> The Rare Secrets > by DryvernX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spike's Rare Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia's sun shined down in Equestria, as a new day started to approach. Each respective pony below prepared their usual day routine. Like in Ponyville, everypony were walking around and greeting each other like friends as usual. And those who got their jobs were doing their usual job days. Well all but one pony, or dragon in this case. A tall purple drake with a spiky green hairstyle who wore black pants, green shirt, and purple jacket was exiting the large crystalized castle close to Ponyville, the Friendship Castle. That dragon was no doubt Spike, who has grown over the years in Ponyville, since he and Twilight moved in the small town full of friendship. The young drake was walking through Ponyville, ready to go off to help a certain friend of his, whom he has been sharing a friendship with since they first met. "I can't believe, that Rarity would actually ask me for help... okay she did ask me for help before, but this time it's different. She personally asked me to support her work yesterday." Spike had a big smile on his face, due to knowing that he'll be off to help his close friend plus longtime crush Rarity. His crush on Rarity has been well known by almost everypony in Ponyville, not including Spike himself. The drake even blushed at his own thoughts about giving his crush his support in helping her. He remembered yesterday, when Rarity came to the Friendship Castle for a visit, along with seeing him first. He remembered Rarity asking Spike out to help out, as she also had some other busy things to do. Spike happily accepted, and they had a deal. And today was the day, that Spike is gonna go onto his deal with her. "This is awesome, working for Rarity just today. I bet she'll be happy to see me work today." Spike thought to himself. Spike knew that he has been having a crush on Rarity ever since he was around 13-14 when he and Twilight first visited. He knew Rarity appeared to be around 16 when they first met, so she would be like 2-3 years older than him. Right now, Spike had turned 18, while Rarity was between 20-21. Despite his crush, he secretly kept his feelings for himself sometimes, as he didn't want Rarity to become a pedophile at risk, not to mention he was unsure that if she even felt the same way for him. "Oh Rarity, you're the most beautiful mare I've ever met. But I just don't know, if we can even get together at all." He eventually stopped his own thoughts, when he saw himself in front of the very workshop Rarity works at. The Carousel Boutique. Spike has just reached it without noticing himself, due to his own thoughts blinding his own eyes. "It seems i'm here already. Those thoughts might have quickened my feet a bit." Spike went to the door, and rang the doorbell. He waited for a few moments, until the door was answered by a tall beautiful unicorn mare slightly shorter than Spike. She had white fur color, curled purple hair, and wore a blue shirt, a long purple skirt, and a pair of grey high heels. That was none other than Rarity, Ponyville's best and only fashionista around. "Oh good morning Spike. So glad that you came." Rarity greeted the drake with a smile. Spike could only smile back in return while also having a small blush on his face. "You know me Rarity. I always come under your call." Spike replied. Rarity opened the door a bit more, signaling the drake to enter her house. "Come on in darling. Like you promised, you and I got work to do like you promised." Rarity said, while also gave a small chuckle. Spike walked into the boutique, as Rarity gently closed the door. Spike turned his face toward Rarity's. "So Rarity, what can I help you with?" He asked, while looking forward to see what kind of thing Rarity wanted him to do. "Simple darling. Follow me." Rarity said, as she walked further into another room, while Spike followed her from behind. They in no time reached her sewing machine, where Rarity sews her dresses. "So Rarity... you want me to sew dresses?" Spike asked the unicorn mare. Rarity smiled to him. "You guessed correctly Spikey Wikey." She said, with Spike blushing once more. Rarity has been calling him the cute nickname "Spikey Wikey" since they got a bit closer in friendship. "And along with that, you also got to help me with some other stuff." "Right. Of course. Well, onto the sewing work... uh oh." Spike was slightly unsure about the job, as he had no clue or experience on how a sewing machine works, or how to even use it. Spike sweat dropped a bit, while he got closer to the sewing machine. Before he could even touch it, Rarity stopped him. "Now now Spike. I know you got no experience in working with those things, so i'll be teaching you how to use it first." "Thanks a lot Rarity. I thought for a moment that i'll almost pin holes in my claws if I used it now." Spike said with an innocent smile, while also letting out a friendly chuckle. Rarity returned the chuckle herself. "Oh Spike. I care about you, so I can't let you work before you know what to do." "Right. So how does it work?" Spike asked. Rarity walked to the sewing machine, and sat on a chair nearby. "Alright Spike, this sewing machine is quite hard to use, and takes a lot of work, experience, and open ears to learn how to use it, so listen very carefully." Rarity told him. "Lay it on me Rarity. I'm always here to learn and help for you." Rarity smiled to him. "Good. Now listen carefully. All you gotta do is sit down, always keep your eyes on the sewing machine, and..." Half an hour later, Spike got all the knowledge he needed to work with Rarity's sewing machine. He sat on the chair Rarity sat on earlier, and was starting to sew some of the dresses on Rarity's work list. It was tough at first, but Spike is learning. "Okay, that wasn't actually hard." Spike thought. Actually it was quite hard at first, with each fail earlier almost resulting him getting a hole pierced on each finger. Thankfully Rarity was supervising him at the moment, and stopped him anytime he did something wrong or something, but in the end, it worked all out. "You're doing great Spikey Wikey." Rarity said with a smile. "Thanks Rarity." Spike replied. Then suddenly, he saw Rarity starting to leave the room. "Rarity? Where you going?" Rarity stopped for a moment, and looked back to Spike. "Oh nothing special Spike. I'm just going to check on Opalescence for a moment. Poor darling must be hungry right now." The moment she finished her line, she quickly ran out of the room, leaving Spike confused. "Wow. Her cat must be really hungry at the moment." Spike mumbled to himself. He then continued with his work. Many hours later at the moment, Spike was finally done sewing the dresses on the list. He felt slightly exhausted doing all those sewing, and was thankful that he managed to succeed without getting any holes pierced in his fingers. He looked out of the window, and noticed the sun was starting to drop down, and the light was slowly vanishing. Spike let out a small sigh. "Phew... finally done sewing all those dresses like Rarity instructed me to do." He then started to notice, that Rarity still hasn't returned yet. "Speaking of Rarity... where is she?" Spike mumbled. And then suddenly, Rarity returned, calmer than when she left, and breathing like she has been running a marathon. "Here I am Spikey Wikey. You need something?" Rarity asked. Right before Spike could answer, Rarity noticed all the dresses which have been finished lately. She gained a big smile on her face. "Spike, you finished the job. Very good." "Thanks Rarity." Spike replied, before going to two things he had in mind. "And two things." Rarity saw Spike lifting his first finger. "First, no i'm good. Maybe slightly thirsty, but still good." "And second?" Rarity asked. Spike noticed she was slightly nervous at the moment. "And second, why're you sweating like that?" Spike asked. Rarity started to blush a bit at his question. "Uhm... I saw noticed Opal was missing, so I checked everywhere around my room until I found her. I couldn't stop sweating until she was back in my hands." Rarity asked, while trying to break her sweats away. Spike looked suspicious for a moment, until he just smiled to her. "Oh okay. I thought for a moment you were seeing somepony or something." "Spike. I wasn't out secretly dating at the moment I was gone. I'm still single." Rarity assured him. Spike secretly let out a sigh in relief, that she was still single. "That's a relief." Spike thought. "Maybe I'll get my chance with her someday." "Spike? What're you thinking of?" Rarity suddenly asked the drake, which made him snap out of his own thoughts. "N... nothing. Really." Spike said, while letting his hands out in a panic. He was very careful about his crush, as he didn't want any strange things to happen between them. Rarity on the other hand let a hand on his shoulder. "Spike. Calm yourself. It's your thoughts, and sometimes you got the right to keep them for yourself." "Right Rarity. Thanks for telling me." Spike said with a small blush. While she may not be aware of his feelings that much, that didn't stop him from still being in love with her. Rarity checked on her wristwatch, and suddenly let out a gasp. "Would you look at the time, it's getting late. It may perhaps be for the best, that you go home." Spike got confused at what Rarity started to say. "Rarity? Are you..." "Yes i'm sure now Spikey Wikey. Come visit me tomorrow." Rarity said in a hurry. Spike was even more confused at Rarity's strange and unusual behavior, but decided to do what she says. "Alright Rarity. See ya tomorrow then." Spike said, as he rose from the chair, and went for the door. "Be back tomorrow. Have a good day." "You too Spike. Have a nice day." Rarity replied. Once Spike walked out and closed the door, Rarity was now all alone. The unicorn mare let out a sigh, as she look down on herself. "Good, now I got some more privacy for myself." She said to herself, before starting to look down on her clothes. Nightfall was starting to approach, as the sun was gone, and the moon was above Ponyville in it's place. Spike was walking back to the Friendship Castle, while sighing to himself about the day he had. "Well, I hoped that Rarity would be more by my side today, but instead her cat had to ruin it, and let me do the job by myself. Some day with Rarity that turned out to be." Spike felt slightly sad and disappointed on how his day had gone. He expected to help Rarity by his side, but instead she was gone for a long time, leaving him to do his job on his own. Spike even imagined them one day that he could bond with Rarity more, and get closer to her. Maybe even do more with her. "Oh well. Maybe another job day with Rarity will give me another chance." Spike sighed. He then reached the Friendship Castle, and prepared to reach his pockets. He searched for a moment, and started to get kind of confused at the moment. "Funny. I just had my keys earlier." Spike thought. He searched his pockets in his pants more, and realized that they were actually empty right now. Spike gasped in surprise, and in a panic, pulled out the pockets more to check if they were there. But luck wasn't on his side, as they were as empty as a black hole. "Oh god, my keys are gone. Wait, maybe I laid them in my jacket instead." He then searched the pockets on his jacket, but that made no difference, as they were just as empty as his pant pockets. Spike now fully realized that he currently lacked the key to the Friendship Castle. He tried opening the door himself, but to his unfortunate lack of luck, the doors were as good as locked. Spike had unfortunately no way into the castle. "Oh no. Oh no! Out of all the possible days, why today? Twilight is not home until tomorrow night, and I can't just break a window or something, or she'll be pissed." Spike thought of the many possible places he dropped them. "Well I did feel that my keys were in my pockets on the way to Rarity's boutique, and still felt them when I was working on the sewing machine the next few hours. So that means they're at..." The dragon gasped, as he realized the number 1 possible place he forgot his keys. "The Carousel Boutique. I must've dropped them there." Spike turned around, and prepared his way back. "Rarity hopefully doesn't mind that I quickly jumps into her house, to recover my lost castle keys." He ran as fast as he could, until he eventually reached back to Carousel Boutique. He checked it, and saw that the lights were dim, and the lights on the top was on. "Okay. It seems that Rarity is preparing for bedtime. Better not disturb her. I should be quick about it, and leave before she notice." Spike reached the door, and started to rock it a bit. The door was to no surprise locked in front of him. "Yep. She no doubt locked the door." Spike then turned to a nearby plant pot nearby, and moved it gently, revealing a fancy key nearby. "Well good thing I know where her spare keys are." He took the fancy key, and used it to quickly, and as quietly as possible to unlock the door. He quietly opened the door, and saw almost everything was really dark. The lights were also turned off at the moment. "Alright. Where did I lay my..." Spike thought. He quietly sneaked around the boutique, while searching on the ground, but then he suddenly laid out a gasp at the moment he noticed something he didn't see coming, but not before he closed his own mouth from gasping out loud. He bend down, and noticed a certain blue shirt on the ground. It wasn't any shirt, it was Rarity's shirt she wore this afternoon day. "Rarity's shirt? What's it doing on the..." He gasped again, when he then started to notice the purple long skirt from earlier too. It was left on the ground for Spike to notice. "Okay. This is getting weirder and weirder. What's her shirt and skirt doing on the ground?" He thought to himself. "What's going on around h..." He closed his mouth before he could gasp again, when he now saw a purple bra on the ground. "Is that... Rarity's bra?" He reached the bra on the ground, and noticed they are F-cup sized. He almost nosebleeded at seeing what appeared to be Rarity's bra once laid on the bare ground, but now in Spike's hands. "Okay, if her bra is here... does that mean..." Spike looked around, and once he took the view on something he further didn't expect, almost nosebleeded again. He now saw an abandoned pair of purple panties on the ground. They also appear to be Rarity's. Spike couldn't resist the urge to check them out, and picked them up. "So wait. Did Rarity just change her clothes or something? No wait, that can't be right. If she did, she would never leave them down on the ground. And she would've done it in her own room." Spike thought, as he couldn't lay the puzzle pieces together. Right now, he was checking out the panties he just picked up. "Wow. Those panties are really soft. Is this how it feels to wear them?" Without him knowing, a shadowy silhouette behind the dark started noticing him, and began approaching him from behind. The silhouette was female, and was very familiar to everypony. The female silhouette was now right behind Spike, and started opening her mouth. "Spike?" At the mention of his name, Spike was completely frozen in pure shock. Time almost felt frozen while he was shocked. Spike could barely move any muscles, as he knew the owner of the voice behind him. "R... Rarity?" Spike started to mutter in shock, and slowly turn his head around. Once his head was turned around, Spike was far even more shocked than he previously was. He saw none other than Rarity standing right behind him with a shocked expression. But her sudden appearance from behind was not what shocked him the most. It's the fact that she right behind him wearing nothing but her high heels. He could see her semi large breasts dangling on her chest, and her exposed pussy on her bottom. Rarity was completely naked, while also sporting both a shocked and disappointed expression. "Spike? What're you doing here?" Rarity asked calmly. Spike could hardly reply, as he couldn't take his eyes off her naked body. Her body was incredibly sexy and beautiful. She was very thin, had a good looking rear, and her breast size was neither too big or small. "Well... Rarity... I.... uhm...." Spike started to mutter, as he could barely find any words for him to use. Rarity let out a calm sigh, and looked down to him. "Spike. Please look at me... in the eyes when we're talking." Spike nodded, and slowly rose to his feet, until he reached Rarity's eyesight. "Now answer me Spike. What're you doing here?" Spike gulped, and prepared to answer her question. "Well... Rarity... You see... I find out that I lost my keys in front of the castle, so I returned here to retrieve them. I used your spare key to get in, and during my search, I saw your clothes on the ground left behind." Spike was completely honest with his answer. Rarity didn't need Applejack's help to know that. Spike gulped, and looked down in shame. "Rarity. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He tried apologizing to her. It didn't really change Rarity's face expression. "Oh no. This is it Spike. Here comes the end of me and Rarity's friendship." But then suddenly, Rarity's face expression did change. It changed from disappointed to a small smile. "Oh Spike. I know you would never do such a perverted thing on purpose. And besides, you came back here for a reason." "So... you're not disappointed at me?" "A little. But i'm mostly disappointed that you didn't knock or ring on my doorbell first." Rarity said. "Sorry Rarity. I just... didn't want to disturb your... nighttime or something. And if you don't mind me asking... why're you standing here naked? And not even bothering to cover yourself?" Spike asked. What also made him extra curious, was that not only was Rarity naked, but she seemed to not minding it at all. Heck she didn't even bother covering herself at Spike seeing her like this. Rarity sighed, and turned to Spike. "Spike... can you keep a secret... just between you and I?" She asked him. Rarity knew she could trust Spike, so she was certain she could trust him with a secret. Spike was confused, but nodded to her. "Okay. You remember back when we held a gala with Discord?" "Back when Discord came with The Smooze? Yep. Remember it, but would rather forget it." Spike said, as he remembered back when that day almost became a disaster when Discord was at the gala. Good thing that Celestia found more excitement that event happened, as she found some galas too boring and less exciting. "Back when Discord..." She muttered, with slight venom of the memory Discord did back then. "... used a vacuum to consume my dress, along with all of my undergarments, and left me all naked for everypony to watch." "Oh god. I remember that..." Spike said, before closing his mouth. Rarity sighed at remembering that Spike once saw her like that. "Sorry Rarity." "It's okay Spike. I was beyond embarrassed back then. I needed to get out of there in an instant. After I forced my way through the many guests around with my naked body exposed, Twilight finally found me, and handed me a spare dress." Spike was surprised that the gala event had something to do with Rarity's story. He decided to be quiet and let her continue. "A few days after the gala, I could barely show my face to Canterlot for a bit since I almost got put on the magazine and news paper for walking around naked. But at the same time, I felt something else. An urge. The urge to be unclothed." If Spike's jaw was made of plastic, it would've hit the ground right now. "Yes Spike. Everytime I gain such a urge, I strip myself. Completely out of everything until I stood naked. I gain those urges mostly when i'm home, and rarely in public. It was weird for me at first, but after a few times after I felt the urge, I started to realize something. Being naked is what I was meant to be whenever I feel like it." "Wait... you're telling me... that you've technically become a nudist since then?" Spike asked. Rarity both nodded and shook her head. "Sort of Spike. But yes, my true beauty is revealed behind my clothes. I've decided that I sometimes need to let it all out when i'm alone." "I see now. And for how long did you keep that secret from others, including me?" Spike asked out of curiosity. "I would say a few months ago. I didn't tell my friends yet, since I found it weird, and don't want them to think that i'm any different than them." Rarity explained. Spike understood her situation, as she was uncertain about telling secrets about themselves... just like himself. "Rarity. Listen. It's okay to keep such secrets, and it's okay to do what makes you feel whole." Spike said with a smile. Rarity felt happy at what Spike told her, and smiled back to him. But then he accidentally noticed Rarity's breasts down below. He blushed, and quickly turned around. "Oh right sorry. You're still naked." "Spike. It's okay. I actually don't mind being seen like this anymore. At least to someone I truly know about." Rarity said, assuring to Spike that she's okay with her secret nudism. Spike turned around with slight hesitation, until he was back at Rarity's eyesight. "And Spike... there's also something I want to show you." Spike got surprised. "You do? Well, I can see it tomorrow if you..." Rarity shook her head calmly. "No Spike. The opportunity feels right. I want to show you now." The drake was surprised, as Rarity took his hand, and dragged him away, making him drop Rarity's bra and panties he held earlier. "Wow. What is Rarity trying to show me?" Spike was dragged up to Rarity's room, which still had the light on. Rarity opened the door, and let Spike watch what was inside. It was a fire ruby with pretty diamonds and emeralds surrounding it. And the fire ruby on the center wasn't any ordinary fire rubies. It was the fire ruby Spike gave Rarity as a present back on his first birthday in Ponyville. "Rarity? That's the..." "Yes Spike. The very fire ruby you gave me on your first birthday here." Rarity explained. "But I found your gift... too generous of you, so I decided to give you a present too." "So you thought of that idea for a long time?" "No. I just thought of doing this just for you the afternoon you came." Spike's jaw dropped once more like it was made of plastic. "So that's the reason why you decided to walk off while I was sewing your dresses for you." Spike said, as he placed the puzzle pieces to the mystery together. Rarity nodded to him. "But Rarity, I hope you don't mind me asking... but why? Why would you give me such a perfect gift?" "Are you saying you don't like my present for you?" Rarity said, while gaining a few tears. Spike realized what he said, and started to panic. "No no. That's not it. I was just surprised that you would do it, that's all. But I got a few questions of my own. Why would you give such a great gift, and why're you okay with letting me see you naked? Especially since you've kept it like a secret for a few months." Rarity dried her tears off, and actually started blushing to him. "Spike... you see... there's something I gotta tell you." Spike was quiet, and listened to what Rarity had to say. "You see, I didn't realize it at first, but I saw how much you cared about me, and how I cared about you. Since I realized that Blueblood was nothing like I imagined he was, I was close at giving up hope about finding a new prince. I also met Fancy Pants once, but he was over my league, and he was already together with Fleur De Lis. Since you turned 18, you grew quite... what should I say... handsome." Spike blushed at being called "handsome" by Rarity. "I also thought that we were of two separate species, and thought we would never be like what I imagined we would, but I soon felt I was wrong, because I listened to my heart, not my head. I was a fool not to realize it until now." "Rarity, please stop blithering yourself. I know you don't mean it, but what're you trying to tell me?" Spike asked. Rarity gained a blush on her face again, except it was much redder than before and also gained a small smile on her face. "Spike you see..." Before she could finish, she suddenly jumped up to Spike's shoulders, and started to kiss him on the lips. "... I love you." Spike was beyond shocked at Rarity's confession. "Rarity... you really do... like me?" "Yes Spikey. You're the one true prince i've been looking for all over those years. You're the one I was destined to be together with. But if you don't feel the same way... then I understand." "Rarity. I love you as much as you love me." Spike suddenly started to confess. Now it was Rarity's turn to get shocked. "You do?" "Of course I do Rarity. I've always, and will forever love you ever since we first met. What made you think that I wouldn't?" "Because Spike, back when we were going for the Dragon Lands, you seemed quite close to Ember. I was not sure if you would love me or her since I saw you together sometimes." Spike smiled to her. "Oh Rarity. Ember is just a good friend of mine, and she knew I had a crush on you back then. Besides, she's too busy being the Dragon Lord to find any love for now." Spike pulled Rarity closer to himself. "And besides, you were always the only mare I love." Rarity blushed and smiled to him. "Oh Spike." Spike and Rarity leaned to one another, and started their very first official kiss. The couple were now officially together, and romantically connected. The kiss went on for a few minutes, before they pulled off from one another. "So Rarity... now that we're now you know... together. What should we do now?" Spike asked his new girlfriend. Rarity smiled to him, as she let go of the drake, and started sitting on her large red bed nearby. "I guess this answers your question darling." Rarity said. Spike then went for the bed, but was then stopped by Rarity. "Now now Spike. Clothes off first." "Oh yeah. Silly me." Spike then started to disrobe, by removing his jacket and shirt, pulling his pants down, and finally his underwear. Without his underwear, Spike is revealed to have a large sized cock below him. "Ohhhh... what a nice big friend you have there." Rarity says with love hearts in her eyes. She went closer to Spike, and bend down on her knees. "Rarity? Are you trying to... I mean... are you sure that you want to do this?" "Spike... i've been a virgin for a very long time. I not only want it. I need it. Please do it... for me." Rarity confessed with huge eyes begging Spike. He could barely resist it, and made it clear that both he and Rarity wants and needs it. Spike nodded to her, fully ready to take action with her. "Thank you Spikey Wikey. And since you've been such a great help for me this afternoon, you've no doubt deserved this." Rarity reached her hand for Spike's cock. She took a good grip on it, and started to rub it up and down. Spike gasped, as he felt his cock getting touched, along with it getting harder and harder the more Rarity rubbed it. "Such a hard friend you got Spike. You don't mind if I give it a taste?" Spike shook his head. "Great darling. I'll enjoy as much as I love you." Rarity stopped rubbing the cock, and then began to open her mouth, until it was wide enough for Spike's cock to enter. Rarity's mouth was stuffed by the cock, and used her tongue to lick the hard grown dick good. It felt so great for both Spike and Rarity, so much that Rarity could barely stop. "Does it taste good Rarity?" Rarity couldn't answer, as she was too obsessed with sucking Spike's dragonhood really really hard. She moved her mouth forward and backward, she had no urge to stop moving. Spike grouched while he was getting a great blowjob by Rarity. "Keep it up Rarity. It feels great." The white unicorn mare could only smile and do what he says. Rarity was all too happy that she was sucking the dick of the dragon she has loved. "He tastes so good. Can't stop. Must not stop." Rarity then sped up the process by moving forward and backwards much faster than before. That also made Spike moan about it even faster and even more out of delight. She kept sucking it, until he got the urge to do the one thing when something builds up under his dragonhood. "Rarity... Prepare yourself... I'm about to..." Spike couldn't finish, as lots of white cum blasted out of his dick, and into Rarity's mouth. Rarity loved the taste of his cum, as Spike removed the cock out of Rarity's mouth. "Now that tasted so great." Rarity sighed in happiness. She then started standing back up on her feet, until she was back to Spike's eyesight. "Now Spike. Be a darling and touch my boobs. You always wanted to find out how soft they are... don't you?" Spike grinned as he prepared his dragon hands. Each hand took a grip on her respective breast, and his lover loved the touch of his dragon fingers. "You're soft Rarity. Pretty opposite to my cock in my opinion." "I knew you would say that. Now keep touching them like a good dragon." The unicorn mare gently demanded her dragon lover. "Your wish is my command my beautiful gem." Spike nodded, as he continued touching her very soft breasts. Now it was Rarity's turn to moan in happiness and delight. "And remember, if you as much as daring to stop this, I might reconsider my feelings for you." She gently threatened him with. Even through Spike knew Rarity was just joking, he knew better than to disobey her like that. He rubbed the breast harder and harder. Eventually after rubbing them, he decided to change the tactics a bit. He went for her nipples, and started pulling them a bit. "Oh this is so good. You're such a gentle dragon." "You know I am always for you Rares." Spike smiled. He pulled the breast nipples more and more, along with playfully dangling them up and down. Rarity even let her tongue out of the pleasure they were experiencing. "Good dragon." She said, as Spike soon stopped with pulling her nipples, and let go of them. "I think we both have come to the main part of our first night." "But Rarity... I don't wanna risk you getting pregnant so early. Actually lack a condom." Rarity smiled to him again. "You don't have to. Too bad I didn't bought any condoms or something, so I got a way to avert that risk." The mare turned around and started laying on the bed, with her bare ass lifted up. Spike started to realize what she was trying to tell him. "Rarity... you seriously want to me to give you anal?" "Of course Spikey Wikey." Rarity playfully replied. She then equally as playful shook her ass toward Spike. "Now be a good dragon... And fuck my ass HARD!" Spike got slightly surprised by her sudden outburst for anal, but regained his thoughts. "Alright then. Your anus seems to be quite small, so it might take a few pushes." "I can take it Spike. Now fill my ass up." Spike nodded to her command, and started to push his dragonhood into Rarity's anus. It didn't seem to budge in at first, but it appears to change the more Spike pushes. "Almost there." Spike said while giving more and more force into his pushes. Then finally, Spike's dick made it into Rarity's anus, and it stretched all out. "Wow, you're quite tight aren't you?" "This is my first time after all Spikey." Rarity playfully grinned to him. "Now please give me some pleasure and fuck me." Spike could only nod in reply, and started moving around Rarity's tight asshole. Rarity let her tongue out like before, as she couldn't stop feeling so much pleasure and delight from her tight asshole being fucked. "YES! This feels amazing! Keep it up!" Spike grinned. "No problem." He then started to speed it up a bit, and fucked her ass harder. Despite the tightness, Spike was able to move forward and backwards in her anus, yet with slight difficulty. "Spike! Don't you dare stop this! I have never felt this much delight!" "Me neither Rarity. Me neither." Spike kept up moving around her anus, as Rarity screamed in happiness. This is the very first time Rarity has been having anal sex, not to mention the first time she actually had sex at all. And she loved it. She loved the thrill of being fucked in her smallest hole overall, and also loved Spike's dragon balls hitting her wet pussy everytime he move back and forth. "Keep it up Spikey Wikey! I want you to fuck me so hard, so that I can still feel it for days!" Rarity exclaimed. The pleasure is taking over her mind. She can't get it out of her head of the pure delight of being anally fucked, which Spike takes delight in doing so. "You got it." Spike then moved even faster and faster, until it seemed that his cock could almost ignore the tightness of her small asshole, and keep it up almost forever and ever. But it wouldn't take long, before Spike's dragonhood will reach the next step of their scene. "Rarity... i'm gonna..." "DO IT! Fill my ass! I want you to fill my ass up NOW!" She screamed almost at his face so hard and loud, that the princesses royal canterlot voice was almost put to shame. Spike could only obey her order, and fire out all the cum he had in his cock, until he could notice that white cum was released from her tight anus. "Rarity... I did it." Spike said, as he started to slowly remove his cock from her anus. As the cock was removed, Spike saw all the cum he released leaning out of her asshole. "Spike. That was the first and greatest thing i've ever felt in my life." Rarity sighed happily, while she leaned up to Spike to kiss him on the cheek. "Yeah me too. For a first time, it was incredible. Best. thing. Ever." Spike moaned as much as Rarity did. Right now, they were both exhausted and tired from their night workout fun, and felt the urge to relax. Spike was about to raise from his bed, until he felt Rarity pulling his arm a bit. "Spike. Sleep with me. And don't ever leave my side." Rarity begged her dragon lover. "I will always love you. Forever." Spike smiled. "I love you too. And I've never left your side. Not going to ever." Rarity smiled to him. The couple now laid on the bed together side by side. Spike lifted the bed quilts, and covered both himself and Rarity with it. "Goodnight my beautiful mare." "Goodnight to you too, my handsome dragon prince." Both Rarity and Spike started to close their eyes. But before Spike fell fully asleep, he turned off the one lamb that kept the light up, and turned it off. Both Spike and Rarity were now sound asleep, and ready for a great future... together forever, as a romantic couple.