> Fruit Salad > by Gentian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fruit Salad Vivisection. The studio's name flashes in gaudy pink neon against the dirty night sky. The rain drizzles lightly in the warm, humid air, gluing the platinum mane of a light-yellow unicorn mare to her face. With a heavy sigh, she noses the door open. “Lily!” shouts a large, dark gray mare. “You're here early! Hurry up and get changed, so you can start warming up the next batch.” “But Like, Ms. Stonebox, you said we could like, talk and stuff if I came in early! I want to know about my clothes.” “They're in the dressing room, sugarteats. “No, like, you said you would like, use your connections and stuff, and I would like, totally be a fashion designer if I worked at your company and stuff.” “Yeah of course, Lolly.” “Lily” “Whatever. I'll let you know as soon as I hear from them, sugar. Now get that flank changed, time is money, chop-chop!” “Like O-M-G,” the butter-coated unicorn mumbles as she heads for the stage. “I am soooo not having a good time here. I bet she has to tape down her clit, the roidy bitch” “Hey butter-buns,” a stallion smirks, as he trots up and sticks his penis in her face. “Like, omaigod, I am not butter-colored. My fur is I-vo-ry. And like, get your dick out of my face until I'm changed.” “Shut up bby, you know you luv it.” “I do no-mmppphhh” she says as he mounts her face. “That's it bby, gimme sum succ.” “Lily!” The thunderous voice of Grimey Stonebox erupts behind her. “I don't pay you to suck the stallions off! Just get them up, fluffer, so they can fuck the real stars. 10 bits a stiffy, not 10 bits a facial!” “But like, omaigod...” She said as soon as his dick slid out of her mouth, thick strands of saliva and precum drawing out like ropes, but Ms. Stonebox was already gone. “Oh. My. God.” she mutters again, and trudges toward the stage. Like, Omaigod. Rite? _____________________________ “Are you sure about this, Starlight?” “Yeah, Applejack, trust me. I'm a graduate of Princess Twilight's patent-pending friendship academy. I know a friendship problem when I see it, and you and Strawberry Sunrise have the mother of one!” Strawberry herself trotted along ahead, a smug smile on her face, her head and tail both held high, and to the side. “Bet she's doing that on purpose,” muttered Applejack. “Trying to show off. As if anypony wants to see what she's got.” she said, unable to keep her eyes from focusing on the way Strawberry's marehood glistens in the streetlamps. “I certainly...don...ohhhh, sweet, slurpy cider.” “Quit your bitchin' Horse-Apples, it'll be fun.” Strawberry says, swishing her red tail seductively as she opens the door. “I told you...” “Welcome to Vivisection, fillies. How can I help you?” the receptionist greets them as the door swings open. “Hello!” Glimmer replies. “We're here for the 10 o'clock filming. “10 o'clock?” The mare repeats to herself as her hooves clatter through the rolodex. “Which one would that be, “When Tentacle Met Orifice, or Mechaponypoonanie?” “What in the hay did I let you get me into?” “Don't be a coward, Horse-App...” “AH TOLD YAH NOT TO...” She began, before her voice died inside a teal-colored bubble of silence. “You know, I really can't say,” continues Starlight. “Grimey just said 'the 10:00'” “Ohhhh! Grimey? Then you want Death Mask Productions! Stage 6. You'll be in “The Moon is a Pale Mistress Who Walks the Night With Demons of Dread.” “Oooohhhh, kinky!” coos Strawbery Sunrise, her tail lifted, and rump pressed against the bubble's surface in front of AJ's scowling face. “Sounds like we'll have some fun, Horse-Apples.” AJ explodes and paints the air blue inside the bubble of silence. Strawberry giggles and trots toward the stage door. Starlight follows behind her, dragging Applejack in her aura. As the door closes behind them, a large, muscular mare with a cropped mane, and granite-colored coat trots up to them. “Starlight! You came. Are these the mares?” “You bet!” “I'm Strawberry Sunrise,” said the pegasus. “And this is Horse-Apples,” she said gesturing to Applejack. "I'm gonna lick her strawberry, and she's gonna eat mine, too,” she says with a wink. “She doesn't look very enthusiastic.” “It's a friendship lesson.” says Starlight, all awkward smiles and forced, gauche giggles. “If that's what you wanna call it” says Strawberry in a lilting, sing-song voice. “Well, get her out of that bubble and I'll send somepony over to get you warmed up.” Applejack scowled silently as the bubble melted away around her. “Starlight...” “Oh, Applejack, I'm sorry, but you were going to make a scene. If I've learned anything in Princess Twilight's Friendship Lessons, it's that you do whatever you have to to make sure fights don't happen!” “I don't think that's what Twilight means when...” “I'm the graduate, here mudpo...Applejack.” Strawberry Sunrise snickers to herself, then notices a very familiar pony walking toward them, dressed in a lacy saddle-corset with the teats cut out, and a flowery garter on her right foreleg. “Hey, is that...?” “Lily Lace!” shouts Applejack as she stops in front of them. “What are you doing here?” “I'm like, here to get experience in the fashion and modeling industries. Like, duh.” “Lily...” Warns Grimey Stonebox. “Less talking, more fluffing.” With a sigh Lily rolls her eyes and begins again. “Like, welcome to Death Mask Productions. I'm Lily, your fluffmare. I'm not supposed to finish you, so like, don't ask, but I'll get you, like, worked up and stuff so you can like, perform on the camera. Like, what kind of stuff do you want me to do?” “But Lily, didn't you win the contest at Carousel boutique?” “Yeah, but like, everypony won. Nopony got any like, recognition 'cause, like everypony got it. Ya get it? I need to like, stand out and stuff!” “But...” began Applejack. “Oh hush,” interrupts Strawberry Sunrise. “This sounds like it's all your fault, Horse-Apples. Poor Lily here's just doing what she needs to to get ahead in life. “ “Like, yeah, somepony gets it.” “How in the hay is this my fault?” shouted Applejack. “All I did was try to make everypony happy.” “Well, now you get another chance to make everypony happy!” Chimed in Starlight with a big, awkward, toothy grin. “Just don't start fighting again. Heh, heh.” “Huhhhhhhhhh” sighs Lily with an entirely undisguised impatience. “Yeah, I'll like, do whatever and stuff for you, cause like, it's my job, Horse-Apples,” begins Lily “But this cutie here -” she runs her hoof seductively down Strawberry's flank “- gets like whatever makes her happy. Whatever, makes her happy. Like, kapeesh, and stuff, cutie?” she winks. “You hear that, Horse-Apples?” “Shut up Straw...berry!” “Wo-ho-hooooo.” whistled Strawberry and Lily in unison. “Horse-Apples bringing the bants!” “How about we show her how it's done, Lily?” Strawberry says taking the unicorn under her wing, and waltzing over to the bed, together. Strawberry sits down, and spreads her hind legs, as the unicorn kneels. Lily gives a sneer to Applejack before turning and giving a long, deep lick to Strawberry's puffy marehood. The pegasus takes Lily's head in her wing, threading her prehensile flight primaries through her mane, pulling her face in more firmly, and begins to grind her genitals against the other mare's open mouth. A sharp gasp of unexpected pleasure erupts as her teats glow in Lily's aura. “Ohhhh, zapapples.” drawls AJ, as she suddenly finds her hoof on her own nethers. “You see, AJ?” asks Starlight. “Don't they look like they're having fun? Didn't they become fast friends? You should get in there too!” “Well, I hafta be honest; it does look like more fun than a zebra lynchin', but ah hate that Strawberry! She said apples are bad!” Starlights face lights up with a sudden idea. “Holdstillapplejack!” she says with incomprehensible speed as her glowing horn wacks the earth pony on her muzzle. “Ow! Now what in the hay did you do that for?” “Get in there with them and find out!” She laughs, before forcing her to the bed with telekinesis. Off-balance, and surprised, Applejack gracelessly plummets face-first into Strawberry's wet crotch as soon as Starlight's aura falls away. “Like, wow, Horse-Apples. You just couldn't wait to like, get in there and stuff? Maybe I should have just let you do that to me so I could have won the contest?” “Muh name is...your pussy tastes just like apples!” “Like O-M-G!!!” Starlight prances on tippy-hooves. “It worked! It worked! I knew it would work! Let her taste you now, AJ!” “Yeah, Horse-Apples, let me taste you now!” says Strawberry, pushing her down on the mattress. AJ lies back, as Strawberry Sunrise rolls to her belly, one hind leg dangling off the edge of the bed, and seizes her by her full, earth pony hips. Strawberry roughly drags her into position, and with a look of smug thirst, lowers her eager muzzle to AJ's marehood, while Lily continues licking and sucking the scalding folds under her tail. “Mmmmm....” “Hey Lily, c'mere and tell me if you taste what I do.” Lilly pops out from under Strawberry's tail and crawls between AJ's legs. She glances sideways at Strawberry Sunrise, and takes a tentative lick of Applejack's slit. “Ohmygod! She tastes like strawberry jam!” “Like, I know, right” laughs Strawberry in a mock valley-mare accent, before going back down on AJ. Strawberry and Lily jockey briefly for position before silently agreeing to work together, their tongues swirling and combining in Applejack's sweet, mare-juice dripping folds. Lily takes one of Strawberry's lips lightly in her teeth and pulls her upward to Applejacks teats. She winks, and they each take one in their mouths, and suckle. Applejack's labia spreads from within by Lily's magic, while her nipples harden on their tongues. Strawberry's wings eagerly open and explore Lily's own hot, hungry sex. All at once the trio explode in mutual orgasms. “Cut!” shouted Grimey Stonebox as their sighs fade and breathing calms. “Oh shoot! I like, totally shouldn't have taken you that far!” “Ha! No way, sugarteats! Now you're my newest star!” says Grimey. “No more fluffing for you!” “Like, really?” “Yep, you're gonna be big, Lills. Ponies, and more are gonna watch your privates being penetrated alllllll over Equestria!” “Like, yay and stuff! That'll like, totally help me in the industry, and stuff!” “If you say so, sugarcube,” says Applejack with a shake of her head, before turning to Strawberry Sunrise. “Ah still hate you, Strawberry, but damn do you taste good.” “Fuck you too, Horse-Apples. Really. I wanna fuck you. Every day.” “Ok. Just don't talk about apples like that no more.” “No way! I'm eating Apple for breakfast, lunch, and dinner from now on!” “Well, that's real nice to hear, sugarcube,” says AJ, the double entendre flying right over her head. “So you two are at least sex-friends now, right?” Asks Glimmer, stepping between them with an overly-enthusiastic smile. “Yeah, that'll work” “Yes! Princess Twilight will be so happy!” And they all fucked happily ever after. Unless they were fucking angrily. Or fucking jealously. Or fucking stressfully. Or fucking...lets just say they fucked. And fucked, and fucked, and fucked. Yay, mares fucking! The end.