> Shining Armor's Storybook Hour > by Yalbach > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prince to Pet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor yawned tiredly as he walked into his bedroom, stretching his beefy, muscular arms over his head as he grunted. His shirt drew up slightly, showing off his well sculpted abs that we're only gently dusted with blue fuzz beyond his white coat. Scratching the back of his neck, moving his long blue mane aside, he approached his bed for a well deserved after work nap before Cadence got home to want to do things. And he would have completed his way to the bed we're there not a small cardboard box sitting on his side of the bed. Normally he would have moved either the box or his sleeping position, but this time he was drawn to the box. So, the tall, white stallion nudged it aside with a hand, then sat down beside it. He let out a soft sigh as he finally rested his muscular rump down on the plush bed, considering flopping back and just taking a nap. But then his eyes were drawn back to the box. It was just a normal looking box made out of cardboard so Shining couldn’t exactly figure out why he was so drawn to it. If he had the smarts to scan it for magic, he’d see that it was absolutely smothered in a very watered down form of the Want It-Need It spell in order to keep his attention. Of course, the dim numbskull that he is, he picked the box up and set it on his lap. It sent a soft tingle through his body, but he just ignored it and pushed it off to him being very tired. And yet sleep could wait, as he had what was probably something for Cadence and, as her husband, he had a right to open it and embarrass her with whatever it contained until she had something on him. As married life for the two went normally. So, with a big dumb grin on his face, he opened the box and quickly pulled out its contents. And then he just looked confused. He was expecting something like a dildo or a kinky potion for fun stuff at the end of the day, or maybe even some cute panties for her to show off and him to try on. Instead, all he pulled out was a short looking picture book. Now, being a father, Shining was very used to receiving picture books from his loving sister or whatever Crystal Pony felt like fracing their rulers (and future princess) with a nice, banal story. But, with a name like “How to Be a Good Pet For Master,” Shining figured that it was decidedly not for little Flurry Heart. He almost thought it was a mistake before his eyes caught, “By Princess Cadence (with help).” Well, this was definitely a new kind of venture for her to attempt. Kicking off his shoes with, he wiggled his toes with a wide grin and prepared himself for a fun story. The picture on the cover was just a simple but cute drawing of a stallion sitting on the edge of a bed, wearing nothing but a t-shirt, jeans, and a cute green collar. Despite the drawn stallion’s dark purple mane and gray coat, he looked a good bit like Shining. But he just figured he was the reference Cadence fave for whoever drew the pictures. Upon opening the book, Shining was greeted by a picture of the cover stallion grinning at him with a hand on his belly, now much larger than on the cover. All of his body seemed pumper than it was on the cover, from his chubby cheeks to his thick, pants threatening thighs that we're rubbing teasingly together. This sudden fattening was confirmed by the caption: “A good Pet always eats well for his Master, as a good Pet looks even better with a bit of plush.” Shining couldn’t help but giggle warmly, patting his belly softly and letting it jiggle gently under his t-shirt. “Well, she’s sure got me pegged.” He took a short moment to rub his soft tum that, while plump, still had some of the muscle from when he was still a trained guard years ago. And then he became a prince and all the training gave way to eating everything his personal chef (A personal chef!) made for him. And then some. But at least his lovely, lovely wife loved his added pudge, right? She wouldn’t include it if she didn’t, right? With a sure nod and a grin, he decided that, yes, she loved him and all his eating. Speaking of eating, his tummy grumbled softly as Shining realized he hadn’t even eaten his lunch. How strange. But, looking back at the storybook, he realized that it could wait. Cadence had prepared a lovely treat for him and he had to finish it before he had a treat of his own. Turning the page, he saw on the left page a caption that read: “A good Pet loves to play with his Master, and is always ready to play at a moment’s notice.” As he read that, Shining felt a now familiar heat between his legs as his python of a cock snaked its way through his jeans and underwear. His sixteen inch shaft throbbed and twitched down his left leg, already drooling precum as he squished his chubby thighs against it and wiggled his plush rump with a soft moan. Fueling his arousal further was the picture on the right page featuring the cute white stallion in a similar position to Shining was. Thick thighs pressed together and hands pressing against a bulge, though much smaller than Shining’s mind you, with a huge blush on his face that set his chubby cheeks alight. His face was locked in a large moan with closed eyes, betraying just how sensitive the drawn stallion’s shaft was. And Shining felt a similar burning in his cheeks as all he could imagine was taking a roll in the hay with Cadence in any way she’d enjoy. He couldn’t resist letting a hand snake down and rub the thick bulge in his pants gently, attempting to hold himself from going at it until his Master was home. Even still, images and thoughts of being filled and rutted weren’t far from his mind at all times. All he could do was turn the page and hope it would help him cool down a little. “A good Pet loves to serve his Master. Serving Him fills His Pet with so much joy,” we're the words he read before noticing a small slip of paper dropping out of the book. He hardly even noticed the pronouns before leaning to pick it up. Once opening the note, he saw a short cursive scrawl that was very pleasing to the eyes. “Just keep reading, Pet, you will enjoy how the story ends. - Your Master.” Upon reading that, Shining let out a soft and happy sigh, pressing the note against his small breasts and wiggling his plush and fatty hips. Then, obediently, he returned to the book and was immediately greeted with a wave of warmth and a picture of the cute stallion on his knees in front of a throne. The stallion he was worshiping rubbed his dark grey hand through the Pet’s blue mane, giving him a treat for being such a good Pet. Feeling a want for that kind of treat, Shining turned the page without hesitation and was gleefully greeted with the tiny, submissive stallion standing eye to chest with his Master, pressing their bodies together lewdly. This helped to show the sheer difference in size. The Master, obviously, was at least 6’5”, covered in lean muscles and was smugly pressing his long, thick cock against his blushing Pet’s plush belly. The Pet, however, was 5’5” or a bit shorter, full of plush and squishy fat all over him, and shyly bucking his pitiful five inch cock against his master’s much bigger one. To the left, there was the caption Shining immediately agreed with: “A good Pet is smaller than his Master in all ways but one. This keeps him subservient and obedient.” Giggling softly, Shining couldn’t help but agree, kicking his legs as they swung farther and farther from the floor until he was a shortstack of a stallion. Now grinding his small palm along his equally small bulge, he whined and moaned into the air as his body begged to serve his big, masculine Master. And, what better way to do that than to continue reading like his Master ordered?Just as soon as he could get his dainty hands away from his burning, twitching and damp bulge. But still, after moments of whining and bucking his wide hips up as he imagined his master rutting him hard, he somehow managed to draw one hand away in order to turn the page, the other still firmly locked between his legs. “A very good Pet is too rotund for clothing beyond his favorite collar. His belly is large and his rump thick and plump with fat. And he loves to be fed by Master.” Upon reading those words, Shining froze as his body heated up massively with powerful magic. Just as the caption said, the good Pet of a stallion blankly and emptily felt his already plump body stretching and swelling as pound upon pound slid onto his body, mostly focused on his stomach, thighs, and rear. As more and more fat compounded on his tiny form his clothing, formerly a bit loose due to his shrinking, we're forced tighter around his huge, lap-filling belly and massive bubble butt. Wre he fully aware, Shining would have flinched as he heard the telltale snapping and creaking of his jeans, threatening to burst open as he grew past a very fat 400 pounds. However, the first clothing to go was with the massive belly that was pressing out, tearing his lovely t-shirt in two down the middle and releasing his tightly compressed torso from the world. Shining’s crotch hiding belly pressed out very close to his knees, wobbling and jiggling hugely as his destroyed shirt faded into nothing upon hitting the ground. Above his huge and wobbly tummy we're two fat moobs, formerly sizable pecs any guard could be proud of, ready to have loving hands caress them and play with their thick, almost constantly hard and sensitive nipples. As Shining swelled past 500 pounds, a loud tear could be heard as the sides of his jeans split, stretched past their brink by Shining’s thickening thighs. Behind him, pressing hard against the seat of his pants, his huge ass threatened the safety of his jeans and beyond tight underwear. With a loud, echoing snap, his pants finally shredded themselves and joined his t-shirt in the ether along with his tighty whities. With that, and Shining reaching a final weight of 599, he came back from his small trance with a loud grumble from his belly. Letting out a cute, feminine giggle, Shining rested a hand against his massive belly, jiggling and shaking it and letting out a heady moan once he felt the reverberations against his eager little cock. He attempted, for a moment, to try and stroke it but that would have required lifting his massive belly off of it. “Mmmph, I hope Master gets home soon.” Shining whined out to only himself with a feminine hip wiggle, befitting his now more feminine voice, as his belly growled again. “I’m huuuuuungry~!” Huffing loudly, he turned to the book again, feeling the gentle tingle of his bright green collar as he attempted to distract himself. Sadly, the image that greeted him was of his Master feeding Drawing-Him a large, delicious looking, mouth watering cake while also providing belly rubs that real-him suddenly craved intensely. He would have thrown a tantrum, flopping his immense body on the bed and weakly thrashing about, but the promise of obeying and receiving more than that later filled the obese stallion with glee. Turning the page, Shining saw what he felt was a familiar sight. His Master draped over his wide body, using him more as a pillow than anything, and his face pressed against his Pet’s neck. The dark grey stallion had his mouth clamped gently on said neck, drawing a bit of blood. Mumbling gently and feeling a dull pain, Shining brought a hand to his neck and stroked behind his collar. He could feel a small, still healing bite mark marring his slowly darkening coat but proving he was owned. Below, while Shining’s mind forced him to ignore it, his cutie mark began to shimmer. The shield on his rump, now the size of the shield he’d used when he was still in the Royal Guard, began to change subtly. The Sparkle family crest faded out from his rear, only to be replaced with a dark set of crystals, forever marking him in a much more important and meaningful way. Groaning gently as the pain faded, Shining Armor looked at the caption again and he couldn’t help but agree with a grin as he turned to the second to last page. The picture wasn’t much different from the one on the previous page, the only difference being the lack of neck nibbling in favor of belly snuggling and nuzzling. Shining’s Master had his arms wrapped around the big tummy as he rested against it. As far as he could get his arms, at least, which only seemed to be to Shining’s back. “Master Sombra’s Pet does nothing but laze about all day. He dislikes any exercise that isn’t to serve his Master, as he knows that Master Sombra will take care of everything.” As soon as he read that, Shining just flopped back onto the bed as his slightly weakening muscles started to burn with the weight holding his huge body for much longer. Instead he just laid back with a happy sigh, wiggling gently before raising the book above his head for the last page. His body was filled with a soft tingle as any muscle he didn’t need everyday movement faded into plush and fatty chub, sending small wiggles through his body. His arms we're already starting to burn, but it was for Master Sombra. And, upon turning the page, he was greeted with a tastefully done artist’s rendition of his fat ass wiggling up in the air as he needily presented himself for master. It was wiggling, wobbling and jiggling tastefully and it only served to light an even huger fire in Shining’s loins. Of course, the position’s reason was confirmed by the final caption in this lovely little picture book: “Master Sombra’s Pet will present himself for his Master to rut. Just lay on your fat stomach and let me go to work, Pet.” Giggling lewdly, Shining used what little muscle that hadn’t been turned into fat and repositioned himself to the edge of the bottom of the bed. He backed his butt up and wiggled it gently, feeling the lewd ripples of fat for a solid minute after he stopped, then rested his front half against the bed and nuzzled his muzzle against it. Behind him, he could hear the door opening as the room darkened a small, but noticeable bit. The sound of footsteps we're audible behind Shining, drawing closer with each soft, sure step. And, with each step, Shining felt a small shiver of pleasure and joy that he could only express in more rump wiggles. Once the steps drew to an end, Shining could feel a warm presence behind him, making him wiggle and moan cutely. “Mmmm,” came a deep and masculine grumble as the strong stallion paced his large hands on Shining’s rear, squishing and wobbling the thick cheeks with a grin, “Well, I am certainly liking what I see. How are you feeling, Pet?” Before waiting for an answer, King Sombra moved one hand to press against the back of his Pet’s head, smooshing it against the bedding to muffle him. Using his height to an advantage, Sombra leaned in close and pressed his muzzle close to Shining’s ear with a sly grin as he rubbed his long, thick cock betwixt his Pet’s cheeks. “I can imagine you will be feeling great in a few moments.” > Pet to Slut > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining found himself only able to whimper and moan as his face was gently kneaded into the bed, feeling his master’s hot cock hotdogging between his thick cheeks and letting out a good bit of precum to lubricate the way. Humming softly, Sombra humped the large rear before him for a few more moments, letting out grunts and guttural moans as his shaft was pleasured on all sides by the huge ass. Even still, he pulled back from the butt to a chorus of complaining whimpers from his Pet. “Now now, be patient.” Sombra grumbled as he stepped over to the bedside table, moving slowly and teasingly as he left Shining to buck his tiny cock against his belly uselessly. Ignoring this, the tall, dark, and handsome stallion rummaged through the drawers with one hand, the other stroking along his cock and dragging precum all over it to lube himself up. Despite this, with a casual grin, he found exactly what he was searching for. Pulling the bottle of actual lube out of the drawer, he hefted the small bottle as he slowly walked back into position behind his Pet, grinning and chuckling as he clamped a large hand around one ass cheek, pressing his palm against the feminine stallion’s massive cutie mark. This drew needy moans from shining. “Well, you seem eager.” The muscular stallion commented as he steadied the swiftly humping hips of Shining. After the bellyfucking drew to a close, Sombra popped the top off the lube and spread it liberally all over his shaft before stroking it in thoroughly. Shining moaned out happily and wiggled his hips to entice Sombra, still fighting to obey the silent order he’d been given despite the twitching of his hips and needy throbbing of his cock. “P-please, Master.” He whimpered submissively, his hands moving back to attempt to spread his rump’s cheeks, but only serving to lay them on his very in the way belly. He wasn’t exactly unhappy with this, just playing with his Master given fat with glee. With a cocky grin, Sombra pressed the thick tip of his cock against his Pet’s tight hole. But he chose to stop it there, instead leaning forwards to whisper against Shining’s ear. “Please what, Pet?” Groaning at the sheer dominance of the stud above him, and the huge cock pressing up against his tight non-virgin hole, Shining bucked his wide ass back to try and fuck himself on the shaft. But, being smarter, Sombra pulled back just as much as his Pet pushed his butt out. Figuring this wasn’t the best course of action, Shining bit his lip and mumbled under his breath. With a blush on his face as he nuzzled the bed sheets. Then, drawing his muzzle from the sheets, he opened his mouth gently. "Please fuck me, M-Master..." Sombra couldn't help but chuckle, grinding a bit harder against Shining’s tight hole. “I don’t believe I heard you, Pet. Speak up a bit.” “Yes Master.” Shining blurted immediately after the order, blushing hotly as he was forced to obey orders. “P-please f-fuck me, Master!” He then exclaimed, maybe a bit too loudly, with clenched eyes. This sudden change of tune made Sombra let out a small purr deep in his throat as he pressed his muscular chest against his Pet’s soft back. “Well now, that must make you feel a whole lot better, doesn’t it, Pet?” A moan escaped Shining’s mouth before he could respond, pressing his back up with a happy grin. “Y-yes Ma-AH~!” Shining found himself cut off as, suddenly,Sombra pressed his hips forward, popping the head of his shaft past Shining’s tight entrance easily and safely due to both the lube and the constantly leaking precum. The submissive Pet’s eyes rolled back in his head as his Master slowly sank inch after inch of cock into the tight hole before him, only stopping once his hips threatened to be engulfed between the massive, gently wobbling cheeks. With a strange sort of grin, King Sombra roughly pressed his hands on the offending cheeks, pulling them apart and sinking even further in with a deep groan as he hilted. He then just sat there with a cocky grin, the only movement he made being short humping as his hands groped against Shining’s ass. Feeling his sensitive rump being fondled along with being filled to the brim, all Shining could do was moan out passionately into the air as he moved his hands to strongly grip at the bed sheets. He groaned and panted out into the air, bucking his hips back and forth as he both craved more of Sombra’s cock and to fuck his own belly. He had many options. Feeling Shining buck back against him, feeling his miniscule balls knock against The King’s swollen and full nuts that just churned full of seed, Sombra pressed his hips slowly, teasingly back out of his Pet, drawing the thick, flared head of his cock along Shining’s now very sensitive insides. And, pathetically, that was all Shining needed. Pressing against his huge belly, Shining’s tiny cock strained and twitched as pleasure flooded him, his grape-sized balls pulling up as far as they could go. Just as Sombra started to rut his pet, Shining clenched his eyes shut and let out a loud, whining moan as his shaft shot out a miniscule amount of cum along the bottom of his belly, then just continued as it attempted to shoot off more, but ended up giving nothing but a little pre. As his Master continued to pound into him, gripping his arms around the thick, fatty waist for leverage, the Pet felt his rump clench around his mate’s cock, trying this soon to try and milk it of its hot seed. Blinking, Sombra came to a halt, groaning gently as he felt the tight clenching, then looked down at Shining in shock. “A-already? You reached orgasm already?” With a heavy blush, Shining covered his face with his dainty hands and whimpered out. “I-I’m so s-sorry, Master!” He cried out gently, but still bucked his rump back to pleasure his Master like a good Pet should. After a few moments of strange stares, Sombra pressed his hips roughly against Shining’s plush ass. “Well, it seems that Master is going to have to teach his Pet what stamina looks like.” And, with that, and without even waiting for Shining’s response, Sombra gripped Shining’s love handles hard and drew his hips back swiftly. Then he began to fully rut, bucking and rolling his hips quickly into the still gently clenching hole before him. He grunted and groaned loudly as he humped deeply into the ass, sinking in and out as fast as he could like the dominant stud that he was. And then, moments later, he suddenly felt his balls drawing up and pressing tight against his crotch. Moaning loudly as his fat, very swollen apple-sized balls twitched, he bottomed out in Shining one last time, his cock firing out thick load after thick load of his hot cum. Normally the truly excessive amount of cum would have pressed Sombra’s mate’s stomach out with the sheer amount, but it hardly put a dent in inflating Shining’s big ball of a belly. Grumbling and whimpering deeper, Sombra just humped and ground his hips against his Pet’s. All he could do was grunt as he leaned down and held Shining close to him, wrapping his arms around the ball of lard while he unloaded all he had. Minutes later, after finishing the seed spreading, the dark grey stallion flopped down on his lighter, plusher mattress of a stallion, letting out a pathetic huff of a sigh. “Oh Gods damn it.” He muttered gently under his breath. Suddenly there came a sweet, feminine laughter from the corner of the room, obviously directed towards the two stallions. Then the corner began to shimmer, then glow with a pink aura as an equally pink pony was revealed. The plump pink mare pressed a hand to her lips, giggling out as she stepped from her hiding space. Now, to call Princess Cadence curvy would be selling her very short, despite how very short she was. She may have been simply ‘curvy’ before Flurry Heart, but since getting pregnant her curves just got much more. Her breasted pressed out from a simple, perky D to an F that neither she nor Shining could keep their hands off, but they especially couldn’t resist teasing her thick, leaky nipples that seemed to always be hard and visible no matter what she wore. Also inflated we're her plush rump, though very flat compared to Shining’s  currently, and her wide and excessively feminine hips that screamed motherly to anyone she swayed past. Her belly hadn’t quite recovered as well, still somewhat plump and squishy, but nothing when compared to Shining’s. Even still, this goddess of fertility was currently looking very non-feminine as she guffawed at the two post-mating stallions. This drew a huge blush from Sombra as he proceeded to bury his face into shining’s back. Shining, however, blearily looked over at this new mare as he absentmindedly ground his rump back and wondered why he wasn’t being rutted. Princess Cadence sat herself down on the edge of the bed, still laughing but this time pointedly at Sombra. “So much for showing him what stamina looks like, eh?” She teased, nudging him with an elbow. “Shut up!” The dark stallion growled as he glared at Cadence, his eyes lighting up red and menacing. But she just continued to laugh him off, waving him off with a hoof. “Come on, drop the act. We all got what we wanted.” Sombra attempted to stay grumbly and socially angry, but broke with a short laugh, turning to look away from the plump mare as he chuckled softly. “Fiiiiine!” He said as he rolled his eyes. Pulling back from the pillowy stallion below him, drawing his softening shaft from the still well-lubed rear. With a heavy sigh, the dark stallion lit his horn with light amber magic. Needless to say, his body shimmered as his coat gently got lighter, though stayed darker than his Pet’s. His eyes changed from a deep, frightening red to a bright green, matching Shining’s collar well. And, finally, his horn straightened and became entirely grey as opposed to having a red tip. Shining, craning his neck and wiggling around to look at his Master, gaped openly as he saw how much he had changed. Upon seeing this, Sombra shot a dopey grin at Cadence, pointing a thumb at the fat stallion. “Are you gonna…?” “Oh, right.” Cadence smacked the side of her head gently, then lit her horn and focused her aura around her husband’s head for a few moments. Then, with a bright grin, she clamped her hands together and shrugged. “Well, I think I got most of it. And whatever’s left should be fun to play with, eh Shiny?” She then nudged her lover’s big belly. All Shining could do was blink as he, now with full understanding of what had gone on, stared up at Cadence, then down at his huge body, then over to Sombra, then back to his wife. “What the fuck?” This eloquent phrasing caused both Sombra and Cadence to snicker gently, the pink mare even covering her mouth. This, however, wasn’t able to stop the two from bursting out laughing. Cadence gave into it immediately, flopping back to use her husband as a pillow and giggling even harder as she felt him wobble under her. Sombra took a similar approach, pressing a hand against Shining, propping himself as he held the other around him, chuckling so hard it was painful. Then he flopped as well, leaning against Shining’s left side and creating more jiggles and wobbles. After a few minutes, the laughter died down to just little chuckles every now and then. This allowed Cadence to look lovingly at her confused and embarrassed husband with a big grin. “Weeeeeeelll… Sombutt wanted to have fun times with an obese pony-” “Who were more prevalent in my time, I might add. At least I fed my subjects.” “Yeah well at least we didn’t willingly kill anyone.” Cadence said with rolled eyes, craning her head up to make sure Sombra heard it. Then she looked back down at Shining. “Anyway, he wanted to love up on a big fatty, so we all decided to fatten you up and let him have his way with you for, heh, hours~.” Sombra grumbled loudly, crossing his arms and letting out a loud huff. “Well, you try to suddenly be reintroduced to a fetish after a thousand years and not finish in a few minutes.” “Whatever you say, Sombutt.” Cadence told the blushing stallion teasingly. “So you just decided to do all this without telling me?” Shining asked with a bit of loudness, though, upon looking down, he gave a small grin, then a huge blush as his small cock strained against his belly. Lighting her horn, Cadence used her magic to reach into the bedside table. Pulling out a stack of papers, she placed them in front of Shining’s face. “Well, hon, you did agree to it. I just made it so you couldn’t remember, which was covered here.” She opened the packet and pointed one bit on one page. Reading it over, then getting bored, then skipping to the end, Shining found his signature under a bunch of legal jargon. With a defeated sigh, he superflopped on the bed, making massive waves in his body, and wiggled. “How’d you even get it done? You can’t draw!” “I CAN!” Sombra retorted loudly, getting fed up with petty squabbling and totally not being completely embarrassed due to his lack of any stamina. He then crossed his arms even harder and grumbled to himself. “Can’t even be bothered to care about my many talents.” “Well I did the magic, which was the more important bit.” Cadence fought back. “And the writing, which is the most important bit of any media. You can’t have a good story without good writing.” Before Sombra and Cadence could go to blows, Shining wiggled a bit more. “That’s all well and good, but can I have my muscles back please?” The feminine stallion wobbled and jiggled as he weakly flailed about, tiring himself out quickly as he whined out loudly. “Nah.” “Nope.” “Well, it’s two to one.” Cadence told her husband with a smirk, turning over and pressing her face against the side of her husband’s belly and nuzzling lovingly against it for a few moments, drawing whines and moans from the stallion. Pulling back, she rested against him. “But don’t feel bad. We’ll only keep you as a mattress stallion for a week. Then we can change you into something else!” She poked a hoof into Shining’s belly with a giggle. “Did you know Sombra and I share a transformation fetish, ‘cause I didn’t until now~~!” Sombra just grumbled in agreement, but was too busy tiredly yawning and pressing his head against the pillow of a stallion he was provided. As the two ponies prepared to nap on him, Shining just resigned himself to his fate as a pillow pony and a transformation Pet, just the thought sending waves of pleasure through his body for a moment. With a deep sigh, he planned his head against his own pillow, sadly not as warm or plush as he was, and shut his eyes.