> Daughter of the night > by Lucky Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Lucky Rose.  My mother is Princess Luna and i never met my father.  1017 years ago I was born in the everfree castle. I was born a very unique alicorn.  I was not just a mare, I was also a stallion. My mother had a hard time keeping up with me when I was young. I was very hyper and she would catch me having magical surges.  In time I had more control of my magic and it was a lot of hard work.  I wasn't much for playing when I was a filly. My mother always found me with a book in my hooves reading it non stop until I fell asleep. 9 years later I earned my cutie mark and surprise it was the same as my moms.  My mom was surprised to say the least. But like mother like daughter. Every night I would help my mom bring forth the night, which make her very happy.  I did this for 7 years before my mom started acting weird. Every time I asked her about it she would say she's fine but I knew better. After my 17 birthday came and went she started being resentful. All she talked about was how nopony loved her night until that fateful day that she gave in to her jealousy.  Right before my eyes my mother was turning into a nightmare. I tried to help her but she acted like she didn't hear me or knew who I was anymore.  As I ran to her she tried to strike me but as my name would have it I was lucky. I managed to dodge at the last second before Auntie stepped in, and before she could finish the job Auntie saved me.  That night I watched as my mother was banished to the moon. It was the saddest day of my life. I hated Auntie for doing it but in time I understood it had to be done. 800 years later on the anniversary of my moms exile I ran away from home.  I didn't know where I was heading but I headed south. I was falling apart, I became depressed and lonely.  3 days later I had no idea where I was until I saw a creature I never saw before. They brought me before their queen and tried to feed on my love, but all they found was sadness and hate.  I found out they were called changelings, and they let me stay with them. I told the queen what happened to me and why I ran away, and I was surprised that she understood.  She introduced me to her daughter Chrysalis, and we became close friends. Eventually I sent a letter to my aunt telling her where I was and that I was safe, and that I needed to get away for awhile.  I also told her I would return home when I was ready to. 2 weeks later I decided I was ready to go home. I was sad of course but I told Chrysalis I would keep in touch with her. 1000 years went by rather slowly for my taste.  Auntie had to hide my wings to protect me from everypony before they started asking questions.  But I took over my moms duties and continued to bring forth the night everyday. I put my love life on hold until my moms return.  It was the least I could do for her. The only good thing is I still have Auntie here to help me. Actually we helped each other make it through those 1000 long years. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Auntie, can I go to Ponyville to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration?" I asked. "Sure, Lucky," "Also, I'll be sending my most faithful student with you. I believe you remember Twilight Sparkle, right, Lucky?" Celestia asked. "Yes, Auntie, I do. She's a friend of mine. We've been studying together for a while now." I said. "That's great to hear, Lucky. I'll have a chariot ready shortly for you and Twilight." Celestia said. Once we arrived in Ponyville, Twilight and I went to check on the preparations. That night we went to the library where we are staying. When it was time for Auntie to raise the summer sun, we headed to town hall. Once there, I came across my mother, but she was still Nightmare Moon. I ran out of town hall as fast as my legs could take me.  I eventually made it back to the library crying my eyes out. Moments later, Twilight came in and asked, "Are you ok, Lucky?" "No, Twilight," I said. "What's wrong, Lucky?" Twilight asked. "Twilight, I need to tell you something. 1000 years ago I watched my mother turn into Nightmare Moon. She would've killed me if it weren't for Auntie." I said. "Wait, are you the Daughter of Princess Luna?" Twilight asked. "Yes, Twilight, I am" I said. "Twilight, I was born 1017 years ago. I watched her turn and there was nothing I could do about it.  Auntie tried to stop me but I made my way to her and she tried to strike me down. Auntie saved my life Twilight, she defeated nightmare moon.  I was furious because I would be without my mother. After awhile I understood it was necessary. Before you ask Twilight, yes I'm an alicorn. Auntie hid my wings so nopony would know who I was.  I waited 1000 years for my mother to return. But when I saw her like that, I ran for my life fearing she would recognize me." I said. "Twilight,  it has to be you to save my mom, Please bring her back to the way she was.” I said. "I will Lucky,I promise.” Twilight said. When I saw the sun finally rise I knew Twilight succeeded, so I made my way out into town to meet up with them.  There I saw Twilight, Auntie and my mom on a chariot coming into town. Of course to not arouse suspicion I addressed Auntie as Princess Celestia.   "I walked up to her and said Princess Celestia can I talk to you". "Of course Lucky.” Celestia said. "Princess when are we going to tell my mom that I'm still alive?  She needs to know soon.” I said. "Come to Canterlot tomorrow, Lucky and we will tell her." Celestia said. "Ok, Auntie. I will be there." I said. "As Twilight and I headed back to the Library, I turned to her and said, thank you for bringing my mom back to me.” "Your welcome, Lucky," she said as I gave her a kiss on her cheek. "What was that for Lucky?” Twilight asked. "Twilight, I need to ask you something.  Will you be my marefriend? You've done a lot for me since we met and I started having feelings for you," "I feel the same way Lucky.  Of course I'll be your marefriend.” Twilight said. Then, we shared a very passionate kiss together, before going to bed for the night.   The next day we ate breakfast and got ready to leave for Canterlot.  We made our way to the train station to catch the early train there. Once the train came to a stop we made our way to the castle.  It was a quick walk for us considering I'm in a hurry. As we got to the castle the guards stopped us and said, “the Princess is in the throne room and is expecting you.” "Thank you," I said, as we made our way there. It only took a few minutes to get there.  As we arrived at the throne room, I took a deep breath and walked in.  I was very nervous at what my mom would say about me, considering it has been 1000 years since I last saw her.   "Lucky, it's great to see you, and you as well Twilight." My sister is in her chambers, shall we make our way there? Celestia said. "Yes, I can't wait much longer to have her back in my life.” I said. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are here, Lucky. Are you ready?” Celestia asked. "Yes, Auntie I'm ready." I said. Auntie opened the door and we made our way inside my mothers chambers.   "Sister, I have something to tell you." Celestia said. "What is it Tia?" Luna asked. "Luna, this is your daughter, Lucky Rose." Celestia said "My daughter?” Luna asked. "Yes, Sister. This is your daughter." Celestia said. "Auntie, can you undo the spell so I can have my wings again?" I asked. "Of course, Lucky." Celestia said. "Thanks, Auntie. That's much better." I said. "Mom, I can pass my memories to you if you want to remember. All we have to do is touch horns and I can pass them to you.” I said. "Very well, Lucky. You may proceed." Luna said. As our horns touched, I passed my memories over to her, and she started crying. "Mom, it’s ok. I forgave you along time ago. All that matters now is that we are finally back together again.” I said. "Lucky, I'm so sorry for what I did, I didn't mean to hurt you." Luna said. "Mom, I forgave you. You need to focus on the future now. I put my personal life on hold for you, and now I have the best marefriend I could ever have.” I said. "Who's you marefriend, Lucky?” Luna asked. "Twilight Sparkle, she is my marefriend mom, and she helped free you." I said. "Congratulations, Lucky. I'm so proud of you.” Luna said. "Thank you, mom. It means a lot to me, to hear you say that." I said. "Mom, if you ever want to regain control of the night back, all you have to do is ask. I've been taking your place for 1000 years, but I can't do it like you can," I told my mother, wanting to see her beautiful night once again. "Thank you, Lucky. I'll keep that in mind." Luna said. "Auntie, if you don't mind can you send a letter to Spike, letting him now we will be staying in Canterlot till tomorrow morning" "Sure thing, Lucky." Celestia said. That evening I raised the moon and brought forth the night. I looked at my mom and she was surprised at what I did to the stars.  I added Twilight's cutie mark to the night sky, which made her blush. "I love you, Twilight, and I always will." I said. "I love you too, Lucky." Twilight said. "If you'll excuse us, mom and Auntie, Twilight and I have a date to get to.” I said. "Of course, Lucky. Have fun you too." Bot of them said, with knowing smiles. "We will. I love you mom and Auntie." I said. "We love you too, Lucky." They said. We left the castle, and headed to the Pizzeria.  Once there, we ordered a medium mushroom pizza. While we were waiting, we talked about a lot of things, mainly magic and books.  After dinner, we headed to her parents house, since she wanted to introduce me to them. Once we arrived she knocked on the door and said "hi mom, I'm home.” "Twilight, it's so good to see you, and who is this?" she said "Mom, this is Lucky Rose, she's my marefriend." Twilight said. "Hi, Lucky. I'm Twilight Velvet, it's nice to meet you." Velvet said "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Sparkle." I said. "Please, call me Velvet, no need to be formal about it," Velvet said. "Ok. Velvet." I said. "Mom, is dad here?" Twilight asked. "No I'm afraid he's not, sorry dear," Velvet said. "Oh well, can you tell him the good news for us mom?" Twilight said. "Sure thing sweetie," Velvet said. "Thanks mom." Twilight said. "Well we would love to stay Velvet, but we better head back to the castle. We are leaving for Ponyville in the morning." I said. "Of course, it was nice meeting you Lucky. Take care of my daughter." Velvet said. "I promise I will, it was nice meeting you too Velvet" "Bye mom, take care.” Twilight said. "You to dear," Velvet said. Once we made it back to the castle, we noticed Auntie was talking with mom. "Hi Auntie, Hi mom, we’re back." I said. "Welcome back you too, how was your date?" They asked. "It was lovely, we had a great time. I even got to meet Twilights mom.” I said. "That's great to here, Lucky. We are so proud of you two." They said. "Thanks, mom and Auntie." I said. "Auntie, since I have my wings back when are we going to have my coronation? I just can't wait to finally be recognized as moms daughter and Princess of Equestria. "Soon Lucky, I promise." Celestia said. "Ok, Auntie. I trust you." I said. "Goodnight, mom and Auntie. We need to get some sleep since we are going back to Ponyville in the morning." I said. Goodnight, Lucky. Sleep well.” They said. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Twilight and I said goodbye, to my mom and Aunt before we left to go home.  Once we arrived at our home, we made our way in. "Surprise!!!!!, Happy birthday, Lucky." everypony cheered. It looked like all of Ponyville was here, along with my mom, aunt and Cadence. "Mom, you remembered." I said. "Of course I did, Lucky. Do you think I would forget my own daughters birthday." Luna said "Of course not, mom. I love you." I said as I gave her a hug.  " Let me guess Pinkie Pie set this party up." "Of course she did. I asked her to plan the best party for you." Luna said. "Happy birthday, Lucky." Celestia said. "Thanks Auntie." I said. "Thank you everypony for coming, it means a lot to me, now lets get this party started.” I said. After the party Twilight and I decided to call it a night, but first I had to raise the moon.  Once I did that we laid down in bed facing each other, and we shared a very passionate kiss. "Lucky, I love you so much," Twilight said. "I love you too, Twilight," I said. "Lucky, when can we get married," Twilight said. "Whenever you want babe," I said. “Ok, then let's get married in 2 weeks," Twilight said. “Ok babe, sounds like a plan.” I said. The next morning we started planning our wedding.  First on the list was our dresses, so we went over to Carousel Boutique.  Rarity measured both of us and told us they would be ready in a week. The next thing on our list was the cake, and we know a certain pink pony who can take care of that and the party.  So we made our way to Sugarcube corner and before we said anything Pinkie said I'll be honored to do your wedding and make the cake. Before we could ask how she knew, she pushed us out the door and said leave everything to me. Afternoon came pretty quick and we both realized we skipped breakfast, so we headed back home to eat and write out our invites.  Of course we only wanted family and friends there but it was also a royal wedding thanks to me. Once we finished our invites we sent most of them aside for the mail mare to pick them up and the rest spiked sent out.  Moments later, I got a reply from Auntie, saying my coronation is in 2 weeks and that she would like it to be before the wedding. I sent a reply saying that would be great. "Twilight, before our wedding, Auntie said we will have my coronation ceremony," I said. "That's great, Lucky. I'm so happy for you and us," Twilight said. “I'm happy too Twi. I've been waiting for this day to come for a long time, I'm so excited." I said. 2 weeks later, we headed for Canterlot.  When we arrived we were greeted by my mom and aunt. "Welcome back, Lucky and Twilight. It's good to see you both again," Celestia said. Welcome back, Lucky and Twilight," Luna said. "Thanks, mom and Auntie. It's great to see you both," I said. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, its great to see you too," Twilight said. "Twilight, I think we can drop the formalities, since you're marrying my niece," Celestia said. "Ok, Prin.... I mean Celestia, sorry," Twilight said. The time came for my coronation ceremony and I was all ready to go.  I heard my Auntie addressing the crowd. “We are gathered here today, in celebration of my nieces many accomplishments.  When my sister lost her way, Lucky Rose stepped up and took over her mother's duties.  She brought forth the night for the past 1000 years. In that time I watched her become a very powerful alicorn and she helped me through the pain when I lost my sister.  Fillies and Gentlecolts may I present for the very first time Princess Lucky Rose.” Celestia said. As I made my way in, everypony was cheering for me, and I never felt happier in my life.  Once I made it to Auntie she placed a crown upon my head. I noticed it was similar to my mom's crown.   Then, Auntie spoke, " everypony we still have a wedding to do," "Do you Princess Lucky, take Twilight Sparkle to be your mare? To love and care for her till death do you part?" Celestia asked. "I do, Auntie," I said. "Do you, Twilight Sparkle, take Princess Lucky to be your mare? To love and care for her till death do you part?" Celestia asked. "I do," Twilight said. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you mare and mare, you may kiss the bride." Celestia said. Twilight and I, shared our most intimate kiss ever. It lasted until we were both out of breath.  Then we went to the after party. When we arrived everypony congratulated us while Twilight and I shared our first dance together.   After the party, Cadence walked over to us and said "You two share a bond I never seen before, its stronger than mine and Shinings, I'm proud of you both and congratulations," "Thanks Cadence," I said. "Thanks Cadence," Twilight said. I looked over at my mom and she was crying, so I made my way to her. "Mom, are you ok?" I asked. "I'm great Lucky, I'm just so happy for you both," Luma said. "Thanks mom, can you take control of the night for me, for a few days while we go have our honeymoon?" I asked. "Sure Lucky, it's been awhile since I've done it," Luna said. "Thank you mom, I love you soooo much," I said. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day we went to Mustangia for our honeymoon.  Once we arrived, we made our way to one of the open tents, so we can put our stuff away.  Then we made our way to one their hot springs to relax. The water was at the perfect temperature for us, so we climbed in and moved close to one another.   "Lucky?" Twilight asked. "Yes Twilight," I said. “Since we are finally married, will you give me a foal?" Twilight asked. "Of course I will Twi, but when are you going into heat?" I said. "Tomorrow Lucky," Twilight said. "That's funny, so am I.” I said. "Really, but how can you get pregnant by me?" Twilight asked. "Twilight, I know a spell that will give you the same size member that I have, also it will allow you to impregnate me," I said. "Ok, lets do it my love," Twilight said. "Lets wait till tonight, ok babe." I said. "Ok, Lucky." Twilight said. After we soaked in the hot springs for a few hours, we made our way into the pasture to start grazing, since we were hungry.  After we filled our stomachs, we decided to head to our tent to have some fun. Once we got inside I told Twilight to lay on her back.  I began to kiss her neck, and I slowly worked my way down to my prize. When I started kissing her stomach she started giggling, apparently she was very ticklish.  As I made my way to her teats, I gently sucked on each of them earning a moan from her. I kept working down, and before my eyes was my prize. Twilights marehood was already soaked  So I started with slow licks from her anus up to her clit, to test the waters, so to speak. Before I dove in, I looked up at Twilight, as she nodded her head for me to continue. With her consent given, I thrusted my tongue as far into her as I could. As she started moaning, I kept thrusting my tongue into her, until she was panting hard. I saw her clit wink, so I quickly captured it in my lips. I started to lightly nibble on it pushing her over the edge. As she came, I enclosed her marehood with my muzzle, creating a seal. I didnt want to waste her gift, so, as more arousal leaked out I quickly lapped it up savoring the sweet flavor before I swallowed it. Then I lined up my member with Twilights marehood, slowly pushing my way in before I hit her hymen. Once I hit her hymen, I withdrew before thrusting in.  I gave Twilight sometime to adjusted to my size before continuing. A few moments passed before Twilight nodded for me to start thrusting again. As I began thrusting I started out slowly and the feeling of Twilights pussy was absolutely amazing.  Once Twilight nodded again I began to thrust even quicker, emitting a wet *schlick* sound in the tent. Twilight moaned loudly with each thrust, making me even hornier.  I looked into her eyes and I could tell she was in heaven. Unfortunately, I knew this experience wasn't going to last much longer as I was approaching my limit. Then Twilight cried out in bliss as her orgasm took her. Her pussy clamped down on my member like a vice which sent me over the edge.  As I thrusted for the last time I hilted completely and I hit her cervix, as I unloaded my seed directly into her womb. While I pumped my seed into her womb it sent her into another orgasm.  Her marehood was milking my cock for every last drop of seed I had. As I finished I collapsed onto her as my cock slowly softened and retreated into my sheath. "That was amazing Lucky." Twilight said. “Thanks Twi, it was my first time. I was a 1018 year old virgin cause I was waiting for the right mare for me,” I said "When can you use the spell so I can buck you?" Twilight asked. "In the morning Twi, I'm very tired right now," I answered. "Ok love, I can't wait to try it," Twilight said. We shared a very passionate kiss before falling asleep in each others hooves.  When the sun rose we awoke and went out into the pasture to graze. After we finished eating we made our way back into the tent. "Hold still Twilight, so I can use my spell," I said. "Ok, Lucky." Twilight said. As my horn began to glow a new addition to Twilight started forming.  When I finished, Twilight's new member was the same size as mine. "What do you think of your new member Twilight?" I asked. "It's amazing, Lucky. Can I try it out now?" Twilight asked. "Of course, my love." I said. I laid on my back as Twilight started kissing my neck.  She made a trail of kisses all the down to my member. When she reached it she took the tip in her mouth and started to suck on it, which felt amazing.  As she let go of my cock she started sucking on my teats, which made me let out a moan. She let go of my teats and made her way to my already soaked marehood.  Unlike me she dove right in, and pushed her tongue inside as I screamed out in bliss. It was the first time I had something inside my pussy. As I leaked arousal she lapped it all up and savored the taste before swallowing.  She saw my clit wink, and captured it in her teeth, before gently nibbling on it. As she was nibbling on my clit, it pushed me over the edge as I screamed. My orgasm took me to new heights, as she kept sucking on my clit, and licking my marehood. Then she climbed on top of me, and lined her cock up to my pussy, as she slowly pushed in.   "You don't need to be easy on me Twi, even though I am a virgin," I said. As I said that, she hilted in one swift movement hitting my cervix.  Then she started thrusting in and out of me. She started slow and quickly picked up the pace.  While she was thrusting, I pulled her close and we shared a very intimate kiss, as we both opened our mouths for the other to enter.  Moments later we parted to take a breath of air. Twilight started thrusting erratically and I knew she was close. Finally I cried out in orgasmic bliss and Twilight came with me.  I could feel her seed filling my womb up which prolonged my orgasm. "You were amazing Twi.  I love you," I said. "Thanks, Lucky. I love you too," Twilight said. 3 weeks later Twilight and I woke up sick to our stomachs, so we went to hospital.  I knew the signs of being pregnant but for Twilight I wanted to be sure. When the nurse came back she told us that we were indeed pregnant.  Once we got home I had spike send a message to my mom and Auntie. Dear mom and Auntie, Can you both come to my house as soon as you can.  Twilight and I have wonderful news for you. We would rather tell you in person than by letter. Love Lucky and Twilight A few minutes later,  mom and Auntie teleported to us. "So Lucky, what's the news you two have for us?” Celestia asked. I hope it's great news Lucky. I could use some," Luna said. "Mom, Auntie,  Twilight and I are both pregnant," I said. "Congrats, Lucky and Twilight," Celestia said. "Congrats Lucky and Twilight.” Luna said. "Thanks, mom and Auntie." I said, while giving them both a very tight hug. "Thanks Celestia and Luna.” Twilight said, as she joined the group hug. "You call me mom, Twilight, I don't mind.” Luna said. "Ok, mom.” Twilight said. "Mom, Auntie, we will remain in Ponyville until its almost time for our foals to be born, then we will stay with you two." I said. "Ok Lucky, Twilight, I love you both," Celestia said, with tears in her eyes, as she tightened the hug "We love you too, Auntie," We said. "Lucky, I'm so proud of you. You made me the happiest mare in Equestria.  Thank you, Lucky and Twilight for everything," Luna said "Anytime mom, we love you too," We said. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 months later, Twilight and I, went for our checkup, and we found out that I was carrying twins, which surprised us.  You can say I was shocked, but very happy at the same time. Since we were 5 months pregnant, we decided to go stay with my mom and aunt. So, I decided to send them a letter letting them know we were planning on heading to Canterlot. "Dear Mom and Auntie, Twilight and I were wondering if you can send a chariot to pick us up and bring us to you.  We decided to stay with you since we only have 6 months to go. Love Lucky and Twilight," Once I finished writing the letter I sent it and waited for a response.  The next thing I know a scroll with my mothers royal seal appears. "Dear Lucky and Twilight, I'm sending a chariot to you, it should arrive in 30 minutes.  I'm so glad you decided to come and stay with us. See you both soon. Love Mom." "Twilight, we have 30 minutes to get ready, so let's get packed up and ready to go to Canterlot," I said. "Ok, Lucky," Twilight said. "Twilight, I know you like to pack a lot but we don't need to pack much for this trip.  I know we will be staying there for a while, but trust me, everything we will need will be there," I said. "Ok, Lucky. I trust you." Twilight said. The next thing we know we hear a knock at our door, so I head over and open it.  It was our ride to Canterlot. "Do you need help loading your majesty?" The guard asked. "Yes I do, Thank you," I said. Once we were loaded up we headed for Canterlot.  It was a nice quick trip there. As we landed, my mom and aunt were there waiting for us. "Mom, Auntie, it's so good to see you, I missed you both," I said as I gave each of the a hug. "It's great to see you both again too. I missed you both so much," Luna said, as she returned our hug. "I'm so glad to see you both again, I really missed you," Celestia said, as she also joined our family hug. As we made our way to the castle, we got quite a few stares from everypony, so we just kept walking.  Once we made it inside we headed to my room to take a nap. Being pregnant with twins drains you a lot quicker, so I passed out pretty quick with Twilight snuggled up close to me.  By the time we woke up it was dinner time, so we made our way to the dining area to eat with mom and Auntie. Once we arrived we took our seats and placed our order with the waiter.   "Mom, Auntie you know I'm pregnant but what you don't know is that I'm carrying twins.  Twin Alicorns in fact." I said. "Wow!, that's incredible Lucky, I'm so happy for both of you," Celestia said. "Wow!, Lucky. Your very lucky, A natural born Alicorn is very rare and only happened once before.  And it was you my daughter, Congratulations.” Luna said. "Thanks, mom and Auntie," I said. A few moments later, our food arrived, and it was delicious as usual.  After dinner, Twilight and I went for a walk around Canterlot. But before we left, my mom got 2 of her most trusted guards to go with us.  Captain Bade and Lieutenant Amaya. "Bade, Amaya, you do know you don't need to be formal around me right," I said. "Of course, Lucky," They said in unison. "Thank you, It doesn't feel right with my friends calling me princess," I said. "We understand, Lucky, considering we grew up together," They said. "That's true. We did have some good time together, didn't we?" I asked. "Yes ,we did." They said. We continued our walk around Canterlot, enjoying the sights. After about 30 minutes of walking, we ended up in the park. We decided to relax for a little bit, before heading back. "Twilight, you ready to head back?" I asked. "Yes, I am Lucky. Twilight answered. As we made our way back to the castle I felt the pull of the moon, so we stopped and I brought forth the night again.  The stars shined brighter than they ever have before, and I even added a meteor shower. It was indeed a spectacular sight for anypony looking at the night sky.  Once we made it back to the castle, we walked to my mothers chambers. Once there I knocked on the door and my mom said “enter”. Twilight and I, made our way in and on the balcony was my mom, who looked more beautiful than ever. She was looking at our night sky, with tears in her eyes. "Lucky, I love your sky tonight, tis very beautiful," Luna said, while crying. "Thanks mom, I decided to spice it up tonight." I said, as I noticed my mother crying and gave her a hug. "Thou did a fine job Lucky, I'm so proud of you," Luna said, while returning my hug. "Thanks mom.  I have a question for you? Why are you crying? Also, can I have Bade and Amaya as my personal guard?" I asked. "Of course you can have them, Lucky. I know how close you three are. As for why I'm crying, your sky tonight. It reminds me of something I did for your father, for when he passed away." Luna said, while crying more. "Thanks mom, your the best.  Who was my father, mom? I asked. “Your father was, Star swirl the Bearded. He was the most powerful unicorn, of his time. He passed away just before you were born, Lucky. You would have loved him, Lucky. He was so kind and smart. I miss him so much. Luna said, with her tears flowing freely like a river.” “Really, mom. My father is Star swirl the Bearded!” I said, looking highly shocked. “Yes, Lucky. I know I should have told you this sooner. For that I'm truly sorry.” Luna said. “I understand, mom. Your right, you should have told me this a long time ago. But I forgive you. I'm just glad, that I finally know who my father is. I wish I could have known him.” I said. “There is a way, that I could show you what he was like. I could pass my memories of him to you, if that would help, Lucky?” Luna asked. “I would like that very much, mom.” I said, as we touched our horns together. As our horns touched, I saw my father for the first time. He was such a kind and caring stallion. As the memories kept moving forward, I saw the last one. My father had to deal with an evil. called the Pony of Shadows. He disappeared, and never returned. As the memory was ending, I saw how hurt my mother was, when he didn't return. So I tightened my hug on her, as I started crying too. “Thank you, mom, for showing me what my father was like. By the looks of the memory, father didn't die. He just vanished, without a trace. I think he's alive, but stuck in limbo. I wish we could help him. I would love to meet my father, face to face.” I said. “I never considered that possibility before, Lucky. If we had his journal, then there might be a chance. But sadly, his journal has been lost to time.” Luna said. “Maybe somepony has his journal, mom. But they probably can't read it, considering its written in old Equestrian.” I said. “That's true, Lucky.” Luna said. “I love you, mom.” I stated. "I love you too, Lucky, and thou as well Twilight," Luna said. "Thanks mom, I love you too," Twilight said. As we headed to our room Bade and Amaya followed.  They heard, mom say they can be our personal guard.  Once we made it to our room, we said goodnight to them and walked inside.  We climbed onto the bed and snuggled very close to each other as we said our goodnights and I love you.  Sleep overtook us fairly quick as we embraced each other. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 and a half months later, Twilight and I were starting to have trouble getting around as we were heavily pregnant.  I couldn't get out of bed and walk very far because I was carrying twins. At least Twilight favored better than me, she was able to get out of bed and walk around, but I could tell she was struggling.  It was lunchtime, and my mom and aunt came with our food. "Thanks, mom and Auntie," I said "Your welcome Lucky," They said in unison. As my foals started kicking, I winced in pain and said "Mom, Auntie, come here the foals are kicking," "Wow, Lucky. It won't be long now," Celestia said. "Indeed, Lucky. I can't wait to meet my grand foals," Luna said. "Hey, what am I chopped liver," Twilight stated. "Of course not, Twilight. I didn't forget about you,” Celestia said. "Indeed, Twilight Sparkle. How could I forget about you, your part of our family after all," Luna said. "Thanks, mom and Tia," Twilight said. 2 weeks later, I decided that I spent enough time laying around, so I got out of bed and headed for the door.  I was going to go for a walk when all the sudden I collapsed on the ground in severe pain. "Lucky. are alright? I think your water broke, lets get you to the hospital ASAP," Twilight said. As soon as we got to the emergency room, I was rushed to the birthing room.  While Twilight sent a letter to mom and Auntie, telling them to come to the hospital at once.  My contractions had begun, and with each one I screamed out in pain. Moments later, mom and Auntie teleported into my room with a bright flash. "Mom, Auntie, I.....I'm glad you could make it," I said. "We would not miss this for anything, Lucky." They said. "Remember, Lucky, just breathe.” Twilight said. My contractions were becoming more and more powerful, as I started to scream louder and louder.   "It's going to be ok, Lucky. Now you just have to push and breath," Twilight said, while holding my hoof and petting my head to comfort me. Finally, the first foal was moving into my birth canal, and my screams had started becoming so loud that they had to soundproof the room.  When the nurse finally came in she said "push Lucky, Push." As the sun reached its peak in the sky my foal's arrival was almost here.  Then the nurse said, "I can see the horn, Just a little more Lucky," I pushed with all my might and my first foal was born. Then the nurse said "congratulations it's a beautiful alicorn filly," She had a white coat with a purple mane and tail with blue streaks in it. Her name is Solaris Moon. Then the nurse wrapped her up in a blanket and handed her to Twilight, since I still had 1 more foal to go.  Within moments the contractions started up again and this time they were more painful. I was screaming so loud they had to enhance the sound proofing spell. With each contraction I started pushing. Then the nurse said "Its crowning Lucky, keep pushing.  You can do this," With 1 final strong push my foal was born. Then the nurse said "congratulations Lucky it's another beautiful alicorn filly," She had a dark blue coat with a pink mane, her name is Midnight Sun.  Then Twilight handed me Solaris so I can start nursing her. The nurse also handed me Midnight so I could nurse her too. "I love you soo much Lucky," Twilight said. "I love you too, Twi." I said. "Congrats, Lucky and Twilight, I'm so proud of both of you," Luna said. "Congrats, to both of you, I'm so proud," Celestia said. "Thanks everypony," I said. Mom and Auntie headed back to the castle while Twilight stayed with me.  I had to stay at the hospital for a day to make sure my foals were healthy.  At dinner time, the nurse brought us each a daisy and daffodil sandwich and a glass of water.  The food wasn't bad for being hospital food. Twilight and I finished eating pretty quick, so she brought the empty bed over and placed it right beside mine so we could lay together. That night Twilight snuggled up close to me and we shared a very passionate kiss.  As soon as our lips touched I opened my mouth to allow her tongue passage and she did the same.  Our tongues were fighting for dominance, until Twilight surrendered to me. We kissed for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was only a few minutes. We parted our kiss, since we both were out of breath.  As we parted our lips she looked so hot and beautiful that I couldn't believe she was my mare. "Twilight, you look so beautiful tonight, I'm so lucky to have you as my mare," I said. "Awe, thanks Lucky. I'm glad I'm your mare.  We make a great couple don't we?" Twilight said. "Yes we do, Twi. I love you more than anything," I said. "I love you too, Lucky," Twilight said. Before we let sleep take us we kissed Solaris and Midnight and we said "goodnight, mommy loves you,".   While our foals were sleeping I said "goodnight Twi, I love you," "Goodnight Lucky, love you too."Twilight said. That night, I was dreaming about my father. I dreamt that he returned, and my family became whole once again. It was a lovely dream. In the dream, my father and I were catching up. We told each other what we've been up to since he disappeared. My father told me that I will find his journal, and I will find a way to bring him back. He also told me how proud he is of me, and of what I accomplished over the years. It made me very happy to hear that. The next morning, I woke up and started nursing my foals. Once they finished nursing, I changed their diapers and put them in their playpen. A few moments later, I smelled breakfast, so I went down to the kitchen and found Twilight cooking. “Good morning my love, what's for breakfast?” I asked. “Good morning love. I'm making pancakes, so I hope your hungry.” Twilight said. “That sounds wonderful, Twi. I'm really hungry this morning. Did you kick the cooks out? They usually cook our breakfast.” I said. “I asked them if I could cook breakfast for you, and they said yes.” Twilight said. “Thank you, Twi.” I said. “Your welcome, Lucky.” Twilight said. The next thing we knew, my mom and aunt walked into the kitchen. “Good morning, Lucky and Twilight.” they said in unison. “Good morning, Mom and Auntie.” Twilight and I said. “Mom, can I talk to you? It's about a dream I had last night.” I asked “Sure, Lucky.” Luna said. “Mom, I had a dream about father. He told me that I will find his journal and find a way to bring him back. Also he told me, he's very proud of everything I accomplished over the years.” I said. “Lucky, I believe you had a vision of him. It's was not a dream, but something similar. I believe he found a way to contact you, so you could bring him back.” Luna said. “Really, Mom?” I asked. “Yes, Lucky. I believe you will bring your father back to us.” Luna said. After we finished breakfast, Mom went to bed, while Auntie opened court. Twilight and I, decided to go back to our room and spend some quality time with our foals. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next week, I was nursing Solaris and Midnight, when Twilight started screaming, and I saw that her water broke.  I could tell she was in intense pain, and I knew what was coming, and since I didn't have a foal sitter I asked Amaya and Bade to take care of them.   "Amaya, Bade, can you watch my foals for me? I need to get Twilight to the hospital." I said "Sure thing Lucky, we will take good care of them," they said. "Thanks," I said. I used my magic and levitated Twilight so she didn't have to walk, and we made our way to the emergency room.  Once we got there she was rushed to the birthing room, as I sent a message to mom and Auntie, to let them know to come to the hospital ASAP.  As I made my way to Twilight, I saw a bright flash when mom and Auntie teleported into the room. I made my way to Twilights side to comfort her as her contractions started getting stronger and stronger.   "Mom, Auntie you made it," I said. "Of course we did Lucky," Luna said. "We didn't want to miss the birth of our newest member of our family," Celestia said. Then the nurse came in and said "Push Twilight, Push," As our foal made its way into her birth canal, she started screaming louder. "Its ok honey, you're doing great, just breathe," I said. As her contraction started getting stronger and stronger the nurse said, "its crowning, I can see a horn," "Your doing great hun, our foal is almost here, just a little bit more," I said. "Push Twilight, your foal is almost here," the nurse said. With one last push our foal was born.  She had a lavender coat with a blue main and tail.   "Congratulations Twilight. It's a beautiful alicorn filly," the nurse said. "Her name is Morning Star," Twilight said. "Great choice my love, how did you come up with that?" I asked. "Well she was born as Tia was raising the sun, so I thought it would be a perfect name for her." Twilight said. "I agree hun, that name fits her perfectly," I said. Then the nurse handed Morning Star to Twilight so she can start nursing her. "Congratulations, you both brought another adorable filly into this world," Celestia said. "I agree sister, congratulations my daughters." Luna said. "Thanks, mom and Auntie," I said. "Thanks, mom and Tia," Twilight said. Since it was breakfast time, the nurse brought each of us an daisy and daffodil sandwich and some jasmine tea.  After breakfast mom and Auntie had to leave to take care of business while I stayed at my mares side. While Twilight was nursing, I brought the empty bed over and placed it next to hers so I can lay beside her.   That evening, we were allowed to go home since there were no problems with the birth of Morning Star.  Once we got home, we thanked Bade and Amaya for watching our kids as we made our way to the bed. We fell asleep fairly quick, and our dreams were very peaceful.  When we woke up the next morning I headed to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower so Twilight can watch our foals before she takes one. After we ate breakfast I decided I wanted to go see my friend Chrysalis, but I had to ask Twilight first. "Twilight, can I go see a friend and bring her over?  She lives south of Equestria," I asked. "Who is she Lucky?" Twilight asked. "Her name is Chrysalis, I met her 200 years ago and she is what they call a changeling," I said, as I saw worry in Twilight’s eyes. "A changeling! Don't bring her here please, I know they feed off of love," Twilight said, while shaking slightly. "I know they do Twilight, but she is a really good friend of mine, and I would like you to meet her.  She is very friendly, I promise," I said, as I comforted her. "Ok Lucky. I'll allow it, but please hurry back," Twilight said. "I will my love, I promise," I said. As I walked onto the balcony I looked at my beautiful mare and said "I love you Twilight," "I love you too Lucky," Twilight said. It took a little bit for me to charge up my horn for a long distance teleport to my friends hive.  Moments later I arrived and the guards said "Halt, who goes there?" "My name is Lucky Rose. I'm an old friend to Chrysalis," I responded. "We will escort you to see our queen," they said. As I followed the guards into the throne room, I saw Chrysalis there, and I said "Queen Chrysalis, I'm Lucky Rose. I don't know if you remember me but we met 200 years ago," I said, while bowing in front of her. "Is it really you, Lucky? My old friend. Chrysi asked. "Yes it is your highness, I'm sorry for losing contact with you, I had a lot going on lately," I responded, while continuing to bow to her. "I understand, Lucky, and please we are friends after all so Chrysalis is fine. No need to be formal between friends right?" Chrysi asked. "That's true, Chrysalis. I missed you so much over the years," I said. "I missed you too, Lucky.” Chrysi said. "Chrysalis, I was wandering if you would like to travel to Canterlot with me?  I have a very special pony I would like you to meet," I asked. "Of course Lucky. But before we go, I have something that I think belongs to you.” Chrysi said, as she handed me a book. “Chrysi, is this what I think it is? I asked, as I saw the cover of the book with a cutie mark on it. The cutie mark was the same one I saw in my vision of my father. “Yes, Lucky. This book is a journal, that was passed down to me by my mother. My mother told me, it belonged to Star Swirl the Bearded.” Chrysi said. “Oh my gosh! Chrysi. This book belonged to my father. It was his personal journal. I can't thank you enough, for this gift. I might actually be able to bring my father back. I said excitedly. “Your welcome, Lucky. What do you mean, by bringing your father back? Chrysi asked. “My father, is trapped in limbo. Thanks to his battle with the Pony of Shadows. This journal is the key to bring him back to me.” I said. “Are you ready to go, Lucky. I can't wait to meet your marefriend.” Chrysi asked. “Yes, I am.” I said. As I powered up my horn to teleport us both there, Chrysalis realized what I was doing, and she touched her horn with mine to help me.  Moments later we arrived in my room, and saw Twilight was nursing Morning Star. “Chrysalis, this is my marefriend, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight this is my old friend Chrysalis," I said. "It's nice to meet you, Twilight," Chrysi said. "It's nice to meet you too, Chrysalis," Twilight said. "Chrysalis, these are our foals, Morning Star, Solaris Moon, and Midnight Sun," "Congrats Lucky, you have done well for yourself I see," Chrysi said. "Thanks Chrysalis, I just started my life up about a year ago, now that my mother has returned." I said. "That's great to hear Lucky. When can I meet her?" Chrysi asked. When Chrysalis said that, my mom and Auntie came into our room, probably to check up on us like usual. "Mom, Auntie, this is Chrysalis, Queen of the changelings.  She is my friend that I met 200 years ago when I ran away," I said. "It's nice to meet the Princesses of Equestria. You have a wonderful daughter, Princess Luna," Chrysi said. "How does thou know me?" Luna asked. "Lucky, talked about you when we were sending letters back and forth," Chrysi said. "Very well. It's nice to meet you too Chrysalis," Luna said. "Indeed sister, It's great to meet you Chrysalis," Celestia said. "Chrysalis, did you ever learn how to give love so you don't need to take it?" I asked. "Thanks to you all those years ago. We did learn how to give love.  You were my very first friend Lucky. Thank you for being my friend for all these years," Chrysi said, as she gave me a hug. "Chrysalis, it is I who should thank you. You became my first friend, and saved me from suffering the same fate as my mom.  I know I was heading that way, but your friendship really did save me," I responded, while returning her hug. "Your welcome, Lucky," Chrysi said. Lunch time came fairly quick by the sound of my stomach.  I used up a lot of energy teleporting long distance like I did.  But it was worth it to see my friend again. "Chrysalis, would you like to stay the night with us?  You can head back in the morning if you want," I asked. "Sure Lucky, it gives us time to catch up," Chrysi said. After lunch Twilight and I had to nurse our foals again.  It's a lot of work taking care of 3 foals at the same time, but it's well worth it in the end.  Once our foals were done feeding, we had Bade bring a bed in for Chrysalis before we laid down to take a nice nap.  All of us fell asleep pretty quick, and our dreams were very peaceful. When we woke up from our nap, I showed Twilight my father's journal. As she read it, I saw her eyes light up. “Lucky, I think I know where your father disappeared. It's a place called Ponehenge. We can make a trip there and see what we find. Maybe we can find a way to bring your father back to you.” Twilight said. “That would be nice, Twilight. I really want to see my father for the first time.” I said. Once we finished reading, we fed our foals before heading to the dining hall for dinner. As we got there, we saw mom and Auntie, already sitting down like they were waiting for us. "Mom, Auntie, you didn't have to wait for us," I said. "I know, Lucky. But we do enjoy our meals together," Celestia said. "Tis true Lucky, we look forward to our meals with you," Luna said. "So Chrysalis, how long are you planning on staying here?" Celestia asked. "I don't know, Celestia. I guess I can stay a while, and catchup with Lucky if she don't mind.  But I would have to return to my hive to let them know that I'll be away for a while." Chrysi said. "I don't mind Chrysi, your my friend you can stay as long as you want.  I would love to catchup with you," I said. "Thanks Lucky, after dinner I'll head back to my hive and let Thorax know I'll be away for a while.  I might even promote him to be the new leader soon." Chrysi said. "OK Chrysi, hurry back," I said. "I will Lucky, I promise," Chrysi said After dinner, Chrysi left while Twilight and I headed back to our room.  When we got to our room, we heard our foals crying and we realized they were hungry.  So Twilight started nursing Morning Star while I nursed Midnight Sun and Solaris Moon.  While I was nursing our foals a slight moan escaped my lips which Twilight heard. "Lucky are you getting off while our foals are feeding from you?" Twilight asked. "Sorry Twi. My teats are very sensitive, and this feels so good that I couldn't help it," I said. "Well, I might have to take care of you tonight," Twilight said. "You know I would love that  Twi." I said. "True, but I might make it more interesting this time," Twilight said. "How, or is going to be a surprise?" I asked. "Its a surprise," Twilight responded. Then a bright flash occurred, and Chrysi appeared. "Hey Chrysi, welcome back," I said. "Thanks Lucky, I told you I would return," Chrysi said. "I know," I said. "Lucky, I have a serious question for you, would you and Twilight be willing to form a herd?" Chrysi asked. "We would have to discuss it why?" I asked. "If you are willing, I would like to join you two. It's time for me to pass the throne over to Thorax.  I just want to settle down and enjoy life. I really don't like being queen," Chrysi said. "Well, can you give us a little time to discuss it? I don't think she would mind, but its a big decision and I want her input," I asked. "OK, thanks Lucky. I shall return before dark," Chrysi said. "Your welcome Chrysi, see you then.  Well Twi, what do you think about Chrysi joining us in a herd?" I asked. "I know how much you want a big family, so I'm fine with it," Twilight responded, while smiling. "Are you sure? Because I don't want to do it, if your not completely onboard with it.” I said. "I'm completely sure about this, Lucky. It would mean we have another pony to show our love to.  And to be honest I kinda like her, and did you see her gorgeous flank?" Twilight said, with a huge smile on her face. "Wow, yes I did Twi. You know, if I never met you I'm pretty sure I would have ended up with her," I said. "I know, but now we both can have her," Twilight said. "So true, but do you know what this would mean? We would have to decide who will be  the alpha of the herd and the alpha mare. Also we would have to decide where Chrysi will fit into our herd." I said. "Well, I want you to be our alpha. I'll be the alpha mare. As for Chrysi, she can be our beta mare. How does that sound Lucky?” Twilight asked. “I think that's a good idea, Twilight.” I said. As we were putting our foals to bed Chrysi came back to hear our decision on forming a herd with her. "Chrysi, we talked it over and we would love to form a herd with you, but I'm the alpha of the herd, and Twilight is my alpha mare.  You would be the beta mare," I said. "Thank you so much, Lucky. That sounds great to me, but where would I sleep?" Chrysi asked. "With us silly," I said, while giggling a little. "Good point.  When I left, I promoted Thorax to King of the Changelings.  He was very excited and worried about why I was stepping down.  I told him that it was time for me to move on and enjoy life. I led the changelings for over 200 years and it was very stressful." Chrysi said. “I know what you mean.  I've been controlling the night for over 1000 years, ever since that fateful day when my mother was banished. It has been very stressful for me, but I managed," I said. "You managed, until you found me and fell in love with me.  but I'm glad I have you Lucky, you gave me everything and more.  I was never this happy without you," Twilight said. "I know Twi. I'm glad I found you.  I love you Twi," I said, while pulling her into a hug. "I love you too Lucky," Twilight said, while returning my hug. "Chrysi, I don't know if you noticed but I'm a mare and a stallion.  So if you wanted to get pregnant I can do that," I said. "I didn't know that, Lucky. But I'll keep that in mind, thanks," Chrysi said. Of course Chrysi. We are a herd now, and I take care of the ones I love," I said, pulling her into the group hug. I made my way over to Twilight, so I can whisper in her ear.  "Twi, I have an idea for our new herd mate. How about she lays on her back with me on top and you mounting me from behind?" "Great idea Lucky," Twilight said, with a huge smile on her face. "Chrysi, would you mind getting on the bed while laying on your back? I have a surprise for you that I know you will enjoy," I said, with a grin on my face. "Let me guess, your going to mount me?" Chrysi asked. "Yes I am, and Twilight is going to mount me from behind, so it will be a threesome," I said. "I've been wanting to do this for so long Lucky, I'm ready," Chrysi said. Once Chrysi laid on her back, I stared at her marehood before diving in.  I started with long licks from her anus to her clit as she started to leak arousal.  After a couple minuets I decided to dive in, so I pushed my tongue inside her marehood earning a moan from her.  I pushed my tongue into her, as far as it would go hitting her G-spot which made her moan even louder. As she leaked more arousal, I quickly lapped it up savoring the sweet flavor before stopping to line up my member with her marehood. As I slowly pushed my member into the hilt, Chrysi started moaning. Once I was hilted, Twilight used a spell to give her not only one member but two, as she entered both of my holes at the same time earning a moan from me. As Twilight started thrusting, it caused me to thrust into Chrysi.  The faster Twilight would thrust, caused me to thrust into Chrysi that much faster. We started moaning louder as we approached our climaxes.  Chrysi and I climaxed together, while our marehoods started milking the members inside us. My member started firing shot after shot of fertile seed directly into Chrysi's womb.  It was so much seed that she started bloating. As I fired off my last shot of seed, Twilight started cumming inside both of my holes. I was so worn out that I collapsed onto Chrysi, while Twilight kept filling up both of my holes.  After a minuet Twilight fired of her last shot of seed before pulling out. "That was amazing you two," Chrysi said. "Yes it was, considering we both look 3 months pregnant," I said. "True, I didn't know you could cum so much Lucky," Chrysi said. "Me either, but we haven't had sex in a while. So I guess I was backed up," I said. "I used a spell to increase my seed production, so I could fill you up properly Lucky," Twilight said, while smiling. "I know Twilight, thank you.  How about we go take a bath before we go to bed for the night?" I asked. "Sounds good to me Lucky," Chrysi said. "Same here, I'll go get the bath ready," Twilight said. Once Twilight got our bath ready, we headed to the bathroom and climbed in the tub.  The tub was so big we could still fit 4 more Alicorn sized ponies in it. We washed each other for a while before getting out to dry off.  Once we were dry our foals started crying, so Twilight and I headed over to nurse them. After a few minutes of nursing we put our foals back to bed.  Once they were asleep we climbed into bed, and quickly fell asleep ourselves. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, I performed my celestial duty. Once I was done, I decided to check on our foals. When I got into their room, I laid down on the bed and levitated them to me. Usually Twilight and I do this together, but I decided to do it myself so she can sleep in. Once the foals started nursing, I heard the door open. So I looked and saw Chrysi standing there. “Good morning, Chrysi. You can come in, if you want.” I said with a smile on my face. “Good morning, Lucky. How are our foals doing today?” Chrysi asked. “They are doing great, Chrysi. I can't believe how big they are getting already.” I said. “That's good to here, Lucky. I can't wait for you to give me one of my own someday.” Chrysi said. “I know, Chrysi. I'll give you one soon. You will make a great mother for our foals.” I stated. “Thank you, Lucky. By the way, I thought I should tell you breakfast is almost ready. I cooked it myself.” Chrysi said. “Thank you, Chrysi. I'll be down after these little ones are done nursing.” I said. “Ok, Lucky. Make sure you bring Twilight down with you.” Chrysi said. “I will, Chrysi.” I said. After a few more minutes, my foals were done feeding. So I levitated them and started walking back to my room to wake Twilight up. Once I got in the bedroom, I levitated my foals onto the bed, and they started snuggling with Twilight. It took a few minutes, but Twilight started waking up. “Good morning, Lucky.” Twilight said. “Good morning, babe. How did you sleep?” I asked. “Pretty good, Lucky. This was a nice way to wake up. Did you already feed them? Twilight asked. “Yes, I did. I decided to let you sleep in, so I took care of everything. Also, Chrysi has breakfast ready.” I said. “Thank you, Lucky.” Twilight said. “You're welcome, Twilight.” I said. After breakfast, we heard a knock at the door. It was the mailmare with a package for Twilight. Once, Twilight opened it, we spotted a letter from my aunt. “Dear, Twilight Sparkle, The spell contained on the last page of this book, is one of Star Swirl the Beardeds’ secret unfinished masterpieces. I believe you are the only pony, who can understand it and rewrite it,” Princess Celestia. Once, Twilight finished reading the letter, she turned to the page in the book and read it aloud. “From one to another, another to one. The mark of one's destiny singled out alone fulfilled.” She cast the spell to see if something would happen, but it looked like nothing happened. That is until we saw a flash of light, that was focused around the elements of harmony. We took a closer look at the elements, and they all changed except for the element of magic. Then I look at Twilight, and I see she looks very confused. The next thing I see, is a lavender blur as she gallops out of the house. I wanted to stop her, but I knew she just wanted some space to try and figure this out. I waited in the library for about four hours, until I decided I should go look for her. Before I got up, she returned with her friends and a big smile on her face. She levitated the book to her along with a quill, as she started talking and writing, what I guess is the rest of the spell. “From all of together, together we are friends, with the marks of our destiny's made one, there is magic without end.” The next thing we saw, was that all the elements activated and shot towards Twilight. After a few seconds, she vanished with only a mark on the floor, where she once stood. About an hour later, we saw a bright light in the night sky. We went outside and looked up. What we saw was Twilight's cutie mark falling from the sky. Once her cutie mark landed and the light faded, we saw Twilight standing there with her wings spread open. “Oh my gosh, Twilight. You did it. You have managed to do what many ponies only dreamed of doing, you ascended and became an Alicorn. I'm so proud of you.” I said, as I ran over to her and gave her a big hug. “Does that mean I'm now a Princess?” Twilight asked. “Twilight, you became a Princess when we got married. But now, you have the gift and curse of us Alicorns, being immortal. But thankfully you will have us until the end of time.” I said. With everything that happened today, we decided to go to bed early tonight. Once everypony was snuggled up to each other, we said our good night's and quickly fell asleep. When we awoke the next morning, we heard a knock on the door. So I went down to see who would be knocking this early in the morning. When I opened the door, I saw Auntie standing there. “Good morning Auntie. What brings you here this early?” I asked. “Good morning Lucky. I came here to bring everypony to Canterlot. We need to prepare for Twilight’s coronation.” Celestia said. “Ok, Auntie. Come on in. We were just about to have breakfast, if you'd like to join us.” I said. “Of course I'll join you for breakfast, Lucky.” Celestia said. After breakfast, I headed to the nursery to feed my foals. When I got into the room, I laid down next to them and guided them to my teats. Once all three of them latched onto a nipple, I turned my head and was watching them drink my milk. I couldn't help but to smile as I watched them. It's very satisfying and rewarding to be a mother. I enjoy feeding my foals, and they bring me so much joy into my life that I couldn't be happier. While the foals were drinking their fill, my mind started to wander. I was thinking about having more foals and breeding Chrysi. But sadly thinking about that had made my stallionhood start to emerge from its sheath. Just when I thought my foals would notice, they fell asleep. I levitated them into my back, and carefully walked downstairs. When I got into the living room, Chrysi chose that moment to make a comment,”Why, Lucky, are you happy to see me or something? Cause you're giving me a five legged salute.” “Chrysi, I'll take care of you after Twilight's coronation. Just so you know, you won't be able to walk right for a few days. Cause I'm going to breed you, and fill all of your holes up.” I said with a wink. “I'm looking forward to it, Lucky.” Chrysi said. Once we got ready, we headed outside to board the chariot. Since there wasn't enough room for all of us, Bade, Amaya, Chrysi and I decided to fly alongside it. The flight took about thirty minutes, but we needed the exercise. Once we landed, everypony went ahead and got things ready for Twilight's coronation, while I went to see my mother. As I walked through the castle, I came across my mother's room. There were two night guards standing there, one on each side of the door. As I approached, they bowed their heads and said, “Your Highness, Princess Luna is still sleeping, we can't let you enter.” “I know my mother is sleeping. But I need to see her. Please let me in.” I asked. “Very well, your Highness. You may enter.” they said, as they opened the door to my mother's chambers. As I walked inside, I made my way to my mother's bed. She looked so peaceful that I couldn't help but to smile. I decided to crawl in bed with her and snuggle up to her stomach, like I used to all those years ago. Once I got in position, I felt my mother wrap her hooves around me and pull me in tighter. I felt so comfortable that I fell asleep very quick. While I was sleeping, I felt something poking at my marehood trying to get inside. I woke up and saw my mother had a bad case of morning wood, not that I minded. So I used my magic to hold her stallionhood in place and backed up onto it. I let out a sigh of relief, when her member entered my marehood. I kept backing up until she hilted all the way inside of me. When I felt her tip rest against my cervix, I had to bite on my hoof to prevent a moan from escaping. The next thing I knew, my mother started to pull out of me, only to thrust back in. I started panting, and moaning as she started to thrust faster and faster. After ten minutes of intense rutting, I felt my mother's stallionhood starting to flare up. I knew what was coming, but I didn't care. A few thrusts later my mother hilted and her flare rested against my cervix, as she started shooting load after load or her seed into my fertile womb. When my mother started cumming, I started having the most intense orgasm ever. She came so much that my stomach was now bloated, with what felt like a gallon of cum. While I was having the most intense orgasm of my life, my marehood clamped down on my mother's stallionhood like a vice. I clamped down on her member so hard that she started cumming again, which extended my orgasm and made it more intense. At that moment, my mother woke up and saw me. She tried to pull out, but I stopped her. “It's ok mother. Don't be afraid. I wanted this, and it felt wonderful.” I said while panting. “But, Lucky. This is considered incest, which is illegal.” My mother said. “I don't care mother. What we just did felt amazing. And besides, we are Princesses. We make the laws. Who cares if what we did was incest. I'm glad I could share this with you mother.” I stated. “Ok, Lucky. But are you in heat?” my mother asked with concern in her voice. “Yes mother. I entered heat last night. And before you ask, no I didn't use a contraceptive spell. So yes, more than likely I'm pregnant with your foal. But don't worry mother, I wanted to have another foal. I'm just glad that this time, I'm carrying your foal.” I said with a smile on my face. “Ok, Lucky, if you're sure this is what you want. But since you're now carrying my foal, would it be too much to ask if I can join your herd?” My mother asked. “I would have to discuss it with my other herd mates. But I don't think that will be a problem. Also please don't pull out. I like feeling you inside me. You're much bigger than I thought you were mother. I said while my face started turning red from blushing so hard. “Ok, Lucky. I won't pull out. I can't believe how good you feel inside. I never had an orgasm that intense before that I came twice inside of you.” My mother said. “I know mother. I also never had that intense of an orgasm before. Let us go back to sleep mother. I'm worn out now.” I said as I drifted off to sleep. “Sleep well my daughter. And thank you.” my mother said, before finally succumbing to sleep herself. A few hours later, the preparations were finished and my herd came to my mother's room. The guards let them enter, and I heard my herd gasp in shock at the sight before them. My mother was still hilted inside me, and holding me very close. As I turned my head and looked at them I said, “I know what this looks like, but please don't be mad. I came here to snuggle with my mother while she was sleeping and we ended up having some very good sex.” I said. “It's ok, Lucky. We understand. Did she cum inside of you? Twilight asked. “Yes she did, Twilight. She came inside of me twice. And yes my heat started last night, so more than likely I'm pregnant with my mother's foal right now. Also my mother wants to know if she can join our herd.” I said. “Of course she can, Lucky. We have more than enough room for more herd mates.” Twilight stated, while the other nodded in agreement. “Thank you girls. I'm very happy you're letting my mother join us. I take it, everything is ready now?” I asked with a smile. “Yes, Lucky. We came to get you both ready for it.” Twilight said. I nuzzled my mother, and she started to wake up. “Mother, it's time to get ready. Unless you want to do a quickie. I can tell you're still hard and flared.” I said. “I guess we can do a quickie, Lucky.” My mother said, as she started thrusting her member in and out of me at a very fast pace. My mother was thrusting so fast, that I gasped and started to moan very loud. “That's it mother, breed me, make me yours.” I said while panting. My mother picked up her pace, and was now jackhammering my marehood so hard that I started screaming, “Yes, Yes, yesssss.” I screamed so loud that it was in the royal Canterlot voice, as she pushed me into my most intense orgasm ever. My marehood clamped down onto my mother's stallionhood so hard that she was pushed over the edge and started filling my womb up even more. Once our orgasms died down, I looked at my stomach and it looked like I was nine months pregnant, with how much cum my mother shot inside my womb. As my mother pulled out, I used my magic and sealed my marehood so none of her seed would leak out. I didn't want to lose any of my mother's precious gift. Once our breathing calmed down, we went into the bathroom and got cleaned up. It only took us about ten minutes to get cleaned up. After we were done, we got our dresses on and made our way to the throne room. Once everypony was ready, I took my place next to my mother as my aunt started her speech. “We are gathered here today, in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville. She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna. But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria’s newest Princess. Fillies and Gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Once the ceremony was finished, we headed to the dining hall for dinner. After we finished eating, we headed back to my mother's chambers. After all the excitement today, we all snuggled close and fell asleep very quick. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week has passed since my precious Twilight got entitled as the newest Princess of Equestria, we decided to wait until the novelty of a new official Princess died down to go back to our home in Ponyville. Chrysi decided to head back sooner for reasons she didn’t want to discuss at the moment, she just told us it was a ‘surprise’ of sorts at which she teleported after giving us a loving kiss. Normally we would’ve teleported back like Chrysi had done or take one of the royal chariots, but this time we decided to take the Friendship Express to go back, our foals would probably get a kick out of the experience and we could use a nice relaxing trip in our private car after all the craziness of these past days. We had a quick breakfast, after that I asked Twilight to pack some things as I nursed our foals. “Twilight, can you pack our stuff up, while I nurse our foals?” I asked. “Sure, Lucky. By the way, since your mother is now part of our herd, will she be coming with us?” Twilight asked. “I would have to discuss it with her, but I think she might come with us.” I said. At that moment my mother walked into the room, with a big smile on her face and said “Lucky, would it be possible for me to come with you, as long as my sister don't mind?” “But, mother. What about your royal duties? Surely you can't abandon them.” I asked. “That's true, Lucky. But I think we can figure something out. It's not like I have to be in Canterlot to perform my nightly duties. As for night court, I can easily travel to there for that.” Luna said. “Ok, mother. But I think we need to talk to Tia about this, before we make a decision.” I said. “Ok, Lucky. Would you like to go talk to her once you’re done nursing?” Luna asked. “Sure, mother. It should only be a couple more minutes, until our foals are done feeding.” I said. Once our foals were done nursing, I put them into their bed, so they can take their nap. Then my mother and I made our way to the throne room, so we can talk with Tia. Arriving at the throne room, we could hear court was in session. So I made my way over to the throne and said, “sorry for interrupting court Auntie, but can my mother and I talk to you in private for a moment?” I asked. “Sure, Lucky. Just give me a minute to address the court.” Tia said. “Everypony, can I have your attention for a moment. Something has come up that I need to take care of. Court will take a thirty minute recess.” Tia said, addressing her court. Once we got to Tia's personal study, we walked inside, and she casted a soundproofing spell on the room. “Sister, would it be alright if I moved in with my daughter.” Luna asked “Why, would you want to leave Canterlot, Luna?” Tia said. “I want to move in with my daughter, because I'm now a member of her herd. Last week, she came into my room and I ended up getting her pregnant.” Luna said, while lighting her horn to show Tia the memory of that night. “I can say, I'm surprised at you, Luna. I never thought you would end up breeding your own daughter. But by the looks of your memory, she went in there to snuggle with you. Then she noticed your morning wood poking her. I guess, Lucky wanted it to happen, that's why she backed up so you could enter her. You know, Luna, sisters are supposed to share. We used to share everything, including our bodies with each other. I would love to do that again. But yes, you can move in with your daughter.” Tia said. “Tia, if you want, you can join our herd. I know Twilight has a thing for your flank, and so do I.” I said, with a smile on my face. “Are you sure, Lucky? I don't want to impose.” Tia said. “I'm sure, Tia. I know my herd won't mind if one more pony were to join us. Also, we will be heading back to Ponyville shortly. You can stop by anytime, Tia.” I said. “Ok, Lucky. After court is over for the day, I'll head over to Ponyville.” Tia said, while smiling. After everything was said and done, we were on our way towards the train station, the trip was as you would expect by being part of Royalty everypony we crossed ways with went out of their way to kneel in our direction showing respect to us. This action made Twilight feel awkward, after all even if she has been a Princess since our marriage in some way or the other, she still wasn’t used to being treated as one. I carried Solaris and Midnight on a pram big enough for three foals, Morning Star was supposed to be there with them, but Twilight decided to carry her on her back to enjoy the nice breeze of the morning. This peaceful trip continued without issues, this was until twenty minutes later something happened. “Hey! Get back here!” a mare yelling could be heard in the distance, followed by the rapid clop of hooves on the road behind us. We turned around to see what this was about, a stallion wearing a hood came at full speed, a tan mare with a messy black mane and amber eyes was in hot pursuit behind him. We didn’t have time to react as the stallion passed between us, in his rush he collided with Twilight making her fall and Morning Star got ejected from her back into the air. “My baby!” Twilight screamed in terror as her baby filly flew through the air, in our shocked state we didn’t think about catching her with our magic. The mare was the next to pass by us, she jumped high up and caught Morning Star on her front legs, but she wouldn’t be able to land safely while carrying the filly. Instead she turned mid air and collided with the hard road back first to cushion the impact on Morning Star. When our senses came back to us we rushed towards the mare who laid there wincing and groaning from the pain. Our concern faded away some as we heard Morning Star giggling. The mare slowly sat down, she was careful to not annoy the baby, “you’re a brave filly aren’t you?” she said with a soothing voice and tickled the filly’s belly. Twilight approached this unknown mare, “Morning Star!” she called for her baby. The mare stood up and started turning around to look at us, “don’t worry, she’s fine, are you her…” as she was about to finish her sentence she froze for a moment after looking at Twilight, “mother?” “Yes, yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Twilight hugged the mare out of happiness. “Y-you’re welcome,” the mare said as she hoofed Morning Star back to her mother. “Once again thank you for saving my little Morning Star, how could I repay you, miss…?” Twilight offered a reward to the mare. “I’m Lucky Star,” the mare introduced herself with a quick bow, “and it’s not necessary, I couldn’t even think about receiving a reward for something like this, seeing that happy smile on her face is reward enough, I just wished that thief didn’t get away with my saddlebags,” Lucky Star said with a shake of her head. “Mother, would you mind going after that thief? I'd hate to see him get away with Lucky Star's saddlebags.” I said. “Sure, Lucky. I can do that for you.” Luna said, as she chased after the thief. Lucky Star looked at them with surprise, “you didn’t have to do that, I didn’t want to involve other ponies into my problems…” she looked down at the road below. Twilight put a supporting hoof on Lucky Star’s back, “it’s only normal to help a friend, don’t worry Luna will get your saddlebags back.” “Thank you… umm…” Lucky Star stopped as she didn’t know how to address her. “Twilight, Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you, Lucky Star,” Twilight introduced herself to her new friend. She motioned to Lucky Rose’s direction “and this is my wife, Lucky Rose. Daughter of Princess Luna.” Both Lucky’s exchanged greetings, but Lucky Star was confused by something, “did you just said wife? But… you have three fillies… and both of you are mares, how did you…?” “I'll explain it Twilight. You see, Lucky Star, I'm both a mare and a stallion. I can impregnate other mares, and I can become pregnant. I was born with both genders, just like my mother. I guess, in a lot of ways I'm just like my mother, and I wouldn't have it any other way.” I said. “Oh, alright that makes sense, it’s not something I could say I see regularly but I get what it entails. Not that I know much about stuff around here, since I’m trying to remember why am I here to begin with,” Lucky Star said as she rested her right cheek on a hoof. “What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked with ever growing curiosity. Rubbing the back of her head with a hoof Lucky Star stared at them nervously, “this can sound strange… but… I don’t know how or why am I in Canterlot… the last thing I remember is a town named Ponyville.” She sat down and tapped her chin a few times, “I’m not sure if there’s an answer there, but it’s my only lead… maybe if I go to Ponyville I’ll remember more about myself, that’s why I was going to the station to buy a ticket… but then the thief happened.” “It's ok, Lucky Star. We will help you. Don't worry about your saddlebags, my mother will catch the thief and return them to you.” I said, while giving her a hug to comfort her. Lucky Star returned the hug, “thank you, and once again I’m sorry for the inconveniences.” “I think we should be going to the station,” Twilight suggested. It only took us about ten minutes to get to the train station. Once we arrived, I saw my mother waiting for us, with a saddlebag on her back. “I believe this belongs to you. Lucky Star.” Luna said, while levitating the saddle bag to her. “Yes. Thank you so much, Princess Luna.” Lucky Star said, as she placed her saddlebag on her back. “You're welcome, Lucky Star. You won't have to worry about that thief ever again. I sent him to my sister, and she placed him in the dungeons.” Luna said. When our train arrived, we boarded our private car to relax. It would only take a couple hours to get to Ponyville, but it's a couple more hours we can spend with our new friend. As the train started pulling out of the station, we decided to go to the snack car and get some food before returning to our car. After we all had our snack, we decided to relax for the rest of the trip. But we ended up falling asleep with Lucky star in between my mother and me. Lucky Star looked through the window at the scenery outside, it filled her with peace. She may not know why or how she managed to get here, details were blurry, her only clues were the town of Ponyville and a picture of her alongside Twilight, five other ponies and a blue haired bipedal creature with cat features. As she thought about this, she stroked the mane of the sleeping princesses surrounding her, helping them sleep peacefully. “Huh, this isn’t that bad after all…” she said as the their destination was getting closer and closer.