Bonding by Contrast

by Foxy Socks

First published

Two ponies are separated by their respective sections in Canterlot. Even so, they still try to maintain their friendship, even risking trouble.

In the city of Canterlot, two corners of Night and day lie. Built to house the heads of Luna and Celestia's royal guard, it would seem they would have been perfect. The reality is, the difference between them create a barrier between two friends.

Honey Suckle and Stellar Night struggle to keep their friendship, but their parents want nothing to do with each other.

Belonging to the Day Corner

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A lonely, exhausted, deep blue pegasus with amethyst colored hair sat outside her Canterlot home. Waiting for the sunrise, she struggled to keep her eyelids open, gazing toward the horizon. She was lucky to have a home near this view, otherwise she would have the many structures of Canterlot in her way. Here, she had in her opinion the best view in the city.

Her home was near the edge of the city, opposite from the mountain and nearby the castle. It was an expensive home only the wealthiest of ponies could have, and her family was no exception. Having history of being affiliated with Princess Luna and her royal guards, the family status was quite high, and so were expectations from them. For the dark pegasus watching for the sunrise, she should have been grateful for that. In reality, however, she couldn't have been more miserable.

There it was. A faint, but unmistakable glimmer on the horizon. The pony imagined Princess Celestia standing on the castle balcony, slowly and carefully raising the sun itself. Faint reds began to emerge over the minutes. Reds turned to orange, and orange to faint yellow. The pegasus stood up, taking the entire view in. This is what she waited for, staying up late just to see this wonderful sight.

She raised her bat-like wings, shining in the daylight. Finally, the best part had come. The sun rose up, illuminating the entire sky in a veil of light, only half risen now. It was the most beautiful thing the pony could imagine. Why was such a common occurrence so fascinating to her? Why was she so fixated on it like she had never seen it before? What made her stay up all night just to see it?

Such an answer lied in her family history.

"Stellar! Stellar where are you?" a motherly but stern voice called. "Don't tell me you snuck out and..."

But it was too late, Stellar, the bat-winged deep blue pegasus with amethyst colored mane and tail, was already asleep.

"You think we can do this again next Wednesday?" Star Bud, a gray Unicorn asked a peach colored carrot maned pegasus.

"Definitely! I love meeting new friends like you, and I doubt there is anything else for me to do that day anyway. See you later!" The Peach pony replied. With that, they part, but not before Star says her farewell too.

"See you later then Honey Suckle!"

Honey Suckle walked off to her side of Canterlot, a path that would take a few minutes. It was a longer path for sure, but Honey Suckle loved to take longer routes, with the potential of meeting new friends, or finding new places to explore. Walking around the city was one of her favorite things to do, besides spending time with her friends.

That time she could count five new ponies she had never seen, and while she would have liked to talk to them too, she had to be home soon. Quietly, she sang a cheerful tune that puts her in a relaxed, carefree state. It was a warm, comfortable afternoon. One that could put any pony at ease. Even ponies who have had the worst of days that day could have their mood change. In most of the town's opinion, it was a perfect spring day.

She walked and walked, passing new shops, houses, and friends walking together. Some friends, she recognized.

"Hey Day Showers! I haven't seen you in a while!" The Honey Suckle said to a surprised Unicorn. Day Showers was a unique pony for being a Unicorn with weather as their talent, as Pegasi mostly dealt with weather. It made him quite easy to remember.

"Hey, I remember you! Aren't you Honey Suckle? I haven't seen you in a while," Day replied.

"I know, what brings you here? I mean, I never seen you around where I live before. What a coincidence, huh?"

"What do you mean? I live here remember?" Day said, pointing to the sign that said his neighborhood. "Are you lost?"

"What? What do you... oh. Oh no! See you later!"

Honey ran, leaving Day confused. Not today she thought. My parents will be upset if I don't come home by seven... Worried, she galloped faster, trying to find out where she was. Everything seemed different. Nothing was recognizable. Where was she? What time was it? Honey pushed herself harder as she frantically looked for anything familiar.

Nothing. Nothing at all, though something did catch her attention. Nopony was out. Not a single one. It was eerily quiet, giving Honey an uncomfortable feeling. If I could find somepony maybe I could ask them for help. Why didn't I just ask Day Showers? I shouldn't have been so anxious to get home. Mom's going to kill me...

"Hello? Anypony here?" She called out. Nopony replied. Honey Suckle was losing hope, thinking she may spend the rest of her weekend here at this rate. That is, until she came across one of the most beautiful mansions she had ever seen. Honey Suckle had lived in one herself, but nothing could compare to the one before her eyes. There had to be somepony there, and Honey was determined to find out. Walking up to the door, embossed with a royal night guard, she brought fore-hoof up to knock, before she was interrupted by someone next to her.

"If you need help, I'm right here. I don't think anyone in there cares for outsiders. Or would want them on their property."

"Who are you?" Honey asked.

"Stellar Night. You're in the Night Pony corner. I wouldn't stay here long, especially with bright colors like you."


"Nopony here likes anypony to wake them up. If they see you they may think you're from the Day Pony side trying to bother them and..."

"I am from the Day Pony corner. My family works in Celestia's royal guard," Honey reluctantly said, afraid she would get in more trouble.

"Well, then I'd definitely not mess around here. Luna knows what would happen then. Night Ponies prefer to keep to themselves, in case you haven't already got that," Stellar said with a smirk.

"Well, at least now I know I am going in the opposite direction. See you Ste-" But the pony was already gone.

Honey arrived at home exactly at 7:50 pm. Her mother, Petal Glow, was not happy at all with her tardiness. "What would Celestia think if one of her future Royal Guards can't even come home on time? I am very disappointed in you Honey. Perhaps I should not let you out at all at this rate."


"Excuses are not tolerated. From now on if you break curfew you will not be allowed back for a week. Where did you wander off?"

"Well, the Night Pony corner..." Honesty was something Honey was good at.

"What were you doing over there? They wouldn't appreciate your being over there. Though I doubt they have much work to do, interrupting them would not end well. There is no need to be there."

"Yes, mom," Honey said, walking through house to her room.

Being in Celestia's Day Pony family was not easy. For one, being home before dark (Even though it wouldn't until at least 8:00), so that she would get adequate rest for the next day. She had to attend special classes dedicated for students born in the family, and so on. Honey Suckle never really imagined herself in the royal guard. While she cared for the Princess, she didn't feel like having such a boring responsibility. Having been born in such a family though, made it impossible to change her fate. At least at this rate.

Honey Suckle's family consisted of half pegasi and half unicorns. Mostly pegasi would be in the royal guard, while unicorns are encouraged to become scholars in magic, pressured into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns (though most do not qualify). It was a tradition that lasted for centuries, long before Princess Luna's return. Only recently had she gotten her own section, which until that day Honey had no idea what was inside.

She thought of what it must be like to live only in the night. To rarely see day, to sleep through mornings, noons, afternoons, and wake up during the evening, rarely seeing the sun at it's brightest. She couldn't imagine how strange and foreign it must make one feel to be out only when most ponies are asleep. It sounded fascinating to her, much better than just what she was doing. Even if it was similar to what she had done, she, without a doubt would enjoy it more. Such a night based life not only fascinated her, but it made her jealous of the Night Corner.

Honey suckle wanted to be in the Night Ponies. Far more than being in the sun. It was quite a strange thought for Honey, who lived for the social occasions during the day, but such occasions make her tired, and, she could find new ways to have friends during the night. At least that's what she thought.

As she reached her room she suddenly had an idea. A simple one, but it was risky, as she could get in trouble. She already made plans for the next few hours. Honey smiled as she sat on her bed.

Blossoming Friendship

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At exactly midnight Honey Suckle woke up. Her alarm was hidden under her bed so that she didn’t wake anypony else up. Slowly and carefully, she inched out of bed, walking toward the door. All right I can do this. I just have to get through this first... She looked back toward her bed, hoping no one would notice her being gone. While her mother did worry, she wasn't bad enough to keep a constant watch on her.

Sneaking out of the house was the most difficult part. There were a few guardponies standing throughout the house, and while they might not pay mind to her, she couldn’t risk anything. She would go through the top floor where she was, to the balcony, and fly down to the bottom.

The balcony was on the far side of the floor, taking her a few minutes to sneak through. Honey Suckle wondered if it would work at all. She was lucky enough nopony worried about her leaving, as they had too many other things to worry about than a pony sneaking out, that was, unless she was caught.

Getting to the balcony was quite uneventful, and she managed to walk out to it. Honey slowly closed the door behind her, and stood for a moment, taking in the beautiful view of the sleeping city. Once she was down she would not have to worry about much, as ponies sometimes do walk through the streets even at that late hour. Honey climbed over the railing, and spread her wings out, careful not to make a sound. She would have to fly toward an area where she wouldn’t be seen, as guards were outside as well. Honey leaped from the balcony, using her wings as guidance toward a shadowed section.

She swiveled her head around, to make sure she wasn't seen. Nopony was nearby or in view, so she felt relieved. Honey swiftly trotted to a row of hedges surrounding the perimeter, which gave her a place to hide. However, she was not planning to hide all night, so she quietly peeked above the hedges, to make sure she was alone. Nothing. Honey climbed over, and galloped toward the end of the yard, flying over the fence. Looking back to make sure she wasn't seen for a last time, she continued on.

The rest of her journey was quite simple, as she remembered the path, despite being in a hurry earlier. Walking away from her house, she began to feel anxious. What if somepony checked on her and found her missing? Would she get back without disturbing anypony? Honey sighed, and turned her eyes toward the night sky. It was certainly beautiful to her. Even more so than the day, and it was much easier to the eyes to look at. Even calming. Honey almost forgot where she was going and looked back toward her goal.

Passing unfamiliar buildings, she know she was on the right track. Honey looked around, feeling strange to be out at such a late hour. She then began to worry if Stellar wasn't out. Honey then thought her idea may not have been the best, and that she should turn around. She was doing the riskiest thing she had ever done, and she couldn't have even began to imagine the consequences should she be caught. She took a deep breath, and continued on, hoping everything would work out.

Eventually, she spotted an area brighter than the rest. While a few lights were on in the city at night, nothing compared to this. Everyone was awake in that area, and Honey knew she was on the right track. All the Night Ponies would be working and up at night, and it was the perfect time to find one.

“I knew you’d come back for trouble.”

Honey turned to see Stellar Night only feet away from her, giving her a stern look. “I don’t ask for trouble at all, I just wanted to introduce myself properly to you...” Honey stammered.

“Why introduce? Don’t you have your own place you can be and meet others? Why here?” Stellar asked.

“Well, I find this side, fascinating. Beautiful even. I may even appreciate the night more than the day.”

“Appreciate it for what? I find it incredibly boring. Why would a Day pony be so interested in night? That only is asking for trouble.”

“Well...” Honey said. “I don’t know, I just find it more relaxing than the daytime. I’m sure you’d understand right?”

“I wouldn’t as I’d never been out during the day, and I doubt you’ve ever been out at night either.”

“How about we become... friends? And learn about each other? Maybe that would help our understanding.”

Stellar had a surprised look, before turning cold, saying “I don’t need friends from your side. Goodbye.”

“Wait-” Stellar had already took off, gliding silently with what Honey noticed were bat-like wings. Honey Suckle wouldn’t give up though. She took off after Stellar, who was still in her view. Stellar noticed and quickly gave up, landing not far from her home.

“You can’t fly very far can you?” Honey asked Stellar, noticing she couldn’t keep up the chase for long.

Panting, Stellar replied, “So? I never cared for it. Nor for any other ponies. Why are you following me? Go home.”

“You have beautiful wings, Stellar.”

Stellar was taken aback with the compliment. Being complimented was something Stellar was not used to, in fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she was. She thought about it. It made her even more confused to why a pony from the opposite side would ask that. While they may not be enemies, each corner preferred to be by themselves, and not bothered by the other.

“...You really want to be friends?”


“Fine, but do not let anypony know of us.”

“Sure thing!” Honey ecstatically replied, glad she started a friendship. She hoped it would last.

“What do you want to know?”

“What is it like being in the Night Corner? Do you really hate it as much as you’d said?”

“It’s not what I prefer, I much prefer being out during the day. It’s much prettier if you ask me.”

“But you said you’ve never been out then,” Honey said confused.

“Not really, but I sometimes watch the sunrise. It’s the most beautiful thing, and it makes me wish to stay up during the day. I envy you. Hey, I don’t even know your name. How can we be friends without me knowing that?”

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I am Honey Suckle.”

“Typical Day Pony name. All cute and whatnot.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Stellar chuckled. “Nothing. I just wish I could be in your place. Mine isn’t that interesting.”

“Tell me what it involves at least!”

“Well, for one I stay up all night only at night, but you already know that. Nothing much happens then, but they say it’s the most important time to be awake. We protect not only Luna, but Celestia too, as at night the castle would be most vulnerable. I’m too young for anything, but I spend most of my nights studying. You can learn a lot just from that, and I had a lot of time when I wasn’t being lectured by my parents.”

“You study? I’d never have time for that!” Honey said giggling.

“Is there a problem with that? What would you do then?”

“Well I spend a lot of time with my friends-”

“Here there is not chance for that. Everypony else is asleep, and I become sick of the rest of the Corner to spend time with any of them. It’s the same old thing. I wish I was allowed up during your time. I hate it sometimes.”

“Well, what if you did what I am doing now? Then, we can both appreciate both times!”

“Where would I go?”

“Oh I know plenty of places trust me. How about at 3:00 at the Celestial park then? In the afternoon I mean.”

“I don’t know. I’d get in massive trouble if I was caught out at that time.”

“Same for me now.”

“True.” Stellar said as she considered it heavily. Sure, it was risky, but this was the only friend she had. This could be her chance to learn something new. To be out at the time she wanted to. To appreciate the day, at least once. "Wouldn't I be caught though? I look pretty obvious being a night pony. And you're lucky I found you so quickly, as the others wouldn't appreciate your being here."

"Well, perhaps you can wear something to cover your wings and mane? There must be something we can do," Honey said.

“Maybe. I can’t be positive though, so don’t be surprised if I’m not there.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will be. See you tomorrow then!”

"Make sure you don't let anypony on this side see you, they already have yesterday and were talking about it."

"All right!" And with that, they both parted for the night, leaving Stellar to contemplate the next day.

It was almost noon when Honey woke up, though it wasn't a problem that day as she had nothing to do except to meet her new friend. She spent the rest of the morning worrying about Stellar. Maybe she won't come, after all it was a stupid idea. She hadn't known Stellar long, and maybe they would get cold feet, however, she wouldn't know for a few more hours anyway. Even worse was that unlike nighttime, day made it much easier to be seen. Honey had realized, however, Stellar was mostly silent, whether walking around or flying. Perfect for such a situation. Thinking about that gave her some hope, even if it didn't completely rid her of her anxiety.

At noon Honey went out, as she usually liked to go out most of the day, and walked around like usual. The day wasn't as sunny as the previous one, though it was acceptable. The weather wasn't scheduled to be rainy until later in the evening, so she didn't have much to worry. She headed around the Celestial park, which was a few acres in size, being the major park in Canterlot. Dozens if not hundreds of ponies could be seen there at any time. Hopefully it would be easy for a dark pony to blend in. It wasn't time to worry yet though.

"Hey Honey! What are you doing here?" Apple Stars, a friend of her's asks.

For the next few hours Honey met a few of her friends, having to explain she couldn't be with them for long. As she left them, her stomach dropped at a sudden realization. She never said where to meet except for the Celestial park, which was a huge area to search for a specific pony. She could spend hours scouring the crowds to see if Stellar was there. She could even be searching for nothing if Stellar doesn't show up. Well, she is pretty recognizable. Not too many dark colored ponies around, at least not as she is. But if I could easily recognize her, wouldn't the others? She walked back toward the park, looking for likely areas that Stellar would appear if she chose so. There were a few areas with trees she could hide, but quite a few ponies had already occupied that spot to rest in the shade. I sure wish I could rest there with Stellar. Maybe no one will notice her. Aw who am I kidding?

It was 2:45 in the afternoon, Stellar could arrive at any moment. If she was early, at least. Honey Suckle didn't really think Stellar was the early type though. She looked around once more, through the sea of ponies to find the one, who could potentially be the most obvious. After a few minutes of this however, she became tired and sat down. Unable to check the time at her location, she could have only assumed it was about three. Her eyes wandered off to the many strangers or friends in the park, playing, talking, or just relaxing. Though she had many friends, she felt that Stellar was special. She had to come that day, or else they may never meet again. Oh don't be silly, I could always come back and meet her like last night. She had only met her twice, but she felt something special.

It was well after the designated time, and Honey became more worried than ever. She might have to give the whole thing up and go home. Maybe all this trouble wasn't worth the risk for Stellar. She was so consumed in worry she didn't even notice a pony sit next to her.

"Why do I have to be the one to find you?" Stellar's voice asked.

Honey was shocked as she could barely notice that the pony next to her was Stellar. She was wearing a cyan and magenta dress, covering even her wings, along with a wide lavender sunhat obscuring her mane and most of her face. It was so over-sized it flopped around when she made the slightest movement. It did do the job, however.

"S-Stellar! Sorry, I didn't expect you-" Honey started

"You were the one who came up with this meeting weren't you? You could have sat in a more obvious place, since it took me a long time to find you."

"I was trying to find you!"

"Wouldn't it be easier for me to hide my looks and find you? Didn't you realize that?" Stellar smiled when she saw the face of realization on Honey.

"Oh. That sounds like a better idea to me. So, what should we do? What should we talk about? Nopony is near us to hear us talking at least."

"You really should think your plans ahead. I don't know. I guess I could start with things I like. I love daytime like I already told you. I also found out that I love animals too! Diurnal or nocturnal. I don't even really have a favorite, though I do like to study different kinds of birds the most."

"Really? I never gave them as much thought, but then again I haven't been studying like you have. You must know so much more!"

"Doubtful. You at least get a chance to see most of them. I wouldn't be able to find many during the night."

"What about nocturnal animals? You said you didn't mind."

"Yeah, but those are harder to find, and besides, I'm not one to go out much anyway."

Honey wondered a moment, before asking, "Why not look for some now? I'm sure we can find a few birds about now. Wearing that, ponies will just assume you are a friend of mine."

"I am," Stellar said with a chuckle, before continuing, "Let's go then."

While Canterlot may not have a large population of animals due to it's urban area, it didn't stop a few small birds or other animals to wander about. Honey Suckle and Stellar Night wandered the grassy field in search of avians. It didn't take them long to see a common gray bird.

"I see one Stellar, it's a pigeon! They are a common sight around here."

"More specifically, a rock dove. They aren't technically native here as they originated from far northwest of here. Of course, they were introduced, and spread like wildfire in these areas. They are mostly monogamous."

"Well, somepony has been studying. It isn't even that interesting of a bird. They can be quite annoying."

"Maybe not interesting to you, and if you understand them, they don't seem to be that bad. They seem like rather cute creatures to me," Stellar replied just as the bird flew away. "You become fascinated in even the simplest animals when studying them."

"Really? What else can you tell me?"

"Follow me."

For the next few hours the friends walked around the park, identifying different birds. Though the city wouldn't have too many, Stellar found each one unique and fascinating. Honey became interested too, learning more about the different species in the area, then leading to discussions about them in other areas too. "Populations of the western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo have been declining, though some ponies think that there isn't enough a difference between the eastern and western to change their taxonomic status, hey are you listening?!"

"Oh yeah, sorry." Honey did find quite a bit of it boring though.

They talked and talked, observing and overall enjoying each other's friendship. By the end of the day they both had learned a few things, mostly Honey. Everything was well, until Stellar had a sudden realization.

"Oh no! It's already late! My parents will chew me out for sure!" Stellar yelled.

"There's still time. It's only 7:28... Oh no! I was supposed to be home too!"

"Well, when will we meet again?" Stellar asked with a bit of panic in her voice.

"How about we meet at night, tomorrow night, then? Then we can have a day of rest."

"I guess, as long as I am allowed out again. See you then!"

The two ponies ran to their respective sections as fast as they could.

Stellar Friends

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Stellar Night couldn't wait for her next meeting with Honey. When she returned from being out at an odd time, she was lucky enough for nopony to notice her gone by then. Getting back in was a bit of a risk, but she managed to successfully do it. She had wondered how many more times she could do it though.

She wandered the halls, not having much to do that hour, trying to figure out what to do with Honey visiting. It would have to be at night for the best experience, but all of the ponies on her side were awake by that point, making it hard to find a way for their meeting to be secret. She debated to herself telling her parents, but knowing them they would not approve. She didn't think they approved of anything involving the outside for her. Thinking hard, Stellar had an idea. A risky one, but if she could manage to pull it off, it would be worth the risk.

With a slight smile on her face, she explored the building she was so used to being in, examining it. The halls were long, cold, and empty, with a darkness surrounding it. There was not much light in it, and everything was a dark color, pillars, walls, and even the floor. It was like striding into the very idea of night itself. Hundreds if not thousands of glimmering specks appeared on the ceiling and upper walls, resembling the stars. Each speck placed carefully, modelling the patterns of the stars in the night sky. Due to Canterlot being a city, it was the most detailed view of the sky they usually got.

Stellar stopped for a moment, before thinking to herself, I know the perfect place... She galloped down the comforting coolness of the night halls, toward the library. It was a distance with the mansion being so large, and Stellar was panting when she got there. There were two massive wooden doors, with them carved intricate designs of constellations, and the sky itself, a familiar sight in the building. Pushing the doors open, the library sprawled on, with dozens of bookshelves that even Stellar had yet to completely consume the knowledge of. It was her favorite place in the whole mansion, if not the world. "This is perfect!" She said to herself, planning the rest of the night. The next night would be a fun one, she hoped.

When she was done planning, Stellar went to bed "early", hoping everything would work out. She would miss the sunrise in the morning, but even that couldn't compare to impressing her new and only real friend.

Stellar woke up at 6:40 in the afternoon, a little earlier than she liked to. Gold and crimson radiated from her stained glass window, one of the few bright things in her home. While the sleepy rays usually dozes her off more, she didn't allow that to happen that night. There was much to be done.

While it was still "early," Stellar raced down the halls, heading for the library. While normally she would go there to relax and study and read the vast selection (though not as large as the Canterlot library), She went toward the back, which mostly contained books that would to other ponies probably seem boring. It was fortunate for Stellar as there was a window she had planned to use as an entrance for Honey, and the lack of ponies there would help. Not that there were multitudes of them in the library, but there were a few that would come there frequently.

Hoping it would open easily, Stellar unlocked the window, before giving it a powerful vertical thrust. It hadn't been opened a lot, but it scraped its way up, enough for her to be satisfied. Stellar quickly shut it again, as she was just checking. She did, however, leave it unlocked. It was improbable anypony would check for it. It was a weakness most ponies didn't even know of.

Stellar sat next to the window, reading, but found it a challenge to pay attention due to her excitement. Though she may not look it from another's point of view, she can become emotional and caring, at least when she cared about something. Stellar grew tired, as she woke up earlier in the night, or later in the afternoon depending on how one views it. Before she know it, her eyelids closed, leaving her asleep.

Honey Suckle went out on what would be her third time to meet Stellar. Even still, she had to be careful not to be caught, though she seemed to have gotten by easily that time. She headed towards Stellar's home, which that time she was determined to walk through. Honey wasn't worried about being noticed though, as she was wearing something of her own that night. She wore a dark blue dress covering most of her body, with a violet hood covering most of her mane and face. She could still see, however.

She made it to the impressive mansion only a few minutes early, as Stellar wasn't one known to be punctual. She kept her distance from the fence, looking for any sign of her friend, but she couldn't see her. Not again. Doesn't she know where to find me?

"Halt, young mare. I haven't seen you in the area before, what is your purpose being here?" A stern voice called only a few feet from where Honey was standing. She looked up to see a Night Guard, a tall gray stallion, who was staring directly at her. He didn't seem happy.

"Oh, sorry, I was just passing through, you see, I live not far from here..." Honey stammered.

"Really? I cannot allow you to pass through so close as a stranger though. Please remove your hood so I can see you better."

Honey started to panic. If they found out she was from the other side, surely things would only get worse. She maybe could pass if she wasn't so vibrantly and sun colored, but there wasn't much she could do. Slowly lifting her left hoof, she brought it to her hood, about to push it off, before hesitating for a moment. She thought about running, though she surely would only escalate the situation. Sighing, she pushed it off, revealing her carrot mane and her violet eyes.

"I see you aren't from here. I advise you leave this area immediately and never return. I do not tolerate trespassing into this area."

"I am sorry, I just became lost..."

"Leave, now before I alert the others. This is your only warning."

Honey sighed, looking down, before suddenly she heard hoofsteps behind her. She tensed, even though he didn't call the others, she assumed they were more of the Night Guards that took notice. Honey couldn't move; she could only close her eyes. She expected the worst.

"Excuse me for bothering you sir, but I think I can handle things from here. I can have her pass through here quietly without any problems, I promise," Stellar said behind her.

Honey didn't say anything, as she knew she had to play along.

"Is that you, Stellar? I apologize, but I have not seen her before and could only do what I could. I would advise you don't get into too much trouble here and that I should do it. You don't know what she might try."

"Trust me, she seems harmless to me. Besides, even if she isn't from here why can't she pass through, at least once?"

"As long as you are sure. Please alert us if there is any trouble with her," the guard said, giving a cautious look toward Honey.

"Don't worry. I will have everything under control." Stellar then motioned for Honey to follow her, intending to walk her away from the guard. Honey followed, and soon they were out of sight.

"Not many ponies are out," Honey said to Stellar.

"Why would they? They mostly like to stay inside if they can. It's rare to see one outside."

"I see, everypony else I know is frequently out though, not just from my side. Your family is quite strange,"

"Indeed they are. Now be quiet, I know how we can get inside."

"You do?"

"Shh! What did I just say?" Stellar said scolding Honey, pointing toward the side of the house. Honey had many questions, but decided to keep them to herself. She was worried as she had never gone inside before, but she obeyed Stellar and sneaked around the side, toward a dark, unnoticed corner. Honey wouldn't have noticed it herself had it not been pointed out.

"We're going to climb through the window, I unlocked it. It leads to a mostly empty section of the library. Wait for me to go first. I'll tell you if it's okay to enter, alright?" Stellar whispered.

"All right," Honey said in an equally quiet voice. She watched Stellar fly up with her silent bat wings, carefully reaching the window. With a little effort, she pushed it up to open it, and pulled herself inside. It seemed efficient and simple to Honey, and her wings flapped a few times before she remembered to wait for a signal.

Only a few seconds later Stellar peered out of the window motioning for Honey to come up. Honey did so, flapping her wings wildly as she was not one who was skilled in flying. This created excessive noise, which was audible from inside the library. Stellar shouted, "Quiet! You're going to get us caught!" When Honey finally reached the window, Stellar pulled her through, which was a bit of a squeeze due to the window not being made for ponies to climb through easily. Stellar and Honey both let their guard down when finally in.

It was then that Stellar noticed hoofsteps coming toward her, giving her only seconds to react. "Oh no! Quick! Get behind the bookshelf!" Stellar pushed Honey toward one, and could only hope she made it on time.

"I see you're back again Stellar. I'd imagine you'd run out of things to find here," the librarian said, who was an orange, but not too brightly colored mare. "I heard quite a bit of noise over here, do you need help with something?"

Stellar's mind raced as she tried to come up with an excuse for the commotion. "Oh, well, I was trying to reach that book up over there, but it seems a bit out of reach." Stellar pointed at a random book on the shelf.

"I thought you were a pegasus, nothing should be out of your reach."

"Well, um, my wings are tired from earlier and I can't really use them right now." Her words were partially true, they were tired as she had been practicing her flying before Honey came by.

"Alright then, though you should really ask for help before you try to disturb others here." The librarian reached over and easily removed the book from the shelf. It looked quite familiar to Stellar. "Wait a second, didn't you read this before?"

"Yeah, but I liked it so much, that I would love to read it again." Stellar replied with a smile.

"'An in Depth Lesson of the History and Culinary Influence of the Equestrian Egg Beater?"

"Um yep, that's the one!" Stellar took the book from the librarian, who she noticed roll her eyes, and waited for her to leave.

"You can come out now," Stellar whispered. Honey came right out, looking curiously at Stellar.

"You actually read that before?"

"What? I was bored one day," Stellar said before putting it down. "That's the great thing about these places, you can find books on just about anything, at least one this big."

"Really? When I read I prefer fictional stories, not so much this section."

"Well I never really go there, as what's the point wasting time on silly stories? I prefer to get real information."

Honey smiled, replying, "I'm sure if you read some you'd find some interesting ones. What's not to like?"

"Well, for one they are filly's stories. All silly and not interesting at all."

"Really? There are plenty that are more for our ages. In fact, there are ones for anypony, you just have to look!"

"Either way it seems pointless. I don't care for fake stories."

"They aren't made to be informational, they are made to be enjoyable to read. Some even are based on historical events in fact," Honey thoughtfully said.

"Well, I don't know. The way you put it doesn't sound too bad..."

"Then follow me! You might like it!"

"Wait, let me lead the way."

"Good idea."

Stellar lead Honey to the opposite side of the library, slowly weaving their way through the shelves before reaching the fiction section, to which Stellar scowled at. She had no interest in those books, even if it took up a large portion of the library.

"Come on, you're missing out, you need to give it a chance. Here, why not this one? It looks interesting." Honey pulled out a book, which she hoped Stellar would take interest in. Honey held it up and showed Stellar. "I haven't read this one before, but we can read it together? What do you think Stell?"

Stellar didn't know what to think of her new nickname, but she sighed. "Alright, but it won't be for long. Besides, we can't spend too much time here." Stellar grabbed the book out of Honey's hooves. She opened it up to where the first page was, and sat down.

"Are you sure we should read it out in the open? I mean other ponies could come by," Honey warned.

"Oh yeah, let's move behind there. We should be able to hide without getting caught." Stellar walked toward a bookshelf that was situated in a corner, and moved it enough for them to hide behind.

Once hidden with Honey, Stellar began to read aloud, which at first seemed to be annoying and embarrassing to her, but she persisted. She was glad when she finally passed it to Honey for her to read the next part. Stellar was impressed that she did it without any hint of nervousness in her voice, as if she enjoyed it. In the meantime, Stellar closed her eyes and listened to Honey. She felt relaxed, absorbing the story and it's words calmly, as it was read. Stellar was able to almost see what was going on with her eyes closed. She imagined the characters and what they wore, with precise detail. She felt the characters as they spoke, as if she was really there. It was quite an adventure for Stellar.

"Your turn."

"Wait what? Huh? Oh right..." Stellar sat up and read again, become slowly more confident in reading. As the night wore on, they continued to switch places, from telling and listening, and Stellar's voice became less nervous and more loud and confident as she read. They both lost track of time, and only when the daylight shone through the windows had Stellar and Honey realized they were late.

"Alright, we'll go through the same way, I mean, you will," Stellar told Honey. She hesitated a moment, before continuing, "You know, next time... could we do the same thing again? I mean we haven't finished the story yet so..."

"You actually enjoyed it?" Honey smiled as she spoke. "I thought you said you had no interest in it."

"I didn't. At least then. I don't know, but I can't stand not knowing what happens next. You know what I mean?"

"I do, and feel free to read it on your own."

"I prefer to read it with you though."

"Alright then, see you next time, and oh, meet me again the day after tomorrow at the park again. Same time!" Honey quickly left after that, leaving Stellar alone in the library.

Honey Suckle and Stellar Night continued to meet for two months, with Honey showing Stellar around the park and the surrounding areas, and Stellar not only reading but taking Honey around different areas around the mansion. The two had a very strong friendship, and they almost could consider themselves family despite being so different.

Stellar grew an interest in the day, and Honey grew an interest in the night. Their love of the opposite time of day they were used to made their relationship unique, but also stronger. Eventually, they realized that perhaps they didn't belong where they were born into, and preferred to be in the other's place.

"I would love to be in your place Honey," Stellar admitted one day. "I feel like I don't belong in the nighttime anymore. I know it must sound strange to you."

"Not at all, I would love to be in your place too, if only we could," Honey also admitted.

"Yeah. If only we could switch places. I don't think my parents would agree, nor would yours. I just don't belong where I am. You know?"

"I guess, but I doubt anytime soon we could do that."


It wasn't long though, before both sides' parents caught wind of what was going on. It started when Honey ran into her father while walking with Stellar one day.


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The day was a comfortable one. One where it felt like a blanket had been draped over you, that the temperature and humidity was just right. These days were not always common, as the temperature had to be right, and it had to rain just enough the day before. Still, it wasn't too uncommon on summer afternoons, and Stellar Night and Honey Suckle both enjoyed it.

"These are the best kinds of days. These and rainy days of course," said a gleeful Honey.

"You actually like those days? I find them quite boring and lame if you ask me. Too depressing," replied Stellar.

"Oh, I just like them. There's nothing wrong with being inside from time to time, and it is quite relaxing to listen to, especially with your eyes closed. You should try that next time, Stell."

"Perhaps, but I prefer sunny, joyful days."

Honey had decided to show her friend around the places she frequented that day, introducing her to her friends. Of course, with Stellar's hood on and Honey just calling her 'Stell,' her other friends didn't notice anything. She had started introducing 'Stell' a few days ago.

"You have such wonderful friends Honey, I wish I could say the same," Stellar said regretfully.

"Oh Stell, you don't have to worry, you're already making more right now! As long as you have me, you'll never run out."

Stellar stayed silent for a while, waiting to be in a more private area before continuing.

"But they don't know who I really am! They don't know I'm some Night Pony; that I don't belong."

"I know, I wish I could see your family too, they seem nice."

"They won't be so nice if they find out who you are. Besides, you've never met them."

The two ceased the conversation as they walked into a crowd. The area was surrounded by many restaurants, and the lingering scent of food filled the area. "Let's sit down for a moment, I'm tired," Honey said. She and Stellar sat down on a nearby bench on the corner of a sidewalk. From there they both could see the opposite buildings. Nopony else sat with them.

They both idly chatted about things that would give Stellar away. After a few minutes they became bored, then tired. The fatigued ponies had been walking for the past two hours with few breaks, and naturally dozed off. Honey tried to stay awake as she didn't want to be late with Stellar, but she soon fell asleep.

The two of them just peacefully slept on the bench next to each other, just glad they could be friends.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a presence emerged. Stellar was the first to notice, slowly opening her eyelids. She was looking at an orange coated blue maned pegasus stallion. Their cute mark was of a city with multiple rays emitting from it. The stallion unknown to Stellar had a curious, yet surprised look, as if he had known whom he was looking at. He was not looking at Stellar.

Stellar realized he must have known Honey, so she shook her awake frantically.

While Stellar was shaking Honey, the stallion began speaking. "I haven't seen you with my daughter before. What would somepony like you have to do with her?" The question was directed at Stellar, who froze. She realized her hat had fallen into her lap, exposing her colors. Before she could do anything, Honey jumped, saying, "Dad! How did you find me here? What do you mean somepony like her?"

"I think it is quite obvious. Her coloration is of a Night pony, one who only causes trouble for our family," the stallion said. He then turned to Stellar.

"You belong to them, correct?"

Stellar could have attempted to lie and say she was not from there and that she was just night colored just by chance, but she didn't think it would work. Besides that, she hated lying to another pony's face.

"Y...yes I am sir. What's wrong with that?" She squeaked.

"I am Radiant Reflection, and you know well that your family are troublemakers, getting in the way of our family's business. I do not want you to be around my family any more. Leave now and do not try to sneak back."

Both Stellar and Honey were distraught. What was a perfect friendship had been severed.

"Also, I have told your family about this, so do not expect to have it easy there either," continued Radiant.

The ponies who could hear part of the conversation gave the two sympathetic looks, wanting to help. One was a shopkeeper stallion who knew Honey quite well, walking up.

The shopkeeper said, "That's a pathetic reason for destroying a friendship. They don't look look they are causing trouble to me. Night ponies never caused trouble, nor have any Day ponies except for you just now. You-"

"I don't care to speak to others about this, and you can be sure to not expect my daughted to speak with you or anypony else not family for a long time." Radiant then dragged Honey off, leaving Stellar alone with the shopkeeper.

Stellar was alone again. It was a chilling, depressing thought. "My only friend is gone," she said quietly. She had tears stream down her face.

"You don't know anypony else?" the shopkeeper asked.

"No, well other than my family, my parents don't allow me with others, even around the same area. They said I didn't need friends with how I am living. I worried this may happen, and now my parents will be out here soon to fond me."

"I could be one of your friends. My name is Simplicity. As the name suggests, I am quite a simple pony."

"Really?" Stellar asked with little enthusiasm, though there was more than a moment ago.

"Indeed, my family has had the dame line of jobs for a while. I never had anything against either of your families, but it infuriates me to see them treat you both like that. You know, most of the Day and Night ponies I see don't have much against each other. It may not be my place, but your parents may both be bad influences on them. I suggest you find out why."

"Thanks, but I really need to go."

"Come by if you ever need help."

"I appreciate it, but I don't think I'll ever be by here again."

Stellar got up, and left toward her section. Halfway there, she met up with her mother, Duskglide, and her father, Silhouette. They did not show much emotion, but they were definitely not pleased.

"How disappointing it is to find you here. We nearly had to go into, the other corner..." said Nightglide.

"Agreed, we are not to see you anywhere like this ever again, and you can be sure being outside will be something you won't be doing for a long time," added Silhouette.

"Why don't you like them?!" Stellar blurted out, hoping to get a better answer.

"We don't need anything to do with Celestia's guard. We are fine on our own. They are just a distraction to us," replied Duskglide. "That is enough for now, come with us."

Stellar had no other choice, so she went along with them.

"Come on! It's not fair that you keep me from other ponies!"

"Honey Suckle, I am fine with you having friends, but of all the ponies you had to choose, Stellar was then wrong choice," Petal Glow said.

"Stellar didn't do anything! I don't see why you have to be against her!"

Honey stormed off, walking outside. She wasn't allowed to go far away from the house, so she sat down in the grass in the front garden. She just sat there, thinking of Stellar, thinking how she could have been part of the Night ponies, now alone. She imagined Stellar felt similar.

She jumped up when she noticed another pony was next to her. They were a colt about her age, who had a cyan coat with tan in their mane and tail. Honey recognized him as Rushing River. Despite his name, he was a quiet, calm pony. His cutie mark resembled that, with a calm pond with a gentle creek flowing into it. "I don't understand them either. Most of us don't have anything against Night ponies. I never did."

Honey sighed. "Yeah I know. I wish they could understand us. They seem to think this is what Princess Celestia wants, and it's not."

"You think she knows? The Princess I mean? She certainly wouldn't be okay with this," asked Rushing River.

"She is too busy, which is understandable. Perhaps everpony is worried about upsetting mother and don't bother. I wish I could..." Honey paused, suddenly as an idea manifested within her mind. "Do it myself... Perhaps I can."

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, Rushing, do you think you could help me? I think I may have a plan. It is very risky, but I need you to help."

Rushing considered, but he needed to know more, so he asked.

"Well..." began Honey, as she proceeded to inform Rushing of the details. After he heard it he hesitated, but then nodded.

"It's risky, but perhaps. I really want to to something, and besides... you're my first friend."


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Rushing River always wanted a friend he could relate to; someone he could talk to. He had been lonely often. He was shy to a fault, but enjoyed helping others when he could. It was how he got his cutie mark after all.

The day he got it he was walking down a calm creek, just like the one in his cutie mark. He was exploring the wilderness next Canterlot at the time, without a care in the world. As he was exploring he heard a cry for help, and he rushed over to save a young filly from drowning in the ponies nearby. While it wasn't particularly deep, the filly he saved was young.

She would have been his first friend, but he never came across her again. Canterlot was a big city, and he didn't even know if she still lived there.

He couldn't waste an opportunity to make a new friend, so he jumped at the idea, seeming a little foolish.

It was 10:00 in the night, and neither of them were asleep. Honey sat in her bed, preparing herself. It wasn't going to be easy, but she had confidence. While her mother had told the guard to watch for Honey, she probably didn't anticipate what Honey was going to do next.

10:05 and all was quiet. Everything was eerily still, until she heard a light tap on the door. She had instructed for Rushing to use it as a signal as he passed by. Honey would wait a few minutes before going out.

Honey did so carefully, watching down the halls, before swiftly making her way for the balcony. As she planned, no one was in the area when she went there. She went to the edge before standing still, waiting for her next cue, which was easy to see.

At 10:12, She saw a small figure walk down the garden, talking to one of the guards. It didn't take them long for them both to leave the area, making Honey leap from the balcony to the garden.

Her flying had improved since meeting Stellar, who showed Honey how to fly quietly. Honey was still new to it, but her quieter gliding made it easier to go by undetected.

Once she made it to the ground she ran toward the street, with only a few unconcerned ponies nearby. Honey walked to the third street down from the mansion, and waited.

Honey planned for Rushing to distract the guards while she escaped by asking them to show him toward an area He tapped lightly on the door to show he was walking through, and he was the figure she saw earlier in the garden.

It was then 10:24. Honey waited a few minutes before Rushing came into view, panting.

"Somehow we didn't get caught. I ran down here in case somepony became suspicious," he said as he panted.

"You know that would probably make them more suspicious," Honey said in a slight sarcastic tone.

"Oh..." Rushing blushed.

"It's alright, just follow me for now."

Honey planned to go to the castle where the Royal Sisters lived, but of Honey had never been there. She also doubted they would just simply let her in, too. She hoped her idea would work.

It felt like forever getting there, half running, half walking. It was 11:16 by the time they got there. They saw the front hate come into view, guarded by a number of ponies, many whom were recognizable from being in the family. Not all were from the head family though. Some simply just joined despite having no affiliations, though it wasn't an easy task.

Honey and Rushing knew what to do next. Without hesitation, Rushing walked up to the gate and announced, "We have an important message for both Princess Luna and Celestia. It is urgent that we..." He was cut off as the Royal guards blocked his path. They seemed huge to him, and he started to panic. "Um, please..."

"Aw how cute."

"Uh, what was that?"

"Look at this, some cute little ones want to see the Princesses," the one in front of Rushing said, pointing toward the two.

"We really need to, it's an urgent um, message," Honey yelled, turning red.

"Aren't they adorable? We can't just disappoint them."

"What about their parents? They don't seem to be nearby," said a gray one.

Honey was furious by that point, angrily yelling, "Please, they aren't with us, we need to see Luna and Celestia now-"

"Aww she is so cute being angry. The Princesses would know what to do anyway."

"You sure?" asked another guard.

"We'll keep an eye on them. Though Luna would be the only one awake now, so we'll see her. How does that sound?" The large guard asked Rushing and Honey.

"Um uh, s-sure?" Honey stuttered. While it turned out differently as planned, it seemed to have worked.

The guards let them through, with four following behind, including the large one. He said, "Luna may be busy, so there is no guarantee... "

"Please, it is of most importance!" Honey said.

"Aww, alright, we'll find her, just a minute."

They reached a huge room, with a massive staircase. Honey and Rushing were told to wait there, and stood waiting.

"You really sure it will work?" asked Rushing.

"I hope so, I didn't expect it to happen this way. I hope they don't tell our parents."

"I know, I really want to see the Princesses, I uh mean to help out."

Honey giggled. "I want to see them too, especially Luna. I haven't seen her in pony before."

They stayed quiet for what felt like hours, waiting. Honey's eyelids started drooping, before Rushing shook her awake.

"There she is!"

Luna's presence was not as intimidating as the two worried. As she descended the stairs, she gave off a calming vibe, with a friendly look. Even from the distance she could be seen smiling.

She was still quite tall, making the two feel smaller. Her mane waved carelessly, yet in a relaxing way. It was beautiful to look at, and reminded Honey of Stellar.

"These two wanted to see you, should we stay here?"

"They're just children, you may leave," Luna said. Honey couldn't believe she was right in front of a Princess.

After the guards left, Honey began speaking. "Your Highness. There is an issue with my and a friend's families. You see, they just don't get a long."

Luna listened with a thoughtful look. "I see. Continue."

"They have to do with your sister's and your respective guard families. They just don't like each other, and-"

"-and they don't allow Honey to be friends with the Night ponies. Same with Her friend and her family," Rushing interrupted.

"I see, that's not a good thing at all. Can you tell me why they don't like it?" Luna asked.

"Well, all they said was that they were a distraction, that's all," Honey said.

Luna was silent for a moment, closing her eyes. Opening them, she said, "I think I should bring my sister into this, come with me."

Luna brought the two with her, up the many stairs to the throne room, down a seemingly endless hallway, before coming to a door with a sun engraved into it. There stood many guards, whom which Luna told politely to have the group alone for the time being.

"Wait here."

Luna went inside for a moment. Not too long after, a beautiful, faint pink Alicorn with a mane of colors similar to Luna's in form, walked out. Her eyes did seem quite droopy, along with her mane having been obviously hastily done.

"Oh goodness, two children. Forgive my look young ones, but I am not normally up for this, what seems to be the problem?" Celestia asked.

"Your Highness," Honey and Rushing said. They proceeded to tell their story, with tears in the process. Both Princesses had a sincere look, though Celestia's did look a little funny with her fatigued appearance. By the end of it both Rushing and Honey were bawling.

"Please... do something about it," Honey asked while crying.

Both sisters knew what to do. "Follow me," Luna told them, bringing them to the throne room. From there Luna told them to wait with her while Celestia left. It was silent for a few moments, but Luna decided to break the silence.

"Something will be done, I promise."

Honey quietly said, "Luna... you're my favorite Princess,"

"Really? I am? Thank you, you don't know how much it means. I have been lonely, and simple compliments like that make my night."

Rushing smiled. "Do you have a special somepony? You know, a coltfriend?" he asked.

Honey nudged him. "Don't ask her that!"

Luna laughed, surprising the two. Her laugh was loud and booming, not at all like they expected.

"I have a special somepony, but they are a marefriend. I've known her for some time. Her name is Foxy."

"Foxy? I don't know if I ever heard of her. I guess I'm surprised you're with a mare, that's all." Honey said.

"You probably wouldn't have heard of her. She's a pony from a small town. Also, there isn't anything wrong with liking mares. Don't always assume something about another pony."

"I guess. Like my parents..."

It was past midnight, but eventually she saw Celestia again, with a more serious look on her face. With her, she brought five ponies behind her. Honey instantly recognized them.

"It's Stellar and our parents!" Honey yelled. They both wasted no time hugging each other, glad they were back together. "Honey, it's good to be back. I know it's only been a few hours, but still."

"I know Stell, I know."

"All right," Celestia began. "I know we haven't always agreed on everything, but my dear sister and I still get along. It is unfortunate to hear the head families of each of our guards have been against each other. Actually, it's only really the four of you," she said directing toward the parents.

Silhouette became nervous. "I apologize greatly your Highness, but I prefer we stay away from each other. They only cause trouble."

Luna started speaking herself. "Really? I see two harmless ponies wanting to be friends. I see nothing wrong with that. I also only have heard problems between you four. From now on we are not to have problems, and if there are, these children should feel free to tell us."

"Yes, I agree. No pony will get in the way of a friendship like this. These two can feel free to come here anytime they please from now on, not just for problems," Celestia said.

"Furthermore these two children, Stellar Night, and Honey Suckle, shall be the new head of their respective families once they are of age-"

"Um, Celestia, I have different ideas," Honey interrupted.

Stellar chimed in, "Me too."

"What is it that you two could possibly want?" She asked.

"Well," Honey began. "I'd much rather be the head of the Night family."

"And I would rather be the head of the Day family too."

"Well then," Luna said. "Let it be so. When they are of age, Stellar Night shall be the head of the Day family, and Honey Suckle shall be the head of the Night family."

Honey and Stellar couldn't believe what was happening. Tears streamed down both of their faces. "The worst day evee turned out to be the best day ever," cried Stellar.

"I think it's time these ponies went to bed. Including you Stellar. You guys can sleep here tonight, or anytime you please. We both have rooms in each of our hallways if you prefer. And don't worry, you can still go back with your families too," Celestia said.

"What about the little colt? We can't just leave him," Luna said motioning toward Rushing.

"Can we have him come here, as a friend?" Honey asked.

"Wait, who is he?" Stellar asked.

"Rushing River. I'll tell you about him later."

"We can let him stay," replied Celestia.

"Really? Thank you so much!" Rushing jumped up and down.

The rest of the night was peaceful, and all ponies slept with ease. The two friends' bond grew stronger every day. Their families became less caustic, finally not only tolerating, but accepting each other.

"Honey Suckle, what I did was wrong, I am very sorry. Is there a way to make it up to you?" Petal Glow apologized.

"Oh mom, you already are," replied Honey, hugging both of her and Stellar's parents.

The two managed to successfully become head of their preferred families, still being friends with Rushing. Rushing found out that the filly he saved was Simplicity's daughter, becoming friends finally.

Though their families had contrast, they still managed to get along, and even accept and love one another.