> A Cinch to Love > by TheWingman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Question > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timber looked out the window, breathing in the fresh, crisp spring air. It felt relaxing, soothing and reinvigorating to feel it pass through his lungs. The sun had shone it's radiant light down upon the landscape on an amazing sunny day. As Timber parked his car, I reflected on how life had been for him since he had graduated from Crystal Prep 4 years ago: A managerial job at a plant his uncle owned,he had moved out of his house and he lived on his own finances, and best of all... he shared it the one woman he loved, Abacus Cinch. His heart beat like military drums from just thinking about her and all of the nights of love they shared. "Timber, you really hit the jackpot." Timber contemplated as he walked into Cinch's house where he saw Cinch in all her beauty, watching the news. "Hey there, honey." Abacus said, noticing her lover walk in, getting up to greet him. "How was your day today?" "Meetings, meetings, nothing but meetings." Timber jokingly said with a hint of truth. His day at work consisted of nothing but meetings about productivity, finances, and increasing efficiency. It was boring and tiring but the job had nice pay to it. Sensing Timber's tired stress, Cinch motioned over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, prompting him to pull her in for a loving embrace. "But the thought of you kept me going through the day." In that moment, both of their lips had met in a kiss that felt more of romance than of lust. As Timber cupped her luscious rump in his hands, Abacus Cinch let out a contented moan as he continued the kiss for several more seconds before breaking it. "What do you have in mind for dinner?" Cinch asked "Since this is the fourth anniversary of our first date, I figured we should go somewhere nice. But, it's a surprise." His answer intrigued Cinch as she had several ideas as to where they were going to. She purred as she traced her finger from his nose to his lips. "Do we have to dress nice?" "We do. It's a special occasion." Timber broke the embrace and went to the kitchen for a can of soda. "We'll be heading out at about seven, so, we'll have to be ready by six." "Okay, We'll go to get ready in an hour. Do you have anything to do right now?” “I need a thirty minute nap." Timber yawned, stretching his muscles. "This day was really tiring." "Okay, I'll wake you up in a little while." With that, Timber walked into his and Cinch's bedroom and crashed upon the bed. As he felt dreamland luring him in, he constantly thought about their dinner later on. He knew that it was a special occasion but not the one Cinch had been thinking of. "It's gonna happen today. Waited too long for this." Those thoughts raced through his head as he dreamed the during his nap. He had been planing on this day for a long time and saved a good chunk of his last three paychecks to be able to afford what he had in mind. He hoped that this will be the night to surpass the one where he first dated Ms. Cinch and had that wild night of sex. As he had slept, he felt a warm, soft presence touch his lips that jolted him from his sleep. Abacus Cinch had kissed him awake and it was a lovely sight to wake up to her smiling face. "Wake up, love." Cinch cooed "It's time to get ready. I'll let you go first." His heart rate skyrocketing, Timber sat for a second before walking into the bathroom to clean himself up for the special date night. As he took his shower, he reminisced about the time he spent in that very shower having sex with Cinch that one morning. It was the time that they truly affirmed their love for one another. Thinking about how he had rutted Cinch that day made his dick go erect. "Patience. Later on tonight." Timber thought to himself as he climbed out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He walked back into the bedroom where Cinch was waiting. She was pleased at the sight and knew what waited for her tonight but not of what would happen before then. "The bathroom's free, honey." Timber said as Cinch approached him for a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, love." After Cinch locked the bathroom doors, Timber got into the changing room and browsed through his collection of suits. As a manager at a plant, Timber had to look presentable to his peers and his uncle during those meetings. As he shifted through each set, his eyes were hooked on that Armani Suit he wore during his first meeting at the plant. Noting at how good it looked, Timber chose that as well as the crimson tie that went well with it. Changing into his chosen suit and shoes, he took a look at himself in the mirror, grooming his hair and spritzing on some cologne. "You... look... good." Timber muttered to himself as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was sure to make a lasting impression on Cinch when he does what he'll do at dinner. He left the bedroom and sat in the TV room, watching an old movie. "This honestly deserved more awards." Timber said to himself as he heard the bedroom door opening. Turning off the TV, Timber stood up and looked behind him to behold a sight that left him stunned. Abacus Cinch was in a purple ball gown that hugged around her waist, making her hips really show and the top hugging her breasts in a way that it made them more firm and more rounded compared to how they usually were with her normal bra. Her hair was styled in a way that it was longer with a bow tied that left a small bit at the end. "Hello there handsome." Cinch softly said, placing her hands in front of her lap. "Hello, my love." Timber said, embracing her before letting go. "Shall we depart, my lady?" Holding his hand out, Cinch gripped Timber's hand with hers as she was escorted to the passenger seat of her car. After Timber hopped in, they drove off towards the city. It took about thirteen minutes before they reached their destination: Don Carino's Fine Italian Eatery. "This place?!" Cinch said in shock "This place is really expensive! How could you afford it?!" "I've been saving up money from my last few checks. I want this night to be special... for the both of us." Abacus Cinch was surprised by how Timber had went the extra mile for this day in particular and she started to suspect something was up. But, she liked the thought of the both of them spending a date night at a nice place like that. Her door being opened, Cinch took Timber's hand, closed the door and walked with him into the restaurant while holding hands. "Hello there, do you have a reservation?" The maitre'd asks, looking at his book. "Yes. Gale, table for two in private room." Timber responded. It took the maitre'd a few seconds to flip through the pages until he found his name in the listings for reservations that week. "Okay, follow me this way." The two lovers followed the maitre'd towards the back of the eatery until they reached a room that was closed off by a long set of drapes. The drapes opened and Timber seated Cinch before walking over to the staff member. "Can you start us off with some glasses of red wine?" Timber asks the head waiter. "Why yes, we'll have some glasses out for you two shortly." He said while turning away, only being stopped by a bump from Timber's hand. He grabbed something out of his pocket and discreetly handed it off to the head waiter. "Make sure this gets into her glass." Timber whispered to him before the maitre'd walks away to fulfill his customer's request. As he walked back in, Timber noticed that Cinch had a confused look on her face. She wondered what he had said to the waiter. "Don't worry, it's a special surprise. You won't know when it’s coming." Timber teased Cinch which made her giggle. "I'm glad we could spend this time together, Timber. You've gone quite the distance this time. What's the occasion?" Her question made him stall for a moment. He had to come up with a cover story to keep her suspicions at bay. "Like I said, this is to celebrate the four year anniversary we became a couple, when we became lovers for real." "Is that so? I remember during our first date when we were making love that we said 'I Love You' to each other as we cuddled when we fell asleep. Before that day, It was a long time since someone had made me feel special in that way. When we did it, I felt something more than lust. It was as if our souls had touched on an intimate level. I truly felt love again." "I'm glad I could be your special someone, Abacus. Before those times I spent with you, I never had any experience with girls. I guess the trauma from CHS made me too shy to talk to any of them. Then again, I preferred older women and I'm glad I could have you as my lover as well." What Timber said had made Abacus Cinch the happiest woman. She had never seen such commitment to her since her last boyfriend. She and her lover at the time had quite the good time with their romance until his 'busy with work' demeanor wound up being the death of their relationship. She got over the breakup but the emotional scars still ran deep. At that moment, Cinch and Timber looked each other deeply in the eyes as their love skyrocketed. The moment was broken when the waiter came back into the room with their glasses of red wine, setting them down in front of them. "Have you thought of anything to order?" asks the waiter "I'll have the chicken parmesan." "I'll have the shellfish alfredo." "Excellent choices. Your food will be here soon. Enjoy the wine."The waiter left with the menus as Timber and Cinch grasped their glasses and held them up. "To our love." said Timber. "And may our romance last forever." Cinch replied as they tapped their glasses together in a toast to their relationship. As Cinch took a hearty sip of her wine she was startled by the presence of something small and metallic. She took another sip to see the object more clearly. She dug it out of her glass to reveal something that shook her: a diamond ring. She was confused as to why it was in her drink until she saw Timber next to her on one knee. It was then and there that she knew what the whole thing was all about. "Will you... Abacus Cinch... marry me and be my wife?" She was unresponsive at first but as she snapped out of her shock. She started to tear up in extreme joy as she had never had been popped the question. She always wanted to be a wife and her dreams were finally coming true. "YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" She cried as she rushed to Timber and trapped him in an embracing prison of kisses and unbridled love. She was overcome with joy as both her and Timber looked each other in the eyes with romantic intent. On an impulse, they engaged in the most loving kiss they made since they first started dating. "I've always loved you and I'll always be there for you to make you happy... my wife." Their moment was broken by the waiter walking in, awkwardly looking on at the scene. "Your dinners are here, sir and madame." he said as he set the meals on the table. "Congratulations to the both of you on your engagement." The rest of their date went along well with the addition of their engagement to one another. They were soon to be husband and wife and nothing could make them any happier than that. After their dinner, they went back home where they let their passion fully take take them over. They lustfully kissed and embraced each other as they walked towards their room. When they got there, Timber's dick had become hard to the point where it scraped against Cinch's moist and wanting sex. In a flash, they took off their clothes, revealing their respective naked forms. They slowly walked towards each other as Cinch snaked her arms around her fiance's neck and Timber placed his hands on his wife-to-be's hips. "I'm glad to know I'll spend my life with you, Abacus." "And I'm glad I finally found a husband, Timber." The tension was at an all time high. Their love was clearer than ever before. They slowly tightened their embrace as their lips met and locked. Their tongues breached and explored their mouths as passion and lust for each others bodies overtook them. It was a different kind of passion... it was pure love, the type of love that only a husband and wife felt for between them. It was an unbreakable bond between the two as their embrace tightened to where their nether regions touched and ground against each other. They soon found themselves on the bed as their naked makeout session continued. As they broke their kiss, Timber darted his eyes down to her wanting sex where he saw his shaft prodding his fiance's labia, wet and puffy with need. "Go ahead, my dear." Cinch said as she felt a warm and hard presence entering her love tunnel. She took Timber's hands in hers as he began thrusting in and out of her dripping wet pussy, poking at her cervix. The sheer pleasure she felt made her shiver down to her marrow. Timber felt really great about rutting her that time due to the two of them soon about to become locked in marriage. In a maneuver that surprised her, Timber picked up Cinch and held her close to him as the latter snaked her arms around his back and head in response. The ensuing kiss made them feel truly one as a couple as they took the next step of their relationship earlier. The force of gravity made sure that Cinch's cervix was pounded harder than before as her bounces and his thrusts enhanced the surges of pleasure. But... It wasn't made to last forever. "I'm going to cum, dear." Timber grunted in restrained pleasure. "Same here." Cinch squealed. "Let's cum... together... as unofficial... husband and wife." It took only a few more movements from the both of them before they felt their respective orgasms breaking their restraints. The pleasure of Cinch's vaginal walls constricting themselves around his dick only furthered Timber's pleasure as he shot load after load into his future wife's womb, amplifying her already ongoing orgasm. The sensation lasted for three minutes before they felt exhaustion finally dragging them down, making them collapse back onto the bed with Timber on top. The two lovebirds took a moment to catch their breaths before they turned their gaze upon one another. "Abacus?" Timber whispered. "Yes?" She replied. "I'm glad to share this love between the both of us. I'm also glad to look at you not only as a woman, but as another part of me. I'll love and cherish you, forevermore." "Ohhhh, Timber." Cinch moaned as she locked the both of them in another deep kiss that lasted ten minutes before they fell asleep in an embrace that could only be described as 'sensual' and 'romantic'. They now looked forward to what their future marriage had in store for them and the new type of love they'll feel. > Chapter 2: Love and Marriage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before Timber knew it, six months had passed and the day of the wedding had come. His stomach was filled with all sorts of butterflies. Nervousness was making him quake in his suit as he looked in the mirror. Time was flying by fast before him and it was a weird experience for him. Just as he was about to be overwhelmed by the jitters, Timber felt the grip of his father's hand on his shoulder. "Nervous, my son?" Timber's Father, Jericho, asked with a hint of concern. Timber took a deep breath before replying. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't." Timber sighed, giving off a restrained nervous vibe. "I've never been through this before." "Don't worry, my son. I was like you when I married your mother. All men like us get those pre-wedding shakes before the big event. It takes a strong will to endure it all and to remain committed to the one you love. I married your mother because I loved her." "I know, dad. Things just seem to be going really fast for me tha-" Timber's rant was interrupted by a hug from his father. Any doubts he had about himself were swept away. With his gesture, Timber now knew of the pride his father had for him and returned the favor. "Hush now, my boy." Jericho whispered to his son. "No need for you to get flustered. I'm proud of the man you became and that you found the girl to marry. *Sniff* You're growing up so fast." "I know father, I know." Timber said to his father, breaking the hug. The both of them looked up at the clock and saw that it was 10 minutes before the ceremony begins. Timber was more anxious than ever. "Let's not burn anymore time." Jericho said to his son as they walked out of the room and into the main hall where friends and family from both the bride and groom's families sat in anticipation of the ceremony to begin. Most of them were calm and collected while a few, including Timber's mother Elaine were crying liquid pride. The emotions of everyone in the room were at an all time high and the excitement filled the air. As Timber got up to the altar with his best men, consisting of his co-workers and friends from work with his co-manager, Anvil, among them. "Hey. Hey. How are ya holdin' up?" Anvil asked his friend. "I am." Timber replied. "Just nervous about finally marrying her." "Nah, don't be. It's just one thing we all have to go through. Don't strain yourself, buddy." "Heh, you've been through this already?" "Nope, just trying to help a co-worker out." "Thanks Anvil." Timber said as he looked to his left to see Cinch's younger sister Helen. She notices her future brother-in-law staring at her and gave him a nod of approval. It was a sign and a blessing that she trusts Timber to be her sister's husband. As he nodded back with a warm smile, Timber's attention as snapped forward as a familiar tune sounded from the pipe organs. He then saw what he'll remember for a long time: Abacus Cinch in her bridal gown, face veiled, walking down the isle arm in arm with her father. His heart had beat rapidly as she got closer and closer to the altar. She finally got to the altar as she and Timber turned to face one another with warm and loving smiles. Then the priest walked between them as he prepared to start the ceremony. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this day to join these two people in holy matrimony. It's not everyday where love and union between two lovers is consummated on such lovely occasion with family and friends as witnesses to such a holy union. If anyone has any objections to the union of these two, speak now or forever hold your peace." A minute has passed with not even a whisper to break the silence. It was all the confirmation the priest needed to know that everyone in attendance approves of the marriage. "Very well, We can now proceed with the ceremony." The priest said as he reached for his book. "It wasn't long ago when these two before us had found each other. Ever since then, their love only grew stronger as they knew that deep down, they were meant for each other. We people are always in search of things to give our lives meaning... To give us a sense of being loved. It is through their coming together that they found an answer to that question. They've found and developed a bond between each other that cannot be easily broken and one that they shall cherish all the days of their lives. At this time, the bride and groom are free to read their vows." Both Cinch and Timber pulled out pieces from which they read their vows. "Abacus, when I first met you, I knew there was more to you than just your looks. When I looked into your eyes the first time we kissed, I saw a woman who yearned for love. I am glad to have provided that warmth to you and I am fortunate to have found such a caring woman like you. I give you my word on this vow that I shall honor you, be faithful to you, protect you and stand at your side until the last breath of air leaves my body. This... I swear it." "Timber, I remember that night we had our first kiss together. It was the first time in a long while that someone made me feel special and loved. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful that you filled that void in my heart and for coming into my life. To ask for anything more would be selfish. I look forward to all the good times we shall spend together and the family that we'll soon start. I'll be honored to have you as my husband and I vow to be committed to our marriage through both good and bad times." After the vows had been read, the priest walked up to them with a box containing their wedding rings. They each grabbed and clutched them in their hands. "Do you... Timber Gale... Take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and cherish... Through good times and bad... Until death do you part?" "I do." Timber said as he put his wife's ring on her finger. "Do you... Abacus Cinch... Take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and cherish... Through good times and bad... Until death do you part?" "I do." Cinch said as she put Timber's ring on him, taking his hands in hers. "Then, by the power invested in me by the City of Canterlot, I now pronounce you... Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." To the overly jubilant applause of everyone in the room, Timber and Abacus Cinch shared their first kiss as a married couple. They no longer had to hold back their feelings for one another and they could spend life as a family. After walking back down the isle, Abacus Cinch and Timber drove off in a limo down to the banquet hall where the reception was being held. There was various seafood and Italian fare served up for the post wedding dinner. Each time the guests had banged their glasses with their utensils, Timber and Abacus Cinch were prompted to kiss in front of the crowd, a tradition of sorts. When it was time for dancing, the congregation had danced with their significant others while leaving a sizable part of the floor for the married couple. The reception lasted until midnight when everyone went home tired but contented. The next day, the newly wed Timber and Abacus Cinch left for their honeymoon to a cabin north of Canterlot that Abacus Cinch's family owned. The arrival of winter had coated the landscape in a thin layer of snow and had chilled the surrounding air. The warm and welcoming atmosphere of the fire lit living room provided the setting for a romantic evening. Timber and Abacus Cinch laid down in front of the fireplace, spooning each other as they took in the warm light of the fire. "Oh Cinch, " Timber started as he held his wife close to him in a loving embrace, nuzzling her neck. "You've picked the perfect honeymoon spot. Just us, alone, in a cabin, with a whole week to ourselves. I couldn't ask for anything more than this." The tender feeling had caused Abacus Cinch to backup into her new husband as warmth and love overtook her. "I'm glad you love it, honey." Abacus Cinch moaned as she grasped Timber's hands, giving a warm and resting smile. "I'm just glad to spend this moment with you, my love." Timber and Abacus Cinch spent the next hour cuddling on the floor in front of the fire, taking in both the heat of the flames and the heat from their bodies. In the midst of their cuddling, Abacus Cinch caught Timber off guard by placing a hand on his cheek and pecked him on the lips, causing him to return the favor. They looked each other in the eyes for a whole minute before they erupted in a storm of kisses embraces. Nothing was holding back their love for each other as the smooching had evolved into dry humping. "Ahhhhnnnggghh!" Abacus Cinch moaned as she felt the hardness of Timber's shaft brushing against her wanting lower lips. It was only intensified with the sudden groping of her breasts. "I can't hold myself back, my dear." In the heat of the moment, Timber had removed Abacus Cinch's sweater, exposing her uncovered breasts. He felt hypnotized by the sight of them and was further enticed to fondle them as those belonged to his wife. He massaged them, squeezed them and moved them around to the pleasure of Abacus Cinch. Her moans only served to fuel his horny demeanor as he took off his shirt and began to suck on her nipples. "Ahhhhhhoooohhhh!!!" Abacus Cinch moaned as she felt the hot, wet presence on her sensitive nipples. It was pure pleasure for her and as if by their own accord, her hips began to grind against her husband's groin, causing him to grunt in pleasure. Not being able to contain himself, Timber gets up for a bit to pull his pants and underwear down, displaying his erect cock for his wife to see. Abacus Cinch licked her lips in hunger as she pulled off her lower garments and corners Timber on the couch. "Now it's your turn to feel good, honey." The moment Abacus Cinch sandwiched his dick between her sizable breasts made a rush of sexual pleasure course through Timber's nerves. It made him remember the last time she did this for him. It felt like the most intimate massage he had in his life and now the experience was coming back. Those were some of the best memories he had with cinch. With each movement of her breasts along his shaft, Timber's grip on the couch cushions only tightened further and further as sexual tension made his body quiver, shake, and convulse at the feeling. Then, he felt something that would really shake him to the core. Along side the lustful titjob, Timber felt a familiar warm and wet feeling around his length. Cinch bobbed her head long his cock, taking his length in her mouth. "HHHOOOOLLLLYYY SSSHHHIIIIITTT!!!" Timber grunted as he could do nothing but watch the sight of the combined tit and blowjob. He couldn't move as if the sheer pleasurable comfort had paralyzed him. However, he could only last so long as he felt the coming of his climax. "Abacus, Dear, I'm about to cuu-eeeeRRRRRGGGHHH!!!" With that bestial grunt, Timber shot huge loads of his seed into Abacus Cinch's mouth, holding onto her head as if it was for dear life. The size and frequency of the spurts had caught Abacus Cinch off guard as she swallows every bit of sperm to milk her husband dry. As he shot the last of his loads into her mouth, Timber laid back on the couch, exhausted but still coherent. "Jesus Abacus." Timber panted. "How are you still this good?!" "Woman's touch." Cinch smiled as she wiggles her fingers. "I guess it comes natural." As Timber looked around, he notices that one of Cinch's hands were wet. He looked further down to see the reason why: Abacus Cinch had been pleasuring her pussy as she was pleasuring him earlier. He looked deep into her eyes as he saw that she wanted him more than ever. "Timber, TAKE ME!!! MAKE ME YOURS!!!" Abacus Cinch moaned as Timber picked her up off the floor and lifted one leg and pinned her against the wall. "Are you ready for an experience of a lifetime?" Timber seductively growled as he aligned the tip of his shaft to the entrance of Abacus Cinch's wet and wanting pussy. A silent nod was all that he needed for the go ahead to slowly slide it in. As he slid his spear in, he could feel his wife's inner walls constrict around his cock as the pleasure mounted higher than ever before. He thrusted and thrusted his pole in and out of his wife's warm and wanting vagina with each thrust bringing both of them closer to nirvana. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck, that is SOOOOO GOOOOOOD!" Abacus Cinch moaned as she was getting rutted by Timber in a way that would make the goddess Aphrodite sweat in wanting lust. Timber did the unexpected and took his wife's other leg and began pounding her pussy more relentlessly than before. As he pounded away, he breathed his hot breath upon Abacus Cinch's nipples as he felt his wife shiver at the feeling of the hot breath flowing across her sensitive mammary glands. Being tempted by her reaction, Timber threw out any restraint and began to suck on her teat. The moans form Abacus Cinch only served to arouse him further as he began to feel that ever so familiar build up approaching. Feeling his knees starting to buckle, Timber laid on the floor on top of Abacus Cinch and resumed his ministrations. "Oh god, honey! I'm going to cum!" Timber grunted as he saw his wife approaching her climax as well. "Me too! Let's cum together... As husband and wife!" Abacus Cinch's words had made Timber more determined to please her as he gave his last few thrusts. "Abacuuuusss!!!" "Timberrrrrrrr!!!" With his last thrust, his dick quivered and quaked as spurted load upon load of his semen into Abacus Cinch's womb. The sensation of the rush of hot seed was enough to push Abacus Cinch over the edge as it triggered her orgasm. For minutes, they went on a trip to pleasure land as the both of them embraced each other with a lustful kiss to rock the ages. After their climaxes, Timber and Abacus Cinch embraced each other in front of the glowing fireplace, sweaty and panting with exhaustion. "That felt like pure heaven!" Abacus Cinch panted as she looked toward Timber with tired bedroom eyes. "That it does honey. That it does." Timber yawned, putting his arms around his wife's head and chest. "Mind if we stay like this for the night, Abacus?" "That would be lovely, dear." Abacus cinch yawned back as she drifted off to sleep, holding Timber in her arms. Before Timber joined her in slumber, he whispered the four words that would cement his love for her. "I love you, Abacus." =============================================================== Timber woke up the next morning to find that he was still in the same position as he was when he fell asleep. The one thing he did notice was that Abacus Cinch was absent from his embrace. He got up and looked around in a waking gaze as he tried to find out where his wife was. *Huuurrrkk!* The noise alerted him to the nearby bathroom. He rushed there to find his wife huddling over the toilet puking. *Huuurrrkk!* "Honey, are you alright?" Timber said as Abacus Cinch turned her sickened gaze towards him. "I'm fin-*Bleeegghhh!*" Timber wasn't convinced by his wife's reassurances as he had the feeling that something else was at work. "How long has this been going on?" Timber said as he put his arm on Abacus Cinch's back, rubbing it. Abacus knew that she would have to tell him sooner or later and decided to tell him. "The past three days... Every morning." "Get your stuff on. We're going to urgent care." > Chapter 3: Adding more to the family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timber and Abacus Cinch walked into Canterlot Urgent Care with great concern. Timber had a feeling that what ailed Abacus Cinch wasn't serious. However, he chose not to take any chances as the well being of his wife was of his primary concern. "Hello, Welcome to Canterlot Urgent Care. I'm clerk Windy Whistles. How may I help you two today?" Windy said as Abacus Cinch and timber approached the front desk. "Hi, My wife here is sick with some sort of bug and I don't what it could be. Can we see a doctor here?" Timber asked. "Sure. Just enter the door on the right and keep going down the hall until the 3rd door on your left. I'll let Mrs. Redheart know and she'll be with you two shortly." Windy says with a smile. It was a reassuring sight to see that quick medical care is also accompanied with a smile. Timber does admit that the nice people in town is what kept him living there, barely even considering moving somewhere else. "Perhaps I should write these people a 'thank you' card." Timber thought as he and Cinch walked into the room they were directed to. It was a rather standard exam room with all the common fixings any exam room would have. Cinch sat on the exam bed while Timber sat on the neighboring chair, holding his wife's hand. He looked towards her and saw a hint of worry in her eyes. He nodded at her with a reassuring smile, easing any worry Cinch might've had, albeit temporarily. Then, they heard the door open and through it came a one of the nurses. "Good morning to you two. My name is Nurse Redheart and I'll be assisting you today." Redheart introduced herself as she pulled out a clipboard. "What seems to be the problem?" Timber cleared his throat as he prepared to give his summary of the situation. "Well, since this morning when I was first made aware of it, she had been experiencing bouts of vomiting every morning. She said that it had been going on since 2 days before we got married. I have no idea what it could be and I want to find out why." After hearing Timber's explanation of the symptoms, Nurse Redheart flipped through her clipboard to a checklist of varying symptoms. She hummed and whistled as she read through the list and checked a few boxes with her trusty pen. "Alright Mrs... " "Abacus Cinch." Abacus Cinch Interjected. "Right, Mrs. Abacus Cinch. I'm going to ask you some questions about some other symptoms you might've noticed. Answer these questions as truthfully as you can. Okay?" "Alright." Abacus Cinch nervously agreed. "Okay." Nurse Redheart said before clearing her throat. "Did you experience any headaches more frequently than usual?" "Yes." "Any swelling of the breasts?" Abacus Cinch looked at her breasts to notice that they appeared to be slightly bigger than usual. "Yes." "Did you find yourself feeling moodier than usual?" "Come to think of it, Yeah. I did feel slightly more grumpy before our wedding, right dear?" "Yeah, I've noticed it quite a bit." "Alright. Any light headedness?" Nurse Redheart's question prompted Abacus Cinch to lean forward, covering her forhead with her hand. "Yep." Abacus Cinch moaned as she struggled to work through her momentary weakness. "Alright." Nurse Redheart said as she marked down another box. "Okay, now be one hundred percent honest with this question. How late are you with your period?" That question made Abacus Cinch contemplate for a few moments as she remembered that it has been more than a month since her last cycle. "I-I... Yes, I'm late." Abacus Cinch said with a hint of embarrassment. With a sigh, Nurse Redheart hooked her stethoscope to her ears as she approached Abacus Cinch. "Okay, I'm going to have to ask you to lift up your shirt." Nurse Redheart said as Abacus Cinch lifted her shirt to where her bare belly was visible. Nurse Redheart took notice that her patient's belly looked to be somewhat bloated as she placed the stethoscope onto her belly. She moved the device around to hear any out of the ordinary sounds until she heard what could be construed as soft sounding heartbeats. Upon hearing that sound, Nurse Redheart grew a smile as she took off her stethoscope. "Good news Mrs. Cinch, it doesn't appear to be any serious illness." Nurse Redheart said as Abacus Cinch and Timber both breathed a sigh of relief. "However, I would like to be the first to say congratulations to the both of you." Nurse Redheart's words confused both Timber and Abacus Cinch. They had no clue as to what they were being congratulated for and why. "What, why?" Abacus Cinch blurted out as Nurse Redheart scratched the back of her head. "Isn't it obvious from the symptoms?" "What? What is?" "You're pregnant." Those two words had hit Abacus Cinch like a wrecking ball. She had a hunch that was pregnancy case but brushed it off as if it were something else. She didn't know how Timber would react. As she looked towards Timber, Abacus Cinch noticed that his eyes were wide open and his mouth agape with surprise. She shook Timber to get his attention which took him several moments for his mind to snap back to reality. As he looked on at his wife, Timber's expression had changed from shock to that of a warm smile. "I'm going to be a father?" Timber gasped with a hint of glee. "Oh my god! I'm so happy." Both he and Abacus Cinch had shared a loving embrace in a reaction to the good news they were given. They were soon to be parents. "I can't believe that I finally get to be a mother! This is the best moment of my life!" They continued the embrace for several more seconds before being interrupted by the sound of Nurse Redheart clearing her throat. "I can tell that you're all excited by the wondrous news." Nurse Redheart said as she scribbled a note on a note card and handed it to Abacus Cinch. "The first thing to do is to get some prenatal vitamins in you. I've written a prescription for it. Just take it to your local pharmacy and they'll fill it. Also remember to take things progressively easier as you advance in your pregnancy for stress might cause harm to the baby." "Understood." Abacus Cinch said, rubbing her slightly bloated belly. She then felt the presence of Timber's hand join her as they both rubbed her belly in a sign of tender love. "When can we expect the ultrasound appointment to be held?" "Judging by the length of time between conception and now, I would say three and a half months from now at Canterlot Mercy Hospital. I'll let my colleague Tenderheart know when to expect the two of you." "Okay Ms. Redheart." Timber said as he shook Nurse Redheart's hand in gratitude. "Thank you so much for your help." "No problem." Nurse Redheart said with a smile. "It's the whole reason that I chose this profession, to help people." "Okay, See ya." With those words, Timber and Abacus Cinch drove off from the urgent care building and towards the downtown area for a celebratory lunch. During the drive, they both reflected on the reality of being parents and the challenge it entailed. "Hey honey, you hungry?" Timber asked. "I do have the craving for peanut butter... and pickles." Abacus Cinch's answer had Timber cringe at the mention of the combination. "Ugh, those cravings kicking in?" "Yep." Abacus Cinch laughed as she had found something to playfully annoy Timber with. Still, she felt the hunger pains as they drove around the downtown area to find a decent enough place to eat. "In all seriousness, I could go for a burger." "As you wish, my love." Timber said as he rubbed his wife's belly. They both smiled and chuckled as they continued onto their way toward lunch to celebrate the good news of having a child. The joy they felt for each other in that moment would be hard to describe. But, they've never felt happier since the day they got married. ==================== Three months and two weeks later ==================== Timber and Abacus Cinch had waited in the procedure room for Nurse Tenderheart to arrive. They were both eager to find out more about their baby. As Abacus Cinch laid upon the patient's chair, she gave timber a warm smirk as she gripped his hand upon her belly. At that point, the signs of her pregnancy had started to be more noticeable. Her belly was noticeably bigger compared to how she was months ago and her breasts had also grown in size, teeming with milk for the future newborn. Then, A nurse entered the room with a clipboard in hand. "Good afternoon you two, I'm Nurse Tenderheart. My colleague Redheart had recommended me to perform your ultrasound months ago." Tenderheart greeted herself as she walked over to the monitoring machine. "She did help us find out about her pregnancy." Timber responded as he brushed Abacus Cinch's belly with his other hand. "That she did. I became friends with her as we went through medical school together." Tenderheart said as she grabbed the ultrasonic transducer and a small tub of petroleum jelly. "Okay Abacus, I'm going to have to ask you to lift up your shirt so I can prepare the procedure." As Abacus Cinch lifted her shirt, Nurse Tenderheart globed a small amount of jelly and slathered it around her rotund belly. The feeling was strange and uneasy for Abacus Cinch as she had felt slight discomfort about the feeling. Timber, after having noticed her distress, took her hand in both his hands and pecked her on the cheek and calmed her down. There after, Nurse Tenderheart had flipped on the ultrasound machine and turned toward Abacus Cinch. "Now, Let's take a sneak peek at your child." Nurse Tenderheart said as she ran the transducer across Abacus Cinch's belly. The sensation for Abacus Cinch had felt like a slight tickle as Tenderheart brushed the transducer around. Then, the ultrasound machine had started to give off a series of heartbeats as the monitor displayed the outline of the fetus within Cinch's womb. "There it is. Your future baby." Nurse Redheart stated as both Timber and Abacus Cinch had turned their attention toward the monitor that showed them the outline of their child. The couple had leaned their heads against each other as they smiled at each other with contented humming. "Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" Tenderheart's words had caught the attention of the attention of the couple as they nodded at Nurse Tender heart with eager hearts. "Okay then, It's a girl." In that instant, both Timber and Abacus Cinch wrapped their arms around each other in celebration over the knowledge that they'll soon have a daughter to raise. Nurse Tenderheart had looked on at the scene with pride as she always enjoyed giving good news to patients. She thoroughly that part of her job and took it as a motivator to keep performing her duties. She then had hit a button on the ultrasound machine that made a nearby printer print out a screencap of the monitor and handed the picture to the couple, much to their joy. "I'm going to put this on the fridge when we get home." Abacus Cinch squeaked with joy as Timber pecked her on the lips. "Well, that concludes our appointment." Nurse Tenderheart said as Timber helped Abacus Cinch from the chair. "Be sure to keep healthy, avoid stress and keep doing the exercises for the baby's sake." "Sure thing." Both Abacus Cinch and Timber said as they walked out of the office. Later on that night, Abacus Cinch sat down on her bed with her legs crossed, staring at the moonlight as she rubbed her plump belly. She had closed her eyes as she rubbed, thinking about what her future daughter will become. He moment of calm had been interrupted when Timber entered the room and sat down behind her. "What's on you mind, my dear?" Timber said as he nudged closer to her, wrapping her in a calm and relaxing hug. "I've been wondering what to name our daughter." Abacus Cinch yawned as she was being slowly rocked back and forth by Timber, resting his head on her shoulders. "I was thinking of Lily Breeze or Autumn Stream. I can't decide which." "How about Autumn Breeze? That sorta rings a bell." Timber said as his hands had drifted down to Abacus Cinch's belly, rubbing it along with her. "Yeah, I like that." Abacus Cinch said as she rested her head on Timber's as they both rocked gently. In the midst of the calm, Timber had started to quietly sing the song that he and his wife had danced to on their wedding day. "She packed my bags last night, pre-flight. Zero hour, nine a.m. And i'm gonna be hi-i-igh as a kite by then. I miss the earth so much. I miss my wife. It's lonely out in space On such a ti-i-imeless flight." The soothing atmosphere and the calm singing from Timber had prompted Abacus Cinch to join him in the chorus, singing alongside her husband. "And I think it's gonna be a long long time til touchdown brings me round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home. Oh no no no I'm a rocket man. Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone.(x2)" They had sung the rest of the song as they continued to rock ever so gently. Soon, they had felt the lures of slumber beckon them to rest their heads on the pillows which they did. They had laid down in the same position as they were in a spooning position, hummed to each other as they both kissed each other goodnight as they fell asleep in an intimate embrace. ==================== Three months and three weeks later ==================== It was a beautiful saturday afternoon and Timber and a heavily pregnant Abacus Cinch had been sitting on the couch watching old movies. "What a twist." Timber muttered in shock. "I know, right?" Abacus Cinch said as she rubbed her immensely rotund belly. "It's always big plot twists like this that you won't see coming, but it makes the storyline more engaging to follow." "I can see that, honey." Timber smirked as rubbed his wife's arm. "Can I sit on your lap, my dear?" Abacus Cinch purred as she leaned closer to Timber while caressing his face. "As you wish." Those words were more than enough permission for Abacus Cinch to climb onto Timber's lap, resting her back on him while he cradled her in a loving hug. "Do you still remember that day when we first fell in love?" "I sure do, Abby." "I remembered you as being emotionally withdrawn, unwilling to talk to anyone. Now, Here you are, holding me in your arms while I bear your child." "I tend not to dwell on the negative parts of my past. I chose to focus on the good times like the first time we made love. I remember feeling my heart beat like mad whenever I'm with you." "Likewise." Abacus Cinch said as she pecked Timber on the lips and replied with a short kiss of his own. They looked each other in the eyes in an intimate way for what felt like two minutes. "Let's take this to the bedroom." "Good Idea." Timber got up and scooped up Abacus Cinch in his arms. He had slowly carried her into their bedroom and onto the bed. Once on the bed, Timber and Abacus Cinch had entrapped themselves in a deep embrace and kiss. As Timber danced his tongue with her's, He felt the soft-yet-firm and warm presence of his wife's pregnant belly brushing against his. The unusually comforting sensation had pressured Timber to become more passionate with his lovemaking. The rising intensity had caused Abacus Cinch to break the kiss. "What has gotten into you?" Abacus Cinch asked with slight amusement. "I dunno." Timber started. "It's just that your belly feels so nice and inviting." Abacus Cinch had a slight chuckle over Timber's admission. Sh never thought that her husband would see her as sexy in her 'condition'. "You love my belly?" Abacus Cinch purred as she placed her hands on Timber's cheeks. You naughty boy, you." Abacus Cinch had done it again. Sh had pushed Timber's metaphorical button with the utterance of the two word phrase that turned him on. The way she said it sounded intentional as if she knew it would drive him into a sexual frenzy. At that point, Timber had tossed aside all rationality by taking off his shirt and continued to kiss Abacus Cinch and dry hump her, letting the feeling of her belly add to his pleasure. With every brush against her, Timber let out muffled moans as he began to grope his wife. They both felt immeasurable pleasure as the pregnancy had made Abacus Cinch's hormones go crazy. They moaned and grunted as they kissed and rubbed against each other until Abacus Cinch sat up and removed her shirt. Timber was mesmerized by the sight of her breasts. They were big, soft, and teemed with milk so sweet that it would taste like the sweetest of nectar. Abacus Cinch Reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, letting the fabric fall down in front of her. Now her bare boobs were in full view of Timber, being helpless and paralyzed at the sight of those luscious sweater mounds to where he at first didn't notice his wife stroking and caressing his clothed, erect member. "Oh dear lord." Timber moaned in pleasure as Abacus Cinch looked into his eyes with lust as she stroked his imprisoned penis. "Mind if we take the rest of our clothes off before we go further?" With a nod of approval, they took the remainder of their clothes off, leaving only their naked forms for themselves to see. Abacus Cinch took off her hair bow, letting her long hair flow long and freely. She grabbed Timber bu his arms and used her stored strength to pin him on his back, licking her lips at the sight of his stone hard dick. "Are you ready for my breasts?" Abacus Cinch growled as she inched her fun pillows closer to Timber's staff. In that moment, Timber noticed some dripping occurring from an all-too-familiar region. He wanted to pleasure her labia but the size of her belly made sure he wasn't able to reach it. At that point, he was at the mercy of his wife's sexual hunger. In a quick flash of time, Abacus Cinch had stuck his cock between her tits and began to do the usual titjob. That time, however, it felt different as if the size and softness of her breasts had delivered more pleasure than the previous times she done it. "Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck... OH FUCK THIS FEELS SOOOO GOOOD!" Timber roared as pleasure and sexual energy coursed though his veins. Every ministration from Abacus Cinch's boobs had brought him closer to the edge of pleasure, bit by bit. As she heard his reactions to her move, Abacus Cinch took the entire length of his schlong into her mouth. The sudden surge in pleasure made Timber throw his head backwards as he became closer and closer to his climax. "Oh jesus! OH GOD! HOOOOLLLY CHRRR-ARRGGGGHHH!!!" With his grunt and a rush of lightheadedness, Timber laid back as he unleashed the might of his orgasm into Abacus Cinch's mouth, making her swallow up all of his cum as it spurted into her mouth. With each spurt, Timber became more lightheaded as the released had released a surge of pleasure with a force akin to a dam bursting. Over the course of two minutes, Timber had shot his entire load into his wife's mouth and made her savor the salty taste. Before she had made the next move, Abacus Cinch reached for her drawer and pulled out a condom. "W-w-why?" Timber asked as Abacus Cinch cleaned his still erect cock. "Don't want any cum in my womb when I'm this close to my due date." Abacus Cinch said as she wrapped her husband's manhood up with the condom. With lustful eyes and a horny demeanor, Abacus Cinch had mounted Timber and aligned his spear with her moist and wanting lower lips. The feeling of his cock brushing across her pussy and the feeling of her pregnant belly snuggling his stomach only served to arouse Timber from his post orgasm stupor. "Give it to me, Abby." Timber gasped As Abacus Cinch Impaled herself on Timber's stiff pride. The hormones sparked through the air. Their repressed sexual tension had finally been unleashed as Abacus Cinch used her hips to slide herself along her husband's length. "This feels so good! I never want it to end!" Timber breathed as Abacus Cinch continued with her bouncing. "It's been too long since we did something like this!" "I know!" Abacus Cinch panted as her pussy slid up and down Timber's schlong. With each landing, her belly bumped against Timber's groin, making him more sex crazed. The feeling drove him insane as the warmth of his wife's plump belly had made him feel a whole new level of sexual nirvana. Without any sign or prior warning, Timber grabbed both sides of Abacus Cinch's belly and thrusted in perfect sync with the rhythm of her bouncing. Each thrust had prodded her bomb and the sensation of the hammering had sent them ever so close to their respective edges. "I'm close!" Timber grunted as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. "I'm about to cum." "Same... here!" Abacus shrieked. "MESS ME UP LIKE A WILD BEAST!" Her last few words had prompted Timber to sit up and embrace his wife as they continued on with their last few movements before succumbing to their orgasms. "I love you Timber!" "I love you too, Abby!" With their loud declarations of love toward each other, they held the pressure of their release back no longer and allowed themselves to be lost in the bliss of their orgasms. For a good 5 minutes they held on to each other as they moaned and grunted in pure passion. Once the initial shock and awe died down, they collapsed onto the bed in each others arms as the engaged in a deeply passionate kiss. "I never knew I was holding that much back!" Timber wheezed as he slid his wang out of his wife's love tunnel. "And there went all the stress I had felt all month." Abacus Cinch gasped as she sat up. Suddenly, she felt a sharp sting on her butt as she saw Timber's had reeling back from spanking her which made her give a sultry laugh. "You like to play naughty, don't you?" "You know me well, Abby." As he smiled, Timber felt a rumbling sensation in his stomach as hunger began to rage throughout his mind. "Hey, let's go get ready. I'm starting to crave a good pasta dish." Without another word, Abacus Cinch nodded as Timber gabbed some clothes and ran into the bath room, washing and grooming himself for the day. When it was her turn, Abacus took longer to shower and brush her teeth to make her germ-free for the baby. As she got her clothes on, She noticed a pressure building up in her lower belly. She shrugged it off as she got the last of her clothes on and walked out of the bathroom to meet with Timber. As she got closer to him, she suddenly was frozen in place by a sharp pain in her private area as her vision became blurred. Her knees buckled as she supported herself on a nearby shelf, giving out pained grunts. "Honey! Are you alright?!" Timber blurted as he rushed to her aid, helping her up. "Baby, I-I-It's time!" It didn't take too long at all for Timber to process what she had meant. Her water had broke and their child was about to be born. "Oh shit! Let's get going!" Timber said as he carried the in-labor Abacus Cinch to their car and drove off toward the hospital with great haste. "ARRGGGGGHHHH!" Abacus screamed as Timber drove as quickly as he could without doing anything reckless. Her screams continued as they drove to the hospital, putting more stress on him as he tries to handle the situation. "Hold on Abby, We're nearly there!" Timber blurted as they turned onto the Hospital's parking lot. Once parked, Timber wasted no time in escorting his wife out of the car as they rushed toward the lobby as quickly as they could. As they got in, several hospital staff noticed Abacus Cinch in labor and rushed to get her into a wheelchair to cart her off to the nearest room they could find. "Hey, my wife is in labor!" Timber rapidly said as the clerk turned toward him. "Okay sir, you're gonna have to fill out the admittance form here so we can register it in our system." The clerk explained in a deadpan manner as she handed Timber a form with a ton of fields to fill out. "Oh fuck me." He muttered as he took a solid 10 minutes to complete the forms and hand it over to the clerk who then gave him a pass and pointed him in the direction of his wife's room. As he followed the sounds of his wife's labor screams, he knew he was on the right path as he saw a familiar sight standing in the doorway. "Nurse Tenderheart! Thank goodness it's you." Timber said as he approached her. "Is my wife alright?" "She's doing fine. But, we can't let you in at this point. We need her to concentrate on her labor. Go wait out in the lobby and I'll come get you when we're done." Tenderheart's explanation had made his heart sink as he slowly walked back to the lobby to wait. He was saddened that he would miss the moment his daughter would be born. As he teared up, he knew that he had to be strong for his family for their sake. Sucking it up, Timber accepted fate and kicked his head back as he dozed off to a nap. "Mr. Gale." "Mr. Gale." "Hey! Mr. Gale!" Timber was woken up by Tenderheart's nudges to his arm as his vision began to set. "How long has it been?" "9 hours. Are you ready to see them?" Timber entered the room where his wife is in. As he approached her area, he saw his wife holding their newborn daughter. He couldn't help but tear up at such a beautiful sight as Abacus Cinch handed over the baby for him to hold. The baby had a skin color that was slightly darker than that of her mother and a hair color that was a shade lighter than Timber's green hair. He watched as his daughter slowly sucked her thumb to his giddy laughter. As soon as baby Autumn Breeze heard the sound of her father, she used her sharp purple eyes to help reach her arms up to grab at his face but instead gripped his index finger. "Hmmm, the little one has some strength in her." "She sure does." Abacus Cinch meekly said as Timber handed Autumn Breeze back to her, sitting beside his resting wife. "We did it, Abby." Timber said as he leaned his head against her. "We have a beautiful daughter to raise." "And I couldn't done it with anyone else." Abacus Cinch said as she wrapped her, timber, and the baby in a gentle loving hug being the first one as parents to their new child. "I love you, Timber." ... ... ... "I love you too, Abby."