What Did I Miss?

by Serina

First published

Thomas Jefurrson is returning home from Griffonstone, after helping the Griffons unite in revolution, to return home to a free Equestria. Little does he know of the commotion currently going on in the Canterlot Courts.

Thomas Jefurrson is returning home from Griffonstone, after helping the Griffons unite in revolution, to return home to a free Equestria. Little does he know of the commotion currently going on in the Canterlot Courts.


Draft a Declaration

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Sunlight poured through the expansive windows, casting warm beams across the grand hallway. The rhythmic echo of hoofsteps resonated as a regal purple pony advanced toward the towering oak doors. Bathed in a shimmering magenta aura, the creaking of the massive doors was followed by the unveiling of a somewhat chaotic scene within the office. Papers littered the floor, clung haphazardly to shelves, and a multitude of books stood piled in various corners of the room.

Advancing toward a desk, where a dark brown griffon was feverishly scratching at a parchment with a quill, the white feathers atop his head fluttered in the same direction as his rapid strokes. The unicorn used his magic to lift papers from a nearby chair, seated himself, and chuckled as he surveyed the disarray. "Good thing your prowess lies more in battle than in organization, isn't that right, Layfightte?"

Layfightte glanced up momentarily, rolling his eyes with a gruff mutter. "You're the one who insisted on drafting this declaration, Jeffurson. And this..." He gestured with a claw to the chaotic pile of crumpled papers beside his chair. "This mess is of your making."

Jeffurson raised his hooves defensively. "Whoa now, what in Equestria are you insinuating? That I, a gracious and diligent guest in your esteemed country, am causing you undue inconvenience? Oh, the agony!" He placed a hoof dramatically over his heart.

Layfightte's eyes rolled once more, his scribbling never ceasing. "You claimed it needed to be flawless, and that's my aim. And I'm not duplicating everything like somepony. Spare me the mockery, Equestrian."

The stallion glanced around at the cluttered chaos of the study and shifted his focus back to the ink-stained paper before the griffon. "Griffons truly are untidy writers."

Feathers rustling with a hint of exasperation, the weary griffon tightened his talons, snapping the quill in two. "I may not be the tidiest, but consider I learned to maim before mastering the quill!"

Tension lingered in the air as they locked eyes for a brief, charged moment, only to dissolve into shared laughter. Jeffurson wiped a tear from his eye, "Perhaps you'd make a more successful comedian than politician, my friend." Settling more comfortably into his chair, he leaned forward, placing a hoof on the desk. "But on a more serious note, Layfightte, I've read your draft. It's more than sufficient; just don't overdo it."

The griffon gathered the shattered remnants of the quill and brushed them into a drawer filled with similar writing casualties. Retrieving a loose feather from his wing with his beak, he tugged it free with a soft 'pop,' causing Jeffurson to wince. Dipping the quill into the ink, he paused, letting it rest gently on the desk as his talons raked through his unruly crest of feathers. "You're right, as always. I just don't want to miss this opportunity. Griffonstone needs this revolution, and I'm certain you, of all ponies, comprehend."

"Absolutely, Layfightte. But don't become consumed with popularity. Do what's best for all of Griffonstone, not just individuals." A purple aura enveloped some books, returning them to their rightful places on shelves, while papers neatly re-stacked themselves on the desk.

The griffon chuckled, "You unicorns and your magic – brilliant yet sometimes a bit lazy. Still haven't decided."

"What I mean, old friend, is that not everything you do will garner unanimous approval. But you must press forward nonetheless. Put that griffon pride to good use and stand your ground."

With a dismissive wave of his claw, the griffon retorted, "Of course, of course."

As Layfightte and Jeffurson shifted the conversation from politics to a more light-hearted topic, the griffon couldn't help but let a mischievous glint dance in his eyes. His talons tapped rhythmically against the desk as he glanced at his unicorn friend. "You know, Jeffurson," he began with a sly grin, "all this talk about making the right decisions for Griffonstone... Could it be that you're not just devoted to your country but to someone else as well?"

Jeffurson's ears perked up, and his violet fur seemed to take on an even deeper shade as he stammered, "W-what are you insinuating, Layfightte?"

Layfightte let out a throaty chuckle, his beak opening in a grinning smirk. "Oh, come on now, my friend. I've seen the way your eyes light up when you talk about her. Zally, wasn't it? A zebra, if I recall correctly?"

Jeffurson's cheeks flushed, and he attempted to regain his composure. "Well, I... Yes, Zally is a remarkable individual. But that's hardly relevant to our current affairs."

The griffon's laughter filled the room. "Ah, so it is true! Our valiant unicorn leader has fallen for a zebra maiden. How poetic."

Jeffurson shifted in his seat, a mix of embarrassment and amusement playing across his features. "Layfightte, this isn't the time for such discussions. We have serious matters to attend to."

Layfightte's expression softened, and he regarded his friend with a warm smile. "Of course, Jeffurson. I'm only teasing you. But you know, sometimes matters of the heart can fuel our determination just as much as matters of state."

The unicorn's gaze turned contemplative, and a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "You may have a point, my friend. Zally's strength and passion have certainly been a source of inspiration for me."

Layfightte's eyes twinkled with understanding. "See? Love and revolution aren't so different after all. Both require unwavering commitment and the willingness to face challenges head-on."

Jeffurson nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Layfightte. I suppose it's all about finding balance and standing up for what we believe in, whether on the battlefield or in matters of the heart."

As their conversation drifted toward more profound matters, Layfightte couldn't help but feel a deep sense of respect for his friend. They may have been from different species, but their shared ideals and the bonds they'd forged during their struggles were stronger than ever. And perhaps, in the midst of the chaos around them, a little teasing about matters of the heart was just what they needed to lighten the weight of their responsibilities.

The griffon nodded knowingly. "So, are you planning to leave me then?"

Jeffurson nodded solemnly. "You know my homeland needs me back. Zally is... missing me. I've been receiving letters, but they only tell so much. Who knows what I've missed." He sighed, looking out of the window, his violet mane catching the sun's rays. "And those alicorns aren't exactly thrilled about our newfound freedom. They're aware I'm here, assisting you with the Griffons' particular... Issues."

A low growl emanated from Layfightte as he turned his attention back to his work, his claws flexing and intertwining with a slicing sound. "Fear not, Jeffurson. I won't allow them to lay a claw – hoof – on you. Over my lifeless body."

Jeffurson shook his head gently. "Now, now, Layfightte. We've already lost too many allies in our struggle for freedom. There's no need for more bloodshed in the name of Equestria. The war is behind us. Plus," he added, placing a hoof on the griffon's clenched talons, "you'll need your energy for the ongoing fight for Griffonstone's liberty."

With a nod, Layfightte managed a soft smile. "I understand. Don't worry, I'll conserve my energy. And remember, I need to find a griffon to help with your luggage and arrange for a carriage for you. And don't let those antiquated bureaucrats get under your skin when you return home. You're far too remarkable to deal with their kind, Jeffurson." He chuckled heartily, snapping his talons. The doors swung open, revealing two armored griffons who bowed slightly before taking up positions by the doors.

Jeffurson laughed, running a hoof through his dark violet, fluffy mane. "Don't fret, old friend. I won't let those wannabe royals ruffle my feathers. You're speaking to a Southern Equestrian, after all. We're headstrong and proud."

Amidst laughter, Layfightte joined in, his wings ruffling in amusement. "You're absolutely right about the headstrong part, sir."

Jeffurson extended a claw. "It's been an honor working with you, Thomas Jeffurson."

Taking his claw in hoof, the unicorn replied, "The honor has been mine, Marquis de Layfightte."

Echoes of Departure

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the rolling hills of Southern Equestria, Thomas Jeffurson disembarked from the train that had carried him back to his homeland. It had been a long and weary journey from boat to train station after train station, but the sight of the familiarity of the landscape eased his fatigue and filled him with a sense of belonging. He adjusted his coat and straightened his cravat before stepping onto the platform, his eyes scanning the small crowd that had gathered to welcome him back.

Among the familiar pony faces stood a unique figure that caught Jeffurson's attention immediately. Zally the zebra, her black and white stripes standing out in contrast to the predominantly pony crowd, was waiting patiently, a soft smile on her face. Theirs was a connection that transcended the societal norms of Southern Equestria. Their friendship had blossomed discreetly, hidden away from the prying eyes of a world that held prejudices deep within.

As Jeffurson approached, Zally's eyes lit up, and she stepped forward, her gaze fixed on him. "Thomas," she said warmly, her voice carrying a hint of excitement and relief.

"Zally," Jeffurson replied, his own voice softening as he drew nearer. He extended a hoof, and Zally reached out to shake it, her hoof touching in a gentle and reassuring manner.

"It's good to have you back," Zally said, her voice holding a touch of sentimentality. "Southern Equestria just isn't the same without you."

Jeffurson chuckled softly. "It's good to be back, Zally. Your friendship has been a beacon of light during some rather tumultuous times."

Zally inclined her head slightly, her eyes expressing a mix of gratitude and understanding. "We've always managed to find solace in each other's company, regardless of what the world might say."

Their bond was a quiet rebellion against the norms that had kept ponies and zebras apart for so long. It was a testament to the fact that friendship could thrive beyond the boundaries of prejudice.

As the crowd began to disperse, Zally motioned for Jeffurson to follow her. They strolled along the outskirts of the platform, their conversation filled with shared memories and genuine affection. In this private moment, they could be themselves without fear of judgment or retribution.

Just as their conversation was reaching a comfortable pause, a messenger pony approached, carrying a letter adorned with the seal of Thomas's close friend, Jam Madison. The messenger pony bowed respectfully before handing over the letter.

"Excuse me for a moment, Zally," Jeffurson said, his brows furrowing as he broke the seal and quickly scanned the contents of the letter. The more he read, the more his expression shifted from curiosity to concern.

Zally watched him closely, sensing the change in his demeanor. "Is everything alright, Thomas?"

Jeffurson folded the letter and looked up at her, a somber expression on his face. "It seems that political strife has gripped Manehattan. Jam Madison is urging me to come to his aid."

Zally watched as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, and the sounds of evening filled the air. She stood beside Thomas Jeffurson, the pony she had grown to care for deeply, her heart heavy with a mixture of happiness for his return and sadness for his imminent departure.

"It feels like you've just returned, and now you have to leave again," Zally said softly, her voice carrying a hint of melancholy.

Thomas reached out and gently took her hoof in his hand, his touch warm and reassuring. "Zally, I wish I didn't have to leave so soon after coming back. Being here with you, in Southern Equestria, it's a solace I cherish deeply."

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Zally's lips, and she squeezed his hoof gently. "Our time together, no matter how fleeting, is precious to me as well."

They stood there in silence for a moment, the unspoken words hanging in the air between them. Zally looked into Thomas's eyes, seeing a mixture of regret and longing. She knew that their relationship existed in the delicate space between societal expectations and their own feelings.

"Promise me that you'll return," Zally said, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Thomas met her gaze, his eyes earnest. "I promise, Zally. I'll return as soon as I can, and we'll continue to defy the boundaries that try to keep us apart."

Zally's heart swelled with a mixture of hope and affection. She leaned in slightly, her forehead touching his, their closeness speaking volumes about the depth of their connection.

"Stay safe, Thomas," she said softly.

"I will, Zally," he replied, his voice tender. "And know that you'll be in my thoughts every step of the way."

As the sun disappeared completely, leaving the world bathed in the soft glow of twilight, Zally and Thomas remained there, finding solace in each other's presence even as the prospect of separation loomed.

In that moment, as the world around them seemed to fade into the background, they held onto each other, drawing comfort from the knowledge that their connection, though tested by distance, would endure. And as Thomas turned to leave, Zally watched him go, her heart heavy yet hopeful, knowing that their story was far from over.

Jeffurson sighed, a mix of responsibility and worry tugging at him. "Yes, it seems that way. But leaving you and Southern Equestria behind again…" His voice trailed off, regret coloring his words.

Zally placed a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. "Remember, Thomas, friendships can withstand distance. And if you believe in the cause, you must follow your convictions."

Jeffurson looked at her, gratitude and resolve mingling in his gaze. "Thank you, Zally. Your wisdom always brings me clarity."

As they stood there, the weight of their unspoken emotions hung in the air. With a final glance, Jeffurson tucked the letter into his coat pocket and turned to face his journey ahead, knowing that a steadfast friend awaited him in Manehatten and another cherished friendship stood strong in Southern Equestria.

And so, as the night enveloped the land in darkness, two souls remained connected, defying adversity with a bond that transcended the boundaries of their world.