An Unlikely Destiny.

by PheebsHippyAngel001

First published

My OC, Pheebs, has nightmares every single night about one thing, a figure in white. When the human enters Ponyville, her dreams start to become real. Will she except her fate?

Pheebs is destined to save Ponyville from Nightmare Moon, but it is said she will get help from another universe. Someone more powerful needs to help her. Will he help, or will he be too cold towards her?

Chapter 1 - The Vision

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"You are needed somewhere Yue, and you need to use the Dream Card, to see where you must be."

Clow Reed explained to the guardian of Clow Cards.

"But Master, I have no use to see into the future, I know that you are always here for me and Kerberus."

The smile of his Master could only be told as regretful, as he put his hand onto Yue's shoulder.

The guardian look up slightly, but not all the way.

"Not even I know the future, Yue."

The Master turned his head to the sky.

"All things happen when they are meant to happen, and not a moment sooner."

His smile vanished as fast as it appeared.

"I'd like you to use the Dream card tonight."

He got up from the base of the Cherry Tree, to where they had both been sitting together.

"That is my final word on the subject."

Alone, Yue's silver hair fell across his eye as he watched his Master walk away.

"Yes Master."

That night, before kneeling down to sleep. Yue placed the Dream Card on the carpet across from him.

"You have been ordered to show me the future in my sleep tonight. You must do your duty for me."

He watched as the card shone for him. It would obey his wish.

That night he saw a world full and bright with life.

Alone in the darkness, a lilac Pegasus with two shades of blue in her mane walked across a bridge toward a forest.

Yue was in the sky, silent, watching her.

The lilac pony looked around her, as if she were nervous.

"What are you doing?"

Yue muttered to himself.

The pony walked on, and Yue followed.

The lilac pony finally stopped at a cave and looked around her before going in.

The next vision that followed was of a mare wearing silver, with pointy teeth, and sharp blue eyes, and an evil laugh.

The lilac pony was on the ground, wounded, wings gone.

She was dead.


He woke up.

"I must go there."

Chapter 2 - Ponyville

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"You had that nightmare again, didn't you?"

Princess Luna asked.

Pheebs nodded, her face to the ground.

Her hoof moved the gravel round.

She hated having nightmares, and sometimes Princess Luna couldn't get to her. She moves around all of ponyville, loads of ponies needed her help, not just her.

It would be selfish of her to think she was more important then any other pony.

"Yes," She admitted finally.

The princess of the night brushed Pheebs's mane back behind her eye.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there again for you,"

Luna said softly to her.

Pheebs smiled, understanding.

"You can't always be in two places at once."

She said, with a giggle.

Luna smiled, and then turned serious the very next second.

"Come with me."

Pheebs was taken to the Castle in Canterlot, by teleport, where Princess Celestia was waiting for them.

"Pheebs, I have something to show you, something that might be connected with your dreams."

The lilac pony frowned, and stepped back.

"How, how do you know about them?"

She caught herself, and bowed,


The white alicorn laughed gently.

"You think my sister does not tell me about her work in the dream realm?"

She said nothing else as all three of them walked down the hallway and into the library of the castle.

"It is here."

Luna spoke suddenly.

Pheebs turned her head sharply.

She watched as both of the sisters went over, and flew up to a high shelf.

"Come up here Pheebs, I would like to show you something."

Celestia called down to her.

Spreading her wings, Pheebs floated up to the very top shelf.

She joined the two sisters, and looked closely at the book Princess Luna was levitating for her to see.

'Legend has it that one day, a Pegasus shall dream of a magical being visiting Equestria. He shall help this pony bring back the night and day, keeping it in balance forever more.'

Chapter 3 - The Unlikely Meeting

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"That sounds very important Yue."

Clow Reed frowned, an expression that he did not normally use.

"You must leave now, as soon as you can."

Yue looked ahead.

"They are ponies, master, not humans."

This got The Clow to smile once more.

"And what is wrong about that? After all, you and Kerberus are not human either."

He put in,

"I made you as a human, and Kerberus as a lion, so neither of you is of human appearance."

Yue looked ahead, listening to all his Masters words.

He was not always willing to speak, but he listened.

Taking a breath, he sighed. He never thought he'd be traveling to go and help a pony of all things.

Never the less, his Master wanted him to do it.

"I shall go now."

He replied, and took off into the starry sky.

In her dream that night, Pheebs saw a white light figure, but it wasn't a pony, It was something else, something long and lanky, if she didn't know better..

"Horse, wake up."

Opening her eyes with a start, Pheebs gasped, wide eyed.

In front of her was the very thing she had been dreaming about!

"I am Yue, the judge of the Clow Cards. My Master.."

Opening her wings, Pheebs took off in flight out of her bedroom window.

Never the less, Yue followed. Hs eyes steel.


This Pegasus was fast!

"You must listen to me."

Pheebs flew on.

She wouldn't listen to this...thing.

She knew Twilight Sparkle, her friend, and Princess, had spoken once about the human world.

She had gone to the human realm after her grown had been stolen, and then twice when she had been asked to help the new friends she had made.

Was this a human? But this one had wings, like her. Did all humans have wings?

She turned round mid-flight and faced him, but stopped.

His hand was glowing, and sharp-looking gems shot out of it.


She ducked and dived as the gems shot passed her.

She didn't know what they were, but they had nearly got her more then once.

She had to get away from him!

"If you will not stop to listen to me,"

The jagged silver gems surrounded her, and she cried out as they fixed together.

They trapped her in a circle, and lowered her to the ground.

"Then I shall make you stop to listen."

Chapter 4 - The Team

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She yelled, but Yue just stared at the ground. It was like he didn't care.

"You will listen to me now." He said simply.

He moved around her like he were a shark, circling his prey.

Pheebs moved away from him every single time he got even an inch close to the cage.

"You keep having nightmares, don't you, about a black horse with sharp teeth?"

The lilac Pegasus halted in shock.

How did he know that?

"I know because of the Dream Card."

"The Dream...Card?"

Yue stood there, watching the pony in front of him, finally, he looked up.

The pony was sitting, her head down, and ears against her head, making soft sounds.

She was crying.

"Will you stay with me?"

Yue did not like putting humans, or it seemed, ponies in these kinds of situations, but sometimes, they needed to be forced to listen.

The pony nodded meekly, and the cage of gems started to disappear from around her.

"The Dream card was made by my Master, Clow Reed, and has shown my what you have to be ready for. We need to get ready for that horse, and I think we must team up to defeat her."

Pheebs said nothing, just stared at the ground, not wanting to look at him.

She was very afraid.

"What is your name?"

He asked suddenly.


She replied, and looked at him properly for the first time.

Tall and straight, his arms were folded over his white, silver trimmed robes, and his silver eyes were commanding, and a little too scary.

"I am Yue."

Chapter 5 - Trapped!

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"I..i don't want to team up with someone who caged me up to make me listen!"

She said, going over to him. She looked up, trying to not be overtaken by fear at his size.

He was tall! She wasn't sure if humans would ever come to Equistria, but if they did, she was sure that humans wouldn't be this tall!

"We must team up. My Master has ordered me to come here and do so, and I will not leave here until I have completed my task."

"I don't care! Find yourself another team mate!"

She spread her wings and flew off.


Yue could have easily stopped her if he wanted to, but he did nothing.

She needed time to learn what was at sake here.

Yue gave her a night, and that was all she needed.

She had ran into a dark part of the Everfree Forest, and was now surrounded on all sides by Timberwolves.

They were making her reverse.

They snapped at her hooves and snarled at her, drawl dropping from their mouths.

"No, get away!" She cried.

Before her, was Nightmare Moon.

She was back!

She thought her sister, Fluttershy and the other mane five had defeated her, but, here she was!

"Ah, and are you the pony who is going to seal me once again?"

Nightmare Moon came up close. Pheebs tried to back away but she bumped into the sharp base of the cave.

"You do know, little one, that you can't put an end to my glorious night, and that I can not allow that to happen, not with my dear sister in the moon, the way she trapped me."

She smirked.

Pheebs gulped. Partly beause of how terrifed she was of Nightmare Moon, and the Timberwolves who were growling hungrily.

"Only, unlike the mercy she showed me, she will be in there forever."

Pheebs held her breath. The black pony then came towards her.

"Now, I can't allow you to leave here now that you know my plan, can I?"

She glanced at her pet Timbers.

"You may eat, my Timberwolves,"

Tears sprang to the lilac ponys eyes.

Was this it?

Was she going to die now?

A beam of silver light shot down from the sky.

It was so bright that Pheebs had to close her eyes.

When she opened them again, Yue was shielding her with his white wings.


Yue didn't answer. He stared at Nightmare, and she stared back. It was a stand off.

Feeling his arms go around her small frame, Pheebs gasped as they took off in flight.

Chapter 5 - The Crush

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Once they landed, Pheebs turned away from him and went over to the nearby pond. She sat and put her hoof into the water. Her heart was beating so fast she couldn't handle it.

Yue watched her for a long moment, before turning his head and stared at the tree by the side of them. He walked slowly over.

Holding his hand out, his whole skin glowed. A ball of energy shot down into the ground, and not a moment later, a flower grew out of it.

"Pick it up. It's for you."

Looking down, she stared at the flower. It was odd.

"Is that a Cherry Blossom?"

She asked, astonished. They didn't grow round here anymore.

Yue nodded once.

"Yes." He replied simply.

"Pick it up."

Confused by this, Pheebs picked the flower with her teeth and was going to place it in her mane, but was stopped as she felt a cold hand on her hoof.

Yue himself took the flower and placed it inside her mane, just beside her ear.

"Thank you, for saving me from Nightmare Moon, Yue."

She said quietly.

She was starting to feel something in her heart.

She pushed it aside.


Yue watched her and smiled for the first time.

"You're welcome."

Chapter 6 - The Campfire

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A roaring campfire, greeted Pheebs after her shower in the creek. She looked over the fire and saw Yue sitting at the base of a tree, as normal.

"Are you alright?"

He asked her, his tone simple as normal. Pheebs smiled.

She walked over to the fire, and sat down, warming herself after the freezing cold water.

Yue looked up, and saw the pony shaking a little.

After a moment, he stood and walked over to her.

Pheebs saw him raise his hand, and stood herself.

She took a step back.

"Stay here."

Was all he said, and somehow, Pheebs knew to do so.

All at once, a shimmering silver light appeared. She didn't feel any of the cold wind touching her now!

It was like there was a sheild around her, keeping every bit of cold wind out.

Yue himself came inside the shild, or whatever it was, and looked at her.

"I've put up a sheild. You will warm up faster now. Tell me if you get too hot and I shall let it down."

Feeling herself smiling, she looked away.

She knew he was watching her, and tried not to let him know she was thinking something more then just to thank him.

"Thank you, Yue,"

She said, meaing it.

Yue smiled at her, and then looked at the fire.

Chapter 7 - A Shocking Visit

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"So, what are the Clow Cards?"

Pheebs and Yue had found an abandoned house just off the caves of the Everfree. Yue was getting softer towards this pony, and he could feel it inside his mind. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

"My Master, Clow Reed created them, as did he create me and another guardian, and his name is Keroberos. The Clow Cards are spirits that used to wonder the world in mischief, before my Master locked them away into cards. Myself and Keroberos are guardians of the sun and Moon. He is the keeper of the key of the book of Clow, and shall choose a person to take over, when Clow Reed,"

He cut off as the truth came to him.

Pheebs looked up at him. She made her choice, and spread her wings.

She flew up and looked at him in the eyes.

His own eyes were sharp and some would say unforgiving, but she saw something else in there. Sadness.

"When he passes away?"

She finished softly.


Yue replied, silver hair falling across this eyes. As soon as it did, Pheebs moved her hoof to move it away.

A loud crack of thunder was heard overhead, and Yue snapped his head toward the sky.


His tone had a warning to it. Sharp.


A stream of lightening headed for the lilac pony, but Yue got there first. He picked up the pony like she was nothing and lifted her into the air just in time.

Pushing his hand forward, his hand glowed and a silver light shone ahead of them. The thunder hit it, but got no further.

Pheebs blinked, watching in wonder as Yues shield stopped the Thunder.

"Stay here."

He said as he lowered her onto a trees branch. He took off again and quickly rushed away, casting something else into the sky.

It widened and to her amazement the thing that was casting the thunder lowered down from the sky.

It had the form of a wolf, and his coat was sharp and looked like it would rip out anything in sight.

Yue didn't seem shocked however. If anything, he looked very annoyed.

"Return to your card, Thunder, and do not allow me to see you in your true form here again."

Pheebs blinked her eyes as she saw the wolf-shape dissolve into smoke and travel into the wind.

The moments ticked by. After a bit, Pheebs opened the talk.

"Was that,"

Yue nodded.

"A Clow Card."