> The Happiest Place on Earth > by VilkaTheWolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Where Dreams Come True > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange noises had been coming from the direction of Disneyland for as long as anypony could remember. Sometimes it sounded like gears grinding and locking together. Other times it sounded like singing, almost frighteningly in-sync. Ponies had gone to investigate the noises. They never returned. Now everypony ignores the noises and goes about their days. Occasionally ponies still go missing. Nopony seems to notice though. Or they don't want to notice. Where did the missing ponies end up? Where they still alive? These questions gravely haunted Austin, ever since he heard the stories. He had lost his father to that wretched place many years ago, when he had been too young to remember his face. The questions never went away, they drove his curiosity. Well, curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction may have brought it back, but satisfaction was not what he would find beyond the walls of Disneyland. He had been crafting this plan for a while. He needed to know what happens to the ponies that disappear. Austin had never regretted something more in his life. *** Austin snuck out in the crisp silence of the early dawn. "Going somewhere?" The voice made Austin jump out of his skin. Spinning around to meet his tormentor, he noticed it was Sofia. His only friend in the settlement, he’d also had a crush on her for a while. She was a maroon pegasus with a brown mane and tail, her cutie mark was a pair of binoculars indicating her affinity with scouting. She was by all standards beautiful. Her colors contrasted his own blue and white. "Sofia you scared me!" he exclaimed in surprise, lightly punching Sofia in the shoulder in the process. He realised that Sofia was still awaiting an answer. "I'm going to find out what happens to everypony who goes missing." Sofia looked unsure for a second before making up her mind and taking her place at Austin's side. "Then I'm coming with you." "But it's too dangerous," Austin tried to argue. "Then why are you going!? We do this together, or not at all," Sofia shot back. Austin sighed in defeat, she had a point. Some company would be good. It would be dangerous after all. Their ancestors had made this settlement in what used to be Santiago Oaks Regional Park. For the first time ever, Austin and Sofia were going to leave it. Even with the knowledge that they may never make it back, they left. They didn't want to say goodbye, knowing that everypony would beg them to stay. Down from the settlement they walked. The trip would be so much easier with one of those ancient contraptions known as cars. Some of the settlement's elders had told stories about them going faster than any pegasus ever could. The two travelling ponies had no such luxury. They made the journey on hoof, all they had to go on was to follow the direction of the mysterious eerie sounds. What they didn't know is that it was only a nine and a half mile trip, so it took them only a couple of hours to reach it. The place where nopony was ever supposed to go… Disneyland. The two trudged out of the ruins of Anaheim, and across a big field between the ancient city and the walls of Disneyland. The decayed husks of old tour busses sat silently underneath crumbling sunshades of the park’s eastern entrance. Austin heard Sofia gulp loudly beside him. He was scared too, though he refused to show it. He had to be strong, for Sofia. When they made it to the main entrance they found out that there were two different parks to enter. It was only then that they realized that half of the park was in the same state of decay as the rest of the city. The California Adventure gates were almost completely collapsed due to hundreds of years of disrepair and earthquakes. That left only the entrance with the pristine looking clocktower behind the gates. Singing and the shuffling of many hooves could be heard from inside. Pressing his ear to the gates Austin tried to get a better listen at what the singing was. He could barely make it out. "–mall...-orld.....--ter....all." Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. A loud creak broke Austin's concentration. Turning his head sharply he noticed Sofia slowly opening the gates, wincing at the creaking noise. Quickly shushing them, they remained in silence for a while before noticing something. The singing and the shuffling, it had stopped. 'I have a bad feeling about this' was the thought process of both frightened ponies at the current moment. They had come too far now to go back. They crept into the seemingly abandoned amusement park, taking care at every step. Flinching at every minuscule sound. Sofia leaned over to Austin and whispered, "Where is everypony?" It was just to break the silence. The atmosphere was tense. Their fur was standing on end. Austin didn't answer, they merely trudged forward. Eager to know the secrets of this place surrounded by mystery and fear. Passing around the clock tower building, they saw one of the most amazing sights. A town the likes of which they’ve never seen before sprawled in front of them boasting their colorful Victorian architecture. The street led all the way up to a roundabout in the distance with a statue of a weird creature. It looked like a diamond dog, but skinnier, and it was holding hands with another strange creature with big round ears. Behind that was a magnificent castle. A building they’ve only heard about in stories when they were foals. The detail and craftsmanship in these buildings were amazing and looked like they haven’t changed since before The Event. It would’ve looked like paradise if every piece of vegetation hadn’t shriveled up and died in the miserable Californian sun. They continued down the main street. Their hoofsteps echoed off the asphalt and empty buildings. Warily and wearily both of them were looking from side to side. Despite what sounded like singing the plaza was deserted as were all the stores. Something didn't feel right. Before Austin could ask Sofia about it, they felt pain and everything went black. *** Austin slowly opened his eyes, he was in what seemed like a very fancy dining hall. Looking to his side he noticed Sofia had not yet stirred. When he tried leaning over to nudge her he realised he was in a chair, a very fancy chair. Austin felt like he shouldn’t be there. Austin kept his voice low as he whispered, “Sofia, wake up.” All the while continuously scanning the area as if waiting for an attack. Sofia finally stirred when a pink unicorn mare stepped out from the kitchen with an apron and a huge smile on her face. The symbol on the apron resembled that of the strange creature with the big ears in the round-a-bout before the castle. She floated a tray with a couple of glasses of water beside her as she strode towards the confused couple. “Uh. Hello there,” Austin said with uncertainty. “Can you tell us what’s going on? Where are we?” “Why, you’re in Disneyland, kiddies! The happiest place on earth!” she shouted while setting the water and silverware in front of them. “We saw you coming in and wanted to throw a big surprise for our guests.” Her actions and responses felt automated, unnatural even. “We?” Sofia asked, her entire body rigid with fear. “Oh shoot, I spoiled the surprise didn’t I?” She said in a surprisingly motherly way. “C’mon out guys! It’s time to welcome our guests!” The mare adjusted herself and bowed to the couple. “My beautiful mare and handsome stallion, we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair as the Disney’s Plaza Inn proudly presents… Your dinner!" “♪Be... our... guest, be our guest. Put our service to the test!♪” she sang while a horde of ponies flood into the dining hall through all doors, stomping their hooves to a beat neither Austin or Sofia could hear. The pink mare put a tray on the table as her horn began glowing. “♪Try the grey stuff, it's delicious! Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!♪” A pink aura surrounds all the silverware in the hall as they all move to the beat. “♪They can dance-a, they can roll-a, after all, this is California and a dinner here is never second best!♪” “♪We can tell, you're alone and you're scared, but the banquet's all prepared!♪” sings a pegasus stallion hovering above them. “♪No one's gloomy or complaining while unicorns are entertaining We tell jokes, I do tricks as, an awesome pegasus!♪” Sofia held Austin’s hoof as they watched the spectacle, feeling both terrified and mesmerized. Soon everypony but Austin and Sofia were singing. The two could’ve sworn they heard the sound of musical instruments at this point. “♪Course by course, one by one, 'til you shout, ‘enough I'm done!’ Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest. Tonight you'll prop your feet up but for now, let's eat up. Be our guest, be our guest, be our g-u-e-s-t!♪” With the musical number finished Austin and Sofia looked at each other with confusion. They looked up only to be met with the unblinking stares of these ponies. It was like they were expecting a reaction, an applause perhaps. Austin and Sofia both tentatively starting clopping their hooves together, still completely unsure of what they had witnessed. The strange mare then approached the two, waggling her hoof at them, “Now don’t you go anywhere, we’ll be right back.” She then exited to the left and seemingly vanished. One thing Austin and Sofia both knew, was that they could definitely not stay and wait for her to come back. The sound of hurried scuffles was heard as the duo tried to get away as fast as they could. They ran as quietly as they could across the courtyard, past the statue of the two strange bipedal creatures until Austin stopped suddenly. Sofia bumped into him and shot him a look of indignation. Austin’s eyes were not on her but drawn upward, to a grand castle. Whoever lived here must have been royalty. However it was when he looked down that he noticed them…hanging from the underway, ponies strung up, long dead. It was a warning to trespassers. Sofia let out a terrified scream, her wings flaring out as a response to her fright. Austin quickly covered her muzzle, “Quiet.” Austin felt Sofia whimper. They waited. One second. Ten seconds. Thirty seconds. There was nopony around. They were safe. They moved forward, into the castle. After almost ten minutes of exploring and finding a room resembling a grand banquet hall. Austin felt a hoof in front of him holding him back. Looking at Sofia’s fearful expression, he followed her gaze. There was a pony, one of the bad ones. They took shelter behind a pillar. Both their breathing was heavy. They would be found in now time at this rate. Austin leant over and covered Sofia’s muzzle and his own. Seeing Sofia’s fear, he gave her a mental apology. The pony was approaching them. Their hoofsteps echoed within the empty walls. Austin could feel Sofia biting down on his hoof. It was all she could do to stop herself from screaming. The hoofsteps stopped. They heard them turn and start walking away. Austin loosened his hoof from Sofia’s muzzle. Sure that she would remain quiet he removed it. Peeking out from the pillar they had hidden behind, Austin spotted the pony. He was a well-built green stallion. Austin caught a glimpse at his eyes, they were glazed over. As if he was in a trance. There was also pain behind those eyes. So much pain and suffering. Creeping towards him, Austin ignored Sofia inaudible whispering of his name. Clack. Cursing his own luck, Austin had stepped down too hard. The green stallion’s head whipped around. He’d been spotted. He remained perfectly still. Too scared to move, he clenched his eyes shut. He could feel the stallion approaching. He could feel his breath, it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Holding his own breath he silently prayed for the stallion to just leave him alone. He could no longer feel his looming presence or breath. Tentatively opening an eye, he saw the silhouette of the stallion leaving. Letting out his breath he had been holding he motioned for Sofia to come closer. Sofia shuffled very carefully and slowly as to not make any noise. “I was so scared,” Austin shuddered. Sofia wrapped a wing around him, leaning her head on his comfort. Sofia was crying silently. “I-I w-w-wanna g-go home,” she whimpered. “We can’t we need to get to the bottom of this,” he said, however he knew full well that there probably was no getting home. Sofia just nodded into his neck. Austin began to follow the path of the green stallion. Sofia let out a small protest but wouldn’t leave his side. As they went in further the lights got dimmer and their surroundings got darker. The two ponies noticed that there were ancient looking tomes on display across the walls of the hallway. They told a story about a princess who was cursed with eternal slumber. Eventually being saved by true love’s kiss. Austin felt something cold touch his leg, he held in a yelp. He had to remain strong and composed. Looking down he could make out the general shape of a strange metal cylinder. Picking it up cautiously, he saw it had a button. After pressing it light spilled out of the cylinder, illuminating a section of the hallway. Austin and Sofia were amazed, they had never seen anything like this before. They continued onwards with the way ahead of them lit. As they entered the next room Austin felt Sofia almost jump out of her skin next to him. He shined the light cylinder towards a tall menacing horned figure. Its form was familiar. Austin recognised it as the witch that had cursed the princess from the stories in the wall. “Hey, it’s okay.” Austin comforted Sofia. Sofia wasn’t looking at the witch though, she was looking straight ahead. At the all familiar form of a certain stallion. Austin flashed the light towards him. That was the first mistake. The stallion started twitching and convulsing as soon as the bright light hit him. His eyes, no longer glazed over, darted from left to right. His manic gaze soon fell upon the source of the light recognising the device, and then to the pony behind it. Stuttered sounded emanated from him. As if he was trying to communicate. Austin tried getting closer to hear him. That was the second mistake. Austin felt hooves grabbing him, Sofia retreated slightly. The stallion had Austin in a tight grip. “Get out!” He started yelling, “Get the fuck out!” Austin didn’t understand, were these ponies prisoners? “Take your little girlfriend and get the fuck out! Get the fuck out! Get the f-” His ranting was cut short as horrid screams cut through the air. The stallion’s grip on Austin loosened as he held his hooves to his temple and started screaming. Painful screams. The light cylinder clattered to the floor. Austin and Sofia ran. Up and up they went. Up stairs, and under an old sign reading ‘-- --TRY BE-ON- ---- POINT’. Many of the letters had faded away after the years. Finding a secret room, they two friends were given a moment's respite. Sofia’s feathers were incredibly frayed due to emotional distress. Shifting awkwardly she nudged Austin’s shoulder. “Um, c-can you p-p-preen my feathers? Please.” She sounded desperate, but Austin knew she just needed a distraction, “I-I usually get my mom to do it, since I can’t reach some.” She continued, clearly stressing herself out. Holding his hoof up, Austin calmed her down. “It’s okay, I’ll do it.” He chuckled. Austin had never preened anypony before, that much was evident by how clumsily he was preening. Earth ponies didn’t need to preen after all. Sofia ignored how bad he was, she simply enjoyed his soothing touch. Until he pulled the wrong feather, much to her ire. Sofia and Austin wished they could just stay like that, together. Unfortunately, they would not get their wish. A nearby door creaked open. They scrambled to their hooves. Sofia found a closet housing old cleaning supplies. Austin grabbed a nearby lit candle off a wall sconce and followed her. The convenience of a lit candle was a question for later. The supply closet was surprisingly roomy. Easily big enough to fit two ponies. Austin looked at Sofia, the light of the flames dancing off her face. Pushing the closet door open just a crack, Austin peered outside. Sofia peered too underneath Austin, her eyes searching to and fro. Any sign of danger and she’d be ready. Their attention was so focused on movement outside the closest they paid no heed to inside. A pink hoof slowly extended itself from the shadows. It covered and extinguished the flame. “Boo.” Both Austin and Sofia let out terrified screams. Austin was done being brave, he was scared. More scared than he’d ever been before. How’d they get inside? They both wondered. Pushing to get out of the closet, they tangled themselves up in each other’s legs. Unceremoniously crashing out of the closet they looked behind them. Nothing. They started running again. Back down stairs and through the hallway. Past the banquet hall and the story tomes. They ran and ran. Out of the grand castle and across the courtyard. Their hooves resounding loudly on the pavement. They didn’t care, all that they had on their minds was escape. Being stopped by an approaching pony the duo came to a halt. The pony in question was a stallion whose color scheme closely matched Austin’s. Which made what he said next all the more intriguing. “Austin?” Austin puzzled at what he had just heard, stopped for a moment. This pony was himself, and knew him. “Dad?” Not recognising him, and not knowing anypony else who it would be, Austin went with the only logical option. The stallion smiled softly. He was right. Austin rushed to embrace his long-lost father. Sofia looked on uneasily, she was not so trusting of this stallion claiming to be Austin’s dad. “What have you been doing here all this time? How come you never came home?” Austin asked his dad. He had so many questions. His father hesitated before answering, “I had to get to the bottom of what was happening to all the missing ponies. I couldn’t leave until I found out what was controlling them.” He leant in close before whispering, “Can I count on your help?” Austin instantly pledged allegiance. Motioning towards Sofia he added “Sofia will help too, right?” Sofia was unconvinced but nodded in agreement nonetheless. They began walking towards  and passing underneath a large overhead sign reading ‘TO FRONTIERLAND’. Austin’s dad was happy to tell him all he had discovered in the years he’d been there. Apparently the entire theme park had been taken over by some sort of demon. Sofia thought the whole premise of demons was a little far-fetched. Looking at how Austin seemed enthralled in his father’s words she decided to remain silent. Their conversations were cut short however as the demon in question decided to show itself. In all its unholy glory, it was a hulking phantasmal mass of intertwined sanguineous bodies of all different species. Ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, their faces crying out in anguish. Its main face appeared formless however. Standing at least seven feet in height, it was horrifying to look at. “Marcus, you have done well,” it said addressing Austin’s father. Thousands of voices spoke out in unison. It’s calm velvet voice hid something behind its words. Potential for evil, unspeakable deeds. “Thank you, my lord,” Marcus answered, his jovial manner displayed earlier replaced with something sinister. This was somepony who had seen too much. “Now, what you promised me.” He eagerly awaited his reward. “Ah, yes. Your freedom if I recall correctly.” The demon replied, “Bring me the children, and be set free.” Its gaze fell upon Austin and Sofia. Austin looked at father in a mix of anger and shock, Sofia merely swallowed her fear and looked to the floor. “How...unfortunate that it was your own son.” By the tone of the demon’s words, it was obvious he would not let Marcus go easy, “Perhaps you need to reflect on what a horrible parent you are, another ten years should do it.” It finished, ignoring Marcus’ protests. Sinking down to meet Sofia’s level it raised a multi-limbed appendage to her chin, forcing her to look at him. “This one will do,” it hummed, seeming to revel in the taste of her fear. It began dragging Sofia away. Austin tried to stop it but he was held back by his terrible excuse for a father. “Sofia!” he cried after her, trying to wriggle free but it was no use, “I love you! I always have, and always will!” Although the abrupt confession was ill-timed, there probably wouldn’t be another time to say it. “I know!” Sofia cried back, sobbing. The demon forced her to face forward and continued dragging her away. “It’s your fault I have to stay here longer,” Marcus seethed into his son’s ear. His grip tightened; it was beginning to hurt. His forelegs wrapped around Austin’s neck. Austin felt his eyes bulging out of his skull. He was losing air. His face was turning red while he tried struggling against his father. All to no avail. Before he lost consciousness the last thing he heard was, “There’ll be nothing left by the…-” *** As Austin’s vision slowly returned he noticed he was being dragged backwards. He tried moving his limbs, trying to fight off his abductor. Nothing would move, he was defenseless. He phased out of consciousness again. *** Consciousness returned to Austin. Focusing on his surroundings, he noticed he was in some kind of hut. It was clearly not part of the original architecture. Sheets of corrugated iron haphazardly piled together. It was a miracle it had not collapsed. Austin was being watched. Looking to the left to find an old deranged pony staring back at him. Startled but remaining seated, Austin waited for the pony to do something. He was wearing some kind of uniform. Clothes were rare for ponies, he must have been somepony important if he had a uniform. It was noticeable that he had worn for a very long time. His age was reflected by the creases and wrinkles on his face. He was definitely far into his second century. Austin then read his nametag aloud, “Dave.” “You know my name?” the old-timer answered making Austin jump. His voice was rough like sandpaper. Austin nodded, unsure of what else to do. “You woke the Overseer didn’t you?” He asked. It sounded accusatory. Surmising that he was referring to the demon Austin nodded, “It took my friend.” “She’s as good as dead, kid,” the stranger asserted. Austin paused before turning back, “I never said my friend was a filly.” What does this geezer know? “Always two, eyes everywhere. Makes them hurt…” He was talking in riddles, Austin couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was babbling about. “Dave.” Austin sternly warned. “You know my name?” He forgot that already? Impossible we’ve only been talking for a minute. “Yes,” Austin decided to make the best of the deluded stallion’s memory and change his response, “I need to find the Overseer.” “Overseer don’t like to be disturbed, not one bit.” the lunatic tutted, “sometimes in Frontierland, sometimes in Adventureland, or Fantasyland. So many lands, never stays in one place. Could be anywhere.” Austin decided to leave the crazy old stallion to his ramblings. He slowly rose to his hoofs and started backing out of the makeshift shelter. “You can’t leave.” A brief moment of sanity could be seen in Dave’s eyes and echoed in his voice. “You’ll be found,” he whispered, before returning to his ramblings. “Part of the park, part of the staff. Part of the park, part of the staff.” He only repeated this over and over. Beginning quiet in tone before rising into a chant. He’ll give away my position! Austin wasted no time in escaping the shelter and getting as far away from the crazy stallion,following the drag marks Dave must’ve made when taking him away. He couldn’t hear his chanting anymore, that was good. That didn’t mean that no one could hear him. Austin continued to go back to where he was found, keeping his head down as he went. Following his drag marks he passed under another overhead sign. Looking back he saw it said ‘TO NEW ORLEANS SQUARE’, that must have been where the old geezer took him. Only thing he had to do now was find Frontierland. Luckily Austin didn’t have to look for long; it was just around the corner. That was the direction the Overseer took Sofia. That was where Austin would go. Entering Frontierland, Austin quickly realised one thing. He had no idea where he was going. There must be maps of this place somewhere. Austin reasoned. Stepped out from Frontierland Austin explored down the asphalt. Eventually arrived at a kiosk with the letter ‘I’ on it. Must mean ‘I’ for important. He pondered to himself. Looking inside he saw the musty remains of what was once maps. Austin sighed, it was a lost cause. A glimpse of vivid color caught his eye when he was about to give up. A map. A pristine, undamaged map. The chances were slim to none but here one was. Austin opened it up immediately and started perusing the locations in Frontierland. The Golden Horseshoe Stage warranted Austin’s attention. Perhaps this Overseer had some sort of sick sense of humor. Austin doubled his efforts and ran as fast as his four legs would take him. Back through Frontierland he ran and took a left turn. He found it. To his surprise he was greeted by a familiar pony at the door. The green stallion from before, he was back to being glassy-eyed. The Overseer likely had him back under its control. Austin was ushered inside and took in the spectacle of the large open floor plan. His gawking was cut short when his gaze fell upon Sofia, bound and beaten. She was upon a grand hardwood stage. Many lights were pointed towards her as if she was tonight’s main entertainment. Rage welled up inside Austin, like nothing he’d ever felt before. He started marching forward, intent on freeing the filly he had just confessed his feelings to. “Ah-ah-ah,” tutted the ever smooth reverberating echo of voices belonging to the Overseer. “After what you did to poor Green Field beside you, I just don’t know if you deserve to save your little friend.” What I did to him? I freed him didn’t I? Austin wondered, suddenly doubting himself. “Thank you for the concern my lord, but I am quite alright. If there is nothing else you require, I will adjourn.” The stallion–Green Field–excused himself. He trotted back to his position at the door. “It's a shame really,” the Overseer spoke, “If the reeducation process wasn’t so long Green Field could’ve grabbed you earlier and that fiasco with your father could’ve been avoided entirely.” Its many honeyed words were lost on Austin. His only thoughts were of Sofia and his need to free her. The Overseer, noticing its words were not getting through to the adolescent moved aside and let him race over to Sofia. He made it onto the stage but not to Sofia. Austin felt himself pushed down, his chin smacking the floor. He tasted blood; he’d bitten his tongue. Six ponies held him down, Austin identified two of them. The pink singing mare, and his pathetic father. “Did you honestly think I would let you waltz in here and just take her back?” the Overseer jeered, “You are more daft than I initially believed.” It raised its nightmarish appendage at Sofia. “Get her on her hooves.” “What are you doing?” trepidation filled Austin’s voice. “Teaching the both of you a lesson.” All of its faces opened their eyes and focused solely on Austin giving a wide, unnatural grin, “You really should have stayed away from Disneyland.” the many voice chided. The next thing Austin heard was Sofia’s blood curdling scream. A large nail was sticking out of her foreleg. Austin felt sick, Sofia was sick. The pain was too much to bear. She vomited on the stage floor. “Messy, messy,” the Overseer scolded mockingly, before stabbing another large nail into Sofia’s other foreleg. Her scream was cut short when the Overseer forcefully grabbed her cheeks and leaned down to whisper, “If you make another mess I might go for you friend’s eyes next.” Sofia gulped and nodded, too frightened to talk. There was blood all over the floor, but Austin couldn’t avert his eyes. Not even if he wanted to. His head was held in place by the other ponies’ hooves. The two large nails in Sofia’s legs effectively pinned her in place. “Let’s get rid of these pesky feathers.” the Overseer said with twisted glee, right before ripped a handful of feathers off Sofia. Sofia was crying and sobbing. She didn’t want Austin to see her like this. It paused momentarily, running a long limb across her wing, “I see you were preened recently,” turning its heads to Austin as comprehension struck it “It was you, wasn't it? How quaint. Young love.” Austin was suddenly lifted out from the pile of ponies on him. He was six feet in the air and terrified and what was holding him. The Overseer had him by the scruff of the neck. It then place him down beside Sofia and awaited what it had to say. “Pull out some.” it demanded. “I won’t.” Austin countered defiantly. Thwump. Another nail entered Sofia, her back leg this time. She let out another scream. Austin looked on, he couldn’t give in to the Overseer’s dark wishes. But if he didn’t Sofia would suffer more. “I’m sorry!” He cried before grabbing a mouthful of feathers and yanking, undoing all his hard work as he went. Tears were flowing freely down Sofia’s face. Austin, the colt who had just so recently confessed his feelings, was ripping out her feathers. It didn’t matter that he didn’t have a choice. The amalgamate demon continued to force Austin to pull out more. Once he hesitated a nail would be driven through one of her legs. By now all her legs had nails in them, some more than others. The pain was getting somewhat bearable. Sofia was slowly becoming desensitized to the whole thing. Austin pulled out the last feather. What remained of Sofia’s wings were bleeding and raw. Dried tears stained her face. Her face was expressionless, almost lifeless. I did this, to the filly I just confessed my feelings for. There was no way Austin would able to live with himself. “Perfect.” the Overseer applauded, “Now for the main course.” Pushing Austin out of the way it seized Sofia with as many tendrils as it could before pouring its very essence into her. “No!” Austin yelled. It was too late. Sofia was one of them. She dropped to the ground with a thud. Aside from her shallow breathing, there was no indication she was still alive. Austin crawled up to her and shook her shoulder lightly. No response. Removing the nails from her legs, he whispered her name–still nothing. He thought back to the story tomes. True love’s kiss had to do it. He pressed his muzzle against her cold lips. She remained silent. New tears formed in the corner of her eyes. She was in there somewhere, but the kiss failed. Did the story lie? “Turn her back!” Austin demanded of the Overseer. He got a backhand for speaking out of turn. “Silence curr!” the Overseer yelled. It turned its attention to Sofia. “Rise.” she heeded his command. Pointing at Austin he ordered her to attack. Sofia slammed into Austin. Knocking him off the stage. Winded and gasping for air, he was unprepared for the following attack. A kick to the head sent him reeling. “Cease,” ordered the Overseer. The attacks stopped. “I need this one alive too.” It'll enter my mind too. Turn me into that. I can't let it. Austin was prepared. Going through the same process as with Sofia. Austin felt the demon enter his mind. He still felt himself however. Did it work? “Go back to Dave now.” How did it know about Dave? Dave wasn't under their control. Austin's vision went red. *** Austin was panting heavily. He was outside and hooves were covered in blood. It wasn't his. Crazy Dave’s broken body laid sprawled in front of him. “Thank you,” he wheezed with his dying breath. Austin collapsed to his haunches. He had been defeated. The game was rigged from the start. Each action led to another, they were never caught until the very end. The convenience of everything. The lights, the map, none of those things should have been there. Sofia was part of the Overseers twisted collection now. As for Austin, he had to replace Dave. He tried leaving the New Orleans Square. The Overseers had obviously ordered him not to. Dejected, Austin grabbed a sharp rock and Dave’s nametag. He scratched ‘AUSTIN’ over Dave's name and pinned it through his skin. Austin had to take over Dave's job. He started mumbling Dave's chant “Part of the park, part of the staff. Part of the park, part of the…” In Austin's final moments of sanity he realized one thing. There were no such thing as happy endings.