> A Different Kind of Game Night > by Slash17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lets play > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a warm day in the town of ponyville, the birds were chirping, the sky was clear and there was a sense of calm and tranquility in the air. However in one of the living rooms in the castle of friendship there was a certain purple and green dragon that couldn’t shake the feeling that something out of the ordinary was going to happen.   “Hmmm…Twilight and Starlight went to the Crystal Empire for the weekend, so they won’t have anything to do about it,” the purple drake Said to himself. He was currently wearing a black tank top showing off his chiseled and muscular arms and upper part of his chest as well as purple cargo shorts, he had gone through quite the growth spurt after his twenty first birthday a few weeks ago, and had gotten a lot of attention from mares, including some of his friends.   This was the last thing on the drakes mind however as the feeling got stronger the more the day went on, he couldn’t sleep or think straight so he decided to try and figure it out.   “Well…..tonight is game night for me Eris and Big macarina, those usually are pretty fun but they never get me thinking like this, maybe pinkie and dash will show up, or they’ll bring snacks or something.” He continued to try and shake the feeling or at least decipher how tonight would be different until finally he actually managed to take a little cat nap until his guests would arrive. However Spike could never realize just how interesting things would get between him, the mare and the female Draqunaquis on this particular game night. They’ve had something planned for a while now and they just needed to wait for the right moment, tonight’s game night would be the perfect opportunity.   It had been about two hours since Spike had fallen asleep and he woke up about ten minutes before the girls were due to arrive, so he prepared the table , brought out some snacks and set up the game board for their night. By now the feeling had died down but was still present, almost like it was now hiding and waiting to jump out at him. A few minutes later the door bell rang and Spike went to go answer it expecting to see his two fellow board game players ready for another night, he arrived at the castle door and was preparing to open it before the feeling came back causing him to stop inches away from it.   “Oh come on it can’t be that bad,” Spike said to himself as he shook it off and decided to open the door.   Then it all came crashing back down on him.   There standing in the door way were Eris and Big Macarina, now usually Spike invited them to dress as comfortably as they wanted since he wanted to provide them with an at home atmosphere.   This however was a bit more than what Spike was comfortable with; Macarina was wearing a pair of very short cutoff jeans that went far above her legs almost showing her large well rounded and full looking ass and a white tank top that seemed like it would rip off if she took a deep breath as it struggled to hold her double d cup tits, Big Macarina was about 5 inches taller than Spike himself who was about six feet tall. Then there was the chaos goddess Eris who was actually taller than the two of them, seven feet tall actually towering above either of them. She was wearing a tight fitting pair of yoga pants and a white T shirt that did little to hid her own bountiful bust that was just noticeably bigger than Macarinas “Hello my reptilian friend, you look well this fine evening,” Eris said as her half lidded eyes glided over his well toned upper body. Wouldn’t you agree macarina? She asked the red coated mare standing next to her.   Macarina remained quiet for a few seconds and let her eyes trail over the young drake, taking notice of the blush on is face before examining his arms and upper chest, almost like a dog staring at a piece of meat she licked her lips before replying in a deep husky voice.   “Eeyup,” with her own half lidded expression as well.   At this point Spike was speechless at the sight before him, two beautiful females were standing infront of him wearing almost nothing and he was standing there like an idiot with his jaw on the ground, a blush on his face that would have made him look like a cherry head were it not for his scales. “Um…..girls…..what are….you wearing?” He asked trying desperately not to stare.   “Oh well you always said to come dressed comfortably so we felt more at home so we decided to come hear comfortably, this is how we dress at home all the time don’t we macy,”   “Eeyup, especially on hot days like it was today, the heat was drivin me plum loco, ah was sweating like a pig so ah took off mah shirt and jeans and just walked around the house in my under wear with Applejack and Apple bloom. We only had one fan so we all had to pile up on one couch while lying on top of each other to get as much air as possible while our bodies just rubbed off against each other non-stop,”   “OK I GET IT,” Spike yelled uncharacteristically loud trying hard not picture the image of the beautiful Apple sisters cramming there soaking wet bodies together sighing in relief while the fan blew on them but grunting when they were forced to make contact with each others warm and soft coated bodies, but then apologized profusely when he realized that he had yelled at the girls.   “I am so sorry macarina; I didn’t mean to scream at you it’s just-” He was cut off as macarina put a finger on his lips, he surprised to feel her coat and skin was soft instead of rough like a regular farmers. He was brought back to reality when he heard her talking. “It’s no problem at all Spike, ah should’ve kept quiet about it, hell mah sisters just might kill me for letting you know bout that,” she said. “Well now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s have some fun,” Eris said as she walked into the castle followed by Macarina, the two of them took the liberty of swaying their hip as they walked, fully aware of Spikes wandering eyes.   Spike as hard as he tried couldn’t tear his eyes away from the bouncing and absolutely mouth watering rumps of the girls infront of him. He actually ended up forgetting where he was going because his dick had taken control of his mind and decided to just go wherever it was those two delectable orbs would go.   Spike ended up walking into the living room with them but had yet to be released from his state of focus until the girls got his attention.   “Hey Spike,” Eris said snapping the boy out of his delirious Trans.   “Huh what?” He realized that he wasn’t in the game room he had set up but actually in the living room with the TV and the girls were standing infront of him, curiously he decided ask what was up.   “Uh girls why are in here? I set up everything in the throne room.”   “Well we figured we’d make things a bit more interesting tonight,” Eris replied as she sent Spike a wink while she turned to the TV giving Spike a good look at her long smooth looking white hair.   “Like what?” Spike asked as he recalled the feeling from earlier today hoping that this was it.   “Oh I just brought some movies that me and Macarina usually watch when it’s just the two of us, we figured we’d include you from now on since we’ve all grown so close,” she said slyly.   “Oh well that sounds nice,” he said in relief and went to sit down with Macarina not expecting anything wild or out of control.   After Eris had put the DVD in the player she went to sit down to Spikes left with Macarina on his right, they both decided to firmly press themselves into his sides so his arms would come in contact with their soft and tender breasts causing him to blush slightly.   Spike decided to ask them if they were going to play the game at all, after all it was what the three of them did back when he was younger whenever they would hang out.   “So are we gonna play later?”   “Don’t yah worry yer pretty little head Spike O’l buddy, we’ll fer sure play later on, and for as long as you want too,” Macarina said in a hushed husky voice.   “Let’s start the movie shall we?” Eris said as she used her magic to start the film. Spike got comfortable and grabbed a tub of popcorn that Eris had conjured and put it on his lap unaware of what Eris had done to the tubs bottom, and then the movie started with a deep voiced narrater..   ‘In a world…..where the pony race is on the verge of extinction, it’s up to one stallion to save them all,’   “Huh a disaster movie sounds good,” As he noticed a single stallion in a black cloak walking through the ruins of a city into what seemed like an abandoned building.   ‘By breeding every mare he can find stupid,’   “Spewwww!!!!!!!”    Spike spit out his popcorn and looked at the screen to see the stallion reveal himself to be completely naked with brown mane a white coat and black eyes look into a room of many different colored mares who were all naked while playing with each other. They however stopped when they saw him walk in with his huge erect stallion cock dangling low.   Spike covered his eyes before he saw anything else, then he turned his head to the left to talk….or scold is more like it, to Eris who was just watching it like it was just your average every day TV program.   “Eris!, what the hell is this?!” Spike asked, his face blushing heavily as he heard the sound of the mares and Stallion start the fore play as the TV stallion said   ‘My name is Hung low, and I’m here to save you,’ ‘Oh please great and powerful Hung low, save us using your magic rod,’a mare said in a sultry voice. “What? It’s just a movie,”   “Movie! Its porn! You can’t just watch this!”   “Why not? Me and Macarina watch this together all the time right Mac?”   “Eeyup,” she said while her eyes were glued to the screen eating the popcorn from the tub on Spikes lap. “You mean you two are ok with watching this with each other and it doesn’t make you uncomfortable in the slightest?” Spike asked moving his hand from his face. “Nnope,” they both responded at the same time. “In fact we were hoping we could include you in our little movie night activity, and honestly I’m glad you’re here Spike,”   “Y-you are?” Spike asked noticing just how much closer she was getting “why i-is that?”   “Because of the risk Spikey,” she said as she was just inches away from his face, her hot breath hitting his scaly face.   “Risk…..l-like what k-k-inda risk?”   “The risk of all this temptation,” she stated looking into his eyes “think about it, a young handsome strapping male drake in his prime absolutely bubbling with hormones and lust, wanting nothing more than giving into his desires and rutting a mare and Draqunaquis out of their minds as they suffer from an unbearable heat In their loins,”   “The two of you hush its gettn to the good part,” Macarina said as she turned their attention back to the screen where the stallion was getting jerked off by one of the mares while simultaneously having balls licked by another.   “Hey Spike, what’s that feel like?” Macarina asked her scaled friend who was recovering from the state that Eris had left him in while using the tub of popcorn to hide his erection.   “W-what does what feel like?” he said slightly stuttering “Gettin jerked off, or having a cock in general, cause even though ah have never had many lovers, the look on their faces fascinates me, makes me wonder what it’s like to feel a tight wet pussy trying to suck em dry,”   “Oh….um…… well I’m not sure how to describe it, its similar to what you girls feel I guess, a pleasurable sensation that makes us feel really….well…..good,”   “Hmm, well maybe you can describe it better while it happens to yah,” She replied as she licked her lips.   Suddenly Spike felt something reach through the popcorn tub until it hit the bottom and then surprisingly somehow grab his dick through the bottom.   “W-what the f-fuck!” Spike exclaimed as the hand began to move back and forth on his cock gently, sending jolts of pleasure up his spine. He looked at the hand and followed it back to  on other than Eris who was not only jerking him off  so shamelessly, but she had removed her top and bra! Her glorious breasts were now free form their prison and slightly bouncing as her arm moved.   “Hehehehehehee, what’s wrong Spikey? don’t you like my little treatment?” She asked coyly with puppy dog eyes. Now, while Spike was absolutely appalled by the actions of his draconaquis friend, he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t enjoying the treatment he was receiving, her skilled hand seemed to glide up and down his shaft effortlessly after it somehow got through the popcorn tub and his pants.   “Ohhhhhh dammit,” Spike couldn’t help but moan as the jolts of pleasure got even stronger as she sped up her movements, he however was able to gather enough will power to ask a question.   “Why are you doing this Eris?” “Well I’m going to be honest with you Spike, I haven’t had a good lay in like a thousand years, all that time without having a stallions or in this case dragon’s big strong arms around me has left me hotter than the Sahara desert.” She explained “B-but why m-me?” Spike asked as she continued her hand movements along his now fully erect cock. “I’m sure that there are hundreds of stallions out there who would jump at the chance to spend the night with you.”   “That’s just it,” She said as she took her hand off his length and cupped his cheeks with her hands. Most ponies are still scared of me for what I did; you and your friends are really the only ones who have forgiven me for what I’ve done.” She confessed   “But that not all, I have feelings for you Spike my boy, you’ve treated me so well ever since you me and macarina started this game night, you make us feel special, and we always have a good time with you no matter what, and it’s not just me that likes you, right Mac?” “Its true Spike, you’re the only guys to act so gentlemanly towards a gal like me,” She said as she turned Spikes head to her so she could look him in the eyes.   “Most guys are kind of intimidated by mah size, that’s why ah’ve had so little boyfriends,” she said with a sad look on her face. “Ah’m still a mare, ah have needs, to be held, loved, cherished, even if ah am physically stronger than most, ah want a guy to be there for me, to be mah night in shining armor, both me and Eris have, especially since your twenty one years old and hotter than heat wave in saddle Arabia.” She said with a slight blush looking down.   She was then surprised when Spike lifted her head up, looked her in the eyes and Spoke to her.   “Macarina, you not getting a knight in shining armor,”   “Huh?” She asked feeling heart break about to collapse on her.   “You’re getting a dragon is shining scales, hope that’s okay?” he said with a warm smile on his face. “Oh Spike, that even better!” Mac exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her newly gained lover and engaged in a passionate kiss.   “Ahem,” they heard come from behind him Spike.   They both turned around shocked to see that Eris was now completely naked. She was standing up with her hands on her wide hips, a smirk adorning her face.   "This is cute but I think its time we had some real fun," she said as she snapped her fingers causing all Spikes and Macarena’s clothes to disappear, much to their surprise. However macarina got in the swing of things too as she walked up to Eris and then proceeded to turn their bodies face to face before pressing into each other causing Spikes erection to somehow get harder.   “Oh Spikey,” Eris called “Come and get us lover boy,” Macarina finished.   Nothing more needed to be said as Spike pounced on their forms, first going in to kiss Eris who proceeded to try and suck his face off while cupping his cheeks, much to Macarinas envy. “Let’s take this to the bed room shall we?” Eris asked as she transported the three of them to a bed room, though curiously it wasn’t Spikes.  He would have asked but he was too busy focusing on the two devastatingly attractive females before him.   It was Mac however who decided to make the first move as she grabbed Spikes salivatingly rigid cock and stroking it making him growl lowly. “Yah like that?” she said as she put him to sit down and knelt down infront of him, yer gonna love this she said as she licked his long dragon dick from base to tip lightly before taking the whole thing into her mouth making the drake above her groan loudly before being silenced by Eris and her sneaky  lips…..not the ones on her face. Instead Spike found his maw engulfed by a very eager and impatient pussy. He didn’t mind it however as he gave a sly look upwards before sending his tongue deep into her scorching hot depths.   “Ohhhhh Spike, you’re so good! Fuck!” she yelled as his long and skilled tongue explored her insides making her writhe in place and lock her long luscious legs around his head. That wasn’t where it ended however as Spike began to slightly groan sending pleasant vibrations into her wanting cunt. At this point Spike began to buck his hips into Macarinas mouth, she giggled at his eagerness before picking up the pace, and Spike knew he and Eris would cum soon but macarina hadn’t gotten anything yet, and that wasn’t right. It was then that Spike got a devious plan, using his long tail he maneuvered it to right under hungry pony pussy and using the tip of the spade began to play with her clit. “E—eyahhhhhhh,” she screamed as she felt Spikes surprisingly warm tail begin to tease her outer folds. “You s-neak-ky lizard,” She said to Spike who would have responded if it weren’t for the Draconaquis thrusting her hips into his face. Macarina went back to sucking his dick but felt her climax approaching; now while earth ponies traditionally had far more stamina than any other kind of pony; she was the only pony in the room. She was competing with a dragon, which was even more famous for stamina than earth ponies, and a draconaquis which was completely unpredictable, especially since she was a chaos goddess. “Ahhhhhh!!!” she suddenly screamed as his nimble tail brought her to a mind shattering orgasm; luckily it wasn’t just her as Spike had finally given in as a result of her oral assault, groaning loudly into the pussy of Eris, which sent her over the edge like a chain reaction giving her own loud moan. The three lovers landed on the bed panting but far from finished as they looked at each other then at Spikes still rock hard phallus. “Rock paper scissors shoot!” Macarina and Eris played to see who would be first to take a stab at Spikes hard rod. “Scissors I win!” Eris said in joy while macarina just grunted in displeasure, Eris then got on her hands and knees before looking back and Spike and giving him a seductive look. “Come dragon, and conquer this goddess,” she said with a wiggle of her rear. “Don’t need to tell me twice,” Spike said as he moved behind her and lined up his cock with her love tunnel. Running it up and down her lips to properly lubricate himself, before she could protest however he pushed all the way into her, hilting in one firm thrust to the vocal delight of them both. Then Spike started thrusting with almost ruthless aggression, her walls clamping down hard on his pistoning draconic cock, he grunted and growled every time he absolutely spread her on his length. If that wasn’t enough her moans turned to screams each time she was filled, violently moving back and forth with his thrusts, losing all control of herself. But Spike wanted more.   He grabbed her hips and lifted them higher into the air so he could stand up while he rut her on the bed, she moaned loudly but it was muffled due to the fact that her face was now being pushed into the pillow. A few minutes had passed and Spike was drawing near to his climax, and he could feel that Eris was as well, so he picked up the thrusting.   “Ooohhhhhh Spike my body feels like its on fire, I’m Cumming, I’m Cumming!” her walls convulsed and contracted around his still thrusting cock, but this only made him thrust faster into her, rocking her world with wave after wave of mini-orgasms before he spoke up   “You want my cum?” he asked in a near growl. Eris looked up at him with pleading eyes “Yes,” “You really want it?” “Please, let me have it, don’t torture me anymore!” “Okay, here take it all,” He said as with one final thrust he hilted himself and released his torrent of spunk into her waiting womb.   “Waaahhhhhh,” she wailed as the hot substance flowed through her before falling on the bed panting and exhausted, bathing in the afterglow of the sex.   Spike got up then looked at her, she was satisfied, and now it was his mares turn. “Y’all haven’t forgotten about me did yah?” She asked giving him a seductive look   “Never my little apple, now come here so I can take a bite out of you,” Spike said firmly   “Alright then lover boy,” she said as she crawled her way to him and straddled his lap, engaging in a passionate and sloppy make out session making them both moan in pleasure as their tongues danced in each other’s mouths.   She slowly lifted herself and aimed his length so that it was just below her love tunnel, then she firmly dropped herself on his making them both break apart to let loose loud moans as a sign of their deep enjoyment.   It was then that she started to bounce on him, the feeling of going from having that magnificent cock of his filling her to the cold emptiness that followed, only to be replaced once again by the fullness of his dick.   Spike laid flat on his back while the red coated mare above him took the ride of her life on him, her velvety walls clamping down around him, making it harder for him to slide out but that made it all the more pleasurable, her hot insides felt like they might actually burn him if he weren’t fire proof. Soon however he grew board of this position and decided to shake things up a bit.   He sat up grabbed her and spun her around so that that fat ass of hers was resting on his lap, she squealed loudly as she felt him take control of their fucking, he sped up, lifting her up then slamming her back down on his lap. He so enjoyed the sight of macarinas fine smooth and soft looking ass cheeks bounce and slap against each other every time he brought her down, eventually it became too much for him as he felt his climax draw near. “Macarina I’m close,” he said with strain   “Me too don’t pull out, stay inside ohhhhh!!! Spike,” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Macarina!” Spike yelled as he released his load of scorching hot dragon cum deep into her womb making her lightly moan as she felt it flow inside her. She fell onto Spike then rolled to his left side while Eris took his right, the trio stayed there until Eris spoke up first. “That was great,” “Yeah,” “Eeyup,”   “So Spike?” “Yeah?” “Were we better than the spa twins?”   “WHAT! What are you talking about?”   She giggled before speaking; “I saw it happen Spike so don’t try to lie, I was in the room the whole time using an invisibility spell, I was in at the spa that day for a little Rand R , you and those spa mares put on quiet the show, but you haven’t answered my question,”   Knowing there was no point in trying to lie his way out, he simply came clean, “Okay yeah it happened, but don’t tell anyone, and yes you girls were better than them happy now?”   “Very,”   “So now that that’s out the way, why are we in Twilights bedroom!?” He asked as his surroundings suddenly became very clear.   “Oh I just wanted to see the look on your face when we finished, it was worth it,” “She’s gonna kill me!”   “Relax, maybe we can convince her to join In on the fun.” She added with a wink.   Spike was about to argue but something told him that that didn’t sound so bad. “Alright Eris you win,”   “Well shoot if that’s how ya’ll are gonna play maybe ah should invite mah sisters, they tend to gawk at yah whenever you stop by the farm so why not,” “Uh wow, okay I guess that’s cool” He said trying to hide his excitement   “Yes it is, yawn so now that that’s over lets go to sleep,”   “Sounds like a plan to me,” Spike said as he put his arms around his new herd mates and went off to sleep with them near to him, enjoying their warmth and them in turn enjoying his.