> Daringwatch > by lolnewsPegasus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Total Mayhem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash was happy. Her weekend just got longer with her Monday and Tuesday schedules getting bulldozed by a school maintenance failure. It was the first time in ten years, she had to give it that. The 22-year-old woman with long prismatic hair opened up her PC, cracking her knuckles and neck bones as she hyped herself up. She opened up the recording camera and turned on the microphone, and started speaking. “HEYYYYYYY you sons of bitches! Its me! Le Dashmeister, 64!” She checked at the live comments of her stream, only to read out people asking her to drop the number, nice French accent doe, and sighed. “Oh, fuckin’ ass.” She rolled her eyes. “Dashmeister, back in business, this time, I’m gonna play, some Overwatch.” She started the Overwatch application and her stream as greeted with the empowering heroic music of, the menus. “First, Halloween. Then, Christmas. Then, the Uprising event. And now, we have the Anniversary! As you schmucks can tell, I’ve already made away with some nice-ass loot!” She opened the Tracer gallery and showcased the Graffiti skin with the Charleston emote. Her viewers were fawning over the dance but some were asking her to do it as well. “I am NOT gonna dance along. Nice try.” She said, chuckling. “Oh, this is what I hella adore.” She opened the Pharah gallery, showcasing the Bedouin skin with the Rocket Guitar emote. “Air guitar? Explosions? Hah, fuck off jeff4321, I ain’t lit.” She invited battletag:PinkPinkGrinGrin, Pinkie Pie, along with battletag:CiderGirlYeeHaw, Applejack, to a group. Applejack chimed in the voice chat. “Looks like someone’s got the same idea!” Pinkie Pie cheered in with a “You cannot BELIEVE how much convincing I made to AJ to play with us today!” “Whoa there!” Applejack said. “I’ll be just fer a while, then I’m drivin’ off ta the farm.” As Pinkie Pie and Applejack were talking, Rainbow Dash already put them on queue. “This better be quick play,” Applejack asked. “Remember last time when Pinkie started a fight in Competitive?” “This, is neither,” Rainbow Dash said. “Say hello to an arcade match!” “Please don’t tel me it’s--” “Total Mayhem! And in Dorado, too!” Pinkie squealed. She immediately selected Roadhog while Applejack sighed and selected Soldier:76. “Who you going as, Dashie?” “Duh, Trace—Sonofabitch!” Battletag:RavenSoarButt had beaten her to Tracer. But RavenSoarButt was asking for a healer, with a ‘Dashmeister, go as healer, go Zenyatta’ in the chat box. Naturally, she disobeyed. She selected Pharah. “I’m gonna do nothing but rocket guitar! How about that, RavenSoarButt, you bitch?” “The dinky mains always ask fer heals…” Applejack muttered. “I know, right? It should be the tanks doing that, but nope!” Pinkie said happily. “What’cha trying to say, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked, annoyed. “Sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Ya do that almost all the time. Playin’ as Tracer? I need healing. As Pharah? I need healing. As McCree or Genji? I NEED--” “All right, all right. I get it. It’s cuz I’m an easy target.” The athlete said. “Roadhogs and Orisas with their skills that pull?” “Those noobs could pull the tanks so no one gets to soak damage,” Pinkie added. “However, it’s tempting to go hook a Tracer, Genji or Pharah and blast’ em good.” “Reinhardt’s are worse though--” Rainbow got interrupted by Athena, as the match countdown has begun, with a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Within three seconds, both teams were clashing at the area of the payload, with RavenSoarButt instantly getting bulldozed by the enemy Reinhardt. “Well so much for that,” Dash said with a smirk. Her stream watchers were either flooding the chat with NOOOOOOB or, in the case of the noticeable lot whose names contained jeff, my name jeff. She turned right, and fired a concussion blast that sent the enemy Genji off the map, barely returning via Swift Strike. Applejack scored a kill on the Widowmaker that would instantly place humiliation. “Well I’ll be. She done grappled toward my Helix Rocket.” Pinkie was successfully disrupting the enemy Orisa despite the fast reflexes of the latter, using Fortify to protect from the confectioner’s burst damage. The push to the checkpoint involved high amounts of skill dishing, and coupled with Ultimates being misfired. Including, but not limited to, Rainbow Dash firing a Barrage, only for the Genji to deflect, with Applejack saving her butt with Tactical Visor, which the Genji had little time to deflect thanks to the cooldown. “I think he forgot this was Total Mayhem…” the cowgirl said to Dash. As their payload approached the checkpoint, Dash landed and proceeded to guitar, as she said earlier. The enemy Sombra started to dance as well, much to the defending team’s chagrin, who responded with a shock charge, isolating Applejack and the Hanzo to their respective demise. “Dangnabbit!” Applejack said, with her fist slam heard in the voice chat. “Sons-of-bitches got me good!” “Pinks, your Hog’s ready?” Dash asked. “Ohhhh yesss…” Pinkie replied with a menacing chuckle. “Let’s juggle them like clown balls…” Dash knew that sounded wrong. Pinkie pie activated Roadhog’s Ultimate, as the allied Mercy pulled Applejack and the Hanzo back to life. The Hanzo rushed to ready his Ultimate. With a loud THE WOLF HUNTS FOR ITS PREY! he successfully divets the enemy tanks into a tough spot where it’s either get killed by the Dragonstrike or the cheeky Pharah they know is flying well above the Roadhog. What Dash’s team didn’t expect was the Sombra. ¡Apagando las luces! “Oh boy. Hack.” Typed in Soarbutt through the chatbox. “We got a Captain Obvious on our team huh?” Applejack said. “Good thing I wasn’t in range!” she said with a laugh as she dished out another Tactical Visor. Rainbow Dash smirked as she unleashed a Barrage from the other side. “So what are they saying now?” Pinkie asked as she invited battletag:AngelBunny to the group, who has to spectate for now. “They’re all spamming Ryugawagatekinokurau!” Dash said, with her face meeting her palm. “Oh shit, not this chokepoint again.” The final push was within the LumeriCo building, which starts with the hallway choke. “Okay, we’ll REALLY need healing for this.” Rainbow Dash said. “Uh, Rainbow?” Applejack asked. “What if I told you that the Mercy switched to Reinhardt?” “Looks like you’re the healer now Applejackie!” Pinkie answered. “But, good news! Soarbutt got disconnected!” Rainbow Dash looked at their lineup, only to see Soarbutt’s slot filled in. “Whew, Pinks, tell ‘em we need a healer as relying on Applejack would get our final push well beyond fucked.” “So you gonna switch to Tracer?” the confectioner asked. “The game’s already over by the time I get in the zone, besides, I like pushing them away.” Dash replied, as she fired another concussion blast sending the enemy team back by a few precious meters. Hanzo fired out some geometry as the concussion blasts were delivered, pushing the softer enemies further from the tanks. Pinkie wiped the floor with Sombra as the Reinhardt squished the Orisa to the wall. Dash baited the Genji to waste Deflect for the Hanzo to snipe, however the enemy Bastion made quick work of the two. “Only now did it kick in, that the Widow, switched to a Bastion.” Dash said, feeling dumb. “AJ, wanna take care of the Bas?” “I’m dead too.” Applejack answered. “Enemy Rein squashed me like last week’s squash when my big brother sat on it by accident.” Her watchers were commenting between the lines of you’re starting to suck balls and dafuq happened y u play shit now. However, a tender voice called out, “Surprise.” AngelBunny delivered a Resurrect, bringing Dash, Applejack and the Hanzo back. Dash took a look at the killfeed. AngelBunny > Rez > Dashmeister, CiderGirlYeeHaw, guhgetwrex. AngelBunny. “Well, Flutters.” The athlete said. “You playing in the café or what?” “Look behind you, you prismatic rock.” Fluttershy said in a way that made the sentence sound like a gentle flirt rather than usual gamer smack talk. Dash looked behind her to see her shy roommate and girlfriend, using Dash’s laptop. Fluttershy smiled as she locked eyes with the streamer’s own. “Cute girl alert.” Dash said. “Uh, Dashie?” Pinkie asked. “The payload’s leaving you behind.” “Oh, uh…” Dash said, shaking back to focus. “Shy, keep an eye on how AJ and Pinks are doing.” “Well doggie,” Applejack exclaimed. “None of them blasted I need healing crap!” “That’s cause I’m going to make a jet for it.” JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE! AAUGH! “What in tarnation?” Applejack asked. “Whole Hog time!” Pinkie said, letting loose shrapnel upon those who just came out of spawn, while the Reinhardt shielded the front. Applejack’s surprised state just kept on as Fluttershy was shooting the opponents. “First, Dash went and gone for a suicide Ult.” She said. “Then Fluttershy goes Battle Mercy? What the fuck is this game?” Luckily for her, the Victory screen showed up. Along with Play of the Game being rewarded to Pinkie Pie for a shutdown. “This is one weird gamemode.” Applejack sighed. “Since ya gone and surprised me, I’m giving you my vote.” Applejack said, giving Dash’s Damage card her vote. “Here you go Dashie!” Pinkie Pie said, as she gave Dash her vote too. “Um, Rainbow? Heres my vote.” Fluttershy said with a smile, which Rainbow could feel from behind her. “Heh, that guy who played Mercy in the first half.” Dash snickered, as she voted for the Mercy who wasn’t Fluttershy. “He deserved it, except for the part where he went Reinhardt instead.” With her surprise, everyone else went and voted for that Mercy. “What the shit? Eleven votes?” She took a look at the chatbox, with a Soarbutt as spectator commenting We love you Roaddo my dear! The Mercy, with the battletag:Roaddo replied with a This is the eighth match, RavenSoarButt, will you please stop following me? followed by Even helixterribly messaged me saying ‘Told you so, he’s gone screwloose’! The four friends called it a day, with Dash adjusting her camera to record footage of her pulling Fluttershy into view. “Looks like this stream has to cut short, if that’s okay.” The shy girl said. “I kinda want her to myself today.” The watchers were commenting lines containing ‘Cute’ or the more immature ‘dash and shy sitting in a tree’ Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and signed off with “This is le Dashmeister with le AngelBunny and some hindsight of uploading this as a YouTube video instead! Sacrebleu!” With that her stream ended. “Really? A mocking French accent?” Fluttershy asked as she wrapped her arms around Dash, who wrapped her own arms around the shy girl in return. “Hey, they liked it when I dressed up as Monsieur Echec mime, proud mime school dropout,” the rainbow-haired girl replied, as they shared a sweet kiss.