> Preparation H > by MythrilMoth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Invitation to Penetration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The prestigious Clover Institute for Medical Science is a highly respected, well-funded, well-equipped research laboratory in Canterlot City. Every year, hundreds of scientific studies are conducted at Clover Institute—everything from clinical trials of new medications to behavioral studies, all with the purpose of increasing the understanding of medical, behavior, psychological, and other less quantifiable sciences for the betterment of humanity. Even sexuality studies are conducted at Clover Institute. Some of them may not seem to have much scientific merit, but anything that can help people live healthy, active, productive lives—even if it just means a healthier sex life—is encouraged by the Institute. Of course, research studies need volunteers. Our latest sexual health study is searching for individuals in the age range of 18-25... The pamphlet from the Clover Institute had materialized in the mailboxes of every home in the Greater Canterlot Area on a Tuesday afternoon. Much to the consternation of the faculty of Canterlot High, it was all most of the senior class could talk about all day on Wednesday. Including one table in the cafeteria occupied by nine girls who, judging by the varying shades of red and looks of interest or embarrassment on their faces, had very different opinions on the whole thing. Twilight Sparkle's eyes lit up. "I've always wanted to visit the Clover Institute," she said. "It'd be so exciting to see actual scientific research being performed!" Applejack arched an eyebrow. "Uhh, Twi? That 'actual scientific research' is gonna be a buncha perverts watchin' gals our age git roto-rootered." "They're hardly perverts, Applejack," Twilight scoffed. "They're professional medical researchers! It's a clinical study, not a...a porn theater!" "But they will be watching a great many young women engaging in, ahem, backdoor activities," Rarity pointed out. "Well, yes, but sexual behavior studies aren't indecent, they're beneficial!" "Uh-huh." Applejack glanced at Sunset Shimmer. "What do you think of all this?" Sunset shrugged. "Hey, where I come from, what two consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business," she said. "I mean it's not like sex is some big huge secret or anything, it's just that nopony cares. But this world has like, entire industries devoted to sex. Prophylactics, medications, lubrication, toys..." She shook her head. "That's not even starting on porn, prostitution—" "We get it, darling," Rarity said archly. "Well, I'm gonna go for it!" Pinkie Pie announced cheerfully. The girls all stared at her incredulously. "Seriously?" Rainbow Dash asked. Pinkie shrugged. "What? They'll give me five hundred bucks to do something I was probably gonna do one day just for fun anyway. Besides, it wouldn't be the worst thing I ever did for science." The girls looked at each other, expressions of nausea and dread crossing their faces. Finally, Sunset groaned. "Okay, somebody has to ask," she said in a resigned tone. "What's the worst thing?" Pinkie's face fell, her voice becoming small and distant. "Watching paint dry," she said tonelessly. The others blinked. "I-I beg your pardon?" Rarity asked. Pinkie hugged herself and shuddered. "They made me sit all alone in a tiny room. No phone. No snacks. Just a wall covered in wet paint. I had to sit there and watch it dry. No talking, no singing, no games, no fun." Applejack raised an eyebrow. "An' how's that science exactly?" Pinkie's shoulders lifted slightly. "I'unno," she mumbled. "Something about kids with attention deficit disorder, concentration..." She gestured vaguely. "Though now that I think about it, maybe it was less a for science thing and more a my parents thought I was too hyper and were trying to fix me thing." A long, awkward silence followed that statement. Suddenly, Pinkie returned to her usual cheer, seeming to inflate like a dozen balloons as she beamed brightly. "So anyway yeah, gonna get paid to take a pecker up my pretty pink party pucker!" The rest of the girls' faces slammed against the table. "You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to Pinkie Pie," Wallflower Blush said. Sunset laughed. "That's okay. None of us ever get used to Pinkie Pie." She drummed her fingers on the table, looking around at her friends. "So, umm..." "Nope!" Rainbow said. "Sorry, but uh..." She snuck quick glances at each of her friends. "I mean, I know I've kinda got a dirty mind like, ninety percent of the time, but I don't really wanna know which friends of mine are gonna whore out their buttholes at this place. That's like...I just don't need to know that, y'know?" "I agree," Rarity said prissily, tossing her hair. "This entire ludicrous affair is beneath contempt and beneath notice." "The Great and Powerful Trixie prefers to keep her Great and Powerful Anus confidential," Trixie put in unnecessarily. "I wonder what they're gonna do about male volunteers, though," Wallflower said absently. "I mean, it just says 'persons' on the flyer, what's up with that?" "Well, it stands to reason they'll need men who've never had anal intercourse," Twilight said. Blushing, she clarified, "I mean, men who've never performed it on another person, not, y'know..." "Guys who never took it up the butt before?" Pinkie suggested. "Yes. Yes, that." She paused. "Or, I guess maybe that too? I mean, such a study shouldn't exclude homosexuals..." "Or bisexuals," Sunset noted. "Ah thought we were done talkin' about this?" Applejack said in a warning tone. * * * * * Principal Cadance pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head as yet another member of her faculty ranted and bitched about the Clover Institute pamphlet. "—insult and disgrace to the reputation of Crystal Prep!" the stuffy old twat was saying. "Why, if Abacus was still here—" "Well she's not," Cadance snapped, holding up a slim pink hand. "And quite frankly, Professor Gourmand, what our students do in their private time, outside of school hours, is no concern of mine as long as it's legal and not dangerous. As long as these kids aren't having anal sex in the halls of Crystal Prep, it's not my problem." She fixed Zesty Gourmand with a stern stare, raising one slim eyebrow. "Are my students having anal sex in the halls of Crystal Prep?" Zesty Gourmand gave her one of those looks that SCREAMED 'I have smelled cat feces less odious than you' and spat out, "No. They most certainly are not." "Then if they want to go to the Clover Institute—which, incidentally, Crystal Prep has a long-standing and agreeable relationship with—and get railed up the back door, it's not really any of our business." "But...but there is discussion of it!" Gourmand rallied, pounding a fist on the desk. Cadance raised an eyebrow. She slowly reached for the intercom button. "Kids? This is Principal Cadance. If you want to talk to each other about the Clover Institute thing, please do so over text message. That way, your professors won't burst into conniption fits. Thank you, have a lovely Wednesday." She released the button and folded her hands primly. "Better?" Zesty Gourmand stood, taking deep, heaving breaths. She ground out something about Cadance, the Clover Institute, and a broom handle, then stormed out stiffly. Cadance shook her head, blew on her bangs, and studied one of the pamphlets. "I wonder if they'll take a twenty-nine year old? I could use a little destresser..." * * * * * Ten days later, a group of research students and two tenured researchers met up at Clover Institute's Sexual Health Studies Clinic. The project leader, Dr. Grinder, looked over the applicants list and nodded. "The turnout was higher than expected," he said. "Good." "It's going to stretch the grant, paying off this many volunteers," one of the students said nervously, biting her lip. "As long as we get the data we need," Dr. Grinder said. "With this much variety in respondents, we should be able to get more data than we'll know what to do with," said the senior researcher on staff, Dr. Van der Høver. He folded his hands in front of his face and grinned. "Let's get the first group started..." > Participant #001A: "Diane" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participants such as Diane and Porthos, who had very little sexual experience between the two of them, had difficulty engaging. In the case of Porthos, who seemed largely uninterested in sex on any level, it was up to Diane, who displayed a surprising breadth of knowledge for a participant who only recently turned eighteen, to move things along, though she herself at times seemed uncertain as to how to proceed. The paperwork packet from Clover Institute concerning the study was unexpectedly clinical, thorough, and somewhat invasive. It was also way too much like homework combined with filling out paperwork at the doctor's office, neither of which was high on Pinkie Pie's list of things that were fun to do. Fortunately, she had Maud to help her slog through it, although Maud had her own...opinions on the whole matter. "Are you really sure you want to go through with this, Pinkie Pie?" Maud asked dispassionately as she examined the forms. "Yeppers!" Pinkie said as she popped a lollipop out of her mouth. "You know what Mom and Dad will say if they ever find out," Maud said. "Pssh," Pinkie psshed. "Those old fuddy-duddies! I'm eighteen, I can do stuff like this without them hanging over my shoulder with the Bible and the strap! Besides, there's no way in heck I'm telling them." "Eh, if she wants to get 'er BUTT FUCKED, let 'er get 'er BUTT FUCKED," Limestone snarled from across the room, knocking back a beer. "I'm just concerned," Maud said. "Your first time should never be anal, and I don't think you're prepared for it." Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Well, duh!" she said. "That's kind of the whole point of this thing! They're studying the reactions of people who've never had their butt cherry popped!" She frowned, her brow scrunching up. "How do you know so much about it, anyway?" "I tried anal with Mudbriar one time," Maud said. "We thought it'd be funny because he's so anal." She paused, blinking once, slowly. "It wasn't. He still is." "And that is way more than I ever needed to know about what you guys do in the bedroom," Pinkie said. "Technically, we didn't do it in the bedroom," Maud said. "We did it on the kitchen table." Limestone spat beer across the room. "GODDAMMIT, MAUD!" "His kitchen table," Maud clarified. "Sorry, I should have been more specific." "Note to self, avoid brunch at Mudbriar's house forever," Pinkie said, pulling a face. Maud smirked, then returned her attention to Pinkie's forms. "Prior sexual experience," she said flatly. She flicked her eyes up to Pinkie. "I should write 'virgin', right?" Pinkie's cheeks colored, and she reached for the clipboard. "I'll, umm, just fill that part in myself," she said hastily. She wrote for nearly half a minute. Maud watched her, one eyebrow raised. Limestone snorted and finished her beer. Once Pinkie was done, she flipped to the next page, making sure to carefully crease the pages so they wouldn't flop back over, and handed the packet back to Maud. Maud shrugged and went on as though nothing unusual had transpired. "It asks for an alias to use in the study," she said. "So that your real name won't be printed in any papers or articles published." Pinkie thought about that for a long moment. "Diane," she decided. Maud frowned. "That's your real middle name," she said. Pinkie shrugged. "Not many people know that," she said. "It's anonymous enough." Maud pressed her lips thin. "Alright," she said. She spent a few more minutes on the paperwork, then handed it over to Pinkie. "Sign and date it," she said. "And...be careful, alright?" "I will," Pinkie said, playfully rolling her eyes. * * * * * Pinkie arrived at the Clover Institute on the first day of trials. Each applicant had been given an appointment time, as well as a list of information which made Pinkie's head spin concerning compatibility, alternates, precautions, and so forth and so on. When she arrived and presented the ID card she'd been given, she was directed to a room with a bed in the center, two small sofas to either side, a compact stereo on a shelf, and a sink with cabinets, as well as a shower set into the back wall with a frosted glass door. She sat on the bed, idly kicking her feet against the side, until the door opened again and a college-age girl with huge, round glasses in a white lab coat walked in, accompanied by a short, stocky guy in his early twenties. He was tan-skinned with scruffy brown hair and a bit on the pudgy side, neither attractive nor unattractive, just...plain. "Miss...Diane?" the labcoat asked. "Yeppers!" "This is Porthos," the labcoat said. She looked between the two of them. "Alright, just to remind you all of the guidelines and procedures: you're being monitored and recorded from the observation room." She pointed at three cameras mounted along the walls. "Everything that happens in this room is private and confidential, and is only recorded for the purposes of compiling our study. You may engage in any mutually agreed-upon sexual behavior you wish, just remember that the purpose of this study is to observe first-time anal intercourse." "To get the money, we gotta do the butt nasty, got it," Pinkie said chipperly. Porthos blinked at her. "If at any time you feel uncomfortable or need to abandon the study, please hit one of the yellow panic buttons located on the walls," the labcoat went on. "Please keep in mind that we will be observing you closely; if one subject attempts to disengage and the other forces the issue, we won't hesitate to call the police." She smiled. "But we trust both of you to be mature, considerate adults and respect each other's boundaries." She pointed at the various cabinets with her pen. "Over there you'll find protection, lubricant, and a few other helpful things. There's a stereo in case you feel like you need mood music. Use any of the furniture you like however you like. Any questions?" When both shook their heads, she left the room and locked the door. An awkward moment passed. "Soo..." Porthos said, coughing into his fist. Pinkie picked at her skirt. "You, uh...ready to do this?" Pinkie asked. "Aheh...gimme a minute," Porthos said. "I, uhh...don't really have any experience with things like this." "What, having sex with a stranger in a room in a clinic while sciencey people are watching?" Pinkie asked. "Uhh...yeah, that," Porthos said. "And, umm...well, sex in general," he said sheepishly. Pinkie scrutinized him. He honestly wasn't much to look at, and didn't seem like he was much of a ladies' man. "Virgin, huh?" she asked. Porthos sank onto one of the couches. "Yeah." "So you thought this'd be a good way to get some lovin'?" Pinkie asked, sitting down on the bed and crossing her legs with a lightly teasing grin. "Ack! N-no!" Porthos said, waving his hands defensively. "I-I actually..." He blushed. "I'm...not really into sex," he said sheepishly. "I just really need the money to upgrade my computer." He dropped his head. "Ah," Pinkie said, swinging her legs idly. She reached into her hair and pulled out a pack of candy. "M&Ms?" she offered, tossing them over. "Uhh...sure," Porthos said. "Thanks?" "Don't mention it," Pinkie said, opening a pack of her own and tossing a handful in her mouth. "It's totally okay to be, y'know, not horny and stuff," she said. "I mean, I have a feeling most of the guys who sign up for this thing are all," she pitched her voice low. "Huh huh huh, gonna get to fuck a hot chick up the ass, heheheh." She giggled. "I bet there are some girls who are in this for that too. Me, I just signed up for it for the money and because it could be fun." She shrugged. "Yeah," Porthos said, shaking a handful of candies out. "Huh, they're all green." He shrugged and popped them in his mouth, then looked at Pinkie. "Umm...honestly, I don't even know how to get started here," he said. Pinkie blinked. "Wow. Really? No sex drive at all? I mean, there's a really cute girl right in front of you..." Porthos ducked his head. "I'm the kind of guy who goes to the beach and spends the whole day reading and napping," he said. "Oooh," Pinkie said, her hair deflating slightly. "Wow. This is gonna be tough." She wrung the hem of her skirt idly. "So how's this pink party girl gonna pique your prickly pecker...?" * * * * * We were unprepared for the introduction of male participants in this study who wouldn't jump at the chance to, in layman's terms, "tap dat ass". This was an admitted oversight on the part of the project lead. Consider this, then, a lesson learned: the male libido is not so powerful a force as popular wisdom suggests. That, or we succeeded in finding the one in fifty men who simply has no sex drive despite being in his prime. Further research into this area is indicated. * * * * * "So have you ever even seen a naked girl? Like, up close and in person?" Pinkie asked. Porthos shook his head. Smiling, Pinkie stood and crossed the room, unbuttoning her blouse and unfastening her skirt. Still fully dressed but with her clothes undone, she sat down in Porthos' lap and drew her feet up, slipping her shoes off before stretching her legs out across the couch and propping her bare feet up on the armrest. She arranged her skirt in such a way that just a hint of panty was visible. She took hold of Porthos' hands and slipped one under her blouse, placing it on her back below her bra, while sliding the other under her skirt, planted firmly on her thigh. Porthos started to sweat. "Uhh..." Pinkie gave him the most seductive look she could manage. "We both know what we want out of this," she said coyly. "Y-yeah," Porthos said, his mouth suddenly dry. He swallowed, looking down at the long pink legs crossing his lap. Pinkie adjusted her blouse, spreading it open to show her tummy and bra. She was wearing a lacy blue number today that showed a respectable amount of cleavage. She slipped her hand between her hip and Porthos' lap, fingering his zipper and wrangling it open. Once it was unzipped, her nimble fingers probed inside, finding the flap of his briefs. After a bit of questing, she found his limp dick and gave it a teasing flick. "H-hey," Porthos said nervously. Withdrawing her hand, Pinkie flipped around and got on her knees next to Porthos, then stood to her full height on the couch seat. He looked up at her; she hitched up her skirt, fully exposing her blue panties, then slipped her fingers into the elastic and slowly slid them down. Porthos watched as the little piece of fabric slid down her long, toned legs and pooled around her bare feet. She flung them across the room with a flick of her toes, then knelt down, facing away from Porthos, her skirt riding up around her hips so that her bare ass was practically in his face. She teased her pussy with the fingers of one hand. "See anything you like?" she asked slyly. "Uhh..." Porthos swallowed, licking his lips. "Now, you can't have this today," Pinkie said as she slowly rubbed her clit with a fingertip. She withdrew her hand from her slit and grabbed her ass with both hands, spreading her cheeks apart. "But this...this is all yours," she purred. Porthos numbly put his hands on Pinkie's ass, kneading the supple pink flesh as he stared at her pouty sex and puckered asshole. "Wow," he said. Pinkie let Porthos play with her ass for a minute, then got off the couch and shed her skirt. She walked over to the cabinets and began going through them, pulling out a box of latex gloves, a jar of scented lube, and a couple of condoms. "Yeah, this should be everything we need," she said. She looked over at Porthos. "Are you getting hard?" "Uhh...yeah," Porthos said, voice hitching. "I don't think I've ever been this hard." "Good," Pinkie said. She bent over the bed and raised her butt high in the air, giving it a little wiggle. "Come over here," she said. "Lube me up good and fuck me, okay?" "I...okay." Porthos stood, walking over to the cabinets, his eyes scarcely leaving Pinkie's wiggling ass. He snapped on a pair of latex gloves and uncapped the lube, then started spreading a thin layer of it on the rim of Pinkie's pucker. She let out a squeak and a giggle, shaking her ass. "Eek, that's cold!" she laughed. "Are you okay?" Porthos asked. "Yeah," Pinkie said. "Keep going, get plenty in there." Porthos spread more lube around the rim, then took a deep breath and spread Pinkie's asshole, slipping a latex-covered finger inside to smear more. Pinkie hissed and shivered, but held still. "Is that enough?" "I think so," Pinkie said. "Okay." Porthos wriggled out of his pants and shuffle-kicked them and his underwear away, then opened the packet with the condom and, after a bit of awkward fumbling, figured out how to put it on, managing to get a bit firmer in the process. He studied Pinkie's ass, shining with sweat and lube, and gingerly took hold of her hips, cupping his hands around her butt cheeks. He lined his dick up against her butthole, letting the tip rest just below her pucker. "Talk me through this," he said. "My big sis said you should ease it in, not ram it in," Pinkie said. "So probably want to keep one hand on your pecker and one on my butt, then just take it slow?" "Got it," Porthos said. He took a deep breath. "I'm gonna go for it. Ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be." Porthos seized his cock with one hand and guided it into position until the tip lined up with Pinkie's pucker, pushing in just a tiny notch. Then, taking a deep breath, he slowly pushed more of himself in. Pinkie stiffened, letting out a gasping squeak. Porthos stopped. "You okay?" "Yeah," Pinkie croaked. "Just...feels really weird. Keep going." Porthos moved his other hand back onto Pinkie's ass, holding onto her firmly as he pushed more of himself in, almost all the way. "It's so tight," he said. "Yeah," Pinkie rasped. Letting instinct take over, Porthos pulled back, then thrust into Pinkie's ass, tentatively at first, then more urgently and insistently. The tightness slowly relaxed with each thrust, punctuated by Pinkie's yelps and groans and the rhythmic slapping of flesh on flesh. Wetness dripped from her pussy as lube and sweat melted together into a slippery-slick mess that squirted out of her ass as Porthos pounded her, grunting with exertion. "Ah...ah...aaahhhh..." Pinkie groaned between hisses and gasps. "Feels...ngh...oh god...you're squeezing me..." Faster and faster, more urgently, Porthos pounded Pinkie's ass, the slapping growing sharper and louder, accompanied by the squelching sounds of lube squirting out of her ass even as her flushed mound dripped more and more. With one last, loud grunt of effort, Porthos came; his seed exploded into the condom and washed back, leaking out in thin beads and strings as he pulled his dick out of Pinkie's ass with a wet *plap* and staggered back, landing roughly on one of the couches. Pinkie dragged herself up onto the bed and flopped over onto her side, chest heaving. Porthos looked over at her. "Was that...okay?" "I guess?" Pinkie said. "My butt feels funny." Porthos' phone beeped. "Um. I gotta go," he said. "I have work in like, an hour." Pinkie nodded over to the shower stall. "Go ahead and get cleaned up," she said. "I'm not in any hurry." As he got up, she asked, "Do you think...that helped you at all? With your sex drive?" Porthos shrugged. "Dunno," he said. "It's...definitely something I'll never forget though," he added with a faint smile. What we learned from observing Diane and Porthos is that sexual encounters between two people with no chemistry are awkward and unfulfilling, and green M&Ms are not necessarily as much of an aphrodesiac as urban legend would have you believe. > Participant #002A: "Frostie" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participants Frostie and Pierce were no strangers to each other. This allowed us to observe an interesting dynamic: it turns out Pierce has been sexually attracted to Frostie for some time, while Frostie displayed a cool, indifferent, even slightly hostile attitude toward him—but was nevertheless unusually permissive with his advances, even considering the nature of the study. Sugarcoat idly tapped her foot as she waited in the clinic room. She'd opted to wear her Crystal Prep uniform and dark tights, and her air of cool indifference was firmly in place. The door opened, and a labcoat-wearing researcher walked in, escorting one of her classmates, Royal Pin, who was dressed in a maroon sweater over a cream button-down and navy slacks. He blinked rapidly as he caught sight of her, then smirked. "Alright, Frostie? This is Pierce." "We know each other," Sugarcoat said. "We go to school together. We can drop the fake names." "I see," the researcher said, pursing her lips. "Alright, I just have a few things to go over with both of you..." She frowned. "Is this alright, or will this be awkward for you two, or...? I mean, we have alternates." "I'm good," Pin said. Sugarcoat gave him a frosty glare, but shrugged. "I'll make do." The researcher gave them both a curious look, but shrugged and left. Once she was gone, Pin grinned and walked over to Sugarcoat. "Well well," he said. "I finally have you right where I want you." Sugarcoat snorted, folding her arms. "This is why I never went out with you," she said. "That and you grabbed my ass before you even asked." "I couldn't help it," Pin said. "Your ass is so grabbable." Sugarcoat rolled her eyes. "Women are just sex objects to you, aren't they?" "Not all women," Pin said. "Just you." He laid a hand on Sugarcoat's thigh and stroked it. "Just thinking about you gets me hard." "And thinking about you makes me wonder if I left my hair dryer plugged in," Sugarcoat said. "Actually, that's not true. I just don't think about you." "Ouch!" Pin said, moving further into Sugarcoat's personal space. "You know how to hurt a guy." He slid his hand further up her thigh, then shifted around so he had one knee on the bed and pulled her thighs apart, sliding his hand all the way up to her crotch and rubbing it through her tights and panties. "You really want to get slapped right now, don't you?" "Worth it," Pin said. Sugarcoat rolled her eyes and turned her head away from him, giving a disgusted huff. "Are you going to be a creep all day or are we going to do this? I have things to do that aren't you." Even as she said so, she spread her thighs wider and leaned back against the bed, unfolding her arms to brace herself with her hands. * * * * * With participant pair Frostie and Pierce, we had the additional opportunity to observe some interesting behavior. This pair had an unusual chemistry: Frostie has a brutally honest nature with a tendency to express herself rather caustically, while her partner in the study, Pierce, actually seems to enjoy being demeaned and belittled by his sex partner. To again use the vernacular, he gets off on having his balls busted. As for Frostie, her body language contradicts her words. Based on their conversation, Pierce has made an inappropriate pass at her on at least one occasion, and immediately upon entering the room, he had his hands on her body. Outside of some rather cutting words, Frostie did nothing to discourage this behavior—in fact, she appeared to encourage the groping. If not for the age of the participants, we would be tempted to label this behavior as "hate sex", a form of sexual tension and release that often exists in the workplace environment and is rarely seen in couples under thirty. * * * * * "Why'd you wear your school uniform for this, anyway?" Pin asked as he untied Sugarcoat's uniform tie and began working on the buttons of her blouse. Her blazer lay tossed on one of the sofas, and her shoes were resting against the wall where they'd landed when she'd kicked them off. "Private school uniforms are a popular fetish," Sugarcoat said. "I thought it might help get my partner aroused. If I'd known it would be you, I'd have worn full plate armor." "And I'd have brought a can opener," Pin said as he spread Sugarcoat's blouse open and began working on the clasp of her bra. "You're supposed to be humping my butt, not playing with my tits," Sugarcoat pointed out. "I can do both." "Right now you're not doing either." "Well it'd be a bit hard to do the thing we came here for with you sitting in my lap." Sugarcoat blew on her bangs in annoyance and stood up, bending over the bed. "Uh-uh," Pin said. "On your hands and knees on the floor." Sugarcoat glared at him. "Don't push your luck." Pin growled and grabbed the front of Sugarcoat's bra, still clapsed, then pulled her down to the floor, sinking to his knees as he did so. He pushed her onto her hands and knees and flipped her skirt up, smacking her ass sharply with an open palm. "That mouth's gonna get you in a lot of trouble," he said. He finished with her bra clasp and loosened her bra, then seized one of her breasts with one hand while he rubbed her ass with the other. "God you're hot," he hissed. "And you're a pig." Sugarcoat wriggled around a bit, shifting to put less pressure on her knees and balance her weight forward onto her hands even as she raised her ass a bit higher. Pin rolled Sugarcoat's tights down, taking a moment to knead her bare blue buttocks before pulling her panties down as well. He stroked her bare, flushed sex with a finger. "You know," he said, "as much as I'm looking forward to pounding your smoking hot ass, it'd be a shame not to get some of this too." He spread her pussy and crooked a finger inside, stroking slowly. Sugarcoat glanced back over her shoulder. "Don't get any funny ideas," she said. "You're lucky I'm even letting a pig like you touch me." "Oh, I'm definitely taking all of you," Pin said as he unfastened his pants and pulled out his stiff, twitching cock. He spread Sugarcoat's pussy with his thumbs and lined himself up at her slit. "You should really put on a condom first," Sugarcoat said. "I want to feel you," Pin said. "I want to come inside you." Sugarcoat bit her lip. "That's really not a good idea," she said. "Seeing my cum dripping out of your ass and your pussy would be the most amazingly hot thing," Pin said, his voice hoarse. Sugarcoat sighed. "Fine," she snapped. "If I get pregnant or get a disease, you'll be responsible." Pin smirked and shoved his dick into Sugarcoat's flushed, wet sex. She hissed, her body bucking with the motion. Pin grabbed her hips firmly and pounded furiously into her. Sugarcoat cried out, balling her hands into fists, digging her nails into her palms. Strands of saliva dangled from her mouth as she cried out over and over again, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. Flesh slapped and fluids squelched as Pin hammered into her over and over again. "Ngh...! Oh shit, I'm going to—!" Pin came inside Sugarcoat; her body arched once, twice, a third time with the force of his release. She cried out, eyes half-open, cheeks burning red, then pitched forward onto her elbows, her face pressed against the floor. Pin's half-masted dick slid out of her pussy, dripping mingled fluids on the floor. He took his phone out of his breast pocket and snapped a picture of her heaving blue ass and cum-filled cunt. Sugarcoat's eyes shot open. "You didn't just—" "I want to remember this forever," Pin said silkily as he leaned forward, showing the picture he'd just taken to Sugarcoat as he kneaded one breast with his other hand. "Don't worry, nobody else is ever going to see this." Putting his phone away, he took firm hold of Sugarcoat's ass and spread her crack wide, probing her rim with his thumbs. Once he returned to full readiness, he flicked the tip of his dick up and down against her pucker, then unceremoniously shoved it in. A raw scream ripped out of Sugarcoat's throat. She clawed at the floor as Pin hammered her ass urgently, nearly hilting with each desperate thrust. This time, he only lasted a little over a minute before he came; as he pulled out and leaned back, spent, his seed welled up in Sugarcoat's asshole. She pitched forward, landing flat on her stomach on the floor, breathing ragged. She looked back at Pin and glared heatedly. "That really hurt, you prick," she said. "You loved it and you know it," Pin said as he slowly stood up, wobbling slightly. He rummaged around in the cabinets and found some wet wipes, with which he cleaned himself up and patted himself down. He took another picture of Sugarcoat, lying on the floor covered in cum, then sketched a bow, zipped his pants, and left. A few minutes later, Sugarcoat sat up, disentangling herself from her panties and tights. The door opened again, and the researcher from before rushed in, eyes wide and panicky. "Are you alright?" she asked. "We can stop him before he leaves and—" "I'll be alright," Sugarcoat said. "Do you have a plastic bag I can put my panties in? Also, I might need a ride home. I'd rather not take the bus in this skirt if I don't have on underwear." "Uhh...sure, we can help with all of that," the researcher said. "But...you're really okay with—" Sugarcoat rolled her eyes. "He wanted to dominate me, I let him," she said. "He'll get his when he least expects it." She frowned. "You do have the plan-B pill here, right? I'm seriously not ready to have that pig's baby right now." Frostie and Pierce are one couple we could write several papers on, across a breadth of sexuality and relationship topics. We honestly aren't entirely sure what was going on with these two and we're a little afraid to ask, but we certainly witnessed some...unique behavior in this study. As an aside, Frostie and Pierce are either going to end up married or kill each other. Or both. Yikes.