> Kaos Comes to Town > by Kaos4EQ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Kaos Comes to Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle and her friends scurry up the steps of the castle to meet Princess Celestia. Thoughts were racing through Twilight’s mind as she gallops as fast as she could to discover the crisis that was to unfold this very evening.   ~   That casual afternoon in Ponyville, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity were all just enjoying themselves as Twilight had invited them over for a fun filled sleep over. Spike, Twilight’s personal dragon assistant, was busy making tea and some of Pinkie Pie’s very delicious cupcakes with a recipe she loaned him for the night. Just as he put the pan into the oven for baking, he suddenly became ill and magically regurgitated one of Princess Celestia’s magic scrolls. Meanwhile, the girls were busy in Twilight's upstairs room, having fun and performing the usual girls-only sleep over activities. Sleepily, Twilight watched as her friends were busy giving each other facials and having rough and tough pillow fights.   Suddenly, Spike wearily shouts from the kitchen’s entrance, “Uhh Twilight, I have a something for you. Looks very important.”   Leaving her friends for a short while, Twilight arrives to where Spike had called, only to find him with a concerned expression and holding a small scroll in his claws.   “Is it from Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked, “Why would she send a letter at this time of the night?”   “You might want to read it yourself,” Spike worryingly proposed.   As she calmly opens the scroll with her magical purple aura, she becomes slowly distressed at what she begins to read the high priority letter:   Dear Twilight,   I am sorry for calling upon you at such short notice, but the situation is direr than I may have realized. An old enemy from my past plans to return to Equestria and with him he brings destructive powers that could very well put my little ponies in grave danger. I need you and your friends here tomorrow evening, ready for when he arrives.   Celestia   ~  “Do you truly believe they can defeat him sister?” Luna, the young sister princess of the night, questions Celestia. “It has been many moons since you banished him, he may have gotten considerably stronger during his time of exile.”   “Do not worry Luna, I have faith in them,” Princess Celestia replies, “they bear the Elements of Harmony and their friendship is the strongest I have seen in many years. I know they can drive him back to the Badlands.” With a slight smirk, the elder sister slyly adds, “After all, they did defeat Nightmare Moon and free you of her hold.”   “Hmph, you make a good point there sister,” Luna remarks, “And I hope you’re right, because if Canterlot falls than so will all of Equestria.”   A sudden burst from the great doors catches the attentions of the two princesses. Breathing heavily, Twilight and her friends entered through the humongous doors to greet their Highnesses. Twilight tried to remain stable as she approached her teacher, while every other pony, except Pinkie Pie who surprisingly seemed to have plenty of energy still, collapsed from exhaustion.   “He-Hello Princess,” Twilight weakly breathes, “I’m sorry, it has been a long trip. After we received your letter, we wasted no time coming to help.”   “Yeah, a long trip,” Spike tiredly affirms as he drags a large purple luggage bag with a large yellow R written on the front, implying it is Rarity’s luggage.   “Oh do be careful with my bags, Spike,” Rarity exclaims as she arose from the floor, “I was not specified as to how long we will be defending Canterlot, so I want to make sure I have enough clothing for the occasion.”   Rainbow Dash and Applejack simply roll their eyes as they too stood up from lying on the floor.   “So, what’s this big threat to Equestria anyways?” Rainbow Dash implores as the self-confident blue pegasus stretches her wings and starts hovering above the room, as she always does by habit.   “Y-Yes,” Fluttershy, a shy yellow pegasus, softly adds, “Oh, I’m hoping it’s not too scary.”   “Don’t worry Fluttershy,” Applejack, an orange cowgirl pony, reassures her, “I wreckin’ Princess Celestia wouldn’t have called on us if she thought it was somethin’ we couldn’t do. Besides, as long as we stick together, we can take down any no good scoundrel that wants to threaten our home.”   “Absolutely, posotutly!” exclaims Pinkie Pie as she pops up next to AJ and Fluttershy.   Sweetly, Twilight smiles at the sight of her beloved friends and the faith they have in their friendship together. It is true, their friendship has been through thick and thin and has always stood strong in the end. Gazing upon their commitment to each other reassures Twilight that maybe they can triumph over this new enemy.   She then turns her attention back to her mentor and politely inquires, “Beg your pardon, Princess, but Rainbow Dash makes a point. Do you think you can tell us more about this threat? You only mentioned that it was someone from your past and I know it may be a little late explaining…”   Celestia simply sighs and softly admits, “You are right my student. You all have had a long journey and I have failed to tell you about…”   “Your Highness!” A white unicorn, with a blue mane and bearing purple and gold armor, came dashing through the outside doors. “He is here!”   “Shining Armor!” cries Twilight in surprise as she runs to embrace her older brother, “What are you doing here? Is Cadance with you?”   “Same as you, Twily,” replies Shining Armor, “and don’t worry, Cadance is safe, she didn’t come with me for her own protection.”   “Excuse me Shining Armor,” Celestia interrupts, “but you just mentioned that he has arrived.”   Directing his attention back to Princess Celestia, he acknowledges, “Yes Princess Celestia, come and see.”   ~  Hovering over the city of Canterlot, ominous black clouds began to intimidate the small ponies, unicorns, and pegasi who were casually living out their daily lives until the arrival of this terrifying storm. As they gazed upon the immensity of the black, shifty clouds, a creepy, spiked castle appears from the clods, and though not as large as Princess Celestia’s castle, it still exemplified a menacing look toward the ponies who gazed upon it with fear.   Trotting out of the palace and unto the terrace, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Shining Armor, Twilight and her friends, including Spike who dropped the luggage in order to see for himself the commotion, prepared themselves to meet their foe.   “Wow!” Pinkie exclaims, “Talk about making an entrance!”   “So Princess Celestia, who is this enemy we’re fightin’?” Applejack asks.   With a straight and serious face viewing the ominous castle, Celestia simply utters, “Kaos.”   At that moment, Shining Armor cries to his troops, “Soldiers, Kaos has come, prepare to defend the castle!”   Just then, a sinister laugh penetrates the atmosphere as a small light suddenly appears, floating in between the two castles. As the light grows larger and larger the laughter as well grows more and more sinister. Fluttershy becomes week in her legs and ducks in fear behind a concerned looking Rarity. Spike follows in suit, but hides under Twilight while peeking through her front legs. Finally, the light shifts and molds itself into the shape of a big, grown man’s face with piercing, bright white eyes, sinister face painting, and is covered by a villainous hood.   It spoke in a most intimidating and echoed voice, “BEHOLD! It is I, KAOS! Long have I waited for this day to take my REVENGE! Soon you all will bow down before ME, Kaos. K-A-O-S! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!”   Twilight gulps at the sight of the villainous looking face.   “Kaos,” Celestia boldly calls, “I knew this day would come. The day you would return to Equestria.”   “Yes,” Princess Luna adds, “but, what has happened to your head? It looks ridiculous.”   ~  Inside the gloomy, hovering castle, lied the true villain of the assault: a hideous, impish bald man, wearing a black robe, and having an obnoxious and loud voice.   “WHAAAT?! How dare you!” bellows Kaos, “My head is AWESOME I tell you! FEAR IT! FEAR my giant floating HEAD!”   “You see, I told you the giant head wouldn’t be scary,” contradicts a depressed looking goblin.   “SILENCE GLUMSHANKS!” bellows Kaos, “You are spoiling my evil mood.”   Glumshanks simply rolls his eyes while his master continues to taunt and threaten the ponies below.   ~   Kaos’ flying holographic head continues, “You thought you could simply banish me to the Badlands? HA! I, Kaos, have returned as I vowed all those years ago, to rule Equestria as its glorious new emperor. And as for you my dear old Celestia, there will be nothing you can do about it! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, HA!”   Celestia valiantly remarks, “I told you before Kaos, while you possess the magic of darkness, it is powerless against the might of the Elements of Harmony.”   Upon hearing this, Rainbow buzzes up to the head and boldly adds, “Yeah! So why don’t you run back to the Badlands where you belong, mister Kaos. Sounds like you’re the one who can’t do anything!”   “Oh, is that so,” Kaos’s head smugly retorts, “we’ll just see about THAT. MINIONS!”   And upon his command, an army of monsters, ranging from smelly cyclopses, rocky-skinned trocks, and other savage, feral beasts, charge madly down the pathway to Canterlot’s entrance. Upon seeing the sight of them, ponies young and old, from unicorns to pegasi run in terror from the incoming mob of minions. Even Twilight and the girls are greatly concerned as they see the great number of vicious monsters heading towards Canterlot.   “Princess Celestia!” Twilight stammers, “What should we do?”   With a worried yet calm expression still upon her face, Princess Celestia instinctively draws a great amount of magic into her horn as it glows with a magical golden yellow aura. Then, with one burst of pure energy, she shoots a beam of light into the sky that spreads like a blanket over the castle and city of Canterlot.   All the ponies watch in awe as the magical shield covers the once blackened sky. Even Twilight is astonished at the great beauty that her mentor has created with just one blast.   However, as the monstrous minions finally reach the border of the city, SPLAT! They were too late in entering the city, as they find themselves dizzy and baffled after running into the yellow force field that Celestia has conjured.   “WHAT?!” bellows the holographic Kaos, “Why aren’t you fools conquering Canterlot?!”   “Well,” quivers a heavily-armored trock, “it looks like some giant wall is in the way.”   Ignoring the minion’s poor description of the obvious situation, the holographic Kaos thunders, “Well don’t stand there like the FOOLS that you are! BREAK IT DOWN!”   At his command, Kaos’s minions desperately start banging and chipping away at the force field that is blocking their entry into Canterlot.   “Enjoy these moments while you can, CELESTIA!” proclaims the floating Kaos head, “Because when my minions finally destroy your pathetic defense, it shall spell for YOU and your feeble subjects your inescapable DOOM! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, HA!” Upon finishing his taunt, the holographic head flashes brightly before vanishing into thin air.   ~   As cracks start to form on the surface of the upside-down bowl-like shield, Celestia quickly turns to Shining Armor, “Have your soldiers ready for combat, we need to defend this city for as long as we can.”   “Yes your highness,” Shining Armor replies.   “I shall aid in the evacuation process,” states Princess Luna, “we will need to get the citizens as far from the city as possible if the worst is to come.”   Immediately, Princess Luna takes to the skies while Shining Armor joins his troops in prepping the defenses. Twilight worriedly looks at her friends before turning to her mentor who still maintained a look of anxiety.   Softly, Twilight asks her teacher, “Princess, what can we do to help?”   “My dear Twilight,” Celestia calmly replies, “I do fear for my little ponies. Kaos has grown in his dark magical powers and he does possess the means to very well capture Canterlot.” But then, her concerned expression shifts as she turns to the young Twilight and warmly adds. “Yet I believe you and your friends already know exactly how to defeat him.”   The six little ponies look confusedly at each other before revelating and exclaiming in unison, “The Elements of Harmony!” The same magical power that imprisoned Discord and vanquished Nightmare Moon would again be needed to defeat Kaos and his forces.   Celestia gives an affirming nod to the six as she then advises, “come,” and trots back into the palace. Instinctively, Twilight dashes after the Princess, followed by all her friends, including Spike tailing from behind. As they enter into the castle, the black clouds above Canterlot begin to grow bigger and bigger as they reach over Celestia’s magical field, covering the city in a hazy darkness.   ~   After a few minutes of tiring, time consuming banging, the force field finally begins to crumble as Kaos’s menacing minions pour into the streets of Canterlot. Ponies, unicorns, and pegasi run, or fly, frantically away as the crazy, screaming monsters start ransacking shops and homes.   Fortunately, Princess Luna and small band of soldiers arrive to lead the panicking ponies to safety. Using her powerful magic, Luna fends off the pursuing monsters, blasting them with blue beams of magic and conjuring magic blue walls to stop the grunts in their tracks. Calmly and professionally, her troops proceed to guide the fleeing ponies to clear paths that lead out of the ruined city.   Meanwhile, Shining Armor and his fearless troops charge head-on at the not-so-tough monsters. The stallions start banging, slashing, poking, and hurling the henchmen here and there. One cyclops is flung right into a nearby floating window from which an ever so peeping villain is viewing the battle below.   ~   Watching on a floating cloud like television screen from his throne room, Kaos is startled after one of his minions is flung into the one magic window from which he can see the unfolding battle.   “NYAH!” Kaos shudders as the cyclops slides off the screen leaving a trail of drool as he plops off, “Ugh, I have seen enough!”   Turning to his goblin butler, Glumshanks, Kaos beseeches, “Please tell me we are actually winning against Celestia and her incompetent soldiers.”   “Well I worked it out,” Glumshanks responds as he looks over the stone tablet in his hands. He then turns it around revealing a table showing tally marks beneath the names “Kaos” and “Celestia” with “Celestia” having notably more tallies. Bluntly, Glumshanks states, “we’re losing.”   In frustration, Kaos slaps his face before rubbing his temples furiously. He could not stand the thought of losing to Celestia, again. Oh how he despised the Princess for his failures and banishment. The mere thinking of the alicorn made him rile even more as he quickens his pacing and rubbing.   “Maybe we should go to plan B,” Glumshanks adds.   Grabbing one of the goblin’s large ears, Kaos simply retorts, “No Glumshanks, for I have a much better IDEA. In fact, an idea so fiendishly simple, yet cunningly ingenious, that that fool Celestia won’t know what hit her! It’s time to initiate, PLAN D!”     To be continued…