A Bitter Swan Song

by Andras_Duke_of_Hell

First published

Not for the faint if hearts. This is a snuff piece to go with an image I drew on derpibooru. The Siren's find their way back to Equestria and meet their end to a pack of horny Diamond Dogs.

This story contains snuff, blood, death and necrophilia. You have been warned careless traveller, to enter here is to enter my world.

The Siren's make it back to Equestria but not everything goes to plan. Ponies are fearful and resentful of them so the flee. They fall victim to a pack of Diamond Dogs that are looking for dinner and companionship.

A Fatal Return

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The Sirens were homesick. Deprived of their magic they could only think of home, of returning to the seas. It was Sonata who spurred the important question.

How did Sunset and Twilight get to this world?

It had taken months of spying and planning by the Dazzlings to find the source of the portal. Upon locating it they waited for an ideal opportunity to pass through it and return to Equestria.

Once there Adagio was furious to find that they were now ponies instead of their majestic siren forms. Sonata had been able to calm her down. They were home and that problem would be nothing for Adagio to solve.

Stealing a few choice trinkets and some bits from the castle the Sirens ventured into Ponyville.

They were not well received. The ponies felt something off about the trio. Their irises were slits, like dragons or Nightmare Moon. It was the sirens teeth that scared ponies the most. The teeth were sharp like a predator.

The sirens fled the town before the ponies got ugly. They knew how cruel ponies could be. And so they fled into the Everfree Forest.

That's where the Diamond Dogs found them.


Sonata had never run so fast in her life. She had never swam as fast as she was running. The youngest Dazzling was terrified out of her wits.

A reminder of her fear and flight struck a tree trunk near her and sent a shower of splinters into her hair. Another bullet whizzed past and struck a boulder.

"Keep running Sonata! Keep running!" Adagio's voice had never sounded so uncertain. Her brave, commanding sister was scared as much as her.

Aria was just ahead of Sonata when another bullet whizzed past. This shot found a mark, impacting the back of Aria's knee. Aria let out a pained shriek as her knee exploded out in a shower of bone,cartilage and gore. Aria tumbled to the ground as her two sisters sprinted past.

Sonata tried to turn but Adagio pushed her onward. Sonata struggled but she saw the look in Adagio's eyes.

"Keep running Sonata, I'll help Aria! Please keep running!" Adagio pleaded.

Sonata whimpered and kept running as more bullets struck nearby trees. She didn't run too far, seeking shelter behind a boulder. She watched Adagio run back to Aria who had rolled over and was trying to leverage herself back up.

Just before Adagio reached Aria a bullet struck her in the belly. Adagio let out a wail as she fell to the ground near her sister. Despite her pain she crawled forward to Aria and pulled herself up to hug the stoic mare.

Aria was hit twice in the tits as the Diamond Dogs found their range. Her eyes widened and a sharp gasp escaped her lips. Her body was wracked by shakes and her eyes rolled up. A soft moan was the last sound from Aria's throat as she slumped onto Adagio's lap.

Adagio looked at disbelief as the life flee her sister. She jumped on her knees as spurts of blood erupted from her sizable cheat from bullet impacts. Her tits received three shots to them, one stopping her heart. Adagio fell back with a moan her tits bouncing as her body shook. Her head tilted back to stared at Sonata, eyes rolling up.

Sonata watched in horror as her sisters died in front of her. She fell to her knees as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Aria! Dagi!"

When she heards the sounds of branches breaking behind her, Sonata turned to look. A greyhound breed Diamond Dog female smirked as she grabbed the siren by her hair.

Sonata struggled but her spirit was broken. Sonata yelped as she felt a cold razor edge press against her stretched throat.

The Diamond Dog slit Sonata's throat with her knife. Blood sprayed out in a horrid fan, splattering the nearby boulder.

Sonata let out a pitiful groan as she gagged on her blood. More blood bubbled out of the horrible wound. She struggled feebly as she bled out.

The Diamond Dog dragged her weakening form to her sisters and let her collapse beside the cooling corpses of Adagio and Aria. Sonata curled up and grasped at her sisters' limp hands. She cried and gagged in her final moments.
As Sonata lay whimpering and gurgling on the ground the Diamond Dogs circled the sirens, feral growls and aroused whines issued from their muzzles. They looked to their pack leader, a slender and tone greyhound breed named Duchess, for her orders and approval. Already several had bulges in their pants, or in the case of a few less dressed, full on erections emerging from their pouches.

Duchess sniffed the air curiously, something smelled different about these mares, something the more seasoned veterans of her pack were picking up on. She could smell a sort of brine mixed in with the scent of blood. Duchess dropped to her haunches and approached Adagio. The scent became more pronounced and Duchess unsheathed on of a pair of knives on her chest, hooking the cruel blade in Adagio’s siren suit. Slashing the fabric upwards, cutting Adagio's bra in the process, Duchess spilled the siren’s boobs to the open air.

Howls and cheers came from the pack but Duchess turned and growled at them. “Shut your fucking traps!” She growled. When her mutts quieted down to whimpers she turned back to Adagio's magnificent boobs. Her nose twitched as she smelled the blood seeping from the horrible wounds in Adagio's stilled chest. Memories of raids on river towns and seaside ports flashed in Duchess head as she stuck her tongue out a in a slow sensual way, lapped up one of the rivulets of blood. A flavour from her days as a pup caressed her palate. She let out a pleased whine as her body shivered, her fur standing on end.

“You’re in luck today boys and bitches!” Duchess gave her pack a toothy grin. “These may look like pony mares but without a doubt… we have ourselves a trio of Siren's!” She cupped Adagio's chin and pressed her thumb and index finger into the siren-come-mare's cheeks, popping her mouth open and allowing a long, moist and pointed tongue to loll out. Pressing her snout against Adagio's muzzle she let out a throaty growl. “And you’ll find no body more pleasing, or meat so fine.” And with that Duchess planted a sensual and hungry kiss on Adagio’s slack mouth, exploiting its still warm and spicy depths.

The pack howled and the more senior pack members closed in. At this time Sonata had passed quietly into the twilight, mercifully so as she was spared the terrors of being raped. She was lifted into the lap of a heavyset Doberman breed who pulled her jacket and shirt off in one forceful tug, the fabric tearing with deceptive ease. Sonatas legs were lifted one at a time by a black Labrador bitch who caressed her soft, velvety fur as the dog set about tugging off Sonata's boots, intent on keeping them for her own. First boot then striped socks were slowly slip off the siren's shapely legs, exposing her rather dainty hooves. The bitch placed soft kisses and loving laps on Sonata's recently acquired frogs.

Aria was far more roughly abused by her killers, the ones who took special interest in her having no manners. Her clothes were ripped and shredded by grasping paws, her panties nipped in the jaws of a dog who tugged them off while inhaling her humiliation. Her bra was torn from her chest and tossed aside to the excited youths and pups, as her now naked corpse was rolled onto her belly. One dog kept his paw under her, rubbing her stomach and feeling her abs.

“My lucky day.” A portly bulldog breed with next to no patience popped open Aria’s maw and thrust his throbbing cock into her, pushing out her cheeks one at a time as he probed her moist mouth cavern. “Watch those teeth whorse!” he growled as his sensitive shaft grazed Aria's fangs. The only sound from Aria were moist slurps as her mouth was exploited without her consent, or even her conscious awareness.

Another dog took up position behind Aria's swaying ass and lined up with her tight pony cunt. As the dog's arrowhead tip pushed those puffy lips aside and sank into Aria's tight depths, he let out a low whine. Grabbing Aria's backside he began to rut her at a brisk pace, wet slaps of flesh marking their union as he exploited her dead pussy.

Adagio was splayed on top of a large St. Bernard breed with her squishy ponut stretched around his sizable shaft. Her plump ass was being kneaded like dough by the dog's massive paws, as he pumped into her back hole. Adagio’s cunt was filled by a Shepard breed who slammed into the moist orifice with lustful abandon. As both of Adagio’s sensual holes were filled by Diamond Dog cock, her body shook from the momentum. Duchess used this motion to direct Adagio’s long tongue and muzzle in worshiping her dripping bitch pussy.

“Yes, you beautiful slut. Show me how much you adore me, work that slutty tongue in my pussy.” Duchess screamed, her voice a tad breathless, as she buried the siren in her crotch. Duchess received cheers and howls of approval from her pack as she put on a show for the hounds.

The Shepard didn’t last long in Adagio's sensual marecunt and he blew his was inside her womb. As he pulled out leaving a sticky mess another dog elbowed his way in and immediately resumed pounding that cunt.

Sonata was being bounced on doggy dick beside her sisters, facing them in a way that all three were within field of vision (not that they could see anything) of each other. Sonata's hands were put to good use, one fingering a bitch wearing Sonata's boots and another to give a handjob to a corgi breed. All three dogs let out simultaneous howls of pleasure as little Sonata brought them to climax. Sonata's slick pussy was filled with milky, doggy cream as her muzzle was sprayed with bitch cum and more doggy spunk.

She was dumped unceremoniously on her side, cum oozing out her used hole. Two more mutts quickly took up the torch as they began pounding both Sonata's holes.

Aria's throat bulged as the portly dog hilted himself and pumped his load into her belly. At the same time Aria's cunt was receiving the first of many creampies.

Duchess began to howl as she was brought to orgasm by Adagio’s marvelous tongue. Sticky bitch cum flooded the dead Siren's mouth as the dog quivered on her muzzle. Duchess held herself up my griping both of Adagio's magnificent boobs.
Duchesses' two companions took their alpha’s orgasm as the signal to fun themselves, pumping both of the Siren's holes with creamy doggy spunk. As the collapsed in an exhausted heap, Duchess slapped their cheeks playfully.

“Now boys, let the pups have a turn.” She cooed as she began working herself to a second orgasm on Adagio’s muzzle.

The Diamond Dog pack kept at it well into the evening. They raped the dead sirens one after another, exploiting their mouths, asses, pussies, tits, even hooves; some even going back for seconds and thirds. Prey had been sparse lately, let alone prey this fine.

But they still needed to feed and so a fire was being prepared during the orgy. A rudimentary spit was erected for the purpose.

They were still enjoying Sonata and Adagio when the fire was suitable. Aria was already impaled on a spit and being propped up over the burning coals.

Semen still dripped from Aria's abused holes as her flesh began to sear. The Dogs would feed well tonight.