> Wrong Feelings (ON HOLD) > by TehSpy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sparkle tossed and turned In her sleep, trying to doze off. Eventually, she gave up and just laid there. Next door, she heard the sound of violent sobbing into a pillow, which was muffled. Sadly, she sighed, staring over at her clock, which read 1:47 PM. She sighed again, getting up, walking out of her door, and to Shining's room, where the sobbing was coming from. Tap, tap tap tap tap, tap, tap "Sh-shining...? Can you please open up? You've been in there for days... Please, I just want to see you again..." Twilight said sadly. A few minutes passed, and Twilight was about to walk away when she heard a soft "click" which came from the door. The door creaked and Twilight saw her brother, tear stains down his cheeks. His usually white coat had turned so dark that it almost looked grey, and he looked parched. Shining didn't utter a word, and simply walked back to his bed, continuing sobbing. "Sh-she cheated o-o-on m-m..." Shining trailed off as the sound of uncontrollable sobs filled the air. Luckily, no one was around to hear it. Twilight felt so sad for her brother. She gently closed the door behind her, and trotted slowly up to him, placing a hoof on his back. She didn't say anything, and brought him into a hug, rubbing circles on his back. "Shhhh... I know, Shiny, I know..." Twilight whispered into his ear "but I'll always be here for you. You know that. Just like you've always been there for me." They stayed in that position for a while, Twilight sometimes whispering comforting words into his ear. Eventually, Shining slowly pulled away from the hug, still sniffling softly. "I... I don't know w-why sh-she..." Shining Armor trailed off, looked down at the ground, the tears threatening to come out again. Twilight nuzzled him gently and responded with; "I don't know either, but you're my B.B.B.F.F, and I've been so worried about you. Everyone has." Shining turned to Twilight, his eyes still with sadness in them. They made eye contact, staring into his beautiful, blue eyes. Twilight mentally scolded herself as she looked away. "No! Stop thinking about him like that... He's your brother... it's wrong." Shining looked at the ground again, his eyes watering. Twilight noticed this, and brought him into another hug, telling him that she was here for him whenever he needed support. She turned to him, and said that she was going to go to bed. "W-wait... Twily... c-could y-you... um..." Twilight tilted her head slightly in confusion, letting out a small "hm?", as she did so. "M-maybe... s-sleep with m-me... tonight...?" Twilight felt her cheeks heat up at the question, and her mind instantly jumped to dirty thoughts. She could imagine his stallionhood against he-... no! She wouldn't think like that! He. Is. Her. Brother. Nothing more, nothing less. But... she did feel strange around him sometimes. Her cheeks would heat up, and she'd feel butterflies in the pit of her stomach. "O-okay... I'm sorry for asking..." He said sadly. Twilight snapped back into reality. "N-no! Sorry, shining... I was just thinking!" She said, fumbling over some words. "I'd love to-... I wouldn't mind sleeping w-with you..." Shining seemed to cheer up a little bit at that, but he was still devastated at what Cadence had done to him. Shining felt Twilight get into bed next to him, and he almost instantly pulled her into a hug. They both fell asleep like that. The next morning, shining woke up, waiting for Twilight to wake up. As she was sleeping, he found himself admiring her body. The perfect curvature, her cheery, optimistic attitude towards pretty much everything. Oh, and her eyes... her eyes were the most beautiful thing about her. Suddenly, he shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his head, reminding himself that she was his sister, and he shouldn't be thinking about her like this. But the thoughts continued to come, some even being dirty scenes with her. He felt himself hardening. Then, he heard a groan beside him, followed by a voice. "Hey, Shiny. Sleep well?" "Y-yep! Just fine, thanks, Twily" Twilight smiled and snuggled up to him. It was almost like they were a coup-... no... She scolded herself yet again for thinking things like that. It was then she began to ponder... did she love her own brother more than a brother? She tried to convince herself otherwise, saying that it was wrong. And even if she did... what would other people think? The butterflies were back. She felt her cheeks heat up yet again, the feeling growing stronger with every passing second. Shining snuggled into her, too, nuzzling her gently. He sighed. "I love you, Twily" Shining said. "I love you, too, big brother..." There was something different about the way shining told her he loved her. Something more... "literal". But they stayed there for a while, simply nuzzling and cuddling together. "We better get up, Twily..." Twilight didn't respond, only nuzzling closer into his fur, inhaling his musky scent. It was then that she realised, she did, indeed, love her brother... But, she didn't care. The only thing that mattered right now was the stallion beside her. She snuggled up to his chest and felt his heartbeat. It was fast. Was he... nervous? There was a few minutes silence, when it was suddenly broken by Shining. "I don't understand why Cadence... did that to me, Twily..." he said, his voice cracking a little "Me neither, but I promise you... if you need anything, I'm here to lean on if you need support." Shining let out a small smile and wrapped a hoof around Twilight, sighing softly. He closed his eyes, thinking about how he felt about his sister. Did he love her more than family...? He didn't want to believe it, but the signs were clear. His heart raced and he blushed every time she gave him a compliment or when he was just around her. He felt the tears threatening to escape again. But not over Cadence, over Twilight. He knew there was no chance that she'd return the feelings. He placed his head on the pillow, sighing softly. Why did this have to happen to him, of all ponies? > Chapter 2 - Confusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor awoke, yawning loudly. Feeling around in the bed, he realised the lack of a presence in the bed. He lifted his head up on the pillow, turning to the side, and he realised that Twilight had gone. Laying down, he heard a small knock on his door. "Come in..." he murmured softly. The pony clearly heard him, as the door lit up in magic, and the door slowly opened, revealing Princess Celestia. He took a small breath, about to speak, before being interrupted by Celestia. "Shining Armor, I am sorry to interrupt you. I'm aware that this is probably not the best time, but I need you to perform your protection spell. The spell is wearing off, and nobody is too sure how long it will last." Celestia spoke, in an out-of-character, informal tone. Shining nodded a little, before giving a little smile. Both trotted outside, and, without any hesitation, his horn lit up, and suddenly shot a burst of magic into the air, reinforcing the bubble. His horn lit up once again, and shot yet another burst of magic into the air. This kept happening over and over again. Princess Celestia looked at Shining, confused. "Shining Armor, you can stop now..." Shining had a look of both confusion and fear on his features. "I... I can't!" His horn kept lighting up, shooting burst after burst of magic into the air. Finally, it stopped. Shining armor practically collapsed onto the ground, panting. "W...what was that...?" Shining asked to no one in particular. Celestia smirked, and suddenly flew off, flying out of the protection bubble. When she was out of sight, he heard a voice behind him. "Shining Armor... It's good to see you out of your bedroom. And I see you've cast your protection spell." Another Celestia said, giving Shining a small smile. Shining had a look of shock on his face, and stammered incomprehensibly. "B-but you... yo-you just... h-how d-did...?" Celestia looked confused, and asked him what he was talking about. "You were just talking to me," Shining said "and then you flew off and then you were back here!" Celestia shook her head, sighing softly, feeling sympathetic. "Shining Armor, I'm sure it's just stress. You've been very sad recently, and rightfully so, after what Princess Cadence did to you, but I'm sure it's nothing more than stress." Shining Shook his head, still in disbelief. What had just happened...?