> All Tomorrow's Birthdays > by Fylifa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: We're Going to Need a Bigger Cake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike entered the colorful bakery of Sugarcube Corner and carefully looked around. The pastry shop stood empty. “Umm, hello? Missus Cake? Mister Cake?” He approached the glass case and sighed. He had hoped to catch one of them... well more like planned to catch one of them by waiting until Pinkie was across town. Would she have really left things unattended? Seeing nopony around, Spike hoisted himself up onto the countertop and rang the bell a few times. Eventually, he shrugged and paced down the display cases. At least he could see if they had the cake he needed. Maybe then he could get it himself and leave the money before— “Hiya, Spike!” Pinkie Pie said from behind him, her nose over his shoulder. Spike nearly fell off the display case. “Yeea-aahaahh! Ah... ha… h-hi, Pinkie. W-What are you doing here? I thought Sweetie Belle was having a party? Don’t they uhh... need you?” He winced, he might have been too obvious with that. Pinkie Pie didn’t seem to notice the implication; she was busy bouncing. She made a few ‘boings’ in place before effortlessly vaulting over the display case and Spike himself to land on the other side. She turned to face him with a bright smile. “They are! But you rang the bell, so you need me too!” She added with that same bubbly and genuine voice. “You’re the bestest, greatest dragon friend I know. I wouldn’t keep you waiting.” “You heard the bell from— oh... ah shucks, Pinkie.” Spike couldn’t help but blush before smiling back at her. Pinkie’s good nature was infectious, though made him feel a little guilty for trying to avoid her before. He looked down at his claws, tapping forefingers together. “Well, I won’t take up too much of your time. I just want that cake there.” He pointed. “Sure thing!” Pinkie bobbed her head, and a spatula flopped out of her messy mane on curl. “Oh! That one? Are you sure?” Her cheerful tone turned into a doubtful one. Spike blinked. “Uhh… yeah, that one will be fine. There isn’t anything wrong with it, is there?” Pinkie smooshed her face up against the glass, eye-level with the cake from her side of the display case. “This cake is a birthday cake.” Spike nodded. “I know.” Immediately, he bit his claw while cursing himself for the slip. Pinkie’s eyes peered over the hill of chocolate frosting. “But Twilight’s birthday is like two weeks away, and Rarity’s was three weeks ago. Fluttershy likes acorn cupcakes to share with her animals, and Applejack has Granny Smith make her Applepies and—” Spike waved his claws. “No, no, no! It isn’t for Twilight... erm n-not exactly and it isn’t for anypony you know—” Pinkie shot straight up, sending the spatula sailing. “There’s a new pony in town?! Who has a birthday?!” “No! Their birthday was yesterday!” Spike said, emphatically. Pinkie reeled as if struck, her eyes turning to pinpricks with her hooves to her temples. “I MISSED a birthday. FOR A NEW PONY?!” The dragon waved his claws again, Pinkie’s panic was as infectious as her earlier joy. Desperately he tried to contain this train wreck. “No! It’s alright Pinkie! They’re not here, and they are not a pony… yet—” This time Spike put his entire claw-fist into his maw. Pinkie Pie loomed over the display case with sudden interest. “Not a pony? Is it Owlowiscious?” Her expression turned coy and fluttered her lashes. “Is it another draaaagon?” Spike mumbled around his claw and shook his head violently. Her suggestive look had him blushing. “Nwah!” Like a storm cloud passing to clear skies, Pinkie Pie’s face returned to the same genuine grin she always wore. “Okay! A Twilight who is not Twilight and a pony who isn’t a pony. When are Sunset Shimmer and Human Twilight coming to visit?” Spike’s claw fell out of his slack-jawed mouth. “H-How did you know?” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Just a guess! Until now, anyway! You still don’t want this cake though, silly. Not for an afterbirthday party. I think I can fix something up though, even on short notice!” She spoke with the sudden air of a professional while spring bouncing towards the kitchen in the back. “Come again? You want to visit Equestria?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she leaned back against the Canterlot High statue that had become their group’s impromptu gathering place. When the weather was nice, it was a great place to spend lunch recess. Twilight nibbled on her sandwich and took the time to think and pushed her glasses up with a finger. “When we were having your birthday party yesterday, I realized how long you have been over here. Do you ever miss it?” Her tone turned shy, and she dipped her head to shade her eyes with her bangs. A motion which made her glasses slip forward again. Sunset smirked and wondered if Twilight even knew how often she made that little gesture. “Sometimes. But remember, when I first came around here, it was me trying to find a place to be important. I had more ambition than I ever had friends or family to look back on, I guess.” A pair of students walked by, and one waved. “Hey, Sunset! Hey Twilight… uh… err, Miss Sparkle.” He made a face at the hesitation before they hurried off. Sunset guessed what was weighing on Twilight’s mind. “Still feeling a little out of place, yourself, huh?” Twilight gave a weak smile. “I always hypothesized that being sociable and having talent was an inverse to one another. More of one, less of the other. But everybody here in Canterlot High are a lot nicer than they ever were in Crystal Prep. The girls are great, and you’re really great...” She rubbed the back of her neck. “I’ve read some of your proofs. They are good, more than good even and you aren’t a... a...” “A nerd?” Sunset helped. Twilight’s mouth set in a line. “Yes.” “Believe it or not. I was the most hated girl in this school, and not just for the whole demon thing either. It took a nerd and her friends to set me right and a whole lot of time after that.” “You mean ‘Her,’ she helped you.” Twilight’s brow furrowed. Sunset blinked at that reaction and reached to give Twilight a touch on the shoulder. “Hey! I didn’t mean it like that. That Twilight was the one who helped me, but I’m pretty thankful that I got someone who can look at me and not see all the baggage of these last couple of years. Plus, it’s fun to be with someone who is out of water too.” Twilight’s smile returned, and she reached to twirl a strand of her hair on a finger as she mused, “It’s just... a little frustrating. To know you got a better you out there. A pony from ponyland managed to fit in a new place quicker than me. Not only that, she’s a princess!” Sunset laughed at that thought. “A purple princess from ponyland. Rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it?” She put a finger to her chin and peeked sidelong at Twilight. “Is that why you want to visit? To find out her secret for success?” “One reason, yes,” demurred Twilight, tipping her head once more and making her glasses slip. “It’s a valid theory. If there is nothing physically or all that mentally different, then sharing our experiences could spark insights I never considered. Or imagine, if she did so well visiting here from over there. The reverse might be true! Maybe I finally learn how to just tell someone—” Sunset reached and pushed on the bridge of Twilight’s glasses, helping in straightening them out before she could do it herself. It made Twilight blink owlishly and cross-eyed. “As long as you remember you’re still your own person. Don’t forget that!” said Sunset before crossing her arms behind her head. “I guess I’m the best girl to play tour guide.” Twilight reached into her backpack, drawing out a book from it that startled Sunset. “Great! I’ve planned arrangements already.” Sunset looked at the book with her own cutie mark on the cover and Twilight’s serious expression. “Huh?! Wait, you’ve been talking with her? What if I’d said no?” Twilight’s voice kept matter-of-fact. “It was about ninety-six percent for, by my calculations.” Sunset snorted. “I’m going to have to ask you to show your work for that.” Twilight showed one of her rare grins as she brought out a clipboard, already prepared. Spike tiptoed back to the library where Twilight Sparkle worked. He grabbed a nearby book off the table and used it as a screen. Twilight herself was busy levitating the dimensional mirror into its stand. “Did you get the cake, Spike?” she called, somewhat distractedly. “The cake! Uh y-yeah, it should be ready soon.” He dug his snout deeper into the book so Twilight couldn’t see his flinch and hastily tried to change the topic. “Sooo… why do they want to visit? I mean, they found the other you over there. Sunset’s note kinda makes it sound like they really don’t need you anymore.” The book levitated away from his claws in an aura of purple magic. “There it is!” Twilight exclaimed as she moved the old notebook to the holder beside the mirror. With that task done, she turned to Spike to answer his question. “Sunset was talking more about dealing with magical world-ending threats. We are still friends! I’m actually very proud of them.” “It must be a relief only needing to save one world for a change! Though I still don’t get why Sunset would want to visit now,” Spike mused, “she could have come by before if she felt homesick.” “Oh! That part was my idea,” answered Twilight before pausing to consider the terminology. “Well… not my idea as in my idea, but the other... uh me.” Twilight coughed before continuing, clopping her hooves together. “It’ll be fascinating being able to have a fun afternoon with those two. After going over there twice, it’ll be great observing the first actual human to come to Equestria! Just think, I might even write an entire book now that we got both experiences from each other’s view and— Spike, are you even listening?” Spike jolted a bit in place. “Umm, yeah! That’s really exciting,” replied Spike, and put on his best assistant voice. “But didn’t you say it was their Twilight who suggested coming over? For Sunset’s birthday? That sounds pretty considerate of her. Think they had a Moon Dancer experience over there, too?” Twilight’s face fell, and she gave him a reproachful look. “It’s not wrong to be a little curious. Their Twilight probably saw that she could do something nice for somepony in the process. I know I’d do the same. Getting two birds with one stone isn’t selfish, it’s efficient.” In Twilight’s imagination, the three of them would sit and talk over cake and well-placed silverware. Expertly placed silverware. She wondered if Sunset would have any stories from training under Celestia. Did she get a dragon also? How did the other Twilight build a machine to master magic without ever coming into contact with the actual element of magic? Meanwhile, Spike saw how Twilight was growing distant and mumbling to herself. He sighed and went to fetch a quill and parchment. Usually Twilight had a new checklist after one of these internal brainstorming sessions. Traveling through the portal between the two realms brought a dreamy sensation of falling as the magic ran through Sunset’s body. The sensation turned real when she fell forward on her hands on the other side. Wait, not hands, hooves! The realization brought a kind of giddiness; she had made it to Equestria for sure! She soon felt a tickle of magic, and a magenta-tinted force lifted her up from her stooped over position. “W-whoa!” She righted in place and blinked when she met eyes with Princess Twilight. “Welcome back to Equestria, Sunset Shimmer!” Twilight’s welcoming smile turned into a look of concern. “Are you alright?” “Yeah! Just give me a minute. Have to remember how to... you know.” Sunset’s forehooves danced in the air in a pantomime. After a few moments to get her equilibrium back, Sunset turned her attention to the room. “This is a pretty library,” said Sunset with a testing tap on the edge of a crystalline table. “Where are we, anyway?” “Oh! Well, this is my castle. It’s made from the tree of elements when I fought a magical battle with a demon—” Twilight broke off, wincing as she realized who she was talking to and covered the interruption with a nervous laugh, “—not to umm... brag or anything. I kind of miss my old library.” Sunset blinked. “You have a castle? Oh right. Pony Princess. Heh, lucky you, the only thing I got when I fought a demon was a Friendship Game trophy.” Princess Twilight’s confused look at this had Sunset smirking. The mirror rippled, and a shape formed. Twilight stepped forward, lighting her horn, but Sunset was quicker. When alternate Twilight fell forward, Sunset was there to catch her. “Easy now. Watch your step!” “Ahh! Hooves!” was the wide-eyed Twilight’s reply. She pressed them on Sunset emphatically. “I have hooves for hands!” Sunset grinned. “Did you think I was kidding about them before? No half measures like in Canterlot High. We’re all pony here.” Aside from having a disheveled mane and an eye darting nervousness, the pony in her hooves looked identical to the Princess standing nearby. Sunset had worried quietly that her Twilight might look less the adorkable unicorn and more like the crooked-horned Nightmare. But it seemed that human Twilight’s was just an alicorn on this side of the mirror. It was a thought that made Sunset snort. Just an alicorn. Eventually, ex-Human Twilight noticed the same and settled down enough to stand on her own. “I guess that is logical.” She looked over at Princess Twilight and giggled. “Hey you, again. Even here you still sort of look like me. Only with pony features.” Princess Twilight again made that welcoming smile. “Actually, I think it’s more accurate to say that you look more like me.” She gestured with a hoof. When Earth-world Twilight turned to see herself in the mirror, it was the Equestrian’s turn to have a giggle at the startled reaction. “Don’t worry. I made sure today you will have an easier time getting used to being a pony than I did at being a human,” continued Princess Twilight. Although the tone was warm and friendly, Sunset flinched all the same. “Yeah... Sorry about that.” Princess Twilight waved it off. “The only trouble I see is about the names. It’s going to be like being at the same dinner table—” “—with mom. Only worse because we look like each other.” The other Twilight finished. Sunset could think they were sisters if they weren’t an exact mirror of each other. She spoke up once they gave her an opening. “We sort of already solved that one on our side. We call her Sparkle.” Princess Twilight stared. “What? Sparkle? Really.” Sparkle bopped her nose with a hoof as she tried to push up the glasses she wasn’t wearing. “Oh, well, everyone at Canterlot High already knew ‘Twilight’ as you. If you ever talk about the magic-you, then we always had to specify if they meant when ‘Twilight-from-Equestria’ fought Demonic Sunset or when Angelic Sunset fought demonic ‘Twilight-from-Crystal-Prep’. It wastes so much time. I don’t mind if people just called me Sparkle. At Crystal Prep, everyone already called me Miss Sparkle, so it doesn’t sound too impersonal to me.” Sunset smirked at her. “You don’t let us call you Sparkles, though.” “I may not be a princess, but even I have standards,” huffed Sparkle with her nose scrunching in such a pony way that got an easy laugh out of Sunset. “You two fought each other?” Twilight interjected, “and what’s this about being an angel?” The two mirror travelers shared a glance. “Well, it wasn’t that much of a fight. Sunny helped me when I was confused and infused with all the magic our friends had...” Sparkle trailed off. Sunset picked up on her difficulty and waved a hoof at Twilight. “It’s kinda a long story. I guess we never had time to really tell it. Maybe we should find someplace to sit down?” Twilight opened her mouth to answer when a thump at the library door drew all three of their attention. “Ah! I almost forgot. I got us a cake! We can have some while we talk. That’s probably Spike now.” “A cake?” Sunset asked before shooting Sparkle an accusing look. “You told!” Sparkle had her turn at having a mischievous smile. “Happy Birthday, Sunny.” “But that was yesterday!” grumped Sunset, crossing her forehooves while Sparkle giggled. “Oh, don’t worry. It’s just a small cake. I felt like it would be nice to have something. All things considered,” said Twilight as she lit her horn to open the door. She gaped when Spike wheeled in an enormous cake on a trolley. It was taller than her. The trio of ponies stared. “Is that what goes for small in Equestria?” asked Sparkle after a moment. “No! I-I, Spike?!” Twilight sputtered. Before he could answer, the top half of the cake exploded in a shower of frosting and cream. “SURPRISE!!! HappyvisitingotherworldforadayandmeetingnewfriendsforaafterBirth—” Pinkie Pie panted and took a deep breath. “—DAY!” A second later she triggered the party cannon inside the cake and sent another volley of confetti and confectionery over the library and the ponies inside. Twilight glared at Spike, who put his claws up. “Where else was I going to get a cake in Ponyville?” Voices came from the hallway now. “Hey, guys, I think that was our sign!” “Hon, I think everythin’ that mare does is a sign.” “I hope they weren’t visiting in fine clothes. We might not even have the same kind of fabric in this world!” Twilight groaned. So much for a quiet day in the library! > Chapter 2: The One Constant in The Multiverse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having been the subject of two Pinkie Pie birthday parties in a row, Sunset Shimmer noticed that there was a strange method to the madness. Despite the explosive start, Pinkie directed the party with the efficiency of a military general or orchestral conductor. One by one the pieces fell into place: the salvage of the cake with the appropriate number of candles, the sing-along, the party favors, the quick transformation of the library into a party room. Even Twilight, the resident alicorn and owner of the castle they were in, seemed helpless to stop the relentless party formation. At Sunset’s inquiring glance, Twilight shrugged as she continued to help put up decorations. It was Pinkie. A pony does not argue with Pinkie with parties. Celestia herself might have had the same reaction. Once the initial round of festivities were over with, the mingling came next. Sunset regretted not bringing the others with her, as she and Sparkle were both the natural focus of everypony around. Rarity passed a hoof over Sunset’s mane. “Darling! You keep it so well-tended to! It looks absolutely gorgeous! What is your secret?” Sunset flushed at the praise. “Thanks! I… uhh… do nothing special. Just the usual shampoo, conditioner, and some blow drying.” She chuckled at the next thought. “Actually, I typically go to the salon with my Rarity.” It felt odd to say my Rarity to Rarity, especially now she was technically in the correct world. Wouldn’t her Rarity be pony Rarity? Yet... she had known human Rarity first before this Rarity... The runaway train of thought was enough to give Sunset a headache. “Ah ha! A world-class place, no doubt! I trust myself to have good taste in any reality,” Rarity declared with a bright grin. Sunset waggled a hoof. “Oh, it’s nothing so fancy. We go to one of the few in town. Or Rarity organizes a make-over sleep-over for all of us once a week.” Rarity’s eyes widened to the eyeliner. “You mean to say there are multiple salons? And everypony does their mane and makeup… and I... I... convinced even... these two, to a make-up party? Weekly?” She gave a wide gesture of a hoof. Aimed mainly at Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. “Uh-huh. It’s pretty common. You have to spend nearly two hours a day to fix yourself up over there,” replied Sunset sourly as it reminded her of the ordeal of learning morning mascara at the same time as operating hands. Meanwhile, Rarity teetered in her hooves. “Forgive me, Sunset. I think I need to sit down. Two... hours. Beauty parties...” She wandered to a nearby chair. Looking blissfully in the mirror after being told there was such a heaven behind it. Sparkle had stepped over to the table laid out with its multitude of items. Even if she had her notebook, it would have been hard-pressed to jot down all the sugary items spread across it. Sparkle wondered idly if ponies had different levels of insulin resistance. Fluttershy came by the table holding a tray with her wings. She gently set it aside from the other, more colorful pastry items that Pinkie brought. “Hello Fluttershy,” said Sparkle while putting on a smile. Of all her friends —aside from Sunny— Sparkle felt at the most ease with Fluttershy. The pegasus flared her wings at being caught putting something decidedly un-cakelike on the snack table. “Oh! Hello, Twilight. I… umm...” she hesitated and flustered. “I’m not sure which Twilight you are,” she admitted in a voice barely above a whisper. “That’s okay, I’m the one that came through the mirror. You can call me Sparkle if that makes it any easier.” Sparkle wished she had her glasses, if only to have something to make her different from this world’s Twilight. Briefly, she wondered if they would come back on the return trip. She thought she could live without them if the myopia stayed away too. “Hello um… Sparkle,” said Fluttershy and fidgeted. The lull in the conversation grew and Sparkle looked for something to say. “The centerpiece you brought looks pretty,” she offered. Fluttershy brightened. “Really? I’m glad you like it.” With a conspiratorial glance about she put a hoof to the side of her mouth to hide her whisper, “I thought that maybe you and Sunset might like something other than cake.” Sparkle blinked and stared at the tray. “But, those are flowers…?” Fluttershy nodded. “I picked the rose and tulip while Mr. Gopher brought that sunflower there. Angel wouldn’t give up one of his carrots, but he still got a very nice daisy instead. Mr. Squirrel provided of his very best nuts.” “Hey, I love those!” exclaimed Sunset, catching the tail end of the list as she approached the table. “It’s been forever. Thanks, Fluttershy!” Fluttershy smiled, pleased, before she winged off. When Fluttershy flew out of earshot, Sparkle turned towards Sunset. “Sunny, these are flowers.” Sunset nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah!” She promptly swallowed the bulb of a rose and began chewing with the stem hanging from her mouth. “Mmm?” Sparkle kept staring. Sunset put the stem aside and swallowed. “You’ve eaten salad plenty of times. I’ve seen you! No way this is new to you.” “That’s different. That’s food.” Sunset lifted one of the daisies from the tray with her magic and floated it over. “And so are these. You don't even need to dunk them in a sauce. Come oooon. Try one!” She made the daisy do a loop and tickle Sparkle's nose with one the petals. Sparkle flailed at the air with her forehooves while shaking her head. Eventually, she fell over backward in a sit on her flanks before relenting. “Okay! Okay!” She put out her hooves for Sunset to drop the daisy in, but looked at them in a different light. A fact drawing her attention. “Sunny, did you do that with your horn?” Sunset blinked then looked thoughtful. Sparkle's experience in using magic had been the flashy, world-shattering kind. Or from what she saw of them ponying up which was more transformation than anything. The chance to show Sparkle that that magic wasn't always super dramatic cheered Sunset some. “I did! If you can make the one in your hooves go up to your mouth now, I'll let you get away with just a nibble.” Sunset knew a challenge was the best way to prod her. Sparkle squinted at the flower and for a few minutes looked intently on it. As she thought at it very very hard. Her cheeks puffed out, and a bead of sweat appeared on her brow before she exhaled and sighed, “But how?” Sunset laughed at her expression. “Well you're not going to get anywhere by making faces at it,” she softened her tone, “here maybe this will help.” Sunset leaned her head in close to touch her horn alongside Sparkle's. The sudden lean made Sparkle's ears perk, though she didn't back away even with Sunset's nose now inches away from her own. Sparkle started to blush, but Sunset had her eyes closed. She was busy with something. Sunset ran a bit of her magic along Sparkle's horn. In general, horns were naturally sensitive to magic, and with close contact it only took a small amount to make the other resonate. It was a small trick that most unicorns learned early in life. Sparkle gasped when it started, the sensation sudden and new. She had noticed the horn when she saw her reflection before, but for the most part had forgotten it was even there. The bony spire something that faded from awareness like the tip of her nose. Now with Sunset's magic running along it she couldn't help but feel it now in microscopic detail. “Sunny, I-” Sunset smiled and opened her eyes. “Keep your mind on the horn. Now, look at the daisy.” Sparkle followed her lead and looked down at the daisy still in her hooves. With her horn in such a state, all the other senses felt muted and distant. It hardly surprised her when a mix of gold and magenta encircled the flower or the fact she could somehow feel it through that magic. Sunset's presence faded with the withdraw of the aura, leaving just the shimmering purple bubble keeping the flower aloft. Sunset took a step back and sat down to watch. She kept quiet to let the awestruck Sparkle enjoy the moment, there was a warm satisfaction at being able to show this one genuinely magical bit of Equestria. The daisy did a fancy pirouette in the air before promptly falling in the range of a decidedly hearty chomp by Sparkle. She pointedly chewed before coughing out a stray petal. “I figured if it was so amazing to lift up—” she explained to Sunset's startled look before getting one of her own, “—hey! It's kind of tasty.” Sunset laughed. “Told you!” Afterwards, Pinkie Pie came by to encourage Sunset to join them in some party games. Sparkle waved them off wanting to keep practicing her levitation. She had managed to make three of the spoons float in a circle before the air caught wind and spoiled her concentration. “So, I gotta ask you something! Something really, really important!” cried Rainbow Dash as she sped over to Sparkle only to stop on an aerial dime. She had moved so fast that it had made an air front and now floated in that uniquely pegasus way with slow wingflaps. Sparkle's mind raced as she considered the physics —or lack of— in those slow wingbeats. “Um… yes?” Sparkle replied after she realized Dash had asked her something. Of the girls in Canterlot High, Rainbow had always been the brash one. She wasn't unkind, just that their personalities didn’t lend well to matching interests and here was Dash’s pony self who didn’t seem any different. Sparkle couldn't imagine what Rainbow could ever want with her on either side of the mirror. “When Twilight went over to your world for the first time we were really scared that we wouldn't see her for a while. Something about time dieting.” Rainbow started, wagging a hoof impatiently. Sparkle arched a brow. “You mean time dilation?” “Whatever! Time goes different, right?” Rainbow's glanced about and put her hooves together in a nervous rub and started to talk so low that Sparkle strained to hear her. “The point is... has the future book of Daring Do come yet?” Sparkle looked to her open-mouthed. Speechless. Rainbow's ears flopped, and she landed. “It hasn't has it? Figures with my luck! Why can't this magical stuff ever work out any other way than being a pain in the a—” Considering pony flight made her brain spiral through equations, this new fact sent it for an outright tumble. Spurred, Sparkle pushed Rainbow hard enough to knock her out flat on her flank in excitement. In a pony body, it felt natural to throw oneself at somepony. “You like Daring Do?! You?!” Rainbow rolled her eyes as she oof'd on the floor. “Well, duh! Of course, I do! I’m even in one!” Her own eyes went wide with sudden realization. “Has the me over there read them yet?” “I’m not sure. I never thought to ask her...” Sparkle became embarrassed, realizing what she had done and how that sounded. She stepped off the pegasus and Rainbow went right back up as nimble as a feather. The gesture didn't break the flow of conversation, sudden hugs and tackles were the norm in Equestria. As were other physical impossibilities as Rainbow counted off on one wing's feathers while keeping afloat by single-flapping with the other. “Okay! One, you need to ask her. Two, if she hasn't you need to show her. Three, you gotta find out where Daring lives and get her to write me in again.” “You mean A.K. Yearling?” Sparkle asked doubtfully. “Yeah, that's who I said! Sheesh, what does the other me even do over there?” Rainbow huffed. “She plays soccer and guitar,” replied Sparkle while thinking over the tasks she was given. Rainbow considered this idea. “Socker what? Is it anything like buckball? Or is it more like hoofball?” she asked before perking up. “Guitar though! Am I any good?” Princess Twilight watched Rainbow streak away from Sparkle in a hurry. She approached Sparkle then to ask, “Is everything alright?” Sparkle's eyes lingered on the window before she looked back to Twilight. “She said she is going to lend me the copy of Daring Do that she guest stars in. She also wants me to show it to my Rainbow Dash as proof that books are 'as awesome as eggheads say they are'.” Sparkle spoke slow, still getting a handle on the words as she said them. “I also think she is going to buy a guitar... did you really meet A.K. Yearling? She's a famous recluse and never does book signings in my world.” Twilight shook her head and smiled. “You could read the book when she brings it to you. I wouldn’t want to spoil it.” Sparkle glanced at Twilight sidelong, and for a lingering beat the two locked eyes with each other. “Did Shining ever ask you to do the voices for his comics? Growing up?” Sparkle asked suddenly. “Every night!” Twilight instantly replied before they both shared a giggle at the memory. It made Sparkle relax. Who else could you relate if not yourself? Though even that highlighted her current problem. “Everyone gets along so easy here. You are all so close,” said Sparkle with a soft sigh. “Isn't it the same in Canterlot High?” Twilight asked though Sparkle's small hesitation in reply was answer enough. “Before you leave we ought to sit down and make a list. We are physically alike as well as mentally so if we can compare where our experiences differ—” Twilight's run on was interrupted by Sparkle's waving hoof. “I already thought as much… but after listening to Rainbow… I'm not sure that some of the things that have happened here in Equestria could ever happen back on Earth.” Sparkle made a wane smile as she admitted, “We are just students that go to a high school. Here you're world-saving heroes. Bit of a gap.” Inwardly, Sparkle thought that the chances of anyone crowning her princess, much less winning the high school prom, was wishful thinking. Yet another thing Princess Twilight beat her at. Twilight was firmer in her hypothesis, however. “There's been signs that show that while the exact event might not happen, results could be close to the same.” Sparkle raised a brow at that notion. “You sound like you believe in fate?” Twilight gestured with her hooves before taking a few seconds to look around for her chalkboard. The other girls were using it to play pin-a-tail on a pony. She sighed and stuck with pantomiming. “Well… not exactly fate. More like... statistics. We have events that can work out to be the same result if the variables are in the right ratio to each other. Maybe there can be some differences in one area, but it'd be made up in another.” The Princess of Lecturing took a long breath and added to the rationale. “In Equestria many of my friend's personalities didn't have an opportunity to shine until Rainbow Dash did a rainboom while she was a filly. Something equivalent must have happened in the scope of what could happen in your world.” There was a pause as Twilight hunted for a way to explain the concept. “Let's take your wings as an example.” Sparkle, now suddenly self-conscious of the feathery limbs splayed them out instinctively. “Wings? What about them? You have them too.” “I have them now. But I wasn't born with them. Aside from Princess Celestia and Luna nopony could be.” Twilight hesitated a fraction before adding, “Err…well it would be incredibly rare, at any rate.” Twilight decided for the sake keeping the conversation 'simple' to omit her natural-born alicorn niece. Or the fact that she was an aunt at all. One foalstep at a time. For the most part, Sparkle was distracted enough by trying out a few flaps to catch the brief hitch in the Twilight’s conversation. “So how did you get them?” “I had to complete a spell that resulted in the fusion of all my friend’s magical talents.” This caught Sparkle's full attention, and she folded her wings away. “That sounds a lot like—” “—what happened to you,” Twilight concluded with a nod and then added, “There’s another variable: I’m older than you. If I’m right everypo—...err everyone on Earth is actually younger than their counterpart in Equestria. Before we adjusted the mirror with Sunset's notebook it only opened every two and a half years, but I don't think time flowed the same way.” Sparkle shed some of her uncertainty in the light of intriguing theorizing. “That would go into explaining some of the differences we’ve seen. You had a head start here!” Sparkle bumped her nose again with her hoof for her nonexistent glasses, too distracted to spare embarrassment over the force of habit. “I spent the last year studying the phenomenon at the Battle of the Bands. Principal Cinch might have made me go to the friendship games earlier if I was available back then.” “When I first arrived in Ponyville, I thought everypony was crazy. The dramatics of fighting Nightmare Moon threw us together, but I still had to learn to get along.” Twilight chuckled and shook her head. “It wasn't easy. The first-night Applejack told me to let go at a cliff edge, and I had to trust in her and the others to save me. That's easy now, but back then I was scared plenty at a stranger who might as well drop me.” “Oh!” exclaimed Sparkle with ears perked and wings spread. “Applejack came to my rescue too! During the friendship games I was fumbling under pressure and… and she helped. Even though at that point she knew I wasn't you and I was on the other team.” Sparkle mulled over this line of thinking, clopping her hooves together in imitation of palm-on-fist. “So, it is not simply about you being a better me.” She blinked and felt sheepish at voicing that thought. Twilight only smiled back at her. “Not at all 'better'. We are just different. If there’s any delay then it’s likely the fault of Sunset and I for disrupting things on Earth. It’s no fault of your own. If neither of us went through the mirror—” “Well I don't wish for that,” interrupted Sparkle, “A year or two of development is worth getting an entire world to explore. I wouldn't want to be without Sunny either!” At the mention of the mare both Twilights' heads turned to look towards Sunset Shimmer. The party games had moved from Pin-the-tail to piñata whacking with Sunset on her hindhooves and blindfolded. She clumsily swung the stick at the colorful mockup while the other girls laughed and cheered her on. Twilight after the brief lull asked, “You two are close?” Sparkle fidgeted. Usually, she was careful in her words, but now they tumbled out. “The fight we talked about. It wasn't really one. I was... I guess you could say possessed? Filled to the brim with all this power and feeling like I could … I could have everything, do everything, see everything.” Sparkle shivered at that, shaking her head. “Sunny, she helped me. I think I would have regretted a lot of things if it weren't for her. Afterwards, we hang out and talk... she's real sweet…” She felt like she was making a mess of explaining, but to her surprise Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. “I understand,” said Twilight with a smile. “One benefit of this whole situation is that we don't have to lecture each other on the complicated stuff.” Sparkle laughed at that, Inter-dimensional Time-shifted Predestination was an easy concept compared to relationships. That sounded about right for a Twilight Sparkle of any reality. Sunset Shimmer munched on one of the candies from the pinata. She had noted it was a game for younger sorts to Pinkie, but the Pie’s boundless enthusiasm was enough that being older didn't mean one stopped being a little bit silly. Hell, it was fun swinging a stick at stuff at any age, but she thought she ought to check up on how Sparkle was handling the get-together. A glance around the room she saw one of the Twilights having a conversation with Fluttershy. Sunset watched from afar, seeing if she could tell which one it was by the mannerisms. She found it rather difficult, but maybe that ought not to be a surprise. Human Fluttershy and Twilight were already fairly comfortable with each other what with Fluttershy being a sort of animal-nerd in-spirit to the bookworm. Sunset wasn't the only one observing them. The other Twilight was nearby with a scroll before her, looking like she was taking notes of her doppelganger. With some mischievousness she snuck up behind the second Twilight and said, “Make any great discoveries?” The Twilight didn't flinch or pause in her notetaking. “Several, though not as surprising as somepony might think. In retrospect, it's something I should have expected.” She lit her horn to roll up the scroll and turned to face Sunset proper. “I hope you're enjoying your party, sorry that it ended up being a bit busier than I thought.” Sunset marveled that this Twilight didn't even spook at her sudden approach. Then again considering everything Princess Twilight’s been through it must be tough to scare her. “So much cake in so many days. I think I’m going to be glad that we don't have to worry about waistlines here.” Sunset shook her head and chuckled. “Speaking of which, should I be afraid that the one constant in the multiverse is a Pinkie Pie party?” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Over here we count it lucky if Pinkie obeys gravity for a whole day. The other natural laws are give and take. I've given up on trying to study her. I'm just happy she is on our side.” Sunset and Twilight shared a laugh at that, before being interrupted by Applejack. “Now it was a bit of tryin' to find you a birthday present on short notice,” Applejack put a rather sharp glance to Twilight before continuing, “but seeing how you can only visit every so often ah figure better make the most of it.” Out from underneath one of the tables Applejack rolled out a barrel. The sight of which confused Sunset, though Twilight beside her gasped, “Applejack! Is that what I think it is?” “Ayup! The very first batch of cider for the year. We make a little bit of it before going full swing. To be sure it is up to stuff.” She looked about. “Dash ain't about right now, and Pinkie looks busy so you two can maybe get a few sips in at least before they cotton on.” Sunset looked wary. “What’s so special about this cider?” One sniff immediately changed her mind. “Hey! That smells pretty good!” Some small part of Sunset’s intrinsically pony self that had been neglected for years came up roaring for apples. When Applejack hoofed over a mug she was quick to catch it in her magic to lift for a taste. “Whoa!” Applejack grinned as she poured Twilight a mug. “Betcha missing Equestria already! Ah, better make sure everypony else gets a taste before Pink and Blue get to fighting over it. Would that Twilight over yonder want one too?” Sunset shared a glance with Princess Twilight and Applejack. “I don't think she's ever had anything stronger than a strawberry float honestly. We are still considered uhh... fillies on the other side of the mirror. Though I seem to remember the Equestrian version of this being easier to take.” Twilight snorted. “I'll make sure she doesn't get into trouble. It’s my reputation on the line too if she ends up with a lampshade on her head.” Sunset chuckled after taking another sip, it really was good cider. After Applejack stepped away to make her rounds Sunset spun the mug in the air with her magic. “Funny how the magic comes back to you.” Twilight sipped evenly at her own mug and smiled. “Last time you were here you were good at teleporting too. Not many ponies can get the knack of that.” Sunset chuckled and peered over at Twilight over the rim of the mug. “High praise! Especially from you.” Though she cut her laugh short when Twilight looked hurt by it. “Oh... hey. I was serious.” Sunset inwardly sighed here she was bruising yet another Twilight's feelings. She hurried to clarify. “When I was Celestia's student I was top of the class. Pretty much counted on that Celestia would make me an alicorn someday.” She looked away. “You managed to get all of that and more. Only without the whole... megalomania thing.” Twilight's expression softened, and she answered, “When I told Celestia about the return of Nightmare Moon I thought she was brushing me off when she said to make friends in Ponyville instead.” She sighed. “I was in such a hurry that I left the few that did think of me as a friend already in Canterlot hanging. Being talented and being a bit full of oneself goes hoof-in-hoof if a pony isn't careful. I could have very well been in your place, Sunset if I was her first student.” “Somehow I doubt that, but thanks anyway,” Sunset replied. The encouragement cheered her and put her in a playful mood to ask, “So, speaking of students. What is this I’m hearing from your friends that you got your own now? Are you starting up a Ponyville branch of the gifted unicorn school?” Twilight burst into earnest laughter. “Oh, Celestia, no! Starlight is a special case. She was a pony who started off abusing magic because she was lonely, but me and my friends managed to convince her through the power of friendship that... she... could... find another way...” Twilight trailed off before it was her turn to wince a second time. “Is that bragging? That does sound like bragging doesn't it?” Because teasing a Twilight was a past-time that spanned dimensions, Sunset simply shook her head and grinned. “I’m sure making villains into friends the kind of stuff that happens every Tuesday for a princess. Was I your first convert at least?” “It actually tends to happen more on Saturdays, and you were… oh... the third one,” mumbled Twilight, not quite meeting Sunset's eyes. Sunset thought that strangely didn't sound like an exaggeration, but went to assure her anyway. “Oh relax, Twilight. I had a dose of the whole-saving-a-friend thing too you know. It’s just something that happens,” Sunset added, “I'd still like to meet your student though.” Twilight looked thoughtful. “That's a great idea! She's incredibly skilled and could appreciate a pony with talent like yours.” She paused and tried to think of a way to explain how Starlight was currently on tour with Trixie, yet another pony who was yet another ex-rival. “She's traveling right now. Otherwise, I'm sure she'd have come.” Sunset was already smirking over something else. “Talented, hmm? You think I’m talented?” Twilight laughed. “Of course! You were Celestia's top student, and you could handle the element of magic itself. If you weren’t stealing it from me at the time I’d have tackled you anyway to ask you about yourself.” Sunset verbally prodded. “Still can't beat you though. Like I can’t beat Sparkle at math.” Twilight's own smile didn't budge. “I said you were talented, not perfect.” Sunset snorted before closing one eye to peer at Twilight with the other. “Was... was that a joke, princess? I think I’m a bad influence at you.” Twilight took a long, unhurried gulp from her mug to finish it off. “Only an observation. If you're not going to be overly sensitive to my slips. I don't see why I should let you have all the teasing fun.” She strode forward and gave Sunset a bump at the shoulder with hers. The motion punctuated with a brush of her wing. Her smile turned to a grin with a decidedly lidded look to her eyes. “Besides, as my history shows. I get along with bad girls.” Sunset coughed as she snarfed some of her cider at those eyes. She fumbled over what to reply with, caught off guard. Sparkle certainly wouldn't be this forward! The thought only made her fidget all the more. Twilight changed her sultry look to a playful wink. “Got you there.” She giggled in a very adorkable Twilight-esque way. Sunset raised a hoof in surrender. “Okay. Okay, you got me. I won't keep poking.” She had to admit to herself that it had made her feel... quirky. “Didn't know you had it in you,” she said in a quiet voice, nearly to herself more than Twilight. Twilight bounced her mane with a victorious head toss. “I try not to sweat the small stuff after dealing with the big world-ending things.” She beamed and confided in a low voice, “I’m only down to one checklist a day, lately.” Sunset thought by Twilight’s tone she was prouder of that fact than any of the other heroic feats she had done. Twilight sobered slightly and continued on. “To be serious. I do respect your skill in magic, Sunset. Before this whole party sprung on us I was going to ask you about your lessons under Celestia. Did she give you a dragon egg too? I always wondered if that was a unique test.” Sunset thought back to that time, it was difficult, but this memory was a pleasant one. “Yeah, she did… well... not a dragon. I got a red and gold egg that I hatched a phoenix from. Philomena was her name.” Her expression fell slightly. “Has it really been that long? I wonder what happened to her.” Twilight touched Sunset's shoulder with a hoof. “I've seen Philomena! She lives with Celestia, and I'm sure she gets all the care Equestria can offer.” She waited a beat before adding, “I’m sure they would both love to see you...” Her voice trailed off as she felt Sunset shake. Sunset stepped away and tried to put on a nervous smile. “Sorry.” She stood there conflicted while she opened her mouth, closed it, opened again. Then she paused before finally sighing. If the teasing made her wits jumble. This was ten times worse. “I can't joke about this one.” Twilight's brow knit in concern. “Celestia is more forgiving than her reputation lets on. She never speaks about you in anger, only regret. She was happy to hear that you reformed the first time I came back.” Sunset shook her head stronger this time. “Let's not talk about it, please?” she murmured while looking off, “To be honest. I'm glad we are keeping this in the library. I can only think of one pony I'm actually comfortable around.” She coughed, “Well, two, technically speaking.” Twilight followed Sunset's glance over to where Sparkle was now having a three-way conversation with Spike and Fluttershy. By Spike's fidgeting the girls were probably comparing dog and dragon facts. “You could do worse,” observed Twilight after a moment. That made Sunset stiffen up and look over sidelong. Twilight thought about sharing the insight she gained from Sparkle, but she was reminded where meddling with relationships got her. There was also the fact that Sparkle had opened up to her in confidence, but maybe she could hint. Twilight while keeping her tone level said, “This is your day to do what you want, Sunset Shimmer. It doesn't have to be the only one either. You will always be welcome in Equestria, Sparkle too.” Sunset mulled this over a long while before suddenly declaring, “I'm going to need more cider.” “What's got you so glum, suga' cube? Usually a pony needs a few more candles on their cake before they stop havin' fun at one of these.” Applejack spoke as she played bartender for Sunset and refilled the mug full of cider. “Oh. The party is fine, great even. Heh, it’s nearly like the one I had yesterday.” Sunset hesitated, out of reservation of saying more, but also in part out of the fact she wasn't sure herself. She settled for giving the mug a spin and watching the cider slosh from one side to another. Finally, she answered, “I guess being back in Equestria has made me think of a few things.” Applejack gave her signature lift of eyebrow and said nothing. Sunset coughed before adding, “Friendship things.” “Mmm,” mused Applejack while lifting a cloth to begin polishing the countertop with it. “If I was a bettin' pony. I’d have my wager that it has to do with doubles, that about right?” Sunset was suddenly self-conscious of the fact that she had a habit of looking over to where Twilight and Sparkle were. They were currently chatting with Rarity. Sunset thought she could pick out which was Twilight by her demonstrative air hoofing and which was Sparkle by the studious intensity. Were they doing more magic lessons? The thought made her smile, but Applejack's statement lingered. Sunset had been having fun talking to the pony version of Twilight. Even with that little bit of flirting that Twilight gave. As much as it startled her, she couldn't help but like it. It was just teasing to the princess of course, but... “What would you do if you had two of someon—...umm somepony and they were both great. But one was showing signs you wished the other had because you weren't sure... if... they…” Sunset lost steam midway, letting the sentence dwindle out. She covered for it with a big gulp of cider. That was the crux of the problem, wasn't it? The talk of Celestia had been a cold-water reminder of how alienated she was from this world. Here she was at a party full of ponies who were both strangers, yet close friends. She could almost hold a regular conversation with one, but then something they did or said highlighted that they were not quite who they looked to be. Applejack moved to pump her a fresh mug and used the time to think. A smile tugged at her lip as she said, “Now as I understand it there is one of me over there right? So ya'll might have an idea what I'm about to say.” Sunset didn't need to think on this one. “My Applejack would say to come forward and be honest.” Applejack's smile grew into a grin. “Sounds like a sensible Apple despite wobblin' around on two legs. 'Spose that means that with all the space between here and there one Applejack can think like another. Maybe it works for them Twilights too.” Applejack's muzzle briefly scrunched at the alliteration. Her mouth was just too honest for wordgames. Sunset turned the idea over in the meanwhile, taking a deep drink. The cider was turning out to be one of the highlights of her trip here. “Now sugarcube, you take it easy. That's your fourth one and you ain't an earth pony,” Applejack warned. “Believe it or not. I don't think I ever got a hangover in Equestria,” replied Sunset with a minor hiccup. “I don't know about any over hangs, but I know that you wouldn't be the first pony to end up stumbling flank over teakettle. Keep yourself settled for about fifteen before you try anything that might look like a good idea right this minute.” Applejack gave her a little pat before moving from around the bar. “Speakin' of which. You've had your fair share, Pinkie and Dash will be fretting if I don't give them the rest.” She looked over one more time. “But try not to worry. These things have a way of workin' out,” she said before wheeling away with the barrel. Sunset raised her mug in a toast to magical ponyland where being drunk was brief and hangovers non-existent. There was another thing the conversation with Twilight had reminded Sunset of. It had stung hard when she thought the pony princess was ignoring her during the Friendship Games. She might have gone bitter about it, but the odd circumstance of having an extra Twilight made it all the more complicated. Sparkle was just like Twilight only less worldly. It gave Sunset the opportunity to play the big sister to the adorkable gal. A caregiver role that she found that she very much enjoyed. Helping people felt good and was something that she can be proud of herself for doing. Sparkle was far from helpless, but being able to make things easier for her bit by bit brought Sunset a kind of happiness. Teasing was a fun way to bring a smile to someone, and she lived for Sparkle's smiles. Live for a smile? That’s something Pinkie would say... Romance was trickier. It always had been. She had flirted with the idea once or twice but never Sparkle herself. She had seen the damage a misplaced 'I love you' did and the awkwardness that grew out of it. But now she was back in Equestria, in her old body and Twilight's teasing... Sunset murmured under her breath, “Sparkle my sparkle. Where is that star in my eye.” She scanned the room again and spotted one Twilight talking with Rainbow Dash who was showing her a guitar? The pegasus had an advantage over her human version in being able to strum with both sets of hooves and wings. The two were talking excitedly over something. Sunset knew that Sparkle was nervous around Rainbow Dash and doubly so when it came to athletics and music, so that was undoubtedly the pony princess. The other Twilight in the room was sitting at a table with a book open before her. Sunset chortled, ah ha! There was her wallflower. In a repeat of her trick before she ambled as quiet as she could behind the Twilight at the table. Though sneaking was a generous term for it. The Twilight at the table more oblivious from her engrossing search than Sunset's stumbling skill. Sunset bopped her from behind while leaning over her shoulder, “Hey I know that book! At it again huh? Naughty naughty!” Sparkle startled as she hastily closed Sunset's journal. “Ah! No! I only thought that I should give it a look over. Especially after—” Her eyes darted, being caught and knowing it. Sunset put a hoof on Twilight's mouth to quiet her. “Hey listen. Nevermind that, and I’m feeling great. In fact, I got something I need to talk to you about.” She looked about, “But not here. Mmn. Let's poke about the castle.” If one thing unicorns were naturals at, it was persuasive headbutting. A few insistent prods and pointed pokes got the two into the hallway outside the library. Sparkle rubbed herself with a hoof. “If you want the tour shouldn't we get the others?” She sounded concerned. “But then I couldn't tell you my secret,” teased Sunset while stepping around and leading the way down the hall. Sparkle following in tow. Sunset grinned, it might be her birthday, but she was the one that had the surprise for Sparkle. The first few doors were rather disappointing. A broom closet. Another wing of library. Finally, a bedroom! “Hmm. Weird décor. Whose room is this?” Sunset mused. Sparkle glanced about at the ant farm on the table and the poster on the wall. “One of the guest rooms. This is my brother's room when he visits. But why did—” This time it wasn't a hoof that interrupted her. Sunset had the distinct pleasure of seeing Sparkle's expression go wide and her eyes to shocked pinpricks at the kiss. Those wings floofed out, and Sunset gave a muffled giggle around where their lips met. Though Sunset soon held her breath. This was risky, and she knew it. She had bet it all on this wild, crazy idea. Slowly, hesitantly, Sparkle started to relax against her. Those stiff lips softening and opening. It was Sunset's turn to have her eyes widen as her heart soared. Their tongues touched, and Sunset felt dizzy with excitement. Then Sparkle nudged forward, deepening the kiss. Oh yes! Then a stronger push had Sunset stumble a step backwards as the other shoved. That was nearly enough to put her to the bed! Hey... wait-a-minute... Sunset put her hooves up on Sparkle's chest needing to strain to stop the other's looming. Not that she minded the enthusiasm, but the cider's buzz was wearing off, and a nagging little quiet worry was starting to become a very big loud worry. “Mmnnhmm... nhn... Tw-Twilight?” “Mmhmm! Hah... hah... yes?” The alicorn panted. “Twilight?!” An annoyed grunt and another try to push Sunset over. “Yes?!” Sunset's realization threw her off balance in both senses. She teetered on her hindhooves before falling to the bed. Once her head hit the pillows she groaned loudly. “Hey! We barely started!” Twilight complained. Sunset mumbled under her breath, not quite meeting Twilight’s eyes. She had gone limp underneath the princess, but the apparent misery on her muzzle was enough to kill anypony’s mood. Twilight took the easy guess. “I’m not the one you thought I was, am I?” she asked carefully. Sunset glanced over at her, embarrassed and then away again. “Well… I’m only a little disappointed,” Twilight said wryly. She rubbed a hoof on Sunset’s chest trying to cajole a smile out of her. “Maybe go easy on the cider next time?” She suggested. That round of teasing got Sunset to reply, “Hah. Hah,” she said with her eyes rolling out of sheer reflex. Twilight laughed. “Feel a little better?” “Yes and no,” Sunset grumbled, “I’m sober now with all of the regret and none of the fun.” Her expression had her ears drooping. “I’m really am a fuc… err buck up,” she said lamely and reached for a pillow to cover her face with. It flew out of her hooves on a glowy shimmer of magenta. Twilight fluffed the pillow and tucked it under her own head instead. “You wouldn’t be the first pony to make a mistake or to be a little clumsy about relationships.” Sunset wiggled briefly, but relaxed and looked towards the ceiling. She reflected on how personal space was only a suggestion in Equestria with Twilight still beside her and uncaring about the close body contact now that the mood had passed. “Over there, it’s a lot harder. You can’t just ask if someone likes you and if you like someone a lot you have to hide it until you're sure they feel that way too. Especially if it is another girl.” “That makes a difference?” Twilight asked looking as if she was taking mental notes. “Oh, you wouldn’t believe!” Sunset sighed as she slumped back. Glum at the memory of finding that particular Earth idiosyncrasy out the hard way. Dating Flash out of desperation to quell rumors was a project of its own. Twilight leaned in to bump Sunset’s temple with her nose. “If your Twilight is how I was before Ponyville then she’s likely not to have been with well... anypony really or um... anyman?” She furrowed her brow searching for the right term. “Anyone. Male or female.” “Likely she’s too busy with her studies to have a chance at her first kiss,” added Twilight and glanced sidelong at Sunset, “I know my own preferences haven’t changed in the last three years. If… you're still wondering about that. I go for brains and personality first before thinking about the uhh… in’s and out’s.” Sunset had wondered, but now she saw an opening for a tease. “Because you got so much more time for it now. Between all the world saving, right?” Twilight’s cheeks colored. “I’ve had plenty of times since then!” Her blush deepened when Sunset started to giggle at the implication. “Opportunities! Plenty of opportunities!” Twilight clarified desperately. Sunset giggles progressed to gigglesnorts. “Augh!” This time Twilight let Sunset have the pillow by throwing it at her. Sunset hugged the pillow afterwards and smiled back at her. “I’m sorry. You sounded so much like Sparkle there. Getting cute over kissing. Do you think I have a chance with her then?” “About ninety-six percent still. Depending on a few variables.” Twilight’s mouth was open, though her lips hadn’t moved. Sunset was about to comment on that neat trick when dawning realization made her freeze. Sparkle was standing in the doorway. “S-Sparkle?!” Sunset exclaimed and then immediately cried, “This isn’t what it looks like!” “It looks like you're getting relationship advice,” said Sparkle plainly. Sunset stumbled over how to answer that and ended up sinking behind her pillow instead. Twilight was more composed, watching her other self’s expression. “How much did you overhear?” asked Twilight. “About most of it. You left the door open,” replied Sparkle in a terse tone. To Twilight’s eye she could see the slight tremble in Sparkle foreleg as well as the regular, steadying breath. Twilight wondered if Nightmare Moon saw all of this too, all those years ago: A shy, nerdy unicorn in over her head, who would still be ready to challenge someone bigger than her for her friend’s sake… Sunset sat upright at that and for a time was stuck looking between the two mirrored alicorns. She wanted to say something, but they were intent on each other. Each trading quick glances and subtle shifts in posture and body language. All of it was done without speaking a word. Sunset had the sense that they were both running argument and counter-argument mentally. Who needs telepathy if you know everything a person would say? “I am not trying to steal her away,” said Twilight at last. With the same light in her eyes at solving an equation, Sparkle suddenly relaxed. “I believe you,” she said while approaching the bed and looked to Sunset, “but you still owe me that kiss.” The idea of being fought over made Sunset warm over. Sunset had always thought —rather, assumed— Sparkle as someone she had to win over. After all her own chasing what if the reverse true? That Sparkle herself might have been chasing her? Sunset rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and laughed with nervous relief. “Well, okay. Uhh...” She looked sidelong at Princess Twilight. Twilight smiled. “I’ll give you two some space.” “No. I want you to stay,” Sparkle interrupted. At Sunset's surprised look she coughed and explained, “You were right. I’ve never had a kiss before. I think I could use someone with experience to guide me.” “Sparkles, it’s a kiss, not a test! You don't need a tutor!” Sunset cried with some exasperation. “I think this is a good idea,” remarked Twilight while making herself comfortable on the bed. Sunset suspiciously noted that Twilight hadn’t actually moved when she said she would. Just what kind of conclusion these two had reached during their silent duel? > Chapter 3: The Prench Have a Word for It... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset looked towards Sparkle and focused on her. As off the rails as her plan to surprise and seduce Sparkle had gone, the fact was that she was here ready for a kiss. “Sunny,” Sparkle murmured when Sunset leaned forward. There was a moment of hesitation in Sunset before she finally she held her breath and put her lips to Sparkle. It was a gentler kiss than the one she had given Twilight. Filled with uncertainty at first in both girls before they relaxed to each other. When they finally parted, Sunset found it hard not to smile. “Now give her some tongue,” instructed Twilight. Sunset's ears perked as she was reminded of watchful eyes. “Hey! We are tryin—mmnf.” The instruction hadn't been for Sunset. Sparkle seized that opening of Sunset's indignation to press her back and nudge her tongue firm and square into Sunset's mouth. Sunset’s emotions spun away from pique to passion. Being Prench kissed in so many minutes, by so many Twilights! She couldn’t deny liking it, as guilty of a pleasure as it might be. Sunset led a stroke along Sparkle's side, and her wings opened. Sunset laughed, Sparkle giggled, and they were off, tipped onto the bedsheets in a playful roll of bodies. Sparkle eventually let herself fall to her back, with her wings spread like a natural blanket. The feathers added a plush comfort to the weight of having Sunset settled on her. Sunset moved a thigh in close in-between Sparkle's and grinned when she heard the 'Mmf!' come out of her at the touch. The kiss broke a second time with a panting on both sides. “Gotcha there, Sparkles.” After being teased by two Twilights, Sunset was ready to take any victory she could get! She began rocking against Sparkle, riding thigh against her groin. Sparkle was too far flushed and squirming to give much of a response. Instead wedging her face underneath Sunset's chin to let out a few moans into the front of her throat. She then turned her head to nip at Sunset's shoulder. That riled Sunset up all the more, getting her tail to flick with the hip motion. She felt herself start to ache at her own loins, but she kept the swaying pace. She wanted to feel her Sparkle shake with the pleasure of an orgasm and made sure of it with a drag of her leg along Sparkle’s sex, favoring the sensitive bump of a clit with each pass. Sunset's tail swung a few times before she felt it lifting on its own. Soon after a sudden warmth pressed against her cunny. A glance back over her shoulder showed her Twilight with one hoof on her sun cutie’d flank while sparing a hoof for rubbing herself between the thighs. Sunset couldn't see Twilight's smile over her sun-stamped curves but felt the mouth all the same. As well as the goading pinch that made her jerk in place. The darting press of tongue and the play of snout and nose teasing her clit had Sunset shaking until Sparkle clopped at Sunset’s chest with a huffy whine. Thus spurred, Sunset started rocking again, with the heat of two different, yet similar lips on each end of her swing. It wasn't long before all three were moaning their pleasures. “Wherever do you think they went? It’s not much a party without the partiers,” asked Rarity as she began folding a tablecloth into a neat square with her horn magic. With the cider barrel drained and the party favors exploded there was the un-celebratory job of cleanup. It was a job that fell onto Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy's shoulders more often than not. Rarity snorted in annoyance at the dozing Rainbow Dash sprawled out on a table. A sharp yank at the tablecloth had Rainbow up and scattering the empty cups around her with a few surprised flaps before tumbling to the floor. “Hey!” Applejack chuckled at the antics before sharing a glance with Rarity. “Ah can think of one thing at least two of them are doin',” she said with a coy tip of her head and hat. Rarity looked puzzled before she suddenly leapt back to avoid being hit by a wagging pink hoof that stuck out from under the table. “Oh! Oh! I know!” Pinkie exclaimed nudging forward through the pile of cups on the floor. “They are bee you cee kay aye en gee!” Pinkie somehow looked as bright-eyed as ever, despite technically being the one drunk under the table. Fluttershy's eyes widened as she heard. “OH!...oh.” Her hooves going up to cover her mouth. Rarity scoffed, “That's just ridiculous.” Her voice then dropped to a gossiping whisper, “Do you think so? With… herself?” Applejack prodded Rarity on the shoulder. “Come now. Ya gonna tell me all them hours doing up your mane in the mirror you never want to give yourself a smooch.” She was grinning as she added, “Never felt a little generous for yourself?” Rarity took on a fierce blush then sputtered a few halfhearted denials before puffing out her cheeks, staring daggers at the laughing Applejack. “It's fun! Especially when you know everything that you like!” Pinkie confirmed cheerfully. “Wait... what are we talking about again?” asked Rainbow Dash sluggishly, finally sitting up from her place on the floor. Pinkie Pie merrily went on to describe the many ways she used the duplicating pool to provide a personal party for herself before charitably sending them out to Ponyville. Rarity and Fluttershy turned competing shades of pink. Rainbow sobered up and had more than a headache to groan over. Applejack looked the least perturbed, likely owing to her farmer's experience. Slowly, one by one, they looked towards the mirror in the room with speculative glances. “Well, it doesn't sound… awful. Sunset did tell me of their respect for fashion,” Rarity ventured into the silence. “I always wanted to try a double rainboom,” murmured Rainbow with eyes darting. “…” Fluttershy didn't say, before quietly asking, “H-How do we know they would want it too?” “I expect if they are us, they'd have the same sort of idea,” said Applejack, recalling her conversation with Sunset. With a small snort, she added, “Twilight went off on her own over there what… three times now?” “Four! If you count her coming over here!” Pinkie Pie corrected with a big grin and bob of her head towards the hallway. She did love it when a party resulted in something special. Sunset felt oddly divided by both arousal and jealousy. Twilight and Sparkle held each other with their muzzles locked in a heavy kiss. Like their wordless conversation before there was a kind of non-speaking intensity in their movements with each other. Could Sunset ever hope to match that kind of passion? One of the Twilights opened an eye and smirked with the corner of her mouth at her. Sunset flushed, realizing just whose flavor they were sharing. The second Twilight now looked at her staring and giggled, breaking the kiss. With a conspiratorial glance to her twin, their horns lit in unison. The same shade of purple magic overlaid and pulled Sunset forward until she settled in-between the alicorns. “You know this is totally not fair on me,” said Sunset as she looked at the two coy purple ponies. Having since long lost track of which one was which. All differences aside they were both equal when it came to teasing. “Isn't it? You're getting served double by us,” said Left Twilight. “You should have a two-hundred percent satisfaction rate,” said Right Twilight. Sunset peered suspiciously at the pony to her right and started to turn towards her. Sparkle on the left gave Sunset a clopping spank on the cutie. “Gotcha, Sunny!” she said with a giggle, putting her nose on Sunset's shoulder. “Is this my life now? Toy to a pair of purple princesses?” Sunset sighed dramatically. Sparkle perked at that particular mention. “Twilight, do you have toys?” She wondered with a contemplative look in her eyes. She had seen ponies use plastics and rubber but was stuck to ask further on what kind of adult sex industry Equestria had. Twilight nodded at her counterpart. “Applejack could show you every aspect of Earth pony ingenuity when it comes to mechanical analogues, but I prefer magic.” Now turning to Sunset, Twilight grinned. “And I know just the pony to use it on.” Sunset couldn't tell if Twilight was more excited for her or a chance at using a spell. “Use what on?” When Twilight's horn started to glow Sunset had precious few seconds to read the spell forms, and her eyes grew wide. “Wha— w-wait...!” The spell wasn't painful when it struck if anything it felt like a tide of heat and dancing tickles running along Sunset’s flanks. Enough to make her legs kick at the air as she groaned. Sparkle gasped in surprise, “Sunny! You... you have... a... oh…!” Sunset stared at herself then at Twilight. “When did you learn this?” Twilight looked immensely pleased with her work. “I got the idea during a magic duel I had a while back. I twiddled with it after I saw that it was less of a challenge to do only bits of the spell. I only added what mattered in any case. How does it feel, Sunset?” “Kinda stiff actually,” replied Sunset sardonically. A curious bump by Sparkle's hoof had her shiver. “Ah!” Sparkle prodded a few times. “Are they all that big?” She marveled. “Like I said before. We're all pony here,” chuffled Sunset. A touch by Twilight's lips had her perk. “Ah!” Twilight stroked her nose in a line along Sunset's endowment. “It appears that you're just as sensitive. Maybe even more so,” she murmured into Sunset's lap. Sunset quaked some from the sensation until Sparkle leaning on her side settled her body’s trembles, though not the needy throb in her loins. “It would be nice to be able to feel you like that, Sparkles,” admitted Sunset with a newfound empathy for colts everywhere. She looked down at the princess between her legs. “Would it work like a normal one too?” “The spell imitates and translates feelings when it can. So, it should react like—” Twilight paused and moved in to put a warm kiss on the crown of Sunset's shaft. For Sunset, the pleasure was felt in a strange duality, like having her clit teased at the same time as her newly grown cockhead. It made both parts of her ache, and her thighs hugged around Twilight’s neck as she gasped from it. “—mmm. Like that,” Twilight finished with a small laugh. “I would like to try,” Sparkle said with the suddenness of someone deciding to dive into a pool. She clambered over Sunset and clumsily set herself astraddle her, forehooves on Sunset's chest. “Hey, you were on top the last time,” she added when Sunset grunted under her weight. “I’m not complaining,” Sunset said before just looking up at Sparkle. The smile to her muzzle came easy and genuine. For all the zaniness of the situation, she was reminded again that Sparkle was here and she desired her. If unrequited love was the great sadness songs were written about, then love returned was just as powerful. Sunset reached and stroked over Sparkle's cheek, and she turned to nuzzle it fondly. “Good,” Sparkle murmured though soon started to hesitate as she poised herself. “You're going to be my first,” she admitted with a nervous smile. Sunset laughed then and sat up to put a fresh kiss to Sparkle's quivering lip. “And you're going to be my first too, like this,” Sunset replied before a shiver came over her then when she felt the warm squeeze of magic cradling her maleness. The magic lifted and held her shaft upright against Sparkle's lowering mound. Twilight leaned against her counterpart's back, horn aglow with her helping touch. From Sunset's point of view, it looked like the princess was a perverse kind of athletic spotter. “Easy now. I'll guide you. Don't rush! It’ll pinch, but only for a bit.” Her tone was so professional it was almost as if she weren't talking about guiding her mirror-universe self onto a magically summoned penis. Sunset was soon thankful for the support as her senses melted under the warmth of Sparkle's body. It was strange to think the grown stallionhood apart of her, but it soon became all Sunset could think about. The shaft was not quite as sensitive as her actual clit, but that made the friction and direct stroke a bit more pleasurable than raw. There was a need to buck upward, and Sunset struggled against it, she didn’t want to rush Sparkle, but oh how she wanted to thrust! How she so very needed to! “Su... Sun... Sunny!” Sparkle gasped and then shrieked when Twilight let her drop the rest of the way unaided. Star-spangled rump landed on Sun-dappled hips in a full sit with that flesh in-between them. For a few shared heartbeats, they locked eyes and took each other’s measure. At first it only took the barest of movements to have them both freeze with the intensity, but eventually, they could move just a bit without trembling. One pump, then another and another after that. If Sunset didn't think about it, she could fall into a rhythm, bucking naturally at bouncing the moaning Sparkle on her thighs and hips. Sunset relished every press forward from the expectant clench at the sex to the squeeze of Sparkle's legs around her middle. Sparkle reached for her with her forehooves and Sunset hooked hers around in the pony equivalent of holding hands. With a silly grin on her face, Sunset pulled Sparkle forward until she was close enough for a kiss at the ear. “I love you,” Sunset happily sighed into it, blinking quickly to clear her watering eyes. Funny how something that had taken her over a year and two worlds to say came out now. Easy as silk. “I love you too,” Sparkle replied without hesitation, her own eyes already wet. Sunset panted, her heart swelling at the sight as well as... something else. Her hooves jerked, and the building pleasure took shape in her loins building at her shaft’s very tip! Twilight aimed a careful nudge of magic, spurring Sunset right on the cutie. Sunset bucked as hard as she could, but Sparkle was already spasming around her lost in her own climax. It was all too much for Sunset and drove her over the edge she hadn't even known was there. The exquisite peek and the spurt thumping through her cock. The tingle both strange, alien and yet immensely satisfying all at once. Sparkle gasped and squirmed on her, prompting a hug from Sunset to cling and ride the afterglow together. “Pretty good spell as I say so myself,” Twilight remarked, for once not at all sorry to be boastful. “She… came... inside... me?” asked Sparkle while trying to piece her thoughts through the breathless haze. “Don't worry, the mess is more for the fun of it than the functional part,” replied Twilight guessing Sparkle's worry. Sunset started to relax and sighed as the tension too faded from her erection, she’d felt like she had galloped a track. “That's a relief.” Twilight's horn lit as she continued explaining, “But for the solid bits, those can be refreshed. Instantly, in fact.” “Mmmhmm that’s nice, wait… what?” Sunset mumbled then cried as Twilight’s bolt of magic struck her. All at once she was eyes open and hooves flailing when stiffness returned with a sudden, aching vengeance. Sparkle rode her a few more strokes before easing herself off and having Twilight taking her place. Sparkle giggled as she put a hoof across Sunset’s chest and leaned her head on her shoulder. “I need the break, but you don't, apparently.” Twilight leaned to bump her nose on Sunset’s and murmured, “It’s only your after-birthday party for a few more hours yet. Why spend it sleeping?” Sunset thought about telling the princess that she was a little bit heavier than her counterpart, but then Twilight was turning and giving her a view of where exactly those extra pounds went. Twilight peeked under her own body to spy at Sunset’s twitching shaft. “See you agree with me! Part of you, anyway.” Sunset leaned forward then and clopped her hooves over that broad purple haunch. She pulled Twilight back, ready to charge right in. There was only so much teasing a pony could take! Twilight rolled her hips and angled herself just right to let Sunset slip in with barely a missed beat. She puffed out happily. “There you go! Good, Sunset.” Sunset was surprised, but the hot welcome was nice and Twilight breaking into a moan was doubly encouraging as was the swat of her tail against Sunset’s flank to coax her on. Taking the hint, Sunset squeezed Twilight’s bottom with her hooves and drove upward. It was different with Twilight than it had been with Sparkle. Sunset supposed that was the benefit of experience. Experience, excitement or Twilight having enough foresight to lube herself. Whichever the reason, Sunset let the second push carry her to the hilt and let out a rowdy snort. Twilight gave her this thing, and Sunset was going to give it back hard! She put her hooves in another squeeze of that purple behind and spanked the side of that Star-cutie with a forehoof. Twilight’s wings floofed out, and she rolled her hips in a sashay under the spank. She moaned back over her shoulder at Sunset, tail giving a sharp flick backward. Sunset got teased by the tickle of that tail under her nose, and she took a mouthful of it in a firm bite. With the tough hairs held in her flat teeth, Sunset doubled up on her thrusts. Arching her back and carrying Twilight into the air on every bounce. Making time when she fell back down on her hips all the more succulent. A naughty squish of the shaft driving through and her balls cozy and flush to Twilight’s entrance thrilled Sunset. Sunset started to feel the familiar build up thumping along that shaft, her pleasure beginning to rise and feeding into her workout thrusts. As Sunset bounced the princess in her lap, Sparkle was intently watching the action with her hoof between her own legs and rubbing at herself. She spotted Sunset looking and put a kiss on the side of Sunset’s tail-full mouth. The sweetness spurred Sunset on to give another few energetic pumps until she felt Twilight seize upon her in a flutter. Her horn lit and Sunset felt herself held fast inside. “Now, Sunset!” Twilight exclaimed, horn magic flickering as her concentration wavered. Sunset squirmed furiously, teetering on the edge of pleasure, yearning for another clench from Twilight’s loins before falling entirely over on the side of release. Sunset groaned, and her head fell back into pillows as she felt the pressure leave her in spurts into that massaging tunnel. It was Twilight’s turn to climb off with a happy sigh and fall into the bed beside Sunset. The birthday mare had about a half minute of rest with a Twilight in each hoof before Sparkle got up and poised herself. “Let’s try it pony style!” quipped Sparkle with a waggle of her flanks. Sunset looked over to Twilight who was already lighting their horn. “I’m moving, I’m moving!” She stumbled out of bed, woozy on her hooves. Celestia help her if she started seeing double, four Twilights would be the end of her. Dutifully, Sunset approached Sparkle from behind, gently plying at her haunch with a hoof. She leaned in to nuzzle at Sparkle’s muff to kiss and draw a tongue across her cunnylips. This at least she could do without magical aid. Sparkle swayed on all fours before bracing her hooves. “Nngh! Oh, Sunny. I want you to fuck me!” Sunset puffed out against Sparkle’s mound, first in surprise from the profanity and then again when Twilight’s spell zapped her into frizzy-maned, hard-dicked readiness. She took time to stick her tongue out at the princess over her shoulder before putting it to the not-princess in front. “Mph! I thought you were worried about being a nerd. When did you become such a sex kitten?” Sparkle shivered under the tickle and blushed. “I still have desires, even if I'm antisocial. I just didn’t have a person to share them with, until you.” Sunset smiled at her and put a kiss to the small of Sparkle’s back which coaxed a giggle from her. She continued kissing, making a trail until she was nuzzling the back of Sparkle’s neck. “Still plenty romantic when you want to be, Sparkles.” Sparkle returned the smile before gasping when Sunset pressed forward and then inside. She quivered on her hooves, nearly stumbling before locking her legs and taking Sunset’s weight. Sunset puffed a sigh of pleasure in feeling her lover settle around her shaft again. A kinky part of Sunset enjoyed the raunchiness of dipping into Sparkle’s sex still juicy from their previous orgasm. The drizzle of cum made their join all the more heated, and Sunset lingered there, grinding her hips. Sparkle quivered with the act of being mounted and closed her eyes to revel in the drag of weight on her back. After a few minutes of slow grinding, she peeked back and wiggled her bottom encouragingly. “Mmh, Sunny… giddup?” Sunset snorted into Sparkle’s mane and nipped her nape for that. “I want to! I’m just finding out that guys who brag about having two girls leave out the exhausting parts,” she admitted. Sparkle’s brow furrowed before she asked, “Twilight, could you—” “—already on it!” Twilight answered. Sunset chuffed. “Your spell already got me plenty stiff. I don’t see how another will do any—hnngh!” Her words were cut short when she was reminded of her femininity all at once. Twilight had hit her not with a spell, but with forward push of her own. Twilight leaned in and bit at Sunset’s ear to keep her steady, sounding out a muffled grunt when she rocked into place. She had lubed her stalk, and it claimed inches of Sunset’s body in a rush right down to a slap of purple scrotum at the hilt. For Sunset it was a return of that duality only in the opposite way. The conjured shaft she was using gave sensations, but they were distant and remote when compared to her actual flesh being parted and stroked. How could she have ever forgotten she was a mare? Sparkle meanwhile cried and suddenly slouched forward, her head between her hooves as she had to take on double the weight on her back. Sunset hastily braced herself to ease up some of the weight though she was still thoroughly pressed against the back by Twilight and up against the chest and hips by Sparkle underneath. Sunset panted from the new exertion but was aroused by the closeness. Sandwiched between girls! Maybe those braggart guys were onto something after all. Twilight rolled her hips and started to pump into Sunset’s sex. At first, Sunset took it, rising on her tip-hooves as she felt herself spread open. She tightened on that cock, and the throb inside her tunnel provoked a hard kick from her own shaft inside Sparkle. Apparently, the spell could keep up with switching pleasure in both directions. Sparkle jolted at having Sunset ticking away inside, with a shaky voice somewhat muffled by her hooves. “H-Hurry, Sunny!” Sunset got a tweak from Twilight’s lips still holding on her ear, and Sunset passed it along as a kiss on Sparkle’s neck. Afterwards, Sunset relaxed and let Twilight’s strokes carry her forward. Twilight began humping in earnest. It wasn’t long before her thrusts were hilting on the downstroke with enough force to have her purple sack clap against Sunset’s spread sexlips. The tingle of those balls swatting her clit spurred Sunset forward to drive likewise into Sparkle. Sparkle responded by rolling her hips upward and bringing the fullness of that wonderfully cushy ass into Sunset’s lap. Bouncing her thighs off those rumpcheeks lifted Sunset enough to set her up for Twilight’s next stroke. Sunset felt like a part in some wonderfully sensual machine and she closed her eyes. Letting herself fall into the immersion of being rubbed on either side, inside and around by her twin lovers. It had Sunset in a dreamy state, swinging like a pendulum and barely aware of when Twilight let her ear go and dipped her nose over her shoulder. “Ngh. Hah… Hah… Almost there, get ready on her,” said Twilight. Sparkle trembled and nodded, headtop brushing against Sunset’s chin as she replied to her other, “R-Ready!” Sunset only had a few more beats to have it dawn on her, but by then Twilight was shoving her forward, driving to the very root. It had Sunset gasp and squeeze out of sheer reflex. Her hips jerked and tried to move, but Sparkle was tightening her own loins, keeping Sunset held and trapped. Sunset moaned at being caught and if she still had toes she would be curling them. Twilight voiced a groan and her shaft inside Sunset bucked as all at once there was a rush of bubbliness. Sunset’s breath caught, once Twilight came inside her, it lit her own fuse. Sunset's cunny milked that spurting shaft while the magical rebound had her release her own pent load in Sparkle underneath. Eventually, the three of them collapsed, held together like stacked spoons. “I don't expect anypony to hang around, but they left such a mess,” said Twilight , oblivious to how ruffled and disheveled she herself looked when the three returned to the library. Sunset grinned and thought she could finally tell her apart now from Sparkle. Although Sparkle was making it easy with how she was keeping herself pressed against Sunset's flank as they walked. The shameless affection was flattering, but when the mirror came into view, Sunset sighed. “Something the matter?” Sparkle asked. “Just thinking how we might have to act on the other side of that. I’m going to miss being able to be sweet on you,” replied Sunset wistfully. Sparkle eyed the mirror with her, her brow furrowing before she replied, “It doesn’t have to be any different.” That had Sunset’s ears perk as she looked over. “It’ll be rough you know, people like to whisper...you don’t have to—” Sparkle interrupted her with a firm kiss before breaking away with a small blush coloring her cheeks. “If something I observed being over here is that if you get too worked up on the what-if, you miss out. Trusting in your friends and opening up with your feelings brings great... experiences.” As Sunset and Sparkle hugged each other, Twilight smiled. “Another friendship problem solved! If the others were still around I’m sure they’d wish you two well.” “Well it wasn't fair on them to have us all run off without a word,” said Sparkle pragmatically while giving Sunset a pointed bump with her hoof and making her 'oof' theatrically. “Not that I think of them as maids or anything, but they— “ Twilight's voice halted when she magically lifted a pile of party favors to reveal a sheet of paper on the table. Immediately all the objects fell to the floor and Twilight looked pale. “You have to go! We have to go!” she exclaimed. Sunset and Sparkle shared a nervous glance. “Is it some kind of magical threat?” asked Sparkle. “No! Worse!” Twilight cried, raising the paper and turning it for them to see. Sunset squinted at Pinkie's obvious balloon word mouthwriting. “It’s an invitation to a... a... after after birthday party—” she sucked in a breath, her eyes going to pinpricks as she read the next words. “—at Canterlot High!”