> Icing the Cake > by That One Pegasus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > That's not where the icing bag goes, Pinkie! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Take the day off tomorrow, Pinkie,” Mrs. Cake had said. “You’ve been working really hard lately! Go out, have fun.” Despite the fact that the pink earth pony greatly enjoyed her job at Sugarcube Corner, she had been feeling a little overworked as of late. “Alright, thank you Mrs. Cake!” she had said. “You enjoy yourself now, dear,” the pale blue mare had told her as she waved goodbye yesterday. And now, Pinkie was lying on her bed, thinking of what to do. She could bake a cake for herself, or maybe throw a party for somepony special. Or both. She scratched her head with her hoof. Suddenly, an idea struck her. She would need the magical icing bag that Twilight had given her for her birthday. She’d said she enchanted it with some magical thingamajig that provided a never-ending supply of icing, or something along those lines. Now, ordinarily, when you use icing, you bake a cake or cupcakes beforehoof. But Pinkie Pie was not going to decorate a cake or cupcakes, not at all. In fact, she wasn’t even going to cook. No, she had something much stranger planned. “Hmm...” she mused. “I wonder if it’s big enough...” The earth pony mare sat staring at the enchanted icing bag, which was sealed on one end, with only a tiny opening in the other. She shrugged, and decided it would do. It was already filled to burst with violet cream. The odd picture in her mind was that of herself, sitting atop a massive stomach filled with the very same icing. As long as she could remember, she was an outspoken inflation fetishist. She did everything but actually have the stallions of Ponyville line up to help her fulfill her desires. Once, she had even asked Carrot Top if she could borrow Carrot’s hose for the day. Carrot, of course, said no, after hearing what for. But Pinkie was not defeated. Now, she sat before a tool which would very much help her accomplish her sexual fantasies. She moaned, not having realized that her hoof had begun rubbing her moist slit while she thought of how big she would become. How full, and large, and round. She gasped, brushing her clit. Without any further hesitation, she firmly grasped the icing bag and thrust it into her awaiting marehood. The sheer girth alone made her cry out in pleasure before it was even fully in. When she felt it hit her inner walls, she pulled it out almost all the way, before pushing it back in as hard as she could muster. Icing was squirted into her womb, the sensation of the cool creamy substance shocking her, though pleasurably. She repeated the pistoning motion several times, each time holding the bag a bit longer, so as to force out more and more of the sugary decorating material. With her free hoof, she rubbed her clit, making her moan in ecstasy. She grabbed at the bag, pushing it more and more as she still thrust it in and out. The thick icing quickly filled up her womb, and she still wanted-- no, needed more. She thrust and thrust, at one point grabbing a thick, grey dildo and pushing it into her asshole, just to feel even more full. She knew she could take more. And so she would. Again, she used her hooves to push herself over the edge, an orgasm rocking her body for the first time that day. As more and more icing was pushed into her womb, she gleaned ever more pleasure from the sheer fullness, the feeling of being filled by something, whether it be icing or a stallion’s seed. She imagined herself, impaled upon Cheese Sandwich, expanding with his cum, blowing up beyond reasonable proportions with his foals. She gasped again as yet another orgasm hit her. She pushed even more icing into her packed womb. It was already full, and it began to push outwards, her stomach protruding further by the minute. She moaned at the feeling, that wonderful feeling of being so completely full. Pinkie crammed still more of the cream in. She panted, screaming in pleasure and bliss. Her juices and tiny globs of icing ran down her back legs and onto the floor-- she would clean up later. Right now, she was far too busy-- and distracted --to do anything but keep thrusting. She came again and again, more orgasms still shaking her entire being. Her distended stomach ballooned further out, and began pushing her legs outwards, displaying her icing-filled marehood to nopony in particular. A few ponies passed her, and, looking in her dining room windows, gawked at the pink mare’s stomach. Not that she noticed or cared, but a few stray stallions even began to become erect at the sight. Her stomach bloated further still. Now, she couldn’t reach over top of it, but luckily she could still very well use her vaginal muscles to squeeze the bag. She moaned and panted, the sheer delight of her fetish fantasy being fulfilled to the fullest. With each squeeze, her now five foot diameter belly jiggled and sent another orgasm crashing over her, her skin becoming more and more sensitive as the chair she was sitting in finally creaked, and gave way. She hardly noticed the loud crash it made. Still more stallions gazed at her through her windows. In fact, a large crowd of not just stallions, but colts, fillies, and mares watched in pleasure. Some of them had begun stroking themselves, others simply took the nearest pony to them-- not caring what gender or age --and begun licking, sucking, or fucking. Pinkie only half-noticed when two of the stallions barged in and removed the toy from her tailhole. She lay on her back, but was rolled over by the pair, moaning when her still inflating stomach touched the cold tile floor. More juices came spilling out of her, which mingled with the precum from the stallions. She barely noticed them, seeing a colourful blur of sex-crazed happiness, but she thought she saw one of them was red. He shoved his very hard, and very large cock in her mouth while the other one pushed in her ass. They said something, maybe not real words, and Pinkie could taste the distinct flavour of precum, pouring into her stomach. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought from the sheer volume that he had came already. She suckled, but he had other ideas than mere licking. He shoved his stallionhood all the way into her mouth, and didn’t stop when he reached the back of her throat. No, he continued, pushing farther in until his enormous dick was at the base of her stomach. She sucked as hard as she could, demanding that he fill her even more. She had been lifted off the ground by her bloating belly, her legs splayed far apart. The stallion in her ass thrust in time with her squeezes, panting and moaning along with the stallion in her mouth and Pinkie herself. With a yell, the stallion pounding her tailhole came, inflating her faster and faster. Hot, sticky ropes of seed were released into her butt, making her pant even through the red stallion’s huge cock. After he finished, he pulled out, only to let the next stallion in line have a turn. In fact, a massive spectacle had formed, and Pinkie was the star. Several ponies had lined up, ready to inflate and fuck her into oblivion. She continued sucking as the next stallion in line thrust into her waiting ass. He gripped her voluptuous cheeks and jiggled them, her stomach still blossoming outwards. Now, the stallions had to stand on her pink form, her belly pushing furniture out of the way. The stallion in her mouth came, a torrent of seed inflating her like never before, save for her erotic fantasies. It was a shockingly good ten minutes before he stopped cumming, the seed in her stomach making her feel amazingly good. Not wanting to be left out, another took the red stallion’s place. Several others stepped out of line to fuck her massive tits, which, though she didn’t know how, had grown at least three cup sizes and leaked at stream of milk. The two stallions on either side of her lifted her tender nipples to their lips and sucked, and soon, their stomachs began to swell too. Pinkie shook constantly, as all the stimulation made her orgasm constantly. A steady flow of liquid leaked from every cock-filled orifice in her body. Multiple streams of cum landed on her fur as several onlookers gasped and moaned at the sight. Her pink mass now filled the house rather well, and strained the walls. Her stomach had a never-ending supply of cum and her womb was constantly filling with icing, and her mouth was always completely full of horsecock, sometimes more than one at once. Pinkie was in heaven. So many stallions, even some mares used her rather hard and now hoof-sized nipples to fuck themselves, filling up with the cream and moaning in sync with the rest of the group. Juices of every kind mingled on Pinkie’s fur, her floor, and her massive stomach. Suddenly, she felt the icing bag getting pushed aside in her marehood, and a very large cock was shoved in. “Hey, Pinkie,” said the owner of the delightful appendage. “Guess who?” Vaguely, Pinkie recognized the stallion as Cheese Sandwich, and she came again and again as all of her fetish dreams came true-- being fucked by every stallion in Ponyville, expanding with anything she could find, and best of all, Cheese Sandwich banging her into oblivion and filling her with his foals. He moaned as he leaked precum, not even up to his medial ring, as he hit her inner wall. He pushed through, shaking her stomach and making her gasp in pleasure again. He pistoned in and out, in and out. He lasted a good twenty minutes, surprisingly, before he released his enormous load into her womb, filling her with his hot seed. Pinkie blinked in the afternoon sunlight. She tried to sit up, but found she couldn’t, due to a massive pink wall. It was only then that she remembered what had happened yesterday. She giggled, and lay back down to take a nap. But before she could, she heard a voice. “Alright, Pinkie, ready for round two?” She nodded eagerly, earning a chuckle and a nice cock in her mouth. Soon, she slipped into another sex-crazy delerium. She moaned. This was her life now. This is what she wanted. And she would have it.