> Fuckfire Stories > by TheEveryDaySparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > FuckFire Stories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After her session with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash was happy. Her long time friend had accepted her and even offered to come back so they could do it again. She could feel how happy she was. The excitement was bubbling up inside of her like a boiling pot of tea. She, of course, could not show this, as it would raise questions she was too embarrassed to answer at this moment, but even so, she still couldn't stop the idiotic grin that spread across her face. Eh, she could just tell them she did well in a wonderbolts show or something. She was a Wonderbolt now after all. Anyway, ever since that day, Fluttershy has come by for a visit every two days or so. The two pegasi were even closer than ever, and the strength of their bond could be said to equal that of Rainbow's love for scootaloo. She walked and walked, but then a sudden thought chose that moment to ruin her good mood. 'What about my other friends? Sure, Fluttershy accepted me, but what about Twilight, or AJ, or Pinkie? Rarity would no doubt call me filthy for doing this, and Twilight would find it Disturbing.' But then, she got an idea. 'I could just come out and tell them. What would they say if I told them up front? Probably the same thing. But, even if that is the case. I have to tell them. I hate keeping this from them. But the question is, how do I do it?' Rainbow had it. She knew exactly how she would get it done. She would set up a picnic. Yes, that's right. A picnic would do nicely. She would set up a picnic, set a time for them all to meet, and once that was done, she would tell them everything. Just put it all out on the table for them to hear. Whatever decision they made, she would take it and go. And so, with that in mind, she set her plan into action. First, she needed to go see Twilight. She was a very prompt pony, surely she would keep the time and date for her! After all, she was never good at keeping on time with things, and she didn't want to forget this. She needed to get it said and done so that she would have no way of back out until it was all over. She made her way to the crystal castle and knocked on the door three times, patiently waiting for Twilight to answer it. When the door finally opened, Rainbow Dash looked up to see a surprised Twilight staring back at her. "Hi, Rainbow! How are you doing?" "I'm doing great, Twi! Um...can I come in?" "Of course you can Rainbow." Twilight stepped out of the way to let her in. She walked inside and stopped in the center of the room. Twilight used her magic to close the door and turned back to Rainbow, only to find her not looking at her. "Is something wrong, Rainbow? You seem awfully quiet." Rainbow perked up immediately. "Oh? What? Sorry, Twilight. I'm fine, I swear. I just got a little...confused, is all." "If you say so Rainbow. I understand." "Good. Because I have something I want to ask you." "You do? Well, what is it?" "Do you have anything planned today, Twi? Have anything you have to do at all?" "Um, no, I don't think so. Why? Did you want to do something?" "Yeah, I did. I was actually kinda wondering if you would wanna...I don't know...have a picnic?" "That's a great idea, Rainbow, but, what brought this on all of a sudden?" "Oh, well, you know. I just thought that since we've been fighting bad for so long, now that we have a break we should all spend some time together. Have some fun, you know?" "That sounds wonderful Rainbow. I'll let the others know. What time and place did you want to have it?" "Maybe...around five? Three days from now? At the clearing where we held our last one?" Rainbow looked over and saw that Twilight was already writing down the time, mumbling to herself. She couldn't help but smirk slightly. When Twilight was done, she looked over at Rainbow and said, "There. All done. Now all we have to do is make invitations and send them out to everyone. Although, now that I think about it, why didn't you just go to Pinkie with all of this?" "I never thought to do that. I'll go and see if she can team up with AJ to make the food." It's true. She never once thought to go and see Pinkie, but now that it was going through her mind, she couldn't have gone to see her anyway. Pinkie pie works in mysterious ways, and no one knows how she does most of the things she does. What if she went there and she found out about her before she was ready to tell them. That would be disastrous. But now she would have to go and see her anyway. Oh, why was fate so cruel? Twilight nodded her head. "Okay. Could you tell her about the invitations too, then? There's a reason why she's the party pony here." she giggles at her own joke "Yeah...I'll do that. Well, see you later, Twi." "Goodbye Rainbow. Oh, I can't wait!" With that Rainbow left, making her way to Sugar Cube Corner on autopilot as her thoughts became more and more confused. 'What if she finds out? What if she tells them? What if she herself doesn't like it? We've been friends almost as long as Fluttershy and I have. Oh, I hope I don't lose my friends for this.' Before she knew it, she had reached Sugar Cube Corner. She opened the door and walked inside, not at all surprised to see Pinkie Pie hard at work. "Hey, Pinkie." Rainbow Dash called. "Hi, Dashie! How are you doing today?" "I'm doing great! How about you?" "I'm doing absolutely, positively, amazingly wonderful today! Oh i'm so happy I could just smile. Wait. i'm already doing that." She giggles. "So, what did you come by for?" Rainbow takes a moment to think, then says, "Oh yeah, about that. I wanna hold a picnic for all of our friends. You know, because of all the fighting we've been doing. Like a break for us." "Yeah, I know what you mean. My whole body's still sore from that fight with Discord." "Pinkie, that was years ago." "Oh, right, yeah. Sorry." "It's fine. So what'd'ya say, Pinkie? Wanna come?" "Oh boy, do I! I'd love to come. I'll get everything ready. I have to make snacks for everyone!" And with that she was gone, Rainbow turned around and walked off. She couldn't help the smirk that found its way onto her face. She didn't have to tell her to bring snacks. That sure made her job easier. Now, all she had to do was wait. Three days later, Rainbow made her way to their scheduled spot. She wasn't going to be late, but she had set things up so she would be the last to arrive at the picnic. And just as she thought, everyone was already there and chatting away, paying absolutely no attention to her. That is until she showed up. Everyone turned to see her walking up to them. They each spoke their respective greetings and sat down. And with that, the picnic began. Rainbow had no idea how to broach the subject to her friends. Right now, they were talking about Twilight, and how she nearly freaked out the last time they were here. They had already gone through AJ and her past when she used to lie, Pinkie and the time she visited the yaks, and Fluttershy and her time with Aj on that one Friendship mission where she pretended to be famous. It was only a matter of time until they got to her. And sure enough they were down to one person. Rarity and the time she got captured by diamond dogs. She hoped and prayed that they would continue the conversation long enough for her to think of something to say. Luckily for her, it did. They were all still laughing it up, this time about their trip on that boat. That tale pretty much involved all of her friends, so it was a long one to talk about. That gave her some time. She gave some thought to how it would all go down. 'So, how could I start? Maybe just out and say it? Or should I wait and treat it like a surprise? I could just mention it randomly. No that'd be too embarrassing. I could use the conversation as a jumping off point and reveal it like that? Yeah...yeah, that's perfect!' "-ainbow?" "Rainbow!?" "Rainbow!" She stopped and looked around at her friends. AJ spoke up. "Are you alright, Sugar Cube?" Dash looked at her. "Yeah, i'm fine. Don't worry about it." "If you say so... Anyway, I think we were talking about That time Rainbow nearly messed up her Wonderbolts performance." Everyone looked at Rainbow and waited. She knew they wanted her to say something, but the memory, despite being old, was still just a bit embarrassing. She blushed. "Guys, no...anything but that one." "Aw, come on, Dashie! It's funny" said Pinkie. "Remember when scoots carried a cloud in only for it to zap you as soon as you passed through it! That was gold!" Everyone laughed at that. Even Rainbow. 'Hahaha. I guess it is a little funny. Wait, what am I doing? This is my chance!' "Hey, girls? There's something I have to tell you. It's the real reason I called you all out here today." At that, everyone was dead silent. Rainbow sweat dropped, not expecting everyone's undivided attention so soon. AJ must've seen this, for she said, "It's alright sugar cube. Ya know we're here for ya, whatever it is." Rainbow nearly cried. They had no idea what it was. It was heavy for her. The fact that she might still have their support was a comforting thought, but it didn't stop her nervousness as she gulped, took a deep breath, and admitted, "I've been having sex." At that everyone laughed. Twilight spoke up. "Rainbow, we've all had sex by now. We're grown mares. Come-" "With my family." Now that was a different story. Everyone was silent once more, and this made Rainbow feel very uncomfortable. "You guys must think i'm strange." Aj spoke up again, causing Rainbow to look up from the ground long enough to see her shake her head. "Hun, If you're strange, then we all are. Just as if not more than you." This surprised Rainbow. "You mean...you all...?" "Yep!" exclaimed pinkie, a smile on her face. "We've all bedded one of our relatives before!" "Wha-" Rainbow could feel tears coming even as she was cut off by Rarity. "Why, I remember my first time with Sweetie Belle. She was naked, save her underwear, and...well I had gotten a little too 'excited' in my attempts to fashion her clothes. I began measuring...unneeded areas. She asked me about where I ended up touching her, and why it felt so good, and well... I demonstrated. A lot. "Rarity? Do I really need to get naked for you to measure me?" "Of course you do, Sweetie. We don't want unnecessary things getting in the way. Now, arms out." Sweetie spread her arms out to her sides. "Perfect!" Rarity began to measure, flitting from side to side randomly as she kept measuring her sister. She was so engrossed her measurements that she went a little too far and began measuring the space between her hooves. She kept moving up and up and up until... "Aaaahhhh!" Sweetie moaned loudly, covered her mouth and blushed, looking down at her sister. "Um, Rarity? I...think you're measuring too much." she said with an embarrassed smile. Rarity got up and cleared her throat, looking away from sweetie and saying, "Yes, of course. Pardon me, Sweetie. My measurements are done, and your dress should be in around a week." "Aww, what am I gonna do for a whole week?' "You could play with your friends. The cutie mark crusaders, was it?" "I do that every day anyway. Knowing that I'm hanging with them just to pass the time until I get my dress is gonna make it that much more painfully slow." "I see. Well, how about..." It took Rarity some time to think, but still she couldn't think of anything for her beloved sister to do. "I'm sorry Sweetie Belle. I have no idea." "It's okay. Thanks for trying though. I appreciate it." A few minutes passed in silence. They looked at each for a long moment before Sweetie Belle asked, "Uh...Rarity? What was that thing you did again?" "Whatever do you mean, darling?" "When you were measuring me. You did something that felt really good." "Oh, that? Well...that was, um..." "What's wrong? Tell me." "Well, you see, Sweetie, um..." "Tell me!" "Oh alright fine! But you'll have to strip naked. Completely naked." "Naked?!" "Yes. You wanted to know, so you have to do it." "Oh, alright." And with that, Sweetie stripped naked in front of her sister. Rarity walked up to her and showed her her hoof, which she then brought down to Sweetie's virgin pussy, and gently pressed against it, rubbing gently. Almost immediately Sweetie Belle's face reddened and she started breathing heavily. "Rarity...What are you doing down there?" "this is what that feeling was, Sweetie. You wanted to know, so here it is." "This is what it was? But...this feels so...what is this?" "It's called masturbation darling. And this..." She rubbed harder and found her way into her sister's folds with a hoof. "Is how you do it." She began to thrust her hoof in and out of her sister's snatch, going faster and faster with each pump. "Ahhh, this feels wonderful..." "I know it does. I've done it before." "What? Rarity, you've done this before?" "I may be a lady, Sweetie Belle, but a lady has needs, too." Rarity smirked and pushed deeper into her. Soon after that, Sweetie Bell came. Rarity caught her before she could fall over from exhaustion. Sweetie looked at her sister and said, "Please, show me more..." And so there they stood, in Rarity's room, stark naked. Rarity led her sister to the bed and laid her down, getting on along with her and taking her place on top. "You ready, Sweetie dear?" "Yes, I am. Please show me." "I will. And don't worry, I'll be gentle." With that, Rarity began to move down, laying light kisses on her sister's body until she finally got where she wanted to be. "I think i'll use my tongue this time." Sweetie Belle had no time to react as she was assaulted by the warm wet feeling of her sister's tongue. "Ahhh! Hahhh! Rarity...!" She gently grabbed her sister's head and pushed, burying Rarity's tongue even deeper inside her. Rarity herself was as wet as a pool and as horny as hell. Her true, ladylike self was all gone now. "Do you like this dear?" "Oh Rarity I love it! More. Give me more!" "As you wish." With that, Rarity stopped her licking and moved so that she was atop her sister. She laid herself down upon her and began grinding her dripping pussy against Sweetie's own. "How's this?" Her answer didn't come right away, as Sweetie had nearly collapsed from the pleasure. She managed a soft, whimpering moan and then simply gave in to her sister's ministrations. Unable to hold back her climax anymore, she simply allowed it to drip down her legs and onto the bed. Rarity giggled. "I'll take that to mean you liked it then?" She got up to go, but before she could leave, Her sister grabbed her hoof. "Hmm?" Rarity said as she looked back to see Sweetie looking up at her with lust filled eyes. "You can't leave yet, big sister. I haven't done you yet." And so their night continued, Sweetie and Rarity taking turns pleasuring each other. At the end of Rarity's story, everyone had embarrassed looks on their faces. None more so than Rainbow Dash, who spoke up next. "Wow, that's...wow. I never thought that you of all people would do something like that." "Neither did I, darling. But it happened. And it's been happening for as long as i can remember. Sweetie and I don't leave the house until we've had sex." At that, everyone was surprised. As one they all said, "Really?" "What? Is something wrong with that? I imagine your stories are much the same, after all." "Pretty much." came another voice. Everyone turned around to see Apple Jack tipping up her hat and looking out at all of them. "Big Mac, Apple Bloom and I don't start work on the farm until we've had a good old fashioned fuck session. Helps us not get distracted from our work" "AppleJack, AppleJack!" Apple Bloom's childlike voice rang through the farm as she ran all around looking for her big sister. AppleJack appeared not a few minutes later picking her ears. "Geez, Apple Bloom, can ya keep yer voice down?! I'mma comin' already!" Within a few moments, AppleJack was downstairs and in the main room of the barn with her sister. "Now what's so important that ya had to go and wake up half o' ponyville like that?" "I learned something new in school today!" "Oh? And what's that?" "Miss Cheerilee called it 'The birds and the bees', even though she didn't mention any bees when she taught us. She said the real name for it was somethin' called sex!" AppleJack simply stared at her sister as she said the very word she had expected to never have to tell her about until she was...well, she was already old enough, but she never expected it to come this soon! Apple Bloom looked at her for a moment before tilting her head and asking "AppleJack? What does sex mean?" AppleJack blushed. "I thought you just said Miss Cheerilee taught ya about it." "No, she did, it's just...what I mean is...well...How do you have sex?" Silence. Abolute, impenetrable silence filled the room at those words. AppleJack never expected her sister to ask her this question. Sex was not something she could explain. Sure she's had sex before, but it's not something that can be put into words. It's an experience. She would have to... She would have to...show her. "I...I...can't tell you Apple Bloom." She can't be thinking what she thinks she's thinking, can she? Will she really have to show her sister how to have sex? Is she really considering the possibility? As an even bigger blush spread across her face, she realized, yes, she was. "Why can't you tell me, sis?" Apple Bloom looked at her. She looked at her with those cute, innocent eyes, that pleading expression, that childlike curiosity, and then her sister gave in. "Because i have ta show ya. Follow me." With that, they made their way up to AppleJack's room, where a lesson awaited that Apple Bloom would never forget. "Um...big sis? Why are we naked?" "Ya have ta be naked ta have sex, Apple Bloom. It's just how it works." "Realy? Well, okay then. If you say so." "Good. Now come on over to the bed and lie down. Once you're on the bed, big sister'll take care of the rest." "Okay!" With that, Apple Bloom got onto the bed, patiently awaiting her sister's instruction. Soon, she felt a weight on the bed that let her know her sister was getting on just before she was greeted with the sight of her sister's body looming over her. She noticed her sister was breathing heavily. "Hey, AJ, are you okay? You sound pretty tired." "I'm not tired, Apple Bloom. I'm aroused." "Aroused?" "Yep. You'll know what it means soon. Just be..." she started rubbing her little sister's tight folds slowly. "...patient." Immediately Apple Bloom tensed up. Where did here sister just touch her? She didn't touch her...'there', did she? She felt her breath quicken as her sister kept poking and prodding and rubbing her hoof against her private spot. What did sex have to do with this particular part of her body? She had no idea quite yet, but it felt really really good, and she found herself blushing, and breathing haevily, just like her sister. Is she aroused now too? The feeling in her nethers is definitely telling her so. AppleJack is loving this. Her sister is so cute. She's glad she decided to do this now. Now all she has to do is finish this lesson, and she can freely give her sister pleasures she has never known before. She rubs harder on her folds, pushing a hoof in. She begins to pump in and out of her, waiting to see her reaction. Apple Bloom had not been expecting this. She now knew what her sister was doing, but this was something new. She had put a hoof inside of her. She gasped. It felt even better now, and she could feel the ghost of a pressure slowly rising in her core. She moaned out loud at this and covered her mouth quickly, trying to not wake the others, but it was already too late. Big Mac had come in to see what was going on, and the sight before him made his cheeks redden and his cock pop to attention. "What's this?" was all he said. "AppleJack and her sister looked up to find Big Mac standing right by their bed, watching them with an expression of shock." "Big Mac, this isn't what it looks like!" said Apple Bloom. Apple Jack looked to her sister with a slight glare. "What have I told ya about lyin'?!" She looks at Big Mac. "Well, ya caught us. This is what it looks like. Ya gonna tell granny on us?" "Nope." AppleJack was surprised, but then she looked down and saw his throbbing cock. "Ya wanna join us, then?" "yep." And so, Big Mac joined the party. He was naked in seconds, getting onto the bed with his sisters. AppleJack decided to step up her lessons. She lowered herself onto her sister and began grinding her pussy upon her own. Apple Bloom shivered with pleasure. She was sex drunk now. utter instinct drove her. She began to grind against her sister, breathing heavily as the feeling in her core rose to new heights. AppleJack looked to her brother. "Choose one of us before we both cum." She laughed a little. Big Mac did as instructed and positioned his cock to line up with AppleJack's already dripping nethers, pushing deep inside. He nearly moaned out himself as he felt his sister's folds envelop his cock. He began to thrust his hips, pumping in and out of her like a piston. AJ fared no better as her hips bucked against his. She had begun pushing herself back to help him impale her deeper when she got a sudden surprise from Apple Bloom. A kiss. She looked down at her when they broke the kiss to find her staring with a look of pure list in her eyes. "I think I understand what sex is now, sis." With those words, she kissed her again. She began to grind harder against her sister even though she could feel herself reaching climax as her brother fucked her hole. Big Mac himself was about to burst. He was pounding away at his sister at this point, and he could tell she was about to cum too. He could feel her walls squeezing him for all he had, and he was planning on giving her that and more. When they both finally came, it was five minutes later, and Apple Bloom's tongue was hanging out of her mouth as she got her pussy licked by her sister. AppleJack moved out of the way to make room for her brother as he stroked himself slowly to prepare for another round. He positioned himself in line with her nethers and pushed, slowly, inside of her. He wanted to, but he couldn't stop himself, as he slid further and further in, slowly ripping her hymen and reaching all the way inside. Apple Bloom had never had anything like this happen to her. This was completely different from her lessons with AppleJack. Her brother's cock was all the way inside of her and she felt so full. She could tell that this was sex. Real sex. And she loved it. Sure it hurt a bit when she felt that tear in her, but it soon turned to pleasure. Big Mac simply continued his onslaught, spreading her apart over and over again with his cock as he pounded away. His sister, having long since gotten used to the pain of it all, had given in to pleasure and was simply enjoying herself now, her tongue still hopelessly lolling out of her mouth the entire time. Soon they both came and she was satisfied. As Apple Bloom looked up at her sister, she heard her say, "Well, Apple Bloom, that's what sex is. Did you like it?" "It was wonderful." "Good, because after that, I don't think we're gonna be stopping anytime soon." After listening to Aj's story, the whole group was blushing, and was even slightly aroused. They all looked at her. Rainbow spoke up "That was so...hot." "Why, thank ya Rainbow! I can't wait to hear your stories. I'm sure ya have a lot." At that, everyone looked at her. Rainbow blushed harder. "Ehehe. I do, but...I think I should go." "You're leaving?" came Fluttershy's voice. "Yep. If you want, you girls can come by anytime. Maybe we could all have sex together one of these days?" Twilight spoke up. "That would be wonderful Rainbow. We could even share more stories!" At that they all nodded and stood, their food long gone and their blanket put away long ago. They went their separate ways all thinking the same thing. 'I have a few urges to take care of all of a sudden.'