> Ponyville Over-confidential > by Khushi1428 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Sour Apple (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville over-confidential Story by Khushi1428 Chapter 1: The Sour Apple After the little filly returns home, she sees Applejack and Big Mac working together, bucking apples and collecting them in buckets. Applebloom gets worried, thinking they won't blame her again. So, by keeping a partial confidence, she walked towards the barn, sweating along. When the little filly reached near them, but going straight without looking at them, Big Mac saw her and responded by a bitter response. "Hrmph!" Big Mac scoffed. Applebloom didn't look at them, she wen't straight. Then, Applejack responded bitterly as well. "Yer not welcome, inside Applebloom." Applebloom stopped. She turned around the big ponies disappointed. Without wasting a second, she puts her conversation over her and starts to talk. "W-why?" Only these words were meant to know from her mouth. "Why? Because, young lady. You made those embarrassing photos which made us betrayed! Did we expected this from you? We taught you good things, and.." Applejack tched in between. "They learn to use them for the bad.." Applejack said bitterly. "W-what? Are you saying.. I'm bad?!" Applebloom said. "Yes, you are Applebloom! You humiliated your sister, along with your brother! The values we thought are going worse as you are making them bad! You ruined the population of us because of you and your friends!" Big Mac replied. "Even though your our little sister and our part of the family, we will not allow you to enter this barn. Even one step ahead! If you stepped this time it's your final warning.. otherwise-" Applejack said before Applebloom could break her lines. "WHY YOU EVEN HATE ME?!" Applebloom screamed in tears, causing the both to open wide. The big brother confronts her. "Watch your tone, Applebloom! You don't know whom your talking to!" The big brother responded harshly. "Yeah! I'm talking to the Mayor, right?! That we should only respect those who teaches us! What about others?! They are also like our teachers! If those teachers start to disrespect harshly to their students, wouldn't it ruin their future? Wouldn't it ruin their love? Wouldn't it make them shed one tear? And look what those teachers doing right next to me are treating me.." She said in tears. Applejack then confronted her. "What do you even mean? Ya think that your the boss of this barn, and order us to do that?!" Applejack cried. "I respected you.. I taught many things from you.. you thought me that once we take evil we wouldn't come back to the good, because the good knows what wrong we did. But, I don't think the good is not sad, he's kinda happy! Because.. because he knew we didn't do anything wrong.." Applebloom said by trickling tears. The big ponies glanced themselves. Applebloom just shook her head down and tearing, soon after, Applejack broke the half-minute silence. "Look, Applebloom. I know you did say right but, until we don't get the evidence, we won't trust you at all. So, please leave.." Applejack said her little sister to leave. Applebloom shedded tears. They still didn't trusted her, she bursted into tears. "THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T WANTED TO LIVE WITH SUCH SO-CALLED FAMILY WHO DOESN'T LIKE HER SISTER, ANYMORE!" Applebloom screamed and ran away from the barn, this makes the big earth ponies open eyes wide. Later, Granny Smith returned from the zap apple shop, as she sees Applebloom running. She sees something strange, so she also sees the big ponies standing outside the barn. She went towards them, and asking what's wrong with Applebloom. "Um, pumpkins? What's wrong with our dearie' Applebloom? She'd look depressed while running as I saw her." The old pony said with that voice of the old ponies. "Granny! Ya don't know... she's making those embarrassing photos and sending them to the public! We told her to stay away from the barn. Until we don't decide." Applejack said. "W-What?! You bitterless pumpkins! What did you do?!" Granny Smith's tone going in high rage. "G-Granny.. I can explain.." Before the farmer could speak the old farmer raised her voice. "Why would you explain by your excusable talks upon me! Ya don't know my dearie' wouldn't do that! But, you bitterless pumpkins aren't ready to listen! You are just paying attention of what happened that day, and straight! You are gonna forget her, which Ah.. don't.. LIKE!" Granny Smith scolded. "B-but Granny.." The big brother lines broke due to the old farmer interrupted between. "You two! If Ah don't get Applebloom back, then Ah'll leave this barn and find her myself! After that, you will see what punishment we both would give.." The both farmers widely opened their eyes in shock, that caused the old farmer to walk away from them. This caused Applejack to say only one word: "W-what have we done?" After some time, the both big ponies of Applebloom were sitting outside the barn, worried for what they did. Applejack bursts into anger and raised her voice. "This is because of you, Big Mac!" The farmer raised her anger over the male farmer. "W-what?! Why your pointing the blame on me?!" Big Mac replied. Applejack's blood boiled more. " If you didn't humiliated her with such hurtful comments on her she wouldn't leave!" "But, you also did the same I did, as well! Why you just blame me?!" Applejack stopped and her anger went down, as she didn't remember that she also did the same. She trickles a tear and says: "Oh, mah sister Applebloom.. Ah'm so sorry.." Applejack cried in tears and teared. She landed her head over Big Mac and he calmed her. The one and only thing they did wrong was not only giving hurtful comments to her, but to.. Lose her one and only little sister... Applejack standed her head over Big Mac, and wiped her tears over her face. "Tomorrow is the day, to find Applebloom with my friends.. and apologize everything we did to her.. are you with me Big Mac?" Applejack confessed. "Eeyup!" Big Mac replied. Applejack smiled and looked at the starry sky, as they will do anything to find their little sister. You will find the rest in Part 2. > The Sour Apple (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, the big ponies were sleeping on the earth's ground, making the light shine on their eyes. This makes Applejack wake up from her sleep, and rubs her eyes from the affected sunlight. She sees Big Mac slept with her as well, so she wakes her up by saying softly. "Big Mac? C'mon, brother.. It's sunshine!" Applejack said in a calm voice. "Urk, just five more minutes, please.." Big Mac replied. Applejack got blank. She pushed him off, which caused him to open his eyes. This made Big Mac angry. "Ah was sleepin', Applejack! Why did ya woke me up?" The brother said assertively. "Do you even know what's the time? It's 10:13 a.m, exact!" Applejack replied a angered response. "Then, still!" Big Mac slept on the ground again. This made Applejack assertive. "Look, Big Mac.. are you here to sleep, or here to find our little sister?" Applejack said. "T-to find our little sister..." Big Mac said sullenly with his eyes closed. "Then why are ya sleeping un-necessarily if you want to find our sister?!" Applejack replied passively. "Ugh.." Big Mac got up carefully from the ground, rubbing his eyes due to sunlight. "Come on, Applejack.. we're not Power Ponies.." "Even we're not like the Power Ponies, we can fight without superpowers, as well!" Applejack confessed. "Um, I didn't say that we have superpowers, so why you say like that?" Big Mac said confusingly. "Because, we had to trust what happened that day, and we started to be cruel and harsh to her, which we didn't need to do, and she ran away because of us, and if we didn't find her, we will get the punishment from the both's decisions.." "I know that day. We were so cruel.." There was a 1-minute silence, but it broke when Applejack said. "So what are we waiting for! We should move our feet away!" "Eeyup!" "B-but wait.. where she could have gone, basically?" The female farmer thought. "I don't know.." "Hrmph.." Applejack disgusted. After that, she gasped. "Ah know where she is!" "Where?" "Follow me!" The big farmers trotted outside the barn, and went to Ponyville to find her little sister. They first went to the CMC's headquarters, where they opened the door and saw Applebloom, along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo with her. Applejack went towards her, but Applebloom turned her face away from her sister. "Applebloom, ah'm so sorry-" Applejack said before anything could break her lines. "I don't wanna listen to you no more.. your not my sister anymore.." Applebloom confessed. "B-but at least you can talk to me-" Big Mac went towards her, but Applebloom stops him. "YOU TOO!" She screamed. Big Mac stopped, and went back where he was. Applejack then explains her. "Sugarcube? Look, Granny has scolded us, so we are wrong for our mistake we did to you! You can come home now!" Applejack said. "I can't go to such so-called ponies home who don't deserve me to go there." Applebloom replied. The big ponies opened their mouths and eyes wide, hearing such language. Then, Applejack raises her voice. "Look, Applebloom. If you don't come with us, we will truly never let you come home.." Applejack said passively. "Okay! If you want me to come home, fine! I'm coming! But, I'M NOT. I will never live with such family who wants to believe in those photos in the newspapers.." Applebloom said. "But Applebloom-" "DON'T SAY ANYTHING!" They went silent. They can't say anything but they were sent out of the headquarters. "Get out.." "B-but-" "I SAID GET OUT YOU GEDDLINGS!" "Applebloom, please listen.." "No.. NO.. NOOOO!" "Applebloom!" Applebloom shuts the door hard. The ponies were shocked, they had nothing to do but to shed tears. Then they returned back to the barn, telling Granny Smith the bad news. When they returned to the barn, with sad faces on their face, they were afraid to tell the truth that Applebloom would not come home. As it was completely late for them for Applebloom to apologize them, they returned to the barn, inside in a dark room where no light was to be seen once. When they took one step ahead, a lamp turned on, which shows Granny Smith, sitting on the couch. They both get scared, but kept confidence by barging their conversation into the plot. "Granny, we're so-" Applejack said before the old pony dashes. "I know you pumpkins were unsuccessful to make Applebloom apologize, right?" The old pony said. This made their eyes and mouths open. They can't believe that she remembered what really happened but they were about to say. "Granny, we're sorry.." Big Mac said sadly. "Sorry? By ending this situation?" "N-no, Granny! She pushed us off.." Applejack said. "She had to." "But, what can we do Granny? She was still upset before-" "What do you pumpkins even try to mean? That she's upset so you can try your best to bring her back home. But, it's not that easy! You really need to prepare everything before you go, or else this would really happen.." "We're sorry, Granny.. I think, we just lost a family member here.." Applejack sighed. Applejack shedded some and now full tears, and laid over Big Mac, crying. This made Big Mac to shed a tear as well. "Applebloom! I'm so sorry! So so sorry! We are stupid brothers and sisters who blamed you!" Granny slowly watched them, after that she turns on the light, which caused them to see some light on their eyes. When they slowly opened their eyes, they saw their little sister, Applebloom who walks away behind Granny's chair. This caused them to go in panic, and run over her and give her a hug. "Applebloom! Oh, Applebloom.. Ah'm so sorry..." Applejack said in tears, whereas Big Mac wipes. "Applebloom? How you apologized us?" Applejack questioned. "Because of Granny Smith." Applebloom replied by smiling. They all looked at Granny Smith, making happy faces over them, and making the old pony smile as well. "But, Applebloom.. I have one question.." "Huh? What is it, Applejack?" "Who even ever forced you to make those gossip papers?" "Diamo-" Applebloom putted her hoof on her mouth. "What?" "Uh, nothing?" "You said! Tell me whom!" Applebloom sighed and said the real one. "It was Diamond.. Tiara.." "DIAMOND TIARA?! HOW COULD SHE EVER DARN TO MAKE THOSE PAPERS?!" "I tried to tell you! But you ignored!" Applejack went silent and her brows and head went down. She can't say but, she gets in rage. "We will make that spoiled brat a lesson!" "Eeyup! Because of her, we had to suffer such problem!" Big Mac said. "Granny? Are you with us? We will discuss it with my friends." Applejack said. "I will, but it's your duty to fight. Because you were the ones who got rumored by those gossip papers.." Granny replied. "Oh, yeah! Okay, granny. We three would solve this! And Applebloom.. I'm sorry.." "I'm sorry, too..." Applebloom replied. They both hugged, as well as the brother. But, what more would happen over Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? END OF CHAPTER 1 > Shattered Diamonds (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle wasn't good. Her expressions were frowned quickly due to the actions she caused and had to hear from her sister. She felt ashamed as she thought that publishing Rarity's secrets on the newspaper was sure a bad idea.. She returns the boutique, where she opens the door and sees her sister. She was kneading a dress which was almost ready to wear. Sweetie thinks that Rarity was kneading it for her, and waiting for her. Sweetie jolted in happiness, in relief and excitement the her sister forgives her now. She went forward to give her a big 'thank you' for the biggest gift. But, she stopped when Rarity gets off her chair with the ready dress. Sweetie was curious about that, as she didn't knew where she taking the dress to? She finally founds it, which breaks her heart. The dress was for somepony else. She made the filly wear the dress, saying if it's size is good. The pony appreciates and hugs Rarity. This makes Sweetie break down into tears and runs away from the boutique by slamming the door from the inside. Rarity hears the noise and sees Sweetie running away. "Sweetie Belle!" The white coated unicorn cried. Rarity soon cried shook her head as well in shame, feeling that she made Sweetie so upset. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie.." Rarity said by shedding tears. End of part 1