> A Displaced Baron > by MagicLover2128 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Baron in Equestria Part 1 (Prologue) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Baron in Equestria Part 1 I smile gently as I purvey the different stalls at the convention that I am currently attending, already enjoying the many people who have stopped to take a photo with me for my unique and wonderfully done costume of The Baron from the Studio Ghibli Films. I am so glad for all the hard work I put into it as I wanted it to be my best work possible. If you were to look at me from a short distance away you would have to take a second look as I really did make the likeness very real. The costume was of course carefully selected from various Tailor Shops and Posh clothing stores that dealt with more old fashioned clothing. Other parts were merely sewn or threaded together by myself with various white and cream fabrics. The face and fur though was a damn trouble to do as I had to sit in a chair for nearly a full day to find out what worked and what didn't to get my skin and eyes to look as best fitting for the costume as possible so that when I added the fake orange fur and various other cosmetics and attachments to complete the look it was a work of art in my opinion. The contacts were tricky to get as they were special ordered from America that really helped give my eyes that cat like glare and look. The smaller details like the cane and gloves and other things were collected from old antique stores and one of the best ones was a pocket watch of which cost nothing since it was my grandfathers. Sadly he passed away but he left me the watch in his Will along with some money of which I invested in this outfit. It was funny though since my grandfather had a liking of cats and of course dogs but mostly cats. I like to think he would get a kick out of my outfit. I shake my head from my internal monologue and rambling thoughts when I spot a unique stall up ahead. The man running the stall looked like something out of one of those horror video games, not really my cup of tea. But, I decide to have a look and see what I may find. As I reach the stall, the man looks up as he studies my costume and look. He speaks to me saying, "Very nice costume there young man, or would you prefer Baron?" He finishes this with a low chuckle at the joke of which I smile a bit as I give a similar response until I speak and say to him. "Thank you very much sir, I must say you have a fine collection of items and memorabilia here; it must have taken quite a lot of money and time to collect." The man gives me a slightly disturbing grin but I try to ignore it as it is possibly just a bit of fun with his own costume of a horror game character. The man says to me, "Oh I just have good connections and unique means of acquiring some of these items." I can agree as I look over the multitude of items on sale. On a row of shelves to my right is a number of small knick knacks like what looks like a replica of a Sonic Screwdriver from Doctor Who (The 11th's one I believe), a box holding and displaying crystal or metallic looking lantern rings of various corps. To my left on the other shelves is a number of larger things like replica Fantasy and Anime Swords that look really well made and nearly real or made to look real. As I step a bit closer to look at one of the realistic rapiers, my feet bump against something. I look down, after taking my cream folding top hat off and fold it flat then place it in a custom made pocket of my cream tailcoat suit jacket. At my feet is a rather large but carry-able light brown leather medical bag or what looks like one from my memories of old TV shows. I bend down and look at it as I wonder what could be inside as it must be a part of the items for sale since it is out near the front with all the other things that sit or lay near it like various fake shields and other fantasy items. I quickly look back at the vendor of the stall who nods as to signal it is okay for me to look inside. I do so as the bag opens with a 'click' as I now see its contents. What is inside is rather shocking as it is a number of fancy or well made umbrella's and canes. One or two I recognise looks like the same sort of Umbrella's used by the Penguin in the Batman Movies or the old Adam West TV Show. Another thing I recognise was two of the canes as one was a light purple one of good quality polished wood while the other was a darker and more black cane with the head of it being a sort of bird. "These can't be those cane's, can they?" I decide to test one out as I reach for the purple cane and see that it does have a sort of gap between the upper parts of the body and below the handle of it that when I give them a tug on each end they separate to reveal something I had hoped and yet not hoped to see. A thin blade, close to a fencing sword is attached to the handle end of the cane and the body of the cane seems to act as the sheath/scabbard of the now revealed cane sword. I try to calm my breathing as I realise that the cane sword is the real deal since I can now see it up close with my eyes. I close up the cane sword and place it back in the bag, then take a look at the black cane as I can gather that this is another weapon of some kind from a game I only played now and again due to it being set in England. It is the Cane used by the Assassin's Evie and Jacob in the Syndicate edition of the game, except this one was more realistic and actually a real weapon. I place it back in the bag as well as I slowly close the bag, stand up and look at the vendor with a confused yet intrigued expression which must have amused him as he laughed a bit at my appearance of a confused cat like face giving him said look. He says to me in answer to my silent question, "Yes those are real and I wondered when someone would take a look as everyone else who passed through here or bought something from me never even noticed that bag or its contents." I consider this odd yet I wonder how this man is not in jail or been prosecuted for selling real weapons and dangerous items like the contents currently in this bag. Another thing I consider is that I do need a replacement cane since the one I had for this outfit I had on was sadly destroyed, I did not see those big dogs until it was too late on my way to the convention as they simply snatched the cane from my grip and ran off with it; possibly confusing it for some new chew-toy or something like that. However, I am unsure if it is exactly safe or legal for me to take one of the canes from this bag. I am snapped out of my internal monologue of thoughts by the creepy stall owner. He says to me, "That bag is also quite unique as well, it allows you to store a whole lot of things inside and there will be nearly no limit to how much it can store plus if you close it up and hold the handle while thinking of what you need then the contents inside will change to fit your desired item/s. I am in disbelief as it sounds like something out of a Harry Potter book or one of those Disney movies. The man must have seen my expression of disbelief as he laughs and tells me, "I know that it seems impossible but everything you see here is the real deal." He points to a few things I missed in perusal of the man's wares as he says to me while pointing at the items around him. "The Green Ranger Dragon Dagger." "A Ultimatrix." "A Poké Ball with a special Pokémon inside it along with a Pokédex." "A chest containing The Chaos Emeralds and a sliver of the Master Emerald." "An Assassin Hidden Blade Bracer." "An Asauchi with the potential to become a real Zanpakuto." "A small chest with a Devil Fruit inside it of unknown powers." "A Violin used by Brook himself with a case for it." "The 12 Talisman's from the Jackie Chan Cartoon/TV Show." "Finally, a set of the 12 Dragonballs from the Anime." I do not know if my eyes or my mouth could be more open or in a expression of shock and awe than ever before at the dangerous but wonderful items here to be sold. I ask him hesitantly, "Do you just give them to anyone to use however they see fit or do you do something with the people you give the items to?" The man appears to blink in surprise as he says, "You know I think you're the first person to ask me that as most people just see the item that they want and just buy it on the spot before they realise where I send them off to." I slowly calm my nerves with a few short breaths and then ask, "Where do you send them off to?" The man simply shakes his head and says back to me, "Sorry kid but I can't exactly tell you as I want it to be a surprise for everyone who buys something from me but I will say that it will be interesting and very fun if you can handle it." I consider my answer and decision on whether I should just walk away and not buy anything but then my curiosity gets the better of me as I realise if I am being sent to a whole other world that I may recognise or not it will certainly be something amazing to experience. Plus I don't really have any family or friends left in my life due to personal reasons that I do not wish to remember right now. So who exactly would miss me? I make my decision as I nod to myself as I say to the creepy man, "I think I will buy some things from you and see where I end up; I will just have to make the best of it if I end up somewhere dangerous." The man soon laughs again at my answer as he says to me, "I like your spirit and determination kid so here is what I am gonna do for you." "I am gonna give you two items from my collection, minus the bag as I'll give that one to you for free provided you promise to make good use of it and take good care of it." I am again shocked at the offer being given to me by the man as I look again at the huge amount of items for sale. As I look at the items my eyes sometimes went back to the violin that the creepy man said was owned and used by Brook from the One Piece anime/manga. I had always enjoyed the sound of the violin and I was not bad at playing it from my music lessons in school. I make my first decision as I point to the case with the Violin as I say to him, "I'll take that one as my first choice." The man blinks at me then grins as he takes the Violin within the case and closes the case up and hands me the whole thing of which I place next to the special magical bag at my feet. I think hard on my next and last item to pick as I scrutinise and evaluate each item to see what is most important or useful. I suddenly catch sight of an item that I nearly did not see since it was well hidden by the other items surrounding it. It is a Revolver of some kind with what looks like an assortment of ammunition kept in the display case that all seem to work or are fitted to work for the handgun. I consider if I should get it or not as it would be safe for me to have a firearm of some kind if I encounter any sort of danger as while the sword canes are useful it would be good to have some other form of defence. However I have never fired a gun of any kind, bar the occasional toy gun, paintball gun or nerf rifle growing up. I soon make my decision as I will just have to be careful and make sure to practise when I can in using it. I point to the gun and all its extra's as I say, "I will take that and does it come with any holster's?" The creepy man is surprised by my last choice but he shrugs and says back, "Sure, I may have some somewhere." He gets off his seat behind his desk and then goes down to below the top of the desk as I hear boxes and other items being moved. He soon comes back up with a small bag as he hands me it; along with the gun case which is now closed saying, "There are a few holsters in there that should fit you or work with you so take a look and pick your choice." I take the bag as I rummage through it and find a couple of ones that could work, one is a sort of belt holster much like what cowboy's would wear and another is a shoulder holster like those kinds James Bond uses. I take them both out and show him them as I say, "These will do, so what is this all gonna cost?" He grins at me as he gives me the price which nearly makes me drop the case holding the gun and its contents in surprise at the absurd amount as that is nearly every bit of money I have on me. But I agree as I decide to take all this and put it in the large magical bag as I think it will be most safe in there, with me grabbing the bag and holding on to it tight. I hand the man the money and soon after I do I feel a strange sensation of tiredness and sleep take over me as the last thing I see and hear is the man waving his hand in either farewell or some other reason as he says to me, "Good luck on your trip Baron, you will most certainly enjoy it." He finishes this with a deep belly laugh as my vision is soon no more as my mind becomes dark and slowly shuts down as the last thing I feel is a strange sensation going on with my body as I soon fall into a state of unconsciousness. An unknown amount of time later I feel my mind slowly awaken as I also feel a gentle warmth and cool breeze brush over me. I groan as I slowly sit up and open my eyes, only to hiss in discomfort at the light in my eyes as I slam them closed yet again. After a few moments I gently open them again and take in my surroundings. I appear to be in a grassy meadow of some kind with the sounds of faint bird's tweeting in the distance reaching my ears. It is bright out as the sun shines down on me giving a comforting feeling of warmth. I am soon standing properly and check around me as I spot the bag I purchased not too far away from where I was laying down on the grassy ground. I walk up to it and bend down to open and check its contents, The items inside are a mixture of my purchases as I decide to grab one of the canes in the bag and have it on me as I close the bag and pick it up with the cane soon in my other hand as I begin to walk in a direction I hope will lead me to some form of civilisation. I take in the surroundings as I spot a forest of some kind in the distance which gives me a feeling of trepidation at how dark and inhospitable it looks even from where I am. I look in the opposite direction and spot what looks like a village or town of some kind. I say aloud to myself, "Well I'd best head in that direction if I want to find anyone to explain where I am.....?" I trail off at the sound my voice makes as I realise it is not my ordinary voice but something I recognise right away. It is the English voice of the Baron from 'The Cat Returns' Movie, I feel a sense of panic fill me as I slowly place my cane and bag down and run my gloved hands over my body. The first thing I feel is my face as it is certainly different than before, how I never realised until now is beyond me, it feels more like a cat's face than human and as I run my hand over my head I feel my now cat like ears as well as the short but soft fur over my body with my other hand as I can now feel the very slight tickling feeling of fur under my clothes. The last nail in the coffin is the tail that now decides to make itself known as it flicks itself into my field of vision before returning to where it was, behind me near the base of my spine and back. I slowly concentrate as I try and manipulate my tail to move how I want, after trial and error I do so with a few swishes and flicks of the abdominal appendage. After that I slowly breath in and out to calm my nerves and resist a full blown panic attack as I think on this. "That creepy guy did something to me, he turned my body into a sort of human and cat hybrid much like the original baron was in the films." "He must have done so to make my outfit more real as I bet he did this or something similar to others who bought stuff from him." I try and keep a level head as I resist cursing that man for what he did to me as I then pick up my luggage and cane as I also take my top hat out of the special pocket and unfold it to which I then place on my head. The slight shade the hat provides is welcome as it is rather warm today. I have now calmed down enough to resume my walk as I think to myself. "Well, if I now sound like the Baron and look like the Baron then I should see if I can act like The Baron." End of Chapter 1. > A Baron In Equestria Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Baron in Equestria Part 2 I take a deep breath as I see the town I am heading in direction of is closer now after nearly an hour of walking. I am a little tired but not exhausted as I expected to be. Once I reach over a hill to see the town proper I am stuck in amazement at how odd yet wonderful it looks. The houses look like old style straw roofed homes from medieval times back in his own home. Other places that have more modern roofs are made of wood and stone, those appear to be the shops and stores that sell various wares. I can just see a bit more of the town as I strain my eyes, which appear to be very good in seeing long distance due to my mixed heritage of cat and human. One site makes me nearly drop my jaw in surprise, it is a large tree that appears to be a building also, what purpose I cannot make out but I am eager to find out. I walk a little faster until I can see the residents more clearly, then I stop in shock and a little bit of disbelief at what I am seeing. The residents of this village are all small ponies (At least I think they are ponies due to their size) of varying colours and looks between each one. I can see one that is bright green with a strange marking on its back legs or rather closer to where it's behind is. Others are similar except some have what appear to be a single horn on their heads and a few that don't have that feature; they have wings instead. My mind is nearly blown at what I am witnessing as I make sure to stay out of sight as I duck behind some nearby bushes and continue to study these strange but mystical creatures by sight alone. I think on this with still stunned feelings coursing through me, "I am seeing walking and apparently talking ponies and even ones that look like Unicorns and Pegasi." I can hear them talking to each other and they even sound as intelligent as humans are back on my own home dimension if what I can understand so far of where I may have been sent to. I am snapped out of my thoughts by a voice speaking behind me. "HI!" I jump up in surprise and I am sure I made a cat like sound of shock as I turn to see a bright pink pony of whom has big eyes of blue which stare at me with a look of great curiosity and seemingly boundless happiness. I stand up and look at the Pony with a nervous feeling of discomfort as I did not expect to be found so quickly. Before I could even speak or react further the Pink Pony with what appears to be balloons stamped on its flanks (I think that is the correct term) speaks to me in a barrage of questions and words. "Who are you, are you some sort of cat monster, why are you dressed like that, are you new in town, what's your favorite colour, when's your birthday, Oh my gosh I have to plan a party for you since I've never met you before?" And with a jump and run (which I am fairly certain sounded like something out of a Looney Toons cartoon) she was off in a blur of pink. I am still processing what I have just been through as all I can utter is a single word. "What." Later on I sigh as I wander into town with a confused and somewhat frazzled mind since I encountered that hyperactive pink pony. I decided to just get this over with as with my appearance and unusual look compared to the Ponies of the village I was sure to attract the leader or someone brave enough to speak to me and explain what is going on and where I am. The reactions to my entrance and appearance are as expected. Stare's of fear, confusion and awe at my appearance. I can guess since I am so much more different to what they possibly see normally I make them afraid to approach me, confusion of why I am here and what I am and the third one was possibly because of my much taller height compared to many of the Ponies, though some of the larger ones that seem to be male ponies are about the height of my waist. I appear to have reached near the center of this village or town, to which I look about and see if any of the resident Ponies will approach me. I am answered by the sound of what appears to be a fast moving object coming in my direction to which I have no time to dodge as a blur of blue and other colours slams into me to my immediate pain and discomfort. "AUGH!" I cry out in pain and surprise as I am sent flying back and soon am on my back in a daze of pain and dizziness as my vision spins around as I lay on the ground. I shake my head and close my eyes to clear up my vision as I try and ignore the pain. I slowly and shakily rise up on my knees and try to stand with my one of my hands holding my stomach and then my chest in pain as I grunt in effort to remain standing. After a few moments of wobbling and steadying myself I turn my sight to what hit me. It is a Pony or rather a Pegasus Pony of which has a blue coat of hair covering its body but the mane and tail are most surprising since they are patterned much like a rainbow would be. This is further exemplified by the marking I can just see on the Ponies flank that appears to be a tattoo or marking of some kind that looks like a rainbow coloured bolt of lightning coming out of a cloud. I am stopped from my examination of the Pony by said pony speaking up and saying to me. "Hold it right there you cat monster, you can't just come into town and scare all these ponies otherwise you're gonna have to deal with me, Rainbow Dash." I raise an eyebrow at the apt name for this Pony who I can see is the brash sort who takes names and asks questions later. I speak in my most gentlemen like manner as I say to this mare. "I do apologize for scaring so many of ponies but I am a stranger to this land and I have no idea where I am or how I got here?" I look straight in the eyes of this mare and hope my answer is well received. The Pony rears up in surprise as she lifts off the air with a few beats of her feathery wings as she says back to me with shock. "You can Talk?! I sigh as I shake my head and say back, "Of course I can talk and I am not a monster, just a confused and now in pain being who wishes for answers." The Pony gives me a look of scrutiny as she says back, "Fine, but I am keeping an eye on you; if you want answers then I can take you to my friend, Twilight Sparkle." I nod and say back, "That seems reasonable, shall we go?" After one more look of slight mistrust and scrutiny we begin our trek to wherever this 'Rainbow Dash' is taking me to see her friend. Before we move on I make sure to grab my cane, bag and hat as I make sure they are undamaged from my less than successful encounter with the rainbow maned pony. I give my hat a few pat downs and place it back on my head while I make sure to use my cane more heavily as it helps support my now in pain body. I speak to the Pony who is now guiding me, "Since I am a bit new to this land I wonder if you can tell me where I am first before we meet your friend." She stops for a moment as she looks at me and I swear I can see a flash of guilt in her large eyes. I brush it off and focus on the Pony who says to me, "Well you're in Ponyville which is located in the land of Equestria." I blink at the name of the village as it seems a little odd and on the nose for its name being a home for intelligent and sentient Ponies. I also find the name a bit funny especially the land that is called after the name for Horse species. I shake off my amusement as I simply say back, "Thank you for telling me." The Blue Pegasus waves off the praise with a cocky look on her face as she says back, "It's nothin." We resume our walk as we soon appear to have reached our destination. It is in fact the tree like building I spied earlier. I can see it more clearly and it does appear to be a hollowed out tree that has been turned into a large home. I look at Rainbow Dash as I ask her, "Is this the home of 'Twilight Sparkle'?" The blue pegasus mare nods as she says back, "Yep; she lives here in Ponyville's own Library." I decide to comment as I say to the rainbow maned mare, "I think it would be best if I stay outside and you can go in and explain things for me as I do not wish to cause any further troubles for either of you." The pony seems to think on this and then simply says back, "Sure." She then proceeds to go and head into the large tree building as she opens and then closes the door behind her. This leaves me still outside with nary a sound besides the gentle blowing of the wind against the large tree and its leaves, along with the faint sounds of noises inside the Library and words being said which I can barely make out from the thick bark of the tree. It is a few moments later that the library's door opens and a new Pony exits said door and domicile of whom I guess must be this 'Twilight Sparkle'. She was a mare of varying shades of purple with some pink thrown in, her mane was a prime example of this with most of the hair being violet and dark purple with a single stripe of hair in pink running across it, her tail hair was the same in that regard as well, her body however was of a lilac or lavender colour; the same as her ears while her eyes were dark purple as well but more like an amethyst type purple. She was also a Unicorn from the spiralled patterned horn on her forehead that peaked out between the front of her long hair just above her eyes, the most eye catching detail besides those things was the symbol or tattoo like marking on her flank that was of a large dark pink 6 pointed star surrounded by 5 much smaller white pointed stars. I speak aloud as gentle and as calming as I can, "Hello, Twilight Sparkle I presume?" This makes the purple pony jump a little in either surprise or fright as she comments aloud with a gasp beforehand, "Oh my Gosh; You can talk." I resist rolling my eyes as I merely nod and say to her, "I trust that Miss Rainbow Dash has explained some things on my behalf?" She looks a bit sheepish as she says back, "A little, but I would rather you explain it for me instead; would you please come in." I nod as I say to her, "Certainly; you are most kind." Before we both enter she suddenly stops as she asks me, "Oh I forgot to ask but what is your name." I have a mental grin as I have been waiting to do this. I prepare myself as I let down my bag for a moment and begin to bow. "My name Miss Sparkle, Is Baron Humbert von Gikkingen; it is a pleasure to meet you." I finish this with a flourish of my top hat as I take my hat off as I bow and rest my hand with my hat across my left shoulder. This seems to make the pony falter for a moment as I place my hat back on and stand up from my short bow while grabbing my bag with my now free hand and see the mare's surprised expression. She seems to stutter out a bit as she half states/half asks, "Y...y...you're of Nobility?" I mentally think on that for a moment before I say back, "In a way; now can we please go in as I am in need of information and I can try to explain things on my end." This seems to snap the purple pony out of her current thoughts as she soon says, "Of course, please come in." I nod as I say back, "Thank you." We soon enter the Library, with myself having to duck down and crouch then shuffle in to enter the hollowed out tree building. I use my cane to catch the doorknob of the door as I stand up and close it with a pull of my hand. I soon rest my cane and have it hang on one of my folded arms. I take my hat and flatten it, then put it into my special inner coat pocket. It seems as I was doing this Twilight Sparkle was getting a note pad and quill with some ink to take notes of our conversation. I notice this as I look around the inside of the Library. It is very clean and tidy with many bookshelves surrounding us which look as though they were carved out of the wooden walls of the tree's interior. They are bursting with so many books it made me wonder if it was Magic that kept most of them from falling off or bursting from their shelves. I also notice that I appear to fit just enough in the room I stand in as I am a few feet away from the ceiling. I am snapped out of my observations by Twilight Sparkle who speaks to me, "Now can you start by explaining what you are and how you came here also why you came here?" I frown, to make it seem like I am thinking hard for my audience of one, as I mentally form a story as best and as quick as I can that makes the most sense. I take a seat as I begin to tire of standing as I lay cross legged on the floor to see closer to Twilight's eye level as I then start by saying, "I actually have no idea what I am exactly as I have no exact species name since I am quite unique from where I come from." This makes the mare in front of me curious as she asks, "Oh, how so?" I say back, "Well I am a mix of two species, Human and Feline." Twilight blinks as she confusingly says in question, "Human?" I say to her, "I will try to explain but please no interruptions until I finish and you can ask your questions afterwards." I make a small silent sigh as I can see that Humans must not exist in this place so I try my best to explain to her what a Human is. "A Human is a Bipedal being of whom are originally descended from or evolved from Primates that wished to evolve or had evolved over nearly a few million years but did not become Human until much later in their evolutionary cycle." "They each have two hands of which I myself have along with two feet the same as I; they also have no fur covering their whole bodies except they have hair which is traits that they kept from when they used to be primates as some just grows naturally like on top of their head, across their body in various places like the chest or back and sometimes even on their arms/hands." "They do not have tails, unless it is a birth defect or a random trait that is somehow inherited by a dormant gene." "The skin of their bodies come in a small amount of coloured shades but the most common is a very pale colour or very faint pink with the others being a dark brown colour which is sometimes almost black along with a number of them being different shades of pale yellow." "The eyes come in a short but varying shades of colours; blue, green, brown, hazel and even amber or red." "Since Humans have not much hair covering their bodies they instead wear clothing to keep them warm or comfortable along with preserving modesty since without it their genitalia or sexual organs would be on display." "Human's come in two Genders; though there have been cases where they have been born with both or one aspect/s of the two genders, male and female." "I trust you do not need further clarification on that matter but if you wish I will explain in further detail later?" I see the pony weakly nod with a growing blush on her face at some of my recently revealed facts about Human's. I continue with my explanations and answers to Twilight's questions. "Now the Feline aspect is unique as most normal felines are mostly seen as pets or wild animals of little sentience compared to Human's and I guess Pony's of this land." I see Twilight nod at this in proving this to be true. "However there is a species or rather subspecies of sentient and magical felines that can think, talk and act as similar to Humans and Ponies of both our lands, though not so much in Human's in regard to your land." "These sentient magical cats live in a pocket dimension and can traverse between the human realm and their own." "However, if a Human somehow enters the dimension of these cats then they will slowly turn into one as well but it is usually almost unnoticeable at first." "It all depends if the Human can hold on to the image of their Human self in their mind and will themselves to resist the changes as this can slow the changing effects drastically." "It does not however stop the process of being turned into one of these magical cats." "The only way to stop or return to a normal human is to leave the dimension of the Magical Cats, but you must do so within a certain time limit which is dependent on the time from the human realm as the cat dimension's own time is slower than the human realm." "I explain this to make clear how I came to exist." "My mother was still pregnant with me when she was accidentally sent to the Cat Dimension, the beings there refer it as The Cat Kingdom by the way." "It was because of the magic and changing effects of that dimension that affected myself when I was still inside my mother of whom was also being slowly turned into a cat but was soon sent back to her own dimension when the residents and rulers of The Cat Kingdom found her some time later in a half cat and half human form as the time limit was nearly up before she became a full cat." "Some time later when I was born my mother discovered just what that place had done to me, she grew fearful of what would happen to me if I was seen as a freak of nature or some monster in the eyes of normal human's." "Luckily there were some humans who could perform magic and were known as very powerful wizards/witches and sorcerers or sorceresses, using their powers they hid my true form in a sort of magical disguise that allowed those of non magical nature to just see me as a well dressed but ordinary human." "What you have to understand is that to most human's magic does not exist or is labeled as either fables or branded as evil by certain faiths and religions." "These performers of the mystic arts could not change me or turn my body into a human nor could it take away my feline traits." "This lead myself and my mother to hide among the secret magical communities and civilisations that hid themselves from regular human sight or scrutiny." "I can guess you are wondering about who my father was or where he was in all of this?" Twilight just nods as I can tell my fabricated tale has clearly blown her mind from what I have told her so far. "Now you have to understand that my mother did not go to a hospital when she went into labour as my father was an accomplished doctor and was able to help my mother give birth to me in their home, this helped in a way as it kept my existence a secret from others who would no doubt spread rumours or try to experiment on me." "But when he saw my form when I was born he nearly killed me in fear and disgust at what I was." I could see Twilight's horrified expression at what I have told her as I act it out with a tense face and body with clenched fists to show her my own supposed anger and pain. I give myself a shake and keep on with my story and explanation. "Luckily my mother's father, my grandfather had arrived just in time to witness my birth and was able to save me from being killed." "He knocked my father out and made sure my mother and I were safe before he made plans and preparations to keep us all safe." "He actually had some contacts and acquaintances of the magical variety who were able to quickly help and made sure to wipe my father's memory of what he saw and of my birth to which they planted false memories that made it seem like I was a normal human baby/infant." "They then used a number of spells to force my father to sign a divorce using more false memories showing their relationship and marriage falling apart which lead them to separate in a seemingly amicable way; all the while I was cared for by my grandfather who did not see me as a freak or some monster but just a little infant who was just innocent and in need of love, care and protection." "My mother was at first hesitant to have such things happen to my father but after seeing what my father could have done to me and what may have happened she reluctantly agreed and soon after we began to live in hiding." "Which now leads to what happened and why I seem to have came here to this Equestria." "It was a short time ago that I was on a small trip to a gathering of magical beings as there was a small fare and market built up to sell various wares of magical origin." "I was merely browsing when I came upon a merchant selling many extraordinary items of which included this bag here...." I point to the bag now sitting next to me. "To which as soon as I bought it I ended up falling unconscious and waking up some distance from this small town." "I can guess I must be in a completely different world or dimension than my original home since I have never heard of Equestria before and I would know since I have traveled all over my own world and visited all the secret societies and hidden magical realms connected to my own world that I know of." I stop as I take a breath as I feel my mind tire from the amount of work I have put into making up and fabricating such a long winded tale. I look at Twilight who is clearly still in a sort of mindblown befuddlement at what I have explained and told her. There is an awkward silence in the air as I decide to break it by trying to snap the mind blown pony out of her current state. "Miss Sparkle, Miss Sparkle....." I say to her as I try and get her attention more by snapping my fingers in front of her as well, which is tricky to do in my gloves but I somehow manage it. This seems to work as Twilight takes a deep breath and appears to calm down. A sheepish expression comes over the pony's face as she soon says to me, "Sorry but that was a lot to take in." I nod and say back with a kind expression, "It's quite alright." She takes a few more deep breaths and then asks me another question, "I wonder if that bag had some spell or curse on it to send the owner; once they bought it to somewhere not on their world." Her horn seems to glow a varying shade of pink for a moment to my surprise but I try and ignore it as my bag is soon surrounded in the same coloured magical aura. She appeared to concentrate more, than she already is with her use of magic. A shocked expression comes over her face as she says with a stunned yet awed voice, "So many unbelievable spells and magic placed on just one bag." I raise an eyebrow or the equivalent of one with my cat like face, as I ask her in question. "How many spells exactly?" She soon stops using magic and looks at me with a still awed expression. She says to me in answer, "Almost a million spells." Now I have a shocked expression and feeling as while I knew that the bag was somewhat special with it being able to hold a lot of stuff and summon nearly any Item I may need I did not expect such a bag to have almost a million spells, enchantments and magic woven into the piece of luggage. Twilight soon says to me, "It would take myself and about a thousand Unicorns to even attempt such a thing and only half as much power if our rulers tried to do so since they have more magical power than ordinary Unicorns and finer control over magic." I feel curious as I ask her, "Who are your rulers?" Twilight soon answers me after shaking her head and looking at me, "They are Princess Celestia and Luna who both control the Sun and Moon of our world." I am greatly surprised at such beings having the power to control the objects and symbols of day and night, this must show on my face enough as she asks me. "What's wrong?" I shake my head and say back, "Sorry; its just that in my world or dimension the sun and moon are usually not controlled by anyone as they just orbit and move about on their own with the forces of gravity and laws of physics." This shocks Twilight as I can guess that such a concept is almost foreign for her as is the concept of beings such as her rulers controlling the celestial objects known as the sun and moon to myself. She soon asks me; after shaking off her shock, "What did you mean by usually?" I think on how to answer her as I say to her, once I have a good enough answer. "There are those of whom are considered gods in my world and dimension who have similar powers but are generally treated as fables or make believe legends, other than that there are certain spells and rituals that allow the control of night and day but this is usually done with many groups of magical users working together." "I believe that your rulers would have been classed as gods if they existed or where known in my own world and dimension also what makes your rulers so powerful and even greater than Unicorns?" Twilight soon answers after a moment of silence between us as I can guess she is preparing her answer to which she soon says to me. "They are what are known as Alicorns, which is a combination of all three races of Ponies of Equestria and this world." I say to her as I find this topic interesting, "I have seen two of the species of Ponies while I have been here and I can guess that the third species or race of Ponies are the ones without horns or wings?" Twilight nods as she says back to me, "Yes as they are called Earth Ponies." I blink and ask in confusion, "Earth; I thought that Ponies of this dimension and world did not know of my own?" Twilight is also confused as well as she asks me, "What do you mean?" I answer her as I say, "Earth is the name of my home dimensions planet of which I lived on." Twilight has a fascinated look on her face as she asks me in surprise, "Really?!" I nod as I say to her, "It comes from a few of the old words and names for 'Ground' which supposedly related to the ground in which we walked upon or rather planet." Twilight shakes her head and says to me as she tries to explain about Earth Ponies. "Well Earth Ponies, the Equestrian kind, have a innate magical connection to all things that grow and come from the ground which makes many of them excellent farmers who then become providers of food to grow of which many of us eat." "One of my own Friends is a Earth Pony named 'Applejack'." I blink as I ask her, "Who are your other friends, besides Rainbow Dash of course as it is easy to tell that she is a Pegasus, and what race of Pony are they?" Twilight soon answers me, "Well there are three others and each is a different race of Pony." "There is 'Pinkie Pie', a Earth Pony." "There is 'Fluttershy', A Pegasus." "Finally there is 'Rarity', A Unicorn like me." I nod as I ask her, "Anyone else you have as a friend or acquaintance I should know about?" Twilight appears to be thinking for a moment as she soon gets an expression of realisation across her face as she soon says, "Oh there is also my assistant and sort of little brother; 'Spike'." I say back in curiosity as I ask, "What kind of Pony is this Spike?" Twilight soon has an amused expression as she says back, "'Spike' isn't a Pony; he's a Dragon." I am about to nod in apparent interest before Twilight's words catch up with my brain as I say loudly exclaim back to her with great shock and slight fear, "DRAGON?!!!" I jump slightly at this information of Dragon's existing in this realm and world but I am stopped from further panic by Twilight hurriedly explaining to me. "He's not that kind of dragon, he's nice and is in fact a baby dragon." I see her panicked face as I can see she is trying to reassure me of any danger. I take a few short breaths as I slowly calm down and sit down properly, I nearly stood up and shot up in the air from my previous shock. I say to her, "Sorry; it's just that Dragon's are considered nearly extinct or labeled as not real and just as folklore or in fabled myths of my homeworld." Twilight has a shocked look as she asks in slight horror showing through her voice, "Extinct?!" I nod as I explain, "Dragon's were hunted to near extinction a long time ago by human knights and magical poachers." Twilight is seemingly horrified as I can guess that this must be tragic news to her and possibly the Baby Dragon Spike if he heard this from me. I continue saying to her as I further explain. "The few Dragon's that are left have hidden themselves away deep in inhospitable areas that Humans would not dare enter or go to along with many sympathetic magical beings enacting protective wards and spells to save the Dragon race from complete annihilation." "The few who have either tried to attack the remaining Dragon's have ended up killed or ripped to shreds and then eaten by said Dragons since most Dragons have scales and armored bodies that are nearly impossible to break through even with powerful spells thrown at them." "The warnings left behind to leave said Dragon's alone is usually a sort of pile of Bones that are charred black and nearly destroyed except for the skull which is left intact." Twilight appears a little green and disgusted at some of the details I have gave her about Dragon's which is just some general stuff I knew from fantasy books and video games. I decide to change subjects as I say to her in question, "Do you want me to meet your friends?" Twilight's expression brightens up as she appears more cheerful as she says, "Sure; let me go get them and you can just wait here." I nod as she also says, "'Spike' should be with 'Fluttershy' or 'Rarity' and I think 'Rainbow' Dash left a while ago as she just went upstairs to the balcony so she might have just flown off back home from there,." I nod as I had wondered where that Blue Pegasus had gone to. Twilight soon leaves after saying to me, "Be right back." I nod as I watch her leave, standing up now as I give my body a stretch; I soon begin to think to myself. Well, that went pretty well; I just hope I can keep up this charade and stick to it. End of Chapter 2. > A Meeting of Friends and New Acquaintances > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Meeting of Friends and New Acquaintances Ponyville - Twilight's POV As I make my way through town to search for the rest of my friends I consider what has been explained and said by the unique and strange individual who has ended up in Equestria and on Equis. It’s almost unbelievable what I have been told but I have no idea or evidence on how to contradict his claims since the amount of information and details put into said explanation of Humans and his birth would be very hard to lie about or be of some make believe story. Then there was the bag that he had and the supposed cause of all this mess and confusion for the both of them, it is still mind boggling how much magic and spells were crafted and placed on such a innocent looking item. I give myself a mental shake off as I refocus on finding my friends. “First up is Applejack and then onto Fluttershy,” I think to myself as I change direction towards the Apple Acres Farm. Later on; Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres Farm - Twilights POV I walk past the many Apple trees of which I half heartedly examine as I try and locate Applejack. I soon do so after a short few more minutes trotting along where I see and hear Applejack hard at work gathering and bucking apples to be sold later on at her Apple Stand. ”Yea-haw,” Applejack calls out as she rushes forward and then makes an about face turn as she lifts her hind legs and gives a great big buck with her hooves to the tree of apples. Which soon became bereft of them as all of them fell down and landed in the array of wooden barrels below the tree. I see as Applejack gives a smug look as she raises her head, making her blond braided mane swish about below the brown stetson hat that she wore always. I call out to her, ”Applejack.” The orange coloured mare turns her head and gives a smile and laugh as she speaks towards me while walking in my direction. "Howdy Twilight, what brings you here round these parts today; need some apples or somefin?" I shake my head and reply to her as I say, No Applejack, I don't need any apples but I do need to show you something or rather someone who has strolled into town and may need help." Applejack raises an eyebrow or rather does a facial expression similar to that as she asks me, Well, who or what is it and why do ya need my help?" I give out a sigh as I shake my head as I then tell her with a small smirk, "You wouldn't even begin to believe what I have to tell you and show you." Some time later; outside Ponyville, Fluttershy's Cottage - Twilights POV "Oh my, and he's really part cat with nowhere to go or stay?" Fluttershy says this in question towards myself and Applejack, who a still flabbergasted and shocked from what I filled her in on about Ponyville and Equestria's newest guest and visitor from another dimension, in her quiet and gentle voice. I nod as I say to her, "Exactly Fluttershy, and you may be able to help with your knowledge on animals to maybe keep him calm or perhaps be of a better judge on how to care for him than I can." Applejack seems to have momentarily shaken off her feelings of bewilderment as she asks me, "You still haven't explained why you need me around Twilight." I look at the orange coloured Earth Pony as I say to her, "It's because of your ability to tell if someone is lying or being untrustworthy Applejack." Applejack has a bashful expression as she says back in said emotion to me, "Gawrsh Twilight, thank you; I'll do my best to help see if that there varmint is lying to you." I nod with a small smile as I say back to her, I appreciate the help then Applejack." I am interrupted by a small voice or sound until I realise that Fluttershy has been trying to get my attention for the past few minutes. "Um, Twilight not that there isn't any bother with me helping a friend and seeing a new kind of creature or animal to befriend but are you sure he isn't dangerous or a monster in disguise?" Her voice gets quieter and quieter as she speaks to me until I can just make out her last words as I strain my hearing to listen. Fluttershy looks at me with an awkward look and smile as she fidgets in place awaiting my answer of which I do and give my most sincere and gentle of looks and expressions towards the bearer of Kindness. "Well he did not seem dangerous; intimidating, yes but that was because of his size and how unusual he is compared to most creatures we all have seen from the Everfree forest." Fluttershy seems to pause at my words as she soon gives a slow timid nod and replies in her usual gentle voice, "Okay; I'll help you and meet this feline creature." A little while Later; Ponyville, route to Golden Oak LIbrary - Twilights POV I listen with a little exasperation at Rarity who is asking questions about Ponyville's newest guest and visitor as we all walk towards the Library and my own Home in Ponyville, I have been unable to locate Pinkie Pie who seemed absent from Sugarcube Corner and from what Mr and Mrs Cake told us she was organising some party for some new visitor to Ponyville of which I have an inkling to whom the party is for but I hold my thoughts to myself for now until I am certain. We were able to pull Rarity away from whatever she was creating or styling for somepony with a similar tale I told, Applejack and Fluttershy who now walk to my left as I spy a hovering Rainbow Dash following us who we were able to find resting/napping on a cloud in the sky. "And You're sure he's not some uncivilised beastly brute, Twilight?" I roll my eyes a little as I say to Rarity, "Yes for the last time Rarity he was very well mannered, actually he seemed quite intelligent from my conversation with him." I was still given a very uncertain look by Rarity who soon stalled her questions as we all soon reached the door to the Library but as we reached it we heard voices that I myself recognised as Spike the other one took a moment to recall as the voice of the one who called himself Baron. Some time ago, after Twilight left the library - Baron's POV I am unsure of what to do now that I am alone and waiting for Twilight to come back with her friends. I look about again at the Library when I realise what I could do, read some books. I carefully make my way to a random shelf/bookcase and look at the titles which to my surprise have similar names or close approximations to books and authors of my own world. 'Of Mice and Mares by John Stallionbuck' 'Lord of the Fillies by William Gelding' 'The Mare of the Crowd by Edgar A. Pony’ 'History of The Mane of Terror by An Unknown Author’ I skim through some of them to see if they match anything I know of my own worlds version of books and the authors who wrote them. To my surprise the more darker aspects are muted/omitted or toned down in this worlds version of the stories or are changed so much because of this worlds own unique history and way of life that some of the plots and stories could be considered a whole entire different tale than I expected. It could also be because this world seems more peaceful and less harsh that the authors are forced to tone down the dark and horror type aspects of their stories, possibly by the publishers of the books. I shake it off as I return the books to where I found them and browse more of the books on the other bookshelfs. The pattern seems to repeat itself as I find many books that have similar names and titles of books from my world but they all have relation to horse or Pony names and puns that seems a little too weird for me, not to mention of where I am and what has happened to me so far is far beyond weird that it is nearly absurd. As I put back the last book from my browsing I hear the front door of the Library open up and a voice that I recognize as Male instead of female as I expected Twilight to be here soon but I shrug it off as I turn to greet the newcomer until I spot who or rather what has came through the door. The being who I assume is male, from the voice, is a small purple scaled being with a light underbelly and deep green rides along its spine from the top of his head and ending at the tip of his tail of which I can just see. Compared to Twilight's own height he is about half the size of her. I listen as the young dragon speaks aloud as he enters the Library. "Hey Twilight, I've finished the chores and errands for Rarity so what do you need me to do next.........?" Spike pauses in his speech as he spots myself sitting down near one of the bookshelves, with the baby Dragon's own body freezing up in fear and confusion at the sight of me which I consider humorous as I was terrified earlier at the thought of meeting a dragon. The next words out of the young drakes mouth are as much as I expected, "What the heck are you, what are you doing here, does Twilight know you're here?" He has a panicked look in his eye as I can guess he is considering either running or standing his ground. I decide to placate his fears and worries as I speak, "I have no exact name for my species but I assure you I mean no harm; and yes Miss Sparkle does know I am here as she left some moments ago to seek out her fellow Pony friends to come and meet myself." "I was asked to wait here for them so I have been doing just that until you came in my young fire breathing friend." As I speak to the baby Dragon I can see my words have mostly managed to calm Spike to a reasonable level as he soon speaks and asks me, "So how did you get here then?" I smirk as I have a feeling I am going to be explaining yet again about Humanity and certain facts of my world quite a few times today. "Well I arrived here by somewhat unique means as it all started with a merchant......." Now, Golden Oaks Library - Baron's POV "......And so I ended up here in Equestria and close to Ponyville where I met a few of the resident Ponies including Miss Sparkle who I believe is now outside the door." I hear a gasp as I raise my voice slightly and direct it to the front door of which soon opens and I am confronted with the sight of two Ponies I recognized yet three others I do not. One of the Ponies is a Orange coloured Earth Pony with what looks like a old and well worn western hat, or Stetson is what I believe it is called, resting atop her very pale yellow braided mane of hair and green coloured eyes that are a lighter shade than Spike's own green reptilian eyes. I can just spy a marking or design of three red apples on her flank, which still eludes me as to why Ponies of this world have these markings but I plan to find out later. The other Pony is a butter yellow coloured pegasus with her mane being a pale rose colour; her eyes were of a cyan colour and her marking was of three pink winged butterflies, she seems quite timid as she is somewhat hiding her face in her mane but is unsuccessful in doing so as it just makes her look adorable in my eyes. The last of the group is a Unicorn but her body was coloured a very light gray which made the colour of her mane and eyes stand out more as it is a shade of Indigo with her eyes being a shade of azure and her marking being three light blue gems of which I can guess are either diamonds or pale sapphires. I speak aloud to them all but mostly to Twilight who has yet to enter as have the rest of the Ponies I previously observed. "I count three others of whom I can guess are the friends you spoke about Miss Sparkle, but what of the fourth one you said you were friends with?" Twilight is about to open her mouth and answer but I am instead answered by a mane of pink, blue eyes and high chipper voice that suddenly appears in my vision with no warning. "Here I am silly?" My reaction is as expected from last time, a sudden yell out in surprise followed by a cat like sound of fright but what was not expected was myself shooting straight up and hitting my head on the Library ceiling. I come back down from my fright induced leap in the air with a splitting headache and woozy vision as my last words spoken out loud before I begin to blackout are, "Oh its you again?" I feel myself fall down and hit the floor where I knew no more besides the faint sounds of panic and raised voices that reached me just as I was swept away by the blackness of unconsciousness. Thats it for this chapter, i will try and work more on future chapters but I may be busy with Christmas preparations so I am unsure if I can make any sort of chapter or story with a Christmas Theme or rather a Hearth's Warming Themed chapter or story. However I do promise to work on my other story involving a certain brand of films since I planned to anyway at least give out a new chapter for that story. See you all later fellow Bronies and lovers of all things MLP. > Apologies, Parties and Introductions. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies, Parties and Introductions. Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library - Baron's POV "Ugh, my head." I think to myself as I begin to reawaken with a sore head and splitting headache. I raise my hand or rather gloved paw; from what I believe they would look like, to my head as I give my head a gentle feel and to my surprise I feel or rather begin to take notice the cold and wet feeling of a ice pack of some sort on my head. I also feel my body laying on a long couch with a few pillows supporting my head and back. As I begin to open my eyes and awaken properly I am surprised and a little startled, but not as bad as before when I knocked myself out to my minor embarrassment, by the soft spoken but gentle sounding voice coming from close proximity to myself. "Oh thank goodness, we were all so worried that you were not going to wake up so soon." I look to my side away from the couch and take notice that I appear to be in a different part of the Library, seemingly separate from the main room I was previously in before I was unconscious, with my audience being the butter yellow bodied Pegasus with the Pink Mane and Tail. It seems my gaze on this Pony has made her act rather skittish and even more timid than I at first guessed she would be. "Eep!" she said aloud as she acted startled and then flinched back and away from where I lay on the long couch. I gently sit up with one gloved hand/paw to hold the ice pack on my head as I try to convey I am no threat or mean any harm to the frightened Pegasus Pony. I also take notice of the marking or tattoo like image three Pink winged Butterflies with a light blue body placed on the sides of her flanks or rather where I guess the Hips of the Pony is. I speak to the timid yellow Pegasus, "You need not be afraid of me; I would never harm or willingly cause pain to such a innocent Pony like you." She gasped then seemed to blush slightly as she answered back to me with a slight tremble in her voice. "D...d...do you p...promise?" I gently take the ice pack from my head and lay it beside me as I notice that my headache has lessened to a manageable level of a dull throb that I am able ignore for now. I then gently stand up in hopes that I do not further frighten the Pony with my greater height, which works to a certain degree as she only backs up a few steps with her hooves. I then straighten out and stand properly as I place place my left palm across the front of my right shoulder and speak solemnly but with clear intent. "I do so swear on my honour and prestige as a Baron." "I hope that does not come to bite me back in the arse later on," I think in my mind as I consider how contradictory I am being since I was originally not of any noble birth or station when I was back on Earth and still completely Human. Fluttershy, of whom I now begin to remember her name, blinks at my vow and simply replies with a simple exclamation of, "Oh." I let my arm and hand rest back its position by my side as I now take stock of my body more and more importantly my attire. I appear to have been undressed very recently as I am no longer wearing my white cream coat and my blue bow tie is a little bit loose with my red vest and waistcoat appearing to be ruffled and creased slightly with my actual shirt beneath that is also crumpled a bit. I look back at the patient yet quiet Fluttershy as I ask her tentatively, "Uh Miss Fluttershy?" She looks at me with a curious look that is so cute I have to greatly restrain myself from reacting in a less than masculine manner, I.e squeeing and hugging the cute Pony Pegasus. She speaks to me saying, "Yes Mr Baron?" I smile a bit and let out a small chuckle at the name she has given me of which I speak back as I clarify, "I merely wished to know if any of you or your friends undressed me while I was unconscious?" "Also Baron is my title and not my actual name so please call me by either Mr Gikkingen or simply Humbert if you please as I only use my title for different circumstances." Fluttershy nods as she smiles a bit, making me again restrain myself from reacting in the previously implied unbecoming manner, before replying to me. "Oh, Okay Mr Gikkingen." I nod as I await a for the answer to my other question with patience and a calm expression. Fluttershy seems to get it as she again says aloud, "Oh..." with a blush on her face soon after as she begins to answer me. "Yes, Rarity and I had to make sure you were okay with what Rainbow explained earlier what happened when you met her as I wanted to make sure your back was not hurt or injured too bad plus Rarity also wanted to examine your clothing a bit; I'm afraid she was too eager to ask first of which I am sorry for on her behalf." I nod as my back did feel better as I ask her with a expression of gentle humour, "So what's the prognosis Nurse Fluttershy." I watch as she squeaked slightly at my joke and attempt of humour as her face again gains a flush of red in embarrassment to my amusement and hidden joy at seeing the cute little Pony react in such a way. She stammers saying, "I...I'm not a nurse Mr Gikkingen I just take care of Animals and since you look like an Animal I well....." She trails off as her voice grows more quiet and squeaky until I barely hear it even with my improved hearing. I speak to her in an attempt to calm her and make sure I am not offended by her words. "It's not a problem as I understand what you mean but also I thank you for helping me with my own injuries and taking care of myself when I was unconscious by being startled so badly like before." I hope my words help as she seems to have calmed down a bit as she simply nods quietly while I take a look around the small room I am in as I search for me cane or other items before I realise something as I quickly pat myself down as I begin to frantickly search for the a certain item. This seems to have startled the yellow Pegasus before she asks me tentatively while I am distracted by my growing panic as I cannot find the item I seek. "Um, Mr Gikkingen what's wrong." I look at her with a panicked and somewhat wild look in my cat like eyes before I say to her in a rushed manner, "I'm sorry but did you or any of your friends take a pocket watch from my pockets while you and Miss Rarity undressed me?" She seems to have been startled even further at my look and panicked movements before saying back uneasily, "Um I think that Twilight took it when she used her Magic to bring you in here as it fell out of your coat pocket when she placed you on the couch." I calm down to a certain degree as I sigh a bit in relief at not having my most prized possession being lost. "Do you think we can go and get it as it is really important to me and I would dearly wish it back." She slowly nods at me as she says to me, "Okay." I relax further as I quickly fix my waistcoat and the rest of my clothing that I was currently wearing before I follow the slow tentative steps of Fluttershy out of the little room and into what I hope is the main Library and the location of my Grandfather's Pocket Watch. Golden Oak Main Library Room - Twilight's POV, a few moments earlier "I hope you learned your lesson Pinkie Pie about scaring somepony like that who is not used to you just popping up out of nowhere in front of them," I say to a somewhat subdued Pinkie Pie whose pink mane is more muted as is the rest of her bodies colouring which while is fascinating is unimportant for now. "Yes Twilight, I'm really sorry for what I did as I didn't mean to scare him or make him hurt himself," Pinkie says to me as she looks at me with sad eyes making me almost stop my stern look and disapproving glare.....almost. "Well I hope you tell that to our guest when you see him soon." Pinkie soon nods in agreement with me as she then perks up and begins to act like her normal Pinkie self. "Oki-Doki-Loki Twilight, anyway I'm still planning his 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' so I'll make sure to give my apologies then so see you later at the Party; oh and here is yours and the others invitations." Pinkie then reaches into her bouncy dark pink mane and takes out a small bundle of cards and hooves them over to me as she also asks, "Oh by the way Twilight what was his name again as I gotta make sure to have his name on the banner and cake for him." I take the cards which are the invitations with my magic as I float them beside me as I say to her, "He said his name was Baron Humbert Von Gikkingen." Pinkie has a fascinated look in her eyes as she says back with a excited tone of voice, "Oooh, fancy." I am interrupted by another voice nearby as they speak aloud with a curious yet even more fascinated tone of voice than Pinkie's. "Did I hear you quite right Twilight, he is a noble?" I look at the Pony who spoke as it is Rarity who appears to have finished examining the suit jacket that belongs to the current guest of the Library as I can see it resting on a table next to the white coloured unicorn along with the hat which is now unfolded and upright. I nod as I say back to Rarity as I move the invitations to another table as I reply to the fellow Unicorn. "That's what he said but he never got a chance to explain about that during my talk with him earlier." "Well that would explain the simply regal and well crafted attire he wears like that coat of his which I love and cannot wait to design one much like it for our new guest to try on." I am again spoken to by somepony else as it is Applejack who is just lazing about with Rainbow Dash on a few well placed cushions. "So what he's like Royalty or somethin?" I nod as I review what I know of the title of Baron. "Somewhat but its really only a pony, or rather in his case whatever he is exactly, who has done something to be given such a title as while some can inherit it others can be given it by either somepony like a Princess or Royal Family like Princess Celestia or Luna." "Also they are considered the lowest ranking in terms of nobility so he would be lower than say Prince Blueblood or Princess Celestia." Applejack speaks again after my explanation, "Wonder how he got a fancy title like that?" Rainbow Dash speaks aloud as she says with a groan, "Well we'll never find out if he doesn't wake up soon also aren't you meant to be doing something Pinkie?" This seems to snap Pinkie out of whatever it was she was doing as she hurriedly says to us all, "That's right I gotta go ahead and finish the party; be sure to go and bring Humby to the Town Hall soon?" She asks and before I can reply an affirmation she soon takes off with a 'zoom' like sound as she rushes out the front door of the Library, thankfully opening it before going through and closing it as she exits. I nod as I momentary watch her go before I return my attention to Rainbow Dash, "You'll have to be patient as he did hit his head pretty hard when he jumped like that." Rainbow Dash groans aloud as she lets out a huff as she moan out, "Fine....." I and the rest of us were soon startled by a voice from a now open doorway as they speak aloud. "You may not need to wait any longer Miss Dash as I am awake now." Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library - Baron's POV, Now I say this to the group of Ponies as I look at them all but mostly at a surprised Rainbow Dash. Twilight Sparkle soon reacts with relief and joy as she says to me, "I'm glad you are okay; we were all worried about how you were." The others nodded as I reply to them all as I say, "Well I thank you all for taking care of me but there is one thing I wish to have returned." Rarity soon speaks up as she asks me, "Oh is it your jacket; I do apologise for taking it but I simply couldn't help myself as your clothing is very well made and of great quality that I had to take a look while myself and Fluttershy tended to you as you were knocked out." I raise my hand in a calm and dignified manner as I say to her, "It is not but I accept your apology and thank you for helping Miss Fluttershy in caring for my needs; I am most grateful." I then give a short sweeping bow which I regret for a moment as my head begins to hurt again from the movement of my body but I try and ignore it for now. I look up to see the flattered expression of Rarity as she fans her face slightly with a raised hoof as she speaks back to me. "My, my you are certainly a gentlecolt aren't you or is that gentlecat?" I reply to her saying, "Whatever feels comfortable for you to say as I do not mind my dear; But back to the matter at hand, or hoof in regards to all Ponies present, but I would like it if Miss Sparkle could return my Pocket Watch as I could not find it on my person or in my other pockets." Rarity blushed at my of flattery words while Twilight has a sheepish expression as I see her horn light up and in a flash a familiar Pocket Watch soon appears in midair suspended by magic. She speaks to me saying, "Sorry for taking it Mr Gikkingen but I wanted to examine it a little as it was a item that came from your world beside your bag and clothing that you had on you along with the cane." She floats the watch over to me which I quickly snatch up as it nears my hands as the glow of magic disappears as soon as I grasp it as my hands clamp it securely before I make sure to grip it safely in my right hand. I give out a great sigh in relief as I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders at having my most prized possession back with me. Rainbow Dash talks aloud as she asks me, "Geeze that thing must be important if you're that relieved to get it back." I take a calm breath as I say back and aloud to all the Ponies in the room but mainly Rainbow Dash. "It is very important as it is the only thing I have left of my Grandfather." The air and atmosphere turns more somber as I hear the faint gasps and exclamations of shock by all the Ponies. As the Ponies all began to ask questions and enquiries about my statement I raise my hand and arm in a signal for silence which happens soon enough as I close my eyes and prepare my, somewhat made up story for those who have helped me as they at least deserve that. "If you would all be seated I will explain." I open my eyes and see that they have all quickly seated themselves in front of me as I grab the nearest but largest stool I can find to sit on, even Fluttershy whose eyes give out a worried and concerned gaze back at myself. I sigh and begin my tale, "As I have told Miss Sparkle my Grandfather was well connected with with many people on my world and traveled to them all; but the one thing he always had on him during those times was this Pocket Watch." I lift my hand and let hold the chain of the watch between my gloved fingers as I let my pocket watch hang from it on my open palm, showing the watch to them all. It was a very ornate and well crafted pocket watch that was just large enough to cover my whole palm, it was made of gold or what looked like gold with carvings on the metal of feathers, trees and other things of nature. I use my middle finger to open the watch as it clicks open showing a beautifully crafted timepiece with other carvings surrounding the watches face and other parts. "According to him whenever there was danger or some situation he was involved in that was in some cases life threatening he was saved just in the nick of time, if you'll pardon the pun, by the apparent luck of his Pocket Watch." I see the disbelief on Miss Sparkle's face but I raise a hand to forstall her expected argument as I then say, "I know that some of you are in either disbelief or uncertain if my claims and my Grandfather's claims are truthful but I will hope that you all can at least respect both our opinions, especially my Grandfather's since I would not want anyone to speak ill of the dead." This seems to have worked as they calm down or force themselves to not speak badly or in Rainbow Dash's case ridicule my own claims. We are all then surprised at the words coming out of Applejack's mouth. "You're not lyin." Twilight and everyone else shows this surprise by varying expressions of shock, myself included but I hide it well behind a facade of calmness. "What do you mean Applejack?", Twilight asks the orange Earth Pony. Said Pony soon replies to her question as she answers and explains, "Y'all already know Twilight that I can tell when somepony's lyin, and he is not lyin about that there watch of his." I almost sigh aloud in relief at my tale being believed, at least to a certain degree as I do remember my grandfather calling his old Pocket Watch 'his good luck charm' plus he was also involved with politics for a time and always had contacts with many people from all over the world so I really am only telling half truths which seems to be able to work against this Country type Pony's lie detection ability. But I hold it in and just say aloud, "Then I thank you Miss Applejack for corroborating my story about my grandfathers and now my own Pocket Watch." Said mare nods as she says back, "Yer welcome Mr Gikkingen." I give a small smile, showing no teeth as I do not wish to startle the ponies with my sharp teeth while I place my pocket watch away for safety. Twilight Sparkle then speaks aloud to us all, "Well I see that it is nearly time for us to attend Pinkie Pie's party so should we all head over to the Town Hall now?" There are voices of agreement from them all before I realize something, as I ask Miss Sparkle. "I'm sorry to ask before we leave but where is the young dragon Spike, I did not see him when I re-entered this room?" Twilight seems to realise this as well as she calls out in a louder voice, "Spike; where are you?" A sound of a flushing lavatory seems to come from upstairs before the appearance of the young dragon comes down the stairs soon after. The drake speaks back to Twilight saying, "Sorry Twilight I couldn't hold it in any longer while waiting for that Baron guy to wake up." Miss Sparkle seems to have a mini flashback in her head from what I can observe, she then says back to the purple scaled dragon, "Oh yeah; I forgot that you went to the bathroom while we all waited." I speak aloud as I say to Spike, "Well at least you can now join us for my supposed welcome party made by Miss Pie." This causes the drake to see me before he smiles and gives a thumbs up, or rather an approximation of one with his clawed hands as he says back to me; "Cool." With this settled we now begin to make our way out of the Library and towards the Party, at Town Hall, with me grabbing my hat on the way out. Not before I open the door first as I say with my most gentlemanly manner, "Mares first my dears." This gets a round of flattered or surprises looks and expressions from all female ponies, especially Rarity. I quickly see Spike's shocked then annoyed or rather jealous look at both myself and Rarity which I ignore as I make a sweeping gesture as I let the Mares out before myself and Spike leave and I shut the door behind me; after making sure to squeeze through the smaller door as much as I can before smooth down my suit and make it neat. I wait for the Mares to trot ahead a bit before I reach down and tap Spike on the shoulder, getting his attention as I speak to him. "I noticed that you seem to hold the Miss Rarity with more affection than normal, along with the look you gave me when I merely was acting polite; am I correct in guessing that you have some form of crush or admiration for the Mare?" Spike seems to freeze for a moment before he looks about to see if anypony heard my words, according to what I can guess; he then speaks to me with a half questioning tone. "How can you tell, is it that obvious?" I nod and give him a solemn look as I speak and say to him, "Yes it is but I promise to let you tell the Mare yourself when you are ready as I do not wish to ruin the chance for a young male like yourself to have their first love or crush taken from you unjustly." Spike still seems suspicious but gives a slow nod as he says and asks, "Do you really promise?" I raise my right hand, or paw and say back to him with esteemed honesty, "I promise on my word as a Baron and as a gentleman, or in my case a gentlecat." I say with a small smirk at the end making Spike laugh as we return to our short journey to my party. Spike soon says back to me with a smile on his face, "You know I think we'll get on real swell plus its nice to have another friend who is a guy this time." I give Spike a mock look of sympathy as I say to him, "Oh you poor boy; how ever did you survive with so many females around is a mystery unto itself." Spike returns it with a look of mock outrage as he says back, "Hey!" We both give each other looks of stern anger before we let it go and laugh aloud to each other and enjoy each others company as we bond over our mutual gender with jokes and humour as we make our way to the party. Equestria, Ponyville, Town Hall - A short time later; Baron's POV We had arrived at the party which was certainly welcoming indeed. The Pink party Pony known as Pinkie Pie had put out all the stops for me, I guess in a way to adding to the apology she gave me when I met up with her again. It was certainly tense for a moment when we saw each other but after she gave her most sincere apology along with a look that just demanded myself to agree to said apology () we then got on great as she seemed to embody the best of comedy as I was laughing and having a great time. The cake she gave me for the party to try was certainly excellent, which seemed to answer one of the nagging questions about my diet since I was half cat and half human now. I could eat a lot of things that humans could eat but I still had to limit myself since I did not know what affects too much sugar and sweet things could do to my body. One good thing was that I could at least still enjoy a cup of tea, lovingly provided by both Fluttershy and Rarity who each fetched items to make some for me since Pinkie Pie was busy playing games with the younger Ponies, the Foals and Fillies. It was a nice blend but I wondered if my bag that I came with could provide the special tea from the movie that The Baron had at his home. But anyway I did get to meet a few nice Ponies, both Mares and Stallions. There was the Mayor of the town who seemed okay with the use of her town hall as a party spot, it was funny though what she was called; Mayor Mare. There was also the Mail Mare Postal Worker who had a seemingly bad case of cross-eyedness named Derpy Muffin Hooves, she was really sweet and as her middle name alluded to she made wonderful muffins which she gave me one when we met each other. I did my best not to offend her about her condition since I knew plenty of people growing up with eyesight problems. She seemed to like this since we began chatting for a while before we were interrupted by a stallion of whom had a look and voice that nearly sent me into a catatonic state, if you'll pardon the pun. It seemed to be a Pony version of the Doctor; from Doctor Who, which made it even more credible when he had a marking of a egg timer like image on either side of his flanks. This was called a cutie mark, according to Spike when I asked him in private when we were making our journey here to the party, a symbol of a Pony's innate talent that showed as Ponies grew up and found their calling in life. I found the term odd and a bit insulting to those not of the female gender of which I shared with Spike but asked him not to tell any of the other Ponies. He agreed as long as I came up with a better name for the term that was either more gender neutral or less degrading to Stallions and presented it to Twilight who would possibly be able to send my thoughts and findings to the Princess. So far I have not came up with many good ones beside Pony Marks, Destiny Brands and Equine Emblems. But back to the Pony double of the Timelord, or is it TimeStalion? Anyway he appeared to be as fascinated by my body and appearance as many Ponies were, but he took it more like a scientist. I was happy to talk with him and agreed to meet with him in the future about anything I could give him or that he could study about me, provided that he was joined by Twilight Sparkle who soon joined us after hearing about the Stallions interest in me, purely academic and scientific of course. I made sure not to ask any questions or say any sort of words in relationship to the British Sci Fi series in fear of them being just a coincidence. But all round the Ponies seemed more relaxed and not so fearful of me once I was able to show I meant no harm, it also helped that I was polite and courteous to many who spoke with me. I can only hope my relations with the Ponies and Residents of this land will remain somewhat calm and relaxing during my stay here. That is it for this chapter, Man I had bad writers block all this time plus I have been busy with so much these past few months. I'll not get into details but let me tell you I am exhausted from it all. I'll give it a week or so before I start work on my Disney react fic. But now I bid you all a good day and good night.