Lead to Happy Apples
The sound of hooves smashing off the side of a tree could be heard echoing throughout the empty fields of the western edge of Sweet Apple Acres. A loud groan accompanied the sound immediately after as an orange earth pony wearing a rugged Stetson slumped to the ground in frustration. The familiar sound of falling apples didn’t follow after the bucking either, as this tree was a husk of what once was. Applejack, the freckled farm pony, turned and looked up at the tree. It had marks adorned all over the bark, indicating its abuse. This tree and the three other surrounding her, were tucked way off in an unused corner of the orchards and was a place where Applejack went to vent off her frustrations. Sadly, her frustrations had been numerous recently and the signs were showing on the bark of the old apple-bearing plants. This particular kicking spree had been keeping her preoccupied for the last two days, she felt at such a loss with herself and sadly, bucking the living daylights out of these trees wasn’t working this time.
“What am Ah gonna do…?” she muttered to herself. She looked down at the ground in front of her, letting her blonde bangs fall in her face, and started to cry.
Leaving Sweet Apple Acres and heading into the town that surrounds it, there was a boutique; Carousel Boutique. Inside the carousel shaped structure, the owner was happily working her way through some new dress designs. Rarity, a white unicorn with a brilliant purple mane, was humming a slight tune as she drafted sketch after sketch of designs. It had been a few days since that near-disaster of a fashion show and the three new designer’s ensembles sat on their respective clothing racks. The end results worked out way better than she would have guessed and she was glowing from the success. After being able to help not just one, but three newcomers in the fashion world get some exposure, Rarity truly felt on top of the world.
What also had made that whole experience worth it in the end was the fact that she had gotten the chance to spend even more time with a certain farm pony friend of hers. Oh Applejack, you silly pony, Rarity thought to herself with a smile at the memory of the whole event. She had gotten over the ridiculous tirade her friend had gone on about fashion at this point, realizing that Applejack had never any intentions of hurting her feelings. It was just a world that that poor apple farmer didn’t understand. Plus her apology at the end also helped. She had gone on and on about how sorry she was for nearly ruining everything. The poor girl felt absolutely terrible for what she had done, and it had showed. Rarity gave another small smile to herself, I knew that asking her to be a judge would be a long shot, and it was almost disastrous, but nevertheless! It worked out beautifully in the end!
The sound of a bell pulled Rarity out of her humming and thoughts. The door to the boutique had opened and the potential for customers made her perk up. When she saw who walked in however, she just gave a smile and turned back to her work. Sweetie Belle and her two best friends had walked in. Probably just grabbing something from Sweetie’s room here, she thought to herself with a small smile.
“Ah told ya’ll, I’m not sure what’s wrong with her…but Ah’m worried,” the voice of Apple Bloom twanged out.
“Whaddya mean AB?” Scootaloo asked.
“Like Ah said, sis has been acting real strange and Ah haven’t really even seen her in days!”
“Days? Doesn’t she need to eat?” Sweetie Belle chimed in.
“Well…yea duh, but she is out in the orchard somewhere! So I’m sure she’s able to eat from the trees,” Scootaloo pointed out.
“Oh. Right.” Sweetie stated with an embarrassed look on her face.
“Ah’m juss’ worried ‘bout her!” cried Apple Bloom.
Rarity was listening to the conversation. How could she not? They had just walked into her boutique and started chatting away at regular volume. It wasn’t like she was eavesdropping, they just happened to have the conversation right in front of her. The thing that drew her into the conversation though was the implications of who they were talking about. Oh dear, is something wrong with Applejack? she worried to herself. Looking over to the three girls and removing her red reading glasses, she spoke up. “Darlings, is everything alright?”
Apple Bloom perked up, “Rarity! You’re friends with mah big sis! Something’s wrong with her!”
Rarity’s eyes widened. “What do you mean Apple Bloom? Is she hurt?”
“Ah’m not sure exactly…Ah don’t think she’s injured or ‘nuthin, but she’s been out in the orchard for a couple days now and hasn’t come back yet…it’s not like her,” muttered Apple Bloom at the end.
“Not like her? Darling, are you saying she’s done something like this before?” Rarity inquired of the young filly. She was starting to get worried. Applejack has apparently been out Celestia knows where in the orchard for a couple days! Meaning…gasp! Ever since the fashion show!
“Well…she does do this every now an’ then yeah…Big Mac says it’s somethin’ she does to vent out stress or somethin’ but…she isn’t usually gone this long.” At this point, Apple Bloom’s eyes started to tear up. She was clearly worried about her sister and didn’t know what to do to help. Rarity saw this and immediately stood up.
“No more worries darling! I shall set out and go see if I can find her and bring her back!” she raised a hoof into the air in a pose of determination. “Sweetie. Scootaloo. Both of you, stay here with your friend and cheer her up! I, as an adult and friend, shall go find Applejack!”
With that, Rarity sauntered off to the door of the boutique, switched the sign to closed, and trotted off towards Sweet Apple Acres. Oh dear, I hope she is alright…
Back at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres was Applejack. She was curled up at the base of one of her target trees asleep. The fur under her eyes was matted down from the tears she’d shed and she was still sniffling slightly as she lay there. Applejack's exhaustion had caught up with her and so she was unaware of the soft fluttering of wings nearby or the landing of hooves on the ground. The only thing that caused some slight stirring was the shadow that suddenly covered her from the late afternoon sunshine. Slowly opening an eye, she glanced up. Standing in front of her with a quizzical look on her face was Rainbow Dash. With a loud groan Applejack pulled her hat down over her face slightly and looked away. “Hey Rainbow…” she muttered, her voice cracking from the previous crying and sleep.
“AJ…are you okay?” Dash’s voice rasped out cautiously.
“Ah’m fine.” AJ lied. She didn’t even need her obvious tells to show she was lying, but she hoped her friend would leave it be. She did come out here to be alone after all.
Rainbow deadpanned at her friend, “Come on AJ, I know you’re not fine.”
Applejack grunted and turned herself away.
Letting out a sigh Rainbow Dash trotted slowly up to her friend. “How long have you been out here this time?”
Applejack mumbled something out too quietly to be understood.
“What was that?”
“Ah said…two days already…” AJ repeated glumly.
“Two days!?” Dash exclaimed.
Applejack let out a gusty sigh and sat up. She looked at Rainbow Dash and was unable to ignore the look of worry on the pegasus’s face. Taking her hat off her head she started to fiddle with the leather between her hooves nervously. What am I doin!? I can’t just tell Dash what’s wrong, I’ve been able to work through this plenty of times before, she thought to herself. The problem was though, Applejack was having a harder time than usual dealing with her frustrations, and these were the same ones that plagued her the last time she frequented this section of land. More or less anyways. The last time she came here was during that time when she couldn’t make her appointments with Rarity for their spa trips, and Rainbow had caught her out here a couple times during those few months. Not to mention, she’d somehow managed to stumble upon her out here back after the Ponyville Day Festival as well. She should’ve known Dash would find her out here again.
“What’re ya doin’ out here anyway?” Applejack finally asked tiredly.
Rainbow Dash hesitated for a second before answering, “I, uh, check out this section of the orchard pretty regularly these days,” she admitted. “Ever since I found you out here a couple times I started to check and make sure.”
Applejack widened her eyes in shock, “Really!?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty worried ‘bout you AJ,” Rainbow nervously rasped, rubbing a hoof behind her head.
Applejack slammed her hat onto her head in frustration with a groan. “Ah told ya’ll, I juss’ come out here to relieve stress!” she barked at her friend.
“I know that! But you aren’t usually out here this long!” said Rainbow with a tinge of frustration. Well, maybe more than a tinge. Applejack flinched at Dash’s words. She knew she was right. It never took her this long to get everything out of her system and return to normal. But, this time was different. AJ wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but she knew it was different.
“Look RD, yer right. Ah ain’t usually out here this long. But, it’s different this time. Ah ain’t sure why, but it is,” Applejack finally said after another sigh. Rainbow pondered this for a moment before finally responding.
“Soooo, what’s so different?”
AJ grit her teeth in annoyance. Couldn’t Rainbow Dash just leave it alone? Standing up she threw her Stetson down with a growl, “Consarn it Dash! Can’t ya juss’ leave me be!? Ah’ll figure this out on mah own!”
Rainbow’s wings flared open, bristling in response to her friend’s yelling. Taking a defiant step towards AJ, she growled back. “You moron! I was just trying to help you! But fine! You don’t want my help? See if I care!”
She then took off at lightning speed, leaving a rainbow colored trail behind. Applejack swore loudly and ran across her little alcove to another one of her trees and bucked at it. Her prior frustrations mixed with her anger at being disturbed and her annoyance at her inability to figure out her problems. Taking them out on the trees around her was the only thing she knew to do, so she kicked and kicked. Splintering sections of wood and scuffing her back hooves, she pounded away, tears streaming down her face again.
As Rarity trotted her way towards Sweet Apple Acres she worried. What was wrong with Applejack? The last time she saw her she seemed alright. Sure, she had screwed up with the judging, but she fixed her mistake and everything turned out alright at the end. They even had a laugh about that dreadful ensemble Rarity had made. But some nagging feeling told Rarity that there must have been something else going on that day that maybe she didn’t notice. And Apple Bloom said that her sister did stuff like this before. That she hid herself away in the orchards somewhere to vent off stress? I thought our regular spa trips were helping her unwind from all of her work on the farm. What could cause such stress that she hid herself away?
After crossing the bridge out of town headed in the direction of the farm Rarity saw Rainbow Dash flying away from a distant part of the orchard. She had quite the scowl on her face, but she did notice the unicorn prancing her way towards the farm and stopped.
“Heya Rarity,” the pegasus practically grumbled. “What are you doin’ out here?”
Rarity quirked an eyebrow at her speedy friend, “why, just on my way to see if I can find Applejack. Her sister said she’s been lost somewhere in the orchards for quite some time. Darling, have you by chance seen her?” Rainbow Dash looked back towards the farm for a second, thinking. She then shrugged and muttered a “what the hay" under her breath and turned towards Rarity.
“Yeah, I have. Maybe you can get through to her though, she’s in the furthest part of the western orchard…” Dash gave her wings a flap and started to ascend into the air.
“Get through to her? Well, thank you Rainbow Dash, I hope I find her,” Rarity responded thoughtfully before starting to head that direction.
“Oh, and Rarity,” Rainbow called out.
“Good luck, something is really wrong with her,” Dash said with a worried expression.
“Oh please! I’ll sort her out! No worries darling!” Rarity said with an air of confidence. Dash nodded her head and flew off towards Ponyville. Glancing up at the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres that was now in front of her, Rarity was even more worried. She had been able to fake that confidence towards Rainbow luckily, but she had her doubts. If Dash couldn’t get through to Applejack and figure out what was wrong, how could she? Those two were best friends! Sure, Rarity and AJ had started hanging out more and more and were pretty close these days as well, but uncertainty still nagged at the back of the unicorn’s mind.
I may have a soft spot for that rugged friend of mine these days, but I’ve told myself time and time again that nothing could come of such things, and I’m sure this will further prove that, she thought to herself as she walked into the orchards. Rarity was determined to try and help her friend, but the fact of the matter was, they were so different and there was no way that Applejack was going to just tell her what was wrong. Why would she? They used to fight all the time. Well, not much anymore honestly, we seemed to have worked out most of those differences…maybe I’m closer to her than I think.
The thought spurred her forward with new energy. She walked through the orchard admiring the view of all the apple trees. The leaves rustled in the slight breeze of the late afternoon and the mesh of greens, browns, and reds radiated into a beautiful blend of colors. The view was inspiring, Rarity hadn’t done too many dresses inspired by the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres; just the ones that she made for Applejack on occasion. But looking out at the sea of trees around her she could feel herself buzz with ideas. I could build my entire fall line with all the ideas this beautiful place is inspiring, the unicorn thought to herself with a smile. She could picture it now! Dresses blending the use of natural colors with the vibrant shades of red and greens! In her mind’s eye, Rarity could see the beginnings of different designs all inspired by the wonderful nature surrounding her. Seas of reds, greens, and golds blended together with browns of all shades…she could even create them based on different times of the year! Maybe Applejack can help me with these designs! They’d all looks so lovely on her as well, and she’d be the perfect model for them!
She wandered slowly through the orchards at this point. Her mind was swimming with ideas. Rarity was picturing her friend in all the different designs she could make, admiring her strong form and complementary colors. The way her golden hair, if actually taken down from that ponytail, would flow around her strong shoulders, the way those three little apples would peak out from the sides of her shapely flank…Rarity stopped walking. Wait, shapely flank? What!?Oh dear, I told myself I wouldn’t think of her that way! I mean, yes, she is a beautiful mare in her own rights, there is no denying that, but I need to stop fantasizing about her.
Rarity shook her head. This had become a regular conversation in her mind recently. It was odd to say the least, but the alabaster unicorn was very aware of the fact that not too long ago she started to really develop a slight crush on her farmer friend. Ever since that Trenderhoof debacle things had changed for Rarity. She had a new perspective on things and during that change of perspective she started to notice how much Applejack had really been there for her over the years. Sure, they started off fighting all the time, but eventually that subsided and it even seemed like Applejack was able to handle Rarity at her worst better than most others did. That was how Rarity came to start to understand that she truly cared for Applejack.
Applejack cared for her in more ways than just a friend should even, but the fashionista wasn’t dumb. She knew that that was just the way the farm pony was. She was dependable and friendly overall. She was almost sisterly towards her friends at all times and always looked out for others instead of herself. There was no way anything could come of this silly little crush she had on her friend and she reminded herself of that constantly. Shoving it out of her mind and moving on was how she dealt with it. Rarity figured it would pass with time and she’d meet that prince charming or something later on. I mean, I have three boutiques open now! I’m bound to move on from this silly little crush of mine. But enough of these thoughts! I have a friend who needs help!
Just as she gave herself another shake of her head she heard a loud crack noise coming from her right; followed by an equally loud grunt and some swears. Looking over she saw who she was looking for. Applejack was in a clearing surrounded by some old apple trees. They didn’t seem to bear fruit any longer and as Rarity looked closer from where she stood she could see that the few trees had scuffs and cracks all along the trunks. Places in the bark were barren and it was clear that they were from being struck repetitively. The pony however, was disheveled, her ponytail free and unruly, her hat thrown to the side, and her hooves cracked and bruised from the abuse they were being put through. Applejack was lying stretched out on the ground after having just bucked another one of the trees and collapsing. Her eyes were red and puffy, with streaks of matted fur under them. Rarity gasped. Applejack had been crying?
The sound of a gasp made Applejack turn her head. She froze. There stood Rarity with a hoof to her mouth looking at her in shock. Ponyfeathers! What the hay is SHE doin’ here!? AJ started to internally panic. Frantically looking around she saw her hat a few feet away from her and realized how silly it would be to dart over to grab it and run. This really isn’t good, she thought to herself. It was bad enough that Rainbow Dash found her in this spot a few times, but Rarity was the LAST pony she needed to find out about this.
“Applejack…?” Rarity’s melodious voice quietly asked.
Applejack flinched. She knew this was going to end badly one way or another. Either she was going to have to suck it up and tell Rarity why she was out here, or they were going to have another fight. And Applejack knew that, if anyone could combat her in stubbornness, it was Rarity. I might have to just tell her, she thought as she looked up at the beautiful white unicorn slowly approaching her. No…I can’t tell her. I’d lose her for sure! Tears started to form in Applejack’s eyes once again, causing Rarity to rush over to her friend and grab her into a tight hug.
“Oh darling! Whatever is the matter!” Rarity quietly soothed into Applejack’s ear. She ran a hoof down the other’s back as the farm mare began to cry harder. AJ’s shoulders trembled and shook as she broke down. She brought her hooves around the unicorn and clung to her tightly. The fresh scent of orchids filled her nostrils as the smooth fur provided a shelter of comfort from the world. Applejack didn’t say anything as she cried, she just clung to her friend and let everything out in her tears. Rarity didn’t pull away from the dirty mare and didn’t force her to talk either. She just ran a soothing hoof up and down AJ’s back, letting her release her emotions. She quietly shushed the farmer in her arms and rocked her back and forth.
After some time passed, Applejack started to calm down. Her breathing slowed and all that remained were hiccups and sniffles. She still kept her forearms tightly wrapped around her friend as she was rocked slowly. A tune hit her ears, causing them to perk up. Rarity was humming a song, a familiar song. Is that…? It sounded just like that lullaby she sang for Apple Bloom back when she was worried about her cutie mark. That was odd…how would she know that tune? Looking up at Rarity she saw her friend smiling softly with her eyes shut. The unicorn noticed the movement and looked down, “are you alright now Applejack?”
Applejack pulled away from Rarity’s embrace, and sat up wiping the tears from her eyes, “Rares…how do you know that song?”
Rarity gave a soft smile, “I heard Apple Bloom tell Sweetie Belle about it.”
“Ya know it’s about cutie marks right?” Applejack said with an almost lighthearted expression on her face.
“Of course I do, but I felt it was a rather soothing tune and that it might help you feel safe,” the unicorn responded quietly. There was a sincerity behind her deep azure toned eyes that pleaded at Applejack to tell her what was troubling her. The farmer bit her lip in thought and looked to the side, she wasn’t sure telling Rarity what was wrong was the best idea, but she had made her feel much better. Calmer. Looking back to her friend she gave a small smile, “thanks sugarcube, it was rather soothin’. Helped me calm down quite a bit Ah’d say…”
Rarity returned her smile, her eyes twinkling. She reached over with a hoof and started to straighten out Applejack’s mane, “Care to tell me what’s on your mind darling? I’d love to help.”
At first, Applejack tried to swat Rarity’s hoof away from her mane. The fussing was starting to embarrass her a tad, but the look shot her way when she tried stopped her in her tracks. She looked down, a slight blush dusting under her freckles as she contemplated her answer. Deliberating in her mind she sought for something to say, anything. AJ couldn’t just blurt out everything, but maybe there was a way to skirt around the issue without drawing it out into the open completely. As much as Rarity being here was helping her feel better, she was worried that, in the long run, this would make things worse. Why does she have such an effect on me!? Ugh, if only I could just… Rarity ran her other hoof through Applejack’s golden mane, detangling knots and smoothing everything out in a slow and deliberate way. Aw ponyfeathers, I ain’t ever gonna get over this mare…
With a sad look Applejack finally looked up at Rarity, “Rares…Ah-uh...” Shoot! What am I supposed to say!?Why’d she even pick me to be a judge in the first place? Me buckin’ up so bad is why I…wait…
Rarity had her head cocked inquisitively. She was patiently waiting for her friend to continue. Applejack looked at her with a now, equally inquisitive look.
“Why did you pick me to be a judge for that fashion show?”
Rarity blinked. “Come again?”
“You heard me, why did you pick me? You cain’t tell me you thought that was gonna be a good idea,” Applejack said quietly, but more than loud enough to be heard.
Rarity froze for a second and then lowered her hooves back to the ground, “Applejack, I thought I made it clear why I chose you in the beginning, please tell me you aren’t out here crying for two days over something like that! It was fixed, everything turned out great in the end.”
“Ah don’t know Rares, Ah understand that Ah’m a practical pony and all, but even Ah know that mah level of practicality ain’t somethin’ you care for,” Applejack answered, giving Rarity a skeptical look. This was a large reason she had come out here to vent her stresses in the first place. Firstly, she was mad at herself for screwing up so badly. Secondly, she was confused. Why would Rarity pick someone like her to be a fashion judge? Even considering her practicality…it made no sense! Part of her, the part that she constantly has to battle down, sprung up with some silly notion of hope that maybe it meant that the unicorn had some form of affection towards her. But there was just no way! This was what was eating at her. Why she was here longer than normal. Applejack just couldn’t figure this out.
Rarity stared at Applejack. Why was she asking about this again? She had made it clear why she asked AJ to do the judging, well clear may have been a strong word, but still. Internally she was screaming for doing this to herself. She knew deep down why she asked Applejack to be a judge, and the earth pony was perceptive to say that it was more than why she said. Oh dear, what do I do…
“Hehe…Applejack, really…I thought it was clear why I uh, asked you.” Rarity tried to reason again. Applejack gave her another look, one that practically screamed at the fashionista that she wasn’t really buying that excuse anymore.
“Ah don’t buy it. You knew Ah’d be a terrible choice, and Ah told you it was mahself…so tell me Rares, why did you pick me?”
Rarity looked around, searching for some form of literal way out, only to meet with Applejack’s clear emerald eyes. They weren’t angry, they were just earnest. Applejack didn’t understand what was going on and truly wanted to—no! needed to know. Rarity felt sweat beading on her brow and a light blush crept across her face. She couldn’t lie to Applejack anymore. That mare put so much stock in honesty, she deserved the truth. Looking down at the ground, Rarity let out a gusty sigh. “You’re right Applejack, I wasn’t entirely, eh, forward with my intentions when I made you a judge…”
Applejack blinked. She inched closer to her friend, cocking her head to the side with an inquisitive look that told Rarity to continue. Rarity hesitated before continuing on.
“Just, promise me something…” she said barely above a whisper.
“Anything sugarcube,” Applejack said with a soft smile.
Rarity looked up at the honest earth pony, taking in the cute freckles and clear eyes, and started to tear up. “Please, just don’t let this ruin our friendship.”
Applejack snapped to attention, “Ruin our friendship? Rarity, nothin’ could ruin our friendship, Ah mean, unless you told me you didn’t wanna be friends no more.”
The words that left Applejack’s mouth started confident and ended with a sad undertone that didn’t go unnoticed by the white unicorn.
“No! Of course not darling!” she frantically stated. “It’s just…I may have asked you, uhm, b-because I-I… l-like…you.” Rarity finished her statement with a barely audible whisper and tears that ran down her face. She was looking anywhere but at the farmer in front of her, trying not to see the surprised or disgusted look on her face.
Applejack stood there slack jawed. Did Rarity just say? There’s no way that THAT is what she meant. Absolutely no possible way. “L-like me? You mean, like friends right? ‘Cuz that don’t make a lick o’ sense to ask me to judge a contest for that,” Applejack tried to reason. Expecting that Rarity was just saying she asked her to judge just because they were friends. That HAD to be why the unicorn said that, right?
Rarity finally made eye-contact again. The hurt in them was apparent and made AJ flinch. “N-no Applejack, th-that isn’t what I mean,” she stuttered.
“Then…you’re sayin—”
“YES!” Rarity screamed. “Yes! You incredibly dense pony! I like you! I wanted to spend more time with you than I usually do! I wanted to show you parts of my world and include you! No, you may have not been the best choice, but I wasn’t thinking with my head when I made the decision!”
“I’M NOT DONE! You drive me so crazy! I tell myself all the time that I’m wasting my time with this silly little crush on you! I shove it away and try and convince myself that it’ll pass, and then you waltz back into the picture doing something so…so…wonderfully YOU! And, and I can’t take my eyes and thoughts off of you…” Rarity started to grow quieter at this point.
“Applejack, you are a fantastic pony. You’re honest, to a fault as we know. You put your everything into anything you ever do, you take care of others and work so hard to achieve amazing things. You’re so kind to me, put up with all of my ridiculous tendencies and don’t even get annoyed with me anymore, I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve such a wonderful, and might I add, beautiful friend. So, yes, when I say I like you, I mean in the sense that is romantic. You have quite literally, swept me off my hooves many times now, and I cannot deny that.”
Applejack was frozen in place; speechless. She didn’t know what to say. How could this be happening in front of her? After all this time she’d been telling herself there was no possible way that anything could come of that stupid silly crush she had on her unicorn friend and did everything she could to push it away. And yet, here she stood. Tears stained her cheeks with running makeup and a heartbroken expression, she was looking for some kind of response from Applejack. Ponyfeathers! I think I’m takin’ too long to say somethin’—
“M-maybe I should go now,” the unicorn stuttered out while standing to walk away. “I understand that I’m being quite silly, I just hope you can forget about it Applejack and we can just stay good friends.” She started to leave when Applejack finally found her vocal chords.
“Rarity, wait!” she stuck out a hoof to stop the mare from walking away.
Purple mane bounced slightly as Rarity turned her head back to look at Applejack, “w-what?”
Applejack took in a deep breath and steeled her nerves. This was something she knew she had to do and had wanted to do for a long time. She slowly walked over to the white unicorn, making them stand face-to-face again. She gave a warm smile.
“Well then, sugarcube,” Applejack started as she raised a hoof to the side of Rarity’s face, “Ah really don’t think this’ll hurt our friendship none.” She then pressed her lips against the surprised unicorn’s.
What?What just…what?
Those were the only thoughts running through Rarity’s mind as she felt Applejack’s lips meet her own. The kiss was gentle, almost hesitant at first, but apparently the farm pony found her determination and shortly after was pressing firmly against her. Rarity absolutely melted into the kiss and pressed back eagerly. She lost herself in the moment throwing her hooves around Applejack’s neck, embracing her tightly. The farmer took this as a go-ahead to intensify the kiss, deepening it by slightly opening her mouth, seeking permission from the other. Rarity willingly let her in. The taste of apples was suddenly everywhere in the white mare’s mouth and she savored it. The passion and fire mixed with the flavor and Rarity nearly swooned. This was by far more magical than any spell she’d ever cast in her lifetime and never wanted the moment to end.
But, as the saying goes, all things must come to an end. And end, this kiss did. At a point both ponies needed air and they broke apart. Blushes fiercely blazing across both faces. Applejack had a sheepish look on her face, she was looking for a response from Rarity, clearly unsure what to say or do next. Rarity just blinked in surprise at the farm pony.
“D-darling, does this mean…?”
“It sure as sugar does,” Applejack gently said, nuzzling the white unicorn’s cheek. “Why do ya think Ah’m always out here workin’ away my stresses? Ah’ve been tryin’ to get you outta mah head for a long time now. After that darn Trenderhoof idiot was here, and then all those times I couldn’t make our spa trips…Ah’d come out here and beat mahself up over all the nonsense until Ah could function right again, this time…it wasn’t workin’ so well.”
Rarity almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The only thing keeping her grasp on the situation was the fact that that kiss had certainly happened. That wasn’t imagined. Tears started to form in her eyes and she looked at the beautiful blonde pony in her hooves. She had a gentle smile upon her lips and the blushing under her freckles still hadn’t faded away. Oh what a gorgeous mare! Rarity thought to herself, I can’t believe she’s been spending so much time beating herself up over me…oh dear! How long!?
Suddenly, Rarity made a serious face at Applejack, “Darling, how long exactly has this been going on?” she asked sternly. She was worried now that this may have been going on for much longer than she could even—
“The Crystal Empire.” Applejack stated.
Guess… “WHAT!?” Rarity exclaimed breaking free from the comfortable embrace she was in. “What do you mean the Crystal Empire?”
“Ah mean, when we first went there and dealt with that there Sombra fella’,” the farm pony explained. “Ah’ve uh, had feelin’s for ya since then,” she finished with a sheepish expression.
Rarity stared at Applejack, jaw unhinged in shock. She tried to process this information. How could it have been going on for so long and she not notice? There was just no way! Since the Crystal Empire…since…
“Good things…are…better… when they’re…”
“A Rarity.” Applejack finished. A small smile played across her face and she winked at Rarity when she looked up.
“Oh Applejack! I AM a silly pony!” the unicorn exclaimed and then jumped at the farmer. Tears ran down her face as laughs bubbled out of her. Applejack fell down to the ground with the happy unicorn on top of her. She wrapped her forehooves around her and smiled brightly.
“You’re not a- well, you are a silly pony Rares, but Ah’m a might sillier for not thinkin’ Ah had a chance,” AJ started. “Though, Ah still gotta wonder, what about wantin’ some prince in shiny armor? Ah didn’t think you’d go for a simple farm mare like mahself.”
Rarity chuckled at the statement, face still buried in the orange fur of Applejack’s chest. “Darling, who needs a prince in armor when I’ve already been swept off my hooves by a charming farmer in a rugged Stetson?”
Applejack laughed at that and must’ve decided it wasn’t worth pressing because she didn’t push the topic any further. She just held tightly to Rarity as a calming quiet came over the two of them. Looking up, Rarity noticed that it was late into sunset now. The colors of the fading sunlight lit up the orchard in front of her in brilliant orange hues and it brought a smile to her face. She looked back down at the farmer beneath her; her golden mane was spread out across the grass and she had a goofy grin on her face.
“So…you mah girlfriend now?” Applejack asked cocking her head.
Rarity laughed and kissed her. It was gentle, but conveyed enough to get the point across. “Does that answer your question, darling?”
“Eyyup…Ah think it does.”