> A Decent Proposal > by Jade Ring > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Initial Neighgotiations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, that’s the long and short of it.” Shining Armor placed his hoof over his Princess Cadance’s and smiled ever so gently at the couple in front of them. “What do you say?” Carrot and Cup Cake simply stared at the royal couple sitting before them, almost unable to process the nature of the royal request that had just been laid at their hooves. What was the proper etiquette for such an occasion? How was one supposed to react to the asking of a favor the nature of which the rulers of the Crystal Empire had just asked of them? Cadance laughed softly and brushed a curl of mane from her eyes. “Um, honey? Maybe we came on a little strong.” Carrot cleared his throat. “Um, before this conversation goes any further, I just want to be sure of what you just asked. Is that alright?” The royal couple nodded quickly. “You’re asking me, a simple small town baker, to… ah, how did they put it, honeybun?” “They want you to have sex with Princess Cadance.” Cup sipped her coffee slowly while eyeing the Princess of Love. “For the express purpose of giving me a foal, Mrs. Cake.” Cadance smiled with slight embarrassment. “Please call me Cup, your Highness.” Cadance nodded. “Then, in return, may I ask that we drop the royal titles in this discussion, then?” “Of course… Cadance.” Carrot was still staring at the white unicorn before him. “I’m sorry, but I have several questions.” “Ask away.” Whether it was a distinct lack of social awareness or that he simply could not see a reason that the situation would be awkward, Shining Armor just kept on smiling. “Truthfully, I’d be concerned if you agreed to just plow my wife with no questions asked.” Cup choked on her coffee and turned her wide eyes to Shining Armor, doing her damndest to figure out just what was wrong with the Prince of the Crystal Empire. “I suppose my chief question is, well, why me?” Carrot blew on his own coffee and held it to his lips with trembling hooves. “By that I mean why aren’t you yourself doing the, ah, plowing as you put it?” “Oh, believe me; I’ve been working overtime on the plow.” Shining Armor grinned at Cadance’s giggle. “But nothing seems to take.” “It isn’t just him, Mist… Carrot.” Cadance levitated a donut to her lips and took a nibble. “Surely you’ve noticed the lack of pregnancies in the last few years.” Carrot nodded. “Really, it didn’t become all that evident until after we had the twins. I was shocked by how empty that nursery was.” Cup turned her attention back to the pink mare in front of her. “Is there something going on? Some reason that the pregnancy rate has dropped so sharply?” Cadance nodded sadly. “It’s mostly the lack of viable stallions. For some reason, filly births have outnumbered colts five to one for the past two decades. It’s not damaging enough that we’re worried about a population decline yet, but Canterlot scientists are looking into it. As for us…” “…We really want a baby.” Shining Armor nuzzled his wife. “And, to be perfectly honest with you, it’s not just because we’re dying to be parents. There’s a bit of a… situation in the Crystal Empire.” “Situation?” For the first time, the good humor faded from Shining Armor’s face. “There’s a growing movement in the Empire that thinks that either Cadance or myself will become another Sombra and enslave the whole of the Empire once again. It’s only whispers at this point, but everyday they gather more and more followers.” He tapped the table with his hoof. “It might sound cold and calculated, but if we were to have a foal, a proper heir to the throne, then we could gain back the trust of those who are still nervous about a reinstated monarchy.” “Having an heir makes it easier to convince the populace that we two aren’t planning on staying on the throne permanently.” “But I’m not royalty.” Carrot stammered quickly, seeing an easy out to the situation. “If somepony found out…” “Which is reason number one we’ve come to you.” Cadance smiled. “Ponyville is far enough away from the Empire that connecting you to this would be borderline impossible.” “May I ask what the second reason is?” Cup tried her very best to smile back. “Well that’s easy; your husband’s seed is clearly very high quality.” She bit her lip to keep from laughing at Carrot’s following spit-take. “Not only did he manage to get you pregnant, but you actually had twins. Do you know how rare twins are in this day and age?” “Not forgetting that two earth ponies managed to spawn a unicorn and a pegasus.” Shining Armor chimed in. “That’s a pretty incredible feat in and of itself.” Carrot pushed his chest out a little. “Well, the Cakes have always come from pretty great stock… ow!” He winced as his wife kicked him under the table. Cup shook her head and sighed. “Cadance, Shining Armor… you’ve clearly put a lot of thought into this…” “Weeks of research.” Shining Armor nodded. “…And your hearts are definitely in the right place…” “We’ve already picked out where the nursery will go and sent a request for my old baby things.” Cadance smiled widely. Cup shook her head. “I’m afraid that we can’t…” “We’ll pay you.” The royal couple said simultaneously. Carrot placed a hoof over his wife’s, his eyes locked on Shining Armor. “…How much are we talking?” “Carrot!” Cup hissed. “What? It doesn’t hurt to hear the price range…” “The price range of what? Shattering our marriage vows? Giving up the trust and intimacy we’ve built up over ten years for one night with some... some... trollop?” Cadance frowned slightly. “There’s no need for rudeness, Cup.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” Cup turned back and glared at the alicorn. “I’m at a loss at how I’m supposed to react to all this. It isn’t everyday that members of the ruling class come and proposition my husband right in front of me.” Cadance looked down at the table. “… Actually, you know what? You’re right.” "Of course I am. I..." Cup’s building tirade faltered at the starting gate. “…I am?” “You’re absolutely right. We went about this all wrong.” She sighed. “We were just so excited about the idea that we didn’t take you or Carrot’s feelings into the matter. I’m the Princess of Love, Cup, but more than that I’m a devoted wife. I know what this all must sound like, but I promise you that the last thing I want to do is come between you and your husband.” A small tear ran down her cheek. “I just… I just want what you have, you know? I want a little colt or filly of my own. I want to feel them growing inside me. I want to know what it feels like to bring a new life into this world, a new and tiny copy of me. That’s all I want. Do you believe that?” Cup considered the princess' words carefully. Slowly, she nodded. “I do.” Shining Armor and Carrot looked at her simultaneously. “You do?” Cup nodded. “Waiting was always the hardest part. Carrot and I agreed that we wouldn’t start a family until the business was established. I never imagined it would take almost a decade, but it did. And I felt everything you’re feeling, Cadance. The want, the longing… all of it.” Cup wiped her eyes and looked at her husband. “Now, I’m not saying yes yet. But…” “Honeybun, are you sure?” Cup thought about it and then nodded. “I think I am. I mean, I’m secure enough in our marriage to know that you won’t be leaving me for her.” Cadance laughed as she wiped her own eyes. “Believe me, Cup, I only want one small thing from your husband. I have my own to give me everything else.” Shining Armor looked around the table. “So… does that mean we're ready to get into specifics then?” Carrot looked at his wife. He took her foreleg in his. “Are we?” Cup nodded. Carrot raised her hoof to his lips and kissed it. “No matter what we decide, you know that you’re the only mare for me, right?” “And you’re the only stallion for me.” They nuzzled, remembered they weren’t alone at the table, and turned back to the royal couple quickly. “Sorry.” Shining Armor and Cadance, who were also holding hooves at this point with dopey smiles on their faces, just shook their heads. Carrot settled into his chair and leaned forward. “Alright. How would this work? Exactly?” Cadance snickered. "Well, Carrot, I didn't think I'd have to explain everything to you. I'm expecting you to take your penis and put it in my..." Carrot laughed and took another sip of coffee. "Okay, I walked into that one. But seriously, how would this whole... affair play out?" Shining Armor cleared his throat and lifted a folder, thick and full of paper, onto the table with his magic. “Like I said; weeks of research and planning.” He responded to the Cake’s stunned looks. “Cadance should be going into heat within the next week or so. That would be the prime implantation time.” “And would this be happening here? In our bedroom? Or would you prefer the Empire?” “Neither.” Cadance winked as she revealed her own, slightly thicker folder. Hers even had color-coordinated tabs. “Remember, we have to keep this as secret as possible. We’ve made reservations at a private resort in the Filly Islands.” “We can’t afford…” “Our treat, of course. You two will have your own room for a full week. It’s all inclusive, so everything is  already paid for; food, drinks, the spa…” “Am I dreaming?” Cup asked. “Because this sounds like a dream. We haven’t had a proper vacation in years.” “You two can spend as much time with us or away from us as you please. We’ll notify you as soon as the, uh, engine starts running.” Shining Armor flipped to the next page. “Once Cadance goes into heat, we’ll want to ensure that implantation takes place. That’ll require you having sex with her at least three times, just to be safe.” Carrot couldn’t help but let his eyes drift over the alicorn’s pink body, curvy in all the right places. “I, uh, don’t think that’ll be a problem.” “Me neither.” Cadance winked. Cup pursed her lips but said nothing. Cadance stopped her ogling of the earth pony and flipped to her own next page. “Everything else is just a standard non-disclosure agreement. You agree to never reveal your part in all this and we’ll do the same. And then there’s the subject of payment…” “Yes.” Cup smirked at Cadance. “What is the price on sliding into a married stallion’s bed these days?” Cadance returned the smirk. “One hundred thousand bits.” Cup’s jaw dropped. “That… that’ll about do it.” Carrot rubbed at his ear. “Did you say one hundred…?” “One hundred thousand bits, yes. To be paid in bi-monthly increments over a period of five years. For tax purposes, you understand.” Cadance smiled widely. “Honestly, I’d never be able to put a price on what you would be giving me. What you both would be giving me. But I have to in order to make this all right and legal.” “One hundred thousand bits.” Carrot muttered, rubbing the side of his face slowly. “One hundred thousand bits to have sex with the Princess of Love while staying at a private resort in the Filly Islands.” He looked at his wife and shook his head. “Sugarbun, I’m not dreaming. I’m dead.” Shining Armor and Cadance laughed at the shocked couple for a moment before returning to their folders. “That covers just about everything… oh.” Cadance glanced at her husband. “You should probably tell him now. Don’t want to wait until the night of.” “Right.” Shining Armor cleared his throat and looked Carrot in the eyes. “When you and Cadance are, uh, doing your thing… I’ll be watching. As in, I’ll be in the room with you two.” He looked around as though checking for spies before leaning in close. “I, uh, like to watch.” He whispered. Carrot raised an eyebrow. “…Watch?” “Oh yeah, I always watch. Sometimes from the closet or the bathroom, almost always dressed as Supermane. But since this is a special occasion, I’ll probably be in the same room.” He saw Cadance’s expression and smiled sheepishly. “And I’ll eschew the Supermane costume. This time.” Cup resisted the urge to let her jaw drop again. “You mean you’ve done this before?” “Oh, loads of times.” Cadance waved her hoof in the air. “We've had an open marriage from the beginning. We allow each other to sleep with whoever we want… so long as we’re both in the vicinity when it happens.” When the stunned looks didn’t fade from the Cake’s faces, she smiled in embarrassment. “It’s not that big of a deal. Really. Shining and I love each other more than anything, but you have to remember; I’m the Princess of Love. That includes physical love.” “No stallion on earth could keep her satisfied all by himself.” Shining Armor chimed in. “I knew that it was going to be part of the deal from the beginning. I just didn’t think I’d enjoy watching as much as I do.” He laughed slowly. “That’s, um, not gonna be a problem, is it?” Carrot considered carefully before shaking his head. “I don’t think so…” “I want to watch too.” All eyes turned to Cup. “Honeybun?” Carrot asked. “I want to watch too.” Cup repeated, a deadly serious look on her face. “I think that’s well within my rights in this situation, wouldn’t you agree, Cadance?” Cadance shook off her own shock and nodded quickly. “O-of course. You’d be more than welcome to watch.” Her eyes lingered on the blue earth pony’s flank, so much plumper and rounder than her own. “Maybe more than watch…” She added under her breath. “What was that?” “Nothing. Just thinking out loud. And no; I don’t think that’ll be an issue at all.” Cup smiled triumphantly at her husband. “There. Now I don’t feel like I’m just handing you over to another mare for the night.” “So that’s it then?” Carrot asked his wife. “We’re doing this?” Cup nodded. “So long as we’re doing it together… I think we are.” Cadance squealed and lunged across the table, pulling the older mare into a tight embrace. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” Cup laughed uneasily as she awkwardly returned the embrace. “You’re, uh, you’re welcome.” She shared a look with her husband, uncertainty still in her eyes. “You’re welcome.” Shining Armor pushed the folder towards Carrot, the contract ready and waiting on top. "Any other questions, big guy?" Carrot, who still couldn't quite believe this wasn't some depraved dream, just shook his head. "Where do I sign?" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Later that night… The twins were in bed, the bakery closed up and shining clean… now was the time of night when the Cakes could typically relax in each other’s company. It was the one time of day where they were truly alone with one another. But not tonight. Tonight, another couple’s presence could definitely be felt in the room with them. “Are you absolutely positive you want to go through with this, Cup?” Carrot pulled the covers up to his chin. “There’s still time to pull out. I mean, just because we signed the contract…” Cup sighed as she put aside the book she’d been pretending to read. “You saw Cadance when we said yes. She really wants this. Who are we to deny them that?” “Surely there must be other, non-married stallions they could go to. Sure, it would take a while to find them, but they’re young. They’ve got time.” He flicked off his bedside lamp. “And adoption’s always an option…” “Carrot.” “Yes?” Cup rolled to her side and faced her husband. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be racking my brain for a reason to say no. I mean, I’m the mare being asked by somepony almost young enough to be my daughter for permission to sleep with my husband.” Carrot raised an eyebrow. “You’re implying that I should be over the moon at the prospect?” Cup mirrored his face. “You aren’t?” Carrot tried to hold his straight face, but his resolve finally crumbled and a boyish grin spread across his face. “Okay, you’ve got me. It’s sort of amazing that the Princess of Love herself personally selected me for this. I mean, who’d have ever thought that Carrot Cake of Ponyville would have the opportunity to jump into the sack with a princess?” Cup felt a grin tugging at her lips. “And you’ll get paid for it.” Carrot buried his face in his pillow to muffle his laughter. “I know! Isn't this crazy?! Even if we told anypony, they’d never believe us.” “Carrot?” He looked over at her. “Yes, honeybun?” “Let’s do it.” Carrot blinked rapidly. “You’re absolutely sure? You’ve settled on this. No turning back, one hundred percent, let’s do this?” Cup took a deep breath and nodded. Carrot rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. “…Wow. What brought this decision on?” “Well, a number of reasons, actually.” Cup scooted across the bed and wrapped herself around her husband. “We’ll do it for the business, because with just a fraction of that money we can open that branch you were talking about in Canterlot.” Carrot rolled back to his side and wrapped his wife in a loving embrace. “True.” “We’ll also do it for the twins. With that money, we can make sure they get to the best schools.” “The Cordon Bleu in Prance.” Carrot whispered dreamily. “A Cake attending the most prolific cooking school in the world…” “And I want to do it… for you.” He looked down at her. “Me?” Cup smiled at him. “You’ve been so good to me all this time. You’ve given me a home, a business, and a better family than I could ever dream of. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” Carrot smiled back and kissed her lightly. “So are you.” “I know you’d never stray, never go near another mare. But I know you look.” She cut off his retort with another kiss. “All stallions look, dear. And I know that sleeping with the same mare for years and years gets boring…” “You are not boring in bed.” Carrot growled, nibbling on her ear. “You mean to tell me you’ve never imagined somepony else? Not even once?” “…There's no safe way to answer that question.” She giggled and hummed at his continuing ministrations on her ear. “What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t let my husband take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity like this?” “You think I’d resent you?” “I think part of you would.” She smirked when she felt something poking against her stomach. “A large, hard part of you would resent me very much.” He pulled away from her ear and looked into her eyes. “I love you, Cup. You’re my everything, and I would never leave you for somepony else. Not Cadance, not anypony.” He took a deep breath. “If you’re a hundred percent, no regrets…” “I am.” He breathed out, as though letting an enormous weight off his shoulders. “Okay. I’ll give Cadance a baby.” Cup pulled him close and kissed him deeply. Their hooves pulled them even tighter against each other. Cup broke the kiss and grinned saucily, her eyes hooded. “What exactly are you going to do to Cadance?” “I’m gonna…” He froze when he felt Cup reach down and stroke his hardness. “I’m gonna…” “You’re going to fuck her, aren’t you dear?” Cup whispered, licking his chin as she began to pet the tip of his cock. “You’re going to fuck that pretty pink princess just like you fuck me.” “Yesssssss.” He hissed. “You’re going to show her how good earth ponies do it. You’re going to teach her why we were always seen as the tribe of fertility. You’re going to rock that mare’s world so hard that the next time she’s in bed with her husband, she’ll still be thinking that it’s you mounting her.” “Cup, you know it drives me crazy when you get like this…” “And then, when you’re certain she won’t be flying straight, let alone walking straight, for at least a week, you’re going to fill her up with some grade-A…” She nipped his chin. “…Premium…” Another nip. “…Ooey-gooey Cake batter.” He kissed her hungrily, and she welcomed his tongue with an open mouth. They rolled together, the blanket wrapping around them in the process. Carrot tossed it aside with an irritated grunt and left his wife’s lips unattended, quickly sliding down her thick form. Cup lay there, panting, and knew exactly where he was going before his tongue even touched her slit. She gave a soft cry as he ate her out sloppily, not taking the time to savor her taste or even trying to get her off at all. She smiled at how well her husband knew her, knew what she was after tonight, knew what she needed. What they both needed. When he was satisfied she was wet enough, he stood over her and looked down, a conquering warrior on string-bean legs. “Roll over.” He growled. Cup smirked and obediently rolled to her stomach. No sooner had she raised her flanks in the air than Carrot had slid in with practiced ease. She buried her head in her pillow to stifle her pleasured gasp and trembled when she thought of how soon they would be away in their own little paradise, a place where they could be just as loud as they wanted… Carrot wrapped his forelegs around her and began pumping fast and hard. As always, he relished the sound of his thin flesh striking her ass, loved every wave and ripple that came as he crashed into her again and again and again. He wasn’t going to last long tonight, but that was okay. He knew what Cup was after when she talked dirty like that. His wife didn’t just want to get off tonight. She wanted to be filled up. Cup grunted with pleasure as her husband ravaged her. She looked back at him and smiled. “Are you going to fuck the princess like this?” “Just… like this…” He groaned as her inner walls caressed his thrusting member. “Gonna show that mare… what it’s like to be… with a real stallion… fuck, Cup! Keep doing that.” Cup had started pushing back in time with Carrot’s thrusts, urging him deeper. She wanted every drop of him, didn’t want to spill a drop. “You know, ah, I’m going to be right there. I’m going to be watching you AH r-r-rutting that pink slut into the bed.” Carrot paused in his thrusting just long enough to lean across his wife’s back and nibble her ear. “I know… and I’m going to be looking right in your eyes when I finish.” Cup’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as her orgasm began. “Cum inside me right now.” “Yes, dear.” He jackhammered into her, pushing past the threshold in record time and spilling his seed into her with no further preamble. Cup bit the pillow as she came, her husband's delicious warmth filling her and pleasing her just as it had done for all these years. She giggled when he collapsed onto her back, his softening hardness still lodged inside her. They lay together, catching their breath and just enjoying each other’s warmth. Cup caught him snoring softly and nudged him in the ribs. “I need to get the blanket.” He shook his head and held her tight. “I’m warm enough for now.” He kissed the back of her neck and yawned. “I love you, sugarbuns.” Cup pouted at the prospect of sleeping without a blanket but ultimately decided that her husband’s cuddles were just too comfy. “I love you, too.” They fell asleep for a while. After an hour, Cup decided that as nice as her husband’s warmth was, she still needed a blanket to sleep through the night. Thirty minutes after that, Pumpkin woke them up demanding a midnight snack. Forty or so minutes after that, Pound had a nightmare and decided that he wanted to sleep with Mommy and Daddy. Sheets were hastily changed and the family finally managed to get settled for some sleep… for about fifteen minutes. That’s when Pumpkin woke up panicking that her brother wasn’t in the crib with her. When their alarm went off in the morning, the Cakes roused their little ones and sent them down with Pinkie Pie for breakfast. Then they packed their bags. > Two Tickets to Paradise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A tropical breeze blew through the palm trees as the two earth ponies made their way down the ramp and onto the dock. Nopony joined them, and they looked around nervously. “Where, uh… where is everypony?” Cup Cake asked her husband. “Your hosts have booked the entire resort for the duration of your stay, Mrs. Cake.” A unicorn, smartly dressed in a tuxedo jacket, smiled and bowed to them as he approached. “Welcome to Paradise Estate. I am the manager, Destino. I trust you had a pleasant journey here?” Without waiting for a response, he gestured to the shorter unicorn beside him, this one in red bellhop attire. “This is Coconut. He’ll be taking your luggage to your rooms.” “Rooms?” Carrot felt Coconut’s magic take hold of his saddlebags and gratefully let them float away. “As in plural?” “Of course. Your hosts have booked you in the Lunar Suite. It’s where Princess Luna stays when she visits. It’s comparable to the Celestial Suite, which is where your hosts are staying.” Cup breathed in the warm air and sighed. “This is amazing.” “Thank you, madam. It’s just our own little slice of paradise, but we’re proud of it.” He turned and gestured at the grand resort behind him. “If you’ll follow me?” After insuring Coconut had their entire luggage, the couple quickly started after the manager. “I do hope we’re not inconveniencing anypony…” Carrot wondered. Destino quickly shook his head. “Not at all. This is actually our down season. Unfortunately, that does mean that some of our usual amenities will be unavailable during the duration of your stay.” “Such as?” “We’ve only retained the services of two of our usual masseuses. If you wish to partake, they will require an hour’s notice to prepare the spa. The main restaurant is closed, but the smaller eatery is open and ready to serve you.” “That’s it?” “Yes. I am sorry we can’t provide the full experience.” “The full experience, he says.” Carrot shook his head in disbelief. He looked over at his wife and grinned. “How are you holding up, honeybun?” Cup started to answer, but her response was cut off once her jaw fell open as she beheld the resort proper. The main building was a sizable tower, at least fifteen floors high. The bottommost level extended outward around the courtyard, the structures on either side of them like two long and welcoming arms. In the center of the courtyard was a huge reflecting pool populated by geyser-like fountains and stone statues of alicorns. “We’re staying here?” “Of course.” Destino pointed towards the top of the building. “Up there, to be specific. The Lunar Suite is on the fourteenth floor. Your hosts are on the thir… ahem, the twelfth floor. The spa is on two and the pool is on the roof.” “A rooftop pool?!” The two earth ponies cried in unison. “The views at night are really spectacular.” Destino boasted with a grin. “Well, my expectations were already sky high, but this is really something else. Wouldn’t you agree, dear?” Carrot looked over at his wife again, but found she was gone. He looked back and found her standing stock still on the path, a dazed look on her face. “Honeybun?” He hurried to her. “Are you alright?” Cup smiled slowly, sniffled, and wiped a tear from her eye. “It’s just… this is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. I never dreamed that we’d ever be able to stay at someplace this nice. It’s like a dream.” She shook her head and laughed. “And it’s all because you have to knock up a princess.” Carrot leaned forward and kissed her. “I love you.” “I love you, too.” She pushed past him, her tail caressing his nose as she trotted forward. “Now let’s hurry and get to our suite before I jump you right here and now.” Carrot raised an eyebrow… even as his gaze was drawn to her swaying hips. “Somepony’s eager.” “It’s this place. This air. I feel like we’re on our honeymoon again.” She looked back with narrowed eyes. “And you remember what I was like on our honeymoon.” Carrot grinned and hurried after her. In the back of his mind, he still knew exactly why they’d been brought to this amazing place. He knew that at some point in the next few days, he’d be mounting a much younger and thinner mare. But at that moment, the only mare on his mind was the one leading him to their suite. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The alicorn watched from her suite’s balcony as the older couple hurried into the building. She laughed as the resort manager struggled to keep up, protesting that they hadn’t even received their keys yet. “I take it our friends are here?” Cadance looked back at her approaching husband and took one of the two margarita glasses from his magic into her own. “I can practically taste their love from all the way up here.” Shining Armor joined her at the railing and looked sideways at her. “You sound like somepony else when you say stuff like that.” She playfully punched his shoulder as she sipped her drink. “They’re something special, Shining Armor. A love like theirs, it’s… well, it’s one in a million.” “I know. It’s why we chose them above all the other candidates.” Shining Armor sipped his own drink and sighed in contentment. “How long?” “I don’t know.” She giggled. “It’s not like I have an internal countdown. But going by my usual schedule, it should be anytime now.” “Are you nervous?” “Are you?” “…A little.” Cadance looked at him. “Why? This isn’t the first time you’ve watched me with another stallion.” “It’s the first time you’ve done it with his wife in the room with us.” Cadance laughed airily as she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “You don’t really think she’s going to be content to just sit back and watch, do you?” She licked the spot she’d kissed. “She’s going to get as turned on as I do when I watch you go to town on your secretary. And then she’s going to touch herself. And then…” Her magic reached out and caressed his sheath. “Then she’s going to see this. Everything after that is just natural.” Shining Armor grunted as her magic tugged and caressed him, coaxing him to erection. “I really hope this works…” “Of course it’ll work. The four of us in one place? All that love magic, combined with Carrot’s incredibly potent seed… “ She nuzzled him as she felt him hardening. “We’re going to make a baby, Shining Armor.” The stallion moaned as his mottled flesh slipped loose and slapped against his belly. “You aren’t going to leave the bedroom while you’re pregnant, you know that?” “Oooh, is that a promise?” She leaned in for a kiss, but diverted at the last second to drink the rest of her martini. “Is that why Cup gets you so excited? Those plump flanks, those wide hips…” Shining Armor sighed. “It’s a cosmic joke. I’ve got a breeding fetish, but I can’t get the job done myself.” She shushed him with an actual kiss this time. “You get the job done plenty. You’re my soul mate just as much as Carrot is Cup’s. Our hearts beat as one, our magics flow together. That means that this foal is going to be more yours than Carrot’s. He’s just adding the biological kick we need.” Shining Armor knew she was right. Hadn’t they scoured Equestria for months trying to find just the right couple? Not just stallion with viable sperm, but one whose soul was tied to another. Once Cadance’s love magic had pinged on the Cakes, it had still taken weeks of studying and several dream-walks with Luna before they were sure the earth pony couple was their best bet of conceiving. As an added bonus, it had also helped them in figuring out the couple’s kinks. Cup Cake’s interests aligned perfectly with Shining Armor’s. She loved being cream-pied, something Shining Armor could more than help her with. As for Carrot Cake? The stallion was a sucker for dirty talk. Lucky for him that Cadance’s mastery of vulgarity was the stuff of legend. Shining Armor’s reflecting was interrupted by the sudden realization that his wife was no longer beside him. Her warm breath on his hardness quickly revealed her location, and he relaxed. “They’re going to feel awkward at first. You know that.” “Of course.” Cadance drew her tongue across the hot flesh. “Isn’t that part of the fun? Easing the vanilla ones out of their shells?” “Well, I just want to make it easier for them.” “What did you have in mind.” “I’m not sure.” He tossed the last of his drink back and smiled. “ Maybe we could play a game?” Cadance didn’t answer. It’s rude to talk with your mouth full. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It was two days later when the knock came at their door. Carrot stood from the table and wiped his mouth. “Just a moment!” He looked at his wife and grinned. “Don’t get up. I’ll get it.” As if she could get up at all in her current state. Cup Cake couldn’t even answer. She was spread eagle and limp on the table, her mound and teats still slick from her husband’s saliva and the remains of the cream that had come with their strawberries. They’d honestly meant to have a quiet breakfast, but Carrot had seen her teasing the tip of her strawberry, and… Well, he’d had his breakfast in the end. It hadn’t been quiet, though. She shook off her latest orgasmic haze and laughed. Truthfully, the table was one of the few places in the suite they hadn’t fucked on yet. Might as well check it off the list. It was only day two of their vacation, and already they’d defiled almost every piece of furniture and surface in the place. At this rate, they’d have to arrange another trip to the spa to find someplace new there to make love. Besides the steam room they’d sixty-nined in, of course. Cup felt sore in all the right ways, ways she hadn’t felt since college. Something about being so far from home, from the twins, from Pinkie, had awakened something in her and her husband that had lain dormant for years. They could barely keep their hooves off one another. They fell asleep in erotic bliss and usually woke each other up with wandering tongues. It was like they were kids again. She didn’t know if it was the situation, the location, or something else, but she knew one thing; She didn’t ever want it to end. She heard the suite’s door shut and craned her neck to look at him. She smirked and gestured down at her legs, still spread. “I think you missed a spot.” He smiled weakly. “Honeybun… I think it’s time.” Something was in his mouth. Cup forced herself to sit up so she could see the manila envelope held in his teeth. “Is that from them?” He nodded. “That Coconut pony gave it to me. It… it, uh…” His nostrils flared and his cock, still hard from earlier, flexed and slapped against him. “I can smell her on it.” Cup rolled off the table and quickly cleared the messy remains on their breakfast away. She watched as he placed the package on the table, and now she could smell it, too. Every mare had her own “brand,” so they said, but there was no mistaking the tell-tale scent of a mare in season. It was light, but it was there. Cadance had left her mark on it like the echo of a lost kiss. Cup looked from it to her husband and was stunned at the sudden intensity of his arousal. If just this little bit was doing this to him… …what would happen when he reached the source? With slightly trembling hooves, he reached out, opened the envelope, and shook out the contents; a letter and two vials of pink potion. The vials had no labels, but they glowed with a magic all their own. The Cakes leaned forward, swallowed hard, and read the message; Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cake, As you can probably tell, Cadance’s heat has hit right on schedule. We ask that you join us in the Celestial Suite this evening just after ten to get started. Enclosed are two vials of a special serum of Cadance’s own design. We’re well aware that you two have been enjoying yourselves, but we do need you at full strength this evening. The serum will restore you to a fully rejuvenated state. Please drink it twelve hours before you join us for it to take full effect. We do ask that once you drink the serum, you refrain from any further bedroom activities until this evening. We need you both in full form. Hope you’re enjoying your stay, and we can’t wait to see you tonight! -Shining Armor PS: Are you two familiar with the game Truth or Dare? “Hmm… now I wonder why he’s asking aboUAHHHH!” Cup squealed as her husband lifted her bodily into the air with a strength not belied by his thin limbs. He tossed her onto the nearby couch and loomed over her, a manic glint in his eye. “Carrot! The potion!” “We have to drink it twelve hours before we go see them.” He snorted, the scent of Cadance’s heat driving that deep down primal part of him wild. “…how long do we have?” Cup asked, her legs already partying, her pussy already winking. Carrot glanced at the clock on the wall “Eight minutes.” “More than enough ti…!” He was already inside her.