> Two Teacups in a Tempest > by Firefox Lantern > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two Teacups in a Tempest by Firefox Lantern Prologue Princess Celestia was resting on her bed, her front hooves tucked beneath her. Expert hooves massaged her shoulders in gentle circles, making all tension melt away from her body. Celestia was content to just lay on her belly and accept the comforting gesture. Being the co-monarch of Equestria brought a lot of anxiety into her life and she cherished these rare moments of release. The ministrations grew bolder, starting with tender kisses on her neck followed by a tug at her right ear then playful teeth nibbling it. Normally such forward actions would be alarming but something told her that it was safe, in fact she should be welcoming it. She doesn't know why, it just felt right. She tittered in delight at the intimate touch. Her heart skipped a beat as a warm body settled upon her back, her affectionate partner initiating a semi-regular humping of her buttocks. Alarm bells should be ringing loudly in her head but again something said that this was completely fine. Indeed she felt her haunches quiver in anticipation as if the party atop her was a long-time consort. The action kept escalating; his fleshy member rubbed against her feminine folds. Celestia's marehood responded to the erotic friction, flooding her private parts with moisture and turning itself inside out in winking invitation. The flat tip of his shaft reverently caressed her love button, generating jolts of joy. After much teasing by her nameless paramour she finally felt his maleness penetrating the entrance to her feminity. It brushed smoothly back and forth against her vulvar edges, varying angle just enough to be intriguing without becoming clumsy. It further stretched her walls with the passage of its medial ring. The sensations weren't new to Celestia but it had been centuries since she last had them, and never in such a savory way. She whinnied a tacit approval. The stimulating strokes soon picked up in speed. The sound of slapping flesh amplified with the uptick in pace. Celestia's heart throbbed harder as the pounding pressed her into the mattress. A magical aura spanked her celestial cutie mark, sending sparks of pain and pleasure simultaneously coursing through her body. This was further strengthened by an alternating assault of wet licks and hearty bites on the fur of her withers. Celestia was overwhelmed by the vigorous coupling. She now unabashedly vocalized her bliss with trembling moans. She wanted this moment to last forever yet at the same time she wasn't sure how much longer her lust addled mind could handle it. The dilemma was resolved for her in an abrupt manner. A brilliant white light and its heat seared her skin. She cried in surprise as the normally friendly rays of the sun needled her in agony. Her thoughts in disorder she did the first thing her primal instincts told her and leapt in the air, pushing the other individual off her as if just a feather. She awkwardly impacted the floor on her side. Celestia groaned in pain and opened her eyes. Instead of blazing fire a shrouding darkness was all she could perceive. She cast a light spell with her horn and the familiar sight of her personal chambers greeted her. She blinked in confusion, then her cheeks tinged with rosiness as details of her salacious dream came back to her. Almost a millenia had passed since the last time a stallion had embraced her such. He was a petite pony with a lustrous beard and wisdom beyond his years. He worked as a diplomat for the palace and advised on all international affairs as well as overseeing several secret spy missions. Celestia sighed, the dream made her yearn for another stallion with whom she could share such intimacy but she had to be careful as any pony she consorted with would be the target of unwanted attention by jealous nobles. Some of it quite dastardly. Ponies who could steel themselves against such political intrigue were rare, male ponies even rarer. Starswirl the Bearded was one of the few exceptions. She shook the wishful thinking away as her internal clock warned her it was many minutes past the time to raise the sun. She rushed to the balcony windows and opened them, lighting up her horn to get the day started. The sun however didn't come up like it should. Puzzled, Celestia blamed a lack of focus due to her distracting dream and concentrated harder on the spell. The sun still didn't show up. She made several more attempts and each time the result was the same, Equestria stayed under wraps in obscurity. Celestia was now in full blown panic. She collected every ounce of her magic energy and poured it all into the spell to raise the sun. Again a brilliant white light and its heat seared her skin. She was horrified at the monstrous ball of fire that had shot up in the sky. She quickly adjusted the power output of her spell and was relieved to see the sun shrink back to its normal size. She exhaled a sigh of relief. Only for her ears to swivel backwards as she picked up another sigh emenating from her chambers. Perhaps a guard had entered to warn her of her tardiness, or came to question her on the inferno they just experienced. She headed back in and yelped in shock at the being sitting upright on her bed: an ivory stallion with wings, a horn and a majestic beard which flowed in the same ethereal colours as her mane. =o= A sneak peak at the next chapter: They both quickly adopted defensive stances, horn glowing and wings spread, ready to act at an instant. Her male doppleganger was first to school his features into a more peaceful expression and slowly stepped off the bed. "Please calm down, I am not here to harm you," his words carried the calming soundness from millenia of sageness, "I am just as surprised as you are."