovering that - with effort - she could force herself to see creatures on a smaller scale. Squinting, she saw… ponies. Familiar ponies.

“I think it might be a bit too much for her,” said Rarity. She walked unsteadily on the cloud’s surface, untrusting of the spell that allowed her to stand on it. “The straw that broke the camel’s back, as it were.”

“Well, I don’t think it’ll hurt her to grow a little more,” said Twilight Sparkle. “But I guess we could ask her if she wants to. Being this big seems inconvenient… even if she looks like she’s enjoying it.”

“I concur, Twilight,” said Celestia. “Diplomatically, we can’t refuse to give her the offering, but let us ask her if she truly wishes to formally add it to her hoard.”

“Are you talking about me?” said Ember, starting the sentence at an earth-shaking volume - then lowering her voice as she saw the ponies react. She leaned down, bringing her face closer to the cloud, and noticed Spike retrieving something from Celestia’s saddlebag. He was still the handsome dragon she remembered, tall and slim, with lean muscle all along his limbs. Of course it was nothing compared to the body she’d developed today, but he was still pretty fucking cute.

“Uh, yes,” said Twilight. “We have the last offering of the ceremony, a token of goodwill between our species, but… you’ve done a lot of growing. If I were you, I’m not sure I’d want to get any bigger.”

“I can handle it,” said Ember. She rubbed her thighs together and massaged her tits, readying herself for climax. “One little treasure isn’t going to make a big difference. Especially if it’s a ‘token of goodwill.’”

“Very well, then,” said Celestia. “Spike, you may do the honors.”

Spike, with something small in his claws, slowly approached Ember, not making eye contact - which was pretty impressive, given the size of Ember’s eyes.

“You got something for me, cutie?” asked Ember. She pushed her tits together, massaging the thick, spurting cock still stuck in her cleavage. “What do you think of my new look?”

“You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen,” said Spike. “Ember. My lord.” He held up a golden horseshoe, and Ember plucked it gracefully from his hands, taking the tiny artifact between the points of two talons.

If she’d been in the mood for stories, Ember might have let Celestia recount the horseshoe’s history. What it represented, how hard-won the victories that it commemorated. How, on top of its historical significance, it was good luck, like all horseshoes. And if Ember had heard that story, she might have had an idea of just what the treasure was worth.

But instead, its power hit her all at once, overwhelming her senses. Her body shook, her pussy flowed like a river, her cock throbbed and twitched. Just before a rising moan began to emerge from Ember’s throat, Twilight managed to yell out. “What is it?” she asked. “What’s wrong?”

Ember groaned, trying to make sense of what she was feeling. “It’s… it’s priceless!” she cried out, shaking the heavens.

And then she came. She came, and she grew, her body shaking the dragon lands, creating cracks - creating whole canyons - in the dry stone. Her legs pushed forward on the ground, scattering the dragons. Her ass flattened the ground for miles, each cheek creating a deep depression in the earth. Her pussy soaked the barren dirt, turning it muddy and musky with feminine fluid.

And her cock, still caught between her big blue scaly boobs, tensed with the force of a thunderclap - and the first throb sent a lake’s worth of cum through the length of her cock. Her massive member was outgrowing mountains at that very moment, and when it came, it seemed for a moment that her cum would never cum down - that the force of its launch had sent it into the starry void.

But it did come down. It came down like a meteor shower, thick white blobs the size of castles raining down, splattering, coating every inch of the dragon lands in the seed of dragon lord Ember. And the lands beyond weren’t spared - the spastic twitching of Ember’s mighty cock sent mile-long ropes of cum in every direction. Griffinstone shook as dragon jizz slammed into the side of their mountain. Equidistant from Ponyville and Canterlot, a line of thick, impossibly potent cum splattered onto the peaceful hills.

And all through the dragon lands, in the immense shadow of Ember, dragons were swept up in a flood of cum, their minds subsumed in bliss as the mighty musk of their ruler filled their senses. Not a one of them doubted that Ember was the greatest dragon lord in history. The most beautiful, the strongest, the biggest, and - in spite of being the first female dragon lord - the one with the biggest, most powerful cock.

And up in the clouds, with one hand on the base of her cock and the other groping the soft, yielding scales of her wobbling, still-growing tits, Ember rode out the most powerful orgasm in the history of the world. Her growth seemed to go on and on, and she knew - as much as she cold know anything - that she would keep coming as long as she kept growing. The air grew cold and thin, but still Ember’s cock throbbed and grew and came, firing whole oceans of spunk into the sky and back down to earth.

And then it ended. Aftershocks rocked her dick and and cunt, pouring more fluid out into the world, but eventually, at long last, it was over. Ember panted, her chest rising and falling with deep, slow breaths, and she looked out at the world around her.

And it was no exaggeration to say that Ember saw the world. She saw its curvature, she saw the shapes of its landmasses and its waterways. She saw miles and miles covered by what looked a bit like a heavy snowfall - but Ember knew it wasn’t snow. It was the power and majesty of the dragon lord. In her first act as dragon lord, she’d already conquered the world, marked it, made it hers.