> You Make My Heart Beat Beat > by MisterAlexShark1234 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lisa was lazing about at home. She was sitting on her couch eating chili and watching the news after a long day at work. “Ugh, I am so done!” she complained. “I swear, for as smart as we're all supposed to be, my fellow scientists are idiots!” Lisa was twenty years old, and worked at a nearby lab. Her job was to oversee many of the experiments done by her team. Unfortunately, that also meant she had to make sure everything they did, they did it correctly. Usually it wasn't so bad, but today had been terrible. “I swear, it's like I'm the only one that actually worked her way into that job!” She set her chili down and held her head in her hands. She looked up as the news displayed a new story about another important somebody or other disappearing in a flash of light. “Another one? Yeesh.” Deciding to get more chili, Lisa stood up and stretched. Her black colored hair trailed down her back, a stray strand falling across her chest. She waved it away before she looked down at her sizeable breasts. “Heh, maybe I should change my job and become a stripper. I bet I could rack in millions with these girls.” She pressed her DD sized breasts together, the black fabric of her shirt wrinkling as they squeezed. She tried to walk, and almost tripped. “Aw dammit. Foot’s asleep.” She shook out her tan colored leg to get rid of the stiffness. Once that was done, she walked into the kitchen to grab more chili. “Better make this my last bowl. Don't want this to get any bigger!” she said pointing to her ass, which, as she had overheard many times, was incredible. In fact, many guys would whisper to each other about how hot she was. It was a wonder as to how she was single. She reached the chili pot, her electric blue eyes staring delightedly at the tasty food. She was about to put some into a bowl, when she noticed that her arm was glowing. “What the- ah crap.” She knew what this was. The glow that was taking everybody was now taking her. “Welp, was bound to happen sometime.” Lisa didn't try to resist, she knew that was useless. She simply stood and waited. She didn't have to wait for long, because the white light then began to consume her sight. Lisa came to with a slight head ache. “Oooooh, my head.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a town the she didn't recognize. It was a bright sunny day, which contradicted the weather back home, so clearly this wasn't nearby to where she lived. This, as well as a few other things told her this wasn't her home, but the biggest thing was that everything was huge! “What the heck?” Lisa looked around in awe. Compared to everything else, she was tiny! The buildings, the cars, everything! ‘But wait, if everything is so big, then what are the-’ Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of loud thumps. The booms were rhythmic, almost like footsteps. Then, from around the corner, came the largest girl she'd ever seen. The girl was huge. Her skin was completely white, yet didn't seem pale somehow, and her electric blue hair was jagged and was mostly swept to one side. She had these big glasses, the lenses a mix of different shades of purple. Her clothing was mostly white, though there were bits of blue, green, and hot pink. She had these big headphones on, and was jamming to whatever beat was playing through them. She was also headed right for Lisa. The giant girl's sudden appearance shocked Lisa to the point where she couldn't help but stare in awe. Only when it was too late did she realize that the girl was coming right for her. The giantess’s shoe was lifted into the air, and started coming straight at Lisa. With no time to move, Lisa simply curled up and hoped her end would be swift. But when the foot came down, she didn't feel anything. “Whoa there little guy, I almost stepped on ya!” Lisa opened her eyes and looked up. The giant girl’s foot was planted a little ways from her. The girl herself was now looking down at Lisa, a kind, yet concerned smile on her face. Her headphones hung around her neck, blasting out a dubstep tune. “You alright?” “Uh… yeah.” “Well then what are you doing in the middle of the sidewalk?” “Um… I don't know.” Lisa could hardly believe that she was talking to the giant girl. The fact that she noticed Lisa was incredible, but what was even more amazing was that they spoke the same language. “Uh… where am I exactly?” “Where are you? Wait, did you just get here?” “I think… maybe?” “Did you just appear here in a flash of light?” “Yes?” “Then that means you're new here. Oh boy, never found a newbie before.” “A newbie?” “Yeah. Um, mind if I pick you up? It'll be easier to talk to you that way.” “I… guess that'd be okay.” “Sweet.” The giantess reached down and grabbed Lisa by the scruff of her shirt. Lisa had the brief instinct to struggle and run away in fear, but she managed not to. The giantess then dropped her into her palm and smiled. “There we go, much better. Anyways, since you just got here I guess I'll have to give you the welcome treatment. So, welcome to Earth, where you'll be spending your life for the rest foreseeable future.” “Earth?” Their worlds even had the same name. “Yes, Earth. Now I'm told our worlds are named the same, but they are vastly different. For one, the people of your world are tiny compared to the people of this world. For some reason, people from your planet have randomly started appearing both here and in Equestria, which I will tell you about later. Anyways, since you've all begun to randomly appear here, the people of my world have begun to take care of yours. This has been going on for at least a year, and now we all live together in harmony. Well, maybe not harmony, but we coexist pretty well.” “What do you mean, “not in harmony?”” “Well, see, because your kind is so small, a lot of things can happen. For one, the people of this world love eating you tinies.” Lisa gained a look of horror. “No wait! Don't freak out!” “Don't freak out? DON'T FREAK OUT?!?! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?!? You just said your kind eats mine!” “Yes but it's perfectly safe! You tinies have a protective spell around you that protects you from direct or indirect harm from we humans. It is perfectly safe.” “And how do I know I can trust you?” “I mean… I can prove it to you directly-” “Nope! No never mind! I do not want to test that theory!” “Well how else can I prove it?” “Hmmmm. I know, find another tiny and have then tell me the truth.” “Really? Okay, easy.” She pulled out her phone. “Face time Twilight.” The phone beeped in conformation. Soon, the face of a lavender skinned girl with purple hair showed up. “Hello?” “Sup Twi?” “Hey Vinyl! What do you need?” “Is Michael there?” “Yeah one sec.” The screen blurred as the phone was moved. Soon it stopped, and a regular human with brown hair and a white lab coat was on screen. “Hello Vinyl. What do you need?” “Hey Michael. I have a newbie here that needs to be convinced that it's safe for her to be eaten.” “A newbie? Oh you mean someone new just appeared here! Who is she let me see.” Vinyl moved Lisa so she was visible to Michael. “Oh, well hello there!” “Um… hi?” “So you're the aptly named “newbie.” Well not to worry, I know how nerve wracking it can be when you first get here, but honestly life here is pretty great! Now, if you have any questions ask away! I'll be happy to answer them as best I can.” “Alright. So um… is it really okay for them to… eat us?” Lisa asked with a tinge of fear. “Ah, so I see you have some doubts about that. Perfectly normal, most people usually do. To answer your question, yes, it is safe for them to eat us. As I'm sure Vinyl has already told you, we tinies have a magical shield around us that protects us from all forms of direct or indirect harm from any of the people of this world. You can trust me, I'm a biologist.” “Oh, okay. I guess if a biologist says it's safe then I can't really make an argument against it. Um, do you know why we were brought here?” “Unfortunately no. No one does. No one has any clue on how we got here. All we know is that more people come in every day. It may be that whatever this spell is, it's trying to bring all of humanity to this world.” “Well, that's certainly a lot to take in.” “Indeed. Any other questions?” “No, I think I'm good for now.” “Wonderful! Well if you'll excuse me, Twilight and I have an experiment to get back to. Ta ta!” With that, the screen went dark. Lisa turned back to the giantess, who she now knew as Vinyl, and saw her smiling at her. “So, that proof enough?” “I suppose.” “Great! Now, since I'm the one that found you, I have to be your caretaker. Kind of a rule that's been going around. But before we do anything else, we should probably I produce ourselves. Hi, my name is Vinyl Scratch.” She held out a finger, which Lisa took and shook. “Hello Vinyl, I'm Lisa Castellan. It's nice to meet you.” “And you as well.” Vinyl set Lisa on her shoulder. “Now let's get back to my house shall we?” > Chapter 2: Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Vinyl walked back to her house, Lisa looked around in wonder. She was still amazed at how big everything was. The buildings, the cars, everything. But what got her attention the most was the view right below her. Lisa didn't really notice it before, but Vinyl was actually pretty good looking. Her cup size must have been as big as Lisa's if not bigger, but from her view point they were absolutely huge! She had a nice figure and although completely white skin and electric blue hair would have been strange to see back home, it made Vinyl look cute. “Enjoying the view?” Vinyl teased. “Huh? What?” Lisa stuttered, blushing heavily which made Vinyl laugh. “I'm just teasing you. Though I did notice you looking at my girls a few times. You wanna touch ‘em?” “WHAT?” Lisa blushed even harder, which made Vinyl laugh harder. “Man you are so easy to embarrass.” After that the two started talking and getting to know each other. Lisa quickly found out that Vinyl was a senior in highschool, and she had a job as a DJ. According to her she was pretty famous, her stage name being DJ PON-3. Upon hearing this, Lisa thought she was being creepy, looking at the attractive bits of a minor, until Vinyl told her she was eighteen. “Oh thank god.” Lisa said. “What?” Vinyl questioned, suddenly interested. “Oh, well, you know how I was um… looking, and from what you said I thought that I had been looking at a minor.” “Oh, I see. So since I'm not a minor, you wanna see more?” “What? NO!” “Calm down I'm just kidding!” Vinyl laughed. “You embarrass way too easy for someone who's twenty.” “Yeah well… shut up.” “Pfft, alright Lisa I'll drop it.” They walked in silence before Lisa decided to ask something. “Um… have you ever… you know?” “What, had sex?” “Um, yeah.” “Yeah, once. It was with my last ex. We decided to do it for my birthday. Then a few months later we broke up. But it was mutual, and we're actually still friends. So, why’re you asking?” “Just... curious. Wanted to know if anyone else got some on their birthday.” “Why? Did you?” “No, but an ex of mine did. We broke up a year later and haven't talked since.” “Huh, sounds rough.” “A little yeah. But that was a year ago, I'm over it now.” “Interesting. Well, here we are.” Lisa looked forward and saw that they were in front of a small, one story house with a garage. It was mostly white, with a blue roof. When they entered the house, Lisa saw that there was a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a hall that presumably led to more rooms. It was all pretty basic. “Welcome to la casa de Vinyl!” “You speak Spanish?” “Nah, just English. Anyways, not too much to see. Pretty much the same setup as one of your homes.” “Yeah, pretty much.” Lisa noticed that no one else was here. “Do you live alone?” “Yep. Moved out of my house when I turned eighteen. My job as a DJ gives me a pretty good revenue. I just need to finish school, and then it'll be my full time job.” “So you're not going to college?” “Well I'll be taking online classes just in case the DJ gig fails but otherwise no.” “I see.” “Yep. Anyways, let me give you the tour.” There wasn't too much else to the house. The bathroom, bedroom, and garage door were down the hall, and only the bedroom seemed to have been decorated by Vinyl. There were records, a sound board, and other things like that. After the tour, Vinyl made some dinner. Ironically, she made chili, the meal Lisa had been having when she came here. After the chili was eaten however, came the real problem. “Um, where am I gonna sleep?” “Hmm, well I don't have a tiny bed. I guess I could whip something up real quick though.” Vinyl grabbed an empty box of cards, a cotton ball, and some sheets of fabric. She then made Lisa a little bed to sleep in and set in on her night stand. Lisa got in it to test it out. “Good?” “Yeah, I guess it'll do for now.” “Okay sweet. I'll get you an actual bed later.” Vinyl then walked away and started to undress. “Whoa whoa whoa! What are you doing?” Lisa asked blushing heavily. “Um, going to bed? I sleep in the nude.” “Oh.” Vinyl smirked at her, then continued undressing until she was completely naked. She laid down in her bed and pulled up the covers. “Night Lisa.” “Night Vinyl.” The two girls then drifted off to sleep That is, Lisa tried to anyway. But the freezing cold air made it impossible. The A.C. wasn't on, but Lisa felt like she was gonna freeze her buns off! Eventually she got out of bed. “I can't sleep like this. Maybe I can sleep in Vinyl’s stomach or something.” She hopped on to the bed and approached the girl's face. “Vinyl. Vinyl!” “Huh? Wha?” Vinyl mumbled as she woke up. “Lisa? What's up?” “Sorry to wake you, but I'm freezing in here!” “Really? I thought I turned the heater on.” “Well I don't know what's up but I can't sleep.” “That is a problem.” “Yeah. So maybe can you-” Lisa's sentence was cut off as Vinyl grabbed her and lifted her up. However, instead of being tossed into her mouth like Lisa thought she would, Vinyl set Lisa between her breasts. “Better?” Vinyl asked with a smile. Her skin was so soft and warm, and incredibly comfortable. Lisa nodded, blushing heavily. “Good. I would have eaten you, but I don't want you to spend your first night in someone's belly. Unless you want to.” “No no, I'm good.” “Good. Night Lisa.” “Night.” This time, when they tried to fall asleep, both girls managed. Lisa dreamt of her new giant companion, and Vinyl dreamt of the shrunken girl between her breasts. > Chapter 3: Confession > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The alarm on Vinyl’s night stand went off, making high pitched beeps that slowly got louder and louder. Vinyl's hand shot out from under the covers and smacked the device until she hit the sleep button and it turned off. Begrudgingly, she got up. Vinyl sat up and stretched. She smacked her lips, trying to get the taste of her own breath out of her mouth. She then felt something between her breasts and looked down. And there she was. Lisa was still peacefully asleep in Vinyl's cleavage. The sight made Vinyl remember what had happened last night and she smiled. She lightly pet her head, getting a sleepy smile from the girl. Vinyl softly giggled. “Well, it is Sunday. I guess we can sleep in.” Vinyl laid back, but didn't bother pulling up the covers. She simply relaxed. Soon however, she felt Lisa begin to wake up. Lisa's eyes fluttered open and she stretched. Her bed was oddly soft, more than usual even. Then she looked around, and saw she was in between two mounds of white. She remembered where she was, and blushed intensely. “Morning sleepy head,” Vinyl said. “Sleep well?” “Um… yes, actually.” She couldn't deny it, sleeping in Vinyl's cleavage had been amazing. She had never felt so rested. “Good.” Vinyl got out of her bed and stretched once more. “Well, I'm gonna shower. Care to join me?” Lisa blushed harder. “Join you?” “Yeah. We're both girls so it's fine. “ “Um… sure.” “Cool. Come on then.” Vinyl made her way to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and a hand towel as she did so. When she got into the bathroom, she started the shower and looked into the mirror as she waited for the water to heat up. Lisa blushed upon seeing her reflection. When Vinyl had started the shower, she had Lisa strip so she could shower too. Now, Lisa was naked, and snuggled up between Vinyl's breasts. “You know, you look pretty cute in there. I wonder what you'd look like sticking out of my pussy.” “Say what?” Lisa asked blushing. “Kidding! It's just too easy to tease you.” Vinyl then got into the shower, the warm water cascading down her body. She then realized something. “You know what? A bath would be easier.” And so she started up the faucet and let the tub fill. Once that was done, Vinyl reclined back in the tub, and shut the water off. Vinyl took Lisa from her cleavage and laid her on her breast. Lisa blushed as she was placed on the soft mound, but didn't complain. “Much better,” Vinyl sighed. “Yeah,” Lisa said looking up at Vinyl. She had never noticed them before, but she had beautiful red eyes. “What is it? Do I have something on my face?” “No no no, it's just that, your eyes are... really pretty.” Now it was Vinyl's turn to blush. “Oh… um, thanks. Yours are too.” “You can't even see what color they are.” “Yes I can. They're electric blue.” “Oh, wow you're right. I'm surprised you can tell.” “Well you may be small, but your eyes are worth staring into.” This time they both blushed. “Wow, you really think so?” “Um, yeah.” “Well um… yours are too.” Even though the both of them were now completely flustered, they actually liked it. Normally people would have wanted to get away from each other at this point, but they were actually enjoying each other's company. “So… pass the soap?” The two started to clean up, talking to each other as they did. There were some laughs, some flirts, and some moments where both didn't know what to say, but they were happy anyways. Soon, both of them were cleaned up, and yet, they didn't get out just yet. Vinyl was reclined in her tub, telling a story about how one of her friends managed to get himself stuck in the school’s ventilation system, and Lisa was lying on her back atop Vinyl's left breast, laughing. “And then… and then he shifted forward, and fell down a drop and all we heard was “AAAAAAAAHHHH!”” The girls laughed, Vinyl laughing so hard that Lisa got knocked off her breast and landed in the water. “Oh! Pfft! Sorry!” Vinyl lifted Lisa out of the water and found her still laughing which made her laugh too. “Oh my god. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life!” “Well, I'm glad I can make you smile,” Vinyl said as she laid Lisa back on top of her left breast. Lisa merely nodded before she hugged the soft mound she was on top of. “Hey Vinyl?” “Yeah?” “I'm actually really glad I came to this world.” “And why's that?” “Because,” Lisa started before she got up and walked over to Vinyl's face. She then grabbed Vinyl's chin, and kissed her on the lips. “I got to meet you.” Vinyl was shocked. Soon however, that shock turned into happiness as Vinyl smiled back. “Yeah, me too.” She then used a finger to push Lisa forward a bit and kissed her. Lisa didn't hesitate to kiss back. Eventually the kiss ended, and Lisa smiled up at Vinyl. “Good thing you're a lesbian, or things would have gotten awkward fast.” “Yeah, no kidding,” Vinyl replied. “Guess we both lucked out huh?” “Yep. So, we gonna get out?” “Yes, let's. I don't want my skin to prune.” Vinyl unplugged the drain and got out of the shower. Lisa was still on her breast, so she held it up so she wouldn't fall. Vinyl then smiled down at her. “You look really cute like that.” “Thanks. And you look beautiful from this angle.” Vinyl chuckled. She picked Lisa up and set her down on the counter. Then, she dried off with a towel, and helped Lisa dry off with a hand towel. With that done, Vinyl wrapped a towel around her body and put Lisa back in her cleavage. She then head into her kitchen, grabbed some waffles from the fridge, and a toaster, and started making waffles. “You're not gonna get dressed first?” “Nope. Having breakfast in nothing but a towel is my favorite part of Sundays.” “And what about me?” The sound of the waffles popping out of the toaster made Vinyl smile deviously. She got up and put the waffles on a plate. She then covered them with syrup, before she grab Lisa and dropped her on them and them and dabbled a little syrup on to her. “You get to be my delicious topping.” She grabbed a fork and a knife and started to eat the waffles, Lisa doing the same. After a few bites, Vinyl's fork stabbed into the the waffle right behind Lisa and her knife cut around her. “And now, for the best part.” “Oh my, please don't eat me! I'm just an innocent topping!” Lisa cried feigning terror as Vinyl lifted her up on her fork. “I'm sorry my delectable little treat, but I'm just too hungry.” “No!” Lisa said laughing. Vinyl only grinned, and opened her mouth. She slowly brought the waffle and Lisa into her mouth. Lisa watched in amazement as Vinyl's mouth got closer and closer, and soon her lips passed around her. Vinyl closed her mouth and pulled out the fork. She began to chew, careful not to accidentally chomp Lisa. Lisa watched in amazement as the waffle was chewed around her. Vinyl used her tongue to make sure she didn't harm Lisa. Once the waffle was chewed up, Vinyl used her tongue to press Lisa into her palate, and swallowed the waffle bits. “I think I'll enjoy the main course now,” Vinyl said. Of course, what she said sounded different, what with Lisa in her mouth, but that's what she meant to say. Vinyl's tongue started to lick Lisa. Lisa sighed as the wet muscle lapped at her body, licking off the syrup that coated her. She moaned when Vinyl licked her breasts, and gasped when it passed over her womanhood. Then, the world tilted backwards, and Lisa slid into Vinyl's throat. Vinyl swallowed, and traced Lisa's path as she slide down her esophagus all the way to her chest. Lisa then landed in Vinyl's stomach amongst the digesting bits of waffle. “So, this is your stomach. Have to say, interesting to see it in action.” “Thanks. So, what shall we do now?” “Well as much as I like being in here, I do want out.” “Oh fine. But once I've divested all of those waffles, you're going back in there.” “Yes ma'am.” Vinyl coughed Lisa up and cleaned her off. She then walked back to her room, Lisa in hand. She took off the towel, and laid on her back on the bed. She laid Lisa on her tummy and sighed. “This is nice,” she said. “Just me, relaxing with my tiny girlfriend.” “Yeah,” Lisa agreed. The two sat in silence for a while. “Wanna sleep?” “Eh, we don't have anything better to do.” Vinyl grabbed Lisa and tucked back between her breasts. “Ah, my favorite place in the world.” Both girls laughed. “Hey Vinyl?” “Hmm?” “I know that we just started, but I'm pretty certain of this.” “And that would be?” Lisa hugged Vinyl's breast. “I love you.” Vinyl smiled and placed a hand over Lisa in a sort of hug. “And I you.” They both closed their eyes, and fell asleep. > Chapter 4: School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl woke up the next morning to the annoying sound of her alarm. She begrudgingly got up and shut it off. Looking down, she that Lisa, her tiny girlfriend, was still fast asleep in her cleavage. “You are quite the heavy sleeper aren't you?” Even so, she smiles. She lightly pets her head in an attempt to wake her up. “Lisa, wake up.” “Mmmmm, five more minutes.” “Nope. I have to get up, which means you do too.” After a little while, Lisa opens her eyes. “Why are we awake?” “Because it's Monday, and I have school.” “Oh yeah. Can't I just stay here?” “Nope, you're coming with me.” “Ugh, fine.” Vinyl laughs a little before she gets an extra pair of clothes and heads to the bathroom. Their shower was brief. Vinyl started it up and got in when the water was nice and warm. Lisa spent most of it between her girlfriend's breasts, only coming out onto Vinyl's hand to wash up before she was stuck back between them. After the shower, Vinyl got dressed, and had breakfast. She grabbed her backpack, and plugged her headphones into her phone. Surprisingly, she had a pair of tiny headphones that looked like her big ones. When asked why, she said they were something a tiny fan of hers made just in case she had any tiny friends that she wanted to share her music with. With both sets plugged in, Vinyl walked to Canterlot High, jamming out along the way. Lisa, who was still in Vinyl's cleavage, was also jamming out to the same music. It was very odd to see from an onlookers viewpoint. Especially since, whatever Vinyl did with her arms, Lisa mirrored it in perfect sync. Soon they approached the school, and Vinyl walked up to a grey skinned girl with long black hair and purple eyes. “Yo Octavia!” Vinyl said taking her headphones off. “Oh, hello Vinyl,” Octavia greeted. “Decided to be on time today?” “Well, I had to show my girlfriend that I'm not a complete trouble maker.” “Girlfriend?” “Yep,” Vinyl said gesturing to Lisa. “Sup?” Lisa said, her headphones now off. “Oh, um, hello. So you're Vinyl's new girlfriend?” “Yep.” “Huh, never figured she would date a tiny. Well anyway, my name is Octavia, it's nice to meet you.” She held out a finger for Lisa to shake. “Name's Lisa,” Lisa said shaking the finger. “Nice to meet you too.” “Well, now that you two know each other, off to class!” Vinyl said, the bell now ringing. Vinyl and Octavia walked together towards their first class. As that happened, Lisa looked around and marveled at how natural all of the students and tinies seemed to act towards one another. Some were on shoulders, some were in hands, and others were tucked in between the breasts of other female students. Lisa also saw some students apparently talking to themselves before she realized they probably had a tiny in their stomachs. Vinyl and Octavia eventually made it to their first class, and the two sat in their desks. The teacher walked in soon after. “Good morning class!” She greeted. “Morning Ms Cheerilee,” everyone responded. “Alright first things first let's call role. Twi-” Lisa tuned out, deciding to focus instead on the softness of Vinyl's breasts. She wondered if she could sneak in another nap. Then she felt a finger pet her head. When she looked up, she saw Vinyl looking down at her. She winked at her before she pushed Lisa deep into her cleavage. ‘Guess she's a mind reader,’ Lisa thought as she was pushed in deeper. Lisa sighed, now surrounded by softness and warmth. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep. Vinyl meanwhile chuckled to herself as she felt Lisa fall asleep. ‘Sweet dreams babe.’ Later on, Lisa woke up, still between the soft mounds that were Vinyl's breasts. From the sounds outside, she could tell it was lunch time. And so, Lisa decided to play a little prank on her girlfriend. She deftly made her way over to where she was pretty sure Vinyl's bra would be. Somehow, she managed to go unnoticed by Vinyl. It might have been that since Lisa moved a lot in her sleep, Vinyl might have been assuming Lisa was just moving around. Eventually, she made it to one of the bra’s cups. She managed to squeeze inside, and made her way to Vinyl’s nipple. “Oh, this is gonna be good.” Lisa latched onto the pink nub and started to suck on it. The reaction was immediate. She felt Vinyl shiver from the feeling, then quickly excuse herself. Lisa smiled as she felt Vinyl walked to a bathroom, occasionally stifling a moan as Lisa sucked on and licked her nipple. Eventually she made it to the girl's bathroom, walked into a stall, and took off her shirt before she pulled off her bra. “You little stinker!” Vinyl said, but she was clearly smiling. “I was right in the middle of a conversation with Tavi.” “Aw, and I thought you loved it when I did this.” “Well yeah, but not here!” “Really? So you're telling me you don't like this?” Lisa asked before she gave the nipple a nice, sensual lick. Vinyl let out a moan this time, clearly enjoying it. “O~h when we get home I am so fucking you.” “And how would you do that? Aren't I too small?” “Doesn't mean I can't toss you in my mouth and tongue fuck you.” “Oo, sexy.” “And I've also got a few, “things,” that could help out.” “Now you've got me all excited.” “And now you know how I feel.” Lisa gasped before she smiled. “You jerk!” she said laughing which made Vinyl laugh as well. “It's called payback. Now,” Vinyl picked Lisa up and tossed her in her mouth. Her tongue gave Lisa a few playfully licks before she swallowed. Vinyl pet her belly once she felt Lisa land inside. “You stay in there, where you won't be able to distract me.” The rest of the day, Lisa lounged about in Vinyl's stomach. Eventually, school ended and Vinyl began to walk home. “Hey Lisa, guess what?” “What?” “I have no homework, which means as soon as we get home,” Vinyl coughed Lisa up, “we can have some fun.” “Sounds exciting.” “You know it. Now, shall we hurry home?” “Yes, let's.” With that in mind, Vinyl picked up the pace, now excited to get home. > Chapter 5: Sex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl opened the door to her house and walked inside, closing it behind her. She looked down at Lisa, who was still in her cleavage. “So, my little girlfriend, shall we spend this free afternoon of ours having some fun?” “Most certainly, my giantess lover.” Vinyl and Lisa laughed as Vinyl headed to her room. She grabbed Lisa before she dropped her into her pillow. “Why don't you start and I'll follow it up with a show?” “Sure thing.” Lisa began to undress, trying to make it look sexy, but with her being tiny, it wasn't really working. She finally undressed and looked up at Vinyl. “So? What do you think?” Vinyl picked her up and brought her up to her mouth. She gave Lisa's body a lick, slowly moving past her nether regions and lapping at her breasts. Lisa moaned in pleasure, already feeling wet. “You taste wonderful my little snack. Now, let me give you a show.” Vinyl set her back down on the pillow, then started taking off her shirt. She pulled it up slowly, exposing her flat sexy stomach, then her bra clasped breasts, before finally pulling it over her head. She then turned around, and pulled off her jeans at the same speed, showing off her ass to her tiny girlfriend. She then did the same to her panties before she turned around and took off her bra, exposing her bare breasts. Vinyl pressed her boobs together and grinned. “Like what you see?” Vinyl asked. Lisa only nodded. “Then let's get started.” Vinyl got onto the bed and loomed over Lisa. She picked the small girl up and laid on her back. She then playfully licked her lips, before opening her mouth and giving Lisa a lick. Lisa moaned as Vinyl's tongue licked her breasts. The large wet muscle lapped at the mounds on her chest, each pass making Lisa cry out louder. Eventually, her tongue began to focus on her slit, digging into the small reproductive organ. Lisa cried out. “Oh! Oh fuck Vinyl!” Vinyl merely smiled at her tiny girlfriend's reaction. “That feels so good!” Vinyl then dropped Lisa into her mouth. Her tongue began to lick every inch of Lisa, not stopping for a second. Lisa's moans grew louder and louder. “Ah! Fuck! Vinyl! I'm gonna… I'm gonna!” Lisa couldn't get out another word before she orgasmed. Vinyl smiled at the sudden new taste. She licked it all up, then let Lisa out onto her hand. “How was that?” “That was so… so awesome…” Lisa said breathless. “Well don't get too tired yet. My turn.” Vinyl dropped Lisa into her belly. Lisa got up, and immediately ran down to her legs. “Getting right to it huh?” “Well, I don't wanna keep you waiting,” Lisa replied as she jumped down between her legs. Lisa turned, and looked at her target. Vinyl's entrance was a beautiful thing. Vinyl apparently shaved down here, for there was no hair to be found. Her clit was winking at Lisa, and the whole thing was wet. Lisa knew how bad she wanted it. She walked right up to Vinyl's sex, and pushed inside. Vinyl immediately cried out. Each movement Lisa made made Vinyl moan louder. Lisa crawled deeper and deeper inside, wanting to see how deep she could go. Surprisingly there was air down here, but Lisa guessed it was due to the spell. Eventually she hit a wall, which just looked like another closed up entrance. ‘Is this her womb?’ Lisa thought. ‘Heh, might have some fun with this later.’ Lisa began to struggle around, kissing and licking everything she could. Every motion made Vinyl moan louder, and all of this was sending her overboard. Eventually, she couldn't take it, and she came. Lisa was flushed out with the juices. Vinyl gasped for breath as she lay there. “Was I that good?” “I've never… huff… felt anything that… huff… good in my life.” “Well, I'm glad I could service you.” Lisa then noticed she was covered in Vinyl's juices. “And now I'm covered in nectar.” “Here let me clean you up,” Vinyl said, reaching for her. She picked Lisa up and licked her cleaned, Lisa moaning at the process. Eventually she finished. “There we go, my snack is now all clean.” “So when are you gonna eat your snack?” “Now actually.” And before anything more was said, Vinyl dropped Lisa into her mouth, and swallowed her. She smiled as she felt Lisa slide down her throat, and sighed once she landed in her stomach. She rubbed belly affectionately, and Lisa leaned into the rubs. “Ah, I loving having you in there.” “And I love being in here.” Vinyl chuckled. “Welp, I'm going to work on some tunes. Wanna help?” “From in here?” “It'll make an awesome echo.” Lisa thought for a bit. “Then let's get jammin DJ!” > Chapter 6: Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “An area of a circle is A=πr2,” Lisa said. “You did A=πd2.” “Oooh,” Vinyl said. It had been a few months since Lisa had come to this world and she and Vinyl started dating. Lisa now had a job at the lab, with far more competent coworkers than she had back on her world, and was now helping Vinyl with her homework. Ah Vinyl. Lisa loved the girl with all her heart. She had never been in such a good relationship with anyone else. Sure there was the occasional fight, but it always turned out okay in the end. She also loved the fact that they had sex on a weekly basis. “Okay I think you should be able to get the rest of it by yourself, I've gotta go okay?” Lisa said. “Alright,” Vinyl said. She picked Lisa up and walked her to the door before giving her a kiss. “Have a good day at work.” “I will.” Vinyl set her down and went back to her homework. Lisa walked out of the tiny sized door made just for her and saw Michael’s car just out front. “Hey Lisa!” he called. “Hey Michael,” Lisa said getting in. Since someone had come to this world in their car, tiny sized cars had also begun popping up. They drove away to the lab where they both worked. As they did, Michael brought up something interesting. “Hey have you heard about that new potion?” “No, what is it?” “Well, apparently if a tiny drinks it, they can temporarily grow to normal size.” “Really?” “Yeah. Apparently the Twilight of the other world created a spell that could take the spell that affects us and have it temporarily be given to someone else. Then, with the assistance of Sunset and our world’s Twilight, they were able to make it into a potion. They were even able to alter the effects so now, instead of the spell having to affect someone else, it can now just affect an everyday object. Pretty interesting huh?” “Yeah it's interesting! How much do they cost?” “Not sure, hopefully not too much. But I do know that you might have an opportunity to try some for free.” “Really?” “Yeah. We've got some at the lab and we're gonna be taking tests and observations on how it affects us. This may be the gateway to finding a permanent counterspell!” All of this incredibly interested Lisa. She really wanted to try this. And so, the moment they got to work, she asked her boss if she could be the one to test it out. It took some convincing, but eventually he said yes. “Thank you sir! You won't regret this,” Lisa said walking away. “I hope not,” her boss said to himself. Soon Lisa was taken to the main lab area. It was there where she was given the potion. “Take this once you get home,” said the scientists handling the potion. It was in a small vial that was normal sized to tinies. “Once you do, the first thing you touch with your right index finger will take the spell for you. You then have two days of being normal sized before you turn back okay?” “Cool, thank you Cold Fusion,” Lisa said. “You're welcome,” she replied. Soon the workday ended, and Lisa was driven back home. She ran to the door, got inside, and smiled. “Hey Vinyl! I've got a surprise for you!”